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Do you remember your first time?Follow

#1 Sep 19 2013 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
392 posts
Ah, your first time, I'm sure we all remember it well. For some, it was over before it began, for others, it was a long and hard struggle. One that was filled with high blood pressure, screaming, confusion, and occasionally alcohol. Afterwards, we would usually seek friends to console in, or post about it on the internet. Sometimes others that were involved with it will offer words of comfort and support while others laugh and mock your attempts. I would like to share with yous, my first time, my first time dealing with an elitist. What did you think i was talking about? Geeze.

Just did my first run as SCH on AK dungeon through the DF. The set-up was; BLM, PLD, SCH, MNK. I explained that this was my first run and everyone offered words of comfort. We completed the first boss without problems. Proceeded through the dungeon with only one person, the MNK, being KO'd once. Then we arrived at the dreaded Demon Wall that I hear so much about. The BLM explains the rundown and we proceed. On our first run I got knocked off the ramp, was my mistake for not getting to the center, so granted, my fault entirely. Second attempt, beat it easily. Make our way to the final boss. They explain the run down to me and we start. I die fairly quickly as i am not behind the pillar completely and the dragons frontal AOE caught me on the ends, we wipe. Second attempt, again, my fault, I was not 100% behind the pillar and am pretty much one shoted due to AOE. Port back to the beginning and the MNK proceeds to caps lock insult me about me being mental challenged bla bla bla. Third attempt, the BLM and PLD give me some pointers and help me out, during this run, the BLM gets hit by the purple ball and is KO'd, we wipe. Port, and run back to area, MNK is cap lock complaining the whole time about how the retarded healer isn't doing his job. Fourth run, we beat the boss without issues. MNK caps rages about about how he finally won then quits instantly. The BLM and PLD thank me for putting up with the MNK and give me some words of wisdom. All in all, it was a good run, got 2 pieces of gear from it and some coins.

So, anyone else like to share their first time?

#2 Sep 19 2013 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
I don't really remember my first time, I was young and really drunk.
#3 Sep 19 2013 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I remember my first time. They were young and really drunk.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#4 Sep 19 2013 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
When I was a level 17 WHM with no subjob in Valkurm Dunes and someone ******* at me for not having Shell in my inventory to learn first thing.
#5 Sep 19 2013 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
154 posts
I remember my first time. Sloppy seconds from someone who was young and really drunk.
#6 Sep 19 2013 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
598 posts
EQ DK Delf without 'pull'.

"Remind me again why I want that monster beating the crap out of me?"
#7 Sep 19 2013 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Strangerous wrote:
I don't really remember my first time, I was young and really drunk.

lolgaxe wrote:
I remember my first time. They were young and really drunk.

#8 Sep 19 2013 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Ah, your first time, I'm sure we all remember it well. For some, it was over before it began, for others, it was a long and hard struggle. One that was filled with high blood pressure, screaming, confusion, and occasionally alcohol. Afterwards, we would usually seek friends to console in, or post about it on the internet. Sometimes others that were involved with it will offer words of comfort and support while others laugh and mock your attempts. I would like to share with yous, my first time

I love you.

my first time dealing with an elitist

Well I could have just as easily been that elitist!

But really, if it's your first time and you downed demonwall on your second try, I'd be very impressed.

Funny story: I actually had a bunch of level-headed legacy players there on my first AK run. I caused a wipe on that last boss at least 4 times. I apologized and thanked them for having the patience to teach me. They were cool. Everything went ok. We succeeded and I left the dungeon after we killed the final boss on the 5th attempt with more knowledge that I can now impart on other players I run into.

I have chat logs upon chat logs of elitist asshat conversations if you'd like to view them. I think I actually recorded one where we were doing Garuda HM and one of the tanks was new. I posted it here a while ago but here's what you get to look forward to:

Edit: I shrunk the chatlog so it's easier to read:

That run inspired this piece of art, by the way:

Now let me share another story with you...

I just completed an AK run right before maintenance began. Similar setup: PLD SCH BLM BRD. Everyone knows what they're doing. We go through the first area easily. The PLD tells me to go all out due to time constraint and I happily comply.

We get to the area after the first boss. We were talking about what mobs in AK could be slept and not slept so that the PLD, who really liked marking, could use an appropriate kill order that maximized sleep. Really, sleep isn't needed for this dungeon: just a nice benefit.

