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Narc, snitch, rats...Follow

#1 Sep 22 2013 at 11:02 PM Rating: Sub-Default
I'm all about playing by the rules, but why so many rats around? If you're not directly impacted, stop snitching (and ******** all over the Internet. I may be from NY originally, but I never visited a city welcoming of rats, narcs, or snitches, and the Navy brought me all over the country and world.

Just saying, no one likes a rat, especially if there're not hurting you. Shut up, stop wining, and play (enjoy)

PS: I know a lot of the rating comes from FFXI, but so does (help me out) (AF quest) (reward) 100k (May) (bee). Which roughly translates to "rescue me, AF quest, beastmaster's pet food 100k, month of May, yellow stinging insect"

PSS: please stop using the auto translate feature on NA servers, you sound ridiculous...

Edited, Sep 23rd 2013 12:12pm by Wint Lock Thread: Really unnecessary.
#2 Sep 22 2013 at 11:08 PM Rating: Excellent
(Um...) (What?)
#3 Sep 22 2013 at 11:16 PM Rating: Excellent
What are you even talking about? What rats? who is ratting who out? and what are they ratting about? Your ranting is so vague no one is going to give a sh*t about anything you have to say.

Also, auto translates are quick and easy, it can save a lot of time and effort to use auto-translate versus typing out the whole thing by hand. For example, if you're in a exp fate party and you are party leader and you need to find an 8th party member really fast, do you want to type out "looking for members"? Or would you rather type "lo", press tab button, then enter button to automatically type out the rest.

PS: You said to stop ******* all over the internet, and yet here you are ******* all over the internet, stop making worthless vague threads, no one wants to hear you ***** and rant about sh*t no one cares about.

PPS: Stop using PS, no one uses PS, it is lame and stupid. Also, it's PPS, not PSS.

PSPS: You're a douche.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2013 1:26am by OrinValeth
#4 Sep 22 2013 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent
322 posts
Probably mad about speed run nerf, and other fixes they implemented. If its that bad for you then leave, or dont get caught. Pretty simple, I am happy to see exploits, and hacks get changed and caught.
#5 Sep 22 2013 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
611 posts
#6 Sep 22 2013 at 11:55 PM Rating: Excellent
438 posts

What kind of man snitches on fellow FF XIV players? no man!
Star Swirl on Behemoth AKA Best-hemoth AKA The Cool Kid's Table----60AST, 60WHM, 60SCH/SMN, 60BLM, 60MNK, 38 PLD, 34DRG, 31NIN, 27MRD
FFXI- Derpypony on Asura
Check out the Dream Network, a community for XIV fans, featuring notable streamers like Mr. Happy, MTQcapture, Rahhzay, and Slyakagreyfox!
Then maybe check out myself, EquestriaGuy, on twitch at

#7 Sep 23 2013 at 12:30 AM Rating: Good
(•_•) Welp it's about that time again. Another flame thread...well ladies and gentlemen. It's that time again, show time that is!
( •_•)>⌐■-■ Just gonna....grab these real quick.
(⌐■_■) Blam. Deal with it.

I'll give this thread a few more hours before this guy decides to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ and then ends up looking like this later on.

‎OP: ಠ_ಠ ****...why did I post this again?
#8 Sep 23 2013 at 3:02 AM Rating: Excellent
2,801 posts
You know its exactly this type of attitude that allows gangs to get away with murder.

I suppose if I'm not the one being murdered I shouldn't anything. Let the person get away with it. And when you or your loved one happen to find yourself on the wrong side of a gun by the same person, its also none of my concern. Of course had I "snitched" and put the murderer away your and your loved ones would be safe and wouldn't have had to deal with any of it at all. Actions -- even inaction -- have consequences.
#9 Sep 23 2013 at 3:29 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
An interesting topic.

So I have a little story for you. It involves Amdapor Keep of course! What DOESN'T happen that dungeon?

I was with a new WHM. Our party was BLM BLM PLD WHM.

We started the instance and he kept telling us that he was new and always wiped on the Demon Wall. He was very chatty and wanted to know a lot about everything. I gave him the run down on the first two bosses. The other two players remained quiet: neither offering advice or demeaning the WHM. Throughout the dungeon, I'd let the paladin know which mobs I could sleep and which ones I couldn't. And at some point, the other BLM noticed my gear and started commenting on it.

We get to the wall and sure enough we end up dead. I offer the WHM some more advice. We try again and end up dead. This time, I tell the WHM to just stay near me (I mark myself with a circle). We complete it this time with ease.

We're on the stretch to the final boss. We pull the first pack with no problem. The second pack (two demons and a succubus) is usually pulled as such: pull succubus solo with ranged attack since she doesn't link and then kill the demons.

The paladin decided that me pulling the succubus separately to him was bad. He aggro'd the other two mobs and then just used auto-attack the entire time. Basically, the other BLM and I became the tanks. The WHM was able to keep us alive. The PLD, during this time, was stating something like, "oh u want to show me ur tank?"

