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I finally won't have to raid to endgame!Follow

#252 Oct 25 2015 at 4:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Not to mention the tone of every post you make oozes negativity that it does tend to portray a reader's bias on your posts.

I know we've gone over this before, but it still blows my mind that some people insist on playing games that they clearly despise.
Thayos Redblade
#253 Oct 26 2015 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
It still blows my mind that people don't see that having strong feelings about something stems from actually giving a ****.

There isn't always wrong and right. Experience will vary from player to player based on what they enjoy. As long as you qualify your opinion with some sort of experience or at least show that you've given it some thought outside of how it affects you directly, that opinion should be respected.

It might be easier on the eyes if all we saw was praise for the game, but the negative opinions(read: honest opinions) about the state of the game are what brought the game to where it is now. It wasn't that long ago that SE didn't listen to player voices and rarely gave you more information about what they were doing than a few images and a "look forward to it". At least now you know what's coming and where the devs are heading rather than having to wake up early to read patch notes the day things go live.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#254 Oct 26 2015 at 1:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Negative reactions are fine. But when all I see from certain people are nothing but overly negative posts over and over again, then I seriously wonder why those people are still hanging on.

And some of these people haven't even played in months... Yet they are still here, being negative about a game they don't even play.

It's weird. To an outsider, it may even look like trolling.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 12:22am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#255 Oct 26 2015 at 2:32 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
Negative reactions are fine. But when all I see from certain people are nothing but overly negative posts over and over again, then I seriously wonder why those people are still hanging on.

And some of these people haven't even played in months... Yet they are still here, being negative about a game they don't even play.

Once the game's success begins to wane these people will slowly disappear. It was a traumatic experience to witness the game become so successful, that some people simply can't deal with it. The problem becomes even more acute if said people live in a fantasy wonderland where games like FFXI are "better". They can't help themselves.

The best thing to do here is to be understanding, nod and smile whenever they're talking nonsense and to simply let them play out their dollhouse scenarios where the game isn't as good as it is.
#256 Oct 26 2015 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
A comment I made on the official forums was that communities like it, and ZAM, and Reddit, tend to attract more negative posts than positives.

Then you have communities like XIV on Facebook or Tumblr, where 90% of the posts are celebrations of people doing cool things or screenshots of their characters. XIV Fashion has hit nearly 1000 followers (!) and I only post positive things there as a hard rule. How dare we have fun with our clothes while other people are saying the game is broken!

So whenever I see a post that starts with, "SE needs to change X Y and Z or else they'll start losing customers" - I'm going to look at it with a critical eye, because that's not what I'm witnessing at all in the casual community.
#257 Oct 26 2015 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Negative reactions are fine. But when all I see from certain people are nothing but overly negative posts over and over again, then I seriously wonder why those people are still hanging on.

Not all fans have to blindly accept anything SE does as being amazing. Some of them actually want to enjoy the game and they're not content with playing simply because it's branded.

As I've said before, I was a fan of my favorite football team when they were winning super bowls and I'm a fan now when they're consistently at the bottom of their division. Just because you're a fan of something doesn't mean you can't spot or even point out what the problems are.

Thayos wrote:
It's weird. To an outsider, it may even look like trolling.

I have a very talented artistic friend who drew something for me. It's literally an illustration of a knight protecting a troll from a damsel in distress. I would link it but she made the damsel a little curvy and I don't want to upset anyone. I feel like it would fit perfectly here though. It's just as weird to see people here bashing the game for no reason as it is to see people defending poor design choices for no reason. Perspective is a hell of a drug Smiley: lol
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#258 Oct 26 2015 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Not all fans have to blindly accept anything SE does as being amazing. Some of them actually want to enjoy the game and they're not content with playing simply because it's branded.

That's certainly true. I'm a fan of SE in general and this game specifically and I don't think everything they do is gold. But I think Thayos is talking more about the people who say NOTHING BUT negative things about XIV or endlessly opine about how XIV is not some other game they enjoy(ed) playing and how that game is superior in every regard. I can't speak for him, but that's the impression I got from his post.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#259 Oct 26 2015 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Not to mention the tone of every post you make oozes negativity that it does tend to portray a reader's bias on your posts.

I know we've gone over this before, but it still blows my mind that some people insist on playing games that they clearly despise.

The biggest problem is - Unless you're tossing praise at this game constantly, it'll always be considered "negative" which is why people continuously mock the OF or any other community that looks past the game's issues, or articles that state that XIV ARR/HW is the best MMO and is the perfect MMO to play if you're burnt out on other ones. If we're to talk of bias - ARR did absolutely nothing new and it barely even got the "standard" features right. Not to mention the architecture of the game is either ancient or lazily thrown together that they can barely do what they're doing as is and it's already on the absolutely basic level.

Despite people who love to mock you because of their experience differed from yours (because they only played a game till level 10 and quit as the old saying goes) the fact a very old MMO (XI) can handle certain basic features better and from a design standpoint is actually better than an MMO developed on a much more powerful engine SPECIFICALLY designed for it, there's a problem..but that would never bother people who takes anything thrown at them and smile. The ironic thing is, people continually stated that I'm an "SE apologist" because I never talked **** or berated everything SE's funny how the tables turn.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
It still blows my mind that people don't see that having strong feelings about something stems from actually giving a ****.

