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Titan Party Woes (A set of gear check questions)Follow

#52 Sep 24 2013 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,550 posts
klmbkvist wrote:
I'm a PLD and I was rejected out of a party based on my gear. I wasn't invited to try with the FC cause, 1 tank only fight. I shouted for 2-3 hours to be given the chance to try. I want to try, I want to experience, I want to learn. But I was not given the chance to do so. The person that tanked for the FC group ended up paying another group for the win. Let me tank it then.

I know that tank, he's a good guy. I don't blame him for doing it, I would probably do the same thing if I were in his position. Titan really isnt that bad, it sucks that people like you and I have been rejected because of gear. Usually I get a nice apology letter from the party lead, so I'm not offended, but not even gettign the chance to try mechanics really stinks. Rest assured, from what I read, we can just wait a month until 2.1 comes out and they nerf the battle. Then it becomes as easy as ifrit hm. Work on crafting to build pretty things for peoples houses (finally a use for carpenter?). No sense in running the rat race when I could slow down and enjoy the game. That's my take as of today.
#53 Sep 24 2013 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
297 posts
The Titan fight is the only thing I need to do to get my relic. I'm not rushing, I'm not racing, I am simply here and I'm ready for it. I want my relic and I want to tank Titan HM.
#54 Sep 24 2013 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,598 posts
Having wiped to Titan for fifteen hours between Saturday and Sunday, I can understand why these sorts of gear checks are in place. It isn't that the fight is impossible without; it's that Titan is a very unforgiving battle, and gear helps give a little leeway for mistakes. I can't count the number of times we wiped because people made small errors, died instantly (or near it), and we had no way to win without them. One battle I helped with after I got my win, the tank and I were the only ones alive at the end — it very easily could have ended in failure, and scenarios like that one aren't uncommon. When people wipe repeatedly, for hours at a time, they tend to want to maximize their chances of winning. It's unfortunate that means compensating for the lowest common denominator, because there's no way to tell who's good and who isn't before you get inside.

That said, if anyone wants a DRG and is on Ultros, feel free to hit me up. I've cleared this fight several times and quite enjoy it. Good luck, everyone~

Edited, Sep 24th 2013 5:56pm by Kouren
♪ Kin Jehn : Behemoth
#55 Sep 24 2013 at 7:47 PM Rating: Excellent
412 posts

Only a matter of time before that happened. People just don't get that people wipe b/c they can't dodge. You have to give your SS # and DPS to get a pug. Makes me smile.

Valkayree wrote:
klmbkvist wrote:
I'm a PLD and I was rejected out of a party based on my gear. I wasn't invited to try with the FC cause, 1 tank only fight. I shouted for 2-3 hours to be given the chance to try. I want to try, I want to experience, I want to learn. But I was not given the chance to do so. The person that tanked for the FC group ended up paying another group for the win. Let me tank it then.

I know that tank, he's a good guy. I don't blame him for doing it, I would probably do the same thing if I were in his position. Titan really isnt that bad, it sucks that people like you and I have been rejected because of gear. Usually I get a nice apology letter from the party lead, so I'm not offended, but not even gettign the chance to try mechanics really stinks. Rest assured, from what I read, we can just wait a month until 2.1 comes out and they nerf the battle. Then it becomes as easy as ifrit hm. Work on crafting to build pretty things for peoples houses (finally a use for carpenter?). No sense in running the rat race when I could slow down and enjoy the game. That's my take as of today.

While I can understand people's frustration, I think it's actually making the problem worse. Now that no one gets to practice, they'll never be good at it. If I recall correctly, BG wiped about 150 times to Ifrit in 1.0. We all remember how easy that fight was. It was thanks to them, a majority of us beat it in the first place, even though we didn't wipe as many times.

I helped a group today, and I realized that people were absolutely lost when it came to the post heart phase. They have zero experience. Pugs don't even try to improve every run. They just want that win now. While I think that it might be better to practice as much as you can with your linkshell/FC so you can enter Duty Finder prepared, Not everyone has access to a linkshell that has enough people at Titan.

It was only a matter of time till I started seeing ridiculous shouts Demanding the same iLVL that the fight drops, or better. When I see FUL DL/RELIC require, it's just going to far.

Oh hey, my karma stalker is back.

Edited, Sep 24th 2013 11:55pm by GDLYL
#56 Sep 25 2013 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Louiscool wrote:
During these stomps, you also have to worry about curing the tank. If the tank isn't at FULL hp, the mountain buster that follows will surely kill him. Then you have the almost GARAUNTEED chance that someone, somewhere, will get hit by a weight or a bomb and need a few spot cures to full HP.

Now, if someone happens to take a weight, you can give them a cure and a regen because ideally they won't be 1 stomp away from death.

And I think you mean phase 4? Technically 5 if you count heart phase.

All we're saying is that more HP is better, why would you disagree with this? I can garauntee no one will walk into titan and be a pro. With the suggestions of more hp, you are given more leeway to mess up and not die.

Edited, Sep 24th 2013 2:45pm by Louiscool

Hey Louis: I understand what you are saying, ok? I don't believe you are spouting pure bullsh*t like the quote below. Notice in my guide that I actually do recommend full DL but say it can be done in full AK gear. I also recommend VIT% food. I didn't need it but I know others who might.

