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Weekend Accomplishment Thread (Nov 4)Follow

#1 Nov 04 2013 at 2:16 AM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
So how was everyone's weekend - all good I hope?!

Main story line finished.
Grand Companies questline complete (although I was the weakest link in Aurum Vale >.<)
Dragoon questline complete (my last 50 from 1.0 finally finished and up to date)
Got a few levels on Monk (46 now) and Weaver (25 now) and Alchemist 50.
#2 Nov 04 2013 at 3:25 AM Rating: Excellent
66 posts
With lots of distractions and limitations I managed to clear the first 3 dungeons in the game.

Tiresome business, had to get down and dirty, but sailed through with the help of 3 FC-members, did it in recordtime(for me, hard eh?)

So now its only a few more missions to go before i can get my mount! Woohoo!

I found out duty finder for low level missions on a legacy server was not a viable solution as THM..
nearly 2 hours queuing with nothing happening.

Anyone know if there are any more non-endgame content i need to unlock with main story quests after grand companies?(Chocobo/mount)
#3 Nov 04 2013 at 3:49 AM Rating: Excellent
70 posts
It was a pretty good weekend for me. I managed to hit all my crafting goals and start a new one. First I wanted to level the rest of my DoH classes that were in the mid twenties. Armorer, blacksmith, leatherworker, goldsmith, and carpenter are now all even at 30. Miner went 29-30 and botanist 31-32 while out gathering mats to level.

Since I've been banking my leves all week I then decided to see if I could take my culinarian to 50. I managed to go from 37-43 before I had to call it quits for the weekend. I might have to do some farming for more mats in between but I'm sure I'll be able to hit 50 this week.
#4 Nov 04 2013 at 3:56 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
Before i called it a night yesterday i got both my Armorer to 50 (i have 3 crafting classes at 50 now! :D) and got a Unicorn from Conjurer. Not the most rough or intense weekend, but it was fun for me.
#5 Nov 04 2013 at 5:51 AM Rating: Excellent
1,430 posts
*Started out on Fishing and moved up to level 17. Wish I could do more with most of the fish I caught, though. Seems I've just been NPCing the majority of the fish I couldn't use for Culinarian.

*Gathered enough books for a Summoner's Horn (no way I'm wearing that Darklight hoodie. The Doublet's next) and some Relic oil. Titan's all that's left for me to get past now.

#6 Nov 04 2013 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
Not much. I moved. Booooo.... But on the FFXIV side I took BLM from 34 to mid 35 and completed the BLM 35 quest.
#7 Nov 04 2013 at 7:19 AM Rating: Excellent
777 posts
Picked at my Monk, went from 44-45 and got my armor. Did a couple of Dzemael Darkhold runs for XP (I hate FATEs), but the wait times were stupid long so I didn't do many. Dragging my feet getting to 50, not keen on the environment there.

Made two full stacks and then some of lavender oil getting culinarian to 15, then turned it all in via Leves in Aleport and got to 20 in half an hour.

Unlocked Thaumaturge as the first step in working on Black Mage, which I decided is going to be my second job to 50.

Hit a few trees with my axe.
#8 Nov 04 2013 at 7:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,208 posts
Got Leatherworker from 30-41

Did some mining to make some gil back... after gearing 3 level 50's, Miner, Goldsmith, and Armorer, I'm dead broke.

Luckily with that combination of level 50 jobs it doesn't take long to make some gil. I can make HQ Aetheryte Rings pretty easily, etc.

I'm taking Leatherworker to 50 because I need to be able to make the gear for the other jobs... but I'm getting tired of grinding crafting... (I know, weird huh?)... Crystal and I worked on our storyline some more, we're now in Coerthas closing in on the storyline quests at our own level... (we were behind.)

Hopefully we'll be on the level 50 track for DRG and WHM soon (Both of us are 41 now) Smiley: grin

Edited, Nov 4th 2013 10:35am by Hairspray
#9 Nov 04 2013 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
88 posts
Grind fest weekend.... Got a my Tomes up to about 850 and took a shot at Titan again..(Figured if I win I have enough for relic oil and if not get some more DL) 9x 3 diff parties.. 3rd was the best we got past heart and got him down to about 20% and that was it , rest of tries weren't as good s used what I had to buy more DL and then Spammed AK,WP,and CM all weekend

other than that helped a few FC ppl in low dungeons
#10 Nov 04 2013 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Again, not a "weekend" reply, but the past week.

Cleared Darkhold with FC peeps!

GSM, WVR, BSM, ALC all @ 40+. Should have the rest to 40 in the next couple days.

Farmed up a metric *** ton of shards for push to 45.

BOT/MIN 36-37.

THM 0-20.

