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Lost my character's underpants (really)Follow

#577 Aug 04 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
That tga to blp converter is one of the originals that made garbage .blp's (for textures at least), I'm honestly surprised the transparent .blp's work (I haven't tried it yet tho). One of the skin textures I edited showed up all black, and one of the clothing textures I edited just gave... really really strange double wrapped and random textures. Hopefully someone will update the Java converter to carry transparency over someday.

You don't really need to match palettes per se... if you switch it to RGB mode and then back to indexed 256 color and match the hex (per Ahriana's direx) it'll come up fine. Well... in Photoshop at least, but I'd assume PSP as well unless it has a crappy dithering scheme. Regardless you can get a 30 day trial of Photoshop CS2 at Adobe's site.

although... the idea of a universal clothing remover just seems kind of overboard... but whatever floats yer boat I guess.
#578 Aug 04 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
I have an question ? I will sound very stupid but... The use of the Nude patch .. can i use it on my WoW char. ? I mean isnt Blizzard gonna ban me for that ? or is the others players of WoW will not see any diff ?

Can someone explain to me how it work please ? ^^;
#579 Aug 04 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
I'd like to see skins for some of the other races/sexes as well, as it is now it still seems a bit one-sided. All my attempts at movies suck so far, whoever heard of a honey-moon where the guy never took off his pants? And any good bachelor-party involves a midget!
#580 Aug 04 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
Hazelkin, don't worry, the mods are client only, which means Blizzard can't see any of it and neither can other players. It can also be done without permanent changes to the game files. And of course there is the thing that Blizzard designed the game to work this way too :) A lot of games have override directories for players to use for mods, kind of convenient.

And here is a new picture of one of my succubus skins. I thought the chest looked a little bare (bad pun) so I drew a dragon tattoo in the reddish color to match her arm and leg detailing.

Edited, Thu Aug 4 11:38:54 2005 by ShadySnake
#581 Aug 04 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
TOOGAM wrote:
Umm... much of the female clothing. Not all.

Ah, the screenshot helps. Thanks, I'll add that to my info.

TOOGAM wrote:
Any reason you haven't tested it yet? (Are people avoiding the release just because of the way I'm distributing the patch, which lets me distribute the file in a way that makes the download under 1/1000th of the size of a pre-built MPQ?)

I suppose my own lack of testing it is for multiple reasons:

1) I've been busy testing the nude patches, which means (in some cases) making new characters, and I've also been creating screenshots (which I hope to have up sometime later today, or possibly not 'till tonight). Since I've been going in the order the patches came out in, simply going down the list in my own post above, I simply havn't gotten to yours, yet.

2) I was a little unclear on what files it modified (it's been a while since I touched a DOS batch file) and I therefore didn't know what files to back up. As I said, I havn't really looked at it, so I don't know whether you included instructions on what to back up. Is it just textures.mpq?

3) You've released it a couple different times now, each time claiming it worked great upon release, but then finding that after testing, it didn't. It's nothing against you personally, I've done the same thing... seeing a problem, thinking I fixed the problem, then realizing it was actually a different problem.. repeat process. Anyway, I was mostly waiting to see if this release got the same treatment, or if it continued to be called "the one that works." That paired with not knowing which files to back up made me especially nervous about diving right in and trying it out. Wouldn't want to suddenly find out there was something in there altering a file I hadn't backed up that suddenly made me have to completely re-install WoW.

Hope that clears things up. I should have time to play around with it tonight or tomorrow. It is a really good idea, and paired with the actual nude patches, should make for lots and lots of nudity. :)

Edited, Thu Aug 4 11:52:31 2005 by Zetan
#582 Aug 04 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default

FWIW here's a shot of my orc female:

I guess it would help to be an artist...

dear TomPaxton,
would you share your nude Orc and Troll Female with me, i want to add this to my new WDDG Platinum release?.

#583 Aug 04 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
TOOGAM, I'm not sure if I understood some of your posts correctly, but does your mod allow us to see any custom underwear skins yet? I don't see the skins, just a bare chest. And if your mod can't, do you think it could be done eventually?

