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A NightmareFollow

#27 Sep 19 2013 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
112 posts
ShindaUsagi wrote:
pufardo, Tarutaru Murder Suspect wrote:
I attempted this instance last night in a PUG — with the "join party in progress." It was awesome! I entered the instance as a party of me — signs that the previous one wasn't going to well. I'm just a DD (I feel confidant that I'm pretty good at my level), so DF is a pain to get in. As the timer ticked away (3-5 mins) I decided that I was going to just re-que.. then the party bar filled up. PLD was going to be out tank. Needless to say we didnt get passed the first unlocked door. He died around 10% HP left... and left the party. we as a group decided to wait it out to see if another tank would come in... 15 mins later, nothing.
I think just leaving a group hanging without even saying anything is just rude. At least have a little conversation prior to leaving — maybe you've done this instance before, but we haven't. A little advise or talk goes a long way. Like PvP, I think player drops should be noted on their character profile, negative honor. At least take the time to try a couple times. I know it was a PUG and it's my fault I didn't set it up before we went in (whether FC or LS or shouting) but still... ugh.
Sorry, I'm just ranting my frustration with this instance last night.

Someone said gear checks earlier up in the thread; look at my gear as a DPS — maybe I'm to blame. Feel free to say I'm wearing bad gear, if I don't know, then I'll never learn.

Your gear is probably better than mine. Honestly I feel my DPS is OK enough for this fight. The issue is watching DMG go to waste because the scaley nuisance is allowed to roll around in his own vomit for far too long.

On a side note I will take the advice of trying to remain a little closer to the healer. I've been finding myself trying to stay tight with the tank (close to the wall when rotations permit) in hopes of isolating said poisonous vomit.

And yes, when I do this fight I'll be cognizant about staying close to the healer as well.
#28 Sep 19 2013 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
81 posts
silverhope wrote:
The problem I run into a lot i mean ALOT is new tanks not taking any advise givin to them. If a tank is not using flash or overpower to keep hate i would friendly remind them that these are great ways to get enimty to keep the adds off me from healing aggo.. well they just go stfu and heal.

Or during the brayflox fight I begged tanks to move the boss outta the green goo and the breath but to no avail they never do than its my fault they died.. /facepalm

also some tanks think that if the message dosent pop on the screen that hes healing that hesnot healing which is false.. gotta use your own eyes and make sure its completly outta the goo.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 12:27pm by silverhope

I actually think the mob has a noticeable buff if he's receiving the healing as well, so don't even necessarily need to make the judgement call by looking at the effects. You can rather look for the buff or lack there of on the boss, may be a little more precise.
#29 Sep 19 2013 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
The problems today seems to the same as the past several days only today I get put into parties that have already started and when I enter there are 3 people standing around waiting for a forth. When the 4th comes in finally, someone else leaves very frustrating. I'm almost 38 and can't get a full party to stay and at least try to finish it. This is a required quest to move along in the game and there are lots of people that can't seem to get through this Duty for basically the same reasons.
#30 Sep 19 2013 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
655 posts
Looking4u wrote:
The problems today seems to the same as the past several days only today I get put into parties that have already started and when I enter there are 3 people standing around waiting for a forth. When the 4th comes in finally, someone else leaves very frustrating. I'm almost 38 and can't get a full party to stay and at least try to finish it. This is a required quest to move along in the game and there are lots of people that can't seem to get through this Duty for basically the same reasons.

this is why i never use the join in progress feature.. it never fills the party befor putting u in.. so you might fill a spot but there still waiting on a tank/healer so you jsut wasted tiem really
#31 Sep 19 2013 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
I don't use the 'join in progress' either, but never really had to as SCH. The problem your having l4u with people leaving early or rage quitting is complete BS. From my experiences, this happens far less at higher level dungeons. Some people forget, or just blatantly don't care, that these lower level dungeon do have people new to the game and the challenge a dungeon can bring. If your ever on Hyperion server and need a SCH, look me up and i'd be more then happy to run some dungeons with ya.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 1:04pm by RyanSquires
#32 Sep 19 2013 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Aquidar wrote:
I actually think the mob has a noticeable buff if he's receiving the healing as well, so don't even necessarily need to make the judgement call by looking at the effects. You can rather look for the buff or lack there of on the boss, may be a little more precise.

There is in fact a buff, it's the green glowing man icon as used for the white mage Regen ability.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 12:10pm by cartec
#33 Sep 19 2013 at 11:17 AM Rating: Default
I'd rather run Brayflox's Longstep 10 times over then run Aurum Vale like I am now. Brayflox's boss is **** compared to the level 50 bigger brother version of the dungeon. See you only have to worry about poison. In Vale you need to worry about a constant poison that is incurable and hits the party and does massive DoT (200-300 a tick). It drives me insane since I am a healer and the only way to get rid of it is to eat Morbol Fruit which grows inside the instance. Madness I tell you. But you might want to check out my guide for this instance.
#34 Sep 19 2013 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
RyanSquires wrote:
I don't use the 'join in progress' either, but never really had to as SCH. The problem your having l4u with people leaving early or rage quitting is complete BS. From my experiences, this happens far less at higher level dungeons. Some people forget, or just blatantly don't care, that these lower level dungeon do have people new to the game and the challenge a dungeon can bring. If your ever on Hyperion server and need a SCH, look me up and i'd be more then happy to run some dungeons with ya.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 1:04pm by RyanSquires

