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i think SE should steal a few ideasFollow

#1 May 28 2014 at 8:05 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts

I like how the Raids and Artifact weapons parts sound.. sure SE seems to be doing the later with relic/zodiac only thing is why do all that work for a weapon thats not gonna be the best you can get?
#2 May 28 2014 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
50,767 posts
snippet wrote:
This is why WildStar will once again feature 20 and 40-man raids. It's a controversial move, but one Frost feels is integral to the game's success. "Lots of people were saying 'well I don't have the time to do those,' or 'I don't have the ability to talk with all these people.' We don't have Looking For Raid, we only have Looking For Group, which is for the 5-person content. The reason that we did this was because we wanted to encourage community and players talking to each other. When you have a bunch of raiders that come together in a WildStar raid that don't communicate, you just have a bunch of people that are going to die really quickly. So we prefer that these groups are groups that work well together and really care about accessing the most brutal and difficult content to get the best rewards throughout the game."
Welp, there's a death sentence.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#3 May 28 2014 at 9:45 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Welp, there's a death sentence.

I prefer to think of it as a test case. There are WoW players who've been screaming for 40 man raids ever since Blizzard stopped doing them.

So let's see if a casual-unfriendly endgame can sustain itself.

My money's on no.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#4 May 28 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
Unless they significantly improved the game since the last beta test I did, the horrible UI bugs will scare more people away than the 40 man community raids will attract.

There was a great game in there but I couldn't see it due to the UI windows that locked up and went unresponsive all the time. Smiley: disappointed

/still holding out til more people confirm they fixed the bugs

Edit: I want to point out something that is missing from these discussions. The reason Dynamis, XI's moderate to hardcore raiding system, was successful for so many years despite the lame drop rate of gear and the incentives for group leaders to steal from their own members, was the flexibility of raid numbers. You could do Dynamis with as few as 18 people or as many as 64. Most of us settled in at a comfortable 36, a double alliance, but if we had more people show up one day we could expand out higher, and if we were short a lot we could go in with a single alliance - or less! - and still have a solid farm run, possibly even reaching the final boss if we were creative.

Now THAT is what I want in XIV. I want a long slog dungeon system that has multiple objectives and a flexible number of bodies you can throw into it. I don't ever want to be the 21st person on 20-man-raid day.

Edited, May 28th 2014 11:53am by Catwho
#5 May 28 2014 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
People can hardly get a group of 8 going with a static for Coil, I can't even imagine how this is going to go. You essentially end up catering to people who work 9-5, Monday-Friday, with no kids, no significant other and no other hobbies beyond the game. It's a great way to limit your audience.

It's also why I've been taking a break from XIV, I want to do the end game stuff and enjoy the challenge. Issue is, I can't consistently log on X night of the week with a static. This in turn leads to PF which gives you one good group out of 20 tries and a whole lot of wasted time. Your other option is to consistently refresh and find that group that's just short the one static member, but those go fast if you're not quick enough to join. Hell, even Leviathan was fine with PUGs for the first couple weeks, and now it's almost impossible to finish for some reason. Guess all the hardcores got their items and high tailed outta there.

Just wish they would introduce 4 man content with the same challenge, that way you could coordinate events on different nights of the week. Or start doing 12-16 man content where a static is tough and you constantly need extra people. The 8 man content, until people are geared or have echo buff is too punishing to have a weak link, so you can't risk having a dunce in your party for a while. Least on the positive side, as the months go, more and more groups need reps and that's when I manage to get things done with Coil and I'm hoping it'll be the same for the second turn.

edit: And completely agree with Catwho on this one!

Edited, May 28th 2014 11:56am by Montsegurnephcreep

#6 May 28 2014 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
As long as the idea's they steal of WildStar have nothing to do with:

- The Graphics
- The Character Design
- The Level Design
- The Gameplay
- The weapons and magic
- What their playerbase wants
- Anything to do with Raids or PVP.

