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Should I Start?Follow

#1 Oct 19 2013 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
I've heard great things about the game. But it aesthetically looks very Korean, and I am weary of a low quest kill grind to cap. How does the leveling experience feel?
#2 Oct 19 2013 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
1,112 posts
First time round? Great. Some of all the XP avenues (story quest, general quest, leves, dungeons and FATEs) will take you to 50. It is more grindy than a quester style MMO, but the story quest should keep you entertained and give you enough oomph to get through the levels to see its completion. Particularly the last 5/10 levels, the story really ramps up and the concluding few missions will make you want to smash through them.
#3 Oct 19 2013 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
This is definitely NOT a Korean grinder. Yoshi-P, the lead director, calls the road to 50 (the current cap) a tutorial for endgame. Playing causally, my fiancee and I have two level 30's and a smattering of level 15's. If you push hard, you could make 50 in as little as a week, likely, depending on hours invested.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#4 Oct 19 2013 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
You can get one job to 50 on quests quickly, there are enough quests left over to get two more jobs fairly quickly to about 30-40 if you left the other cities quests alone. The rest will be a grind from 15-25ish when FATE options and Dungeons are much more rewarding.
#5 Oct 19 2013 at 3:09 PM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
I feel like the game has enough content and is fun enough to warrant the purchase price. Even if you dont continue the subscription, the first 30 days are worth what you pay. There's quite a bit to do during that time and by the end you should have a feel for if you like the game enough to subscribe or not.
#6 Oct 19 2013 at 7:37 PM Rating: Excellent
9,526 posts
reptiletim wrote:
I feel like the game has enough content and is fun enough to warrant the purchase price. Even if you dont continue the subscription, the first 30 days are worth what you pay. There's quite a bit to do during that time and by the end you should have a feel for if you like the game enough to subscribe or not.

This is probably true. The game is not to my taste - but it is beautiful and there is a lot going on - multiple jobs on one character (after level 10?) makes it so you never need to get bored.

Edited, Oct 19th 2013 6:37pm by Olorinus
#7 Oct 19 2013 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
121 posts
There are enough levelling options that you can find a mixup of what you like - FATEs, Quests, Leves, Dungeons, Hunting Log. Any one thing alone will feel grindy after while, but overall the game flows nicely if you do the whole experience, especially if you craft as you go.
#8 Oct 19 2013 at 11:39 PM Rating: Excellent
This is the first MMO that's hooked me in awhile. That being said, my playtime in comparison to XI has severely dropped, which is probably why I still have plenty to do. I know people have been complaining about the end game grind, but that's what an MMO is. I really don't know what people expect from these games now. More content is still more dungeons leading to gear leading to you having nothing to do once you've obtained said gear.

I've leveled several classes, crafts, gathering classes, randomly go back to older dungeons on my tank, trying to gear my mnk, farmed Ifrit, Garuda, etc. There's plenty to do, I just quite honestly think people have forgotten that's what RPG's and MMO's force you to do, grind, to waste your time.

#9 Oct 20 2013 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
576 posts
You're an admin with 2 posts and a "Decent" rating? What am I missing here?
#10 Oct 20 2013 at 2:33 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Not an admin in the board monitoring sense, I think. Might not even be paid.

Anyway, the game can keep you busy for a while if you're not one of those "blitz through everything and then ***** about having nothing to do" types. About 1.75 months in and I feel like I'm just under my projected timeline of progression. However, I've also been tackling harder stuff like wanting to 50 all crafts first. And sure, people beat me to that weeks ago, but I don't really care. Otherwise got my relic BLM, just a matter of saving tomes for the +1.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#11 Oct 20 2013 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
The leveling grind doesn't hit you until you're leveling your 3rd class if you balance out your path by doing a mix of quests, guildleves and FATE battles. The most efficient exp is FATEs though. Beyond a few capped characters the quests dry up and you're left with only dungeons and guildleves(which are meh) and FATEs which are good exp, but incredibly repetitive and get stale really quickly.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#12 Oct 20 2013 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
66 posts
Leveling in this game is Very easy, you can get to 50 rather quickly ( with all the options there are to gain EXP) or you can take your time and enjoy the game. I started the last 2 days of beta got to 50 in about 7 weeks doing the class quests, (Duties included) leve quests some of the side quests and a few Fates.Then wanted to
try a Dragoon, got him to lvl 38 in about a week just doing Fates a few hours a day. So depending on what your goal is there are several options and A LOT of things to keep you busy for a LONG time.
#13 Oct 20 2013 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
Pickins wrote:
You're an admin with 2 posts and a "Decent" rating? What am I missing here?