#11 Nov 04 2013 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
2,430 posts
while leveling Bard, ended up 3-manning all of Qarn because our other dps left after someone made a minor mistake, and we never got a replacement. It was really fun. I actually got to use shadowbind and it mattered.
#12 Nov 04 2013 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Cleared Turn 1 and 2 again, not enough time for 4 because my static got started late. Got the Allagan Ring of Casting. Smiley: grin
Reset my materia slots in my Vanya Hat because I realized accuracy was important (was missing 10% on ADS). Smiley: dubious
Brought Leatherworker from 1-36. Currently enjoying "Waste Not". Surprised that I can actually HQ stuff reliably while leveling (i.e. Im making my own quest turn ins) Smiley: grin
Beat chimera, hydra, garuda HM, and titan HM a few times with FC to help ppl. =) Smiley: cool
Got Paladin to 35 and I'm back in the tin can armor. Smiley: oyvey
Slowly regaining my fortune after vanya gear and FC donations brought me down 900k. Smiley: eek

#13 Nov 04 2013 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
576 posts
Finished the last few levels of carpenter and took Weaver from 36 to 50. That was a bit pricey, mostly due to skyrocketing shard prices.

I really wish we could still break down crystals and clusters.

#14 Nov 04 2013 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Conjurer 35 and unlocked Wineport leves.

Fisher 41 and did the damn rain fishing quest in Gridania. Took me six hours on Saturday because it refused to rain. Once it did, I caught 17 fish total and tossed my extra 12 on the AH for a nice profit.
#15 Nov 04 2013 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
Pickins wrote:

I really wish we could still break down crystals and clusters.

I think it should be a Alchemy skill 1 Cluster > 5 Crystals > 50 Shards
#16 Nov 04 2013 at 9:55 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
SolomonGrundy wrote:
Pickins wrote:

I really wish we could still break down crystals and clusters.

I think it should be a Alchemy skill 1 Cluster > 5 Crystals > 50 Shards

I vote for this. :)
#17 Nov 04 2013 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Valkayree wrote:
Cleared Turn 1 and 2 again, not enough time for 4 because my static got started late. Got the Allagan Ring of Casting. Smiley: grin
Reset my materia slots in my Vanya Hat because I realized accuracy was important (was missing 10% on ADS). Smiley: dubious
Brought Leatherworker from 1-36. Currently enjoying "Waste Not". Surprised that I can actually HQ stuff reliably while leveling (i.e. Im making my own quest turn ins) Smiley: grin
Beat chimera, hydra, garuda HM, and titan HM a few times with FC to help ppl. =) Smiley: cool
Got Paladin to 35 and I'm back in the tin can armor. Smiley: oyvey
Slowly regaining my fortune after vanya gear and FC donations brought me down 900k. Smiley: eek

Sweet, grats on the Coil drop! Interesting using materia for stacked ACC. Would that be better than AF2 hat?

For myself, I capped Myth for the first time ever, then just kept on running for more Philo! Just need the boots for a complete BLM set of Darklight. Practiced a bit for Titan HM this Wednesday.

Ran Ifrit HM a ton of times for WHM staff. That run is getting pretty easy. It's fun to be one of the last 4 people and still win. And sometimes, WHM LB3 FTW! That's a good time!

Fingers crossed for a Wednesday Titan win!
#18 Nov 04 2013 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
576 posts
SolomonGrundy wrote:
Pickins wrote:

I really wish we could still break down crystals and clusters.

I think it should be a Alchemy skill 1 Cluster > 5 Crystals > 50 Shards

That's pretty much how it was in 1.0, but I don't remember the conversion ratio.

I'd be fine with it being a general ability like the materia actions, or maybe a special one available to all crafting classes like dyes.

#19 Nov 04 2013 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Pickins wrote:
SolomonGrundy wrote:
Pickins wrote:

I really wish we could still break down crystals and clusters.

I think it should be a Alchemy skill 1 Cluster > 5 Crystals > 50 Shards

That's pretty much how it was in 1.0, but I don't remember the conversion ratio.

I'd be fine with it being a general ability like the materia actions, or maybe a special one available to all crafting classes like dyes.


I think this is an even better idea. It would keep ALC from overtaking the market, and put a big dent in the RMT market. Right now, shard gathering is such a HUGE timesink, even with the wards.
#20 Nov 04 2013 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Pickins wrote:
SolomonGrundy wrote:
Pickins wrote:

I really wish we could still break down crystals and clusters.

I think it should be a Alchemy skill 1 Cluster > 5 Crystals > 50 Shards

That's pretty much how it was in 1.0, but I don't remember the conversion ratio.

I'd be fine with it being a general ability like the materia actions, or maybe a special one available to all crafting classes like dyes.


I think this is an even better idea. It would keep ALC from overtaking the market, and put a big dent in the RMT market. Right now, shard gathering is such a HUGE timesink, even with the wards.

I don't know about 1.0, but FFXI you could break clusters into crystals... (there was no such thing as shards in FFXI).

