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is playing on ps3 viable?Follow

#1 Sep 14 2013 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
idk i have decent internet and it still feels laggy. for example its really hard to run out of aiatar's flame breath on ps3. its like the red rectangle lags when it shows up. as a tank i can mark targets easily enough with square and mark target and holding r2 and pressing r1. however marking targets like when adds spawn in the middle of a boss fight while youre trying to move around and hold aggro- now thats not gonna happen. the crossbars are getting crammed as i have 2 whole sets for my abilties + cross class abilities and its annoying switching between them in battle when on pc i could just mash all my hotkeys. idk about tanking at level 50 i feel like i need to upgrade my pc and play on pc if i want to be serious at level 50. thoughts?

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 5:14am by Rashikal
#2 Sep 14 2013 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
Rashikal wrote:
idk i have decent internet and it still feels laggy. for example its really hard to run out of aiatar's flame breath on ps3. its like the red rectangle lags when it shows up. as a tank i can mark targets easily enough with square and mark target and holding r2 and pressing r1. however marking targets like when adds spawn in the middle of a boss fight while youre trying to move around and hold aggro- now thats not gonna happen. the crossbars are getting crammed as i have 2 whole sets for my abilties + cross class abilities and its annoying switching between them in battle when on pc i could just mash all my hotkeys. idk about tanking at level 50 i feel like i need to upgrade my pc and play on pc if i want to be serious at level 50. thoughts?

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 5:14am by Rashikal

It'll never be as simple as PC. That's what everyone will agree to. Despite that, I play just fine on my PS3. I don't have problems targetting, marking a single target at a time, etc. Sure, FATEs lag a little, and I do suffer from that invisible enemy issue, but that's the drawback of the PS3. PS4's version, which will be free to PS3 players, will resolve that. Until then, I find the benefit of being able to play on the couch leisurely outweighs my need to stress over absolute perfect execution of everything I do on a PC. In fact, when I play on the PC, it is near mandatory that I use my PS3 controller or it feels very awkward.

I'm not at endgame yet, but I imagine at that time I'll need to switch to KB/Mouse to compete. Even still, I'll resist.
#3 Sep 14 2013 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
787 posts
The one complaint that a few of the PS3 users that I partied with were complaining about the cutscene load times during Castrum and Praetorium runs. Then again it might just be their Internet connection speed and other local LAN factors (roomies running Torrents).
#4 Sep 14 2013 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
109 posts
Things that I did to help with the screen crowding UI was shrinking a lot of my bars & moving them away. Taking the journal off the screen really helps too. Also toning down the effects of party members and others might help with your load times (did this at the beginning and I've haven't noticed any issues). PC will always be easier because of the extra flexibility, but from a healer's perspective between positioning & targeting filters I can find my add pretty quickly. Also yea, +hotbar crowidng is a pain, but like hyper clicking or proper keybinds on a keyboard, its a skill that I'm getting better at and will likely lead to a creative use of macros.
#5 Sep 14 2013 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
It is absolutely playable on PS3. SE did a remarkable job putting it on that platform, and the gamepad controls are amazing. It has drawbacks, but in no way is it unplayable.
#6 Sep 14 2013 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Droxy wrote:
It is absolutely playable on PS3. SE did a remarkable job putting it on that platform, and the gamepad controls are amazing. It has drawbacks, but in no way is it unplayable.

I would have to disagree. I can't honestly give the PS3 version a recommendation. This is because some of the content just doesn't work right on the PS3, including large scale content and FATEs. Sometimes models don't load, and there's a lot of lag which can hinder you.

Edit: Actually, you are right that it's playable, I just want to be clear that it's not recommended if your PC is even 5 years old or less.

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 3:22pm by LucasNox
#7 Sep 14 2013 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
It's playable until things get crowded. Meaning, do not bother if you see a lot of people in a FATE, because your character will be "processing" before it does anything. and it's not a one time thing as I've sadly found out today. It'll keep doing that in the same fate on each mob sometimes. By the time your char is 'ready' to use skills, the FATE is probably gonna be over.

That's the only downside to playing the PS3 version.