Also, the new mod works fine. The pauses really help, and I no longer see shadows occasionally running around. However, I downloaded a custom UI that came with a wardrobe feature, which allowed you to instantly change clothing. Two of the clothes set I had were my normal clothes, and no clothes. With your first version, if I were to change to my no clothes set, then to my normal clothes set, I could see my custom underwear skins while actaully having armor on. (this looked very strange with a robe...) With your brand new version, I can't do this anymore... Just thought I should have told you.

Zetan wrote:
2) I was a little unclear on what files it modified (it's been a while since I touched a DOS batch file) and I therefore didn't know what files to back up. As I said, I havn't really looked at it, so I don't know whether you included instructions on what to back up. Is it just textures.mpq?
You don't need to back up anything. If the batch file runs sucessfully, then it'll create an "Item" folder in WoW's data folder. It in no way directly edits your MPQs. If you want to get rid of the mod, you move/delete the item folder.

Edited, Thu Aug 4 13:13:53 2005 by ChauSara
#584 Aug 04 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Default
Well TOOGAN I still get occasional graphic anomalies using the blank texture included with your batch program. It does it with textures I make too, so I can't be sure exactly why.

One related thing I've noticed is that the texture converter that your program uses isn't perfect. After editing some of my skin files in paint shop pro and converting to blp, the entire skin turns black in game, no clue why. I convert the texture back to tga and it looks normal, very strange.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how to get a tga to be 32 bit in Paint Shop Pro7 (if it supports it).

Edited, Thu Aug 4 13:25:37 2005 by ShadySnake
#585 Aug 04 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
Information about what my next release could maybe might include is at the bottom. Why are my posts being so long? Because I reply to so much of the good (um...), quality (err...), respectable (*cough* *cough*) material others say on this highly admirable thread which is drawing praise from numerous members of the United States Congress and Senate.

That's odd, I think it works great TOOGAM./it's definitely working a lot better now

Great. This is what I was hoping to hear.

That tga to blp converter is one of the originals that made garbage .blp's (for textures at least), I'm honestly surprised the transparent .blp's work (I haven't tried it yet tho).

Yes, the .blp files that this converter makes don't always come out good. I believe it has to do with the format of the .TGA file, because I have found this converter to work consistantly with .TGA files that I make using a very specific method (which may involve converting a .TGA file to .BMP and then copy and pasting that .BMP into a brand new .TGA file I make). I believe that, like the first batch file I released, the logic of the program works great if it uses the correct data file. Therefore, the solution for those of us without source code to this converter, is to learn how to make good data files. I don't want to tell you the specific steps I make in PSP7, because I'd rather try out PSP8 downloaded from in case anything changed from PSP7 to PSP8, since PSP8 is more grabbable. (Better yet would be to not use PSP8 or Photoshop, as they aren't free, but there are other things for me to look into, which I mention below, than trying lots of other graphics problems.)

RaziraER writes:
the process doesn't work very well in reverse and I haven't found an easy way to copy underwear edits over to the base I'm not sure how exactly to fix some of the other patches without hours and hours of tedious work.

Be sure, RaziraER, that you didn't overlook the middle paragraph of ShadySnake's post just two posts above yours. Before spending tedious hours, see what ShadySnake has done.

though half the females seem to have tabards that make the patch ineffective.

Yeah, the patch has no effect on such women... Although I did see one interesting tabard. It seems the tabard overrode the clothing and the tabard's color transparency option indicated that the skin underneath should show. In other words, the tabard was mainly one color, and I believe I saw a belly button. Ganthrinor's dream fulfilled, I guess. My biggest thought on the matter was, "I think this is what I see. I wish I had some modified base skin so that I could see if this is, in fact, Ganthrinor's wishes fulfilled as I think it is."

probably my system's problem

Sorry to hear you're having problems. I remember I had made a custom MPQ to see if that would help fix any of the errors, and it didn't. Then I forgot to remove that MPQ for a while and wondered why I was seeing some of the results I was. Plus I modified my texture.mpq to experiment, and for a while I was thinking that was the only way to go. Fortunately, the Item\ directory thing worked fine, and I now declare that is the way to go... the way my batch files do it.

If you have any speculation that it is my patch, try uninstalling my patch (see directions below). Though note that even if removing my patch seems to fix the problem, that doesn't truely indicate that the problem is with my patch and not any modified base files you have.

I therefore didn't know what files to back up. As I said, I havn't really looked at it, so I don't know whether you included instructions on what to back up. Is it just textures.mpq?