I'm also well aware of how the fight works. Did you know that several classes have wonderful abilities for the combo on the tank in phase 3 that reduces its damage output? Virus works quite well on my BLM. BRD also has RoD to reduce mountain buster damage as well. Paladin has a CD that negates its entire damage.

Which is my next point: the tank can survive briefly without a healer due to cooldowns. It is why you showed me a parse with a warrior DPS, actually. No one will let WAR tank this it seems due to all of the tools PLD has at its disposal.

Technically, I mean phase 1, 2, and 3 as listed here. I did tell you I wrote a guide tailored to BLMs based on my experiences with all three primals right?

More HP is great but I think if you stress this point, you are missing the point of this fight entirely.

Phase 3 is this:

Mountain Buster > Tumult (Multiple Uses) > Weight of the Land > Bombs (three patterns of bombs) > Landslide > Mountain Buster > Weight of the Land > Gaol > Landslide > Repeat

So someone eats a a weight you say? This is expected. As you can see, he uses tumult once every 7 moves. What are the abilities right before tumult? Landslide and mountain buster. If someone is hit by landslide at this point, they're dead. Nothing is going to save them. That means the tank is the healer's primary focus at this point. You have two healers for one tank. You might even have 3 depending on comp. One is most likely going to be raid healing (if the fairy on SCH isn't doing it for them).

The last time Titan uses weight of the land is FOUR moves before he uses tumult. If your healer cannot cap you off in this time frame, your healers have an issue: not your max HP. Hence, why I said this was a healing check.

Also, you are neglecting something so critical for BLMs and that is our ability to heal ourselves. It's not as potent as healer cures but I EASILY sustain the least amount of damage during geocrush, earthen fury, and tumult because I have manaward, manawall, and physick at my disposal to handle this.


Geocrush about to go off? Manaward > pre-cast physick as he lands
Result: You take around 20% damage from geocrush and are healed to around 95% with physick. Everyone else in the group is <50% if they aren't in SCH soil

Earthen fury about to go off? Pre-cast physick with swiftcast physick ready if your healers are REALLY slacking. They literally have nothing to do during heart phase besides heal the pitifuul damage done to the tank by Titan and heal anyone who gets hit by plumes. Actually, many WHMs I know switch stances during this phase and go all out DPS, leaving the healing to the other healer entirely. If people are not capped off for earthen fury, they're going to die.

Since BLM can cap themselves off before fury goes off, this is a non-issue.

Let's talk tumult then. Now, again, I haven't done extensive testing (because I haven't had to ever worry about it), but manawall or manaward will most likely negate part of tumults damage. If it doesn't, you can always spam physick during the tumult phase. My physicks generally heal 300 HP non-crit in a short time window meaning my EHP during tumult phase is actually not 3300, 3200, 3100, or whatever the hell my HP is at the time: it's my current HP max + the equivalent of 2~3 physick cures.

This means I actually have MORE EHP than almost any other damage dealing class during this phase which is why high HP for BLM is NOT needed at all. It is simply a luxury.

This means that the only thing I need to do before tumult goes off is avoid the plumes that are THREE moves in front of tumult. If I get hit by plumes, all I have to do is cast 3 physicks.

But here's the thing: if I dodge weight, I don't need to do anything. The EHP I have is irrelevant at that point as long as it can survive his 10 stomp tumult. Since the healers are spamming AoE heals at this point, there is actually no possible way for a BLM to die to tumult unless he is out of range of heals even ignoring all I just told you.

Absolutely no one will walk into Titan as a pro: I completely agree. Absolutely no one will survive through Titan if they do not learn to dodge which means max HP is irrelevant besides the tank. Only one move will one-shot you outside of landslide and that's double plume. If you're getting hit by two plumes, you have big issues. The healers can also resurrect you if you die to double plume quite easily making this issue even less severe than it already is.

Everyone must perform their job perfectly. The margin of error is such that one person (a DPS) may be landslided off. That's it.

I hope this makes sense. I honestly cannot tell you, out of those 54 attempts, when I ever died to tumult when the rest of the group didn't.

Viertel wrote:
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
My BLM apparently got carried!
That's what your post boils down to. Secondly, the threshold of 3,400 health is considered a bare minimum for brand new groups.

Brand. New. Groups.

Has that sunk in yet? It was rough estimate based on the average healing from 2 healers with Garuda weapons going against Titan and the fight lasting long enough to get to 8 stomps. If you're running with people that have already killed him (underlined part here) then your threshold is lower because those healers more than likely HAVE their relic (or Allagan or +1 Relic) and the bonus to healing compensates for your lack of gearing.

Frankly, if you can't be bothered to actually go after Darklight gear for Titan that just shows not only laziness but a disregard for whoever you're grouping with because they have to pick up YOUR slack.

Titan is a mechanics fight and a gear check. Trying to deny it when you admitted to being carried means nothing.

Edit: Before we even get into this, let's have a look at something very interesting I found:

Found you. ♪

Hiding behind your weaver won't really help you:

Based on this post:

You play a paladin. You stated Titan did something particular to you..a critical hit:

Viertel wrote:
Besides that, you're right as there are more than a few abilities that you can't avoid that hit hard usually and *incredibly* hard the worst case scenario -- you get crit. It's only happened *once* but when I was crit by Titan for 5,250 on rage table I slammed invincible as fast as I could. Awareness was already down otherwise it wouldn't have been an issue, but 5,250 of a 5,780 health is dangerous as sh*t.

