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#27 May 02 2014 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Honestly, it depends, since Flash is pretty strong as long as you don't SPAM it off the bat (due to low mp pools of non mages) but as long as you work it in, plant hate on the main target, switch off for a little bit, throw in flashes GLA/PLD can hold hate just fine in low level dungeons. The main issue is tunnelvison auto pilot DPS who absolutely love to AoE things when they shouldn't or "try to solo" monsters you're not focusing on.

So it is a bit of both...lack of experience/skill and design, but as usual a good tank can keep hate no problem unless the DPS/healer is making your life miserable, like ARC/BRDs who blow all cooldowns the second the fight start. I also agree with Fluid Aura...I don't even bother going back to that monster at times because CNJ/WHM's tend to use it off the bat when there's absolutely no reason to. So even if you did end up as one of those WHMs lots of us hate...I know how to drop my hate off and let monsters have a snack, dealing with stuff like that you end up learning how to reverse troll :p


#28 May 02 2014 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
2,214 posts
My biggest pet peeve is the pseudo elitist attitude that has shown up in force since people started beating Ifrit X.

It is insane the comments about extreme learning parties (after the third wipe, you tend to have people rage quiting... Just so people realize, that means 10 minutes into actually doing the fight... People spend up to 2 hours setting up these parties).

Or Coil is another favorite. Must know this, one fail and you are out, No losers, and the such.

It's just demeaning to the people saying it. And the sad part is I don't even think they realize, not only the attitude they promote, but the personality that they project.

While there is a really friendly community in this game, there is also a pervasive "I need to prove I am better than you" attitude about anything end-game related, and I have actually quit all things end-game related until people simmer a bit...

I guess that's not really a little annoyance:).
#29 May 02 2014 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Torrence wrote:
So I guess my point is - in defense of whm's everywhere... the job right now is so mind-numbingly boring that they are probably using it just for the troll = excitement factor.

I love how your defense is that WHMs who do that are being trolls. "Those WHMs that are annoying you are just trying to annoy you." ;-)
#30 May 02 2014 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
5,729 posts
Laverda wrote:
In low level dungeon roulette, when tanks faced with three monsters grab hate on just one of them. I try to stand there waiting to cure them until they all turn red, but I can't wait forever or the tank dies, and those other two mobs come running right after me the instant I cast. Especially fun in the Rosary Room.

To be fair, it can be pretty hard to get hate on everything right off the bat at lower levels. At the lower levels there aren't a lot of enmity generating tools other than spamming flash/overpower and if someone pulls something too fast you might never get hate back.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#31 May 02 2014 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
Karlina wrote:
Laverda wrote:
In low level dungeon roulette, when tanks faced with three monsters grab hate on just one of them. I try to stand there waiting to cure them until they all turn red, but I can't wait forever or the tank dies, and those other two mobs come running right after me the instant I cast. Especially fun in the Rosary Room.

To be fair, it can be pretty hard to get hate on everything right off the bat at lower levels. At the lower levels there aren't a lot of enmity generating tools other than spamming flash/overpower and if someone pulls something too fast you might never get hate back.

That's the thing though, just spam overpower or whatever over and over for awhile. You're hardly contributing DPS at that level, so you might as well give a few flashes/overpowers to maintain hate.

#32 May 02 2014 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Other annoyances:

1. When tanking, I hate when I've determined (through experience) how quickly the party is capable of moving with maximized efficiency... but then DPS insist on pulling more mobs, most often leading to messed up hate/ unneeded deaths/ slowed progress.

2. Rage quitters... or even people who give up after a couple failed attempts at something... especially when notes such as "learning party" are included in the PF notes.

I'm torn about undercutting. I don't like it, but I often end up doing it. The times I've tried selling an expensive item without undercutting, I usually log in a day later to find that a) my item hasn't sold and b) I've lost out on thousands of gil by not undercutting in the first place.
Thayos Redblade
#33 May 02 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Yeah, only time I've undercut is on certain "rare" items. For example Carbuncle stuff....

No, they're not worth 5-7 million a pop in any reality, it doesn't even cost 300k to make them, people are...well were getting them from retainer ventures, so 5-7 million profit? Lol no. 200-500k? That's 200-500k more than you had and you didn't spend 1 gil to make AND it's inline with how much it actually costs to make. Win/Win.

Otherwise I'd never undercut. As for tanking....