It's just very frustrating and I'm not blaming the Tanks ,though they do seem to be the most problematic in this dungeon. Hell that's one reason I didn't pick a tank class because I simply wouldn't be able to do it.In all In of the online games I've played, I've played a DPS even in the other FF games. Healers and Tanks are the hardest to play IMO.
#35 Sep 19 2013 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
598 posts
Wow. Just logged in and instaqued a game in progress with 6 minutes left. Tank walked it like a dog on a leash AND I scored a Infantry Shirt! Happy Day!
#36 Sep 19 2013 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Looking4u wrote:
RyanSquires wrote:
I don't use the 'join in progress' either, but never really had to as SCH. The problem your having l4u with people leaving early or rage quitting is complete BS. From my experiences, this happens far less at higher level dungeons. Some people forget, or just blatantly don't care, that these lower level dungeon do have people new to the game and the challenge a dungeon can bring. If your ever on Hyperion server and need a SCH, look me up and i'd be more then happy to run some dungeons with ya.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 1:04pm by RyanSquires

It's just very frustrating and I'm not blaming the Tanks ,though they do seem to be the most problematic in this dungeon. Hell that's one reason I didn't pick a tank class because I simply wouldn't be able to do it.In all In of the online games I've played, I've played a DPS even in the other FF games. Healers and Tanks are the hardest to play IMO.

Sorry, i realized that the first part of that may not come out the way i meant it, i am not saying your BS, i was saying the people who were leavin' early or rage quitting are BS. Longstop, as i said before, is the first true dungeon test for any new tank.
#37 Sep 19 2013 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
The dungeon is easy if the tank pays attention. Pull Aiatar to the wall and keep him there, DPS if you're magic throws Miasma on the dragon as he begins to heal himself in the pools. Healer needs to avoid pools and other DPS need to just keep to his back and avoid his breath attacks.
#38 Sep 19 2013 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
1,429 posts
The truth of the matter is, if people can't communicate strategies to newbies in a dungeon, then it's a failure from the start. the first 3 dungeons are cake walks. Nothing more than a tutorial really. If you think Braylox is hard, just wait till you get up to the lvl 40's dungeons. I always try to direct/help/inform anyone in my party, but some people don't want to hear it. Some people don't want to explain anything either.
Luckily, most people seem to be pretty damn helpful, so don't give up on it. Once you get braylox down, you will see just how easy it can be.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#39 Sep 19 2013 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Azoria wrote:
This is a big problem I have seen for a lot of other tanks, and a big part of it is where the tank positions himself within the enemies hitbox. So often I see tanks keeping a discrete distance from the boss which puts them in the wider part of the field when a breath happens. This means they have to run farther to get out of the area, and if the cast is too quick, they will never make it. I am a tank myself and our raid leader and I make sure to train all of our tanks that you don't need to stand 10ft from their nose so that it looks more like a fight. Tuck in on the smallest part of the hitbox in front of the enemies (which should be about 1ft in front of its pivot point) and when the cone shows up you only have to take 2 steps through the boss to miss the attack and 2 steps back to keep him from turning. I usually walk backwards because of how slow it is you can usually dart forward and then immediately start backpedaling. This way, the attack misses and the boss doesn't even budge because you are back in his face before he finishes the animation. To me, this is one of the MOST important tactics for a tank to use. For big AOEs of course things are different and you want to stand as far back from the enemy and still maintain range.

Not for breath attacks. Dragon attacks are rectangular and it doesn't matter how close you are on those. For all conal abilities? Absolutely, facehump that boss so you can move in time.

Casters are ridiculously easy to deal with as a tank: just run through them. So many have problems with the first boss in AK and take so much damage because they don't bother to dodge his Thunder III via running or interrupting.

EDIT: Brayflox's Longstop is the first instance where the difficulty ramps up (then decays again until around Stone Vigil), but also where those that have raided in other MMOS (especially WoW) have a distinct advantage.

I've been tanking for nearly 10 years across MMOs and when we fought the last boss in BL it was just like fighting old Grobbulus from Naxxramas: slowly move him around the edges of a room like a mutt and dodge the red lines. The mechanics are virtually the same.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 5:12pm by Viertel
#40 Sep 19 2013 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
340 posts
Looking4u wrote:
Brayflox's Duty is a as the Title says. Been trying to do this for the past several days. Takes forever to get a party, when you do get a party people up and leave just as you start the duty or at some point during. I've been to the final Boss several times only to either die (the whole party) or time runs out. And I'm not the only one with these issues. A lot of people I've talked to say the have the exact same issues.

Hey, I'm currently spamming this dungeon for the gear. Almost a full set now.

I'm on Ultros as well, name Pryssant Novio. I'll be on at 10 PM EST tonight.

Hit me up, I'll tank it for you.

We had a group wipe the first two time we reached the boss (Managed to beat him the third try, still on the first run) but only win since then.

I agree that Brayflox's Dungeon is a bigger step forward in term of difficulty than the other dungeon before.

Can't wait for bigger challenge !
#41 Sep 19 2013 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
220 posts
Hahaha wait till you try Titan HM, everyone has to know what they are doing, not just the tanks - at least if you get that far you have to a bit competent. So this is only a small taste of what's in store, but it's necessary as a prelude to harder content, everyone has to go through it, I suggest if you're stuck find friends on your server who know what they are doing, just try shouting in city or something.
#42 Sep 19 2013 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
112 posts
Just did this with my fellow FC. What a difference when going in people that enjoy the game and do not rage-quit. Amazing. Simply amazing. If this is just the beginning of the fights ahead of me (shut up SqE and take all my money), lol.

#43 Sep 20 2013 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Guess I was lucky when I pugged it on my JP server character. Did the dungeon around 5 or so times and rarely had any issues lol
#44 Sep 20 2013 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
431 posts
I have had problems with tanks that dont get out of the breath as well.
Most times ist were Tanks Playoff from EU like me.
I've found a Video about the Same Problem as well.

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