The only thing that's reasonably enjoyable about that game is that it's an Open World, and that you have your own ship. They can steal that.
#7 May 28 2014 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
So basically they are making a super hardcore game that is not all that casual friendly. Man, if it was 2003 I'd be all over this. Now? I think I'll pass. Nothing in that entire article seemed remotely interesting to me other than Warplots, and again... that's just a hardcore epeen-fest as well, or at least that's how it seems.
#8 May 28 2014 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
As long as the idea's they steal of WildStar have nothing to do with:

- The Graphics
- The Character Design
- The Level Design
- The Gameplay
- The weapons and magic
- What their playerbase wants
- Anything to do with Raids or PVP.

The only thing that's reasonably enjoyable about that game is that it's an Open World, and that you have your own ship. They can steal that.

speaking of having your own ship can you actually fly into space and fight with it or is it a planetry based ship (i.e you can fight in the air but not in space)?

#9 May 28 2014 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
They're also hyping the interactive environments, and yeah that's kind of nice, but it wasn't as great as I had hoped it would be. Not like Minecraft levels of interactive. It was a notch above what you can do in XIV (in that there were random things lying around you could pick up freely) but it wasn't the major selling point they promised.

I miss the random treasure chests just lying out in the open from 1.0 Smiley: frown

Edited, May 28th 2014 2:05pm by Catwho
#10 May 28 2014 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Catwho wrote:
They're also hyping the interactive environments, and yeah that's kind of nice, but it wasn't as great as I had hoped it would be. Not like Minecraft levels of interactive. It was a notch above what you can do in XIV (in that there were random things lying around you could pick up freely) but it wasn't the major selling point they promised.

I miss the random treasure chests just lying out in the open from 1.0 Smiley: frown

Edited, May 28th 2014 2:05pm by Catwho

Post Beta it might be better though, since ambitious systems like that and other stuff they're doing (and in this day and age of MMOs, it truly is ambitious since no other developer seem to be able to do anything but instances lol) it may be better tuned.

It's why I like PSO2 even if it's not a true MMO, if I see a turret situated and other parties fighting 2 NMs, I'll hop in and start unloading on it to help lol, ARR tries but it's in such a mundane and scripted way that it may as well not even exist.


#11 May 28 2014 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
sure SE seems to be doing the later with relic/zodiac only thing is why do all that work for a weapon thats not gonna be the best you can get?

Just a little note on this comment, I believe they said Novus will be item level 110 and can be somewhat customized. Novus isn't even the finished Zodiac weapon, so it is likely that Zodiac will be at the very least on par with the best as of its release.
#12 May 28 2014 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Catwho wrote:
I want to point out something that is missing from these discussions. The reason Dynamis, XI's moderate to hardcore raiding system, was successful for so many years despite the lame drop rate of gear and the incentives for group leaders to steal from their own members, was the flexibility of raid numbers. You could do Dynamis with as few as 18 people or as many as 64. Most of us settled in at a comfortable 36, a double alliance, but if we had more people show up one day we could expand out higher, and if we were short a lot we could go in with a single alliance - or less! - and still have a solid farm run, possibly even reaching the final boss if we were creative.

Let's not forget that Dynamis wasn't so much about "Kill X boss, Get Loot From Y Pool" as well. Regardless of ************** horrible I think XI's relic system was, people always had a chance at relic gear as long as they were killing mobs. Some of the NM demons in Xarc were an exception to this as "targeted" drops, but it was still possible to kill Berith gobs of times and never see a Chapeau from him while the fodder put out more consistently.

Put another way, XI actually had trash mobs being meaningful, even if unreliable. That's not the case for XIV. It's not really a case for other MMOs, either. They're just pulls to slow groups migrating from one boss to the next. You've also got that group of players who'd throw a hissyfit if some casual scrub could kill a bunch of fodder and get the same gear as the dude who downed a boss (without really regarding the fact he didn't do it alone).