I'm a freelancer, and new to the ZAM community. I was active in GWJ and PCG. The ZAM eSports editor left, and I was asked to cover eSports for the site. I also am into a ton of MMOs, and hope that I can start a column soon to share some of my thoughts.

And thanks for the responses guys, I'll pick up the game soon!
#14 Oct 20 2013 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
I'm only like lv41 or 42. The game doesn't feel grindy at all...yet. I assume any class after my 1st 50 on the same character will level a little slower due to not having all the quests and story missions that I currently have access to.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#15 Oct 20 2013 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
181 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
I'm only like lv41 or 42. The game doesn't feel grindy at all...yet. I assume any class after my 1st 50 on the same character will level a little slower due to not having all the quests and story missions that I currently have access to.

Don't forget all your second jobs will have a 50% exp bonus and there should still be a ton of quest left over
#16 Oct 20 2013 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
576 posts
Aiomon wrote:
Pickins wrote:
You're an admin with 2 posts and a "Decent" rating? What am I missing here?

I'm a freelancer, and new to the ZAM community. I was active in GWJ and PCG. The ZAM eSports editor left, and I was asked to cover eSports for the site. I also am into a ton of MMOs, and hope that I can start a column soon to share some of my thoughts.

And thanks for the responses guys, I'll pick up the game soon!


Nice to see new contributors.Smiley: thumbsup
#17 Oct 21 2013 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Aiomon wrote:
I've heard great things about the game. But it aesthetically looks very Korean...

I'm curious as to what it is about the aesthetics that strikes you as having a Korean influence. I played around on Ragnarok Online 2 a little bit this year while waiting for FFXIV. I was struck by the difference between the two. And it wasn't just because of the quality of the graphics (FFXIV is newer than RO2, so you would expect the quality of the graphics to be better). RO2 struck me as being very cartoony, and FFXIV felt much less cartoony to me in comparison.

A lot of anime gets animated by Korean companies. So there's probably a heavy Japanese manga/anime influence on Korean animation. So in that sense, a lot of Korean games might have Japanese influence in the way they look. Perhaps that is what makes you think FFXIV looks Korean?
#18 Oct 21 2013 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
4,593 posts
No, he's right. It shares a lot of similarities with Korean MMOs style-wise. AION is a good example.
#19 Oct 21 2013 at 3:44 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Yodabunny wrote:
No, he's right. It shares a lot of similarities with Korean MMOs style-wise. AION is a good example.

But is that because FFXIV looks more Korean than it does Japanese? Or have Japanese anime/mange/video game sufficiently influenced Korean MMOs? Does FFXIV look "more Korean" than other FF titles? If so, is it simply because it looks like other contemporary MMOs, and the only other FF MMO is too old to be a good point of reference?
#20 Oct 22 2013 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,593 posts
I think Japanese styles have certainly influenced Korean game development but Korean games branched off into their own style at some point. FFXIV reminds me of Korean MMOs more than traditional Japanese fare. It has a bit more realism than Japanese material tends to have but still has the cartoon colour pallet. FFXI while dated has more of a gritty realistic feel to it. WoW is very "cartoony". Korea tends to be somewhere in the middle and FFXIV is also in the middle. This may just be an evolution in general gaming but Korea was there first so that's where the reference point belongs.
#21 Oct 22 2013 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
Aiomon wrote:
Pickins wrote:
You're an admin with 2 posts and a "Decent" rating? What am I missing here?