Guess what 8% of 5375 (your current HP) is? 430 HP. Guess how much HP you have with tanking food (+8%VIT) on? 5805.

Bolded ringing any bells? No doubt your gear has changed since to account for the 25 HP.

Now let's look at your profile:

You've admitted to being a legacy player in several posts. This character is on a legacy server.

Legacy player with a relic...and a bunch of AK drops. You are basically slamming OP for something that you don't even have yourself. Pathetic.

By your logic, you were carried as well. Good lord at least try to hide your tracks a little better in the future.

And now to address your flimsy points where your credibility has already been shot:

Of course someone like you you would appear with misinformed opinions, spouting how gear is such a huge thing in this fight and it makes all the difference int he world. It's only natural that people hide behind their gear when they lack the skill to do things in game that are even a little challenging. How hard is it to dodge a landslide, plumes, and a bomb anyways? Not very. That's what makes Titan and your own HP irrelevant: he's predictable to the point that you should never be hit outside of latency issues.

My group that initially killed him had no one in it that had 'already killed him'. Not only have I never died to any of Titan's tumults before anyone else in my group, but I also take far less damage than other players in my group due to manaward. Your analogy falls apart because your assumptions are incorrect.

My DPS was at its peak (5% above the 2nd highest DPS). I have gotten hit by landslide 3 times, once by bombs, and died twice to double plumes 3 times in the span of 54 runs.

Know what's even better? The monk in my FC, who has a similar mindset as you, obtained full DL and Garuda's weapon before attempting this fight despite me telling him that DPS isn't an issue: your survivability is.

In a FC run, 34 wipes occurred before a win at the 35th. 22 of those wipes were caused because the monk kept getting knocked off, plumed, or bombed. Similarly, a bard with full DL was with us at the time (remember, I was still in full demagogue at this point). 8 of the wipes were caused by the BRD doing the exact same thing: running into bombs, getting knocked off, or getting double plumed.

The remaining 4 wipes were caused due to the healer acquiring aggro due to medica 2 spam during phase 1.

Two of the players had what you recommend: full DL and a Garuda's weapon. Not only did both players parse well beneath me (6% lower) but were the result of the wipes.

Titan is not an extreme gear check that you make it out to be. Titan is a "can you control your ADHD for longer than 5 second" fight, a "can your healers learn not to spam medica when it isn't necessary so they do not pull threat" fight, and a "can your DPS kill the heart in time" fight. Hint: the heart can be killed with ease using people in full AK gear + DL accessories.

GDLYL wrote:

Only a matter of time before that happened. People just don't get that people wipe b/c they can't dodge. You have to give your SS # and DPS to get a pug. Makes me smile.

Quoted for truth.

Next you'll try to say I was carried through coil 1 through 3. Smiley: lol

Try again at a later date.

Preferably, please post your character (edit: oh wait: already found it). After that, post screenshots of Caduceus kill and parse/ADS kill and parse (edit: don't need the parse! you're a tank).

Oh and one more thing: if you want to see a bunch of my parses, head on over to:

Edited, Sep 26th 2013 5:40am by HitomeOfBismarck
#57 Sep 25 2013 at 5:45 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Life vs. Titan sucks as a warrior tank.

Mountain Buster hits me for ~4500 on my warrior. Have yet to find a group who knows to use Virus and/or RoD before he gets that off.

So I DF it, get in, and hope I'm with a PLD. I've made it past heart with a decently geared PLD tank, and up to heart when I was tanking. But Hoplite/DL/AF2 isn't enough, even with Garuda weapon.

So, I farm more, to replace Hoplite with more DL, and eventually AF2.

But I'll be damned if Mountain Buster isn't just pure bullsh*t for a warrior to deal with.

Edited, Sep 25th 2013 4:46am by Quor
#58 Sep 25 2013 at 11:03 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

Also, you are neglecting something so critical for BLMs and that is our ability to heal ourselves. It's not as potent as healer cures but I EASILY sustain the least amount of damage during geocrush, earthen fury, and tumult because I have manaward, manawall, and physick at my disposal to handle this.


Geocrush about to go off? Manaward > pre-cast physick as he lands
Result: You take around 20% damage from geocrush and are healed to around 95% with physick. Everyone else in the group is <50% if they aren't in SCH soil

Earthen fury about to go off? Pre-cast physick with swiftcast physick ready if your healers are REALLY slacking. They literally have nothing to do during heart phase besides heal the pitifuul damage done to the tank by Titan and heal anyone who gets hit by plumes. Actually, many WHMs I know switch stances during this phase and go all out DPS, leaving the healing to the other healer entirely. If people are not capped off for earthen fury, they're going to die.

Since BLM can cap themselves off before fury goes off, this is a non-issue.

Hehe, This is exactly how I survive the red add aoe in garuda when my pug party fails the dps check.
#59 Sep 25 2013 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

You've admitted to being a legacy player in several posts. This character is on a legacy server.

Legacy player with a relic...and a bunch of AK drops. You are basically slamming OP for something that you don't even have yourself. Pathetic.

