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LIVE Letter (05/24/2014) Summary and ScreenshotsFollow

#52 May 27 2014 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Nashred wrote:

What is your problem?
What I am saying is before the last patch I played almost every day and pretty much most of the night... Now I get on a very little and this update wont fix that.. Period that is all I am saying. If something substantial does not come out soon I may stop for a while period ...

All your typing does not change how I feel about the game. It my personal opinion....

Here, a TL;DL version for you, without even altering what I said.


There is so much to challenge in a simple generalizing statement that it makes it very hard for me to even engage conversation, when you try to put new content in question. Honestly, however, as I stated before, it just feels like you two are not playing to your appropriate style. You prefer your content in large chunks and don't wish to revisit things. I feel as if your time and money would be best spent elsewhere until an expansion comes out, and you can consume content to your hearts content when you return, and when you're done there, you can leave again, spend your subscription costs on new games coming out, and return again.

Nothing wrong with this playstyle, I genuinely believe you guys will be happier for it.

#53 May 27 2014 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
2,232 posts
No I haven't cleared Turn 5 or Titan EX. I've tried. Well over 200 times combined. And that's not an exaggeration. It's lost the challenge feel to me and now feels more like the stupid thing I do to myself because I don't know any better. Like I'm a battered boyfriend or something.

I'd love to unsubscribe but SE auto subbed me for 6 months so I'm stuck.

I'm taking a nice 2 week break though.

And I think you may be right. I don't think MMOs may be the genre for me. I certainly don't think this community is the place for me any longer.


Edited, May 27th 2014 7:04pm by LebargeX
#54 May 27 2014 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Theonehio wrote:

Depending on your datacenter

There must be some pretty horrible data centers out there. I've never run into this issue.


Direct statement from Yoshida and Community observation, not only from ARR but MMOs in general, so it's not groundless...

Misunderstood my statement. The insinuation that accessibility automatically equates to lack of depth in content is where you're being jaded and groundless, or that the content is in fact, accessable to everyone.

ands and Oils of Time would like to have a word with about these last three months.

These are accessible to everyone as no one is barred from this unless they simply can't get past content and quite honestly, if you still can't get past T5 and been trying to, even with 15% buff..this definitely shouldn't be accessible to you, and I mean "you" as a general statement, hence why it's a reason they're adding it to CT2.

Actually, they barred from the content, it is inaccessible to then. This is the CoP argument all over agian. But yes, they should be hadding it to CT2, and should have had alternatives before CT2 came out, in my opinion. The fact that they stopped Echo at 15% was also a frustration to me. There are factors impeding execution that are not matters of lack of player skill. This is clearly identified to our group by Titan, who, right now, is still struggling due to lack issues. A single miss-timed Divebomb in Twintania can also whipe the party.

Well, would SE be able to sustain ARR on the RP community? There's a lot more people who'd prefer higher functionality than those who just want RP fodder, which is my point that Housing and Individual housing is pretty pointless currently, they really do nothing for your gameplay, which is why they're setting out to add items that gives buffs akin to FFXI furniture in concept (place item, get buff from it.)

The game won't sustain itself on its hardcore community alone either, nor those who purely enjoy crafting. Your argument is a red herring. Not all content released will appeal to all peoples, or even most peoples. Some aspects of a game does not do anything for your gamplay or progression. Ex. - Vanity systems, minions, Hildebrand side-quests and so forth. Not all of this game has to deal with your character's bottom line to be considered valid content. Not everyone wants to touch Coil either, which is why there was an outcry to find end-tier gear elsewhere.

That does not make Coil Useless because some people don't want to high-end raid. The exact same policy applies here. Different playstyles are being appealed to in different content update. Your mileage on them will vary - the validity of that content is not based on which niche is better than another. That sort of logic is a quick way to ignite my temperament.


Technically, no. It was in the dats since 2010, it was originally a trap user and mechanical staff user, so we knew Arcanist would be coming sooner or later but it was reworked. The Jobs also had data in the .dats which weren't specifically tagged as such (e.g DRG) but we knew already, also Jobs in this game are specializations more so than actual new entities.

The Arcanist in ARR is a combination of everything 1.0 THM and CNJ but with a pet, so it is yet isn't new at the same time. THM had even more DoTs than ACN does lol. So 4 years later we're finally hearing about potentially Musketeer, something that was actually "new" in comparison to the other classes existing.

Calling Bullsh*t. Citation absolutely needed on this statement. First off, Musketeer Guild was something that existed in 1.0 version, just unused.

Additionally, unused content that is not released is not a valid form of argument against release scheduling. We recreated all of the out and existing classes twice over in the peirod between 1.0 and now. First was the reconstruction previous to the release of the Job system, which no, it did not exist prior to release. The skills you're referring to were unused raw dats with no stats adhered to them and the skills were renamed and purposed before release. They had about as much 'content' to them as the dats in FFXI that remained unused for years and years on end.

Additionally there are all of two abilities, from the launch version of FFXIV, Thaumaturge or Conjurer, that are actually utilized in Arcanist's Kit. That is Bio/II, and Resurrection from Thaumaturge. No other ability carries over directly. See for yourself if you think I'm kidding. I have this stuff for reference. The second closest call you can possibly make was a combination of Syphon MP and HP spells turned into the Energy Drain skill.

It's blatant misinformation to state that Arcanist is what was pulled away from THM and CNJ. The skillset is nowhere similar to either of them.


This is the other issue, Yoshi has said himself he doesn't want new people starting to get so far behind or there to be such a huge gap between old and new players which is why the content design is what it is, so it wasn't just a baseless statement, people will cry if x,y,z isn't accessible to everyone which is why they moved Sands/Oils to additional areas since CT will be far more accessible (unless they throw a curve ball) and on the off hand, extends the life of that content through 2.4.