So I tell the PLD that I'll wait till he gets off circle of scorn before I cast sleep so that the initial damage will land but the DoT won't wake the slept mobs. The ability reads as such:

Circle of Scorn GLA PLD
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Damage over time.

Potency: 30
Duration 15s

The underlined part is pretty important.

The BRD assures me that sleep doesn't work on mobs that have been DoT'd and proceeded to tell the paladin to not use circle of scorn to initially gain aggro before I slept the mobs.

OK. That's cool. If you want to be ignorant of game mechanics, I'll let it slide as long as wipes aren't happening due to said ignorance. We proceed as planned (we're in a rush here...entered about 6:20 PM EST), get past the first two bosses, down the trash before final boss with no problems except one. You know the succubi? The ones that don't link at all if pulled separately? Well, the BRD is like, "Yeah, let me pull the succubi separately." So we proceed to do so for the first two. I say 'we' when I mean the paladin grouped everything up on the first one and I scathed the second one to drag it all the way to us from the other side. You know: the side with about two packs of mobs in between.

On the last one (the one that likes to sit in the pack of mobs), the BRD goes to pull it and aggros everything because he gets too near the other mobs. He goes, "Well, I guess they changed that and she links now."

Now it's a possibility that I could be wrong. I've only run this dungeon one metric asston of times. But, when someone starts making excuses for their death by blaming game mechanics (that they do not seem to understand), it pushes my buttons. I told him, "No. She doesn't link. Period".

He says, "Yes she does that's why you saw all those yellow marks on me." I tell him it's cool if he wants to spread misinformation about sleep but when it comes to blaming game mechanics that you don't understand for your own death, the spread of misinformation stops there.

He then starts to question my progress in the game. Something like, "Yeah, all my Titan groups are full of noobs like you." I tell him to stop judging my progress and, instead, tell him to look at his own. He's using Garuda's bow. I'm using a relic weapon that requires Titan's death.

After this, he predictably goes for the other facet: real life. "I bet you never get laid." he says. I tell him my boyfriend doesn't seem to have any complaints so I don't think that's the case.

This kind of conversation proceeds into the final boss fight. We're doing fine. We get him to around 10%. At one point, the BRD starts lobbing careless insults at me so I say: "What? You aren't going to go for the 3rd obvious facet, education?" and he proceeds to type. So, an orb plops right on him during his time typing and guess what happens? He doesn't move. We wipe.

At this point, he has little room to talk. I've demonstrated my point. Problem solved, right? Actually only sort of. The PLD and SCH ask if it was their fault for the wipe. Both the BRD and I tell them both no, they did great. Neither the BRD or I place blame on each other yet he still didn't accept responsibility for the wipe.

I ask him, after we downed it, "What? No game mechanic excuses for the wipe?" and proceed to leave the dungeon, logging out with more tomes of mythology than I had logged in with.

I was probably a little overzealous but, if you read the Garuda HM chat logs I posted, you'd see that things only get worse from here on out. You need some thick skin and a way to quell any and all elitist drivel the minute it starts to appear. This involves looking players up on the community website, running parses, etc. Just find some proof that the elitist @#%^ in question is not as top notch as he thinks.

Guarantee you that it will defuse the situation in a matter of seconds. Just make sure to only comment on these things if someone starts to pipe up. Otherwise, tell everyone they're wonderful human beings and have a good time.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 8:48pm by HitomeOfBismarck
#9 Sep 19 2013 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
I have heard people talk of the Demon wall and i was very proud that i was able to do it on my second try. I did not think that 4 times to beat the final boss was bad. Granted, the first 2 times we wiped were due to my mistakes. I feel explaining the strategy to defeating any boss is good, but people should expect new people to fail their first time, the first run is just showing the the moves to avoid, how fast the moves fire off and how easily it is to mess up.

Judging by their post and the timing of it, I would swear that Lollerfell was the helpful BLM in my party. LOL.
#10 Sep 19 2013 at 6:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Hitome's story there reminds me of my first Aurum Vale run (unsuccessful, but I haven't actually had a successful one yet). Party was WAR, WHM, MNK, MNK.