There isn't always wrong and right. Experience will vary from player to player based on what they enjoy. As long as you qualify your opinion with some sort of experience or at least show that you've given it some thought outside of how it affects you directly, that opinion should be respected.

It might be easier on the eyes if all we saw was praise for the game, but the negative opinions(read: honest opinions) about the state of the game are what brought the game to where it is now. It wasn't that long ago that SE didn't listen to player voices and rarely gave you more information about what they were doing than a few images and a "look forward to it". At least now you know what's coming and where the devs are heading rather than having to wake up early to read patch notes the day things go live.

This. My opinions aren't biased, they're honest. I praise things based on their DESIGN and if I enjoy it - but if the only opinions or feedback "that matters" is "nothing wrong here, don't like it leave" nothing will ever change and sooner or later..that's going to be a bad thing for this game in particular. It would be a different story if this game brought something new to the table..but the fact so many people accepted an MMO that barely meets the current MMO standard and find it "perfect"..why change anything?

Think about this for a second: Yoshida wants to keep job images, FFXI does as well. In FFXI I can glamour whatever the **** I want despite my job - in XIV? I can barely glamour anything if the levels and item levels mismatch let alone class of item. Every other MMO? With some exceptions I can glamour anything I want and have dedicated slots to it.

"PS3 limitations!"

FFXI has a proper gearset system despite the PS2 limitations.

That's why I remain "negative" because there's literally no reason XIV shouldn't be superior to XI and other MMOs in every single way given how creative SE can be and has been...and people who find that it is...hasn't really played other MMOs, let alone XI, for any real length of time. XIV is probably one of the more aesthetically pleasing MMOs..but it ends there.

I mean I can sit here and say:

"Yay Yoshida is the best director ever. I mean, he's nerfing overmelds and nerfing hybrid accessories so I only have to use vit as a tank now! Praise be Yoshi! There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with this, there's no downsides to nerfing crafting even more. Oh 3.2 will add stronger armors? Cool! Now I don't have to do end-game ever because I can buy crafted gear that's just as strong!...oh materia cost 8-12mil per and yoshi's words was materia is too expensive than intended so that's why he wanted to reevaulate the system and thus let you meld materia onto raid gear? PERFECT DECISION! EVERYTHING IS PERFECT! NOTHING IS WRONG!"

Seriously. This is why my tone is "negative" because I look at it realistically. Anyone's who's played MMOs before wants the path of least resistance if you make it possible.

Easy/Normal Mode can drop up to i210 but 180 is common - If there's something that shows it can drop i210 constantly be it a certain boss, guess what people won't do ever again?

Hard Mode.
Savage Alexander
Void Ark.

People may do it for a little while..but if gear is their goal..guess what they'll do? Easy/Normal mode..thus there's no point in doing something harder when you can get in and get out in 20 minutes and get the same reward. Think about why people want crystal tower to be revisited - people liked the design of the content for better or for worse (it's one of the few alliance based contents in the game) but think about why no one does them anymore: There's no reason to. The gear is obsolete and you can get far better far easier. If you join the game now, your first job to 50 grants you i90 gear and storyline grants you i100-110 iirc, thus Labyrinth and Syrcus has no reason to be ran and running it for glamour...check your queue times - despite glamour being the real end-game, it would still be no problem to run them if people truly do play content purely for glamor for example.

What if Thordan's Reign drop i200-205 weapons?

What if Sky Exploration drops i210 Aetherial weapons even on Easy/Normal?

What, realistically, would people do if gear is their end-goal? Your Greatsword from Singularity Ex has 102 Skillspeed and 75 Parry. Your 210 Greatsword has 85 Det and Random secondary stat - Same weapon damage and it comes in random glamour which this one happens to be the Balmung glamour...which greatsword would you go after if you personally care for properly gearing your character? Which would you rather do? Spend an hour or less with little to no mechanics to deal with..or spend 30 minutes or more with tons of mechanics that people will mess up continually for inferior rewards?

This is why I stay "negative" rather than praise every single thing, because if you gloss over the problems or say "it's only a problem to you"..that's how MMOs get bland and boring. The reason other MMOs fail or have massive relaunches or go F2P is because those communities aren't going to sugarcoat it or kiss the dev's asses - If there's a problem they'll be sure to express it. But with XIV? If it isn't 1.x you're not allowed to look at the game in any light other than praise or get met with attacks basically. After playing XI and DQX, you will wonder what happened with the dev team for ARR/HW. Any other MMO people would really question them if an expansion released that did absolutely nothing different like HW did.

GW2's expansion...if it was exactly like vanilla launch or 2 updates in how do you think people would have taken it compared to they are now? What if it didn't come with the awesome guild changes but instead..went backwards? Do you really think people would be as accepting as people in XIV community is? The game itself is fine..there's just far too few people who are honest about the game, especially as some people say, those who barely play it. I may get hate for it but I'm not wrong: The less you play this game the more you'll enjoy it because even Yoshi himself has said his main ideology for the game is to cater to newer players, even those new to the MMO genre and those who don't play as much and will take breaks. Its not designed for people who are playing the game actively and if someone can say "you're playing it wrong" can you play an MMORPG incorrectly?

