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Lost my character's underpants (really)Follow

#552 Aug 03 2005 at 8:13 PM Rating: Default
Sandrae can you please post the skin of the human femele you linked back on page 10, the one without pubic hair. please post it or at least email it to me. again my email is

please post it alot of us like that one better then your current skins. i tried making my own but i am no artist and they look horrible so i gave up, but yours are perfect i just wish i could get my hands on them

again keep up the good work and please post the skins on page 10, the preview pictures

ps even if you could just get 1 skin im sure at least id be happy=)

Edited, Wed Aug 3 21:19:15 2005 by meulard

Edited, Wed Aug 3 21:14:49 2005 by meulard
#553 Aug 03 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
3,908 posts

Edited, Wed Aug 3 21:13:32 2005 by DVEight
#554 Aug 03 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
Any reason for this?

Yes. It doesn't work. Argh! Okay, to get this to work nice, once again, snag the latest version, which will be the zip file with the highest number in it. (So, as of this writing, the latest version is now, in contrast to which doesn't have any number in it at all.)

I had things working on my system just fine, but I uploaded a batch file that didn't work at all. It seems to have been a cross-breed between an older version and a newer version. I don't know how this happened. After fixing the error in the version you had, I looked for others and saw another couple. I then deleted all my patches, downloaded the file from the website, and things are working now. So, try again with the latest version. I'm sorry to have wasted somebody's time with the previous version posted.

Perhaps I'm not using it correctly?

Only reason that it didn't work for you is that you tried to simply run the file, instead of analyzing it and fixing any problems with it. :)
#555 Aug 03 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
Well yes I didn't bother to check it for mistakes myself, which I could have done, but since some people use different methods of organizing their code, I was just too lazy to sort it out :p
#556 Aug 03 2005 at 9:36 PM Rating: Default
This is a request to all those who have posted skins please post newer versions? So far, all of the skins I've seen modify the "underwear" texture. If people want to see behind the underwear, they can now do so by copying 128Clear.blp (made from the 128Clear.tga file I placed in my patch and the newer TGA to BLP2 converter that works well), and then the base will show up. Please release the skins where the actual base texture is modified, as then the artwork can be enjoyed by people who wish to use other custom outfits (whether that be from my patch or other people's patches that may made other changes).

I haven't made these modifications to other people's skins, nor made my own patch more up to date (by copying 128Clear.blp ontop of the "underwear" skins for people), and furthermore I recommend that others don't bother to release a package until we have some of these older skins updated to the more up-to-date method that will not only work better with my patch but also other changes that others would make. Sure, I or others could go through and change all the skins others have released, but it looks to be largely a copy/paste type of operation, so, in order to require less of a single person to do all the skins, it'd be nice if authors would just update their own individual works.

Thanks in advance to any who do this. (It'd be nice if some do!)
#557 Aug 03 2005 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default
Ok here's a preview of my Succubus skin.

If anyone wants to host it, I'll mail it to you.

Edited, Wed Aug 3 23:03:19 2005 by ShadySnake
#558 Aug 03 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
i want your succubus skin snake

email is

lol third time ive given it out on this thread, im expecting alot of junk email hehe

Edited, Wed Aug 3 23:28:33 2005 by meulard
#559 Aug 03 2005 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
Post moved to the top of Page 13 for easier reference.

Edited, Thu Aug 4 18:26:48 2005 by Zetan
#560 Aug 03 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Default
That would be my video, i thought it would be funny to use the nude patches that first came out, needless to say no female nipples were there yet. All the credit goes to the people who made the patch, gonna make another one soon, that dosen't suck so bad.
#561 Aug 03 2005 at 10:50 PM Rating: Default
does that new tga to blp editor work TOOGAM? for that matter is it really new? I still want something that can edit tranparencies dammit.

there should be a forum dedicated to wow texture and model tweaks this thread is getting cluttered D;
#562 Aug 03 2005 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
Astronomica wrote:
That would be my video, i thought it would be funny to use the nude patches that first came out, needless to say no female nipples were there yet. All the credit goes to the people who made the patch, gonna make another one soon, that dosen't suck so bad.

Thanks for the info, I updated my "big long post of doom"
#563 Aug 03 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
OK, sorry if this was explained earlier, but why not make the clear texture 1x1 or something? Since the clear texture is square but the "naked" textures aren't, wow already seems able to resize them.
#564 Aug 03 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Default
I apologize for misplaced nipples, Anara...perhaps if we had a reference image? ;)
#565 Aug 04 2005 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
AnaraWarren wrote:
I gotta tell you guys...