As I mentioned it was my first ever run, so I just asked for a rundown of boss mechanics so I could know what to do. We down the first boss after a couple of attempts involving the tank pointing the Ochu directly at me and me dying to its frontal cleave.

On the ogre boss... hoo boy. The other monk mentions a couple of things including 1000-tonze swing which will one-shot us if we get hit with it. I ask him if it's a 360-degree attack, he says no. Ok.. cool, let's punch it.

All through the fight the boss does his attacks of varying tonnage including 100-tonze swipe (which looks REALLY similar to 1000-tonze swing when you're glancing at a tiny cast bar). The other monk would run away from that and would never move to the boss' flank EVER for his positional attacks. He yelled at me for not running away from it actually. Eventually 1000-tonze swing happens and we die.

So ok... that happened. I mention to him that he'd just told me 1000-tonze swing was not a 360-degree attack. He yells at me for not running from it anyway.

Next attempt the tank is getting beat all to hell by 100-tonze swipe and I finally notice the different ability names. When Swing comes up, I run away from it, but not quite far enough (didn't realize I needed to be in Wyoming to avoid it). Wipe, run back. At this point the other monk is livid.

Since I figured the tank is also new to this, I point out the difference in ability names.

Other monk: so what?
Me: one of them you need to run from, the other you're safe behind the boss
OM: if you're lucky
Me: luck has nothing to do with it, one of them is a frontal attack, the other is 360-degrees
OM: you don't know what you're talking about and your gear is terrible
Me: my gear has nothing to do with how his attacks work
OM: look at my gear and then look at yours and you'll know I'm right
Me: apparently not since you also don't know what a degree is or how many of them there are in a circle
OM: go ahead and listen to the monk with garbage gear and good luck with the dps
Other monk drops party at this point. Tank is fed up and drops too.

I'd also like to note for the record that every time the boss killed the tank.... it went right for me. *cough*
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#11 Sep 19 2013 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default
1,556 posts
RyanSquires wrote:
I have heard people talk of the Demon wall and i was very proud that i was able to do it on my second try. I did not think that 4 times to beat the final boss was bad. Granted, the first 2 times we wiped were due to my mistakes. I feel explaining the strategy to defeating any boss is good, but people should expect new people to fail their first time, the first run is just showing the the moves to avoid, how fast the moves fire off and how easily it is to mess up.

Judging by their post and the timing of it, I would swear that Lollerfell was the helpful BLM in my party. LOL.

See, if you say, "This is my first time." I will automatically lay out a strategy before even crossing that purple line. If the other players engage and get impatient, they're down a member.

I agree that people should take the time to explain and the community we're developing is one of the most negative and vitriolic I've ever experienced. If you thought that Garuda was bad, you should see every DF Titan run now days. One wipe is all it takes to see people flip out.

Archmage Callinon wrote:
Hitome's story there reminds me of my first Aurum Vale run (unsuccessful, but I haven't actually had a successful one yet). Party was WAR, WHM, MNK, MNK.

As I mentioned it was my first ever run, so I just asked for a rundown of boss mechanics so I could know what to do. We down the first boss after a couple of attempts involving the tank pointing the Ochu directly at me and me dying to its frontal cleave.

On the ogre boss... hoo boy. The other monk mentions a couple of things including 1000-tonze swing which will one-shot us if we get hit with it. I ask him if it's a 360-degree attack, he says no. Ok.. cool, let's punch it.

All through the fight the boss does his attacks of varying tonnage including 100-tonze swipe (which looks REALLY similar to 1000-tonze swing when you're glancing at a tiny cast bar). The other monk would run away from that and would never move to the boss' flank EVER for his positional attacks. He yelled at me for not running away from it actually. Eventually 1000-tonze swing happens and we die.

So ok... that happened. I mention to him that he'd just told me 1000-tonze swing was not a 360-degree attack. He yells at me for not running from it anyway.

Next attempt the tank is getting beat all to hell by 100-tonze swipe and I finally notice the different ability names. When Swing comes up, I run away from it, but not quite far enough (didn't realize I needed to be in Wyoming to avoid it). Wipe, run back. At this point the other monk is livid.

Since I figured the tank is also new to this, I point out the difference in ability names.