Trust me, if I took everything at face value and only looked at games as a consumer, I would have nothing but praise because I wouldn't actually think about what I'm playing or care, I would just play. I wouldn't compare it to other MMOs I enjoy, I wouldn't compare it to their last 2 successful MMOs that's done more in many areas and I certainly wouldn't think: "Hey..this is Square Enix..they were so creative with other FF games where you have 2 parties going up separate towers but have to clear them at the same time..why don't they do it here? Why do they contiunally do as little as possible?"

Main rebuttal: "MMOs and single player games aren't the same."

That is true - However, if XIV is as successful as people believe, it shouldn't be a problem if say..Spire Towers, a kind of throwback to FFV is a 2 party dungeon (8 total people) where you have to progress your sides of the tower and sync up with the other party in order to actually kill the last boss, say both bosses will stay at 1% until both are sync'd at 1% (the mechanics already exists in guildhest, so there's no excuse not to get as creative with the dungeons)...there's just so much more they can do.

"But their dev cycle is tight!"

Stop wasting time on stuff like Lord of Verminion and pump life into the content far more people will do. No one can realistically say "only a small part of the community cares for the game's content"..or else Gold Saucer would be packed even after it's limelight was lifted. Having side distractions is fun but...if you were to show someone who plays MMOs XIV, do you realistically think they'd join for Lord of Verminion..or they'd join because they'd want to say...fight iconic summons? Go through dungeons? You know..RPG stuff? Not everyone is the same but..shrugging off the fact there's content design problems helps no one, that's why it doesn't bother me that people are all for SE ignoring end-game and adding loot pinatas, but there's still quite a lot of people who play MMOs for the end-game and will and saying "this isn't that game" silly. Final Fantasy games are ALL about the end-game.

So my tone will always "negative" about everything when I know they can do better and not question some changes that not even Blizzard would do to their MMO because it makes no sense whatsoever. People may hate to admit it, but the fact XI has their content setup properly means XIV should to - I should be able to go Alexander's entrence and have 3-4+ options for the raid tier I want to do, like every other MMO, including XI these days.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 8:09am by Theonehio

#260 Oct 26 2015 at 9:19 AM Rating: Excellent
As I've said before, I was a fan of my favorite football team when they were winning super bowls and I'm a fan now when they're consistently at the bottom of their division. Just because you're a fan of something doesn't mean you can't spot or even point out what the problems are.

I can relate to this. I'm an Oregon Ducks fan (and alum), and this is the first year we've struggled since maybe 2008. Visit any Oregon fan forum, and you'll find tons of Negative Nancies who are screaming that the sky is falling.

Do I criticize certain aspects of the team? You bet. But do I claim to be a fan while only focusing on the negative? Is every post I make about the Ducks about how coaches should be fired or players should be benched? Do I dismiss the team's wins by saying they got lucky? Do I hang my opinions on certain stats without any kind of context. No, no, no.

Just as I am with FFXIV, I'm not blindly positive about my Oregon Ducks. When they're doing well, I don't say "everything is awesome!" And when they lose, I don't say, "The sky is falling!" I'm always even-keeled in my thoughts -- but yes, I do tend to lean more positive, because I actually like the team. If I didn't like the team, then I wouldn't be posting on team-related forums.

Same goes for FFXIV. If you dislike the game so much that you have absolutely nothing positive to say about it, then why are you still here? Why haven't you been able to let go? The industry is filled with alternatives that allegedly do so many things more to your liking, right? So why not go invest yourself in one of those games?

This game is more than two years old now, and it's very successful. It has a solid population of subscribers and continues to attract new players. You're not going to see any massive system overhauls, because there would be no point -- the game is successful as it is.

So my tone will always "negative" about everything when I know they can do better and not question some changes

Hio actually admits here to intentionally being negative in all posts. While Hio qualifies it with an excuse, you can't be any more blind than this.

This is why I stay "negative" rather than praise every single thing, because if you gloss over the problems or say "it's only a problem to you".

You and Filthy don't seem to understand that you don't have to only be positive or negative. In fact, it's bizarre to just be one or the other. Just about every other regular poster here is a combination of positive and negative, or we speak about some things with indifference. The two of you are almost 100 percent negative -- and I'm only saying "almost" because I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you've said something recently that wasn't oozing with negativity (I just can't recall an example).

If every single facet of this game (or shred of news about its development) genuinely causes such overly negative reactions from you, then you seriously should walk away and find another game.

Also, Hio... I'm sorry that SE is shutting down FFXI. That really does suck for people who held that as their favorite game for so many years. But FFXI is effectively gone, and nothing will ever take its place -- especially not FFXIV. The sooner you realize that, the sooner maybe you can find a game that can help you move on from XI. This will never be the game you're looking for.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 8:35am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#261 Oct 26 2015 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Stop wasting time on stuff like Lord of Verminion and pump life into the content far more people will do.

