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How about buffing PLD spells?Follow

#1 May 02 2014 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
DISCLAIMER - I'm a paladin. I love being a paladin. I think we're a very capable job as things stand now. I just think we could maybe be a little better.

Ok, so here's my rationale behind this. Right now, PLD cross class abilities are virtually worthless in a party setting. We get Foresight from MRD, which is great, but outside of that there's nothing special. Meanwhile, WAR has access to some of our best abilities (Provoke, Flash, Convalesence). We do get access to some basic WHM spells but they will almost never get used in a party setting. This seems like a huge waste to me, as I feel that making these spells useable would accomplish a lot - it would differentiate us from Warriors in playstyle, it would give us more options/things to do in battle, and it would help us feel more like what a paladin traditionally is. Here are my thoughts on what we get:

Our cures are too weak to be useful. Yeah, we've all probably found ourselves in an "oh s$%&" situation where we've tried to spam cures to stay alive, but does it ever really work? Not really. I'd like to see our cures strengthened to the point that they are actually worth casting... not so strong that they mitigate the need for a healer, but strong enough to wear we might need a little less attention from them. Curing ourselves can help us to have another tool for building enmity, as well as give the healers time to cast other spells. If the healers are able to cast an extra stone or DOT spell or two it might even help us close the DPS gap we have with our WAR comrades. Finally, stronger cures might help us keep a party alive just a little longer should the healer(s) die... maybe that extra time is enough to finish off a boss.

I'd like to be able to cast it in battle. If you're the primary tank that's probably not going to be a big help, but this would be huge as far as the OT is concerned. It varies from fight to fight, but the OT doesn't always have a lot to do. Being able to raise a fallen comrade in battle can help keep the OT busy while allowing the healers and summoners to focus on the things they'd rather be doing (and a lack of swiftcast will keep this from being at all overpowered IMO).

I don't think there's huge need for a buff here... it is what it is. It might be interesting to make it a bit stronger than a scholar's protect while still being weaker than a WHM's. At least then it would have some situational uses.

Honestly, I haven't bothered to level my CNJ high enough to unlock it yet... and I don't feel like I'm missing out or anything by not doing so. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, feel free to throw them out there.

We don't get it... but why not give it to us? It's not like it's all that powerful since it only removes one ailment at a time. This would also give a PLD off tank something else to do to help out.

Two ideas I have for implementing these buffs for paladins:
1) Give us a job trait that just flat-out buffs our spells. Boring, yet practical.
2) Attach these magic buffs to Sword Oath to make it more useful. I've always kinda wanted to see Sword Oath get a bit of a buff since in a party situation we spend 99% of the time in Shield Oath. If switching to Sword Oath strengthened your cures and other spells there might be real reasons to switch over to it (yeah you'd lose some defense, but just throw up a cool down while you're in Sword to mitigate it). I like the idea of doing more of the "stance dance" and this might help to encourage that.

I think these changes would be a lot of fun. Granted, it's probably just dreaming on my part, but it can be fun to speculate some time. What do you guys think.
#2 May 03 2014 at 12:46 AM Rating: Excellent

Honestly, I haven't bothered to level my CNJ high enough to unlock it yet... and I don't feel like I'm missing out or anything by not doing so. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, feel free to throw them out there.

I can't disagree with you any more. Stoneskin helps immensely since it's a percentage of your max HP that it's shielding against. Helps a ton when eating Mountain Busters in Titan and Death Sentence on Twintania if the healers are preoccupied.
#3 May 03 2014 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Raylo wrote:
Honestly, I haven't bothered to level my CNJ high enough to unlock it yet... and I don't feel like I'm missing out or anything by not doing so. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, feel free to throw them out there.

When Titan jumps, cast stoneskin.

When King Mog is about to use his meteor attack, cast stoneskin.

Any time there's a lull in any fight and you find yourself with two and a half seconds to spare and MP to burn, cast stoneskin. It scales with HP and allows you to preemptively mitigate damage for yourself or other players. Can't complain about this spell at all.

Although I do agree about cure being a complete waste on paladin, which is a shame IMO. A quick and easy remedy for this to keep it somewhat relevant would be to add a moderate amount of magic damage to paladin weapons, with more powerful weapons having slightly more magic damage. It wouldn't have to be a lot, but just enough so that is scales proportionally with the rest of your attributes.
#4 May 03 2014 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
Stoneskin aside, PLD CCs are some of the weakest currently in-game.

