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Yoshi-P responds in the Housing Open Letter threadFollow

#27 Dec 18 2013 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
847 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Well, I hate to inform you of this, but you are the exception in this game. Not the norm.

Enjoy your house!

I just dont understand how everyone doesn't have at least 1 million gil at this point if you started from launch. I play like 5-20 hours a week and just fill up my retainers before i log out. Tome items were selling for 30k+ for awhile (october-novemberish). And you have to spend money to make money in this game as well... anyone who hoards completely limits their income potential.

Edited, Dec 18th 2013 4:42pm by HonkeyKong29

This might be an overly simplistic way of looking at it; but this is how --

More players do what you did -> market gets flooded -> supply severely outpaces demand -> prices plummet as undercutting runs rampant.
#28 Dec 18 2013 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, my retainers are stuffed like stockings with things that were selling for X, priced at X-1, when I put them up. The problem is that someone comes along and sells an item for X-5 and since it's not really a fast selling item, X-5 is the new price to beat for the next 24 hours.

I'm lucky if 25% of my retainer goods sell at their first posting price because undercutting is so terrible in this game.

I hate to say it, but it's too easy to be a producer in this game - it's too easy to supply the raw materials, and too easy to craft them into finished goods. That means that for most raw materials and crafted items, supply outstrips demand, and prices remain painfully low.
#29 Dec 18 2013 at 4:24 PM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Well, I hate to inform you of this, but you are the exception in this game. Not the norm.

Enjoy your house!

I just dont understand how everyone doesn't have at least 1 million gil at this point if you started from launch. I play like 5-20 hours a week and just fill up my retainers before i log out. Tome items were selling for 30k+ for awhile (october-novemberish). And you have to spend money to make money in this game as well... anyone who hoards completely limits their income potential.

Edited, Dec 18th 2013 4:42pm by HonkeyKong29

It's incredibly easy to understand. A vast majority of players will fall into the following buckets:

* Don't care about amassing in-game money
* Don't find the money grind fun and thus don't partake

Players with over a million gil are in the minority. I regularly play with people who have a hard time breaking 100k. I personally have never made it to a million and I don't really care.

On top of all that, as has been said here before, if everyone did what you did the economy would crash with rampant oversupply and no-one would have that kind of gil.

In the end, this is still a game, and players should not be punished or ridiculed if they find some aspects fun and some not.
#30 Dec 18 2013 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
This has the pareto principle written all over it (the 80/20 rule), I wonder if it was taken into account when working out the pricing?
#31 Dec 18 2013 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
129 posts
If people are upgrading their characters such as leveling and outfitting gear, than gil is easily spent and it is hard to save. When I was leveling my DoH classes, the most gil I would have is around 200K. Now that I'm not leveling anymore and just focusing on selling items, I've managed to save a few million so far.

Yoshi was right about housing prices; he mentioned the price the same as leveling a character from 0-50 multiplied by 3. Majority of people agree that is about 1 million. Now key thing to remember is that this is an FC House which requires teamwork to purchase, so if each FC member donates that amount, it should be more than enough. The pricing is not for individual house pricing which most people think when they see the price. I know I still think that sometimes.

People have different opinions about the size of FCs because there is no clear definition. Yeah you can say your FC of 20 is small and the next person that says his/hers FC with 50 is medium and 100 is large etc. The max personal an FC can hold is 512 so using the full capacity of an FC, I believe any FC that has under 100 people is a "small" FC. Under 300 is a "medium" and anything over is "large." These numbers of course are not absolute, it just puts into perspective why the pricing schemes were set. If everyone is a team-player for housing, raising enough funds should not be an issue at all.

My FC is about 100, yeah it's be gonna packed like a 'can of sardines' to fit 100 people into a small house (if thats what we're purchasing) especially during a meeting or event, but in normal gameplay I've noticed the max members on at one time is around 30 -thats being generous. Most of the time, there are only around 10-15 members on with only 3-5 chatting. Anyway, it is unlikely all FC members on at a time will be "hanging out" in a house that currently serves no purpose other than a status symbol.

/ac "Flame Suit" <me>
/wait 2.0

Edited, Dec 18th 2013 5:55pm by ASpaceman
#32 Dec 18 2013 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
I play about 14-20 hours a week and at one point I was sitting on 1.8mil, but then I decided to power-level some of my crafts and am now sitting at 150k. It's not hard to make money in the game, but you have to put SOME effort into it. Gil will not be handed to you outside of quests. We have 20 or so active members in our FC and will work towards it slowly, but we're not butt-hurt about the prices or being 1ST ON SERVER LARGE PLOT OMGZ. We just be chillin'
#33 Dec 18 2013 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
576 posts
ASpaceman wrote:
Yoshi was right about housing prices; he mentioned the price the same as leveling a character from 0-50 multiplied by 3. Majority of people agree that is about 1 million. Now key thing to remember is that this is an FC House which requires teamwork to purchase, so if each FC member donates that amount, it should be more than enough. The pricing is not for individual house pricing which most people think when they see the price. I know I still think that sometimes.