By your logic, you were carried as well. Good lord at least try to hide your tracks a little better in the future.

Smiley: bowdown
#60 Sep 25 2013 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
Got War to 50 first since it was my highest leveled class from 1.0. Will more than likely go healer for the long run (working on SCH), plus I hear Titan is hell on War tanks. Did endgame in other MMOs as heals, and although I always made sure my gear was good enough for the encounter, it's good to see players such as Hitome stress that knowing what you're doing and moving out of crap is still important. All of the shouts I've seen on my server have been along the lines of "must have this", "must have that". I was started to become discouraged--I was thinking people are starting to believe gear > skill. Not saying that gear should be completely neglected. Only that it means nothing if the person wearing it can't move.
Thank you, Hitome and others. I'm looking forward to endgame again lol.
#61 Sep 25 2013 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
265 posts
Can confirm it being retarded on war tanks.

Sitting at about 7k HP after food/ability (full DL + one heroes ring) it's stil easy to get ****** up if healers dont pay attention and spam heals. Seems it's best doing DF for a PLD and do STR gearing for dps lol
#62 Sep 25 2013 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
Ya healers need to top you off before the mountain crusher which happens after the landslide and after the bombs go off, there should be plenty of time to do that though. I just beat this in a PUG, was really tough, here's a suggestion, don't just learn the move order, broadcast it to people.

I have three macros

(landslide) <se.8>
(area of effect) @2s (run away) (gather together)X <se.9>
(mountain crusher) (flash) HP > 3000 (please check it) <se.7>

I'm a PLD so in case I am ST, it's a nice warning for the mountain crusher for sure. You can learn the ability rotations off YouTube, setup those macros and use them 2 seconds before they happen and your party will love you.

I got applause all around after we won because I called 95% of every move with 2s warning - in a PUG this is extremely helpful, if not essential since you're bound to get someone not paying attention, totally agree this is an ADHD check, not a gear check, but if you have lag or ur playing on a JP server from the US like me, a bit extra HP doesn't hurt in case you take a hit and don't get topped off before a Titan jump/tumult.
#63 Sep 25 2013 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
589 posts
SyniteonReflux wrote:
Ya healers need to top you off before the mountain crusher which happens after the landslide and after the bombs go off, there should be plenty of time to do that though. I just beat this in a PUG, was really tough, here's a suggestion, don't just learn the move order, broadcast it to people.

I have three macros

(landslide) <se.8>
(area of effect) @2s (run away) (gather together)X <se.9>
(mountain crusher) (flash) HP > 3000 (please check it) <se.7>

I'm a PLD so in case I am ST, it's a nice warning for the mountain crusher for sure. You can learn the ability rotations off YouTube, setup those macros and use them 2 seconds before they happen and your party will love you.

I got applause all around after we won because I called 95% of every move with 2s warning - in a PUG this is extremely helpful, if not essential since you're bound to get someone not paying attention, totally agree this is an ADHD check, not a gear check, but if you have lag or ur playing on a JP server from the US like me, a bit extra HP doesn't hurt in case you take a hit and don't get topped off before a Titan jump/tumult.

Which JP server so I can ***** you out on Titan?
#64 Sep 25 2013 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
SyniteonReflux wrote:
Ya healers need to top you off before the mountain crusher which happens after the landslide and after the bombs go off, there should be plenty of time to do that though. I just beat this in a PUG, was really tough, here's a suggestion, don't just learn the move order, broadcast it to people.

I have three macros

(landslide) <se.8>
(area of effect) @2s (run away) (gather together)X <se.9>
(mountain crusher) (flash) HP > 3000 (please check it) <se.7>

I'm a PLD so in case I am ST, it's a nice warning for the mountain crusher for sure. You can learn the ability rotations off YouTube, setup those macros and use them 2 seconds before they happen and your party will love you.

I got applause all around after we won because I called 95% of every move with 2s warning - in a PUG this is extremely helpful, if not essential since you're bound to get someone not paying attention, totally agree this is an ADHD check, not a gear check, but if you have lag or ur playing on a JP server from the US like me, a bit extra HP doesn't hurt in case you take a hit and don't get topped off before a Titan jump/tumult.

This is a great suggestion. All of my wins have usually been in groups where vent is highly encouraged. In vent, I usually call off exactly what is going to happen on phase 3 before it actually happens. When people can just hear, "OK, make sure you have an escape route for plumes" on phase 3, they easily can look around, find a safe spot, and run to the outside when the plume drops. When people do not hear this, they aren't thinking about what comes up next, and are caught off guard.

There are several fights in this game where having a good 'internal' timer helps: this is one of them.

If you find that your group's internal timers are not up to speed, simply make the macro quoted in this post.

I'd even add a wait timer to it. For instance, ADS needs to be silenced and stunned every 20 seconds. The orbs before him need to be stunned and silenced every 25 seconds. The following macro works wonders:

First HV is stunned by paladin and I hit this:

/echo High Voltage [trash] macro used
/wait 20
/p HV in 5 seconds <se.4>
/wait 2
/p HV in 3 seconds <se.4>

Ever since then, no HVs go off. Do the same for plumes on phase 1 and 2 if you need to. I believe there's a 20 second window in between each plume in the phase 1 and 2 (pre-heart and during heart):

Plumes go off for the first time after first geocrush and you hit this:

/echo Plumes macro used
/wait 15
/p Plumes in 5 seconds <se.4>
/wait 2
/p Plumes in 3 seconds <se.4>

It won't always get people out of the plumes but you should see vast improvement in group survivability.
#65 Sep 25 2013 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Ya healers need to top you off before the mountain crusher which happens after the landslide and after the bombs go off, there should be plenty of time to do that though. I just beat this in a PUG, was really tough, here's a suggestion, don't just learn the move order, broadcast it to people.

