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So far not impressed.....Follow

#1 Nov 02 2004 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
Ok, let me start off by saying I was really looking forward to this game, so much so I subscribed to File Planet yesterday just to get a chance to play the game as early as I could. Also let me point out that I had planned on dropping FFXI for this game, after hitting level 63 with my mnk the level grind was really getting to me so I was going to throw in the towel in hopes for greener pastures.
So I create my charcter and decide I'm going to sit down and just play for about 4 hours (which I did). After four hours and countless go-here talk to this guy quest, kill these and bring me item quests, go to this cave quests and, talk to this person then come back to me quests, I feel like thats all I do.
OK I'll admit maybe its just that I'm still real EARLY in to the game, but where is the main story, and is being an errand boy all there is to do in this game???
Please tell me its just because I'm in the initial stages of the game and it will change as I progress, because as it is now I'm really not impressed and was already bored after just a few hours (Even the initial awe of the game didn't last for more than an hour :( )
If it gets any different please let me know, I would like to give it a fair shot^^
#2 Nov 02 2004 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
Don't do the quests, you don't need to...

What was the kinds of quests that made you soo into FFXI...?

Atleast WoW gives rewards, and EXP.

>; P I personally like taking a piece of dynamite and throwing it on a group of monsters >; )
#3 Nov 02 2004 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have the same feeling. But when I think about the beginning levels of FFXI, it's not too different.

I'm still trying to get used to the controls and the "culture". I'm still not sure when to group or how to find groups. I'm going to go play some more. I got my troll shaman up to level 5 before I decided to take a break.

I'm on test10 and my name is Pihkal for anyone interested. Send me a tell.
#4 Nov 03 2004 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
Genesiser wrote:
Ok, let me start off by saying I was really looking forward to this game, so much so I subscribed to File Planet yesterday just to get a chance to play the game as early as I could. Also let me point out that I had planned on dropping FFXI for this game, after hitting level 63 with my mnk the level grind was really getting to me so I was going to throw in the towel in hopes for greener pastures.
So I create my charcter and decide I'm going to sit down and just play for about 4 hours (which I did). After four hours and countless go-here talk to this guy quest, kill these and bring me item quests, go to this cave quests and, talk to this person then come back to me quests, I feel like thats all I do.
OK I'll admit maybe its just that I'm still real EARLY in to the game, but where is the main story, and is being an errand boy all there is to do in this game???
Please tell me its just because I'm in the initial stages of the game and it will change as I progress, because as it is now I'm really not impressed and was already bored after just a few hours (Even the initial awe of the game didn't last for more than an hour :( )
If it gets any different please let me know, I would like to give it a fair shot^^ much for some WoW fanboys saying "EQ2 quests sucks" in the EQ2 forums..looks like WoW is pretty much the same or even worse..
#5 Nov 03 2004 at 3:43 AM Rating: Good
1,430 posts
Get to level 20 and your first instance dungeon then the fun will begin! Hell, keep in mind that FFXI took countless hours before even touching the story...

By the way, what race are you? That usually decides what story you will be following.

On a side note, no rate downs, people. It's perfectly fine for some to not like the way things start off. Just continue your way and enjoy, Genesiser. I'm sure you'll get to something you'll enjoy ;)
#6 Nov 03 2004 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
386 posts
I've played for about 3 hours and I like the quests... At least I have some purpose to my killing. In FFXI I just run around killing to level up but in WoW I do it to help somebody out and lelveling is almost secondary.

I was so excited when I finished my first quest and got a peice of equipment that I could actually wear (that wasn't 10 levels outdated) and 250 bonus exp points. I like the fact that the game actually has some direction to it in the early levels. No, the story isn't great right now, but at least there is one. The story in FFXI is basically undescernable until around rank 5-6. You guys are talkingg about the story at level 5, you couldn't get to the story in FFXI until level 30 at least.
#7 Nov 03 2004 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,981 posts
Well while I haven't played WoW yet, I like the errand boy quests that give XP. It will be a nice break from killing 80 hares to get 1 level, only to turn around and kill 160 hares for the next.