WHMs who use Regen and Medica II the second I throw my god damn axe then complain they get hate. Not only did I not take even 1 point of damage're getting double the hate I'll have before I even get into position lol.

#34 May 02 2014 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
I took Fluid Aura off my cross bar like 6 months ago. I honestly can't remember the last time I used it.
#35 May 02 2014 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Torrence wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
English-speaking new tanks in low-level dungeons playing on consoles without keyboards who won't flash. Ever.

I've found that there definitely seems to be some disconnect with tanks and enmity in this game. I have not yet leveled a tanking class, but from running dungeons on my drg and now cnj, some tanks REALLY struggle with threat on multiple mobs and some seem to have better control. So far, it seems that Warrior\Maurader class has the easiest time, and the sword and board classes are struggling. It could just be the experience level of the tanks in question, but I have to wonder if SE didn't quite take into account a proper level of AoE tools for each tank class when they designed dungeons. It's a much bigger deal than it was in XI when we basically fought one monster at a time.

Having played a little of both, I agree with this assessment. Part of it is that Warriors just have a wider range of tools since there's a lot of good cross-class tanking abilities they can choose from Gladiators (Provoke alone is worth its weight, along with Flash, Awareness, Convalescence), and not so much Paladins can take from Marauders (Foresight, and uh... yeah). How about sharing that Overpower love, hmm?
#36 May 02 2014 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm torn about undercutting. I don't like it, but I often end up doing it. The times I've tried selling an expensive item without undercutting, I usually log in a day later to find that a) my item hasn't sold and b) I've lost out on thousands of gil by not undercutting in the first place.

In general, I don't mind undercutting, as long as it's done smartly. Unfortunately, FFXIV is one of these "don't hate the player, hate the game" situations. The market forces sellers to undercut if they ever hope to sell their stuff. On top of that, the MB system makes it far too easy to undercut.
#37 May 02 2014 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
191 posts
Thayos wrote:
I hate when whms use that ability that flings monsters away. Often, I'm getting ready to hit something as part of my hate rotation when BAM, the whm sends the mob way out of range for no reason other than to do it.

I would hate that too. As a WHM i would almost never do that (only reason I might would be to knock and sleep, but that takes too much time). On the flip side as a WHM, occasionally a mob makes a beeline to me and I'm gonna line it up and knock it back to you so you don't need to drag any AOE/Cone mobs to me. :)
Pikko wrote:
I'm here with the Sticky Wand of Doom!!

Osanshouo wrote:
What makes an unbeatable game fun?
Your friends.

Crysania Majere 50WHM, 50SCH, 50SMN
Kraken Club - Ultros
#38 May 02 2014 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Xoie wrote:
Torrence wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
English-speaking new tanks in low-level dungeons playing on consoles without keyboards who won't flash. Ever.

I've found that there definitely seems to be some disconnect with tanks and enmity in this game. I have not yet leveled a tanking class, but from running dungeons on my drg and now cnj, some tanks REALLY struggle with threat on multiple mobs and some seem to have better control. So far, it seems that Warrior\Maurader class has the easiest time, and the sword and board classes are struggling. It could just be the experience level of the tanks in question, but I have to wonder if SE didn't quite take into account a proper level of AoE tools for each tank class when they designed dungeons. It's a much bigger deal than it was in XI when we basically fought one monster at a time.

Having played a little of both, I agree with this assessment. Part of it is that Warriors just have a wider range of tools since there's a lot of good cross-class tanking abilities they can choose from Gladiators (Provoke alone is worth its weight, along with Flash, Awareness, Convalescence), and not so much Paladins can take from Marauders (Foresight, and uh... yeah). How about sharing that Overpower love, hmm?

This is a very good point and it got me to thinking. MRD/WAR gets great cross class abilities from us paladins and we don't get squat in return. Even taking the cross class abilities we get from WHM in to account, how many abilities (outside of Foresight) do we get that we're ever going to use in a party? You're never going to use any of the WHM spells as long as a healer is around. Fracture and Bloodbath are ok, I guess, but they're not going to make a huge difference in battle IMO. I know the WHM spells fit in with what we all see as the traditional paladin, but as it is it just doesn't serve any purpose in this game.