The problem is, on Circle Bombs in Phase 4, there's no safe spot for the tank to stand. The tank needs to take a bomb and get cured up before Mountain Buster.
#66 Sep 25 2013 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
589 posts
Remember when Garuda HM was hard? One day we will say the same about Titan
#67 Sep 25 2013 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Legacy player with a relic...and a bunch of AK drops. You are basically slamming OP for something that you don't even have yourself. Pathetic.

By your logic, you were carried as well. Good lord at least try to hide your tracks a little better in the future.

First of all, if you're going to bother trying to 'counter' with my character you need to actually pay attention to what you link. Go ahead and do so because I'll freely admit that I don't have Darklight body+head combo or Legs+feet combo.

You want to know why?

Because they're utterly horrible for tanks. People get them without thinking and it's inferior to Hoplite due to the changes from 1.0's stats on them even if Hoplite's a lesser iLVL.

Defense plays a big role in this game regardless of what people think (and especially MDef) but the miniscule amount I gain by upgrading to those two pieces isn't worth the Critical hit and Determination I lose to do so in exchange for even MORE accuracy than what I already have (493). That's the recommended amount for Bahamut Coil *FIVE*. I have that *now* and adding close to 40 more isn't doing a damned thing and neither would the 8-9 STR or VIT for 2,640 tombstones. It's a side-grade at absolute best and the *ENTIRE* group as a whole made this decision when I asked their input on it. I've already grinded out the entire Darklight set for Scholar and am halfway through purchasing pieces for Dragoon for whenever I get those classes up. Despite what you try to proclaim I'm not a lazy *******.

Secondly, I am on a legacy server and I *PLAYED* a legacy character. You know what that means? NOTHING! The highest I got was a 22 Fisher because the game was boring as hell and I couldn't play for much because the latency and server issues disgusted me and I quit when they started to charge. That doesn't mean, however, that I stopped following the game.

Thirdly, would you like to know when I got my Curtana and Holy Shield? The night we killed Titan last FRIDAY (20/9/2013). Yeah, I *REALLY* was a legacy player there wasn't I? Our entire group got a relic (with the exception of a DRG who hadn't made his base weapon yet and didn't want to buy it); NO ONE got carried, thanks.

For future referrence, make sure you're not talking out of your *** before trying to proclaim something baseless about my gear. And "hiding on my weaver"? Could you *be* any more childish and pathetic with that statement?

Don't pretend to know me, my group, or my situation. It just makes you look like a jackass.

Louiscool wrote:
Ya healers need to top you off before the mountain crusher which happens after the landslide and after the bombs go off, there should be plenty of time to do that though. I just beat this in a PUG, was really tough, here's a suggestion, don't just learn the move order, broadcast it to people.

The problem is, on Circle Bombs in Phase 4, there's no safe spot for the tank to stand. The tank needs to take a bomb and get cured up before Mountain Buster.


Can you avoid it? Absolutely as you can go into the center.

Is it worth the risk? No.

Edited, Sep 25th 2013 5:51pm by Viertel
#68 Sep 25 2013 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
nonameoflevi wrote:
SyniteonReflux wrote:
Ya healers need to top you off before the mountain crusher which happens after the landslide and after the bombs go off, there should be plenty of time to do that though. I just beat this in a PUG, was really tough, here's a suggestion, don't just learn the move order, broadcast it to people.

I have three macros

(landslide) <se.8>
(area of effect) @2s (run away) (gather together)X <se.9>
(mountain crusher) (flash) HP > 3000 (please check it) <se.7>

I'm a PLD so in case I am ST, it's a nice warning for the mountain crusher for sure. You can learn the ability rotations off YouTube, setup those macros and use them 2 seconds before they happen and your party will love you.

I got applause all around after we won because I called 95% of every move with 2s warning - in a PUG this is extremely helpful, if not essential since you're bound to get someone not paying attention, totally agree this is an ADHD check, not a gear check, but if you have lag or ur playing on a JP server from the US like me, a bit extra HP doesn't hurt in case you take a hit and don't get topped off before a Titan jump/tumult.

Which JP server so I can ***** you out on Titan?

Durandal, I'll do a few more next week for FC mates, if you're on there we could team up.

Louiscool wrote:
Ya healers need to top you off before the mountain crusher which happens after the landslide and after the bombs go off, there should be plenty of time to do that though. I just beat this in a PUG, was really tough, here's a suggestion, don't just learn the move order, broadcast it to people.

The problem is, on Circle Bombs in Phase 4, there's no safe spot for the tank to stand. The tank needs to take a bomb and get cured up before Mountain Buster.

Yeh, save a defense buff for that one =/
#69 Sep 25 2013 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
Titan exposes the cracks in ARR's sluggish design.