The next pull, he drags two packs of mobs onto us and does the same thing: auto attacks. The WHM cures him and gains aggro. So the BLMs try to rip the mobs off the WHM. We get most of them down but the BLM and other WHM end up dead.

At this point, I believe SE considers this harassment. I told the other two party members to report the PLD for purposefully trying to get us killed and stating so in chat.

Neither of them wanted to report him. They said it was fine that he had tried (and succeeded) in killing them for no apparent reason. "Let's just finish the run. It's the WHMs first time." and "You're being too negative." were pieces the other BLM and WHM stated.

So I wrote a report and told them they were doing everyone a disservice by not reporting malicious players like that. We were on the final boss. GM answers my request, asks me about the situation, then the PLD suddenly disappears.

But somehow, OP, you think this type of behavior is OK and shouldn't be reported?

You also say to stop using the auto-translate on NA servers. Did you know that NA players are able to sign up on a NA server? Did you know that JP players can sign up on the NA servers?

Silly or not, your complaint is pretty outdated. It was standard practice in 11 and I doubt you will see its use diminish in 14.
#10 Sep 23 2013 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
Everyone who ruins our gaming experience directly or indirectly by means of Cheating, Hacking, Botting or anoying the crap out of us with RMT advertisement deserves to be reported, if not banned outright.

If you dont agree with that, fine. In that case i state that you must obviously be one of them and that your opinion on this is void entirely.

Real world example: If you know there's a drugdealer on your corner everyday ruining the neighborhood, or someone who seriously mollests his wife, or someone who keeps little children in their basement and you know about this, you still wouldnt call that in? Seriously? Surely you're not one of those people that just sits by idly hoping someone else will notice and report it... Makes you no better.
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#11 Sep 23 2013 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
438 posts
that's pretty awful behavior. I've only seen it once so far. The tank was harassing our BLM, and wiped us on purpose a few times. The third time he pulled off a neat, little trick. He pulled the boss to the boundary of the entrance of the room. When the room closed off after 15 seconds, he was locked out, and the rest of us were left to die.

This isn't some trashy MMO for kids, where the anonymity of the internet protects you from being accountable from your ****** behavior. XI had 5 noob walls and a lengthy grind to 75, which filtered out all the children. It seems to have given Square MMOs as being for generally mature gamers. There are of course those who slip through the cracks, but I'd say the reputation survives to this day. These people have short attention spans, and will either get in line, or drop out of the game soon, so just hang tight.
Star Swirl on Behemoth AKA Best-hemoth AKA The Cool Kid's Table----60AST, 60WHM, 60SCH/SMN, 60BLM, 60MNK, 38 PLD, 34DRG, 31NIN, 27MRD
FFXI- Derpypony on Asura
Check out the Dream Network, a community for XIV fans, featuring notable streamers like Mr. Happy, MTQcapture, Rahhzay, and Slyakagreyfox!
Then maybe check out myself, EquestriaGuy, on twitch at

#12 Sep 23 2013 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
2,801 posts
garethrogue wrote:
that's pretty awful behavior. I've only seen it once so far. The tank was harassing our BLM, and wiped us on purpose a few times. The third time he pulled off a neat, little trick. He pulled the boss to the boundary of the entrance of the room. When the room closed off after 15 seconds, he was locked out, and the rest of us were left to die.

Not to sound like a jerk, but if the tank is willing to wipe your party numerous times, its time to find a new tank. Or barring that, a new party. Just sayin'.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2013 6:10am by Caia
#13 Sep 23 2013 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good
438 posts
Caia wrote:
garethrogue wrote:
that's pretty awful behavior. I've only seen it once so far. The tank was harassing our BLM, and wiped us on purpose a few times. The third time he pulled off a neat, little trick. He pulled the boss to the boundary of the entrance of the room. When the room closed off after 15 seconds, he was locked out, and the rest of us were left to die.

Not to sound like a jerk, but if the tank is willing to wipe your party numerous times, its time to find a new tank. Or barring that, a new party. Just sayin'.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2013 6:10am by Caia

After that I called him out for what he was doing, and dropped group.
Star Swirl on Behemoth AKA Best-hemoth AKA The Cool Kid's Table----60AST, 60WHM, 60SCH/SMN, 60BLM, 60MNK, 38 PLD, 34DRG, 31NIN, 27MRD
FFXI- Derpypony on Asura
Check out the Dream Network, a community for XIV fans, featuring notable streamers like Mr. Happy, MTQcapture, Rahhzay, and Slyakagreyfox!
Then maybe check out myself, EquestriaGuy, on twitch at

#14 Sep 23 2013 at 4:17 AM Rating: Default
1,270 posts
I proudly reported

Buster Highman (aww thats my real life name, i promise!)
GM forced him to change his name

Mister Slave ....I was like really, wow GMs, reported his new name and GM said he got 1 more try then he gets perma banned.

#15 Sep 23 2013 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
thatguy9927 wrote:
I'm all about playing by the rules, but why so many rats around? If you're not directly impacted, stop snitching (and ******** all over the Internet. I may be from NY originally, but I never visited a city welcoming of rats, narcs, or snitches, and the Navy brought me all over the country and world.