Other monk: so what?
Me: one of them you need to run from, the other you're safe behind the boss
OM: if you're lucky
Me: luck has nothing to do with it, one of them is a frontal attack, the other is 360-degrees
OM: you don't know what you're talking about and your gear is terrible
Me: my gear has nothing to do with how his attacks work
OM: look at my gear and then look at yours and you'll know I'm right
Me: apparently not since you also don't know what a degree is or how many of them there are in a circle
OM: go ahead and listen to the monk with garbage gear and good luck with the dps
Other monk drops party at this point. Tank is fed up and drops too.

I'd also like to note for the record that every time the boss killed the tank.... it went right for me. *cough*

Of all the fights, that is one where ample understanding should be expected since there are no lovely AoE boxes (you know, the ones you've leveled up with to this point?) to point out that he is using a special.

It's really elitists like the ones in your post that scare me the most. They think they're right but are completely oblivious upon closer inspection. If the monk was running from everything (including 100-ton) and the boss was gunning for you right after the tank died, I don't think his DPS would be as good as he would have you believe.

It's really sad when you have to do preemptive work (like looking people up or running a parse) just to prepare for events like this one and the one I mentioned in my post.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 8:38pm by HitomeOfBismarck
#12 Sep 19 2013 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Hitome's story there reminds me of my first Aurum Vale run (unsuccessful, but I haven't actually had a successful one yet). Party was WAR, WHM, MNK, MNK.

As I mentioned it was my first ever run, so I just asked for a rundown of boss mechanics so I could know what to do. We down the first boss after a couple of attempts involving the tank pointing the Ochu directly at me and me dying to its frontal cleave.

On the ogre boss... hoo boy. The other monk mentions a couple of things including 1000-tonze swing which will one-shot us if we get hit with it. I ask him if it's a 360-degree attack, he says no. Ok.. cool, let's punch it.

All through the fight the boss does his attacks of varying tonnage including 100-tonze swipe (which looks REALLY similar to 1000-tonze swing when you're glancing at a tiny cast bar). The other monk would run away from that and would never move to the boss' flank EVER for his positional attacks. He yelled at me for not running away from it actually. Eventually 1000-tonze swing happens and we die.

So ok... that happened. I mention to him that he'd just told me 1000-tonze swing was not a 360-degree attack. He yells at me for not running from it anyway.

Next attempt the tank is getting beat all to hell by 100-tonze swipe and I finally notice the different ability names. When Swing comes up, I run away from it, but not quite far enough (didn't realize I needed to be in Wyoming to avoid it). Wipe, run back. At this point the other monk is livid.

Since I figured the tank is also new to this, I point out the difference in ability names.

Other monk: so what?
Me: one of them you need to run from, the other you're safe behind the boss
OM: if you're lucky
Me: luck has nothing to do with it, one of them is a frontal attack, the other is 360-degrees
OM: you don't know what you're talking about and your gear is terrible
Me: my gear has nothing to do with how his attacks work
OM: look at my gear and then look at yours and you'll know I'm right
Me: apparently not since you also don't know what a degree is or how many of them there are in a circle
OM: go ahead and listen to the monk with garbage gear and good luck with the dps
Other monk drops party at this point. Tank is fed up and drops too.

I'd also like to note for the record that every time the boss killed the tank.... it went right for me. *cough*

It's stories like this that made me decide to focus on crafting for a while.
#13 Sep 19 2013 at 7:03 PM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
My only "bad" experience so far was a SV run. As soon as the dungeon loads, the healer asks me if it's my first time. I say yes, and they leave the group immediately. Then again, I'm only 47. I'm sure I'll see plenty at 50. I played WoW for years though so I'm used to it. That and a player flaming in my group doesn't bother me at all now that I'm getting older. Nowadays it's more like "meh...hoping my Broncos win the Super Bowl this year..."
#14 Sep 19 2013 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
66 posts
OMG... I remember when I first got FFXI, opened the box and seen that it had 4 discs + the Tetra Master disc I was like wow..... this game is gonna be awesome and it was.
#15 Sep 19 2013 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
There has been so many, my mind is unable to filter out the first one. I remember the worse one though, who was my HNMLS leader, and how he was often very rude to us for no reason. No one would stand up to him, until he decided to go off on me after we wiped in Dynamis-San d'Oria. Then I ripped him a new one by telling him how he was the worst player on the server, having been banned THREE TIMES for botting, and this prompt a lot of people to leave after I dropped the shell.

