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Lost my character's underpants (really)Follow

#627 Aug 05 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
Jesus was born naked like the rest of us.

On that note, here is the compilation of nude skins I'm using along with my Troll and Orc female skins.

Human, Elf, and Undead skins created by Sandrae
Troll and Orc skins created by Razira

I'm guessing that geocities will die pretty fast on me. If that happens, someone please send AIM to RaziraER and tell me that its down. If anyone would mirror the file, I'm sure many would greatly appreciate it.

My troll and orc skin modify the base skin and use the clear skin method that TOOGAM conceived to erase the underwear textures. It shouldn't cause problems unless you are running other mods that end up cuasing too many clear textures to stack on top of each other (as some have reported above). If that happens, your best option is to use an MPQ editor to delete underwear textures entirely and remove the clear textures from this mod. If anyone has managed to move Sandrae's textures to the base skin and fix the pallette problems it causes, I would love to update this mod. Also, if you think you have a better skin texture, let me know. I want to compile the best nude skins (even if it means displacing one of mine) ... of course, this compilation represents my tastes.

#628 Aug 05 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
Zetan wrote:
dacamper wrote:
Anyone working on Orc and Troll textures? Alliance is getting all the love. =(

Well, the trouble is, people like the alliance characters because they look the most human, and therefore the most sexy to the most number of people. Night Elves are human except for purple skin (which is kinda sexy) glowy eyes, and long ears (which take getting used to, but are also midly appealing). Dwarves and gnomes (who havn't really been decently skinned) are just shorter versions of humans.

On the horde side, we have dead people (who people seem to like, disturbingly more than dwarves) green and blue people (who just look mean most of the time, with strange teeth and such) and cow-people. Some people like cows far too much, but that's a whole other issue. Most of us are not particuarly turned on by a person that looks like a cow.

Anyone considered replacing some of the horde's models with close-to-human ones and then reskinnig them?


true you do have to reskin them to get the faces to align properly, but I think for example, the default human model is better suited to the forsaken.


Well the non-mindless forsaken (like the ghouls and aboms and stuff) should be like sylvanus, I mean...healing magic works on them, they eat, etc, so you would assume that their body would be "intact" - just with no heartbeat green blood and a distaste for the living
#629 Aug 05 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
Ankis wrote:

Thanks for the great job everyone and thank you Zetan for the night elf male patch!

I would like to see naked human men too but i could not find it here!

Don't give me too much credit... I just linked to it and tooks screenshots. wootowl is the one who actually made the patch.

Nobody here has made a human male patch...
#630 Aug 05 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Rugburnone wrote:
Well the non-mindless forsaken (like the ghouls and aboms and stuff) should be like sylvanus, I mean...healing magic works on them, they eat, etc, so you would assume that their body would be "intact" - just with no heartbeat green blood and a distaste for the living

You have something of a point, but there's already an undead nude patch, and quite a good one, at that.
#631 Aug 05 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Ahriana wrote:
My patch page :p

Oh, Ahriana, would you like the screenshots you have on that page up under your patch in my summary post (top of this page)? I have a few up there that I took using my characters, but I'd be more than willing to swap them out for the ones you took yourself, since it is your patch.

Edit: Nevermind, I'll just put both up. Silly me for not thinking of that.

Edited, Fri Aug 5 18:02:43 2005 by Zetan
#632 Aug 05 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
RaziraER wrote:
I'm guessing that geocities will die pretty fast on me. If that happens, someone please send AIM to RaziraER and tell me that its down. If anyone would mirror the file, I'm sure many would greatly appreciate it.

It happened, but you're not on AIM.

Oh, and when did I become a Scholar? What is it, like, a title you get once you have 15 posts or something? *shrug* It looks cool... my name's all blue and stuff. ^_^

Edit: NM, found it. It's Karma-based:
Karma below 3 = user. Posts are in orange.
Karma between 3.01 and 3.65 = scholar. Posts are in light blue.
Karma between 3.66 and 4.34 = sage. Posts are in green.
Karma between 4.35 and 5 = guru. Posts are in red.

Apparently people like my posts.

Edited, Fri Aug 5 17:45:50 2005 by Zetan
#633 Aug 05 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
TOOGAM, I've got some more bad news to report, though you may have already known this...