As for story, tell me where the story was at that level in FFXI. No offense meant. In FFXI you got your story from missions (only higher level quests played in on the stories), and even then you didn't get anything you could call story till Rank 3 Dragon.
#8 Nov 03 2004 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
23 posts
Not impressed? Let's take FFXI's 'main' story into play. I was San d'orian so first mission kill orcs to get an axe? ok easy enough -- story of it? "The orcs are getting stronger" the gaurd says... sweet you couldn't tell by just walking out side the main gates and seeing FREAKING Fort Ghelsba like 18 Yards to the West. Heck the only real what i'd call missions where ones like killing the dragon and such... and going to the other country and refining ore before hand was just plain stupid. From the videos I've watched of WoW I have yet to see a quest that you could say 'gives the game meaning' or whatever. However I think this is because Blizzard is trying to save the 'real' missions/quests for Retail.

Not trying to flame or anything man, wouldn't have played Thief till 56 and Samurai to 44 if I didn't enjoy most of the game ^_^

But just remembering one fond memory of the 'main' missions for San d'oria... getting a Crystal Bass... I was like, "seriously? you want a fish? uh... ok I guess." After just running to the AH and popping up like 800 or something bam! done... wow I felt as though I had practically saved the world.

Edited, Wed Nov 3 08:31:50 2004 by Overcooked
#9 Nov 03 2004 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
FFXI quests are basically the same. Go get an object, bring it back.

In FFXI, you start your playing session have to decide:

1) Quest
2) EXP
3) Farm

Which do I do today?

In WoW, you start your playing session, don't have to decide between the 3 choices because you can do all 3 at once.

Well working on 3-4 quests all at the same time, I was getting experience (and not just measly experience, but good experience), getting the quest items and getting items to sell off for money.

And the quest rewards were items I could actually use. There are a couple pieces of equipment that I have now that are quest reward items.
#10 Nov 03 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
I must say that I trully enjoyed these first mini quests, and already in the beginning if you're an night elf (almsot typed elvaan there :P) you can do a bigger quest, the moonwells quest which makes you explore the entire zone and give you a nice story.

In FFXI I tried doing quests in the beginning but it just wasn't worth it, crappy rewards for items that are to hard to get. And everytime you say that you wanted to do quests for fame someon told you "wait untill lvl 30 and do the boyahda moss quest to max your fame" how fun was that? giving 2 million moss to 1 person and then have max fame.

The missions in FFXI aren't much of a story untill you start doing the zilart missions after having done mission 5-2 and killed shadow lord.
and the missions past rank 6 isn't much of a story, rather crappy actually (I'm rank 8).

shortly put i think wow>FFXI and I cant wait to play it more on my own stress BETA key ^^
#11 Nov 03 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
500 posts
Personally I prefer WoW's quest and exp system very, very much over FFXI's. While some of the quests and such in FFXI were interesting and kind of fun, they had menial rewards. Not that I'm expecting rewards, but doing the quests that take actual effort don't seem to matter in FFXI, because in the end you still need to haul a million kinds of one thing and trade over and over again to get fame. FFXI's quest system was unrealistic, imo. You get known for handing some guy cabbage 547894357 times, as opposed to being known for helping people out and doing actual things. Bleh.

I also really, really like how WoW doles out exp. In FFXI, questing went unnoticed because the only way to further your character, beyond killing things for quest items (which people rarely do and complain about anyway), was by level grinding. FFXI's quests differ from WoW's too, in many ways. In FFXI, we had to either get some item from the AH, or from a mob, and give it to someone. WoW's quests, from what I have seen, are basically a means to get you to explore the areas and get to know your surroundings. And you get exp for it. It's actually alot of fun, to me anyway. It encourages you to quest.

Which brings me to my next point; FFXI and WoW are both MMORPGs. Note the RPG in that. Role playing game. I didnt feel like I was roleplaying when I played FFXI, because I just did the same thing over and over. In WoW you explore, you act as your character doing things, and that's fun. It also seems like WoW's questing and such takes actual stragety, whereas FFXI seems to take merely loads of patience.

Keep in mind, that these are all matters of preference. I know there are tons of people that prefer FFXI's way of doing things, and I think that's great. If you don't like how WoW works, don't play it. Play for a bit, and when you get a considerable distance, if you don't want to play, don't play. It's all a matter of preference. Some people like questing and exploring to go farther in the game, and some like level grinding. Neither is wrong. They are just two different preferences, for two different games.

