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Looks Like the PS4 Made a Difference (2 Million+ Registered)Follow

#52 Apr 18 2014 at 12:48 AM Rating: Excellent
You know, they COULD just be counting the number of people with FFXIV services enabled in their Square Enix accounts...



There is no way to know if someone is registering another code or registering for the first time. To them, it's a sale either way so there's no reason to differentiate between the two.

I just really wish you'd provide a source for this assumption, other than "I think."

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 11:52pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#53 Apr 18 2014 at 1:56 AM Rating: Default
4,511 posts
to continue on with the "i think" mentality.

I think that SE as per usual didnt properly test anything PS4 related, since there's yet another maintenance now :/ Really making us confident in your abilities SE. *slow clap*
#54 Apr 18 2014 at 2:23 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Maintenance on a new system shortly after its release? Unheard of.

Some of you wouldn't make very good scientists or engineers.

Edit: Though I think Cat is on the right path.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 4:23am by HitomeOfBismarck
#55 Apr 18 2014 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Maintenance on a new system shortly after its release? Unheard of.

Some of you wouldn't make very good scientists or engineers.

Edit: Though I think Cat is on the right path.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 4:23am by HitomeOfBismarck

To play along we need to assume that no other MMO ever does maintenances outside patch days.

#56 Apr 18 2014 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Atma farming reminded me of NM hunting back in the day, only I actually got 12 atma in less than a week.

I love how you change your mind?
I remember when you said you hated that and were happy they didn't have anything like that in this game. Now they add it too this game and its the greatest thing ever. Do you ever take off that cheerleader skirt.

And good for you not everyone got theirs in a week.. Some have put allot of time in it to get very few. Every day I logged in someone was ******** about the atma thing in the FC.. To me iot sounds like the most hated thing ever and was one of the worst ideas ever. But even worse is fates in the books that sometimes dont spawn for 25 hours ... Really... Just what I want to do is stand there for 25 hours waiting for a fate to pop and do nothing... At least there was a timer and a window on ffxi nms...

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 9:31am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#57 Apr 18 2014 at 7:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Nashred, please quote where I say that NM hunting (or Atma hunting) is fun.

I'm kind of old school... I don't believe that every element of a MMORPG needs to make me feel like I'm riding a Unicorn down the backside of a rainbow into a huge pot of gold. I'm oddly drawn toward good old-fashioned grind fests. But trust me, I complained just as much while farming atma as I did back in the day when trying to compete for kills on LL. I just found getting atma to be easier, but that's just me... some people went 1/1 on LL. To each their own.

As for that little "cheerleader skirt" jab? Why don't you start by quoting me properly and not putting words in my mouth. It's not like you to make gaffes like this though, so I forgive you. Your gamer goggles may just be a little filthy right now.

Also, might do you some good to learn that I'm not a blind SE fan boy. But I'm also not the kind of man who sends a slightly overcooked hamburger back to the kitchen.

I've never been afraid to criticize SE (or players) when I feel they actually deserve it, but I'll never be able to feign anger/rage over things that just aren't a big deal. Most of the time, minor annoyance is all you'll get from me. Why would I play a game that made me feel any worse?

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 7:27am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#58 Apr 18 2014 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
You know, they COULD just be counting the number of people with FFXIV services enabled in their Square Enix accounts...



There is no way to know if someone is registering another code or registering for the first time. To them, it's a sale either way so there's no reason to differentiate between the two.

I just really wish you'd provide a source for this assumption, other than "I think."

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 11:52pm by Thayos

From what I remember they stated there were 500,000 unique logins daily, or basically "around that" so that's the "real number" if this is what people are talking about. The number could be higher it could be lower, ARR is successful in the terms of a standard MMO which is always successful for awhile, some shut down after 6 months, some after a year some after 2 years some within a month, but F2P/B2W MMOs will always be the more popular since even Yoshi himself said North American gamers are much more likely to pay for what they want rather than pay a sub.

ARR is still just a bit too standard to the point it does things not even WoW does anymore (because it changed for the better in some aspects and we all know how open Yoshi is about putting WoW on the pedestal.) The main issue with ARR is the reliance on 4 man content which heavily limits the content they can do when the true party size is 8 man and alliance raids is 20+, so along with either loot lockouts or weekly lockouts on progression content, you're stuck not even truly being able to play with your friends and for an MMO that seems a bit weird...but for MMOs of today? It seems weird you can even play with 3 other people with how solo oriented "MMOs" are now.