I would think the reason he said Alchemy is because it needs the help... all other DOH can be profitable, but name one person who uses potions in this game.
#21 Nov 04 2013 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Gnu wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Cleared Turn 1 and 2 again, not enough time for 4 because my static got started late. Got the Allagan Ring of Casting. Smiley: grin
Reset my materia slots in my Vanya Hat because I realized accuracy was important (was missing 10% on ADS). Smiley: dubious
Brought Leatherworker from 1-36. Currently enjoying "Waste Not". Surprised that I can actually HQ stuff reliably while leveling (i.e. Im making my own quest turn ins) Smiley: grin
Beat chimera, hydra, garuda HM, and titan HM a few times with FC to help ppl. =) Smiley: cool
Got Paladin to 35 and I'm back in the tin can armor. Smiley: oyvey
Slowly regaining my fortune after vanya gear and FC donations brought me down 900k. Smiley: eek

Sweet, grats on the Coil drop! Interesting using materia for stacked ACC. Would that be better than AF2 hat?

For myself, I capped Myth for the first time ever, then just kept on running for more Philo! Just need the boots for a complete BLM set of Darklight. Practiced a bit for Titan HM this Wednesday.

Ran Ifrit HM a ton of times for WHM staff. That run is getting pretty easy. It's fun to be one of the last 4 people and still win. And sometimes, WHM LB3 FTW! That's a good time!

Fingers crossed for a Wednesday Titan win!

You will come to the point in coil turn 2 where you kind of have to worry more about accuracy Gnu. If you can't find a combination to hit 432 acc, you will not be at hitting at 100% and your spells will have the dreaded "MISS". I was at 414 and was hitting 90%. When you consider that this could be your firestarter crit, or your blizzard III trigger to pick up your mana, you can run into big problems and your damage suffers so much more than it would have you just took the det and int hit. I personally had to slot the hat with acc and swap out my af2 ring and allagan gloves with the darklight versions last night just for coil 2 and i hit 434 accuracy. I didnt miss and all and we beat the run. Afterwards, I swapped back to my better INT pieces.

I am up to get another af2 piece this week. I was going to get the hat (which was so enticing becuase I want to convert my lvl 70 vanya hat for a guaranteed level IV materia (that will probably be ice IV)) but after discussions with the fc, they brought up that the boots might be better for me in my situation since they will give a big acc boost over the darklight and I wont have to lose all that int when I swap my gear. You start worrying about BiS (best in stat) gear at that point.

The struggle is getting that damage up there while maintaining that 432 accuracy (which is also the mark you need to hit 100% all the way through turn 5 as blm). And unfortunately, the first things to go are spell speed and determination =(

#22 Nov 04 2013 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
did not play much but did Titan for my story and leveled 35-almost 38

mining 10-16
armor smithing 10-15
#23 Nov 04 2013 at 1:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Played a little less this weekend. Actually went outside and spent a lot of time with boyfriend. Smiley: flowers

Got BRD to 50 and did the relic quest once again (5th) but didn't have time to get the 900 philosophy item or gear it with DL.

When I was in game, I was running WP or AK over and over again for philosophy. My FC attempted T5 outside of our static groups on Friday and realized that 4000 HP was the bare minimum you needed to not be one shot by a fireball or aetheric profusion. So, I was pretty stressed trying to make some accessories with VIT in them. Only managed to get the ring done.

Attempted T5 Sunday. Had to buy some pretty pricey VIT food and was sitting at around 3990 HP. Didn't get one shot but came close a few times (170 HP).

Spent remaining time studying for EMF test/doing DPS homework while being sick due to flu shot!

I hope everyone had a better weekend. :3

Edited, Nov 4th 2013 4:05pm by HitomeOfBismarck
#24 Nov 04 2013 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

My FC attempted T5 outside of our static groups on Friday and realized that 4000 HP was the bare minimum you needed to not be one shot by a fireball or aetherial profusion. So, I was pretty stressed trying to make some accessories with VIT in them. Only managed to get the ring done.

Attempted T5 Sunday. Had to buy some pretty pricey VIT food and was sitting at around 3990 HP. Didn't get one shot but came close a few times (170 HP).

Good advice. Uh oh, I'm at like ~3600 base... Guess I'll use that last slot in the hat for vit, and work on slotting some rose gold earrings (since I cant bring myself to replace my allagan / hero's ring combo).

Also, is aetherial profusion the tornado attack? or does that still one shot everyone? Only been up to turn 4.

Edited, Nov 4th 2013 1:56pm by Valkayree
#25 Nov 04 2013 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Valkayree wrote:

The struggle is getting that damage up there while maintaining that 432 accuracy (which is also the mark you need to hit 100% all the way through turn 5 as blm). And unfortunately, the first things to go are spell speed and determination =(

Did you see Hitome's latest awesome thread?

1st order of business is beat Titan, then I'm going to be really digging into this info to see what gear I need for Coil!
#26 Nov 04 2013 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
8,187 posts
I'm finally starting to feel better, so I managed to get a bit of gaming done this weekend, for the first time in weeks!

Friday I finished getting my Gla to 30, then did the 30 class quest and did the Pal job quest! Then my guild had GW2 missions later that night so I switched to that and did them. Saturday I continuted to level my Arcanist (was already level 15 for Whm), because I also want be a Scholar. Then my guild again wanted to do some stuff in GW2 so did that. (Multi game guild if anyone was curious as to why I switch back and forth)
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
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