If I understand correctly, Yoshi indicated that it would cost around 3 times the gil you get from levelling 1-50 from a few characters, not the whole FC.

1 million from each member is gonna be difficult to achieve for most FCs.
#34 Dec 18 2013 at 7:00 PM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Pickins wrote:
ASpaceman wrote:
Yoshi was right about housing prices; he mentioned the price the same as leveling a character from 0-50 multiplied by 3. Majority of people agree that is about 1 million. Now key thing to remember is that this is an FC House which requires teamwork to purchase, so if each FC member donates that amount, it should be more than enough. The pricing is not for individual house pricing which most people think when they see the price. I know I still think that sometimes.

If I understand correctly, Yoshi indicated that it would cost around 3 times the gil you get from levelling 1-50 from a few characters, not the whole FC.

1 million from each member is gonna be difficult to achieve for most FCs.

Not to mention, leveling 1-50 is not even close to 1m gil. Not by a longshot. At best, assuming you are doing every quest for the allagan or gear (which I did), you're making 400-500k. That doesn't include anything like repairs, gear, consumables, materia, etc. And even if you were right that it's 1m to go 1-50, 1m times 3 people does not equal the 40m+ gil it costs for a medium house or even the 8m+ for a small.

Edited, Dec 18th 2013 8:01pm by BartelX
#35 Dec 18 2013 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
129 posts
So this is what I understood from his Yosh's statement: He stated that housing would cost a million to buy. Because this is FC Housing, it is averaged to be 1 million per person. His words were "the cost of leveling a character from 0-50 multiplied by 3." This is why FC housing is so expensive.

If this was personal housing, I have a strong feeling it will be priced at around 1 million for the smallest house and up to whatever they feel the largest should cost based on each server's economy.
#37 Dec 19 2013 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
Considering the new thread here showing a medium sized purchase, and assuming at least some other houses have been purchased at the crazy high starting rates, there's really no chance at all they will make any further changes to the prices in the next couple months. (I suppose they could offer a refund, but it's highly unlikely at this point.)

After 3 months, a medium for our server will be equal to Group 3 @ 15 mil for the least ranked plot.

For the most part, everyone in our FC is busy playing the other new content and just ignoring the fact housing is even available.
#38 Dec 19 2013 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Yea right I dont believe you.. That would mean each player has to donate 1 million to 1.5 million to a FC and I doubt all your Fc did that or made that.

I'm actually in a FC of 23 members... we're all very tight-knit and would easily donate 1 million apiece, if we had that kind of gil.

I'd set aside 200k that I was going to donate, and another person had set aside 500k... others were going to chip in, too... we just had no idea prices would be so high!

So, yeah... we're waiting... but we'd buy if we could. I think in a FC like ours, where people would rather have a home for the group than houses for themselves, people donating 1 mil apiece would be totally normal.

But that my point its the big if (if they had that kind of money) Very few people even made a million in the game especially enough to donate a million. People will not donate a million unless they have more than that... I certainly have not made that and I play a little more than the average player. The average player does not have a million so finding 25 that can donate more than a million to buy a large house..

If I had it I would donate it too and I am sure others would too in our FC .. I have no doubt people will donate, I just dont see a FC of 20 people being able to buy a large house unless they have no lives and play 24 hours a day and it would require all of them and I still dont..

But it is like you said.. IF

Edited, Dec 19th 2013 11:31am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

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server: Ultros
#39 Dec 19 2013 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:

"On top of all that, as has been said here before, if everyone did what you did the economy would crash with rampant oversupply and no-one would have that kind of gil.." = complete horsesh*t 1 tome item every other day will crash the market lol ......... .if you profited 15k a day since launch (EXTREMELY EASY) you're over 1 million gil with ease. Don't give me that garbage excuse if you chose not to save money. Fact is ... you ignored the making money aspect and now you're butthurt because you can't afford housing. The great thing about this game is that people can choose whichever path they'd like .... i chose to save a little gil everytime i logged on and it built up. Quit complaining because you didn't save any gil toward a long term goal. It's not too late to start either... the market is better than it was on Sunday when the news was announced (at least on my server). So either make money or just forget about housing for awhile.... easy choices there... cause you can't have it both ways.