Given that there is already pictured released of CT specific Gear, it's likely that Sands/Oils will be contested drops with a good bit of rarity to them. Not that I'm complaining about the additional accessibility, but the realism here is that 'accessibility' took a substantial hit in the last patch, and the current comments don't seem to have it improve even with the next patch.

But yeah, it is kinda baseless. Accessibility has nothing to do with depth of the Chocobo system, at all. Its potential will be hampered more by the extent of work than can/will put into it than the whole accessibility excuse. My thoughts is that it will be simplistic to start, and then be expanded upon, like every other system created thus far.


This depends, since like any MMO, the "hardcore" won't complain even if they are, they're too focused on trying to get "world first", doesn't mean they're always having fun or satisfied, some do it out of commitment. Not to say no one has fun doing that, but you won't always hear it because some treat it like work and whether you're bored of work or not, you have to do it. The only ones I've honestly seen that would ignore content are those who want to "have a lot to do and take it at my pace" and are 2-4+ patches behind, aside that I usually see people who go through content fairly quickly after patch goes live and only the farmable content survives or the locked out content, e.g coil/ct. Primals do serve a purpose, but you're not going to see anymore hardcore push to do them once you're done with Relic (no reason to ever have primal weapons, Titan's being debatable until Zenith) and Extreme Primals those weapons are ok, but in some instances, Allagan (T5) is better, but even that is weekly lockout, so it's lasting artificially.

"Artificially" is a misnomer Content in use is content in use. There's no artificial at all. Also, Tiers 1-5 are not weekly lockouts. Second Coil is. Not a fan of the try lockouts, I would be ok with Loot Lockouts.


This is what I hope for but what I mean by it being maimed out the gate. This is why our barding does nothing special, he doesn't want to create ANY kind of gap that can potentially show up.

So while not to the point of having a useless choco, having varied chocos beyond color will never happen unless of course by some magical fairy spell Yoshi changes his mind we'll actually get special chocos from breeding, but it will probably be a glorified "reset button" for our companion.

What is the obsession of having an impact on gameplay performance? *sigh* I'm done. It's all about the numbers...

Edited, May 27th 2014 11:42pm by Hyrist
#55 May 27 2014 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
LebargeX wrote:
No I haven't cleared Turn 5 or Titan EX. I've tried. Well over 200 times combined. And that's not an exaggeration. It's lost the challenge feel to me and now feels more like the stupid thing I do to myself because I don't know any better. Like I'm a battered boyfriend or something.

I'd love to unsubscribe but SE auto subbed me for 6 months so I'm stuck.

I'm taking a nice 2 week break though.

And I think you may be right. I don't think MMOs may be the genre for me. I certainly don't think this community is the place for me any longer.


Edited, May 27th 2014 7:04pm by LebargeX

I don't speak for the community. I speak for myself. I've no problem with you here, or your opinions. I actually like comparing opposing opinions and viewpoints, when they're expressed just as that.

Just don't try to speak for me by labeling subjective options as facts. Ultimately, that is what trips me. Stating there's nothing to do or that there's no staying power in something is no where near saying "This stuff is just going to bore me quickly." Saying that is absolutely fine and I understand that. I don't share the viewpoint, but I understand that.

Honestly, I feel you on Titan and Turn 5. For the sake of commiseration, where are you getting caught on each? Right now, for Titan at least, we're resigning on switching our raid night to try to avoid the lag spikes on monday/tuesday. Turn 5, we're trying to finish the snake after the divebombs in time, getting the dodging the divebombs down, lag permitting. Even to the point where people who get hit know how to recover now.

Edited, May 28th 2014 12:08am by Hyrist
#56 May 28 2014 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
God no, titles are going to be displayed under names in 2.28....

Be ready for:

                  Rargoijaerig Avjoaiff 
        <<Random Title that's super super long>> 
            [Unoriginal Freecompany #344433] 
                           ___(  )_/ 
                              /   \ 

It's going to be hell simply walking around town with mountains of text... I wish they didnt do this.

Edited, May 28th 2014 8:09am by KojiroSoma
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#57 May 28 2014 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Will never really understand why some advocate stepping away from any given game for an extended period. The odds they'll never come back seems far greater than being lured back by new content because there's no real personal association to be had. But I'm also someone that wants some more meat variety and less fluff. So, I'm pretty much at odds with Yoshi's vision by default.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#58 May 28 2014 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
KojiroSoma wrote:
God no, titles are going to be displayed under names in 2.28....

Be ready for:

                  Rargoijaerig Avjoaiff 
        <<Random Title that's super super long>> 
            [Unoriginal Freecompany #344433] 
                           ___(  )_/ 
                              /   \ 

It's going to be hell simply walking around town with mountains of text... I wish they didnt do this.

Titles will actually mean something now? It must be tough trying to cope, but we're here for you. Especially now that it has been explicitly stated that you cannot hide player titles in the config settings. Smiley: rolleyes

ITT: Players ******** that the MMO pumping most content out of any game out there is not pumping out enough content.
#59 May 28 2014 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
Seriha wrote:
Will never really understand why some advocate stepping away from any given game for an extended period. The odds they'll never come back seems far greater than being lured back by new content because there's no real personal association to be had. But I'm also someone that wants some more meat variety and less fluff. So, I'm pretty much at odds with Yoshi's vision by default.

And I seem to be at odds with the common perspective here.