WIldstar may think they're doing the right thing, or are doing so as an experiment, but I'm pretty much with GA on this one: It'll blow up in their face. Meanwhile, I'll just keep twiddling my thumbs hoping for a game that isn't all about the raiding.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#13 May 28 2014 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Welp, there's a death sentence.

I prefer to think of it as a test case. There are WoW players who've been screaming for 40 man raids ever since Blizzard stopped doing them.

So let's see if a casual-unfriendly endgame can sustain itself.

My money's on no.

I don't see how it's casual unfriendly. There are still normal instances for smaller groups, but there is no LFG/DF tool for large raids. Personally, I don't feel the words 'casual' and '40-man' belong in the same sentence. I think the developers realize that this type of content is not going to be something that everyone will participate in, but I also don't think they're putting all of their resources into it. Seems it's just an added attraction at the theme park to them.

Edited, May 28th 2014 6:47pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#14 May 28 2014 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
While Wildstar is on the table for one of the games to steal from, let me add another.

Diablo III, post RoS.

The concept that there is content that can be randomized, each with the possibility of droping loot of great value, would enhance the reliability of many of these dungeons that exist in the game. There has been call for some element of randomness and I think some form of random monster/mechanic placement might actually turn out well.

... then again, this is SE. If we encourage randomized content they might do something like, put Extreme Mode Titan as the end boss of Tamtara Deepcroft or something. x.x

#15 May 28 2014 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
863 posts
Raiding is something on top of everything else yeah. They have said they want raiding to be hardcore and they are re-introducing attunements as well. In general instances are a lot harder than what most games have nowadays (at all levels), but so far I haven't seen anyone who tried them be turned off by them because of it.

Combat is different, some might not like it, but it makes a lot more room for skill to matter and the "aiming" combat combined with extensive use of what they call telegraphs (markers for enemy attacks, a bit like in XIV) makes for some pretty sick scenarios. Short video. Raids:

I don't think they are shooting themselves in the foot because while content like this might be aiming more for the more hardcore crowd there is plenty of content for everyone. A great example would be what they call Adventures. Basically they are instanced versions of a zone for smaller parties where you go on an adventure. Maybe you need to do an escort quest through the whole zone and you decide which out of the many paths you want to take which will then greatly effect how events unfold. I am bad at explaining but this short video gives a good idea of what it is. Adventures:

They also seem to want to actually use the world they have created, aside from jumping puzzles etc that they have the first patch they are adding a month or so after release is a whole new zone made for endgame type content that isn't raiding.

Now, I sound like I love this game, which I don't. I won't even play it, but it definitely has its good points, some worth stealing for sure. If nothing else I think it is a very good thing that we start getting some variation in the mmo market, it is long overdue. I don't think the biggest issue for decent success is about having or not having 40-man raids, it will be other things along with what Catwho said about UI (and other) bugs because during beta it really was not good enough.

Edited, May 28th 2014 8:19pm by Belcrono

Edited, May 28th 2014 8:20pm by Belcrono
#16DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: May 28 2014 at 6:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) but according to people here. coil weapons will always be better than zodiac weapons as "SE wants to make the best weapons in games come from the harder fights" etc etc. while zodiac is saved for "casual" players who might not be able to beat the harder content to get those weapons. If thats true then even when the final relic upgrade comes out then why would it be on par with the best coil? Also IF there is a final relic upgrade how will that work in the future I mean im sure the game will get better weapons as time goes by and expansions so what happens to my "final" upgraded il200 relic weapon that i poured blood sweat and tears into when il300 weapons come out?
#17 May 28 2014 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Diablo III, post RoS.

The concept that there is content that can be randomized, each with the possibility of droping loot of great value, would enhance the reliability of many of these dungeons that exist in the game. There has been call for some element of randomness and I think some form of random monster/mechanic placement might actually turn out well.

I agree, but I think a lot of people see the word 'random' as a dirty word.