Possible solutions?
1) Why not give us Esuna from WHM? I'd use that all of the time!
2) What if we had Arcanist abilities instead of Conjurer? Physick and Resurrection instead of Cure and Raise, plus Eye for an Eye would be awesome. Resurrection means the OT can help with raises too, giving them something else to do.
3) Lancer abilities instead of MRD... no foresight, but I could find a lot of use for abilities like Keen Flurry, Feint, Leg Sweep, Invigorate, or Life Surge.
4) MY FAVORITE (and probably the most practical) - give us a trait that increases the potency of our cures, a lot. Right now they are pathetic, and no paladin is ever going to spend their attribute points or gear slots to make them stronger. WARs can do more DPS than us which gives them an advantage over us, but if we could cure ourselves well enough to save the healers some work, they could focus on doing some damage abilities of their own and it would even out (and probably be fun for them). It would also help the job "feel" more like a paladin is supposed to. I'd love something like this.

Don't get me wrong, I think PLD is very viable (it's my main) but that's based almost completely on it's own class and job abilities, which are great. We definitely get the short end of the stick when it comes to cross class abilities and there does seem to be a preference towards Warriors since they got their big buff in 2.1. I would definitely be in favor of having some new options in that regard.

Edited, May 2nd 2014 7:55pm by Raylo
#39 May 02 2014 at 6:00 PM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
You know, I really get tired of the stupid rate camping that goes on.

I get defaulted for not noticing some little button in the UI?

Well, that's cute.

Thanks to those who pointed it out, it is nice and handy information, but no thanks to the tools who keep pressing the down arrows. I forgot how stinking bad the Final Fantasy community here on ZAM is for spamming rate-downs like it actually means something.

Also, to the total tool who rated me down for the first post I made in this thread: ***** you. Seriously. I notice you're not brave enough to actually reply to what I said; you just rate it down even though there was no real reason to do so.
#40 May 02 2014 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
The group of people with Behemoth mounts and Minions that camp on top of the bells from time to time, no biggie on the PC... but it never fails I'm on PS3 when this happens and forget how to target anything that's not an enemy.
#41 May 02 2014 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Karlina wrote:
Laverda wrote:
In low level dungeon roulette, when tanks faced with three monsters grab hate on just one of them. I try to stand there waiting to cure them until they all turn red, but I can't wait forever or the tank dies, and those other two mobs come running right after me the instant I cast. Especially fun in the Rosary Room.

To be fair, it can be pretty hard to get hate on everything right off the bat at lower levels. At the lower levels there aren't a lot of enmity generating tools other than spamming flash/overpower and if someone pulls something too fast you might never get hate back.

I don't see that it really matters that much though. Pretty much any job can tank low level trash mobs. Parties usually go faster if the the tank just goes DD mode and lets the hate bounce around.

Edited, May 2nd 2014 11:48pm by Turin
#42 May 02 2014 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
1,079 posts
Raylo wrote:
Xoie wrote:
Torrence wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
English-speaking new tanks in low-level dungeons playing on consoles without keyboards who won't flash. Ever.

I've found that there definitely seems to be some disconnect with tanks and enmity in this game. I have not yet leveled a tanking class, but from running dungeons on my drg and now cnj, some tanks REALLY struggle with threat on multiple mobs and some seem to have better control. So far, it seems that Warrior\Maurader class has the easiest time, and the sword and board classes are struggling. It could just be the experience level of the tanks in question, but I have to wonder if SE didn't quite take into account a proper level of AoE tools for each tank class when they designed dungeons. It's a much bigger deal than it was in XI when we basically fought one monster at a time.

Having played a little of both, I agree with this assessment. Part of it is that Warriors just have a wider range of tools since there's a lot of good cross-class tanking abilities they can choose from Gladiators (Provoke alone is worth its weight, along with Flash, Awareness, Convalescence), and not so much Paladins can take from Marauders (Foresight, and uh... yeah). How about sharing that Overpower love, hmm?

This is a very good point and it got me to thinking. MRD/WAR gets great cross class abilities from us paladins and we don't get squat in return. Even taking the cross class abilities we get from WHM in to account, how many abilities (outside of Foresight) do we get that we're ever going to use in a party? You're never going to use any of the WHM spells as long as a healer is around. Fracture and Bloodbath are ok, I guess, but they're not going to make a huge difference in battle IMO. I know the WHM spells fit in with what we all see as the traditional paladin, but as it is it just doesn't serve any purpose in this game.

