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MMo slang For FFXI players and new players to MMO'sFollow

#1 Sep 08 2004 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
1,124 posts
I have seen some posts wondering what some of the general slang used in other games mean. Since FFXi has a slang of its own. here is some general slang used in many mmos.

Mez- Debuff the enemy. weaken the enemys stats and confuse
REZ- revive
Ding- lv up
Root- sleep spells, stun, or any spell that prevents enemy movement.
RVR - realm vs realm (few games use this)
PVP- player vs player (well known in every game that supports it.
PK - player Kill
PvE- Player vs enemy (controlled by the computer) FFxi is a pve game and some games have servers that support PVE only if PVP is unwanted.
End - for endurance. " i need end" "can you cast a end spell (or song"
Crack- used in some games, crack usually stands for mp(or mana)
usually used when mages need mp or ask for a mp giving spell (like refresh in ffxi) " i need some crack"
Tank - generally used in all mmos refers to the player who will keep the enemy focused on him and is capable of withstanding blows, aslo known as meat shields.
Hybird- this is used to refer to classes that arte a mix of other general classes.
group- unlike ffxi that uses the term "party" all other MMos use Group. using looking for party in another mmo will confuse people so dont use it.
LFG- looking for group (has been seen in ffxi)
C- copper, currency in many games, this is the lowest form of currency usually 100 c = 1 s still considered newbie money usually 100s = 1g
G gold, currency in many games, mid end to high en currency depending on game.
M - mithril, anyother type of currency usually this is high end currency and having just 1 means ur rich.
P- platnum, another type of currency. Highest lv of currency in many games having 1 means your prob one of the richest in the games, having several is a sighn that your a master crafter.
S- silver ,currency in many games.

Used mostly in all mmos to refer to places to go.(slang used in ffxi will be sandy for sandoria its different in other mmos)ex. " letsgroup at DF" df standing for DAOC's PVP dongeon Darkness Falls)

Most games have a color code to know the if the enemy is strong or weak. colors vary per game. whats common is the word.....

Con. ex " The enemy Cons yellow to me" Look out thes enemy cons red"


okok thats a small share of slang, feel free to add more as i do more reaserch (i gotta beef up my slang too) hope this helps and i ask vet players(who played tons of mmos) to add other slang that is universally used.
#2 Sep 08 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Some more to add:

Griefer: a high level person who takes joy from killing someone lower level then him

Rez-Killer: someone that will kill a weakened opponent after they have been ressurected

Rez: ressurected, brought back to life. "I need a rez" = "I need to be ressurected"

Camp: place where your party gathers and pulls monsters to for killing

Camping: used in reference to someone that is in one spot and not moving, usually staying to get a high level mob or good drop. "That person is camping that mob".

Mob: another word for monster

Add: used in reference to an additional monster pulled to the group. "Watch out, I have an add"

Pop: used in reference to when a monster, that is set to appear on a timer, reappears in the game.

Spawn: similar to pop

Spawn Point: area where a monster is known to "pop"

Buff: word used to mean any spell/item effect used on character that increases his/her stats

Debuff: word used to mean any spell/item effect used on character and/or monster that decreases his/her stats

Edited, Wed Sep 8 18:18:33 2004 by SeomanP
#3 Sep 08 2004 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
Thank you thank you. ( i knew that blunt object did substancial damage to my memory damn my wife and her cast iron frying pan.)

Rate up for the contribution!!
#4 Sep 08 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Forgot some.

"Kill Steal": this is used in reference to when someone else comes along and finishes off the monster you had been fighting. In some games, this means they get the loot. also used in reference to when someone is going after a monster and someone comes out of the blue and takes the monster when it was obvious the first person was going for it.

Claimed: used to mean that someone (or group) has taken the monster in question and no one else can attack it.

Aggro: Used to decribe the monsters aggression/hate. Also means that the mob's attention has been taken by the player. "I was wandering by and the monster aggroed me." "Let me get aggro then you attack."