But.... I was looking forward to Lord of Verminion.... Smiley: frown

SE tried something similar in XI with Pankration and it flopped because it was still all menu and text based and the "battles" were boring to look at. It lacked the cuteness of Pokemon and had a boring narrative to it to boot.

Lord of Verminion already looks a dozen times more interesting, because: 1. Minions are cute. Pokemon is a success because the pocket monsters are adorable. 2. It's a team building based activity, much like how Triple Triad was a deck building based activity. (I still need to farm my Ifrit card sometime.) I have all the deck slots in my TT menu filled with decks built for specific rules, like a Plus deck. (Plus my custom ********** deck" - SE actually let me name it profanity - that I use to deliberately lose to help a friend who is trying to earn Fenrir.)

Will Lord of Verminion succeed or will it go the way of Pankration? I don't know yet. But don't dismiss it as something nobody is interested in, just because you personally are not interested in it.

As for why people join, our airship master Ikaru Tenkaze was absolutely not interested in XIV until his room mate picked it up and he learned there was crafting.
#262 Oct 26 2015 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:

Also, Hio... I'm sorry that SE is shutting down FFXI. That really does suck for people who held that as their favorite game for so many years. But FFXI is effectively gone, and nothing will ever take its place -- especially not FFXIV. The sooner you realize that, the sooner maybe you can find a game that can help you move on from XI. This will never be the game you're looking for.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 8:35am by Thayos

What does this have to do with anything? In XI they provided basic housing, something they actually expanded on and pumped more features into over time. Which is why my point is - They've proven well before even ARR that there's so much they can do that they simply chose not to, or because the company isn't letting them do more.

If I'm supposedly blind because I'm "negative"...what does it make you when you're pretty much stating that SE won't even get the basics properly done that they managed to in their older MMOs? Even when they originally ran Fantasy Earth they were still able to do a lot they say they can't now. That's saying something.

Never in my IT and programming career have I seen someone willingly admit that their servers will crash because of a small increase in data. You already normally don't "push them to the limit" if that's the case that's preventing SE from doing a lot, it's time for better servers and a complete networking overhaul. I know ARR was rushed, but there's something seriously wrong with the foundation and you can no longer blame 1.0 at this point.

Hio actually admits here to intentionally being negative in all posts. While Hio qualifies it with an excuse, you can't be any more blind than this.

Being honest isn't being negative - It's always going to be interpreted as negative because it's not constantly praising them for everything.

f every single facet of this game (or shred of news about its development) genuinely causes such overly negative reactions from you, then you seriously should walk away and find another game.

That's the thing - Like I just said in my last post: If I accepted every single thing tossed at me and didn't actually think about or care about what I did, I'd praise them all the time. However, like any other person who actually plays the game fully (and I mean EVERY single aspect of the game), you actually analyze it. What would I say positive about the game when they've proven they can do so much better? I've already said what I liked about XIV: 1.2x was going in a great direction and it was actually something unique in the genre, it was just plagued with engine problems and terrible servers. I even stated that if they actually decided to create every dungeon like the Research Facility, the game's dungeon flow would be perfect if they added more systems and actually utilized the expansions theme of flying. You progressing in your dungeon.

Most people who praise ARR..usually blasts other MMOs for doing it because "this is 2015" and people who berated FFXIII despite not being terrible games at all, usually cite: "long hallways"..what are most of ARR's instanced content? Long hallways, trash pulls and boss. Rinse and repeat for 2 years and even a new expansion. Some are circle arenas without the hallway. Don't you a new expansion..they should have changed things up?

You can be a fan and be "negative"...yet here I am constantly playing Grand Masters and FFBE - Does that make me less of a fan simply because I'm not continually praising ARR/HW for doing nothing new? I've literally tried to get so many of my friends who quit MMOs to play XIV with me and they couldn't do it because the basics just are so..bad. They've played WoW for 7+ years and even play Tera..they played XIV to level 30 and got turned off because there's so much missing that they're used to from other MMOs..which are all largely the same, yet XIV turned out different in the most oddest of ways. People who are used to buying from a AH system or market system are used to buying single, stacks or an item from a stack..XIV? Nope. People who played GW2 for so long and came over to XIV kept asking me how Exploration mode is for a lot of the dungeons at my level (60) because it's something they're used to other MMOs doing - It kind of sucks to tell them this game doesn't do dungeon tiers, while some have a hard mode, it's not the same.

So no, it's not "negative", it's just honest. I even stated exactly what I liked about this game even in this day and age: I liked that you couldn't touch Ravana unless you could get past Bismarck. I dislike Bismarck is obsolete on release. I liked Alexander in terms of style, I dislike that it was extremely easy and how the "hard" version is actually the optional Savage version. I stated my favorite content is Coil, but I disliked how Final Coil was on the easy side but the design was great. What else am I suppose to praise when even after an expansion...they didn't deviate at all from what they've been doing the past 2 years. That's why I said no matter what it's going to be considered negative unless I'm praising everything because that's simply what people will want to see.

It's why I even said even though Lords of Verminion could be a fun distraction..a lot of complaints the game gets is indeed in reference to the content layout and that simply doesn't help things. Especially when there's the potential to throw everything out of whack with the sky exploration.