Possible solutions?
1) Why not give us Esuna from WHM? I'd use that all of the time!
2) What if we had Arcanist abilities instead of Conjurer? Physick and Resurrection instead of Cure and Raise, plus Eye for an Eye would be awesome. Resurrection means the OT can help with raises too, giving them something else to do.
3) Lancer abilities instead of MRD... no foresight, but I could find a lot of use for abilities like Keen Flurry, Feint, Leg Sweep, Invigorate, or Life Surge.
4) MY FAVORITE (and probably the most practical) - give us a trait that increases the potency of our cures, a lot. Right now they are pathetic, and no paladin is ever going to spend their attribute points or gear slots to make them stronger. WARs can do more DPS than us which gives them an advantage over us, but if we could cure ourselves well enough to save the healers some work, they could focus on doing some damage abilities of their own and it would even out (and probably be fun for them). It would also help the job "feel" more like a paladin is supposed to. I'd love something like this.

Don't get me wrong, I think PLD is very viable (it's my main) but that's based almost completely on it's own class and job abilities, which are great. We definitely get the short end of the stick when it comes to cross class abilities and there does seem to be a preference towards Warriors since they got their big buff in 2.1. I would definitely be in favor of having some new options in that regard.

Edited, May 2nd 2014 7:55pm by Raylo

Sometimes I like to spam cure on myself or spam cure on the other tank during fights to help mitigate some damage. This I find is useful during fights like Titan where you may eat a bunch of hits and Mountain Buster is coming - sometimes it makes a huge difference. I honestly don't care that we don't get that many abilities from other classes. We are already over powered and awesome. :P

Lyrailis wrote:
You know, I really get tired of the stupid rate camping that goes on.

I get defaulted for not noticing some little button in the UI?

Well, that's cute.

Thanks to those who pointed it out, it is nice and handy information, but no thanks to the tools who keep pressing the down arrows. I forgot how stinking bad the Final Fantasy community here on ZAM is for spamming rate-downs like it actually means something.

Also, to the total tool who rated me down for the first post I made in this thread: ***** you. Seriously. I notice you're not brave enough to actually reply to what I said; you just rate it down even though there was no real reason to do so.


Articus Vladmir
#43 May 02 2014 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Stilivan wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Xoie wrote:
Torrence wrote:
darexius2010 wrote:
English-speaking new tanks in low-level dungeons playing on consoles without keyboards who won't flash. Ever.

I've found that there definitely seems to be some disconnect with tanks and enmity in this game. I have not yet leveled a tanking class, but from running dungeons on my drg and now cnj, some tanks REALLY struggle with threat on multiple mobs and some seem to have better control. So far, it seems that Warrior\Maurader class has the easiest time, and the sword and board classes are struggling. It could just be the experience level of the tanks in question, but I have to wonder if SE didn't quite take into account a proper level of AoE tools for each tank class when they designed dungeons. It's a much bigger deal than it was in XI when we basically fought one monster at a time.

Having played a little of both, I agree with this assessment. Part of it is that Warriors just have a wider range of tools since there's a lot of good cross-class tanking abilities they can choose from Gladiators (Provoke alone is worth its weight, along with Flash, Awareness, Convalescence), and not so much Paladins can take from Marauders (Foresight, and uh... yeah). How about sharing that Overpower love, hmm?

This is a very good point and it got me to thinking. MRD/WAR gets great cross class abilities from us paladins and we don't get squat in return. Even taking the cross class abilities we get from WHM in to account, how many abilities (outside of Foresight) do we get that we're ever going to use in a party? You're never going to use any of the WHM spells as long as a healer is around. Fracture and Bloodbath are ok, I guess, but they're not going to make a huge difference in battle IMO. I know the WHM spells fit in with what we all see as the traditional paladin, but as it is it just doesn't serve any purpose in this game.

Possible solutions?
1) Why not give us Esuna from WHM? I'd use that all of the time!
2) What if we had Arcanist abilities instead of Conjurer? Physick and Resurrection instead of Cure and Raise, plus Eye for an Eye would be awesome. Resurrection means the OT can help with raises too, giving them something else to do.
3) Lancer abilities instead of MRD... no foresight, but I could find a lot of use for abilities like Keen Flurry, Feint, Leg Sweep, Invigorate, or Life Surge.
4) MY FAVORITE (and probably the most practical) - give us a trait that increases the potency of our cures, a lot. Right now they are pathetic, and no paladin is ever going to spend their attribute points or gear slots to make them stronger. WARs can do more DPS than us which gives them an advantage over us, but if we could cure ourselves well enough to save the healers some work, they could focus on doing some damage abilities of their own and it would even out (and probably be fun for them). It would also help the job "feel" more like a paladin is supposed to. I'd love something like this.