Only a matter of time before that happened. People just don't get that people wipe b/c they can't dodge. You have to give your SS # and DPS to get a pug. Makes me smile.

Uh huh.

Oops. Must have been the player's fault for failing dungeon crawling 101 and being so gosh darn bad at one the most basic skills of dungeons running, not standing in stuff. The 300ms response times and the wonky sluggish combat that results from it are blameless. People are just bad or something.

How it should work:

Everyone complains about the 2.5s GCD making combat feel sluggish and wonky when the reality is that the GCD is fine it's the responsiveness that is the issue.

e.g. when you interrupt spell casting while the monster is casting then it should be interrupted, not only if you interrupt it with enough time for the server to register it. Period.

e.g. when you cast an instant cast spell it should cast instantly. Period.

e.g. when you get out of the red circle before the AOE goes off then you shouldn't get hit with the AOE. Period.

e.g. if you are down to 100 health, use a self heal for 400 then get hit for 300 (according to the combat log) then you shouldn't die and lose the item because the server didn't register the usage until after it registered the attack. Period.

WoW doesn't have these simple problems, combat is responsive and tight. I never played ToR but apparently it had the same issue and it was resolved because it RUINED PvP and all other chaotic combat situations.

If it isn't fixed then complex encounters will be more frustrating than fun. Players should be able focus on execution not trying to trick the servers into correctly registering their positions and actions. Casting something immediately after moving out of the circle to update location is not a fix.
#70 Sep 25 2013 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
I mean, the elitist attitude is cute and everything but the reality is you aren't as pro as you think you are, most people are clueless about the 300ms and aren't bad at all, just victims of ARR's design choices. The bottom line is that they wouldn't be wiping as much and making videos about the absurdity of it if the servers responded the way people expect them to.

The 300ms design is tarded and combat is sluggish because of it, sometimes the game feels like you are moving through molasses. The key presses for instants can feel finicky and unreliable if you don't time them with the GCD. Then there are the lag spikes I get in instances for no reason whatsoever that eventually lead to a 90k every couple of hours even though I have a solid connection and rarely if ever D/C while playing other games.

Oh well, it must all be my fault for standing in the fire I thought I avoided.

Edited, Sep 25th 2013 6:59pm by KingoGoodbomber
#71 Sep 25 2013 at 5:02 PM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
Hmm I like the fire and forget macros with the /wait... Might need a bit of fine tuning to get it down for our topic of Titan HM

Basically my tactic for memorizing is to look for certain key warning signs and warn them of the next aoe, this is not 100% accurate but it's easier than memorizing the move order exactly I think.

The problem I find with Titan is it's totally an ADHD thing that'll kill you before your gear does, you get tired from dodging the first attack and think, phew, that was a close call - now I can take a break, but Titan is unrelenting, it's awesome fun but if you snooze just once you're dead, so my macro warnings are meant to be just that, a warning to keep you on your toes and simple enough to remember so you can be doing other stuff "like dodging yourself". Plus if you macro warn each and everything it just becomes spam, most people can dodge landslides easy - you don't need to warn those, except when it's critical (such as when breaking people out of gaol at the end)

But If anyone else wants to try the same idea of manual macro warns I'll share what I base my macro calls on, I'm not too technical so phase to me is when what I watch for as a warning sign changes.

Phase 1 - after first Titan jump
This is easy, after tumult (which is your warning sign) and immediately after he lands, I ping (area of effect) @2s (run away) (gather together)X <se.9> - he throws two more punches then I call (landslide) <se.8> - not really necessary, everyone should be dodging landslide on their own

Phase 2 - after second jump
Call here is the landslide 1 punch after tumult, and most importantly 1 second after the landslide I hit (area of effect) @2s (run away) (gather together)X <se.9> - this is where some die, after the landslide they want to cast something

Bomb explosions are followed by landslide quickly, and the same thing 3 seconds-ish plumes

- plumes after landslide continues into the heart stage, I really don't bother here, everyone should be able to dodge landslides, the key warning sign here is to just watch for landslides, then always warn about the plumes after the landslide, that's what gets people

Phase 3 - after heart

So now his order is no longer simple, and I admit I don't even totally remember it, but there are two patterns here so this should really be more than one phase, but that's a bit complicated so I wouldn't give that as advice. I'm also busy not dying so I just watch for a couple warning signs and hope everyone is on their toes.

1. Warn for plumes
he lands, warn mountain crusher, tumult is the warning sign this is followed by plumes which you need to warn about
later on the plumes follow the mountain crusher too, I kind of go on instinct for this since I know the two patterns. If I mis-call it's not a big deal usually, good to keep people on their toes haha.

So starting out just watch for tumult and mountain crusher, warn about the plumes that come after

2. Warn for mountain crusher
WHMs need to top off the PLD, so this is important and the PLD needs to flash/def buff -

Watch for right after bombs go off and u dodge the bombs/landslide - there's a mountain crusher coming

Watch for after the gaol (rock prison) he'll landslide of course, then mountain crusher, so just after these two things, warn mountain crusher

The gaol stage is also when the plumes start following the mountain crusher (don't forget you are warning these too) - you'll learn this through trial and error - then instinct, it's too hard to try remembering these patterns when you're in the fight.

So basically by watching for these warning signs and firing my macros everyone knows to do next.

