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Coil Turn 2 - Enrage strategy to remainFollow

#1 Jan 09 2014 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Camate, Community Rep wrote:

The development team is aware of the strategy that is being used for the Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 2 against ADS and they do not consider it to be an exploit. There are currently no plans to make any adjustments.

Not sure I agree with this. There are number of fights that I find to be quite fun. Ultima I think has a good balance. Turn 4 is a great challenge. Turn 1 is beatable, but at least demanding for each role. Having a good time with Garuda EX as well. I've been enjoying Crystal Tower quite a bit.

And yet, there is nothing fun about Turn 2 - Enrage strategy. Before the strategy arose, I thought it the fight was challenging and demanding but beatable (which IMO = fun).

I was willing to overlook Turn 3 - Sonic Mode. (This is a very sad dungeon. /doublecry) Now 2/5 Turns are not really fights at all. Seeing as Coil is the End-End-Game, it really shouldn't be, uh, 40% mediocre.

#2 Jan 09 2014 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
I think it's more that this simply isn't an exploit, it's just finding an alternative route through the enrage mechanics. Also, it's not like it's an automatic win if you do it this way. You still need good DPS and relatively geared healers to heal through it and not run out of MP before it's over. We attempted this last Friday (was our first attempt at T2) and we couldn't beat it before our melee or healers started dropping. None of us are uber geared, mostly i70-75, and for us it just wasn't really feasible. We'll probably try the legit way next time we go until we are a bit more geared. I'd like to learn the fight with all the mechanics anyways, seems quite fun.

#3 Jan 09 2014 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Since this is actually the first time I've heard of an enrage method what does it basically boil down to? Like, does he not do the +damage debuff, laser, etc. and just pulses a wave of damage like Turn 4's enrage?
#4 Jan 09 2014 at 4:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Here's the link to the forum discussion:

I see what you mean BartelX. It's a decision to use the enrage method, and not a guaranteed win.

Party Finder has "Enrage Method" listed for every party I see, so that does limit your options in a way.

On a general note, it IS significant how much the gear matters. A player's experience with the game is vastly different depending on personal gear, gear of friends, availability of FC members and also the time of day you can generally play. As far as T2, some minimum healer/ DPS gear is required for Enrage Method, yes. And a smidge of skill for timing Medica/Medica II to not waste MP needlessly.

On the MP note, Ballad rotation. Much harder to win without two Bards that have some way of communicating Ballad switches. This goes for way more fights than just T2 Enrage.

Just as a personal preference I would rather HAVE to use the designed fight mechanics. In my experience, trying to convince people to do anything a harder way, just for fun, is futile.

Edited, Jan 9th 2014 5:58pm by Gnu
#5 Jan 09 2014 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
3,653 posts
On the MP note, Ballad rotation. Much harder to win without two Bards that have some way of communicating Ballad switches.

Ballad goes down, ballad goes up. Not much communication required apart from deciding who goes first.

Having said that, a single Bard using voice should be enough for T2 enrage.

Edited, Jan 10th 2014 3:49am by blowfin
#6 Jan 09 2014 at 9:49 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Alternatively, do this 1 tank, 4 dps, 3 healer (2 sch, 1 whm). The sch rotate sacred soil, meaning it's almost 100% uptime, while the fact that you have three healers means one brd is more than enough to get through the fight. Just make sure everyone stacks on top of each other so Cure 3 becomes godlike.
#7 Jan 09 2014 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
16,959 posts
I find the enrage method very boring, but I think the appeal is that it's easier for PUGs to complete Turn 2 that way.

If your party is geared well enough, you can literally not pay attention to ADS. Our group was talking about Extreme Primal fights >_>
I kind of miss having to pay attention to silence rotations, and the initial wave of Allagan Rot. Oh well. Path of least resistance and all that.
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#8 Jan 09 2014 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
3,653 posts
Oh well. Path of least resistance and all that.

Yeah something like that, my major gripe is that it allows inexperienced players an easy path to T4, where they're frequently out of their depth.