I don't believe what Yoshida's vision, or releases here to be anything related to 'fluff'. It's content, moreover from the perspective of a designer, it's darn effective use of content. The only thing further than what they could have done at this point, is to randomize the dungeons released. There's no other way to release content that is cost effective and entertaining.

Again, people who complain about reused assets must have hated Castlevania games as a kid, and absolutely abhor Diablo. I find this obsession with digital progress to be more and more disturbing. It's really starting to display signs of obsessive compulsion on a massive scale.

It's a game. It's meant to be an entertaining pastime. If you're not entertained you shouldn't feel compelled to stay, regardless of what connections you may have. Real friends will remain such beyond the log-in screen and will let you know of the game's updates as they progress. Ties like that, if you have them, will most assuredly draw you back into the game, as they did me in FFXI.

Furthermore, my end goal isn't some loyalty to Square Enix. If a person is unsatisfied with a product they shouldn't be argued into playing more, so much as offered a different perspective. However, once they've reached that decision point, let them go, and let SE make adjustments based off of feedback and waning subscription numbers. Meanwhile, someone's entertainment is the more immediate concern, and if they're going to be happier playing something else, then they should do that. There's no shame or blame in that. Some games, some styles of game, aren't for everyone. We can argue game sustainability all we like - SE has proven that they're not in any immediate danger of closing FFXIV's servers anytime soon. But, more people like Lebarge drop off the subscription list, they might reconister some of their chosen methods.

What I don't get is people sitting there wasting their money hanging on the edge like that when they could be much happier elsewhere. If something is dragging you down, even a video game, cut it loose.

Meanwhile, I'm entertained enough to stay, likely for the long haul. I'm more than willing to enjoy the content provided and provide feedback for more coming forward. If that changes, I'll unsubscribe as well. There's nothing 'wrong' in any of this. It's personal tastes and decisions based off of that.
#60 May 28 2014 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
LebargeX wrote:
No I haven't cleared Turn 5 or Titan EX. I've tried. Well over 200 times combined. And that's not an exaggeration. It's lost the challenge feel to me and now feels more like the stupid thing I do to myself because I don't know any better. Like I'm a battered boyfriend or something.

I'd love to unsubscribe but SE auto subbed me for 6 months so I'm stuck.

I'm taking a nice 2 week break though.

And I think you may be right. I don't think MMOs may be the genre for me. I certainly don't think this community is the place for me any longer.


Edited, May 27th 2014 7:04pm by LebargeX

See they are not meant to be beat really till later.. They are walls put up to stop peoples progression because there is not enough content because they make everything else tooo easy. The last expansion I liked all 3 dungeons but cleared them first try and our party only wiped once, thats not once per dungeon that is once overall.. There is no balance in difficulty in this game, it is either too easy or nearly impossible.

If the rest was not so easy people would not hit these walls nor would there be a need for a wall.

Look how hard turn 1 was and only one expansion later it is way easy, not a little easier- way easy... there is no middle ground in this game. People fly through content and then hit this wall... This is what get people down on the game...
That was the whole atma thing too, it was meant to be a wall..

Another thing is why does this game rely so heavily on dodge mechanics? I am tired of it too... Time for something different.

They got me for the same 6 months.
Which reminds I have to go change Tesee and my accounts so they dont get us like that again..

You probably know I tried the 2 week off thing.. It really dont help.. All I get on for now really is do roulette so I can keep up on the books. Now I feel like i have too get on, not that I want too..That is not a good feeling to have about a game. Funny how many people are starting to feel like that too...

Look at our FC most of the people that were there from the beginning have quit or slowed down playing massively since last update. We have allot of new people though, I think the PS4 really helped out this game..

I do play less in the summer though and a lot more in the winter so maybe it is a good thing there is not allot to do... I do wish they would get rid of the walls and make the rest a little harder.

Seriha wrote:
Will never really understand why some advocate stepping away from any given game for an extended period. The odds they'll never come back seems far greater than being lured back by new content because there's no real personal association to be had. But I'm also someone that wants some more meat variety and less fluff. So, I'm pretty much at odds with Yoshi's vision by default.

That is 100 percent true, Most people that step away from a game dont come back..
Only time I see mmo players come back is because they left because they were overdoing it.. If they leave because lack of content they usually dont.

Edited, May 28th 2014 9:47am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#61 May 28 2014 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Yeah I'm leaving tomorrow for a cruise for my 11 year anniversary and then I'm out of town for a week after that for training for my new job. So, it's like 2 and a half weeks I'll be gone. But I've logged in once for about 15 minutes in the last week. You can read about my experience in a post a little ways back...

So I'm basically going to wait until 2.28 comes out and I can get the books done a little quicker, then I guess gear up with the new CT now that you can get the sand stuff from there once that's out.

I honestly don't see myself ever clearing turn 5 or Titan EX though. I'm so angry and disappointed with the whole experience that I don't even want to try. If they continue locking content behind those barriers I definitely won't be re-subbing after this 6 month period runs out.
#62 May 28 2014 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Yeah I'm leaving tomorrow for a cruise for my 11 year anniversary and then I'm out of town for a week after that for training for my new job. So, it's like 2 and a half weeks I'll be gone. But I've logged in once for about 15 minutes in the last week. You can read about my experience in a post a little ways back...

So I'm basically going to wait until 2.28 comes out and I can get the books done a little quicker, then I guess gear up with the new CT now that you can get the sand stuff from there once that's out.

I honestly don't see myself ever clearing turn 5 or Titan EX though. I'm so angry and disappointed with the whole experience that I don't even want to try. If they continue locking content behind those barriers I definitely won't be re-subbing after this 6 month period runs out.