Don't back up anything on account of my patch. Well, actually, back up anything in the DATA\Item\ directory underneath where WoW is installed, but as my patch is the only one that has been using this directory, so far, the directory likely won't exist for you. The guts of my batch file just involve making the Item\ directory and sub-directories, and copying a transparent .blp file to many locations under the DATA\Item\ directory.

The patch consists entirely of items in DATA\Item\. To uninstall the patch, it's as easy as renaming the DATA\Item\ directory to DATA\ItemTemp\ (or any other name). Re-installing then will be as simple as renaming Data\ItemTemp\ to Data\Item\ (or re-running my batch file which will create a new, additional copy of stuff in DATA\Item\ again).

Of course I may have to delete the transparent textures for robe bottoms and skirts, as the nude texture underneath doesn't look good stretched that way.

Yeah, I've noticed that once. To those who don't know what he's referring to, my patch ends up obeying the rules of the 3-D model but still makes the textures look like a leg, so what it looks like then is like a person with one big fat leg, though this "leg" is really in the shape of a robe. It... uh... doesn't look good. The solution, I imagine, would be simply to delete (or to have my batch file never even install) any files that have the word "Robe" in LegUpperTexture\ and LegLowerTexture\. (I imaging the files in other places, like TorsoUpperTexture\ would still be desired, and of course I'm referring to directories under DATA\Item\TextureComponents\.)

So much stretching I can only make the nipples 3 pixels wide, lol.

Have you tried even once, to see if it would work, to make WoW stretch the graphic less by simply making a larger graphic? (Chances are very good this will fail, if Blizzard's code looks at pixels based on coordinate locations, which they probably do. This, for those who haven't looked, is because NPC textures have multiple graphics copy and pasted in one larger graphic. However, if Blizzard did look up based on percentages of the graphic's width, maybe it would work.)

You've released it a couple different times now, each time claiming it worked great upon release, but then finding that after testing, it didn't.

Actually, I oughtta defend myself on that one, because in fact my products have not had as many mistakes as what I hear WoW has had with raid instances. The first release ( was solid, in the sense that it worked the way I meant it to when I released it. It accomplished the goal of modifying one character, and people could make screenshots with it. Sure, there were installation difficulties and invisible character problems, but I actually knew about those when I released it, and I released it anyway knowing this. It was worth releasing, in case anyone could use that to help make a better release. I ended up doing that myself: Making a better release that, with the Clear128.blp file, fixed the problems of the first release, but the second release was hardly a cover-up of a bad first release. It was just better.

I admit, the batch file from the second release simply did not work. I still think that the Clear128.blp file from the second release (, combined with every single file (just the batch file) from the first release, would have worked well, so my only error so far that I see was two lines in the batch file of the second release, and I'm still not sure how they got into the release version looking the way they did. Whether the first release and the data file from the second release would work is something I haven't bothered to test, though, now that we have release #3 (which is

What I'm reading from the feedback I'm now seeing is that #3 is "the one that works." To be honest, this is why I solicited feedback as strongly as I did: I wanted to make sure that #3 was working as well as I thought. And I'm told it is. Now, so as to discontinue my pattern of making a new release every day or half-day, you can notice I'm not releasing #4 in order to fix the "robe" issue mentioned above. #3 works fine, it demonstrates ideas working successfully, and sure it can be improved, but my main goal was just to get something working out there and release #3 did that. I may not even improve it further myself, and if I do, I'm likely to try to get as many issues better as possible before I release again. Other issues worth investigating before rushing to a release are: Do any other issues crop up that I don't know about? Why do most tabards (I think one doesn't) not get affected by this patch? And, is there an even better way to install? Will anybody else make some modified base textures to be installed? (It seems ShadySnake did. Great!) And, I believe that Cosmos may have some custom .blp files, and so I'm wondering if instead of installing just one base skin per race to DATA\Item\ and DATA\Character\, if multiple base skins can be installed to Interface\SkinManager\ where an add-on (which could be disabled using WoW's interface) could let people choose, with check boxes in-game, which skin is active. The feasibility of this will depend on whether WoW lets an add-on change any texture (specifically character textures), or just certain textures like item bar textures. This stuff may take a while for me to check out fully, if I even bother doing it at all, so I suggest not waiting on me to make #4 before checking out #3.
#586 Aug 04 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
I mean isnt Blizzard gonna ban me for that ?