I love what D3 has done post RoS. The main reason it works though is that you don't have to be Sir Cookiecutter, wise wizard of the spreadsheet. You can number-crunch and theorycraft if you want to pull out the most optimal damage build, but there are at least a dozen viable builds that can farm just as effectively. You can play any class you want, select specific abilities you like and customize your gear to suit your play style. That whips the pants off of the typical MMO.

The random elements of dungeons you refer to here, this is exactly what MMM should have been in FFXI. I thought they were on to something there and I still think they just failed in execution, but we essentially had the ability to randomize content using that system. I had always hoped that would be one of the things they borrowed from themselves to improve upon for ARR.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#18 May 28 2014 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Yeah, Yoshi confirmed they have ZERO intention on adding any kind of random factor to serious raid content, be it boss mechanics or the raid itself.

#19 May 28 2014 at 6:38 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
Diablo III, post RoS.

The concept that there is content that can be randomized, each with the possibility of droping loot of great value, would enhance the reliability of many of these dungeons that exist in the game. There has been call for some element of randomness and I think some form of random monster/mechanic placement might actually turn out well.

I agree, but I think a lot of people see the word 'random' as a dirty word.

I love what D3 has done post RoS. The main reason it works though is that you don't have to be Sir Cookiecutter, wise wizard of the spreadsheet. You can number-crunch and theorycraft if you want to pull out the most optimal damage build, but there are at least a dozen viable builds that can farm just as effectively. You can play any class you want, select specific abilities you like and customize your gear to suit your play style. That whips the pants off of the typical MMO.

The random elements of dungeons you refer to here, this is exactly what MMM should have been in FFXI. I thought they were on to something there and I still think they just failed in execution, but we essentially had the ability to randomize content using that system. I had always hoped that would be one of the things they borrowed from themselves to improve upon for ARR.


I agree... with.. the entirety of that post...

A lot of that should apply in FFXIV. I beleive that endgame should consist of multiple viable endgame sets from different endgame sources. And that the true 'Best in Slot' for the number crunchers actually is composed of pieces form each. I beleive that the gear paths could, and possibly should be intersecting, like to address the 'no endgame crafting gear* issue could be address by having crafting components that are U/U that build into their own, endgame tier set.

This concept of 'one hardest content' , 'one best equipment' system really does limit the scope of what this game could offer. They can vary it. I don't expect such things to ever happen quickly, because this is SE, because I do understand limitations of man-hours and facilities and profit margins, and all that business logistics crap. But I do think this sort of thing, this wider endgame incorporating multiple components, including what was listed above, would be a good ideal for the game to try to achieve.

A Tower, endgame, rather than a Pyramid endgame.

Theonehio wrote:
Yeah, Yoshi confirmed they have ZERO intention on adding any kind of random factor to serious raid content, be it boss mechanics or the raid itself.

I actually read that differently. I read that only for boss mechanics. There was nothing really about the Raid being randomized. His complaint in large was that he did not want victory to fall to luck, rather than practice and skill. This can still be addressed while allowing a singular piece of content to be variable within itself.

Edited, May 28th 2014 8:40pm by Hyrist
#20 May 28 2014 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
542 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Also IF there is a final relic upgrade how will that work in the future I mean im sure the game will get better weapons as time goes by and expansions so what happens to my "final" upgraded il200 relic weapon that i poured blood sweat and tears into when il300 weapons come out?

Tough to say really. A "final" upgrade in one patch could still be the starter upgrade for the next. It'll be interesting to see what happens to relics since right now they seem to be the only piece of equipment in the entire game with any actual long term use in mind from the developers, and the time investment to upgrade is becoming far greater than what it was before.
#21 May 28 2014 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Hyrist wrote:
While Wildstar is on the table for one of the games to steal from, let me add another.

Diablo III, post RoS.

The concept that there is content that can be randomized, each with the possibility of droping loot of great value, would enhance the reliability of many of these dungeons that exist in the game. There has been call for some element of randomness and I think some form of random monster/mechanic placement might actually turn out well.

This is a good point. Please look at how the Opo-opo minion has turned out. People go crazy over it. I think it was selling for 600k last time I checked.

