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#353 Apr 27 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
WoWReader gives me no errors and appeared to be working fine until I checked my profiles which have not updated in days, though I upload data two or three times a night. Can anyone give me tips? I read through a few pages, but no one seemed to be having this particular issue. Thank you!

Edit: It's loading in the game, gives me a little title over my head when it does, so that's not the issue for me.

Edited, Wed Apr 27 09:01:09 2005 by laerbeejo

Edit2: Fixed...for some reason, this last delete and redownload had it working. :) Thanks!

Edited, Wed Apr 27 09:55:54 2005 by laerbeejo
#354 Apr 28 2005 at 3:07 AM Rating: Good
1,273 posts
OSX, pleeeeeease!

Smiley: flowers
#355 Apr 28 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Default
First time i've had an issue with WoWReader. It worked perfectly fine yesterday night.

Error log was compiled with the following:

Unhandled exception log - 4/28/2005 7:22:02 AM
[string "chunk"]:85514: `=' expected near `<eof>'
at LuaInterface.Lua.DoString(String chunk)
at wowreader.LuaData.ParseLua(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.LuaData.LoadLuaFile(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.MainWindow.ReadCacheData()
at wowreader.MainWindow.DoInit()
at wowreader.MainWindow..ctor()
at wowreader.MainWindow.Main(String[] args)
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0

I have the latest update to the .NET framework. Have XP Pro SP2, all Windows Updates.
#356 Apr 28 2005 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
I've never had a problem with this program till about 2 days ago - nothing changed except the data as i have played the game since the last update i did, i ran it to update my profiles and like the posters previous there is a broken loop.

It downloads patch.xml and then tries to download the wow reader, it closes and reopens the updater, rinse and repeat until you catch and click the x in time.

It either seems to think there is a new version and can't physically download it - thus crashing and retrying, or some sort of confliction? There's no problems with the firewall, nor router.

Hope theres a way to fix or work around this problem because this program was amazing D: Is it broken for a select few? i'll try removing addons and adding them one by one to see if it's a confliction - but i'm not sure that there should be.

Thanks for your help.
#357 Apr 28 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
When trying to run WoWReader, i get the following message when downloading patch.xml :

Error download update: The underlying connection was closed: The remote name could not be resolved.
#358 Apr 28 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Possibly a request posted before, I can't see it but anyway.
My guild contains European members playing with foreign copies of the game. Most of the profile seems to work fine with WoWReader, what doesn't is the skills page. WoWReader seems to pick up the details and pass them on to the server, but it doesn't come out in the XML feeds. Would it be possible for this to be added?

You can see the guild table here:

Mplicit is the first person I noticed the issue with, he actually has leatherworking and skinning skills, as can be seen on his personal profile:
#359 Apr 28 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
Wowreader does not work anymore. As of about a week now, I get the following error when running it:

Unhandled exception log - 4/28/2005 6:33:18 PM
[string "chunk"]:9486: unexpected symbol near `1'
at LuaInterface.Lua.DoString(String chunk)
at wowreader.LuaData.ParseLua(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.LuaData.LoadLuaFile(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.MainWindow.ReadCacheData()
at wowreader.MainWindow.DoInit()
at wowreader.MainWindow..ctor()
at wowreader.MainWindow.Main(String[] args)
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0
#360 Apr 28 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
Just registered, downloaded WoW reader and logged into my 3 characters, however only 1 is showing in my character profile. I'm on Silvermoon (Europe) is it possible that there is conflict with my character names and someone in the US?
#361 Apr 29 2005 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
k... might be a lil paranoid but im paying so im asking
can the wow-reader read your password and account info?
and if so... dont you think its hackable??
just wondering... hate to see my work go to waste :P
#362 Apr 29 2005 at 7:01 AM Rating: Default
Redownloaded it. Rebooted. It worked 1 time. Played WoW again, tried again and it gave an error, same error as last night.

This time I got the actual error message instead of just the log:

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentException: Found a low surrogate char without a preceding high surrogate at index: 1017. The input may not be in this encoding, or may not contain valid Unicode (UTF-16) characters.
Parameter name: chars
at System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(Char* chars, Int32 charIndex, Int32 charCount, Byte[] bytes, Int32 byteIndex, UTF8Encoder encoder)
at System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(Char[] chars, Int32 charIndex, Int32 charCount, Byte[] bytes, Int32 byteIndex, UTF8Encoder encoder)
at System.Text.UTF8Encoder.GetBytes(Char[] chars, Int32 charIndex, Int32 charCount, Byte[] bytes, Int32 byteIndex, Boolean flush)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush(Boolean flushStream, Boolean flushEncoder)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(String value)
at wowreader.LuaData.UploadCompleted()
at wowreader.Upload.NetIO(NetworkStream m_ns)
at wowreader.Upload..ctor(WDBReader[] readers, CrcDB cdb, LuaData td, MainWindow mw, Boolean uselogin, String login, String pw, Boolean manual)
at wowreader.MainWindow.upload(Boolean manual)
at wowreader.MainWindow.UploadButton_click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
#363 Apr 29 2005 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
1,274 posts
I just uploaded a new version that should fix a number of bugs. It also has further logging for updater-related errors. If anyone has trouble updating with this new version, post both the patch.log and startup.log from your wowreader directory.

Kaldor: You have to log out and upload after each character, it only updates the last one you logged in.

JtDeathblade: It doesn't do anything like that, and it doesn't even have to be running at the same time as wow if you're still worried.

#364 Apr 29 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
I've looked and I can't find any write up on this tool.