Having said that I've happily participated in T2 enrage groups because PUG's for coil are generally awful, and i'll do what I need to to get through. So in some small way, I have no right to be complaining about it.
#9 Jan 09 2014 at 11:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
I read that response on their dev blog too. I was a little sad. ADS in T2 was probably the first big wall, outside of Titan, that I encountered in this game. I probably put in the same amount of time to him with different groups as I did with Twin on one single group.

Thing is, ADS left teaches your team to communicate very clearly. You will need it for turn 4 and 5 like blowfin stated. It gets pretty intense with people shouting out tank swapping, silences, and rot rotation at the same time on one TS channel. After you get it down, you don't need to necessarily call all that out but the point is you learned to work together to make things less complicated.

Eh whatever. I think it was a bad call by the dev team to make one of the more interesting coil fights into something not so interesting but T4 is still a decent check on communication and picking a strategy that works.
#11 Jan 10 2014 at 1:30 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Yeah, once they touch coil this will change. They just have no plans now because they're too busy giving us FATE based quests. This strategy, sure works for people but it's so much easier and quicker to just go in and kill it lol.

As it's been said. most who go through this method rarely clear T4 unless they've been clearing it before, otherwise you won't meet the DPS check since this method is very lax on high DPS (but still needed.)

#12 Jan 14 2014 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
589 posts
I'm going to chime in and be selfish. I don't like this method for one and one reason only. Three people rolling on MY the same loot >.<
#13 Jan 14 2014 at 3:17 PM Rating: Excellent
180 posts
nonameoflevi wrote:
I'm going to chime in and be selfish. I don't like this method for one and one reason only. Three people rolling on MY the same loot >.<

Mine is a very similar selfish reason: I generally play as SMN and in order to get through the T2 enrage method I have had to really begin to focus on gearing up my SCH side to get through it. I'd rather continue to DPS it but since it i already have a healer at max lvl by default it seems reasonable to be asked to switch just for T2... Damn logic...
#14 Jan 14 2014 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
180 posts
I think the enrage method is a valid way to beat the turn, is it easier yes but still valid. I actually enjoy it more because now my FC static gets to stop and chill for a few in the middle of a run. We did it all the time before the enrage method was widely known now we use enrage all the time.

Another reason we like it is we can pretend we are at a disco as it is going off...but that is a discussion for another time

back to its validity

I see no reason why letting it enrage is a "exploit" SE clearly didn't add in an auto death move to this fight like they have in many others so clearly it was designed to be survivable after enrage. If people would rather go 3 healers and enrage it so be it.

Is Zerging Garuda HM an exploit? Is ignoring the bees on Demon wall and exploit...clearly SE wants us to fight the bees if they pop...or Garuda's sisters...not doing that is hardly exploits.

I think the real issue with this method is that a lot of people (myself included) toiled for a while trying to down this turn the regular way...and eventually did but now this method is out there and any PUG can do that urks.

An exploit to me would be run TT to the left then the right and she will lock and not be able to attack anymore...that sort of thing...not a valid none glitched strat.
#15 Jan 14 2014 at 5:36 PM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts
Zerging Garuda causes her to skip a phase occasionally, however none of Garuda's mechanics are broken. Let me ask you a question:

When Ultima counts down to 0 and he uses Ultima, if it did no damage would you feel that's working as intended? I mean, it's counting down to SOMETHING that should wreck you and notice how you need 3 healers generally for enrage to even work smoothly most of the time? It's broken unlike primals. The only reason, as I said, that they find "nothing wrong" is because their focus isn't on coil until they update it in 2.2, much like how Dark Devices was "working as intended", they changed it..

Maybe it's my experience with SE after 11 years and 3 Major MMOs by them that I can see through their PR talk, just don't be surprised if it's "boosted" or everyone auto dies at 0. So no, it's not an exploit or anything but it's clearly not doing what it's supposed to or why even have the 'click' mechanic?