Catwho wrote:
Stop wasting time on stuff like Lord of Verminion and pump life into the content far more people will do.

But.... I was looking forward to Lord of Verminion.... Smiley: frown

SE tried something similar in XI with Pankration and it flopped because it was still all menu and text based and the "battles" were boring to look at. It lacked the cuteness of Pokemon and had a boring narrative to it to boot.

Lord of Verminion already looks a dozen times more interesting, because: 1. Minions are cute. Pokemon is a success because the pocket monsters are adorable. 2. It's a team building based activity, much like how Triple Triad was a deck building based activity. (I still need to farm my Ifrit card sometime.) I have all the deck slots in my TT menu filled with decks built for specific rules, like a Plus deck. (Plus my custom ********** deck" - SE actually let me name it profanity - that I use to deliberately lose to help a friend who is trying to earn Fenrir.)

Will Lord of Verminion succeed or will it go the way of Pankration? I don't know yet. But don't dismiss it as something nobody is interested in, just because you personally are not interested in it.

As for why people join, our airship master Ikaru Tenkaze was absolutely not interested in XIV until his room mate picked it up and he learned there was crafting.

It's more along the lines of the basic MMO player cares for loot. They care for content. This is why things die out like they do not because they aren't fun (I enjoyed chocobo racing) but because..people largely care for progression. So that's why it'll be a fun little thing to do, but realistically speaking, instead of making it one of the forefront systems of an update especially after this long when you obsolete every other bit of content the game has to offer, it feels like a waste.

I joined 1.0 because I liked XI's crafting and finding out you can play the game entirely as a crafter to a point, was interesting to me.'ll definitely be hardpressed to state for example this game would survive if in 3.2 they decided to announce they will no longer create dungeons or raid content and simply focus on storyline/storyline battles, glamour and Gold Saucer mini games.

It will have its following...but like I've said - The gold Saucer wouldn't have been largely abandoned in comparison to when it was THE attraction if that was the general playerbase's focus. I always love doing side activities which is why my favorite XI system is Monstrosity and Monster Rearing, but that game still had a solid content base, but in the extreme vertical progression style XIV uses...there's still a lot more that should be added with that being more of a side addition, like in patch 3.15 it would be perfect because that's inbetween major patches when things slow down.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 10:19am by Theonehio

#263 Oct 26 2015 at 11:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Being honest isn't being negative - It's always going to be interpreted as negative because it's not constantly praising them for everything.

Stop putting words in my mouth by implying that I'm saying you should be positive about everything.

That's BS, and you know it.

Nobody here is positive about everything. I've personally criticized the game's lack of social infrastructure, the lack of large-scale FC content (which hopefully is getting a fix soon) and various other things.

You are being intentionally negative for no logical reason that you've managed to explain. You seem to be blaming your negativity on the fact that SE isn't making the game like it made FFXI, or something to that effect, but THIS. IS. NOT. FFXI. It's a very different and significantly younger game that was made to appeal to a completely different audience. My point from before still stands... the DNA of this game isn't going to change. If this game upsets you so much that you're this negative, then you really should just walk away from it.

Seriously, based on your forum posts, I can't imagine how you play this game (I think you're still playing) and manage to have any fun at all. I imagine you playing and just being angry all the time. Do you actually have fun when (and if) you play? And if so, what makes this game enjoyable amid this ocean of terrible things that you always complain about?

Seriously, I'd love to know.
Thayos Redblade
#264 Oct 26 2015 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Stop putting words in my mouth by implying that I'm saying you should be positive about everything.

Both Filthy and Hio do it. That's so funny. As if they've said something positive about anything XIV related.

More interestingly, FFXI's imminent yet deserved death is bringing out the wall-o'-text in Hio it seems.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 6:27pm by Hyanmen
#265 Oct 26 2015 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos, you're not a fan. What you just described to me would be the same 'outsider' you referenced in your previous post. You sound like someone who couldn't care less about football... you're just that guy who roots for the team if you happen to see a game they're playing in solely because you went to the school. Fans actually give a ****.

Thayos wrote:
Hio actually admits here to intentionally being negative in all posts. While Hio qualifies it with an excuse, you can't be any more blind than this.

Ok, so he admits to being honest. So do I. What is your point here?

Thayos wrote:
If every single facet of this game (or shred of news about its development) genuinely causes such overly negative reactions from you, then you seriously should walk away and find another game.

Tone down the drama a bit Thayos. No one is that sensitive about XIV. I generally only post here in threads about upcoming changes, feedback on recent changes or threads about issues with PC building or troubleshooting. I mostly just stay on topic in one of the majority of threads already here that discuss things people don't like about the game.

This thread is coming from someone who doesn't enjoy raiding. It's about changes that are coming to the game that will allow them to experience endgame without having to raid. Is it wrong to discuss why these changes don't actually address what is keeping this person from enjoying raiding? Does it make sense that the coming changes don't actually address the root of the problem?