As ShadySnake said, other players don't see it. (Otherwise, surely Blizzard would.) See also the link I made earlier: Blizzard Response to asking about their reaction to content that wouldn't receive a T rating from ESRB.

but does your mod allow us to see any custom underwear skins yet?

My mod makes the clothes invisible so the base skin is seen. To see the custom underwear skins, you must either wear underwear, or use a version of the custom skins that has the skins placed on the base model instead of the underwear texture. It sounds to me like ShadySnake has done this conversion to bring the older skins up to date, and he just wants web site hosting in order to make them more widely available. So, to answer the "eventually" question, the answer is "yes" I suppose.

I don't expect to ever try to point to the underwear textures. It makes more sense to modify the base model: A woman's nipples are on her base skin, and (usually) not on her underwear.

On the other hand, even though you don't see the underwear skins behind the clothes I make transparent, with the current version of my patch, they also don't interfere with each other. So you can install both, and if you remove all your clothes and are down to your underwear, you'll see the underwear patch and not the base patch.

However, I downloaded a custom UI that came with a wardrobe feature, which allowed you to instantly change clothing.

What add-on is this, and where can I get it? (This sounds like it would be a far better example for me to look at this Cosmos... that some other developer made an add-on that implemented some of the more specific ideas I was thinking of.)

(this looked very strange with a robe...)

Not surprising (as I mentioned above).

With your brand new version, I can't do this anymore... Just thought I should have told you.

Not sure why the third version would be in any way worse than the first version. If you want to toy with this, you could try using the data file documented in the first version with the later batch file, or vice versa, the data file included in the first version with the first version batch file. (There's a reason I didn't remove the old versions from my website.)

From your report, I'm not sure how to fix it, nor am I certain that it is my patch, and I suspect if I could fix it then it would be a very sloppy method. Please let me know what add-on you are using, as eventually my fix could be to just make an add-on like theirs, or make my patch a plug-in for their add-on, or something...

After editing some of my skin files in paint shop pro and converting to blp, the entire skin turns black in game, no clue why.

I've had that happen. Here's what I think is going on: Basically, black means "visible" (Unless I have this backwards.) So, the TGA files you're making have an alpha channel where stuff is visible (or maybe they don't have an alpha channel, and something somewhere is treating your TGA file as if it had that Alpha channel). The problem is that your alpha channel, which is supposed to be handling transparency, is being visible. What this basically boils down to is: You're using a TGA file which is in a different format than what the converter uses. Changing the TGA file CORRECTLY and then using the converter is likely to give you working results. (However... how to do this "correctly" isn't necessarily an easy thing to figure out. I do anticipate making a PSP8 tutorial to show y'all what I do successfully.)
#587 Aug 04 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
TOOGAM wrote:
Information about what my next release could maybe might include is at the bottom. Why are my posts being so long? Because I reply to so much of the good (um...), quality (err...), respectable (*cough* *cough*) material others say on this highly admirable thread which is drawing praise from numerous members of the United States Congress and Senate.

Haha... well, I don't mind the long posts. They're easy enough to scroll through if there's information there I don't need to look at. And for me to critisize your post size would be extremely hipocritical, especially when you glance upward at the massive post I'm creating. I'm hoping to move it to the top of page 13, once we get down close to 50 posts on this page, so it's easier for people just arriving to find.

TOOGAM wrote:
Actually, I oughtta defend myself on that one....

As I said, I didn't intend for that comment to be directed at you personally... as I said, you did a good job, and I doubt I could do better. I was meerly describing my reason for holding out... I'm the type who waits for a final release, instead of trying out and testing every beta release that comes out. Now that I know this latest file is as final as it's getting for a while, I will be happily downloading it and trying it out. I think some screenshots of the AH at peak time are in order. ;)
#588 Aug 04 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
TOOGAM wrote:
What add-on is this, and where can I get it?
I got it from this UI compliation. It's the wardrobe addon. It's a little robe icon that is outside the minimap.

Also, a nice host in my opinion is You can upload many things for free.
#589 Aug 04 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
Oh, and TOOGAM...