Do they need more powerful CCs is the question. I would say no: they are in a good position at the moment for handling a multitude of situations.

I would like to give PLDs the ability to cast an enhanced protect similar to WHM's. It allows for dual SCH healing on some fights where it might be a little rocky otherwise without needing a WHM there. However, WHM + SCH teams would never be outclassed, even giving a group a trait like that.

Cure is lackluster but so is everything else in the PLD repertoire. I would ask for a redesigning of CCs for PLD instead of buffing specific spells.
#5 May 03 2014 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
I find stoneskin more usefull that foresight.

I do not see any impact done by having foresight activated.
#6 May 03 2014 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Susanoh wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Honestly, I haven't bothered to level my CNJ high enough to unlock it yet... and I don't feel like I'm missing out or anything by not doing so. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, feel free to throw them out there.

When Titan jumps, cast stoneskin.

When King Mog is about to use his meteor attack, cast stoneskin.

Any time there's a lull in any fight and you find yourself with two and a half seconds to spare and MP to burn, cast stoneskin. It scales with HP and allows you to preemptively mitigate damage for yourself or other players. Can't complain about this spell at all.

Although I do agree about cure being a complete waste on paladin, which is a shame IMO. A quick and easy remedy for this to keep it somewhat relevant would be to add a moderate amount of magic damage to paladin weapons, with more powerful weapons having slightly more magic damage. It wouldn't have to be a lot, but just enough so that is scales proportionally with the rest of your attributes.

Not to mention:

Stoneskin from a CNJ/WHM is the one you want cast on you honestly. Since chances are you'll be with a WHM and SCH (rare occasions 2 WHMs) you'll almost always have Stoneskin and 'Galvanize' on you, specially for Jumps and so on.

PLD does need better cures or their buff that boosted WHM's Regen like back in 1.2x iirc.

#7 May 03 2014 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
What if we halved the casting time of a Paladin's Cure to compensate for the lesser amount being cured?

The cure isn't very much in group-based content, but sometimes I find it is helpful for trying to solo FATEs, but my main beef with it is the slow casting time.

Now, if it cast twice as fast, then you could fire off cures every so often to lessen the burden on your healer.

OR, what of we had something like... Rage of Halone gives you a 50% chance your next Cure is instant cast?
#8 May 03 2014 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Personally, I think PLD needs something combo-wise other than RoH. They really need to make something branch off of Riot Blade. But making CNJ skills other than SS useful for a PLD would be nice too. As it stands now, for PLD you run SS, Foresight, Bloodbath, Mercy Stroke and Fracture. Nothing else CNJ or MRD offers is useful.

As for other uses of Stoneskin, I've had my life saved by PLD's using it on me while I'm tanking on my WAR. With my current hp in Defiance (8800) a single regular SS is an extra 880 damage. Given that PLD will only ever use Flash to consume mana, having the option to put all that MP to use via SS can make or break a fight, and at the very least puts less of a strain on your healers. At my current gear level, one PLD SS is worth almost two Titan EX tumults. Assuming equal gear to mine, if the PLD puts SS on himself and then me, you're basically negating 4 tumults worth of damage, which takes a lot of pressure off the healers over the course of the fight.
#9 May 03 2014 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
The only problem i currently have with PLD is enmity on more than one monster.

A warrior can just Overpower everything, deal damage and gather hate that way. Not to mention the other AoE's it has and power attacks.

Paladin currently can only flash as his AoE, and use a laughable 100 potency Circle of Scorn. No monster is going to be impressed by that 50+.

On anything where you have to pull large groups and keep hate on them, they act like you're not even there. Flashes are fine for a bit, and Circle of Scorn (it doesnt even have enmity on it) should count as one attack atleast, but it cant measure to up DPS hitting something. And you can only focus your attacks on one enemy as PLD :/

The solutions i see can be summed up as:

- Give PLD more AoE attacks
- Reduce/remove the 25 second recast on Circle of Scorn.
- Boost Circle of Scorn's Potency from 100 to 200 at the very least
- Add an enmity modifier to Circle of Scorn.
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#10 May 03 2014 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Susanoh wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Honestly, I haven't bothered to level my CNJ high enough to unlock it yet... and I don't feel like I'm missing out or anything by not doing so. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, feel free to throw them out there.