I don't fault Yoshi for turning XIV into a watered-down FF-flavored WoW not trying to execute his own personal vision. What concerns me is that he doesn't seem to realize that now that he's got feet under himself, he can pivot and start to gain some recognition for something other than being that guy who did an alright job copying what came before him actually directing the game into something unique.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#266 Oct 26 2015 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Filth, you saying I'm not a football fan is probably the most wrong thing you've ever said on this forum... And that's saying something! You must be one of those Chicken Little fans who freaks out whenever the opponent score a touchdown.

Tone down the drama a bit Thayos. No one is that sensitive about XIV.

Also, I would love it if you and Hio would tone down the drama. Your complaints have become so rampant and predictable that I could almost write them for you. Every time you guys post, I'd think SE must have killed your favorite kitten or something.

Ok, so he admits to being honest. So do I. What is your point here?

Hio admitted to intentionally posting only negative remarks. When you omit anything positive simply for the sake of being negative, then this is as blind as it gets. If you admit to doing the same thing, then you're also indisputably blind.

I don't fault Yoshi for turning XIV into a watered-down FF-flavored WoW not trying to execute his own personal vision. What concerns me is that he doesn't seem to realize that now that he's got feet under himself, he can pivot and start to gain some recognition for something other than being that guy who did an alright job copying what came before him actually directing the game into something unique.

This is about as non-negative as you get.... and still, it's totally laced with bitterness and negativity. Your problem isn't that you have these feelings... your problem is you allow this feeling to cloud every single one of your posts.

Since you claim to be a football fan, I'll put this into a perspective you might better understand. Oregon's former defensive coordinator was a highly divisive guy. That's because our total defense stats were never very good, and less-analytical Duck fans could never overlook those stats when trying to discuss the quality of our defense. Look closer, however, and the Ducks were always among the NCAA's leaders in redzone defense, scoring defense and turnover margins -- all of which are far more important than simple total yardage.

You're like one of those fans who is stuck on the total defense statistics, only in this case you appear to be stuck on the fact that FFXIV was modeled after WOW and other mainstream MMOs. It's something you bring up again and again and again, and it seems stuck in your mind to the point that you still can't even comprehend that the game is actually a huge success that does have its own unique qualities.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 1:05pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#267 Oct 26 2015 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Negative reactions are fine. But when all I see from certain people are nothing but overly negative posts over and over again, then I seriously wonder why those people are still hanging on.

Not all fans have to blindly accept anything SE does as being amazing. Some of them actually want to enjoy the game and they're not content with playing simply because it's branded.

As I've said before, I was a fan of my favorite football team when they were winning super bowls and I'm a fan now when they're consistently at the bottom of their division. Just because you're a fan of something doesn't mean you can't spot or even point out what the problems are.

Thayos wrote:
It's weird. To an outsider, it may even look like trolling.

I have a very talented artistic friend who drew something for me. It's literally an illustration of a knight protecting a troll from a damsel in distress. I would link it but she made the damsel a little curvy and I don't want to upset anyone. I feel like it would fit perfectly here though. It's just as weird to see people here bashing the game for no reason as it is to see people defending poor design choices for no reason. Perspective is a **** of a drug Smiley: lol

That is a really good post. Those that see only roses on a game are not good for it either. There are problems in all games and if developers dont find out what people like and dont like then a game will never be fixed or improved on and the only people who like your game will end up being fanboys..

Message boards and facebook pages are not your average player. They are made up mostly of fanboys or hardcore player.

Myself have always been able to see things with more of a open mind when it comes to games. I see negative and positive. Reminds me of politics and people choose one side over the other. Kind of like republicans can justify anything a republican does as right and even if a democrat does the same thing it is wrong for them and vise versa. We all know neither party can be 100 percent right or wrong and the real answer is usually somewhere in the middle.

Problem with open minded people is they are always getting shot down for being open minded.

I myself have been pretty negative on end game combat because it has been pretty much all the same. I wasn't initially and I still like some aspects of it.

I loved crafting though because it didn't suffer from allot was wrong with combat. Crafting aint perfect either though and needs some fixing.

I loved the crafting though but now I have turned a little negative on it because RNG needs to go away. I hated crafting in FFXI because it was all RNG. Crafting needs to be more skill and less RNG based.. There is nothing more frustrating than having an expensive recipe at 98 percent and it fails to HQ that is bull. They need to do away with this hq thing or just have it HQ at a certain level like everything over 85 percent automatically HQ's and rng for lower than 85. I like the new scripts method too, expand on it..

Also it stink when you craft two exact things and one you hit 100 percent on hq and the next is 28 percent because of fails or not hitting tricks. That is too much RNG when it makes that much of a difference.

What this game has is huge potential.. someone needs to run with it.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 3:57pm by Nashred

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 4:02pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#268 Oct 26 2015 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
It's just as weird to see people here bashing the game for no reason as it is to see people defending poor design choices for no reason.

That's the problem with Filth's post, though... nobody here is defending bad design choices.

The fact Filth even thinks that shows how he's misunderstanding the arguments people are making, and he's missing the point because of the heavy, negative bias that clouds all of his posts. He's mistaking people being realistic and impartial with being positive.

Yes, I like the open-world feel of the housing wards -- and I didn't argue with Filth when he told me that it's not the best design choice for an MMO, because he's right.