You get used to the graphics after awhile.
#8 Sep 14 2013 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
see, i have that 5 year or older computer, and i play ths game just find on HIGH desktop. I play in the massive fates, i have no problems.. ps3 maybe does.. I play with an xbox 360 controller. I pick up adds and i mark for tanks that fail at marker. I can switch targets fine, and i have better mobility with the controller. I seem to play this game better WITH a controller than without. the crossbar being over crowded is annoying, but ive learned to manage. Its all about knowing whats about to come and what you need to do.. I have no problems. this is the first mmo ive ever played with a controller, and i love it. I recommend the controller over the keyboard. The keyboard is going to get you killed when dodging aoes and attacking at the same time.. I can see it already. yes you can adapt, but the controller has the advantage in this aspect. I will run circles around you.
#9 Sep 14 2013 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
611 posts
I mentioned this in another thread... but regarding large scale Fates... I did the appropriate port-forwarding and have noticed a difference... Specifically... when entering a Fate, after a moment or two all enemies will appear on screen at once... Worth a shot perhaps?
#10 Sep 14 2013 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I play on a lower populated server so i haven't encountered a massive fate
#11 Sep 14 2013 at 11:12 PM Rating: Excellent
100 posts
I think I've done fairly well on PS3. my main hand was crushed back in 95 or so, keyboard is just excruciatingly painful over any serious duration.

Regarding the AOE lag, I haven't had any trouble since starting any Instance from inside of an Inn.

At this point , I don't know if it's a placebo effect, or if it's really doing anything, but it feels like the AOEs appear with a longer pause before they take effect. Give it a try, let me know if i'm completely insane.

Even if i'm insane, I went from being murdered by easy mode titan , to fllitting through the AOE like a butterfly.
#12 Sep 14 2013 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
I'm quite pleased the PS3 can play this game at all! Seven years ago when the PS3 launched (remember your pc 7 years ago? It was before the iPhone was invented) it had the GPU capabilities of the Nvidia 7800 GTX, which was not overwhelmingly impressive at the time. I'll admit its not really doable as your only FFXIV box, but I've been crafting / farming the past week exclusively on the PS3 and things have gone well. I can FINALLY justify buying the PS3 in the first place =)
#13 Sep 14 2013 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
Oh come on, apart from some amazing multiplatform games, the PS3 had MGS4, The Last Of Us, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Ni No Kuni, Uncharted series etc. If console gaming just isn't your thing then fine, but maybe you shouldn't have bought one in the first place.

Anyway, onto the question... For me it runs absolutely fine. Yes the fates can lag sometimes but ive encountered no real issues. This is a PC game which works best with keyboard and mouse but I'm amazed that they have actually made it work on the PS3. And work well.
#14 Sep 15 2013 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
562 posts
Playing FFXIV on my PS3 has been absolutely fantastic. Sure I've only been playing since launch, and even then only once or twice a week... but on my couch in front of a sixty inch set? I don't have any clutter on my screen and I haven't felt like the victim of lag at all.
#15 Sep 15 2013 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
OtosanOokami wrote:
I think I've done fairly well on PS3. my main hand was crushed back in 95 or so, keyboard is just excruciatingly painful over any serious duration.

Regarding the AOE lag, I haven't had any trouble since starting any Instance from inside of an Inn.

At this point , I don't know if it's a placebo effect, or if it's really doing anything, but it feels like the AOEs appear with a longer pause before they take effect. Give it a try, let me know if i'm completely insane.

Even if i'm insane, I went from being murdered by easy mode titan , to fllitting through the AOE like a butterfly.

You could use a 360 controller on PC. I do that.

Edited, Sep 15th 2013 10:58am by LucasNox
#16 Sep 15 2013 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
3,210 posts
I play on a PS3, while the targeting isn't exactly to the level I want it to be, but I would need a mouse to fix that.

There are loading issues, but I feel like I can complete any content presented to me.
#17 Sep 15 2013 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
I play on ps3 and I'm doing fine the only problem is FATES but as a THM I just watch where ppl hit the invisible mob then use blizzard 2 and I'm good to go XD.
#18 Sep 15 2013 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Actually upon further observation.. the loading issues don't prevent you from using skills like I originally thought. You can still you them, you just wont see any animations until the loading is done. So don't be thrown off when your character is stiff as nails and "running no where" because you can still input skills and they still register "hit events" so to speak.
#19 Sep 15 2013 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
It's fine on ps3. The fates are laggy but I'm still farming them for xp. Fates are crap anyway. The only ones that even require paying attention are the single target ones, not even and those load just fine. Everything else is perfectly functional and even pleasant to look at. Come with a keyboard bare minimum and try to bring a mouse as well. Even with controller as my main input I find the other 2 indispensable.
#20 Sep 15 2013 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Biggest issue I've had is trying to use a keyboard primarily as opposed to the controller... it doesn't seem to really want to let you do that as far as the crossbar is concerned and you can't switch to hotbars (AFAIK), which means the controller is almost mandatory.