-Does it run in the background while your playing?
-Do you have to have it on while your playing for it to work? (Becuase I noticed that if I turn in on after I log, it fails to update. But if it running while I'm playing after I log it uploads fine.)
-Where does the data get stored on my pc?
-Does it earae after it uploads?

These are just a few questions that have come up in my guild. You cant honestly ecxpect people to just DL and install this thing with no explanation or write up on how to use. If there is a link please advise then. I've found a few anwsers in here but not everyone has the time to comb through these forums to find answers.

Edited, Fri Apr 29 09:23:39 2005 by Tristax
#365 Apr 29 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
I can't seem to get wowreader enabled as an addin. I copied the UI folder over to the interface/addons directory, but I don't see it in the addon window in WoW to enable it.
#366 Apr 29 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
I have tried to load WoWreader today, and the updater is trying to run it gets 4 bars in and then stops and starts again

it keeps repeating this over and over

OS - xp
time - UK 17:33

any help would be great, as this is one of the best plugins I have used.
#367 Apr 29 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
I still get the error that the underlying connection was closed when i try to update patch.xml.
#368 Apr 29 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.

Process id=0x174 (372), Thread id=0x24c (588).

Click OK to terminate the application.

Click Cancel to debug application.

Error Log:

Unhandled exception log - 4/29/2005 2:27:16 PM
[string "chunk"]:592: unexpected symbol near `!'
at LuaInterface.Lua.DoString(String chunk)
at wowreader.LuaData.ParseLua(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.LuaData.LoadLuaFile(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.MainWindow.ReadCacheData()
at wowreader.MainWindow.DoInit()
at wowreader.MainWindow..ctor()
at wowreader.MainWindow.Main(String[] args)
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0

No debugger found:

Registered JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in an error code of 0x2 (2).
Please check computer settings.

cordbg.exe !a 0xcc

Click on Retry to have the process wait while attaching a debugger manually.
Click on cancel to abort the JIT debug request.

Reinstalling does not fix. It worked just a few minutes before this problem popped up.

Let me know if there is a fix.

Edited, Fri Apr 29 17:33:25 2005 by MeliaFoH
#369 Apr 29 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Default
i have found the same problem that previous person has found. I tried to uninstall and reinstall, no dice. I tried to delete the folder again, no dice.
#370 Apr 29 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Excellent
1,274 posts
MeliaFoH: Can you email a copy of your SavedVariables.lua to I'll look over it and see what exactly is causing the parsing error.

Anyone having trouble updating - please post, PM, or email me the contents of patch.log and startup.log from your wowreader directory.
#371 Apr 30 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
i only just got an account for this site and dowloaded and installed the woworeader and when ever i try to run it this comes up

Unhandled exception log - 1/05/2005 12:59:32 PM
[string "chunk"]:4078: `=' expected near `\'
at LuaInterface.Lua.DoString(String chunk)
at wowreader.LuaData.ParseLua(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.LuaData.LoadLuaFile(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.MainWindow.ReadCacheData()
at wowreader.MainWindow.DoInit()
at wowreader.MainWindow..ctor()
at wowreader.MainWindow.Main(String[] args)
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0

i just tested if the plugin was working and when in game and i typed /wver it didnt work

Edited, Sat Apr 30 23:11:31 2005 by jfb
#372 May 01 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with what Tristax said. I'd like answers on his questions as well as directions--in the readme file, perhaps, and on the "download wowreader" page on this website. My friends and I would appreciate that a lot, as allakhazam seems like a powerful tool.
#373 May 01 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Unhandled exception log - 5/1/2005 7:49:15 PM
[string "chunk"]:1883: unexpected symbol near ``'
at LuaInterface.Lua.DoString(String chunk)
at wowreader.LuaData.ParseLua(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.LuaData.LoadLuaFile(String luafile, Boolean dummy)
at wowreader.MainWindow.ReadCacheData()
at wowreader.MainWindow.DoInit()
at wowreader.MainWindow..ctor()
at wowreader.MainWindow.Main(String[] args)
Microsoft Windows NT 5.0.2195.0

Windows 2000 Professional is my O/S.
#374 May 01 2005 at 8:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,274 posts
For anyone getting the error starting with "[string "chunk"]" followed by a line number, if you could email me at with a copy of your SavedVariables.lua from '\WTF\Account\<your accnt>\' in the place you installed wow, it would help a lot in tracking down the problem. Thanks.

#375 May 01 2005 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
WowReader isn't working for me. (Or is only partially working?) Here's what is happening.

WowReader loads up when I log on the game. I see "WowReader Loaded" in the start up text (where the yellow game update text is), and when I type /wver I see that 1.52 is loaded.

When I open the WowReader program itself, I see at the bottom that it shows: "Profile: Deyv.Proudmoore".

When I click "Upload", I get a dialog box saying "Login Failed. Please check your password." So I go to the Options > Login menu and it opens the login dialog, which shows a long string of *'s (longer than either my WoW password or my Allakhazam password). I then enter my Allakhazam password and click Save. When I click "Upload" again I get the same dialog box saying "Login Failed". (I tried entering my WoW game password once and it did the same thing.)

When I start WowReader, it seems to successfully download the patch.xml and goes right to the main WowReader window, and shows my Login name and "Profile:Deyv.Proudmoore", but clicking "Upload" does nothing but give a "Login Failed" message and no profile shows up on the Allakhazam site.

Is there a "user error" here? Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to be a paid subscriber? Is WowReader part of the "Premium Services"? Do I need to download/update the Microsoft .Net Framework or something like that?

I just want add my characters to my profile. I'd happily do it manually, but this is becoming frustrating and a hassle for something that should be quick and easy.
#376 May 01 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
Rale: I sent the email to you.

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