Have a nice vacation, i could use one too..
I have not been keeping up on anything much with he game lately which is the opposite of before..
What sand stuff? Is this the weathered stuff?

Edited, May 28th 2014 9:52am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#63Theonehio, Posted: May 28 2014 at 8:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ...You do know you're playing a Video Game, right? Do you load up games...not to experience Gameplay?
#64 May 28 2014 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
I play video games for entrainment. I don't play to watch digital numbers to go up. Gameplay is gameplay regardless of how it's utilized to my character's bottom line. If its something that gives me a pleasant pastime, I couldn't care less if it works towards my progression - it still counts as content.
#65 May 28 2014 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Did you play 1.0? Do you know how to Data mine like I do? Did you create your own Server Emulator like I and a couple of others did to play around with un-used data? If you're not the type to follow the "underground" you wouldn't have known that, it was well accessible content to you if you looked. There were even a Shepherd class in the dats, which is why people were hoping for BST in some fashion, they even had actions tied to it.

Just because something is in the dats doesn't mean it will EVER see the light of day. Do you have any idea how much unused dat files there are in literally every single MMO ever created? If not, go take a look at FFXI. Heaps and heaps of dats that never have seen the light of day. Just to illustrate my point... they've had a musketeer's guild in game, and other dat files for an actual musketeer CLASS since 2010, yet it hasn't come out at all and certainly doesn't seem to be on the horizon. Same with the Shepherd class, as well as about 6-8 others that were mentioned in the dats from 1.0. There was a screenshot floating around of about 20 different classes, many of which were never instituted, yet almost all still had dats associated with them, several even had abilities as well.

When Arcanist came out, it was a new class. It wasn't in the game before other than minimally in dats, which are completely pointless since you can't play dats. The end result is a different, new class... regardless of how you want to make it look. So yes, "technically" it was new, and nothing you can throw in about data-mining changes that. End of story.
#66 May 28 2014 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
BartelX wrote:
[Just because something is in the dats doesn't mean it will EVER see the light of day.

Which was my point. It may or may not get used, but SE told us that it was coming and we had obvious data to show that, which is why the data that was used, which were for certain NPCs at the time including one of the Scions, we knew some skills Arcanist had and if you had the appropriate software you could actually swap them into the game and they didn't completely break, meaning they were indeed programmed and not just "data in limbo" like some game's unused data.

Just to illustrate my point... they've had a musketeer's guild in game, and other dat files for an actual musketeer CLASS since 2010

From the data I'm looking at on the 2010 client vs 2012 client (1.23) they didn't actually have any data for Musketeer in terms of class, just a few pointers to tell which NPC should have a gun or not. In the 2012 client, they have no actions. ARR has more musketeer data than XIV 1.x ever had, I get what you were saying but my point was in comparison to Arcanist, it's about time we'll finally start learning about an actual new class, something not found in XIV currently, especially if it's not going to be in a 'basic form' like Yoshi hinted.

[quote[There was a screenshot floating around of about 20 different classes, many of which were never instituted, yet almost all still had dats associated with them, several even had abilities as well. [/quote]

Indeed, some were actually enemy only data though, e.g Moogles.


When Arcanist came out, it was a new class. It wasn't in the game before

It was, hence the technically. We already had NPCs, with skills, that were Arcanist, we just had no control over it at the time.

Edited, May 28th 2014 1:28pm by Theonehio

#67 May 28 2014 at 2:29 PM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Theonehio wrote:
BartelX wrote:
[Just because something is in the dats doesn't mean it will EVER see the light of day.

Which was my point. It may or may not get used, but SE told us that it was coming and we had obvious data to show that, which is why the data that was used, which were for certain NPCs at the time including one of the Scions, we knew some skills Arcanist had and if you had the appropriate software you could actually swap them into the game and they didn't completely break, meaning they were indeed programmed and not just "data in limbo" like some game's unused data.

You can't play as an NPC, so that is completely moot. If you are swapping them into the game, you are breaking the TOS and would have been banned if caught. Just because it might work on an NPC or a dat swapped PC, doesn't mean it's intended to happen for players. It also doesn't change the fact that the class was never actually released in that iteration, so anything you find in dats is meaningless until it actually goes live. Also, can you provide a link of SE confirming that Arcanist was planned for 1.0? I don't ever remember reading anything of the sort until well after 1.0 closed shop.

Theo wrote:
It was, hence the technically. We already had NPCs, with skills, that were Arcanist, we just had no control over it at the time.

And again, NPCs are not PCs. If you can't actually play the class in the game (without swapping files), the class is absolutely brand spanking new when it launches. "Technically" is meaningless until it actually goes live in-game or is at least revealed by the company itself, like the way summoner and arcanist were AFTER 1.23.

Edited, May 28th 2014 4:30pm by BartelX
#68Theonehio, Posted: May 28 2014 at 2:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So in other words:
#69 May 28 2014 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Hio, you're really just arguing semantics. A piece of unreleased content may as well not exist. And Arcanist, did not fully exist, the skillset and abilities, while you extrapolate may have been implied to be theirs, were never used for them in the final product, save for the Bio/Bio II and Resurrection I listed.

This is all, as I said before, a red herring. The point of the matter is, and is not disputable, is that the classes have been re-written - twice. An entirely new class has been released that had not been before, and you overlooked it, plainly. Why? Because you believe some unused data in a horribly flawed game counts as released content. The logical flaws here on your part are glaring.

It's been, thus far less than a year, since we've had a new class or class overhaul. If you want to try to take the credit for the Development's team work away from them, all you will succeed in doing is discredit yourself.

Now, back. on. topic.