Keep dreaming. Those nipples are way too high up on the breasts to look right to someone who sees their own every day. I'd lower them a touch to keep it a little more real.

... And I'll leave it at that.

I wouldn't worry too much about realism, Anara. Most of the people using these patches have likely never seen nipples in person, let alone seeing them every day.

Anyway, this is a fantasy world. How do you know that the races of this world don't have differently-placed nipples than real women? XD
#566 Aug 04 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
Zetan wrote:

I wouldn't worry too much about realism, Anara. Most of the people using these patches have likely never seen nipples in person, let alone seeing them every day.

Anyway, this is a fantasy world. How do you know that the races of this world don't have differently-placed nipples than real women? XD

Huh? What's a nipple?

By the way, since the textures files for the body areas are in different sizes, I have found that it works best to have the blank texture files sized the same as the originals. So for optimal performance here is the list of dimensions for each texture.

base skins (ie HumanFemaleSkin00_00.blp) 256 x 256
NakedPelvisSkins & NakedTorsoSkins 128 x 64
TorsoUpperTexture, ArmLowerTexture, ArmUpperTexture, LegLowerTexture, LegUpperTexture 128 x 64
HandTexture, FootTexture, TorsoLowerTexture 128 x 32

Hope it helps

Edited, Thu Aug 4 01:32:05 2005 by ShadySnake
#567 Aug 04 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Default
I'm not sure if I want to get into this but...I'm not sure how you can say that keeping the texture the same size improves performance. I can confidently say that the smaller the texture, the less time it takes to load and the less memory it takes up. I have -no- idea if it takes more CPU/GPU power to resize a texture, though I'm pretty skeptical that it does.
#568 Aug 04 2005 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
The main thing is, converting the tga into blp, there is very little difference in the size of the file at different pixel sizes. The actual disk reading shouldn't make any noticeable difference either way, but I've noticed quite a few graphical anomalies with the new textures, which the correct texture dimensions seem to reduce. I haven't done thorough testing, but it seems like it to me.
#569 Aug 04 2005 at 1:06 AM Rating: Default
TomPaxton wrote:
OK, sorry if this was explained earlier, but why not make the clear texture 1x1 or something? Since the clear texture is square but the "naked" textures aren't, wow already seems able to resize them.

It would probably result in the characters vanishing until you inspected them or hit your own "c" button again.
#570 Aug 04 2005 at 1:14 AM Rating: Default

If you want a better quality movie, use the mirrors, and tell your freinds.
#571 Aug 04 2005 at 3:17 AM Rating: Default
I have made a little mod for the alliance mounts, i'm working on a horde mount mod too, basicaly this just substitutes the .m2 models of the mounts with other models (example, mecha striders replaced with normal plainstiders). most make the rider disapear which is cool becuse it gives you the feel of becoming a cirtain creature. just download, open, and put them into your data folder, thats it.(you don't have to remove the original models).

P.S. I realy like the effect on what I have renamed "Cyber-Striders"

ok heres the screenies. the new horse and warhorse model. the cyber striders my favorite. I call these dwarven war beasts. they are cool too.

night sabers are the same but the rider is gone, so it's as if you become the cat.

I also moded warlock mounts but I couldn't find one to get the screenie. but they are realy nice and evil looking.

Edited, Thu Aug 4 04:38:37 2005 by cyrosgold
#572 Aug 04 2005 at 5:52 AM Rating: Default
Responses to multiple people:

does that new tga to blp editor work TOOGAM?

Well, I've managed to make a transparent TGA file work quite nicely in WoW. I've also managed to change the loading screens. I've also had the BLP's it created fail terribly, but those were when dealing with other TGA files. It seems to work just fine on TGA images created/converted in Paint Shop Pro 7 (that's what I had already downloaded so that's what I installed, even though version 10 is out) and saved in 24-bit Uncompressed format with an Alpha Channel added (which I believe means it ends up being a 32-bit TGA). And some, but not all, other TGA files.

for that matter is it really new?

I'm guessing that the converter I'm calling "new" is newer than the older converter on Vjeux (of Cosmos)'s page. Since they don't have any version numbers, I just decided to call this the new version.

but I've noticed quite a few graphical anomalies with the new textures

Which textures?

why not make the clear texture 1x1 or something?

Well, already I ended up making 3 releases, when I should have only needed one. Maybe 1x1 would work perfectly, but at the time I was trying to avoid resizing as much as possible, until I had a working version, as I suspected (as WizardCat apparently also did) that resizing might have been at least part of the cause of the problems that were in fact actually being caused by the usage of an older file format. Now that I have things working, I or others may improve things, such as testing 1x1 textures and using smaller files if possible.

