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Lost my character's underpants (really)Follow

#1177 Aug 31 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
I like Smiley: spam Smiley: grin
#1178 Aug 31 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
i dont..... its gross
#1179 Aug 31 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
KTurner the Braindead wrote:
You weren't supporting it for perverted reasons? You were supporting it so when you took off you players armor it looked TRULY nude. Why? No one else sees it, only you? It's only for your own personal enjoyment. Why do you get enjoyment out of naturally nude toons? When i take the armor off my NE female and dance around, i do it so others see it as well as myself. If only i could see it, it wouldnt be fun. UNLESS i got off looking at naked toons.

Thats all IMO of course, and since forums are all about opinions, im entitled to it. As are you of yours, but we dont have to agree. I disagree with the whole purpose of the thread, I dont like it in its current state (current being pre-spam) and i want it to go away.

It wont get off the front page. So i intend, as do others, to make it so garbled it is useless and eventually push it sub-default.

Yes, it is for my personal enjoyment. I get enjoyment out of naturally nude toons because it looks right, to me. I can't explain it beyond that, and I really doubt you'll ever understand. I don't "get off" on it at all... I've never *********** while playing the game. I have much better **** elsewhere on my computer, and when I **********, I use that. My reason for wanting male patches as well as female ones is the same. In truth, I am not gay, or even bi, and get no sexual feeling toward males at all. But I still would like to have the male nude patches on my computer, simply so that when a male character takes his pants off, it looks the way it should, or as close to it as possible. Again, I don't expect you to understand.
#1180 Aug 31 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Tshirtninja wrote:
i dont..... its gross

Poor poor fellow.

You just don't understand the Smiley: spam is all.
#1181 Aug 31 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
Sorry for all the serious talk getting in the way of your spam, CaptainOmelette.
#1182 Aug 31 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Don't let it happen again.
#1183 Aug 31 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Excellent
2,711 posts
Well, this thread has done one thing at least.

It's ensured that I will never, ever dance in my skivvies in IF on any of my female characters. No matter how much money I'm missing out on. :)

45 more minutes to go and I'm free!!! Then I can go home and sleep, or possibly *gasp* play WoW.

My coffee is cold.
#1184 Aug 31 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
#1185 Aug 31 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
CaptainOmelette wrote:
Don't let it happen again.

I'll try, but.. it's just so hard not to respond with serious when people say things seriously.


Blame the butt-faced man! He started it!
#1186 Aug 31 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Use some Smiley: spam to heat your coffee.

It works wonder's.
#1187 Aug 31 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Zetan wrote:
CaptainOmelette wrote:
Don't let it happen again.

I'll try, but.. it's just so hard not to respond with serious when people say things seriously.


Blame the butt-faced man! He started it!

Get premuim and when someone gets' all serious hit them with this Smiley: spam
#1188 Aug 31 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
2,711 posts
Hmm... wouldn't that result in spam-flavored coffee?

....I'm game.
#1189 Aug 31 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
#1190 Aug 31 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
CaptainOmelette wrote:
Get premuim and when someone gets' all serious hit them with this Smiley: spam

Nah... I'm afraid I still don't use it enough to pay for it.
#1191 Aug 31 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Krylanna wrote:
Hmm... wouldn't that result in spam-flavored coffee?

....I'm game.

Smiley: inlove
#1192 Aug 31 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Zetan wrote:
CaptainOmelette wrote:
Get premuim and when someone gets' all serious hit them with this Smiley: spam

Nah... I'm afraid I still don't use it enough to pay for it.

That wasn't a suggestion. Do it. Now.
#1193 Aug 31 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
Zetan wrote:
Yes, it is for my personal enjoyment. I get enjoyment out of naturally nude toons because it looks right, to me. I can't explain it beyond that, and I really doubt you'll ever understand. I don't "get off" on it at all... I've never *********** while playing the game. I have much better **** elsewhere on my computer, and when I **********, I use that. My reason for wanting male patches as well as female ones is the same. In truth, I am not gay, or even bi, and get no sexual feeling toward males at all. But I still would like to have the male nude patches on my computer, simply so that when a male character takes his pants off, it looks the way it should, or as close to it as possible. Again, I don't expect you to understand.