#16 Jan 14 2014 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Zerging Garuda causes her to skip a phase occasionally, however none of Garuda's mechanics are broken. Let me ask you a question:

When Ultima counts down to 0 and he uses Ultima, if it did no damage would you feel that's working as intended? I mean, it's counting down to SOMETHING that should wreck you and notice how you need 3 healers generally for enrage to even work smoothly most of the time? It's broken unlike primals. The only reason, as I said, that they find "nothing wrong" is because their focus isn't on coil until they update it in 2.2, much like how Dark Devices was "working as intended", they changed it..

Maybe it's my experience with SE after 11 years and 3 Major MMOs by them that I can see through their PR talk, just don't be surprised if it's "boosted" or everyone auto dies at 0. So no, it's not an exploit or anything but it's clearly not doing what it's supposed to or why even have the 'click' mechanic?

Um it's the same as the rage mode in turn 4, so nothing in it is broken and also it's not occasional it's every time you can skip phases on grauda.

So I ask you what is the difference with taking 5 relic dps and burning down grauda to the point it skips all of its mechanics?

#17 Jan 14 2014 at 10:54 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
domice wrote:
Um it's the same as the rage mode in turn 4, so nothing in it is broken and also it's not occasional it's every time you can skip phases on grauda.

So I ask you what is the difference with taking 5 relic dps and burning down grauda to the point it skips all of its mechanics?

There *is* a dramatic difference between the two, and you know it.

Don't be purposely obtuse.
#18 Jan 15 2014 at 8:03 AM Rating: Default
181 posts
Viertel wrote:
domice wrote:
Um it's the same as the rage mode in turn 4, so nothing in it is broken and also it's not occasional it's every time you can skip phases on grauda.

So I ask you what is the difference with taking 5 relic dps and burning down grauda to the point it skips all of its mechanics?

There *is* a dramatic difference between the two, and you know it.

Don't be purposely obtuse.

Um no I'm not in both cases if you bring the standard party set up you can't skip or ignore mechanics. If you don't have 5dps in garuda you have to go through the whole script, same as in t2 if you don't have 3 healers you have to go through the whole script.

SE destined every encounter in this game to me talked with a standard party set up and every encounter in the game revolves around that mainly for the df. But with the ability to form your own party in any make up you want you are always going to have some make ups that just won't be affected by certain mechanics abilities or e even encounters themselves. Guess what in a few months this won't even matter all the starts with coil well be obsolete anyways when new gear comes out.
#19 Jan 15 2014 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
domice wrote:
Viertel wrote:
domice wrote:
Um it's the same as the rage mode in turn 4, so nothing in it is broken and also it's not occasional it's every time you can skip phases on grauda.

So I ask you what is the difference with taking 5 relic dps and burning down grauda to the point it skips all of its mechanics?

There *is* a dramatic difference between the two, and you know it.

Don't be purposely obtuse.

Um no I'm not in both cases if you bring the standard party set up you can't skip or ignore mechanics. If you don't have 5dps in garuda you have to go through the whole script, same as in t2 if you don't have 3 healers you have to go through the whole script.

SE destined every encounter in this game to me talked with a standard party set up and every encounter in the game revolves around that mainly for the df. But with the ability to form your own party in any make up you want you are always going to have some make ups that just won't be affected by certain mechanics abilities or e even encounters themselves. Guess what in a few months this won't even matter all the starts with coil well be obsolete anyways when new gear comes out.

In t4 it does a lot of damage, just like 2, but good luck going through t4 with 3+ healers. The thing is, you'll never skip all of Garuda's mechanics, she'll still use every ability she has, in both Hard and Extreme mode because skipping simply makes her go to her next rotation. Same with Titan, you can zerg him down all you want but you'll still run into his every rotation. If we're talking strictly Hard Mode primals, the only 2 things you ever skip with Garuda are certain sets of plumes (purely rock management to keep you alive from Aerial blast, another move that can instant kill you if you mess up/take too long) and sister spawns if you kill her before the first eye phase. Tell me, can you survive Aerial Blast with 3 healers if you take too long on Garuda and all the rocks blow up?