I doubt at level 10 you have seen enough of the game to make a completely informed judgement, but then again perhaps you have. What you do is up to you, just find something you like. See what you think of WoW after playing a bit more, or if you know you dislike it now, then quit. It might not just be for you.

If you don't like WoW but still want to quit FFXI, you should try out EQ2 when you can. From what I hear it's alot closer to FFXI than WoW is, without as many of FFXI's downfalls. If anyone could give a comparison of WoW, FFXI and EQ2 that would be great.

Sorry for talking alot, I'm bored. o_O
#12 Nov 03 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
224 posts
I know I'm not the only one who feels this way but, FFXI's quest system blew hardcore. Half of the time, you could buy the necessary items from AH, the other half, you had to go farm (Zzzz..) monsters for hours upon hours until the POS dropped. Then, after you finally get it, what's your reward? A few rank points? Fame? Wow thanks!! Garbage.

I know I'm really not one to talk, since I haven't even played WoW yet (my CC was declined by Fileplanet ;_;), but just based on the things I've read, how in WoW you get experience off of doing quests, it seems 100 times better. Let's not forget our roots people. I for one enjoyed going to different towns and reading the story line in the previous FF games, and all other RPGs I've played for that matter.

When I take a look back at FFVII for example, the fun didn't come out of trying to get my party to level 99 so I could destroy Sephiroth in the final battle(s), the fun was everything before that. Hell, even Diablo 2's quests were better than FFXI's, and that's hella out-dated. You'd think they'd have some better ideas by now.

My point is, (Flame me/rate me down all you want, my rating is already crap because of the SOBs on the FFXI forums because I don't praise god for blessing us with FFXI every post)- SE f**ked up, and my faith is left in Blizzard. They have yet to disappoint me, other than making me wait ridiculous amounts of time to play they're incredible games.
#13 Nov 03 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
10,755 posts
Questing will always be questing, in any MMORPG. They all require the same things. The best indication is the result of completing the quest, the reward. FFXI was ridiculous in that walking around to finish a simple 50 gil quest could take 30 minutes of walking through 3 zones of one town!

You want sucky quests? Try L2. You want me to collect 50 wolf hides for an item that can be dropped when I get killed? Smiley: banghead

It gets much better. I had a serious problem with the storyline of FFXI. It doesn't even get remotely interesting until lvl 55ish when you hit Rank 6.

Besides...doing the dance emote is just fantastic.
#14 Nov 03 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
79 posts
Couple things, if you don't like questing then don't do it. You can grind away on mobs if you like.

During the early LVL's alot of emphasis is placed on questing in this game. It may seem like you are doing same ol same ol but if you look around the quests are geared to help you explorer the world. For instance one of the first quests you do is to find your class trainer. I lost count of how many times I hear people asking where their class trainer is.

You will not really be your class until you hit LVL 10. After LVL 10 you get your traits and alot more spells and skills open up to you.

The questing slows down afterwhile, mobs and dungeons become harder and harder. You can solo theses areas with the exception of insta's but it takes longer to do. Having a group is better at later LVL's if you are questing. Blizzard has geared the quests so that everyone in the group achives the goal at the same time. So if you have to kill an epic mob you dont hafta camp him for hours on end or sometimes days on end to complete the quest or hope you get a certain drop off him.

As for storyline, I have noticed that each area of the world has its own little story. And if you pay careful attention and don't click through quest dialoge and accually read it. Some of it gets to be damn interesting. I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I won't post details :)

Have fun with the game, give it a fair honest shake. I have been playing MMORPG's for a very long time and have been around the block more than once. I can assure you that in MHO WoW if by far one of the best MMORPG's out there. And is by far the best I have played to date.

P.S. The sincher for me was when I hit LVL 30 and tried to cross the Burning Waistland and a Obsidian Golem crawled out of a lava pool as I walked by and handed me my a$$. Should been there it was great, the graphics were phenominal and I laughed so hard I fell outta my chair.

Edited, Wed Nov 3 13:15:28 2004 by Wolfsfable
#15 Nov 03 2004 at 1:53 PM Rating: Default
And, the ultimate clincher. The Open beta coming avaliable to all next week means you get to play the game and make your decision without shelling out the initial 50bucks to buy it. Also, try the crafting system out. Its setup in such a way that you can pick your gathering/crafting skills and get components while you hunt.