When Titan jumps, cast stoneskin.

When King Mog is about to use his meteor attack, cast stoneskin.

Any time there's a lull in any fight and you find yourself with two and a half seconds to spare and MP to burn, cast stoneskin. It scales with HP and allows you to preemptively mitigate damage for yourself or other players. Can't complain about this spell at all.

Although I do agree about cure being a complete waste on paladin, which is a shame IMO. A quick and easy remedy for this to keep it somewhat relevant would be to add a moderate amount of magic damage to paladin weapons, with more powerful weapons having slightly more magic damage. It wouldn't have to be a lot, but just enough so that is scales proportionally with the rest of your attributes.

Not to mention:

Stoneskin from a CNJ/WHM is the one you want cast on you honestly. Since chances are you'll be with a WHM and SCH (rare occasions 2 WHMs) you'll almost always have Stoneskin and 'Galvanize' on you, specially for Jumps and so on.

PLD does need better cures or their buff that boosted WHM's Regen like back in 1.2x iirc.

This was pretty much my view on the matter... why do I need SS if the WHMs can cast a better version? That being said, lesson learned from the rest of you and I guess I'll bite the bullet and work on leveling my CNJ.

KojiroSoma wrote:
The only problem i currently have with PLD is enmity on more than one monster.

A warrior can just Overpower everything, deal damage and gather hate that way. Not to mention the other AoE's it has and power attacks.

Paladin currently can only flash as his AoE, and use a laughable 100 potency Circle of Scorn. No monster is going to be impressed by that 50+.

On anything where you have to pull large groups and keep hate on them, they act like you're not even there. Flashes are fine for a bit, and Circle of Scorn (it doesnt even have enmity on it) should count as one attack atleast, but it cant measure to up DPS hitting something. And you can only focus your attacks on one enemy as PLD :/

The solutions i see can be summed up as:

- Give PLD more AoE attacks
- Reduce/remove the 25 second recast on Circle of Scorn.
- Boost Circle of Scorn's Potency from 100 to 200 at the very least
- Add an enmity modifier to Circle of Scorn.

I disagree with this. I don't think hate management is a big issue. Honestly I'm not losing enmity at all no matter how many mobs we pull, so I don't know...
#11 May 03 2014 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
435 posts
I play both WAR and PLD (Tanking Rocks!) and I have to say, I feel it is far easier to hold hate as a WAR. Especially given the environment of speedruns, where its AoEs and spam-Cures, I don't feel Flash and Overpower stack up equally.

PLD has a lot going for it, particularly in survivability, but I agree with everyone who's pointed out that PLD could use some enmity buffs. I mean, I don't use any CNJ skills on my PLD, I feel I get far more out of Bloodbath and Mercy Stroke.

This conversation has opened my eyes to the utility of Stoneskin though, and I feel I need to incorporate that into my PLD repertoire.

Kind of an a side-note, I have found a little trick that sometimes is helpful when I'm a PLD OT (mostly in CT, I haven't been able to try it out anywhere else) is to use Cover on the MT. Esspecially in fights where there isn't really anything to off tank or if the MT needs a few more moments while the Healers are catching up after a bad AoE or something. Clearly, a situational tactic, but one that has been of some use for me.
#12 May 03 2014 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,079 posts
Sword oath can be used more than you think. In single target boss fights(meaning no or little number of adds to deal with) I find using sword oath is much better. There's a noticeable difference in time taken to down bosses when I switch to sword oath. In this case, I am talking about dungeon fights rather than trials (though I do do sword oath for most of Titan other than the last phase.) you do have to play it be ear, as it's obviously dependent on how well you are geared.

Cure is useful to help top off you HP when needed for fights like Titan as well as stone skin. As previously stated, it's good to use when you know you're gonna take a hit and there a bit of a wait before it happens.

For speed runs, I personally do not have an issue holding hate. The only thing WAR has advantage over us there is they do damage while maintaining hate while we do not. Not exactly sure how that can be solved, but in that same situation we do take less damage.
Articus Vladmir
#13 May 03 2014 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Stilivan wrote:
The only thing WAR has advantage over us there is they do damage while maintaining hate while we do not. Not exactly sure how that can be solved, but in that same situation we do take less damage.

