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WowReader status and help threadFollow

#202 Mar 06 2005 at 11:36 PM Rating: Excellent
1,274 posts
Neronix: Well, the page it downloads from your isp seems to be from an old proxy server thats no longer in use. wowreader's patcher respects IE's proxy server settings, so if you correct them, it should work fine.
#203 Mar 07 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
There already is no proxy configured. Think I can just download directly from the SVN repo with or wherever you upload stuff with a browser for now and use a 3rd pary "universal" savedvariables.lua uploader?
#204 Mar 07 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Re: Mac version

Any chance of a UI mod zipped download file, and a web-based LUA upload page for the Mac users while we're waiting for our own WowReader? Even a scaled-down version just so we can at least have our characters on the web?

Please? :)
#205 Mar 08 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
141 posts
What lisse said. s/Mac/AnyoneWithoutWindows.Net/
#206 Mar 08 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
I've searched the forums and haven't seen any mention as to which ports WowReader is using. It is failing for me every time I try to upload my data with the error:

Connection Error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I'm pretty sure I can clear up the error by opening the necessary port or ports on my firewall, just need to know what they are. If my assumption is wrong and this error is caused by something else, then please enlighten me.
#207 Mar 09 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
you might want to check to see if this program is working right lol as on my main pplayer after each time i play for a couple hours each night ... I turn on the wow reader say for tonight and it said i did 32 quests when i only did 2 and that i found 8000 new mobs not hardly!!!!!!

and yes i have the correct version of wowreader lol

Since all the info is always incorrect what is the use of using it for your website lmfao!!!!!!
#208 Mar 09 2005 at 2:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,274 posts
Bopin: The server was down for a bit for maintenance earlier today, so if you tried to upload during that time, you would've gotten that message. In any case, it uses tcp port 11225 outbound to upload data.

Kiaku: The info is not incorrect. First off, it records the number of quests you've seen total, not what you have or havent completed. As for the 8000 mobs, I'm guessing you misread, because the server logs show your client offering around 800 on your last login, and thats not too strange at all when you consider that basic info is recorded about any mob that you come within visual range of.
#209 Mar 12 2005 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, i am using the german client here and have just downloaded and installed the reader.
The only thing recognized on my char is the name and my guild.
Maybe i am doing something wrong? Heres how i use the tool:

1. Launch Wowreader
2. launch WoW via the icon in the reader, it minimizes and starts Wow
3. Play =)
4. Exit game
5. Doubleclick on the minimized icon.

At this time, it uploads my data w/o an error.
But my char dont gets any numbers, items etc, only the name, guild and the server (Gilneas, which is the EU Gilneas, not the US one).
U can check it here:
Let me know if u need any local files for solving the problem.

#210 Mar 12 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Getting an error when I try to load the program, it downloads the patch xml then says error and saves to error txt :

Unhandled exception log - 12/03/2005 10:52:10 AM
[string "chunk"]:27850: unfinished string near `<eof>'
at LuaInterface.Lua.DoString(String chunk)
at wowreader.LuaData.ParseLua(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.LuaData.LoadLuaFile(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.MainWindow.ReadCacheData()
at wowreader.MainWindow.DoInit()
at wowreader.MainWindow..ctor()
at wowreader.MainWindow.Main(String[] args)
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0
#211 Mar 12 2005 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
What could it be?
I could not run WowReader at all.
'System.NullReferenceException' occures there and it proposes to start VisualStudio .NET debugger.

Please tell me, what Registry options it reads? I'll check them.

Edited, Sat Mar 12 22:53:47 2005 by NailLenin
#212 Mar 13 2005 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
Having the same problem as Pittek!

Blank profile with german client!

Just my guild and my guild status is displayed correctly everything else is blank and i'm lvl 0

Can anyone give a statement if there is a way to use profile with european (esp. german) client?!?

Thx a lot for answer Thal

Edited, Sun Mar 13 03:05:13 2005 by Thalaenthyr
#213 Mar 13 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
i get no error messages, but i dont get any informations out of WoW. 0 items, 0 quests, etc... lvl 0

german client, anny ideas?
#214 Mar 14 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
I have a problem I was not able to find in the thread.