You are right I dont understand. But I know this, Your view on this whole thing may be innocent, but it just feeds the others that have different ideas. And i would say the majority of the VIEWERS (not necessarily repliers) have different ideas. That's just a guess though.

Plus the younger viewers. You and I are adults, but are there no children allowed in this forum? Last i checked they were... and don't even point at my avvy... and dont point to the duke... (not saying there aren't other posters posting risque material, which i also like to rate down, i really try to keep it pg-13 myself).

Basically, To you this is harmless, To me (personally) it is harmless, but there are too many out there who likely get too much enjoyment out of it, or are too young to be looking at stuff like this. And our visitors that actually may contribute could see this as a warning to how things are here. When we are really all about postcount+1 :P

Go ahead, blame censorship for american society's view of nudity, but that's just the way it is and your thread wont change that.

EDIT: OH GEEZ SORRY BANANA!!!! Smiley: spam!!!

Edited, Wed Aug 31 17:32:05 2005 by KTurner
#1194 Aug 31 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Smiley: boozing
#1195 Aug 31 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
3,826 posts

1. The people you keep refering too as spammers, are what's known as regulars. Meaning, we'll be here, regularly. ;)

2. Everyone else. Quit rating Zetan down. He has proved he is not some numb-nuts troll. He has made me laugh, and I will not see him become another 'Iamtheovermind' (see link in sig for reference).

3. Zetan, I invite you to post in other threads and become more a part of this WoW community. If you discuss other aspects of the game, people might think more highly of you Smiley: yippee

I'm home now, so no more being awesome unitl tomorrow.
#1196 Aug 31 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Don't bother rating him down. The Banana has deemed him worthy and he shall be bestowed rateups accordingly.

#1197 Aug 31 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
I'm done with the serious talk. I think im disturbing the banana's mantra.

He has a quota to meet if he ever wants his shirt!
#1198 Aug 31 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
KTurner the Braindead wrote:
I'm done with the serious talk. I think im disturbing the banana's mantra.

He has a quota to meet if he ever wants his shirt!

Damn right! talking all serious when there is spamming to be done. For shame.
#1199 Aug 31 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
Okay, I'm going to try one of those multiple-quote-answer things.

KTurner the Braindead wrote:
... i would say the majority of the VIEWERS (not necessarily repliers) have different ideas.

And what is the problem with this?

KTurner the Braindead wrote:
Plus the younger viewers. You and I are adults, but are there no children allowed in this forum?

Children are allowed everywhere on the web. Yes, there may be things like "Net Nanny" to try and prevent it, and there may be little agreement things at the beginning of **** sites that make you say "Yes, I'm 18+" before you enter, but do you honestly think that if a determined 15-year-old wants to see ****, any of that is going to stop him/her? You're fooling yourself if you do. The only real way to protect children is to not allow them on the web at all, or watch over their shoulder while they surf it.

And another point... is this really what we want to be protecting children from? Which is worse, having your child see a nude body, or having your child see people killing each-other? If the pictures and patches we were posting here were of two people having sex, I might see where you could have an issue, but all they are is nudity! And honestly, when/if I have children, I'd rather them see two people having sex (which normal adults do all the time) than have them see someone killing someone else (which normal adults never experience, under the best of circumstances).

KTurner the Braindead wrote:
...there are too many out there who likely get too much enjoyment out of it, or are too young to be looking at stuff like this.

Too much enjoyment? Is there really such a thing? I'm all for people ************ while playing WoW if that's what does it for them. Not like I have to watch.

The youth thing is still a bit of an issue, but again, if they're out on the internet looking for it, they're going to find it anyway. I see no need to censor this little area of the internet, keeping these patches from the people who are old enough and want them, all for the sake of a few kids who happen to stumble upon it.
#1200 Aug 31 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Blah, Blah, Blah.

Smiley: spam That's how it's done.
#1201 Aug 31 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Zetan wrote:
Smiley: spam

I agree, it's all about the Smiley: spam now!

Smiley: spam can be enjoyed by all ages and makes a wonderful adhesive!

Much like kangaroo ears!
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