I have found that it works best to have the blank texture files sized the same as the originals.

How so? This I suspected at one point, but I have since found that fact is the 128Clear.Blp properly converted from the 128Clear.TGA I created works just fine.

should make all female clothing transparent. I've yet to test or use it myself,

Umm... much of the female clothing. Not all. I decided to leave the males alone, and so when a female clothing looks the same as a male clothing, it doesn't become transparent. Still, there's a lot of the textures that are changed... over 1,700 textures, including 646 chest textures, so I'd say at least that many pieces of equipment are affected (more if some equipment uses the same textures as other equipment). The end result is that my client renders the avatars of many (most females, but not every single one) other players in a revealing manner. Example graphic which was just made on the spot, without any pre-planning or asking women to stand in a certain spot or anything like that.

This is why I like my patch: It works. This is also why I am hoping people will update the older skins, so that the female beauty will be visible not only on yourself and a few, if any, females that might happen to be undressed at the moment, but instead it works on virtually all of them (to become at least topless). Widespread public female nudity of the general virtual population.

I considered just making this into a *.MPQ file that you could just copy into the WOW\DATA directory, and installation would be that simple. However, the *.MPQ file, or all of the files individually, would be over 14MB. As is, I can distribute something less than 11KB so far. So far, I've addressed the one complaint that the installation was too hard, by making the batch file easier to use. I haven't heard any further complaints since my last release. Then again, I haven't heard anybody say anything good about it either.

Any reason you haven't tested it yet? (Are people avoiding the release just because of the way I'm distributing the patch, which lets me distribute the file in a way that makes the download under 1/1000th of the size of a pre-built MPQ?)
#573 Aug 04 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Default
Nobody has said anything good? That's odd, I think it works great TOOGAM. Just tinkering around with it a bit right now, so haven't done much commenting yet :)

Of course I may have to delete the transparent textures for robe bottoms and skirts, as the nude texture underneath doesn't look good stretched that way. For anyone interested, I have the full skins which I cut and pasted from the other torso and pelvis skins which have been posted in this thread. They work perfectly and work quite well with the transparent textures. Like I said, I need a host for this and my succubus skin.

Still trying to perfect the succubus. It's a bit tricky, someone noticed the texture stretching with the troll model... well it's twice as bad for succubus since the chest and hips are so exaggerated. I had to open up the file in paint shop pro and edit the texture bit by bit to make it look right. So much stretching I can only make the nipples 3 pixels wide, lol.
#574 Aug 04 2005 at 7:02 AM Rating: Default
I've tried it and it's definitely working a lot better now, though half the females seem to have tabards that make the patch ineffective. Also, it might be my computer ******** up, leaking memory or something, but I'm sometimes getting weird rainbow colored lines over the skin texture. It doesn't happen consistently though (I can switch between two classes on the character create screen and it might move or not even come back) so I'm guessing it's probably my system's problem. Probably about the best job you can do without enabling weird stuff to happen anyway, though it might be amusing to have a separate version that removes any clothing that isn't a robe (because robe-flesh is disturbing) from everyone.
#575 Aug 04 2005 at 7:06 AM Rating: Default
As a note, I started out editing the base skin and copying it over to the underwear textures. I had to save the base skin pallete and load it over to the underwear skins, which worked without problems. However, the process doesn't work very well in reverse and I haven't found an easy way to copy underwear edits over to the base I'm not sure how exactly to fix some of the other patches without hours and hours of tedious work. Thanks to TOOGAM's clear .blp, I made a batch file to simply copy the .blp over to all the underwear textures, and from there, I have a working collection of clear underwear textures that will prevent me from having to mess with them ever again. They work perfectly in game, no invisible characters or anything like that.

I've also made an orc skin and attempted to play around with the elf skin, but I've found that the nipples on the elf skin get horribly bent out of shape if I move them where I want them, creating one of those pixel by pixel editing/testing processes that I don't have time for right now. I work full time, so I don't get much time to work on stuff during the week. This weeked, I will release a nude patch compilation, containing my troll and orc along with Sandrae's human, undead, and elf skin..though I might actually edit or replace his undead or elf skin. The text file along with it will express what I've done and what work belongs to other people of course. I'll probably just have to drop it on geocities hosting for a while until I find something I'm guessing it won't be up long.
#576 Aug 04 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Default
I think I got the succubus about right, finally. I'll e-mail it and my human and elf nude skins to whoever wants them, just drop a line at

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