I'm playing a druid, so I took up leather working/skinning. Every beast type animal I kill (or that someone else killed, looted, and left) I skin. Heck! You can even hunt down and kill bunnies and deer for leather, what fun. This can be used to gain extra cash (that many more item drops to sell to merchant) and i can turn the leather pieces into armor kits that raise the defense on my equipment (which i can also sell). The only thing this requires is a skinning knife, and takes just a few extra seconds of my time, and i dont even have to go out of my way.

With mining/gathering for engineering/smithing/alchemy you can do the same. Just gather components that you come accross while doing other things, use them yourself or sell them for additional income. And at the lower lvls many of these things can be used to make decently functional items.
#16 Nov 03 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
445 posts
My 2 cents:

- I love the fact that you are rewarded for adventuring. Running around aimlessly and exploring new areas gives you EXP!

- You can farm, craft, exp and quest all at the same time. Nothing more needs to be said.


Now, I did love to play FFXI but found that dedicating a LARGE part of my life to it wasn't really what I wanted. From what I've seen so far (I have a level 8 Paladin, level 9 Druid, and took a mage, warrior and rouge each to 5 before deleting them) is that it isn't necessary to devote your life to WoW. Things in the beginning aren't really that bad making it friendly to the newbie. I've heard that it gets deeper as you go along, which is also a good thing.

WoW gets my vote (and my money when it goes retail).

#17 Nov 03 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
On the quests, only level 5 here so far, but I see a decent diversity in quests. They move you through to different areas of the game, you see new monsters, towns, npc s and monsters. In EQ2 they 'force' you into a 20 minute tutorial that is pretty lame. In WoW, they put you in a 10 level tutorial that is actually decently fun. You learn areas, play controls, and some story lines. Also, in WoW it all about options. You don't have to group, quest, solo, do tradeskills, etc., unless you want to. I have heard WoW slammed for not offering enough options, but my experience with games like EQ2 is they are far too restrictive. You must kill mob X, talk to Y, etc.

Again, using an EQ comparison (EQ live this time). Epic quests didn't come in till about level 50. Armor quests (the it doesn't suck armor quests) came in about 30s. (Although EQlive did add newbie quests a couple years ago). I think overall, from my very limited look at the game, it is very nice. Plan on spending 20 levels doing similar type quests while you learn the lay of the land and how to play (probably solo or small group). Spend another 20 on instanced dungeons and grouping, and decent solo options. At 40 get a horse and start really moving out till the wilderness alone and in groups, doing more expansive quests. At 60 raid some, solo some, group some, and wait for those expansions :).

For me the number one selling point for WoW is they don't make me play their way, they let me play my way.
#18 Nov 03 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I like the quests so far, at least at the beginning the quest are approperiate to your lvl, you get good xp and they're not far away from the current zone. By the time you finished the quest you already gained a few lvl and ready to move on to next area. Well I didn't feel like finishing all the quests, I just picked some and explore the area. Have you noticed that you gain xp everytime you found a new area or certain npcs? These quests does given for very good purpose, explore the area, gain xp, gain equip and money. I also like the way trade skills are lvled very much-- so much easier than FFXI.
#19 Nov 03 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
well i'll admit here lately i have been interested in and reading the forums of L2 and WoW. mainly because i was considering playing a game where i could do PvP. i didnt plan on leaving FF of course just playing both games. so far what i have found is this.

reasons people like the above games more than FFXI:
-soloable and easier to gain xp/level up
-money can be made while xping, not just farming.
-quest are more rewarding because they give xp.

after reading all this i have decided that people will soon complain because it was to easy to reach the level cap(wheres the fun in being high levle if everyone and his mom can get there easily). prices will be expensive for items because the money value will be similar to that of mexico's vs that of the u.s.
and add that to the fact that i dont play MMORPGs to solo, i play to experience the game with other people, i dont guess i'll be playing WoW or L2. also i downloaded some videos of WoW and it was cool they were flying on dragons and such but the graphics just looked a bit to claymation for me.
#20 Nov 03 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
My advice is dont waste your money on Lineage 2, if you like grinding your eyes out, watching bots get rich, overpriced item tiers, need to have a dwarf to get money, have chinese Kill and/or KS you whenever possible, than by all means get L2. But my advice is not to waste your time. I played the game like 400+ hours lol, it sucks believe me.
#21 Nov 03 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts

Solo, does not necessarily mean "playing solo with no interaction with other people". What solo means is that you can kill monster by yourself without any help.