Just a suggestion, but for the next release, you might want to include a txt file in the zip. Just a simple readme.txt that says "Unzip these files into your main World of Warcraft directory and run wownudfm.bat" or something along those lines. Such a small file would add a great deal of user-friendliness for people who have never seen a batch file before.

EDIT: Er, the files should actually be unzipped into World of Warcraft/Data before running the batch file, correct?

Edited, Thu Aug 4 15:00:13 2005 by Zetan
#590 Aug 04 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
Wardrobe mod from curse gaming:

Anyone working on Orc and Troll textures? Alliance is getting all the love. =(
#591 Aug 04 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Default
Ah, there we go. Sorta got it working.

My laptop has a video card that doesn't support hardware TnL... this has completely prevented me from playing some games (such as FFXI) but for WoW it simply dumbs down the graphics and makes it run a lot slower than it should (all other specs considered). Apparently, transparencies (in whatever form you're using) don't work on here, either. Instead, everything turns completely black.

On my desktop, which has a decent video card (Either a Radeon or GeForce, I forget which... both support hardware TnL) it works beautifully.

Oh, one other thing (which I find rather amusing) is that if you don't have the underwear files deleted from the MPQ or over-written by some other patch, a nude character will still show up with underwear, but a clothed character gets the parts of their outfit wiped out as usual.
#592 Aug 04 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
TOOGAM wrote:
My mod makes the clothes invisible so the base skin is seen. To see the custom underwear skins, you must either wear underwear, or use a version of the custom skins that has the skins placed on the base model instead of the underwear texture. It sounds to me like ShadySnake has done this conversion to bring the older skins up to date, and he just wants web site hosting in order to make them more widely available.
Well, I did provide a link to a hosting place that ShadySnake, but before he gets it up, could I copy and paste my underwear skins onto the base skins for it to work?

#593 Aug 04 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
yes that would work, jut use sandraes instruction on page 8, i have done that to make a nude succubus using night elf skins but thanks to shadysnake i have a nude succubus with armor
#594 Aug 04 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
I extracted the base skin, copy and pasted the correct underwear skins in the right places, and saved it. Then I tried to put the .tga file into the TGA to BLP2 converter. The program crashed... what happened?
#595 Aug 04 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Default
did you use the hex editer to copy the entire third row of the origanal bmp before you tried converting? like i said read sandreas instructions on page 8 and follow that step by step
#596 Aug 04 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
Okay, so, I'm enjoying myself reskinning just using MyWarcraftStudio, nothing fancy :p Anyway, is there any way to change your mount AND keeping you on top of it?
#597 Aug 04 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
meulard wrote:
did you use the hex editer to copy the entire third row of the origanal bmp before you tried converting? like i said read sandreas instructions on page 8 and follow that step by step
I did that, then I put the skin in the correct directory. I'm using the mod that TOOGAM made. According to him, I had to modify the base skin, which I did, in order for any custom underwear to appear with his mod. However, nothing changed, at all...
#598 Aug 04 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
Slinkey wrote:
Okay, so, I'm enjoying myself reskinning just using MyWarcraftStudio, nothing fancy :p Anyway, is there any way to change your mount AND keeping you on top of it?

I know there's a way to do it... someone did it way back on page one.

Don't know how, exactly, though. Maybe you should go back and read some of the first couple pages.
#599 Aug 04 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
ChauSara wrote:

Not terribly stealthy. Black != Brown.
#600 Aug 04 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
dacamper wrote:
Wardrobe mod from curse gaming:

I fail to see how that has anything to do with anything here, but thanks for the link, anyway... should be quite useful on RP servers where I sometimes change into a "casual" outfit for hanging around the inn.
#601 Aug 04 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
dacamper wrote:
Anyone working on Orc and Troll textures? Alliance is getting all the love. =(

Well, the trouble is, people like the alliance characters because they look the most human, and therefore the most sexy to the most number of people. Night Elves are human except for purple skin (which is kinda sexy) glowy eyes, and long ears (which take getting used to, but are also midly appealing). Dwarves and gnomes (who havn't really been decently skinned) are just shorter versions of humans.

On the horde side, we have dead people (who people seem to like, disturbingly more than dwarves) green and blue people (who just look mean most of the time, with strange teeth and such) and cow-people. Some people like cows far too much, but that's a whole other issue. Most of us are not particuarly turned on by a person that looks like a cow.
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