Any patches that create nipples and such by using the "NakedPelvisSkin" and "NakedTorsoSkin" files (as most of the patches that have been made so far do) will not show up in conjunction with your patch. Clothing that is made invisible with your patch also ignores these files, leaving no nipples.

Patches such as TomPaxton's which change the "TrollFemaleSkin" files and just put in transparent files for the "NakedPelvis" and "NakedTorso" files -do- work in conjunction with yours, I just tested it. But the patch I just mentioned is the only one which works this way, so far.

It shouldn't be too hard to modify any patch to work with yours, but the modification has to be done. I may work on it, myself, if I have some time.
#634 Aug 05 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
Alrighty, this is beginning to annoy me. I found the .m2 of a Dawns Edge, Axe_1H_Hatchet_C_01.m2. But the problem comes when I try to texture it, all the textures that correspond to the name, Axe_1H_Hatchet_C_01Black.blp, Axe_1H_Hatchet_C_01Blue.blp, and Axe_1H_Hatchet_C_01Orange.blp do not change the texture. The closest axe graphic I have found is Axe_1H_Horde_C_01Gold.blp, which corresponds to Axe_1H_Horde_C_01.m2, which is nowhere near to my axe.

Any help would be great.
#635 Aug 05 2005 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
TheMooChicken wrote:
Alrighty, this is beginning to annoy me. I found the .m2 of a Dawns Edge, Axe_1H_Hatchet_C_01.m2. But the problem comes when I try to texture it, all the textures that correspond to the name, Axe_1H_Hatchet_C_01Black.blp, Axe_1H_Hatchet_C_01Blue.blp, and Axe_1H_Hatchet_C_01Orange.blp do not change the texture. The closest axe graphic I have found is Axe_1H_Horde_C_01Gold.blp, which corresponds to Axe_1H_Horde_C_01.m2, which is nowhere near to my axe.

Any help would be great.

I'd love to help, but I'm afraid those files do not involve the removal of clothing in any way, and I am therefore completely unfamiliar with them. Sorry.
#636 Aug 05 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
Once I get an Orc skin (either RaziraER's or one that TomPaxton makes) I think I'm going to make an all-in-one file with every race created so far, all in the same form as TomPaxton's so it will work with TOOGAM's as well. It will probably include the following:

Human female by Sandrea
Gnome female by cyrosgold
Dwarf female by cyrosgold
Night Elf female by Sandrea
Night Elf male by wootowl
(Really want better Gnomes and Dwarves, and may work on a similar method to the one cyrosgold used except using Sandrea's human and only moving the small parts so the entire skin of that part of the body isn't affected. We'll see how it turns out.)

Orc female by RaziraER and/or TomPaxton
Troll female by RaziraER and/or TomPaxton
Undead female by Sandrea
(Tauren will have underwear removed for both male and female. With all that fur, I think it will be believable that they are nude.)

Succubus by ShadySnake

It will also probably include TOOGAM's patch. I might make multiple versions; a "larger but easier" and "smaller but more difficult." The smaller will only have one skin per race, and create the transparent files on the fly, using a similar file to TOOGAM's batch file. The larger will contain all the individual "NakedTorsoSkin" and "NakedPelvisSkin" files, rather than creating them on the fly, and also include all the files created by TOOGAM's batch file in an Item folder, all set up to copy/paste. These files come out to 38.3 MB unzipped; I have no idea what size they'll be once they're all zipped up. But for a cable modem user, that isn't a huge deal, especially with the added convenience of just copy/pasting instead of having to run a batch file.

This is my plan... we'll see how it goes.
#637 Aug 05 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
bad news

It shouldn't be too hard to modify any patch to work with yours, but the modification has to be done.

Please see an earlier post I made.

The reason I stressed what I did in that post was so that the more flexible method would be adopted quickly so we don't have to worry about this issue.

Patches such as TomPaxton's

is the only one which works this way, so far.