Honestly, these numbers really mean little in the long run unless by the first expansion they heavily change the design direction of this game, because having lots of people standing AFK in Mor Dohna or Limsa doesn't much for the game lol. You have 2 million+ registered and ball park 500k unique logins...just look around MD or Limsa and see how many are just standing there, bunny hopping or cycle dancing not really doing much of anything. That was the one good thing about FATE grinding even though no one asked for it, it got people to not just be afk 90% of the time lol.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 7:42am by Theonehio

#59 Apr 18 2014 at 8:45 AM Rating: Excellent
From what I remember they stated there were 500,000 unique logins daily, or basically "around that" so that's the "real number" if this is what people are talking about.

I'm too lazy to go link mining right now, but what I remember is Yoshi-P saying there were 500,000 subscribers (aprox) who log in and play daily, and then a lot more subscribers who don't play every day. He made a comment about how the number of players would be much higher if he counted everyone. There has been no clarification though about what that much higher number might be.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 7:46am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#62 Apr 18 2014 at 9:41 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Atma farming reminded me of NM hunting back in the day, only I actually got 12 atma in less than a week.

I love how you change your mind?
I remember when you said you hated that and were happy they didn't have anything like that in this game. Now they add it too this game and its the greatest thing ever. Do you ever take off that cheerleader skirt.

And good for you not everyone got theirs in a week.. Some have put allot of time in it to get very few. Every day I logged in someone was ******** about the atma thing in the FC.. To me iot sounds like the most hated thing ever and was one of the worst ideas ever. But even worse is fates in the books that sometimes dont spawn for 25 hours ... Really... Just what I want to do is stand there for 25 hours waiting for a fate to pop and do nothing... At least there was a timer and a window on ffxi nms...

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 9:31am by Nashred

I agree with your entire post... I don't understand how people enjoy standing in the middle of nowhere and wasting 3 hours waiting for a FATE to pop.

3 hours I wish there are two fates that are in the books , One I had and one Tes had that some people had been out like 25 hours. I had posted earlier on which fates they were and how long people waited in a previous post....
I dont prefer standing around doing nothing.. I wish they had pop windows like in ffxi so you could leave and come back.. But really this fate Tes had could pop in 15 min or 25 hours. That is a little ridiculous. Then you do get the fate and it is just you or one other person and you fail.. That happened to me so now you start the wait all over.

Thayos I am not going to weed through your thousands of posts.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 11:49am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#63 Apr 18 2014 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
I'll save you the trouble, Nashred... you won't find it. I've never said Atma farming is fun.

I don't understand how people enjoy standing in the middle of nowhere and wasting 3 hours waiting for a FATE to pop.

I do believe atma farming draws upon the same inner gamer urges as NM farming. I spent way more time trying to get drops from NMs that I did getting all 12 of my atma drops (and I easily spent more than 30 actual hours farming atma). That's just me... I was luckier than some, but not luckier than others.

(NOTE: Although I'm not really a fan of NM camping from a "fun" perspective, I'd love for NMs to be implemented in FFXIV, and I perceive the lack of true NMs to be among the more significant weaknesses of this game. Fortunately, it's a weakness that doesn't really affect me.)

Now, to be perfectly clear, I do believe this type of content is good for XIV. Could the atma content have been implemented a bit smarter? Yeah... the RNG could have been calculated to provide improving returns for the amount of FATES you do in a zone with the quest active and a zenith equipped, or something like that. But I'm not capable of kicking and screaming over a burnt piece of toast. I believe FFXIV is better with the atma/animus weapon quests in the game. Doesn't mean the entire journey is fun (not everything needs to be fun), but I'm glad the journey is there.

To bring this back to the OP (which is the success of the PS4 launch and the continued influx of new players), the atma farming was probably designed to include FATE grinding as a way to populate "newb" content at a time when lots of new people are coming into the game. Shrewd move by SE, imo.

EDIT: One more thing, Nashred... if you're still grinding FATES, then clear out your seals by getting as many venture vouchers as you can. Even with just two retainers, you'll blow through those vouchers pretty fast, and later you'll be glad to have a huge stockpile of vouchers while others are worrying about how to get more.

DOUBLE EDIT: Also, I am sorry that you're having such horrible luck with the RNG.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 9:04am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#64 Apr 18 2014 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
2,232 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
Nashred wrote:
because the relic atma thing was a horrible idea

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 12:55pm by Nashred

True Story.

Your disapproval or dislike of something does not automatically make it a bad idea lol.

It's in fact a very good idea. It's a solid alternative to grinding end-game content for arguably similar results. How many Levi EX and ScoB turns do you think you'd have to run before you got everything upgraded? Not to mention many people aren't even TO that content yet, much less able to farm it at 100% clear.