But apparently, he must have believed that me saying I like open-world wards is a defense of SE's design choices -- and that's false. I'm simply stating I like the open-world feel of wards more than isolated (or player customized) instances. That's not at all the same as me saying, "SE did the right thing by making these wards the way they did." That's a leap in logic that Filth incorrectly made on his own.

I haven't seen a single person here say that SE made the correct design choice. However, not all of us are crying over spilled milk, and some of us can appreciate the silver linings of this decision. The system isn't going to change, so there's no productive reason to get overly angry or bitter about it.
Thayos Redblade
#269 Oct 26 2015 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
It's just as weird to see people here bashing the game for no reason as it is to see people defending poor design choices for no reason.

That's the problem with Filth's post, though... nobody here is defending bad design choices.

Yes they do all the time. Here and on every forum and probably every game. There are those who seem to feel it is their right to defend this game no matter what or how bad a problem is. Again it reminds me of politics.

There are people on both sides, too negative and too positive.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 4:05pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#270 Oct 26 2015 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Also I think people tend to focus more on the negative because there is more too talk about when something needs to be fixed.. People have different ideas on how to fix things. When something works what is there to talk about really.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#271 Oct 26 2015 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Totally, Nashred, I get that. I have zero problems with people being negative or expressing how things could be done better.

That said, there are certain people here who only seem to say negative things. They even struggle to be impartial without letting negativity creep in. Some of these people (like Filth) haven't even played in months, which makes said criticism highly questionable. Others, like Hio, are frequent players -- which baffles me, because how could you stand to play a game that causes such negative reactions?

It has reached a point that it's hard to take what Filth and Hio say seriously, because so much of what they write comes from this highly negative viewpoint that doesn't at all reflect the game's actual playerbase.

Filth gets a little bit of a pass because he doesn't actually play the game. And I always say, if a game really makes you feel this negative, then you shouldn't play it -- and he doesn't. So good for him.

But Hio, though... not sure what keeps him subscribed. I honestly don't know. But being negative about every single thing just for the sake of being negative isn't constructive in any way, shape or form.

Some people just like being mad about things.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 1:21pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#272 Oct 26 2015 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Totally, Nashred, I get that. I have zero problems with people being negative or expressing how things could be done better.

That said, there are certain people here who only seem to say negative things. They even struggle to be impartial without letting negativity creep in. Some of these people (like Filth) haven't even played in months, which makes said criticism highly questionable. Others, like Hio, are frequent players -- which baffles me, because how could you stand to play a game that causes such negative reactions?

It has reached a point that it's hard to take what Filth and Hio say seriously, because so much of what they write comes from this highly negative viewpoint that doesn't at all reflect the game's actual playerbase.

Filth gets a little bit of a pass because he doesn't actually play the game. And I always say, if a game really makes you feel this negative, then you shouldn't play it -- and he doesn't. So good for him.

But Hio, though... not sure what keeps him subscribed. I honestly don't know. But being negative about every single thing just for the sake of being negative isn't constructive in any way, shape or form.

Some people just like being mad about things.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 1:21pm by Thayos

With Hio he may post mostly negative but I dont totally disagree with allot of his post. I think he actually brings up some good points allot of the time.

With Tesee and I lately I feel we have become slightly more negative on the game and are having a hard time getting on actually sometimes, we have even thought about quitting sometimes. Why do we still play then? We see the potential this game has still and we have hope that new things will come out or things will change for the better. We also have so much time into the game and friends it is hard to quit. We do see potential in things like housing, crafting and even golden saucer. Crafting could be amazing if they just lower the RNG element some. We have hope. plus there is still some stuff we like in the game. not everyone has too like 100 percent of the game.

I will say before heavensward we were far more positive. We were let down when nothing new combat wise came out and dashed our hopes some for change.

I talked someone in Zam FC the other day and he said people feel the same way Tesee and I feel. That FC was one of the larger ones on Ultros at one time. They still have allot of active players but they rarely play after heavensward. They are lucky to have 3 people on at a time now. Their bored with the content. After the content is finished there is nothing to do but gear up and people dont even care about it anymore because tomorrow they will have to do it all over again. this game needs something else to do other than gear up end game to keep people entertained. This game will only have people come on for patches and then leave and eventually leave for good.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 4:55pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#273 Oct 26 2015 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
Nashred wrote:

I will say before heavensward we were far more positive. We were let down when nothing new combat wise came out and dashed our hopes some for change.

Nothing has changed here since like... 2010? It's as if time has frozen in this place. Everytime I come here Hio is spouting his FFXI nonsense, Filth is arguing how his by now hilarious negativity is somehow justified and Thayos tries to take the middle road yet keeps finding himself on the fanboy side time and time again.

I'll be sure to write this exact same post again in 2020 and it'll still be true.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 8:53pm by Hyanmen
#274 Oct 26 2015 at 3:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Nothing has changed here since like... 2010? It's as if time has frozen in this place. Everytime I come here Hio is spouting his FFXI nonsense, Filth is arguing how his by now hilarious negativity is somehow justified and Thayos tries to take the middle road yet keeps finding himself on the fanboy side time and time again.

Smiley: lol

It's not that I'm a fanboy, it's that it's hard to not look like one when being juxtaposed with Filth.