Nay, the Alliance portions of ShadySnake's release also is designed to modify the "base" texture rather than the "underwear" texture.
#638 Aug 05 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
Ok guys! Havn't a problem. When I download "MyWarcraftStudio" i'm getting an errior. It says something like "not a vaild Win32 application." If anyone has any helpful advice, please IM me on AIM. It's BlueDukc. Or just post here. Thanks alot.
#639 Aug 05 2005 at 10:19 PM Rating: Default
Obviously they will be having none of that... I'm in depserate need of some free hosting until I get a more permenant please, if you know a place that will even stay up for a few days.. let me know. Otherwise, anyone that wants the patch has to catch me on AIM.

Geocities didn't delete the file or the account..they just blocked linking from this website... so if you want the file, you need to copy the link (full link, not just what shows) into a new window.

1) Right click and select 'copy link location'

2) Open a new browser window

3) Paste link into address bar

Unfortunately, this workaround will have to be used until another solution can be found.
#640 Aug 06 2005 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
It appears Geocities says you're using too much bandwidth... if anyone can mirror that thing for him, please do.
#641 Aug 06 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
I wonder if anyone knows how to get WoW to see transparent pixels as transparent.

I am trying to make some of the armor pieces more appealing. I have made mockups of what I mean,

I made these mockups by merging the naked skin and the armor textures, but that will obviously only work for one skin type. Anyone know how to make certain portions of the armor actually transparent?

Edited, Sat Aug 6 01:51:06 2005 by chbmillion

Edited, Sat Aug 6 01:56:51 2005 by chbmillion

Edited, Sat Aug 6 01:58:04 2005 by chbmillion

Edited, Sat Aug 6 01:53:23 2005 by chbmillion
#642 Aug 06 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
I definitely recommend - pretty much effortless, seriously. Don't even need to register.
#643 Aug 06 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
chbmillion, what you're asking for some of those would be beyond the scope of the current game programming. Things like that can be done with 3d graphics cards, but it would have to be written specifically into the game to make textures partially transparent like that. I think it's called alpha blending or something like that. I seriously doubt anyone could do it with just a skin.
#644REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2005 at 1:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So can ANYONE make a tauren to orc conversion?
#645 Aug 06 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Default
"beyond the scope of the current game programming"?!? /boggle. Textures with alpha exist in oh lemme think pretty much every game released within the last 5 years. WoW has textures like this already! I've not looked into it the tiniest bit, but check out Cloth_C_05Black_Pant_LU_F.blp for instance--that sure looks like its the upper half of Black Mageweave Leggings to me. I'd use that as a reference point.

Oh wait...I can't think of any WoW examples where there is partial alpha: its all been on/off. See-thru shirts would be pretty awesome, though I dunno if they are possible. *crosses fingers*

Edited, Sat Aug 6 02:37:19 2005 by TomPaxton
#646 Aug 06 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
By game programming, I was referring to what Blizzard has designed clothing textures in WoW to do, not saying it is technically impossible.

Complete transparency is different than alpha blended transparency. All the clothing textures I have seen in THIS game are total transparent or solid, which suggests that alpha blending has not been programmed into THIS game for clothing textures, although other parts of the game might use blending.

Edited, Sat Aug 6 02:41:19 2005 by ShadySnake
#647 Aug 06 2005 at 1:49 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, sorry man, I spoke too soon. I don't recall seeing any partially blended clothes textures anywhere and so I think you're right.
#648 Aug 06 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
Zetan wrote:
Rugburnone wrote:
Well the non-mindless forsaken (like the ghouls and aboms and stuff) should be like sylvanus, I mean...healing magic works on them, they eat, etc, so you would assume that their body would be "intact" - just with no heartbeat green blood and a distaste for the living

You have something of a point, but there's already an undead nude patch, and quite a good one, at that.

True, but the forsaken have bones sticking out and are generally really icky
#649 Aug 06 2005 at 2:28 AM Rating: Default
Personally I think the lack of blended clothing was a conscious choice by the Blizzard programmers for game performance reasons.

Edited, Sat Aug 6 03:34:10 2005 by ShadySnake
#650 Aug 06 2005 at 3:15 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Aug 6 15:07:49 2005 by Aslanis
#651 Aug 06 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Default
Haven't you been paying attention? I did that with human and night elf skins like 20 posts ago, and they are included with my succubus download above.

And by the way, don't use rar files, windows xp has native zip file handling, make it easy on the majority.

Edited, Sat Aug 6 04:37:00 2005 by ShadySnake
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