Sometimes you just want to go out and get some exp, but don't have the time to form a party. So you go out and kill some stuff by yourself.

That's what solo means. The ability to kill exp-giving monsters on your own.

It doesn't mean playing by yourself.
#22 Nov 03 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
i will still give WoW a shot, but just from what i have read i dont think i'll like it.

also i think that your enjoyment of FFXI at higher levels depends on the friendships you have made in your eairlier stages. for example i joined a LS very long ago and although the 50's suck *** and af quest can be a pain we all worked through it together.
i have probably gathered 15 papyrus papers (i helped an old friend and some of his friends that i didnt know get 5 papers last night, i was the only one over level 50 so it was a grueling process for me but when it was all over i felt good about what i had done.) personally i am griding through the 60's right now. while the 31k xp to level isnt fun, it feels very good to ding now much more so than when i was in the 30's or 40's. and the thought of hitting level 75 and killing kirin keeps me going.

Edited, Wed Nov 3 16:59:35 2004 by NinjitsuSan
#23 Nov 03 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
The key thing to remember is that the servers are heavily overpopulated in the low-level areas right now, so quests don't have anywhere near the feel they would normally. I personally would not base my opinion too heavily on the way the game actually plays when there are over 200 people in each of Dun Morogh, Tirisfal, Durotar, etc.

Also, if you're some level 1 recruit, do you really think they're going to give you the real juicy missions? In a few areas, they actually give you a couple - undead you capture Scarlet Monastery attack plans and fight back, human you start uncovering the plot of the Defias, i.e.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#24 Nov 03 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
Also L2 is a grind fest, one of the worst known to man kind really really bad.

As for the economy, look how ffxi economy is completely manipulated, even more due to gil sellers.

in WOW most rare items are soulbinded items (rare/ex inffxi words) which means these items will not flood the ah in wow and no one cannot abuse and manipulate them. the ah will be more for crafted items by the players themselves and is very stable.

(in the early closed beta, rare items where not soulbinded and thus affected the ah and the economy bigtime.)

By checking your profiles i can see you must have spent countless days to get the gil to get the items you got or killed the nm/s and crafed. Just ask yourself was it "fun" to farm for days or craft for days or camp nm for days?
No and you know it.
You where only determined to get those items toseperate you from all the onther ninjas out there. and it was that sole determination that made you camp nms, farm, and craft for a darn long time.
I know this well since i did the same when in ffxi. I raised ym cooking to 50 and leather craft to 55 and couldnt even tolerate hour of camping.
Also I got sick of camping in the same place for HOurs KIlling the same mob Over and Over and Over.

#25 Nov 03 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I think money is not that easy in WoW, a lot of things takes money, things like train skills buy recipes and material..
Yes xp is faster, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll cap lvl in one month, no it's not that fast. But it's not like FFXI, after one year I don't even have 1 job capped.
I think Solo should mean you're able to kill mobs at the same level with you. You can still party to kill tougher mobs. In FFXI, this is not possible unless you're bst. I think it's nice that we have the choice to play by ourself or other players. I haven't partied yet, but I think the job requirement is not as strick as FFXI.
#26 Nov 03 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
What the heck guys, I appreciate all of your responses and decided I should give it a fair shot. Perhaps after all the months that I have been playing FFXI I have just grown accustomed to that style of game (Granted it was my first MMORPG, I always thought of them as dorky and a time sink, only decided to play cause my brothers had bugged me to play and I had a friend move to Japan and it was our main way of communicating^^)
Like I just said, since FFXI being my first game of this style, that style is the only one I know of. Also from what I hear it really takes about a week to get the feel of a game like this, and I figure what the heck, I got it for atleast another week and a half so I should get the most out of it. If I dont like it I just wont buy the retail version.
Once again thanks guys, maybe I'll get used to the way it plays and decide to stick with it^^

P.S. Did I really deserve to be rated down?
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