Edited, Sep 25th 2013 7:12pm by SyniteonReflux
#72 Sep 25 2013 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
Viertel wrote:
I am on a legacy server and I *PLAYED* a legacy character. You know what that means? NOTHING! The highest I got was a 22 Fisher because the game was boring as hell and I couldn't play for much because the latency and server issues disgusted me and I quit when they started to charge. That doesn't mean, however, that I stopped following the game.

I'm so glad we agree on one thing! Your status as a legacy players means absolutely nothing. I wholeheartedly agree.

The only reason it was mentioned is because it made searching for you so much easier due to the small amount of legacy servers in comparison to non-legacy servers.

If your posts have demonstrated anything it's the fact that legacy players have no advantage over non-legacy players in terms of skill or tactical ability. Still waiting on those screenshots, by the way.

Viertel wrote:
Insert some excuses about not having DL here.

Vietrel wrote:
Frankly, if you can't be bothered to actually go after Darklight gear for Titan that just shows not only laziness but a disregard for whoever you're grouping with because they have to pick up YOUR slack.

Titan is a mechanics fight and a gear check. Trying to deny it when you admitted to being carried means nothing.

Vietrel wrote:
He's a massive check on group performance, personal performance, and gear.

And no, your weapon doesn't really cut it. Spend the time and get Garuda's.

Viertel wrote:
For future referrence, make sure you're not talking out of your *** before trying to proclaim something baseless about my gear.

Your excuses for not having DL are quite humorous given the fact that you have dismissed the OP's rationale for not having DL as well. You've stated that DL is not optimal for you yet you say everyone should have full DL anyways. So which is it? Smiley: lol

Not only do you lack the ability to understand Titan's mechanics as they pertain to BLM as well as certain mechanics in general, you're also a hypocrite. Great. Good to know.

No talking out the *** was done: I simply called you on the plethora of bullsh*t you've been spouting throughout this post. Do you not understand?

Viertel wrote:
Don't make assumptions about me and whether I was carried or not

and yet you've made a certain assumption yourself:

Viertel wrote:
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
My BLM apparently got carried!

That's what your post boils down to. Secondly, the threshold of 3,400 health is considered a bare minimum for brand new groups.

I cannot believe how easy it is to demonstrate the contradictory nature of your posts.

Viertel wrote:
Don't pretend to know me, my group, or my situation. It just makes you look like a jackass.

The only one who looks like a jackass at this point is you. I've continually offered up constructive advice to the OP with actual experience as his role to back it up while all you've done is said, equivalently, "Get DL noob".

And finally, it seems like you have gone on the defense: not refuting any of my points regarding BLM's role in the Titan HM fight.

I guess you could say this is expected in a Titan HM post since you...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

have no ground left to stand on. YEAHHHHHHHHH

Edited, Sep 25th 2013 7:26pm by HitomeOfBismarck
#73 Sep 25 2013 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
If your posts have demonstrated anything it's the fact that legacy players have no advantage over non-legacy players in terms of skill or tactical ability. Still waiting on those screenshots, by the way.

What. Screenshots.

The majority of your post was rambling like a child, stating I said things I did not, then trying to pick apart some 'flaw' on my character you perceive to prop up yourself. Congrats, you can cherry pick parts of a sentence to try to make yourself out to be some "champion" of the underdog.

Viertel wrote:
Insert some excuses about not having DL here.

HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Your excuses for not having DL are quite humorous given the fact that you have dismissed the OP's rationale for not having DL as well. You've stated that DL is not optimal for you yet you say everyone should have full DL anyways. So which is it? Smiley: lol

They're not "excuses" no matter how much you want to believe so. If you can't understand that from a *TANKING PERSPECTIVE* and the fact that's pretty damned well known how terrible HDL was transformed from 1.0 to 2.0 that's on you.

HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Not only do you lack the ability to understand Titan's mechanics as they pertain to BLM as well as certain mechanics in general, you're also a hypocrite. Great. Good to know.

You pew pew the boss, and you dodge **** on the ground. Oh yes, I don't understand BLM at all on Titan. You're not a special snowflake no matter how much you wish you were. There's only one person not moving on Titan more than necessary and that's the tank, and even *HE/SHE* needs to try their best to avoid bombs.

HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
No talking out the *** was done: I simply called you on the plethora of bullsh*t you've been spouting throughout this post. Do you not understand?

You haven't done anything but look like a child.

Viertel wrote:
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
My BLM apparently got carried!

That's what your post boils down to. Secondly, the threshold of 3,400 health is considered a bare minimum for brand new groups.

I cannot believe how easy it is to demonstrate the contradictory nature of your posts.[/quote]

Except you aren't. Nice try.

Viertel wrote:
Don't pretend to know me, my group, or my situation. It just makes you look like a jackass.

HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
The only one who looks like a jackass at this point is you. I've continually offered up constructive advice to the OP with actual experience as his role to back it up while all you've done is said, equivalently, "Get DL noob".

Not once, at all, did I *EVER* state the OP needed to get Darklight since he already had a few pieces. I stated he needed a better weapon since the jump between just Ifrit and Garuda in terms of damage for anyone, but especially casters because their jumps are larger, isn't something to toss aside. And I *ALSO* stated the reason for the health 'requirement' for PUG groups -- Earthen Fury, which Manawall doesn't do a damned thing for.