And it's just a minion! With a lower drop rate than most other things we've seen in the game so far.

I imagine many of the dungeons would be much more fun to wade through if there were a prospect of phat lewtz or at least something neat. I know it would make it a lot more fun for me. I liked collecting some of the dungeon loot in WoW, for instance, even if it wasn't something particularly special. I feel like this is how darklight is now...except a little too late.
#22 May 28 2014 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Materia that affects our class abilities would go a hell of a long way in spicing up content and play styles. Of course, this also relies heavily on most moves being used at some point or another. It's something I've prattled about before in greater detail, but it's something that can not only give the economy a significant jolt, but also be more directly dispersed to all forms of content. You'll still have cookie cutter builds arise out of it, most likely, but I think it'd be a bit more fun than just killing whatever mob, getting a drop, and being set for the lifespan of that content. :/
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#23 May 28 2014 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Hyrist wrote:
A lot of that should apply in FFXIV. I beleive that endgame should consist of multiple viable endgame sets from different endgame sources. And that the true 'Best in Slot' for the number crunchers actually is composed of pieces form each. I beleive that the gear paths could, and possibly should be intersecting, like to address the 'no endgame crafting gear* issue could be address by having crafting components that are U/U that build into their own, endgame tier set.

This concept of 'one hardest content' , 'one best equipment' system really does limit the scope of what this game could offer. They can vary it. I don't expect such things to ever happen quickly, because this is SE, because I do understand limitations of man-hours and facilities and profit margins, and all that business logistics crap. But I do think this sort of thing, this wider endgame incorporating multiple components, including what was listed above, would be a good ideal for the game to try to achieve.

A Tower, endgame, rather than a Pyramid endgame.

I always liked the idea of multiple sources of endgame gear with multiple paths. It's what made FFXI stand out so much for me as my first MMO. Hitting 75 and then realizing there were a plethora of options for how to gear. You could do sky, sea, dynamis, limbus, salvage, nyzul isle, HNMs, crafted gear, etc etc down the list, and you could either get mostly full sets from one of those avenues, or mix and match for the absolute best in slot stuff. I realize that this all didn't happen overnight, and it was actually years and years of building content, but it's what I truly strive to find in an MMO again, and it's one of the things I find lacking in XIV.

On the D3 note, I've never actually played it because I heard such awful things on release, but I've always been super interested in trying it out. I don't mean to hijack the thread or anything, but if anyone has any opinions they'd like to share, I'd love to get a PM about it. I'd like to make an informed decision before I decide to buy if possible, a lesson I learned from FFXIV 1.0! Smiley: lol
#24 May 28 2014 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Can PM me about it. Got my pros and cons about it, but it's not what it launched as and I'd overall say you'll get your money's worth.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#25 May 29 2014 at 7:07 AM Rating: Excellent
They did a random dungeon thing in XI with Nyzul Isle (and later neo Nyzul Isle, henceforth known as NNI.) There were 100 floors in a section of a tower you were exploring, and each floor could follow one of a nearly infinite arrangement of patterns based on moving walls, with either randomly placed monsters and some sort of random killing objective (a "kill-all" floor, a "kill the unmarked NM" floor, "kill all of this one family", etc) or an objective that involved lighting lamps, either in a specific order or one by the entire team. Sometimes you would get free floors.

Normal mode involved climbing floors one at a time, and saving every five levels. NNI let you jump multiple floors, in a range from 2-11, but you only had one 30 minute session to try to reach floor 100.

Every 20 floors was a standard boss floor, and the bosses could try gear, or KIs in NNI that could be turned in for gear.

Anyway, if they could do it in XI, they could do it in XIV. They've been doing procedurally generated dungeons since the PS1 (Chocobo Dungeon series.)

They just don't want to.

Edited, May 29th 2014 9:08am by Catwho
#26 May 29 2014 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
is it possible to make a level list change without spending an allowance and doing one? like changing zones, logging in and out or waiting for a certain amount of time to pass?
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