Don't get me wrong, I think PLD is very viable (it's my main) but that's based almost completely on it's own class and job abilities, which are great. We definitely get the short end of the stick when it comes to cross class abilities and there does seem to be a preference towards Warriors since they got their big buff in 2.1. I would definitely be in favor of having some new options in that regard.

Edited, May 2nd 2014 7:55pm by Raylo

Sometimes I like to spam cure on myself or spam cure on the other tank during fights to help mitigate some damage. This I find is useful during fights like Titan where you may eat a bunch of hits and Mountain Buster is coming - sometimes it makes a huge difference. I honestly don't care that we don't get that many abilities from other classes. We are already over powered and awesome. :P

Don't get me wrong, I'm completely happy as a Paladin and I can definitely do just about anything I want to do. All I'm saying is that when you really think about it, it would open a lot of really unique possibilities and help differentiate our play style from that of the warriors. I'm actually going to start a different thread so I don't hijack this one - come discuss!
#44 May 02 2014 at 10:19 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
I get defaulted for not noticing some little button in the UI?

It probably had very little to do with the content of your post. It's not what you say, it's how you say stuff.
#45 May 02 2014 at 11:18 PM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
Annoyances threads and CT go together like bread and butter
#46 May 03 2014 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
Players who are new to a dungeon or a fight and will not speak up when asked "Who's new?" I'm willing to explain everything but when these ppl make it a point not to speak up and wipe to ifrit easy cause you dont know to kill nail or other important details,..fustrating. Then we find out who after they get clear acheivement or a extra long CS.

Edited, May 3rd 2014 7:27am by Poopintuna
#47 May 03 2014 at 12:30 AM Rating: Good
847 posts
Raylo wrote:
Why do some mob attacks randomly cause heavy when I'm trying to run past them on my chocobo? It's not like they have any shot whatsoever at killing me, so all it does is slow me down and tick me off. Annoying!

I actually very nearly got killed the other day due to being "heavied". Granted, I was on my miner when it happened, which has about twelve HP; but if a caster mob hits you with heavy, he can pretty much take potshots at you at will. The heavy effect also makes it easier for his melee buddies to catch you.
#48 May 03 2014 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
Lyrailis wrote:
You know, I really get tired of the stupid rate camping that goes on.

I get defaulted for not noticing some little button in the UI?

Well, that's cute.

Thanks to those who pointed it out, it is nice and handy information, but no thanks to the tools who keep pressing the down arrows. I forgot how stinking bad the Final Fantasy community here on ZAM is for spamming rate-downs like it actually means something.

Also, to the total tool who rated me down for the first post I made in this thread: ***** you. Seriously. I notice you're not brave enough to actually reply to what I said; you just rate it down even though there was no real reason to do so.

You forgot the first rule of karma... don't talk about karma.

I've learned that speaking up about it just makes them rate you down more. Smiley: glare

And don't worry, it took me a while to discover the price history button on retainers too... and when I did it was pure joy.
#49 May 03 2014 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Eh minor?

-The retainer system menus need some polishing
-People joining PF groups that say experienced only and have none
-People inflating parses, skewing results in the end
-Unable to transfer items/gil through mog delivery between my main and my alt characters
-Unable to see a history of what job people join as in a PF group
-People who /tell me when I'm forming a T5 party and say, "No BRD?" when I am the BRD in the group
-Lack of reading comprehension in the majority of the population
-Dragoons and WHMs spamming their AoE moves in Mor Dhona in big groups, causing everyone around to feel annoyed
-Prima donna tanks who don't realize I will kick them immediately and jump on my own tank if they start to give me or anyone else in the party lip/attitude
-Having TC and firestarter procs wasted because the boss went up in the air/went for a swim

Edited, May 4th 2014 4:39am by HitomeOfBismarck
#50 May 03 2014 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
777 posts
Having just recently started the tedious process of melding my crafting gear, I have to say that repeated meldings can become really annoying really quickly when you have to wait for the failure animation to complete before starting again. And if you're melding something that isn't equipped, you have to re-select it each time. The layers of menus to go through repeatedly when melding gets old.
#51 May 03 2014 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
8,187 posts
My list of annoyances:

1- People.

2- Lists

3- Irony

Edited, May 3rd 2014 10:36am by Dyadem
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
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