Hate: hate is what you get when you get the monsters aggro. The tank of the group wants the monsters hate so the monster does not attack any other members of party.

Support: used in reference to any job that has buffs/debuffs that will are not aggressive or defensive but aid the party in some other way.

Gimped/Nerfed: Used to describe someone that is weaker then another. Used to describe someone's equipment that is underleveled. "That level 20 using level 5 gear is gimped." Note: may be considered offensive to others. Use at own risk.

R*ped: Word that is offensive outside of game usage. Used in reference to a monster totally decimating a person or group. "That Monster totally R*ped us." Note: considered very offensive by some. Use at own risk.

Stats: Shortened form of statistics. Means the values that makes up a characters strengths and weaknesses.

Mule: This refers to a secondary character that is used for purposes other then questing/leveling/fighting. In some MMORPGS this is a storage only character, used to store items that the player wants to keep but doesn't have enough space in main characters storage. In some MMORPGS this refers to a character who's sole purpose is to craft items. "I'll be right back, that sword is on my Mule."

Main: Used to refer to a player's main character. The one they play the most. "My main is a Night Elf Hunter."

Edited, Wed Sep 8 19:31:42 2004 by SeomanP
#5 Sep 08 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Camping: used in reference to someone that is in one spot and not moving, usually staying to get a high level mob or good drop. "That person is camping that mob".

Griefer: a high level person who takes joy from killing someone lower level then him

Combine these 2 to make the most dreaded, annoying and most unhonorable gamer in any MMO that involves pvp: The Camping griefer.

Camping Griefer: A high level that enjoys killing low level players and camp their corpses to kill them again when they respawn.
#6 Sep 08 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Redmoonxl wrote:

Camping Griefer: A high level that enjoys killing low level players and camp their corpses to kill them again when they respawn.

Rez-killer is what we called 'em in UO.
#7 Sep 08 2004 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
Camping Griefer: A high level that enjoys killing low level players and camp their corpses to kill them again when they respawn.

I know in daoc they use this and they use rez killer. Heard em both.

one we all forgot.

Pet- This is a creature that is either summoned or charmed. you cannot control the pets movement, however you can control the pets commands. Most classes that have pets will use them in a few ways, the most common are these.

Tank: the caster well command thier pet to attack a target and let it gain hate, the caster might heal their pets in the meantime, once enough hate is generated the caster will either engage in melee to assist of bomb it with spells.
Diversion: The caster sends the pet to its doom so the caster can get away.

secondary attacker1: here the caster will engage the enemy with dot spells or strong attacks to gain aggro, the pet will freely do its bidding.
2: The caster engages 2 enemies by mistak ,however is capable to take them both down, here the caster will command their pet to engage 1 target while the caster atempts to dispatch the other before their pet dies.

KK i believe theres more.
#8 Sep 08 2004 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts

Assist: This means to help out the tank. "Assist on me."

Med: Meditate. Means to regain MP.

Zone: Couple different meanings to this one:
1) Common to all games: Used to reference an area. A city is a zone, a dungeon is a zone.
2) In some MMORPGS: zone is used to mean run to where the areas meet. In some MMORPGS the different areas are on different servers, zone is what happens when you go from area to area. "We have an add, ZONE!!"

Ghetto Warp/Blood Warp: Only usable in some games. Means to let yourself die so you can "warp" to a starting area.

RP: Role-Playing. Means that the players role-play their race/job class. Useage of common net terms (lol, brb, afk, gtg) are not allowed. "This is a RP guild." "This is a RP server."

Drop: Used to refer to the loot that a monster leaves behind when killed. "Is this item a drop or crafted?"

Pull: To go out, find a monster and bring it back to the group to kill. The person that does this is referred to as the "puller".

Train: When a person runs thru a zone and aggros all the monsters they run by, this is called a train. In FFXI there came about a new term called "Train Farming". This is where a high level character goes to a low level zone and trains as many mobs as they can and uses an AOE (see below) spell to kill the train.