I am able to login and it recognizes my profile and login. but i keep gettin g invalid password errors. so i check my login screen where i put my password and login, and its changed from my short password to a very LONG starred out password, along the lines of *********************. No matter how many times i put my password in and press save, it always changes to this. Any help would be nice :(
#215 Mar 14 2005 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
it changes to this so no one can see how long it is...
This would make it easier to hack
#216 Mar 14 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
If it changes for that reason, why am I getting invalid password errors though? :(
#217 Mar 14 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
Is there a way to hide your talents in WoWreader if so how? Also, if you could make a blatent option to have these stats not uploaded it would keep some builds secret. Not, saying my builds even worth a darn because i havn't cared about my build but when i put inplace my build i've been working on i don't want the world to see it, but it would be nice to see my items at the same time.

considering the few ammount of responces and the vast request i might as well not try. but, im going to be optimistic and hope for a reply
#218 Mar 14 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
While updating I got an unhandled exception error. It says it "Found a low surrogate chat without a preceding high surrogate at index: 777. The input may not be in this encoding, or may not contain valid Unicode (UTF-16) characters.
Parameter name: chars".
It also had a details section which had information which can be found here.

I closed it and restarted WowReader and now as it's starting up, I get another error message, which can be found here.

Edit: Looks like an .lue file might've been corrupted somehow. I just logged in to wow and it seems most of my UI settings have been reset and there was an error concerning one of the .lua files. Logged back out and wowreader seems to be running fine now. Just need to set everything back to how it was... :/

Edited, Mon Mar 14 23:19:47 2005 by Fiveaces
#219 Mar 15 2005 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
same prob as mentioned a few times already with the german Client. Empty profile (67679).

Is there any solution on the way, or something we can do on our side except installing the english client? Like helping with translation or something?
#220 Mar 15 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
i cant get a char in alakazam like the info and stuff?
#221 Mar 15 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
1,274 posts
To anyone still having trouble while using german clients:

I must still have a couple of class/race translations incorrect, so if you can, please either email me ( rale ) a copy of your SavedVariables.lua file, or open the file and copy and post the 2 lines from there that look like:

["class"] = "Hunter",
["race"] = "Orc",

The SavedVariables file is in the directory: \World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<accntname>\
#222 Mar 15 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
I just paste the whole thing that looks like the wowreader profile...
There are some other german expressions in it, hope it helps...It seems not to be able to save our SpecialCharactes ä,ö,ü correctly..
Dont know if that makes some trouble, too!
with best regards Thal