Just saying, no one likes a rat, especially if there're not hurting you. Shut up, stop wining, and play (enjoy)

PS: I know a lot of the rating comes from FFXI, but so does (help me out) (AF quest) (reward) 100k (May) (bee). Which roughly translates to "rescue me, AF quest, beastmaster's pet food 100k, month of May, yellow stinging insect"

PSS: please stop using the auto translate feature on NA servers, you sound ridiculous...

If you don't wanna get caught, don't cheat.

It's not hard.

I went out of my way to get a very prominent botter, hacker, speeder, warper etc banned from the game. Took well over 20 GM calls from me but they got him eventually and all his years getting to to the top of the game ended up being for nothing. You can call it ratting or whatever you want, end of the day though? It felt real damn good to see him get banned (and the way he got banned was even better). He was tanking Tiamat at the time and the GM banned him mid fight and his botting linkshell wiped, was the funniest shiz ever.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2013 6:29am by preludes
#16 Sep 23 2013 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
It's 6:45am after a nightshift, and I'm glad some of you understood what's going on here.

#17 Sep 23 2013 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
dustinfoley wrote:
I proudly reported

Buster Highman (aww thats my real life name, i promise!)
GM forced him to change his name

Mister Slave ....I was like really, wow GMs, reported his new name and GM said he got 1 more try then he gets perma banned.

There are nonsense reports too...

Buster Highman seems like a pretty normal name really. And Mister Slave is a southpark reference. Really, you can report, just dont report people over nothing.
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#18 Sep 23 2013 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
1,270 posts
If you think either of those names are okay, you need a serious wake up call
#19 Sep 23 2013 at 5:20 AM Rating: Good
787 posts
garethrogue wrote:
that's pretty awful behavior. I've only seen it once so far. The tank was harassing our BLM, and wiped us on purpose a few times. The third time he pulled off a neat, little trick. He pulled the boss to the boundary of the entrance of the room. When the room closed off after 15 seconds, he was locked out, and the rest of us were left to die.

It almost sounds like the tank was trying to get a team mate to drop from the Duty Finder so the tank wouldn't get the 15-minute penalty for leaving first.
#20 Sep 23 2013 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
KojiroSoma wrote:
dustinfoley wrote:
I proudly reported

Buster Highman (aww thats my real life name, i promise!)
GM forced him to change his name

Mister Slave ....I was like really, wow GMs, reported his new name and GM said he got 1 more try then he gets perma banned.

There are nonsense reports too...

Buster Highman seems like a pretty normal name really. And Mister Slave is a southpark reference. Really, you can report, just dont report people over nothing.

No, really, what's wrong with Buster Highman? Is it the name of some other character or some slang reference that is whooshing over my head? (Maybe I'm more innocent than I thought after all.)

Mister Slave... yeah, even though that's a South Park reference, it's a character who was designed to be as deliberately offensive as possible and the episode he was introduced in was also all about Mr. Garrison being as deliberately offensive as possible (to try to get fired for being gay so he could sue the school district.) Even knowing that context, it's just not cool.
#21 Sep 23 2013 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
Buster Highman - Bust Her Hymen
#22 Sep 23 2013 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
dustinfoley wrote:
Buster Highman - Bust Her Hymen

My Virgin EYES! I would have never got that...
#23 Sep 23 2013 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Dude insisted it was he real name, up down left and right and people were saying I was a jerk for reporting him... Then I asked them "you do know what it stands for right?"... Maybe 1 other person got it. Magically, they all changed their tune and agreed with me, and the dude LoLed and said "okay so maybe its not my name and it was slightly offensive".
#24 Sep 23 2013 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
Wow yeah, in that context, it's pretty offensive (and juvenile.)

Most of the names that aren't lore accurate are just amusing, like the Lalafelle running around named "No Thanks" Smiley: lol
#25 Sep 23 2013 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
There's a FATE named "Bump and Grind".
#26 Sep 23 2013 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
thatguy9927 wrote:
I'm all about playing by the rules, but why so many rats around? If you're not directly impacted, stop snitching (and ******** all over the Internet. I may be from NY originally, but I never visited a city welcoming of rats, narcs, or snitches, and the Navy brought me all over the country and world.

Just saying, no one likes a rat, especially if there're not hurting you. Shut up, stop wining, and play (enjoy)

PS: I know a lot of the rating comes from FFXI, but so does (help me out) (AF quest) (reward) 100k (May) (bee). Which roughly translates to "rescue me, AF quest, beastmaster's pet food 100k, month of May, yellow stinging insect"

PSS: please stop using the auto translate feature on NA servers, you sound ridiculous...

You play by the rules and yet you let those who break the rules get away with it? Odd.

They are not hurting you? Did you play ffxi at all???? The market was so @#%^ed up because of these people who apparently weren't hurting anyone.

Narc and snitch, these are terms i hear all to often as a criminal justice major, you know who uses them, the people who are breaking the rules.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2013 11:36am by RyanSquires
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