If you didn't notice, "skipping": mechanics of ADS moves him purely to the "it's time to kill you" move which, as said, requires 3+ healers (or 2 damn good ones) to even properly survive it but the fact you can survive it is severely off. Btw, zerging down Ultima also doesn't make him skip phases, it just shortens the phases in he's in, yet taking too long kills you out right (!) so yes, it's a broken mechanic, even in T4 and T5 you won't be surviving 'enrage' which is why you want to kill them before it rages, unlike 2 because when t2 rages, it can be healed through.

If people don't find something wrong with that, more power to you, but maybe it's just me thinking when an enemy counts down to 0, it's never good. I knew Yoshi wanted this game to be casual but so casual to the point bosses can't even kill you? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. /sarcasm


Edited, Jan 15th 2014 7:26am by Theonehio

#20 Jan 15 2014 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Ummm I have no clue what you mean on rage timer on t4, we hit it every time and it's nothing more then a minor annoyance. and like I said you can either skip or ignore highlighting the ignore part, of mechanics if you bring a different set up other then standard one. Hell I been in grauda farm parties 1 tank one healer 6 relic dps and we never saw any of the mechanics besides plums. so moral of that story if you design a game around a certain party setup but let others phone whatever parties they want stuff like this is bound to happen.

and all the countdown does not end of game its just switching into a new mechanic that if you were doing it what's the standard party setup would mean in the game
#21 Jan 15 2014 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
domice wrote:
Um no I'm not in both cases if you bring the standard party set up you can't skip or ignore mechanics. If you don't have 5dps in garuda you have to go through the whole script, same as in t2 if you don't have 3 healers you have to go through the whole script.

SE destined every encounter in this game to me talked with a standard party set up and every encounter in the game revolves around that mainly for the df. But with the ability to form your own party in any make up you want you are always going to have some make ups that just won't be affected by certain mechanics abilities or e even encounters themselves. Guess what in a few months this won't even matter all the starts with coil well be obsolete anyways when new gear comes out. you do not. 4 DPS is plenty with the average 2 tanks, 2 healer, and 4 DPS setup. You can also see that they do not want you to skip mechanics as can be seen in Garuda Ex. You must kill the sisters.

It's really not a legitimate strategy. The fight was designed around 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS. Yoshi, himself, has stated that all coil fights (and all content in this game) was designed with this framework in mind.

Current coil strategies will be obsolete with new gear..? Yeah OK. I guess you'll just get through turn 1-5, obtain the gear in the new turns, and this will somehow dramatically alter your strategies in turn 1-5.

Give me a break.

Edited, Feb 24th 2014 7:15am by HitomeOfBismarck
#22 Jan 15 2014 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
domice wrote:
Um no I'm not in both cases if you bring the standard party set up you can't skip or ignore mechanics. If you don't have 5dps in garuda you have to go through the whole script, same as in t2 if you don't have 3 healers you have to go through the whole script.

SE destined every encounter in this game to me talked with a standard party set up and every encounter in the game revolves around that mainly for the df. But with the ability to form your own party in any make up you want you are always going to have some make ups that just won't be affected by certain mechanics abilities or e even encounters themselves. Guess what in a few months this won't even matter all the starts with coil well be obsolete anyways when new gear comes out. you do not. 4 DPS is plenty with the average 2 tanks, 2 healer, and 4 DPS setup. You can also see that they do not want you to skip mechanics as can be seen in Garuda Ex. You must kill the sisters.

It's really not a legitimate strategy. The fight was designed around 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS. Yoshi, himself, has stated this.

Rather silly to argue with the game developer.

Current coil strategies will be obsolete with new gear..? Yeah OK. I guess you'll just get through turn 1-5, obtain the gear in the new turns, and this will somehow dramatically alter your strategies in turn 1-5.

Give me a break.