LebargeX wrote:
Yeah I'm leaving tomorrow for a cruise for my 11 year anniversary and then I'm out of town for a week after that for training for my new job. So, it's like 2 and a half weeks I'll be gone. But I've logged in once for about 15 minutes in the last week. You can read about my experience in a post a little ways back...

So I'm basically going to wait until 2.28 comes out and I can get the books done a little quicker, then I guess gear up with the new CT now that you can get the sand stuff from there once that's out.

I honestly don't see myself ever clearing turn 5 or Titan EX though. I'm so angry and disappointed with the whole experience that I don't even want to try. If they continue locking content behind those barriers I definitely won't be re-subbing after this 6 month period runs out.

Sounds like Raider's Fatigue, but I really, really feel your frustrations on Titan EX and Turn 5 - That's where we are stuck as well. We've resolved to switch our days around for our Raids to see if we cant get Titan on a less laggy night to do it. I do expect, however, for the Echo to increase once more content comes out, so that may help both our groups. Turn 6 is going to be just as much as a brick wall, from what everyone is telling us, though. Problem is, it's spoilers from Coil that's hamstringing some of our RPs, so we really want to at least pass first Coil before our RP plots lead us there.

Meanwhile, what we're doing to combat the fatigue is have some days off the game doing other things, giving us some cool-down time between Raiding and Rping. Diablo III has been my game of choice to drag people into mainly because loot is virtually the opposite there.

Anyways, enjoy your cruise, leave all this crap behind you. Approach the game with a fresh perspective you'd like to come back and hope the experience is better for you next time around.

Meanwhile, I'm glad I finally get an area of the house I can play interior designer without arguing with my girlfriend on furniture placement.

A sidenote, we're supposedly getting new classes when we don't have second jobs for the rest of the set... it's kinda irksome. I hope we get information on secondary jobs for our founding classes soon.
#70 May 28 2014 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Theonehio wrote:
So in other words:

A class doesn't exist unless it's player based? Meaning NPCs have no classes despite even offline profession based RPGs attach jobs to NPCs?

If the players in an mmorpg can't play the class themselves, how can you consider it a finished product? I'm not saying it' never existed, I'm saying it's not a released class, and therefore you can't say that it "technically" wasn't new, especially considering it didn't even have the same abilities... or you know, that whole pet thing.

Whatever was in the dats in 1.0 isn't what an Arcanist became, so technically it was brand spanking new when it released. Simply having the job title Arcanist and slapping a few buffs on an NPC does not make it a class. That's all I'm trying to point out.

#71 May 28 2014 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Interesting point since all the beastman classes and jobs mirror those of the player class with the exception of Moogles, who use the XI job system instead.
#72 May 28 2014 at 3:09 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Seriha wrote:
Will never really understand why some advocate stepping away from any given game for an extended period. The odds they'll never come back seems far greater than being lured back by new content because there's no real personal association to be had. But I'm also someone that wants some more meat variety and less fluff. So, I'm pretty much at odds with Yoshi's vision by default.

And I seem to be at odds with the common perspective here.

<and snipping for space>

Here's the thing: SE didn't seem to want my feedback when I chose not to renew back in December. They have nothing to glean from that other than that I wasn't satisfied. At the time, I'd certainly posted in a few OF threads regarding the CT loot locks, but that was simply one aspect of discontent toward things we at least knew we were getting. As well, XI has taught me that the language barrier is a very serious deal. Can we truly say we're past the point an issue only gets addressed if the JPs ***** about it enough?

While I didn't mention it in my initial post you quoted, the big thing for the whole "never coming back" deal is that the negative aspects that encouraged someone to depart need to be overcome with a promise they won't be a trap again. Now, it's not a secret that I'm craving more open world content with progression equal to Coil. Yes, I'm quite aware of reasons why people might ***** that it shouldn't happen, but if they're taking that route, odds are they're content with what they have now. No, I'm approaching this from a perspective that will ideally widen the customer base while giving people things to do outside of the whole time gating/weekly cap BS the game's been thriving on for "longevity" since launch. I've said it before, but this dynamic totally contradicts the all-on-one-character feature that's supposed to be one of the game's strengths.

Should I revisit the benefits of F2P vs. P2P for the player? No, I doubt anyone really wants to go down that road, but even looking from the outside in, SE isn't going above and beyond with their content delivery. Which was part of the justification from Yoshi to begin with.

Analyzing content more directly, focus is going way to heavily into dungeons and then hard modes. These all may have a quest or two associated with them at first, but soon enough people are only doing/speedrunning specific ones because the repetition really isn't all that fun despite the perception of worth for rewards at the end of the tunnel. And the moment we hit a cap increase, or even a significant ilvl increase, really, all of this becomes one giant dust collector outside the random roulette. Is this good for a game's health? My Rift experience as a similarity tells me no, no it's not. Come, say, 60 in XIV, we'll then have people wanting Haukke Extreme or something instead of legitimately new stuff.

Now, you brought up Castlevania and other older games reusing assets. You simply can look at these games the same way. One, disc and cartridge space was limited. Sometimes it was a matter of budget. MMOs, however, are not bound to the same rules. They are free to grow and evolve, and this case, we pay upfront for the hopes of that evolution. Regardless of cost efficient one may think the MMO sub to be relative to other titles, one is still free to the perception of whether or not they're getting their money's worth. I don't feel I was, so again, we're back to me having no real feedback outlet alongside no promise that that will ever change.