If you can't understand that (and can't read apparently and choose to cherry pick part of sentences to try to make some point that doesn't even exist and never did in the first place) that's YOUR problem.

HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
And finally, it seems like you have gone on the defense: not refuting any of my points regarding BLM's role in the Titan HM fight.

I guess you could say this is expected in a Titan HM post since you...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

have no ground left to stand on. YEAHHHHHHHHH

Edited, Sep 25th 2013 7:26pm by HitomeOfBismarck

You're so childish it's pathetic.

I didn't "refute" anything because you never made a point.
#74 Sep 25 2013 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
412 posts
KingoGoodbomber wrote:
Titan exposes the cracks in ARR's sluggish design.

Only a matter of time before that happened. People just don't get that people wipe b/c they can't dodge. You have to give your SS # and DPS to get a pug. Makes me smile.

Uh huh.

Oops. Must have been the player's fault for failing dungeon crawling 101 and being so gosh darn bad at one the most basic skills of dungeons running, not standing in stuff. The 300ms response times and the wonky sluggish combat that results from it are blameless. People are just bad or something.

How it should work:

Everyone complains about the 2.5s GCD making combat feel sluggish and wonky when the reality is that the GCD is fine it's the responsiveness that is the issue.

e.g. when you interrupt spell casting while the monster is casting then it should be interrupted, not only if you interrupt it with enough time for the server to register it. Period.

e.g. when you cast an instant cast spell it should cast instantly. Period.

e.g. when you get out of the red circle before the AOE goes off then you shouldn't get hit with the AOE. Period.

e.g. if you are down to 100 health, use a self heal for 400 then get hit for 300 (according to the combat log) then you shouldn't die and lose the item because the server didn't register the usage until after it registered the attack. Period.

WoW doesn't have these simple problems, combat is responsive and tight. I never played ToR but apparently it had the same issue and it was resolved because it RUINED PvP and all other chaotic combat situations.

If it isn't fixed then complex encounters will be more frustrating than fun. Players should be able focus on execution not trying to trick the servers into correctly registering their positions and actions. Casting something immediately after moving out of the circle to update location is not a fix.

That happened to me as well. Know how many times? Twice. I can go through a Titan fight with out getting touched at all. Only his stomps. I think there is a clear difference in a PUG group giving up after one wipe, and one person or several tries constantly getting hit by things. Funny thing is, no one is complaining about latency on the easier stuff, such as Ifrit/Garuda. You can actually DF both of those and probably get a win. I know that Ifrit's usually a sure thing. I've seen people hide at garuda's rock and still get hit standing next to me from time to time. Taking a lag spike out of contex to excuse why some people don't pay attention. Cudos.

Sorry the "lag" excuse is being played out. Everyone dies randomly at some point. My FC can one shot without issue. However, someone will randomly die and we'll "LOL." Why? **** happens. It's a bit dishonest to compare lag spikes that make you go 9/10 on a Titan set, and PUGs that spend the entire time limit wiping pre heart. See, if people actually made it past the heart and always die, I'd be like yea, those mechanics make that phase harder than it needs to be. It so funny to see people eat that very first Weight of the land that comes EVERY TIME after the first jump. If it's one move that you can dodge it's that one. They get absent minded, plain and simple. Titan has punished me several times for being absent minded. Like thinking its the circle formation when it's the line, and I stand in the middle like a dummy. Yes, I'm calling myself out. Mental fatigue is also a factor. Depending on time zones, some people may be up way past that bed time. I factor all of that in when people derp, I never blow up irrationally.

I enjoy the challenge of titan. Sadly, it's made people very desperate. Paying for wins, demanding extremely high iLVL for the fight. I hope that the future primals are more challenging.

Edited, Sep 25th 2013 11:56pm by GDLYL
#75 Sep 26 2013 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
149 posts
I actually had to run to the store for more Smiley: popcorn for this one!
#76 Sep 27 2013 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
KingoGoodbomber wrote:

e.g. when you get out of the red circle before the AOE goes off then you shouldn't get hit with the AOE. Period.

e.g. if you are down to 100 health, use a self heal for 400 then get hit for 300 (according to the combat log) then you shouldn't die and lose the item because the server didn't register the usage until after it registered the attack. Period.

If it isn't fixed then complex encounters will be more frustrating than fun. Players should be able focus on execution not trying to trick the servers into correctly registering their positions and actions. Casting something immediately after moving out of the circle to update location is not a fix.

Totally right, last night I ran the titan again, and would have been great except for the responsiveness. I am 15 feet out from the plume or bomb and still get hit. I am not casting, a plume targets me, I immediately move out in a straight line orderly fashion, and fifteen feet out I get hit. This occurs only if I continue to run. The only ways I can keep from still getting hit when I am out of the aoe circle are to:

1. Get out of the circle and stop. This somehow resets position.
2. Engage the speed run icon on bombs and plumes (then I have a ton of time and can dodge the world)
3. Cast an instant spell like lethargy to reset position

I am finding the latency on this battle to be unbearable. I feel like when I actually get through 3/4 of the battle it was due more to luck than skill. I'm just glad that I am geared now to the point where the plumes don't one shot me anymore.
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