I'm a freelancer, and new to the ZAM community. I was active in GWJ and PCG. The ZAM eSports editor left, and I was asked to cover eSports for the site. I also am into a ton of MMOs, and hope that I can start a column soon to share some of my thoughts.

And thanks for the responses guys, I'll pick up the game soon!

Well, welcome to our humble home! It's nice to see someone new here. :) I know you'll be concentrating on eSports, but please feel free to post here, too, even if as just a 'fan' and not an admin. You'll find lots of great people and great conversations here and all throughout ZAM. Have fun, and see you around!

Edit: Added a missing word.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2013 12:37pm by Vaaniks
Primary World: Hyperion
Free Company: Jormungandr
Legacy Member
Main Character: Fialas Dawnren: Level 60 BRD/AST/MNK/DoL, Level 16-50 On Everything Else
#22 Oct 22 2013 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
The game is fun, but it seems like a lot of hte players aren't out for the adventure, they're out for the end game. Everyone has their preference.

I prefer to adventure, read every word, do every quest, wander, explore, and to me that is the most fun. However, I'm in the vast majority, but I can still find groups of people when I want to do stuff.
#23 Oct 22 2013 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
svlyons wrote:
Aiomon wrote:
I've heard great things about the game. But it aesthetically looks very Korean...

I'm curious as to what it is about the aesthetics that strikes you as having a Korean influence. I played around on Ragnarok Online 2 a little bit this year while waiting for FFXIV. I was struck by the difference between the two. And it wasn't just because of the quality of the graphics (FFXIV is newer than RO2, so you would expect the quality of the graphics to be better). RO2 struck me as being very cartoony, and FFXIV felt much less cartoony to me in comparison.

A lot of anime gets animated by Korean companies. So there's probably a heavy Japanese manga/anime influence on Korean animation. So in that sense, a lot of Korean games might have Japanese influence in the way they look. Perhaps that is what makes you think FFXIV looks Korean?

The interface felt koreany to me. Like very flashy, futuristic. I might just be being silly though!
#24 Oct 22 2013 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
Vaaniks wrote:
Aiomon wrote:
Pickins wrote:
You're an admin with 2 posts and a "Decent" rating? What am I missing here?

I'm a freelancer, and new to the ZAM community. I was active in GWJ and PCG. The ZAM eSports editor left, and I was asked to cover eSports for the site. I also am into a ton of MMOs, and hope that I can start a column soon to share some of my thoughts.

And thanks for the responses guys, I'll pick up the game soon!

Well, welcome to our humble home! It's nice to see someone new here. :) I know you'll be concentrating on eSports, but please feel free to post here, too, even if as just a 'fan' and not an admin. You'll find lots of great people and great conversations here and all throughout ZAM. Have fun, and see you around!

Edit: Added a missing word.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2013 12:37pm by Vaaniks

Thanks! I intend on it. Before I began to write here, I was unaware that ZAM had such great MMO forums. After become the circlejerk I feel it is now, I am happy that I have a place here at ZAM. Take care!
#25 Oct 23 2013 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
576 posts
BTW, go ahead and start. This game is fun.

Worst case scenario, you lose $30 and some time. Smiley: nod

Edited, Oct 23rd 2013 2:10am by Pickins
#26 Oct 23 2013 at 6:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Aiomon wrote:
Thanks! I intend on it. Before I began to write here, I was unaware that ZAM had such great MMO forums. After become the circlejerk I feel it is now, I am happy that I have a place here at ZAM. Take care!

I think ZAM survived because it didn't concentrate on one game, and it has a robust inter-game community that keeps it afloat even when there's nothing that exciting happening, game-wise.

Plus ZAM has the best moderation system/team out of any forum I've been in, including ones where I've been a mod myself.
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