I sure as hell don't see people on here bragging about how they've got their big shiny weapons.

Haha I love it, solid... really .... grinding lvl5 FATES is solid? SE should be paying your dumbass for defending this garbage. Enjoy grinding your lvl5 FATES.

Having a grind in the game isn't the issue, having THIS particular grind is the problem. It's forcing you to RERUN content that we've been running since September. They should've come up with new, more exciting content for the solo grind. And for the clown that will undoubtly say well "Go farm Levi". I am.... once a week with my static... but we're talking about the solo content/farming, not 8-man farming.
Edited, Apr 18th 2014 11:10am by HonkeyKong29

You're welcome.
#65 Apr 18 2014 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
There is no way to know if someone is registering another code or registering for the first time. To them, it's a sale either way so there's no reason to differentiate between the two.

I just really wish you'd provide a source for this assumption, other than "I think."

Except this was brought up the first time the number of registered users was boasted about. I'm not going to the trouble of digging up links that were already posted in a forum you moderate. You are the one who started this thread, yet you have no idea what you're talking about. No wonder you guys don't get paid. Educate yourself.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#66 Apr 18 2014 at 10:55 AM Rating: Excellent
I have shown you plenty of sources, and you have earned a reputation for taking things out of context. I'm not going to chase down your white rabbit for you.
Thayos Redblade
#67 Apr 18 2014 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I have shown you plenty of sources, and you have earned a reputation for taking things out of context. I'm not going to chase down your white rabbit for you.

You tried to say that it was 1.8 million characters, yet the very link you posted YOURSELF shows how many characters. You don't have to chase the rabbit because it's right in front of you but you're too blinded by your fanboyism to even see it Smiley: laugh
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#68 Apr 18 2014 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
You tried to say that it was 1.8 million characters, yet the very link you posted YOURSELF shows how many characters. You don't have to chase the rabbit because it's right in front of you but you're too blinded by your fanboyism to even see it

Did you not see the post above, where I conceded you were correct about the number of characters being in the 6 million+ numbers?

You definitely didn't see the link where Yoshi-P himself uses the word "players" and not "registration codes."

Again, you're proving my point and taking things out of context... that's why I'm not jumping up to find those "sources" you keep talking about. Smiley: wink

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 10:12am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#69 Apr 18 2014 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'll save you the trouble, Nashred... you won't find it. I've never said Atma farming is fun.

I don't understand how people enjoy standing in the middle of nowhere and wasting 3 hours waiting for a FATE to pop.

I do believe atma farming draws upon the same inner gamer urges as NM farming. I spent way more time trying to get drops from NMs that I did getting all 12 of my atma drops (and I easily spent more than 30 actual hours farming atma). That's just me... I was luckier than some, but not luckier than others.

(NOTE: Although I'm not really a fan of NM camping from a "fun" perspective, I'd love for NMs to be implemented in FFXIV, and I perceive the lack of true NMs to be among the more significant weaknesses of this game. Fortunately, it's a weakness that doesn't really affect me.)

Now, to be perfectly clear, I do believe this type of content is good for XIV. Could the atma content have been implemented a bit smarter? Yeah... the RNG could have been calculated to provide improving returns for the amount of FATES you do in a zone with the quest active and a zenith equipped, or something like that. But I'm not capable of kicking and screaming over a burnt piece of toast. I believe FFXIV is better with the atma/animus weapon quests in the game. Doesn't mean the entire journey is fun (not everything needs to be fun), but I'm glad the journey is there.

To bring this back to the OP (which is the success of the PS4 launch and the continued influx of new players), the atma farming was probably designed to include FATE grinding as a way to populate "newb" content at a time when lots of new people are coming into the game. Shrewd move by SE, imo.

EDIT: One more thing, Nashred... if you're still grinding FATES, then clear out your seals by getting as many venture vouchers as you can. Even with just two retainers, you'll blow through those vouchers pretty fast, and later you'll be glad to have a huge stockpile of vouchers while others are worrying about how to get more.

DOUBLE EDIT: Also, I am sorry that you're having such horrible luck with the RNG.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 9:04am by Thayos

First of all you dont even know what we are taking about we we talk about standing there... We are not talking about atmas in that comment.. In the books there are 3 fates.. Some of those fates can have a respawn of 25 plus hours. All you can do is stand there because if you leave it may pop and they can be finished in a minute.. There is nothing worse than just standing there for 3 ,4 ,5, 6 hours staring at a map... I could be doing so much more..