TNL: To Next Level. How much experience is needed to get to the next level.

Cap: When a skill level gets maxed out, it is capped. More training or experience is needed to get to the next level.

AOE: Area of Effect. A spell or item or weapon that has an effect that affects an area, not just a single enemy.

DOT: Damage Over Time. A spell or item or weapon that has an effect that takes place over a span of time. Poison is an example of a DOT spell.
#9 Sep 09 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
14,326 posts

Nuke: Used in reference when a mage casts high damaging spells. The mage is referred to as the "nuker".

Static: Used in reference to a group of people that always groups together.

Pick-Up Party: A party/group formed at that time. The group leader looks around for people looking to group and starts inviting them based on class/location. Group usually meeting eachother for first time.
#10 Sep 09 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
One that will probably be heard alot in WoW, but not in many other MMO's:

Creep - same as Mob :P
#11 Sep 09 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
general internet stuff:
AFK - away from keyboard
BRB - be right back
BBL/BBS - be back later/soon
GGP - gotta go pee
bio - same as above
heh - a laugh
LOL - laughing out loud (also used: ROFL and LMAO)
GDI - goddamit
GFDI - take a guess.
WTF - what the...heck
AFAIK - as far as I know
FWIW - for what it's worth
OFC - of course
kk - ok
plz to XXX k thx la~ - could you please XXX?
keke - laughter, Asian version of 'hehe'

game stuff:
CC - crowd control
MA - main assist (person who chooses targets, usually the MT)
MT - main tank (person who tries to take brunt of damage)
SP - silver pieces, skill points
GY - graveyard
regen - regeneration
DoT - damage over time
HoT - heal over time
1. damage per second; the rate at which you deal damage
2. a person whose only role in a group is to deal damage
gu - discussion occuring in guild chat channel. in /gu...
ZI - zone-in; entrance area
ZO - zone-out; exit area, usually same as ZI
train -
1. a large group of angry creatures chasing someone
2. an overpull
3. the act of creating a train, usually by blindly running past hostile creatures
4. the act of running past somebody with a train, training
pull - the act of bringing at least one creature to your waiting party; what monks call trains
puller - the person who does the pulling (duh)
overpull - when too many creatures come at once
backspawn - when you are fighting in an area, and creatures spawn on top of you
KS - short for killsteal
alt - alternate character, character other than one's main
AE - same as AOE.
port, TP - teleport
gate - return to your home (spawn) point, by some means other than death
PL - power-level, the act of unnaturally raising your experience level quickly through outside intervention
twink - a character with expensive equipment he could not have afforded himself
BAF - bring a friend
tell - a private message to a given player; a whisper
who - a search on player characters, /who priest 50-55
(holy) trinity - a tank, a healer, and a person for crowd control, considered by many to be the essence of any group
DD -
1. direct damage
2. damage dealer
LD - linkdead, loss of connection
lag - packet loss that causes the game to perform erratically or delayed
noob - (also newb, newbie, and n00b)
1. someone who acts clueless, or does something stupid
2. someone who is new to the game (true noob)

definitions here I contest or want to add to:
Crack is a term used for clarity in Everquest, which is a mana regeneration buff.
Group, while accurate in nearly every other game, is not the term in WoW. WoW uses party.
copper, silver, mithril, platinum are abbreviated CP, SP, (GP for gold) and PP. Not just C, S, G and P. At least as far as I've seen anyway, but I've never heard of mithril currency. Edit: actually, I have seen single letters when they follow a number, such as 5g or 30s.
Spawn can mean the act of a creature spawning, or it can refer to the creature itself. A "three-spawn" is a cluster of three creatures.

Hate refers to what you have done to a creature to anger it. Called threat in WoW terminology.
1. The initial (possibly unintentional) pulling of a creature
2. Hate, as above.
3. Having the creature's attention.