Your post Wins the Day though.

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 2:13pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#275 Oct 26 2015 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Thayos, you're not a fan. What you just described to me would be the same 'outsider' you referenced in your previous post. You sound like someone who couldn't care less about football... you're just that guy who roots for the team if you happen to see a game they're playing in solely because you went to the school. Fans actually give a ****.

Thayos wrote:
Hio actually admits here to intentionally being negative in all posts. While Hio qualifies it with an excuse, you can't be any more blind than this.

Ok, so he admits to being honest. So do I. What is your point here?

Thayos wrote:
If every single facet of this game (or shred of news about its development) genuinely causes such overly negative reactions from you, then you seriously should walk away and find another game.

Tone down the drama a bit Thayos. No one is that sensitive about XIV. I generally only post here in threads about upcoming changes, feedback on recent changes or threads about issues with PC building or troubleshooting. I mostly just stay on topic in one of the majority of threads already here that discuss things people don't like about the game.

This thread is coming from someone who doesn't enjoy raiding. It's about changes that are coming to the game that will allow them to experience endgame without having to raid. Is it wrong to discuss why these changes don't actually address what is keeping this person from enjoying raiding? Does it make sense that the coming changes don't actually address the root of the problem?

I don't fault Yoshi for turning XIV into a watered-down FF-flavored WoW not trying to execute his own personal vision. What concerns me is that he doesn't seem to realize that now that he's got feet under himself, he can pivot and start to gain some recognition for something other than being that guy who did an alright job copying what came before him actually directing the game into something unique.

This. Even when Yoshi himself admits problems and faults with the game, and if anyone else dares point them's just that person being negative, despite the same words coming from the guy in charge of the current project. When you start to argue against the guy running the show...there's more problems than "negativity."

Yoshi himself, said 3.0 will take risks and try some things that may or may not work. People were hyped about it and the only people who loved HW without ANY complaints whatsoever, didn't deal with 2 years of the same cycle or never cared about the cycle in the first place and always glanced over the problems.

So..where's those risks? Systems that may or may not work? If he was talking about gating crafting...that definitely didn't work, but I PROMISE you there's more than enough people who will defend that system to the death even though anyone who seriously crafted detested it. The funny thing is though, people's main excuse tend to be: "Don't rush"'s nearly impossible to rush in this game as every system worth a damn has a lockout on it..of a full week. Even gathering gates you on nodes that are worth the most to your progression..then now you have scrips to worry about too. So I never understood the "smell the roses" argument.

As for "putting words in posts"..I never once admitted to being "negative", being honest is "negative" in the eyes of anyone who praises everything. This is why certain, let's call them 'Happy people" attacks the fact that I like FFXI, because it's all they have to hold onto since I don't state the game is terrible, because XI isn't a terrible game - it has systems XIV should have at minimum and far superior. Yet they can barely get some basic systems to work with fear that it'll crash the servers.

For example, I promise if yoshi never said this, anyone who mentions any of the problems like:

Q34. Can you place a company chest in Ishgard?

A34. The company chest is something that allows multiple players to interact with items at the same time, so we’re carefully looking into this since it can severely affect the servers. I’m not saying that we will not place one in Ishgard, but please give us some time.


Q51. A lot of new equipment has been introduced, do you have plans to implement an inventory specifically for glamour, or some type of a gear log?

A51. I understand that players often carry their glamour equipment in the Armoury Chest, and because of this your Armoury is often full. We need to think about the stress being placed on the servers, but would like to somehow increase the quality of life by doing something like adding the ability to glamour from your retainer’s inventory. We’re also looking into saving the glamour status on the client side as a final measure.

If someone were to comment on this being a terrible situation that they can't fix it, you get called negative. You say they need to get new servers or redo systems as there's CLEARLY foundation issues - Negative. There's no winning unless you praise the game. Even the recent Q&A reaffirms there's problems they need to look at..but goddess forbid you mention them!

See how they can work on Primal minions? Yet not the egi glamour system because of the excuse of "animations and design will take time?" You have a team dedicated to working on insignificant items (minions) but can't dedicate them to creating the framework for the egi glamour system for efficiency sake? This is why, once again it will always seem I'm "negative" because stuff people highly request get swept under the rug with odd excuses then they do something that takes just as much work.

Even taking lord of Verminion into consideration the only people who are touching that system are the "side quest" team. Things take money and time, but you really have to think.


#276 Oct 26 2015 at 3:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Again, Hio... people aren't criticizing you for being negative... the issue is that you're ALWAYS negative. And as I've now said numerous times, it's baffling that you play the game as much as you do despite how much you seem to not like any of it.

You never actually answered my question from earlier... why do you play FFXIV? What do you actually like about it?

You don't like the endgame, you don't like the midgame, you don't like the battle system, you don't like the housing, you agonize over the lockouts, and you seem to have a strong distaste for casual gamers, who make up the majority of XIV's playerbase. And you seem to really love XI, which is nothing like this game.

Really, why do you like XIV enough to keep playing it? What is it about XIV that helps you overcome everything you dislike?

Edited, Oct 26th 2015 2:58pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
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