I didn't say atmas. Not a exact quote you said in FFXI you hated camping nms and were happy non of that kind of stuff was in FFXIV and you hated the drop rates or something to that extents.. Well now here we have something even worse: camping fates with no respawn timers and now you are happy with it. Two fates in particular Taken and giant seps have been talked about so far.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 2:32pm by Nashred

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 2:39pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#70 Apr 18 2014 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
We are not talking about atmas in that comment.. In the books there are 3 fates.. Some of those fates can have a respawn of 25 plus hours.

Oh, gotcha. I've only done one book so far, and I got pretty lucky with my FATEs.

Doesn't really matter, though, in terms of how I feel about this kind of content. This is the kind of thing you'll look back on someday, kind of like my all-through-the-night/next morning camp session of Charbydis.

There is nothing worse than just standing there for 3 ,4 ,5, 6 hours staring at a map... I could be doing so much more..

Hey, at least we don't need to limit our subjob in order to equip widescan. When I'm waiting for a FATE for my atma books though, I go to the place on the map where the FATE will appear, and then I just do other things while waiting for the FATE to pop.... by other things, I mean "other" things outside the game like working, watching movies, watching sports, doing dishes, etc. For me, this is far-less maddening than a three-hour atma drop... and unlike an NM with a long pop window, at least the FATE gives a 100 percent drop rate.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 11:46am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#71 Apr 18 2014 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
595 posts
LebargeX wrote:
I sure as hell don't see people on here bragging about how they've got their big shiny weapons.

Probably because the forum community here has become so toxic they've moved elsewhere. The FFXIV Reddit forum has a problem with too many people bragging about their big shiny weapons.
#72 Apr 18 2014 at 12:53 PM Rating: Excellent
We are not talking about atmas in that comment.. In the books there are 3 fates.. Some of those fates can have a respawn of 25 plus hours.

One more thing about this... SE actually responded to this complaint on the official forums.

Apparently, the secret to reducing the spawn times is to complete other FATEs in the area. So, if you're not willing to just stand around for hours, the next best thing is to do other FATEs and keep the cycle moving. It should only take a long time if people let FATEs spin through their full 20-minute clocks.
Thayos Redblade
#73 Apr 18 2014 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Probably because the forum community here has become so toxic they've moved elsewhere. The FFXIV Reddit forum has a problem with too many people bragging about their big shiny weapons.

I'm pretty sure some of our posters don't actually play the game anymore, so they'd have no shiny weapons to brag about.
Thayos Redblade
#74 Apr 18 2014 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Probably because the forum community here has become so toxic they've moved elsewhere. The FFXIV Reddit forum has a problem with too many people bragging about their big shiny weapons.

I'm pretty sure some of our posters don't actually play the game anymore, so they'd have no shiny weapons to brag about.

Hmm yes, ZAM has it's fair share of patch notes/hearsay-analysts to provide us for our daily doom&gloom needs.
#75 Apr 18 2014 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
We are not talking about atmas in that comment.. In the books there are 3 fates.. Some of those fates can have a respawn of 25 plus hours.

One more thing about this... SE actually responded to this complaint on the official forums.

Apparently, the secret to reducing the spawn times is to complete other FATEs in the area. So, if you're not willing to just stand around for hours, the next best thing is to do other FATEs and keep the cycle moving. It should only take a long time if people let FATEs spin through their full 20-minute clocks.

Yea that statement was false and I read that too... It is true on most fates but not all. Taken and giant seps are not part of the normal fate rotation.
These particular fates are on there own random timer.. And the Comment made was confirmed not to be true if you read farther in the thread for some fates. I know that taken spawned yesterday less than 1/2 hour apart during the day... Completely random..

Edit: plus if you leave and it pops giant seps is taken down in a min or two you will never make it there if you are running around the zone doing other fates. With book fates you can not just get a hit in and get credit like atmas. I have failed at them and so has Tes.

Edited, Apr 18th 2014 3:21pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#76 Apr 18 2014 at 1:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Taken and giant seps are not part of the normal fate rotation.
These particular fates are on there own random timer.. And was confirmed it in the same thread that it was not true for some fates.. I know that taken spawned yesterday less than 1/2 hour apart during the day... Completely random..

I found one of those threads, and SE's rep said they looked into it and the key to spawning these FATEs faster is just to clear more FATEs.

Looks like these FATEs pop according to a RNG and not as part of a FATE chain (which is probably how they all pop, only these few FATEs have less generous RNG percentages). But clearing out other FATEs provides more opportunities for these less-likely FATEs to pop.

So yeah, it's random. Yeah, it sucks when you're up against it. And yeah, clearing out other FATEs does help.
Thayos Redblade
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