Nerfing - the act of making something less powerful, usually with respect to player abilities being changed by the game designer
assist -
1. to attack somebody else's target
2. the person whom you are supposed to assist, main assist
3. what players doing crowd control yell when you don't assist, GFDI

Edited, Thu Sep 9 17:34:03 2004 by Azuarc
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#12 Sep 09 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
DPS = Damage per second

carebear = Offensive word for someone who doesn't like pvp. Also known as a bluebie.

no rm = No rematch. originally from wc3, now used for pvp.

gg = good game
#13 Sep 09 2004 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts

It never ceases to amaze me at the number of people flocking to the bandwagon that is MMOs. FFXI brought all the FF fanboy/girls to the genre now WoW will bring the Blizzard fanboy/girls.

I've been playing these games since EQ (didn't have the money during the UO heyday), and it just boggles my mind at how many people jump into this genre of games not reading or researching I hope this post will help them not make complete idiots of themselves, god knows there are enough MMO *veterens* that do this all on their own =P.
#14 Sep 10 2004 at 12:07 AM Rating: Good
469 posts
I wouldn't call it a bandwagon.
#15 Sep 10 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
fId pretty much say that if people arent playing an MMO already than theres a small chance they will start now.
#16 Sep 10 2004 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
it just boggles my mind at how many people jump into this genre of games not reading or researching anything

I started playing Everquest because a friend that had played briefly once before to about level 10 decided to try again, and he didn't want to play alone. I knew not a GD thing about the game, and I did absolutely no research. I just blindly stumbled through. I started a month or two after Velious.

All I can say about people that are "on the bandwagon" is that they just simply didn't discover the genre, or weren't compelled earlier. Non-computer owners were lured in by Square and their console-based game. Blizzard has a hearty on-line fanbase that played the RTS games, but also Diablo which is sort of an RPG, even though it isn't an MMO, and I can see dedicated people playing that game *might* want to play other extremely demanding games of a different nature.

I'm not really sure I would call it a bandwagon. It's just been popularized for people who aren't D&D nerds living in their parents' cellars, or however the stereotype goes.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#17 Sep 12 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
#18 Sep 12 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
arimer wrote:
fId pretty much say that if people arent playing an MMO already than theres a small chance they will start now.

Actually, games like FFXI and WoW bring in alot of people that haven't played MMOs.

FFXI, with it's PS2 use ability, brings in people that are pure game console players.

MMOs that don't have a basis in other games, those are usually the ones that only attract other MMO players.

Although, I never understood the attraction of FFXI to the FF game series players. There was no connection, besides some minor things (chocobos and some job names). It didn't exist in the same world. It just had the FF name.

I heard alot "I play FFXI cause I love the FF series." But FFXI wasn't like any of the previous FF games.

Oh well.

At least WoW has the same world, races, etc.. and takes place after the last Warcraft game. So there is some connection besides name.
#19 Sep 13 2004 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Mez- Debuff the enemy. weaken the enemys stats and confuse
PvE- Player vs enemy (controlled by the computer) FFxi is a pve game and some games have servers that support PVE only if PVP is unwanted.

Mez - to incapacitate a mob/player as a means of crowd control, ie. sleep type spells; short of mesmerize.

PvE - Player vs Environment. definition is pretty much the same, but i've never heard this referred to as 'player vs enemy'.. even pvp could be considered player vs enemy since they are your enemy :P.

can't believe no one has added these yet.. heh

PC - Player Character. the character you and other real life players control.

NPC - Non Player Character. system controlled characters, usually only used for vendors, quest givers, other non-monster flavor mobs.

mob - system controlled creature/npc; short for mobile object, an old MUD term. generally used for all monsters and creatures.

Edited, Mon Sep 13 05:07:51 2004 by szordryn
#20 Sep 13 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
Although, I never understood the attraction of FFXI to the FF game series players. There was no connection, besides some minor things (chocobos and some job names). It didn't exist in the same world. It just had the FF name.

With the exception, arguably, of FFX and FFX2, there is nothing consistent from game to game in Final Fantasy besides chocobos and other trademark items.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
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