The game developers let us make our own party for coil (none DF). Seems they are out the picture here.

They also said "working as intended" so no matter what someone may "THINK" the reason its not being "Addressed" it already has been said. So whom is reall arguing with who?

Edited, Jan 15th 2014 11:43am by nonameoflevi
#23 Jan 15 2014 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
nonameoflevi wrote:
They also said "working as intended" so no matter what someone may "THINK" the reason its not being "Addressed" it already has been said. So whom is reall arguing with who?

Edited, Jan 15th 2014 11:43am by nonameoflevi

Dark Devices was always working as intended. Virus was also working as in intended. Are you new to SE MMOs? Serious question, because whenever SE says 'working as intended' that's actually PR speak for "we don't have a way to address this right now, check the patch notes for "surprises."


#24 Jan 15 2014 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
Theonehio wrote:
nonameoflevi wrote:
They also said "working as intended" so no matter what someone may "THINK" the reason its not being "Addressed" it already has been said. So whom is reall arguing with who?

Edited, Jan 15th 2014 11:43am by nonameoflevi

Dark Devices was always working as intended. Virus was also working as in intended. Are you new to SE MMOs? Serious question, because whenever SE says 'working as intended' that's actually PR speak for "we don't have a way to address this right now, check the patch notes for "surprises."

Then let the people who, you know actually make the game, make that call, and when they do then we will all change how we play.
#25 Jan 15 2014 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
180 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Zerging Garuda causes her to skip a phase occasionally, however none of Garuda's mechanics are broken. Let me ask you a question:

When Ultima counts down to 0 and he uses Ultima, if it did no damage would you feel that's working as intended? I mean, it's counting down to SOMETHING that should wreck you and notice how you need 3 healers generally for enrage to even work smoothly most of the time? It's broken unlike primals. The only reason, as I said, that they find "nothing wrong" is because their focus isn't on coil until they update it in 2.2, much like how Dark Devices was "working as intended", they changed it..

Maybe it's my experience with SE after 11 years and 3 Major MMOs by them that I can see through their PR talk, just don't be surprised if it's "boosted" or everyone auto dies at 0. So no, it's not an exploit or anything but it's clearly not doing what it's supposed to or why even have the 'click' mechanic?

Well Ultima is a different fight so it has no bearing on the conversation...Ultima's enrage kills...but neither T2 or T4 enrage does...does that mean every fight in the game without an instant death countdown is broken? I don't believe so.

You also act like enrage doesn't do any damage to parties at all, which is not the case I have 4987 hit points and last night during enrage I dropped under 1500 many times but because our strategy had a third healer we survived what without that third healer surely would be a wipe.

I don't see this as any more of an exploit as everyone in the party changing into high hit point jobs and just running through T3 without killing anything.

You saying that it SHOULD kill us instantly is your the moment I disagree and SE agrees with's their game and so far they have stated that they are ok with us doing it this way. If they change it no big deal my FC will go back to passing rot and silencing instead of spamming medica

#26 Jan 15 2014 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
TheAnf wrote:
You also act like enrage doesn't do any damage to parties at all, which is not the case I have 4987 hit points and last night during enrage I dropped under 1500 many times but because our strategy had a third healer we survived what without that third healer surely would be a wipe.

Theonehio wrote:
If you didn't notice, "skipping": mechanics of ADS moves him purely to the "it's time to kill you" move which, as said, requires 3+ healers (or 2 damn good ones) to even properly survive it

Indeed, I stated it did absolutely no damage at all..oh.

As said, SE says a lot of things and anyone who's dealt with them and their MMOs for 11 years knows that SE is a bit weird with stuff, even after saying "It's fine/no plans to address", it always ends up changing. Remember, they said 'no plans to address' and if you consider that the next update is a coil expansion, why would they change it. Also, I've rarely seen anyone call it an exploit. However, it's apparently "my opinion" that it should kill people...yet you agree without 3 healers it would likely be a wipe...

Huh didn't know I wandered into the official forums...

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