Of course, I'm still here or even lurking on the XI boards hoping that that might change. That there may be some kind of epiphany within the MMO scene that raiders aren't the only people you can pander to and still achieve success with some riding their coattails a year or so later. And while this group might not like hearing it, it's not the PvPers, either. I know you like to RP, but can you say with a straight face that SE has done all they can to facilitate and encourage people to RP? No, no they haven't, and you can bet the activity is more likely to be mocked by other players who don't "get it" as it were. I like XIV's crafting. It's probably the most entertaining form of crafting I've found in MMO, but when it's relegated to second-class status for overall gear potential, you kill a lot of motivation. I put this after the RP point because crafting can be a factor there, too. Yes, housing, but I'm thinking bigger: User generated content. Why just build a house when you could literally build an area to challenge players, give them fresh vistas to explore, and help fill in those gaps in content between major patches? The only game that's ever really come close to this, I feel, is DDO, but the rest of the game had its own issues to turn me off from it. Of course, I'm not against the idea of SE-designed randomized dungeons, either, but let's not shackle that to the 4/8/24-man paradigm. People do like to explore, feel challenged, and not pressured to rush by being on their own.

So, you might not like that people focus so much on the gear or progression, but it happens, and it happens because it's the most tangible aspect of our time investments even if only in digital form. I'm not about it for ego or bragging rights like others might be, though. I just want to know that the moment I sit down, there's always something for me to do beyond just killing time. My friends won't always be online. Not everyone will even want to be my friend. People use each other in games like this all the time and I bluntly prefer not having to play nice with people I can't stand just to get anywhere. That ship came and went with XI for me. It doesn't mean that I, or others like myself, would never play with others. We're just more selective about using the f-word.

Veering back to XIV specific content, though, we have Hunts pending. It's probably safe to assume they'll be similar to how they were in XII in that we visit a board, maybe a related NPC, and can then pop an NM out in the wild. Do I expect this to be casual friendly? Probably only for the lower tier stuff. I expect restrictions like with the treasure maps, though. I certainly don't expect gear to touch Turn 2, either. All this in mind, it just reeks of content that will be dead shortly after its launch if the carrots aren't there. And I'm not talking about 5% or less drop rates like Mirrors with Leviathan, either. **** like that is exactly how you build resentment and burn players out.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#73 May 28 2014 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Nashred wrote:

Have a nice vacation, i could use one too..
I have not been keeping up on anything much with he game lately which is the opposite of before..
What sand stuff? Is this the weathered stuff?

Edited, May 28th 2014 9:52am by Nashred

I'm sorry, I missed this, mind if I give the explanation.

The new Allegan Tomes, the Tomes of Soldiery, do not provide gear of the same ilevel as the gear that drops from Bahamut's Coil, like the Mythology did for the previous tier. Instead, they drop 'weathered' versions of sets of equipment that is a full 10 ilvls beneath Coil gear, complete with lesser stats. This occcurs on every single piece of armor and accessories purchased with Tomes of Soldiery.

In order to upgrade this gear into the 'full' versions of it, it requires you to obtain Sands or Oils of time, that currently only drops from Coil 8 or Coil 7 respectively - effectively locking out ilvl110 gear out of any other source but Coil of Bahamut, locking effectively all 'endgame' gear into a single event. (And fairly far into the event, as a matter of fact.)

This has raised quite an issue among players who are looking for an alternative endgame to simply running raids. Thankfully they are listening to feedback and not only expanding where to get these sands and oils of time, but also providing other events (such as Hunts) to gain access to endgame level items (Such as the Novus version of the Relic weapons.)

Still, it's been a fairly frustrating patch.
#74 May 28 2014 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Seriha wrote:

Here's the thing: SE didn't seem to want my feedback when I chose not to renew back in December. They have nothing to glean from that other than that I wasn't satisfied. At the time, I'd certainly posted in a few OF threads regarding the CT loot locks, but that was simply one aspect of discontent toward things we at least knew we were getting. As well, XI has taught me that the language barrier is a very serious deal. Can we truly say we're past the point an issue only gets addressed if the JPs ***** about it enough?

Given that the next live letter is in english...? I'd say that your preconceptions of the 2004 era Square Enix approach is a bit dated.

While I didn't mention it in my initial post you quoted, the big thing for the whole "never coming back" deal is that the negative aspects that encouraged someone to depart need to be overcome with a promise they won't be a trap again. Now, it's not a secret that I'm craving more open world content with progression equal to Coil. Yes, I'm quite aware of reasons why people might ***** that it shouldn't happen, but if they're taking that route, odds are they're content with what they have now. No, I'm approaching this from a perspective that will ideally widen the customer base while giving people things to do outside of the whole time gating/weekly cap BS the game's been thriving on for "longevity" since launch. I've said it before, but this dynamic totally contradicts the all-on-one-character feature that's supposed to be one of the game's strengths.

Two issues here.

First off. The issue with the counterdicting the dynamic you're speaking off. I did mention that the only way to get content to last was to create time sinks into the structure, correct? These are those time sinks. Take it or leave it for what it is, if you're not happy with them, as you've displayed, you don't have to play. You hanging around and criticizing the game for it's approach sounds less like being hopeful, and more like sour grapes.

Which leads me to the second crux issue. 'Broadening the dynamic?' Six months ago I may have agreed with this, and honestly I still in some way hope that we get more open world endgame content. But there's a breaking point that's reached when you broaden your dynamic too far and start to upset everyone invovled due to not providing enough content for each dynamic in a patch. We're seeing the stress points in this now.

Should I revisit the benefits of F2P vs. P2P for the player? No, I doubt anyone really wants to go down that road, but even looking from the outside in, SE isn't going above and beyond with their content delivery. Which was part of the justification from Yoshi to begin with.