This is pretty much what it boils down to. AoE tanking on Paladin is as simple as AoE tanking on WAR; they're simply different methods. One uses Flash spam weaved between Riot combos and the other uses Overpower as needed with Steel Cyclones; one takes less damage but deals less and one deals more and takes more.

It's fairly balanced.
#14 May 03 2014 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
412 posts
I got to the stoneskin comment and gave up :(
#15 May 03 2014 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
All they need to do is add Reprisal.

#16 May 03 2014 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
Theonehio wrote:

Not to mention:

Stoneskin from a CNJ/WHM is the one you want cast on you honestly. Since chances are you'll be with a WHM and SCH (rare occasions 2 WHMs) you'll almost always have Stoneskin and 'Galvanize' on you, specially for Jumps and so on.

In an ideal world, yes, Stoneskin should be on you. But things don't go as planned. DDs get hurt, people might die. Their Stoneskin will overwrite yours if it's cast, sure. But as soon as you see Stoneskin disappear, if your hate is solid, you should be recasting it. It's essentially a free buff that costs mana instead of cooldown, and if the healers are preoccupied doing other things, you have your own damage mitigation.

Edited, May 3rd 2014 10:25pm by UltKnightGrover
#17REDACTED, Posted: May 04 2014 at 9:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Umm as a ilvl 90 pld, yeah its cool to say that ss helps for this and that but it really doesn't
#18 May 04 2014 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
That'd be too like 1.23 FFXIV though, we can't have that without complaints SE isn't trying to make this a successful MMO and so on so forth. It's why I say they honestly should just bring in Reprisal, not only would it raise the block rate/strength (depending how they choose to go about it) it'd also throw in a lot of hate with reflecting x% of damage back at the monster.

Also, they should probably bring back Luminous Spire which was one of Gladiators AoE hate tools, but I guess it would be too advanced for this dumbed down physics engine. Warrior/MRD has Overpower, why not bring back AoE/LoS sword skills that also blinded/lowered magic defense of monsters that weren't directly hit? It'd take the burden of Flash being the only true skill they have for a decent period of time starting off.

#19 May 04 2014 at 11:52 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
domice wrote:
Umm as a ilvl 90 pld, yeah its cool to say that ss helps for this and that but it really doesn't

as a tank with protect shield oath on titan jumps the damage is never anything to worry about and ss wont save you or cut down the time when you need a cure.

all in all the only thing SS really does is give you another button to press to make yourself seem busy and feel like you have a lot to do when you really dont.

to make pld better they should redo cover, and make them more magic based, to build emity through magic while War can build emity though physical damage.

Yeah, SS can be used on other people too ya know. I've seen low life players saved from unavoidable damage thanks to a timely PLD SS.
#20 May 05 2014 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Nothing wrong with Stoneskin at all.

As the off-tank, when you're not currently busy you can either cure the Main-tank with a depressing 200 HP cure, or you can throw a 700-800 HP Stoneskin on him, every few seconds. What would you do? It simply works perfectly and makes most things tankable with ease.

Cover, i rarely use cover. Too many clicks and selects for it to be of use in an emergency. And the range is very limited. Combined with how it cancels if people move out of range of it. And lets face it, when are they not moving when in danger? Especially with the whole 10 yalm radius on it. You'd have to keep standing on top of them pretty much for it to work.

But yes, Luminous Spire was amazing. We need that again. We could also really use Blindside again for the moments we're not currently tanking.

Aegis Boon, Holy Succor, Outmaneuver, Divine Veil, Phalanx... all abilities we used to have that would be a major help. But apparently 2.0's mission was to ignore Paladin again and buff the already overpowered Warrior job.
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#21 May 05 2014 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
Cover is incredibly useful. Every time I'm AoEing on BLM and pull threat then watch the PLD proceed to not use cover, I die a little on the inside. This is particularly prominent in turn 4 as a healer as well. You know when the healer will be pulling aggro so why are you not using cover in advance to shield him from the first few swats?

There are so few situations in this game where I'd want a WAR MTing over a PLD from a healer's PoV. The only exception is Twin where the PLD is more useful for stunning because, hey: the WAR has only one stun and one root.

Can't believe how little stoneskining the MT when you are the OT is emphasized.

Edited, May 5th 2014 2:36am by HitomeOfBismarck
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