akz_profile = {
["str"] = 25,
["talents"] = {
[1] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = 0,
[3] = 0,
[4] = 0,
[5] = 0,
[6] = 0,
[7] = 0,
[8] = 0,
[9] = 0,
[10] = 0,
[11] = 0,
[12] = 0,
[13] = 0,
[14] = 0,
[15] = 0,
[2] = {
[1] = 0,
[2] = 0,
[3] = 0,
[4] = 0,
[5] = 0,
[6] = 0,
[7] = 0,
[8] = 0,
[9] = 0,
[10] = 0,
[11] = 0,
[12] = 0,
[13] = 0,
[14] = 0,
[3] = {
[1] = 5,
[2] = 0,
[3] = 0,
[4] = 0,
[5] = 5,
[6] = 2,
[7] = 5,
[8] = 1,
[9] = 2,
[10] = 0,
[11] = 1,
[12] = 5,
[13] = 1,
[14] = 1,
[15] = 0,
["WristSlot"] = "14166:1839:0",
["arcane_resist"] = 0,
["class"] = "Priester",
["mana2"] = 1654,
["FeetSlot"] = "9454:0:0",
["LegsSlot"] = "6910:0:0",
["server"] = "Eredar",
["RangedSlot"] = "7001:0:0",
["defense"] = 179,
["ranged_power"] = 58,
["ranged_damage"] = "30:57",
["MainHandSlot"] = "1155:0:0",
["intel"] = 73,
["name"] = "Thal",
["skills"] = {
[1] = "Klassen-Fertigkeiten^0^0",
[2] = "Disziplin^1^1",
[3] = "Heilig^1^1",
[4] = "Schattenmagie^1^1",
[5] = "Berufe^0^0",
[6] = "Alchimie^248^300",
[7] = "Kräuterkunde^262^300",
[8] = "Sekundäre Fertigkeiten^0^0",
[9] = "Angeln^150^150",
[10] = "Erste Hilfe^1^75",
[11] = "Kochkunst^150^150",
[12] = "Waffen-Fertigkeiten^0^0",
[13] = "Kolben^43^185",
[14] = "Stäbe^172^185",
[15] = "Unbewaffnet^31^185",
[16] = "Verteidigung^179^185",
[17] = "Zauberstäbe^178^185",
[18] = "Rüstungssachverstand^0^0",
[19] = "Stoff^1^1",
[20] = "Sprachen^0^0",
[21] = "Sprache: Darnassisch^300^300",
[22] = "Sprache: Verbreitet^300^300",
["spirit"] = 76,
["attack"] = 172,
["Finger0Slot"] = "9447:0:0",
["health2"] = 718,
["guild"] = "Des Reiches Rote Reiter",
["coin"] = 92707,
["BackSlot"] = "15147:152:0",
["race"] = "Nachtelf",
["HeadSlot"] = "4323:0:0",
["ranged"] = 178,
["TabardSlot"] = "5976:0:0",
["shadow_resist"] = 0,
["gtitle"] = "Rittmeister",
["nature_resist"] = 10,
["NeckSlot"] = "15690:0:0",
["talentpts"] = 0,
["Finger1Slot"] = "12996:0:0",
["ChestSlot"] = "9623:0:0",
["HandsSlot"] = "9609:0:0",
["armour"] = 367,
["ShoulderSlot"] = "3560:0:0",
["atk_power"] = 15,
["sta"] = 35,
["agi"] = 35,
["skillpts"] = 0,
["ShirtSlot"] = "2577:0:0",
["WaistSlot"] = "2911:0:0",
["frost_resist"] = 0,
["grank"] = 1,
["damagerange"] = "56:83",
["level"] = 37,
["fire_resist"] = 0,
akz_uploaded = 0

Edited, Tue Mar 15 10:24:37 2005 by Thalaenthyr
#223 Mar 15 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
No errors at all, it says "uploading quests", "uploading items" etc.
the characters are created here, but they are just blank. (e.g.
I think it's got something to do with the language-problem.
I'm using a german client on an english server.
My apology in case I did a mistake.

Thanks in advance ;)

I've *just* read that it seems to be a problem with german clients in general. So the content of my savedvariables is at (I tried to remove most of the useless cosmos-infos) - hoping it will help you.

If you could need any other help or maybe someone with a german client using a packetsniffer etc. just call me (PM in the Forum; 1081(remove this)51067 at ICQ)

Edited, Tue Mar 15 14:37:22 2005 by chosi
#224 Mar 15 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
I've been using wowreader for a while now. But in the last 2 weeks or so I've gotten an error that crashes wowreader when it updates. (Sorry do not have the error message. But had something to do with a mal formed string.). The first time I tried it again same problem, the next day I reinstalled wowreader and it worked fine. When I went back into the game all my add on setting for any addon I used we gone along with collected data by those addons. At the time I thought this was a separate issue. Then about 3 - 5 after I reinstalled wowreader it crashed on me again in the middle of an update. Reinstalled and it worked fine. I then went back in game and allo my addon data was gone again. Well since I've lost gather points, enchant results and loot link data I've uninstalled wowreader for the time being.

Has anyone else had this problem or know what causes it.
#225 Mar 16 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
I've been using WoW reader for a few days now w/o issue. Last night however, in the middle of questing, my in game performance drops off dramatically. Normally I get between 60-90fps depending on on-screen activity, but suddenly it dropped off to arond 20 or so max and 5 with mobs on screen. I logged out/in, rebooted, nothing helped until I turned off the wow reader plugin from the addon menu at char select screen.

No idea what caused it to start doing this, I didn't change any settings or do anything different, and all this started in the middle of a gaming session. I like WoW reader and would like to use it, but I just can't if it makes the game unplayable for me.

#226 Mar 16 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
I browsed this thread and did not see where I could download and install this program. Forgive me in advance if I overlooked it.

Can someone give me a link as to where I can install and configure this? I presume this is the same type of program that is built into Cosmos and uploads your player information to Thottbot?

Let me know and thanks in advance :)
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