I made a thread about it:

That's just my personal preference, though. It's not exactly a game breaker.
#21 Sep 16 2013 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
I play on 2 low population servers valefor and exodus and i've been in large fates but never so crowded to cause enemies disappearing. only in towns where NPCs take a few seconds to appear.

I just tanked Qarn succesfully on ps3 so I feel pretty good about that. I will take OtasanOkami's advice by entering instances from inside the inn. smart idea.
#22 Sep 16 2013 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
I actually prefer mining, fishing and botany on PS3 (or with my 360 controller on PC). Crafting is also simpler. It really comes from having the "Confrim" button so easily accessible on the controller. And the way the D-pad moves through menus.

(BTW, you can map "Confirm" to your PC keyboard, allowing you to run up to harvesting nodes and get straight to work as controller players can. Also, the final tab under Keybinds will allow you to set up/down/left/right through the menus to duplicate the D-pad.)

For battles, the PC User Interface really shines. I have 10 hotbars on-screen with 12 spaces each. That's 120 hotbars buttons, all which are keybind-able. The keyboard has 85 keys that can be set to keybinds. My gaming mouse has an additional 8 buttons. That's just a huge list of one-touch actions that can be entered. No buttons-combos. No crossbar sets. No L1 cycling. Not to mention the ease of just clicking on something on screen.

Drag-and-drop is also essential, but you can simply hook up a mouse to your PS3 to enjoy that feature in the menus.

Yes, viable. For myself, not at all preferable for battles. I would be very interested to hear how players are managing end-game battle content on PS3.

Edited, Sep 16th 2013 1:33pm by Gnu
#23 Sep 16 2013 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
100 posts
LucasNox wrote:
You could use a 360 controller on PC. I do that.

I actually still have the USB adaptor and several PS2 controllers from my days playing XI on PC. I still use them for playing Emulated Arcade games.

The 360 controller does NOT work for me, I've tried. Just feels wrong. PS controller could be 50% larger, but it's the best option remaining.

Of course, my PC's score of 644 or so on the benchmark means I won't be touching the PC version without a significant investment, and with the upcoming PS4, my upgrade money goes there instead.

Edited, Sep 16th 2013 2:32pm by OtosanOokami
#24 Sep 16 2013 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
2,120 posts
Gnu wrote:
I actually prefer mining, fishing and botany on PS3 (or with my 360 controller on PC). Crafting is also simpler. It really comes from having the "Confrim" button so easily accessible on the controller. And the way the D-pad moves through menus.

(BTW, you can map "Confirm" to your PC keyboard, allowing you to run up to harvesting nodes and get straight to work as controller players can. Also, the final tab under Keybinds will allow you to set up/down/left/right through the menus to duplicate the D-pad.)

For battles, the PC User Interface really shines. I have 10 hotbars on-screen with 12 spaces each. That's 120 hotbars buttons, all which are keybind-able. The keyboard has 85 keys that can be set to keybinds. My gaming mouse has an additional 8 buttons. That's just a huge list of one-touch actions that can be entered. No buttons-combos. No crossbar sets. No L1 cycling. Not to mention the ease of just clicking on something on screen.

Drag-and-drop is also essential, but you can simply hook up a mouse to your PS3 to enjoy that feature in the menus.

Yes, viable. For myself, not at all preferable for battles. I would be very interested to hear how players are managing end-game battle content on PS3.

Edited, Sep 16th 2013 1:33pm by Gnu

I like the controller UI for battle more so on the way up when everything nicely fits on 1 set. Less of a fan once I go over 16 abilities/macros and have to start switching between sets.
#25 Sep 16 2013 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
My son plays on the PS3. Looks great, no lag, no issues at all
#26 Sep 17 2013 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,622 posts
I love playing on PS3 so far. I've only made it past Titan so I can't comment about end-game but the controller works well for me. FATEs are fine except the very crowded ones such as Cancer. That guy is especially annoying because he keeps disappearing. It looks like a prioritizaton issue that could be fixed though.

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