PhrozenFFXI wrote:
My only "bad" experience so far was a SV run. As soon as the dungeon loads, the healer asks me if it's my first time. I say yes, and they leave the group immediately. Then again, I'm only 47. I'm sure I'll see plenty at 50. I played WoW for years though so I'm used to it. That and a player flaming in my group doesn't bother me at all now that I'm getting older. Nowadays it's more like "meh...hoping my Broncos win the Super Bowl this year..."

I'm finding it's easier to brush off people like that too at my age. Man when I was 20 though.. -.-

I met no elitists yet on my server, probably because I've been in 3 groups, 2 from duty finder. And the players on my server seem pretty cool anyway.
#16 Sep 19 2013 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I'm in the mid-40s now but I'm running into these elitist jackasses in every other dungeon I do now. I expect this kind of behavior in endgame raiding which is why I generally avoided it and always did other things. People are new, people are doing these for the first time. If something goes wrong, sorry nobody is there to waste an hour plus of people's time. Sometimes it's something beyond somebody's control such as lag.

There are good people in the game and I would like to believe the amount of good outweigh the bad but when you're getting yelled and cursed at it kind of doesn't matter and just makes you not even want to play the game so you don't have to these with these kind of people in a virtual world when you already deal with them in the real world.
#17 Sep 19 2013 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
79 posts
First time I was mad was on the Titan fight in the main story. For some reason I just couldn't stop falling off no matter what I did. I felt so bad for the other guys because I was the healer. We get to the heart and destroy it then my dumb self stands right on the attack that sends you flying or running past the red circle when he did his area slam. I think we wiped about 7 times before I raged quit. The other guys were actually nice. I just couldn't take letting a party down because of my lack of focus.
#18 Sep 20 2013 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Thongsy wrote:
I'm in the mid-40s now but I'm running into these elitist jackasses in every other dungeon I do now. I expect this kind of behavior in endgame raiding which is why I generally avoided it and always did other things. People are new, people are doing these for the first time. If something goes wrong, sorry nobody is there to waste an hour plus of people's time. Sometimes it's something beyond somebody's control such as lag.

There are good people in the game and I would like to believe the amount of good outweigh the bad but when you're getting yelled and cursed at it kind of doesn't matter and just makes you not even want to play the game so you don't have to these with these kind of people in a virtual world when you already deal with them in the real world.

If you want to get an idea of how much elitism is going on in end game, just got to Rev Toll and stand there and read the shouts. It is never ending sea of elitism looking for elitism and god help you if your new to the scene like me and try to get into one of the parties. I fully understand that if your setting up speed runs and you want people for multiple runs, but shouting:"looking for party members for AK speed runs, if your not geared or don't know the runs, don't bother asking" is just showing your ignorance. I find it even more hilarious when the same person shouting this, is doing for 30 mins +. Maybe you should just get someone who is new and looking to learn the run and teach them it. Does it really take that long to show someone how to do a dungeon????

Also, this brings up a side question; when someone shouts "looking for GEARED bla bla for run bla bla". What exactly do they mean by 'geared'?

Most of the time i see this for people doing AK or CM runs, do they want you to have DL or better gear for these runs when saying 'geared' but i thought you had to do those runs in order to earn enough tombs to get your DL gear. So they want you to have the gear for the dungeon you have to previously run to earn the gear, correct?

Edited, Sep 20th 2013 7:22am by RyanSquires
#19 Sep 20 2013 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
My first AK run went something like this:

Me: Hello!
Healer: Anyone new?
Me: This is my first time here.
Tank disconnects.
Healer disconnects.

Awesome. The next party I got into, myself and the tank were both new, we had a very helpful healer and dps who explained the fights, and we didn't wipe once over the run. Sometimes Often people forget that player skill/experience >> gear and I'm usually ok dealing with that, but man people in this game are insanely high strung.
#20 Sep 20 2013 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
Most of the time i see this for people doing AK or CM runs, do they want you to have DL or better gear for these runs when saying 'geared' but i thought you had to do those runs in order to earn enough tombs to get your DL gear. So they want you to have the gear for the dungeon you have to previously run to earn the gear, correct?