considering whats in your signature,

Character Name: Thanos Warblaze
Server: Malboro

50-BLM, 50-WVR, 50-BOT, 50-GSM, 50-CUL, 30LTW, 15-BSM, 15ARM, 15-CRP, 23-MIN, 28-ARC,15-PUG, 8-FSH, 15-ALC, 5-ACN

And the fact that you said,

HonkeyKong29 wrote:
but i usually only play 5 - 20 hours a week depending on work/sports/life,

I think your full of ****. I have 2 kids and work full time. As someone who really only gets to plays 10-20 hours a week, since launch, I have a 50 BLM, my mining is at 43 or something, and I have Archer and Arcanists to like 20.

I tried making money off the market place, buying and selling materia and what not, it worked for awhile, but honestly it just got to the point where i would rather just play the game and have fun then spend 30-45 mins of my 2-3 hours of play time staring at a market board.

And as far as using tome matts to make money, I only just finshed getting my last peice of DL a few weeks ago, buy the time I tried to start selling philo matts, they were going for 12k a peice. Personally I just decided to buy DL gear for my Dragoon which is what I'll be leveling next.

You can say what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that its not fair to throw FC housing in our faces, promote it the way they did, and then put it out of the majority of peoples reach. Its also rude to just say, if you can't afford it then its not for you.
#40 Dec 19 2013 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
The economy is actually kind of miserable since the patch. I had sold exactly three out of forty things on my retainers when I checked yesterday. And it wasn't undercutting on all of them - some of them simply hadn't sold at my listing price, despite it being the lowest, because no one was buying the items (when previously they've done brisk action and sold multiples times a day.)

Hopefully things will pick up steam on the sell-side once people are stuck in lockout timers for CT and return to regular gameplay. Smiley: frown
#41 Dec 19 2013 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
The economy is actually kind of miserable since the patch. I had sold exactly three out of forty things on my retainers when I checked yesterday. And it wasn't undercutting on all of them - some of them simply hadn't sold at my listing price, despite it being the lowest, because no one was buying the items (when previously they've done brisk action and sold multiples times a day.)

Hopefully things will pick up steam on the sell-side once people are stuck in lockout timers for CT and return to regular gameplay. Smiley: frown

Yeah huge prices drops on Hyperion too. Very little activity at all. Looks the the "kick in the pants" for the economy theory as been proven invalid.
#42 Dec 19 2013 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
The only thing I've sold since the patch is crystals. That's it. Not one other item I have listed has moved. Even the mid-level hq market has considerably dried up since far more players are hoarding gil for their FC. Oh, and for 2 straight days now I've done all 4 duty roulettes and all the beastman quests. After factoring tele fees, food, and repairs, I made less than 15k per day for several hours of work. Each dungeon gives about 4k, and each daily gives 600ish. The teleports to grid and uldah are roughly 1k total. Food is about 4k for 4 dungeons. Repairs are about 1.5k after 4 dungeons. They honestly didn't factor in ANY of the costs you'd incur into that "you'll make 20k a day easily!" statement. Very frustrating.

Edited, Dec 19th 2013 12:39pm by BartelX
#44 Dec 19 2013 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
BartelX wrote:
The only thing I've sold since the patch is crystals. That's it. Not one other item I have listed has moved. Even the mid-level hq market has considerably dried up since far more players are hoarding gil for their FC. Oh, and for 2 straight days now I've done all 4 duty roulettes and all the beastman quests. After factoring tele fees, food, and repairs, I made less than 15k per day for several hours of work. Each dungeon gives about 4k, and each daily gives 600ish. The teleports to grid and uldah are roughly 1k total. Food is about 4k for 4 dungeons. Repairs are about 1.5k after 4 dungeons. They honestly didn't factor in ANY of the costs you'd incur into that "you'll make 20k a day easily!" statement. Very frustrating.

Edited, Dec 19th 2013 12:39pm by BartelX

I've been selling HQ leve tradecraft items/materia/tome items and have been making 50k+ a day.