A subjective opinion. It's already been cited that the amount of content being generated pre-expansion is impressive if not unprecedented. But as stated before, we're seeing the stress issues of trying to appeal broadly with each patch.

I'm going to flat out state this flatly - the measuring stick being used to judge the value of content is flat out bias and broken. Simple as that. And this is in part due to to diverse content appealing to a diverse base.

Analyzing content more directly, focus is going way to heavily into dungeons and then hard modes. These all may have a quest or two associated with them at first, but soon enough people are only doing/speedrunning specific ones because the repetition really isn't all that fun despite the perception of worth for rewards at the end of the tunnel. And the moment we hit a cap increase, or even a significant ilvl increase, really, all of this becomes one giant dust collector outside the random roulette. Is this good for a game's health? My Rift experience as a similarity tells me no, no it's not. Come, say, 60 in XIV, we'll then have people wanting Haukke Extreme or something instead of legitimately new stuff.

Truely? So, PvP adjustments, furniture/crafting enhancements, and entirely new PvP mode, and entirely new open field content mode all passed under your radar for that statement?

Now, you can argue about Roulette and whether or not it's good for the game's health, but that argument is academic. I will go as far as to agree with you as to the speed run issue currently affecting Brayflox Longstop, but I believe this is more of a balancing issue to to the low reward yields on content designed to be repeated.

Now, you brought up Castlevania and other older games reusing assets. You simply can look at these games the same way. One, disc and cartridge space was limited. Sometimes it was a matter of budget. MMOs, however, are not bound to the same rules. They are free to grow and evolve, and this case, we pay upfront for the hopes of that evolution. Regardless of cost efficient one may think the MMO sub to be relative to other titles, one is still free to the perception of whether or not they're getting their money's worth. I don't feel I was, so again, we're back to me having no real feedback outlet alongside no promise that that will ever change.

This insinuates that MMOs are not bound by any rules. But, much like singular cartridge and disk games, you're on a production timetable. In this case, FFXIV's development team is on, effectively, a 3 month timetable to be releasing content. I don't know how experienced you are in workflow management, but I know for a matter of fact that window is far too small to be regularly generating massive content. Instead, as is displayed, a flow of smaller content has been managed (As listed above multiple times as to what's being repeatedly dolled out to us in complaint, even though we were told that was the flow of this leg of the game.) While you work on larger chunks of content. FC Housing was the huge patch last time around, this time around, we're dipping into PvP with Frontlines. The major content additions released are being expanded upon (FC rooms.) while being released.

I can't speak for FFXI. In the end I decided that it's chosen type of gameplay did not appeal to me, and that the level of investment it required of me was best spent in FFXIV or elsewhere in general. I think 9-10 years in a game that gave me various types of joys and woes is long enough to spend on a single title, massive multiplayer or otherwise, and that's a personal choice. While I occasionally get pangs of nostalgia, I severely doubt I will ever return. But I did quit and return multiple times of the course of that game, and I don't regret that habit of gameplay. FFXIV, for me, just happens to mesh better, for reasons and changes in habits I stated earlier.

Of course, I'm still here or even lurking on the XI boards hoping that that might change. That there may be some kind of epiphany within the MMO scene that raiders aren't the only people you can pander to and still achieve success with some riding their coattails a year or so later. And while this group might not like hearing it, it's not the PvPers, either. I know you like to RP, but can you say with a straight face that SE has done all they can to facilitate and encourage people to RP? No, no they haven't, and you can bet the activity is more likely to be mocked by other players who don't "get it" as it were.

There will always be those kinds of people. Those people are generally poor in demeanor and maturity to begin with. After sixteen seventeen (Holy hell...) years of roleplaying in various shapes and forms, it no longer bothers me in the slightest.

To address the question, however, I would have to say no - they have not done all they cant to facilitate and encourage people to roleplay - my counterpoint, however, is that I do not expect them to. They have, and continue to, however include updates that do facilitate and encourage people to roleplay. Different poses, the Housing and Vanity system. The large number of locales that are open enough to be utilized for role play are all there and cannot be denied that they help the roleplaying community. Heck, the new standing and sitting poses made front page on the Role-playing Coalition and is being praised.

I like XIV's crafting. It's probably the most entertaining form of crafting I've found in MMO, but when it's relegated to second-class status for overall gear potential, you kill a lot of motivation. I put this after the RP point because crafting can be a factor there, too. Yes, housing, but I'm thinking bigger: User generated content. Why just build a house when you could literally build an area to challenge players, give them fresh vistas to explore, and help fill in those gaps in content between major patches? The only game that's ever really come close to this, I feel, is DDO, but the rest of the game had its own issues to turn me off from it. Of course, I'm not against the idea of SE-designed randomized dungeons, either, but let's not shackle that to the 4/8/24-man paradigm. People do like to explore, feel challenged, and not pressured to rush by being on their own.

Going to recite the problem I mentioned earlier - appealing to a broad audience compounds your workload and divides directly from your output potential. You have to learn how to prioritize tasks and distribute them.

You're asking for a broader game, but we're already seeing straining signs of that sort of pacing. I would like a broader game but I know better than to not be patient about it. Now, we can argue the distribution of labor. I'm not going to turn around and say that the raiding doesn't seem to be the focus of it. But, for someone who was leery of FFXI's raiding and that in other games, I do find myself enjoying the dungeons and Raids here a lot. But I'm also not turning a blind eye to the other systems they've released and are still working on in the meanwhile.