The truth? Yes. We're on the same server so I've seen those shouts. As I'm mainly a crafter I'm not in endgame myself, but most of my friends are. Every day on our vent they tell me horror stories about this and parties falling apart because of BS arguing. I was worried that I was missing out by focusing on crafting but after hearing that and reading this thread I'm perfectly fine being in the rear with the gear.

Sometimes Often people forget that player skill/experience >> gear and I'm usually ok dealing with that, but man people in this game are insanely high strung.


Edited, Sep 20th 2013 6:40am by SkinwalkerAsura
#21 Sep 20 2013 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
RyanSquires wrote:
Also, this brings up a side question; when someone shouts "looking for GEARED bla bla for run bla bla". What exactly do they mean by 'geared'?

Most of the time i see this for people doing AK or CM runs, do they want you to have DL or better gear for these runs when saying 'geared' but i thought you had to do those runs in order to earn enough tombs to get your DL gear. So they want you to have the gear for the dungeon you have to previously run to earn the gear, correct?

Didn't you know? If you haven't killed Titan 50 times, you're obviously not good enough for the entry level story dungeons. Sheesh, I thought everyone knew that >.>

Seriously, people complain about dps parsers when the level of elitism and insanity peak well before that.
#22 Sep 20 2013 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
254 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Ah, your first time, I'm sure we all remember it well. For some, it was over before it began, for others, it was a long and hard struggle. One that was filled with high blood pressure, screaming, confusion, and occasionally alcohol. Afterwards, we would usually seek friends to console in, or post about it on the internet. Sometimes others that were involved with it will offer words of comfort and support while others laugh and mock your attempts. I would like to share with yous, my first time

I love you.

my first time dealing with an elitist

Well I could have just as easily been that elitist!

But really, if it's your first time and you downed demonwall on your second try, I'd be very impressed.

Funny story: I actually had a bunch of level-headed legacy players there on my first AK run. I caused a wipe on that last boss at least 4 times. I apologized and thanked them for having the patience to teach me. They were cool. Everything went ok. We succeeded and I left the dungeon after we killed the final boss on the 5th attempt with more knowledge that I can now impart on other players I run into.

I have chat logs upon chat logs of elitist asshat conversations if you'd like to view them. I think I actually recorded one where we were doing Garuda HM and one of the tanks was new. I posted it here a while ago but here's what you get to look forward to:

Edit: I shrunk the chatlog so it's easier to read:

That run inspired this piece of art, by the way:

Now let me share another story with you...

I just completed an AK run right before maintenance began. Similar setup: PLD SCH BLM BRD. Everyone knows what they're doing. We go through the first area easily. The PLD tells me to go all out due to time constraint and I happily comply.

We get to the area after the first boss. We were talking about what mobs in AK could be slept and not slept so that the PLD, who really liked marking, could use an appropriate kill order that maximized sleep. Really, sleep isn't needed for this dungeon: just a nice benefit.

So I tell the PLD that I'll wait till he gets off circle of scorn before I cast sleep so that the initial damage will land but the DoT won't wake the slept mobs. The ability reads as such:

Circle of Scorn GLA PLD
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Damage over time.

Potency: 30
Duration 15s

The underlined part is pretty important.

The BRD assures me that sleep doesn't work on mobs that have been DoT'd and proceeded to tell the paladin to not use circle of scorn to initially gain aggro before I slept the mobs.

OK. That's cool. If you want to be ignorant of game mechanics, I'll let it slide as long as wipes aren't happening due to said ignorance. We proceed as planned (we're in a rush here...entered about 6:20 PM EST), get past the first two bosses, down the trash before final boss with no problems except one. You know the succubi? The ones that don't link at all if pulled separately? Well, the BRD is like, "Yeah, let me pull the succubi separately." So we proceed to do so for the first two. I say 'we' when I mean the paladin grouped everything up on the first one and I scathed the second one to drag it all the way to us from the other side. You know: the side with about two packs of mobs in between.

On the last one (the one that likes to sit in the pack of mobs), the BRD goes to pull it and aggros everything because he gets too near the other mobs. He goes, "Well, I guess they changed that and she links now."

Now it's a possibility that I could be wrong. I've only run this dungeon one metric asston of times. But, when someone starts making excuses for their death by blaming game mechanics (that they do not seem to understand), it pushes my buttons. I told him, "No. She doesn't link. Period".