Congratulations. I'm gearing out a 2nd job in DL so I'm not selling mats. HQ tradecraft items aren't even selling on my server or for barely a profit, and I'm not gonna be one of those people who just wears spiritbond gear into dungeons just to make a quick buck. I'm a tank and I like to do my best in dungeons. Just because something works for you, doesn't mean it works for everyone.
#45 Dec 19 2013 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
BartelX wrote:
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
BartelX wrote:
The only thing I've sold since the patch is crystals. That's it. Not one other item I have listed has moved. Even the mid-level hq market has considerably dried up since far more players are hoarding gil for their FC. Oh, and for 2 straight days now I've done all 4 duty roulettes and all the beastman quests. After factoring tele fees, food, and repairs, I made less than 15k per day for several hours of work. Each dungeon gives about 4k, and each daily gives 600ish. The teleports to grid and uldah are roughly 1k total. Food is about 4k for 4 dungeons. Repairs are about 1.5k after 4 dungeons. They honestly didn't factor in ANY of the costs you'd incur into that "you'll make 20k a day easily!" statement. Very frustrating.

Edited, Dec 19th 2013 12:39pm by BartelX

I've been selling HQ leve tradecraft items/materia/tome items and have been making 50k+ a day.

Congratulations. I'm gearing out a 2nd job in DL so I'm not selling mats. HQ tradecraft items aren't even selling on my server or for barely a profit, and I'm not gonna be one of those people who just wears spiritbond gear into dungeons just to make a quick buck. I'm a tank and I like to do my best in dungeons. Just because something works for you, doesn't mean it works for everyone.

Bartel, want you to know that I'm not being a douche and trying to call you out, but I wanted to point something out.

You are not the only person with your perspective on how to make gil. Plenty of people don't want to spirit-bond gear or sell tome mats because they want gear for themselves. That's great and it is a game that allows you to do that. However, if as a player you are going to actively avoid 2 of the top money-making activities in the game atm can you really complain about the price of housing, regardless of the price?

EDIT: Again, this is directed at all who feel defeated by the prices, not just Bartel.

Edited, Dec 19th 2013 2:33pm by IKickYoDog
#47 Dec 19 2013 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
What are the perks to having FC housing? It's pretty obvious that the majority think it isn't worth it, but... if you were in an FC trying to get the other members to pitch in; how do you sell this to them?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#48 Dec 19 2013 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Oh hey!!

Could you please, please take a look at the furniture available and let us know if anything at all give any significant bonuses? Hell, even insignificant bonuses!

Maybe you won't know until you place it. You can buy some of the furniture pieces with FC credits, right?

This question of whether or not FC housing is really vanity only is really making me curious. Especially since people are saying conflicting things with equal degrees of certainty.

EDIT: Bah, wrong thread.

Edited, Dec 19th 2013 3:46pm by Gnu
#49 Dec 19 2013 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
IKickYoDog wrote:
Bartel, want you to know that I'm not being a douche and trying to call you out, but I wanted to point something out.

You are not the only person with your perspective on how to make gil. Plenty of people don't want to spirit-bond gear or sell tome mats because they want gear for themselves. That's great and it is a game that allows you to do that. However, if as a player you are going to actively avoid 2 of the top money-making activities in the game atm can you really complain about the price of housing, regardless of the price?

EDIT: Again, this is directed at all who feel defeated by the prices, not just Bartel.

And I'd counter that by saying, I've been at 50 about a month. I just finished gearing out my first job in all DL about 2 weeks ago. I'm a relatively casual player and I'm trying to advance my character at my own pace. Having excess gil from selling tome mats does not help me advance in the slightest, but having a second job in DL that I can swap to when another role is needed will. I also already have a good chunk of money saved because I crafted a lot when it was profitable, and I'm tired of spending half my time in-game on the market boards constantly re-adjusting my prices to get stuff to sell.

As far as spiritbond grinding... like I said, I run my dungeons as a tank. If you want to encourage tanks to wear completely useless jewelry or armor in dungeon runs just so they can make a quick buck, that's fine... I'm not going to do that. I want every group I run with to think I'm a competent tank, and part of that means being properly geared and prepared for each instance. You might think it's silly, but it's important to me. Not to mention, with the prices on materia dropping like rocks, it's not even nearly as profitable anymore. T4's are selling for 30-40k tops on my server, and t3s you can get for 5k or less for most now. I've so far never gotten a t4 from spiritbond, so it's not like it's a reliable thing to get huge chunks of money.
#50 Dec 19 2013 at 2:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,080 posts
So, for those of you planning to contribute mucho gil to your FC housing, is this pretty much your statement of intent to remain with your FC? I for one don't know about my FC, we have a few people that are on the fence about staying with ARR with EQNext and other games coming out. One is going back to WoW, others are starting to go missing for a few days here and there, they don't have that urge to log on every day now, so I may not be here always.

Our gm jokingly said the other night that he was thinking of interviewing people for invites to the FC, and asking them how much they could contribute to the bank weekly. Nobody laughed. This is what it's feeling like there now, we're only as good as the gil we can provide.
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