Hello everyone.
Ever since i have been checking in periodically to find out as much news as i can about ARR, i'm very happy to see that it is shaping up to be what it was meant to be. Unfortunatley the game doesn't come out until August 27th which is right when college starts up again :( . So to fill the time until then i have been trying to play as many RPG's that ive never played before, and some of them just replaying them because there fun.
I recently replayed Castlevania: Symphony of the night (not a real RPG, but the RPG elements make it awesome), Grandia (the original), FF6, King's Field 2, and am currently playing Ni No Kuni (this one needs special mension as it's a very good RPG and has a story that hasn't been achieved in awile. I highly reccomend this game).
So i sat down and started to wonder what other people were doing, or are planning to do, before ARR launches. I'm going to keep trying to find more good RPG's to play, and a trip to dominican is coming soon. So, what about you guys?