He says, "Yes she does that's why you saw all those yellow marks on me." I tell him it's cool if he wants to spread misinformation about sleep but when it comes to blaming game mechanics that you don't understand for your own death, the spread of misinformation stops there.

He then starts to question my progress in the game. Something like, "Yeah, all my Titan groups are full of noobs like you." I tell him to stop judging my progress and, instead, tell him to look at his own. He's using Garuda's bow. I'm using a relic weapon that requires Titan's death.

After this, he predictably goes for the other facet: real life. "I bet you never get laid." he says. I tell him my boyfriend doesn't seem to have any complaints so I don't think that's the case.

This kind of conversation proceeds into the final boss fight. We're doing fine. We get him to around 10%. At one point, the BRD starts lobbing careless insults at me so I say: "What? You aren't going to go for the 3rd obvious facet, education?" and he proceeds to type. So, an orb plops right on him during his time typing and guess what happens? He doesn't move. We wipe.

At this point, he has little room to talk. I've demonstrated my point. Problem solved, right? Actually only sort of. The PLD and SCH ask if it was their fault for the wipe. Both the BRD and I tell them both no, they did great. Neither the BRD or I place blame on each other yet he still didn't accept responsibility for the wipe.

I ask him, after we downed it, "What? No game mechanic excuses for the wipe?" and proceed to leave the dungeon, logging out with more tomes of mythology than I had logged in with.

I was probably a little overzealous but, if you read the Garuda HM chat logs I posted, you'd see that things only get worse from here on out. You need some thick skin and a way to quell any and all elitist drivel the minute it starts to appear. This involves looking players up on the community website, running parses, etc. Just find some proof that the elitist @#%^ in question is not as top notch as he thinks.

Guarantee you that it will defuse the situation in a matter of seconds. Just make sure to only comment on these things if someone starts to pipe up. Otherwise, tell everyone they're wonderful human beings and have a good time.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 8:48pm by HitomeOfBismarck

I think it's about time someone called out these crappy players, what was the name of the BRD? I know we probably won't know what server s/he is from, but at least people can know to watch for that username in the future and be wary....
#23 Sep 20 2013 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,430 posts
In loading screen (loading screen, not CS) to enter Praetorium for speed run last night. lasted a few seconds longer than normal for some reason.

three people in the group rage: WTF YOU DOING WATCHING CS

elitism is a lot more obnoxious when combined with a large dose of stupid. I just ignored them and got my tomes. next run, it happened to the new guy they invited. same rage.

I just typed: load screens, dudes. no one said anything for the rest of the run
#24 Sep 20 2013 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
Llester wrote:
In loading screen (loading screen, not CS) to enter Praetorium for speed run last night. lasted a few seconds longer than normal for some reason.

three people in the group rage: WTF YOU DOING WATCHING CS

elitism is a lot more obnoxious when combined with a large dose of stupid. I just ignored them and got my tomes. next run, it happened to the new guy they invited. same rage.

I just typed: load screens, dudes. no one said anything for the rest of the run

Smiley: oyvey

Thinking about it, this over the top elitist rage wasn't as widespread in XI. Did the super grindy nature of the game minimize it or are we just lucky and managed to get every angry MMO nerd playing at once?
#25 Sep 20 2013 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
I think it's a bit of both. In XI, getting to dungeon-ey fights was a major pain and most people were okay with letting you spend a few seconds savoring the cutscene.

But not always. There are a few time critical fights in XI where people expected you to spam the enter key through CS, too. I'm thinking of the final fight in ToAU, where you had to defeat two bosses, each with multiple forms, in 45 minutes and there were cutscenes in the beginning and middle that could cut away precious seconds. People did time out of that fight. My group finished very literally with one second to spare on the first try. (We thought we had timed out and lost when the final CS finally loaded.) One of my happiest moments in XI. We were one of a handful of groups to make it through that fight in the first week it was available.

Edited, Sep 20th 2013 10:18am by Catwho
#26 Sep 20 2013 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
So I was in a dungeon the other day.. after the very first pull the healer said something to the effect of "tank too squishy, his gear sucks too much" and left right then and there.

That was Sastasha
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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