We really need to check our perspective here. Again, I have to stress this - we're Pre-Zilart in comparison to FFXI. We never had this many systems in FFXI by this time. Even Mog-house was pretty sparse. I'm all for more open world, but I'm also willing to wait for it. I'm seeing more stuff being released. We have Treasure Hunts, we have Mark hunts, these are groundwork for more open world endgame possibly. Equivalent to Coil? Doubtful, but the feedback about having a broader expanse of endgame than just one dungeon is beginning to soak in, as noted by Crystal Tower getting Sands/Oils. Again - we're Pre Zilart. Back then, Open World was the only endgame and we started getting 'instanced' stuff later on. I'm seeing a reverse play going on here.

So, you might not like that people focus so much on the gear or progression, but it happens, and it happens because it's the most tangible aspect of our time investments even if only in digital form. I'm not about it for ego or bragging rights like others might be, though. I just want to know that the moment I sit down, there's always something for me to do beyond just killing time. My friends won't always be online. Not everyone will even want to be my friend. People use each other in games like this all the time and I bluntly prefer not having to play nice with people I can't stand just to get anywhere. That ship came and went with XI for me. It doesn't mean that I, or others like myself, would never play with others. We're just more selective about using the f-word.

Keeping myself on topic for FFXIV here:

My Relic Atma, our Free Company's house and our savings towards getting a Medium. The decorations in that house, the list of vanity gear I have for Lin and my other characters, all spit in the face of the typical convention of the term 'progression'.

My retort to this is "what's the rush"? So you're a patch behind because you chose to do the crafted gear... You say this is not for ego but your ideals for progression seems to imply that the ego is always there pressuring you to do more than 'just killing time'. This is an illusion you place upon yourself. If you're sitting in front of the computer, playing this game, that's perceptively what you are doing. It's self delusion to think otherwise, what is created with this game is the illusion of accomplishment, not actual accomplishment. Once you become at peace with this concept, than 'just killing time' becomes a valid use. Instead of saying "Oh god I have to grind for Atma to get my weapon today." you go. "You know what, I don't feel like grinding Atma today. I wonder what sort of Treasure Hunts I can solo with my Chocobo?" You go out, you do it, you have fun, you might actually get a reward out of it - but in the end you had fun and that's what ultimately matters.

As a personal opinion: If you're not having fun unless you're making some digital achievement, I strongly suggest reassessing your views. I can't help but get more and more concerned that this type of gaming habit is breeding bad mental health.

Veering back to XIV specific content, though, we have Hunts pending. It's probably safe to assume they'll be similar to how they were in XII in that we visit a board, maybe a related NPC, and can then pop an NM out in the wild. Do I expect this to be casual friendly? Probably only for the lower tier stuff. I expect restrictions like with the treasure maps, though. I certainly don't expect gear to touch Turn 2, either. All this in mind, it just reeks of content that will be dead shortly after its launch if the carrots aren't there. And I'm not talking about 5% or less drop rates like Mirrors with Leviathan, either. sh*t like that is exactly how you build resentment and burn players out.

It's already been clarified that the Alexanderite that we are getting from hunts are for upgrading the Zodiac weapon to an ilvl110 weapon (Novus). So right there is an endgame pursuit within new content. Is it as good as Allegan weapons? Of course not. But I'm not going to begrudge the best weapon in the game coming from the hardest fight in the game at that moment, and this is mainly because that weapon won't have the longevity this one will. My High Allegan Spear will get tossed off to to my collection of spears. Gae Bolg gets to stay with me and be upgraded, weapon that was a steadfast companion throughout the game, rather than one that you just traded in for the new hotness.

I actually asked for something similar way back when in 1.xx, however, so I may be partial.

As far as Burnout? We'll see how new content flows in and how it works through. If we revisit this problem with an expansion under our belt and no additions, I may very well be more on your side of this debate. Right now though? No. I don't consider the reboot of the game an expansion, and I don't have any unrealistic expectations of new game expanding and groundbreaking systems before we actually get a real expansion to the game.

What we've been getting so far? Beyond par for the course in my opinion. I can't help but somehow be astonished at the vitriol that spills from the forum base when it comes to being dejected from what I view to be inflated expectations.

That's not to say that we completely disagree. I would like to see more open world content. But that's treacherous territory to walk as well, and I'd rather them do it right or not do it at all. If that causes a hit in our demographic, I personally will be ok with that. We can't make a game that appeals to everyone, and the more we take on, the more people will call out about being neglected as the workload stretches further and further.

Edited, May 28th 2014 7:00pm by Hyrist
#75 May 28 2014 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
We can't make a game that appeals to everyone

Then you've just given up without trying. It's why I argue against complacency and laziness in subjects like these. I'm comfortable in asserting the money XIV is making monthly goes above and beyond the cost of maintaining the servers and paying employees. So, what can they do with the rest? Well, let's see... hire more people, maybe? This has the added benefit of drawing in more people and also making more money in the long term.

Or we could just settle for status quo. Whatever.

I'll let you figure out why advocating letting people fall behind in a tiered game is a bad thing, though.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#76 May 28 2014 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
locking effectively all 'endgame' gear into a single event. (And fairly far into the event, as a matter of fact.

There's a problem with this mindset.

Endgame gear is gear at the end of the game. In this case, character progression after dinging 50 involves acquiring better and better gear until you either have the best gear or you can no longer acquire gear for some reason.

So if someone is able to do coil, they can have the best gear in the game. If they cannot do coil, then they cap out at i100 and that's the end of their progression.

Remember that all different kinds of people are playing this game. Some of them will want to progress their character but have no interest in raiding Coil. For them, soldiery gear and their animus weapon is going to be their cap. And that's fine. Putting better gear behind harder content makes sense, even if it isn't necessarily accessible to absolutely everyone.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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