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#1 Oct 14 2013 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
618 posts
Saw this link from the official forums with PvP, from the looks we use the same abilities?

#2 Oct 14 2013 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Can't wait to hear the cries of my fellow DRG's as they get nuke-bombed by BLMs while stuck in LB animation...

I'm not a huge PvPer and this isn't looking "out-f#$%ing-standing" to me, personally. Did anyone else think that video was a little lack-luster?
#3 Oct 14 2013 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
618 posts
When I 1st saw it I couldn't help but think throughout the whole encounter why the healers were still alive. I mean after all take then out and the odds of your group winning is increased yes/no? It will be interesting to see the final product on what they are thinking of doing with PvP.
#4 Oct 14 2013 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
I wonder if it will be a "first pt dead wins" or if there will be a timer and you get points for kills. Hopefully it is the latter, or ppl will just kill the healer and pick off the rest of the pt due to no raises.
#5 Oct 14 2013 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
320 posts
Unless they've got some interesting mechanics that make focusing the tank classes a requirement, over, as other's above said, the healers and ranged DPS, that video looked nothing like actual PvP.
#6 Oct 14 2013 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
576 posts
Taratru wrote:
Unless they've got some interesting mechanics that make focusing the tank classes a requirement, over, as other's above said, the healers and ranged DPS, that video looked nothing like actual PvP.

I'm assuming there will be a mechanic similar to Provoke in FFXI's Ballista, where your target is forced to the person who provoked, and you can't target anyone else for whatever the duration of the effect is.
#7 Oct 14 2013 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
4,511 posts
It's a nice idea SE... but... it's not going to work out. Especially not as portrait in the video.

Everyone will gang up on the healer, and then slowly work on who's left. Healers will get anoyed and not play the content anymore. It seems lame and i dont really forsee anyone playing this more than just in the first week.

PVP has always been uninteresting to me, and personally i could care less about this whole thing, but this wouldnt even please die-hard PVP fans.

Unless, you know, they put such rediculous rewards into PVP that everyone simply -has- to play it, which is the dumbest move SE could ever make, and because of that, is going to do just that a few weeks after implementing it.
#8 Oct 14 2013 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
Well, the promo video looks boring enough, but hey: perhaps there`s more to it than meets the eye.
If not, it is a start. I never was into PvP myself (in MMOs), but if they add some funny elements to it
(like, for example, special tasks or roles or different ways to win), I might give it a try. At least I hope
they make sure to match people according to their skill in different leagues.

There`s nothing that ruins an entry-level PvP player`s will to do it again more than being matched
up with a 24/7 ganker who kills him over and over and over and over every 5 seconds.
#9 Oct 14 2013 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
Rinsui wrote:
Well, the promo video looks boring enough, but hey: perhaps there`s more to it than meets the eye.
If not, it is a start. I never was into PvP myself (in MMOs), but if they add some funny elements to it
(like, for example, special tasks or roles or different ways to win), I might give it a try. At least I hope
they make sure to match people according to their skill in different leagues.

There`s nothing that ruins an entry-level PvP player`s will to do it again more than being matched
up with a 24/7 ganker who kills him over and over and over and over every 5 seconds.

This is not WoW! and FF playstyle does not, in the main, allow ganking.
They are not really into pvp gangsta style and prefer arena style scenarios,.
Unlike Runscape , who re-introduced the wilderness and because my crafter
was crafting air orbs in an area "techically" within the wilderness allowed another player to "gank me"
what did he get for his trouble? a lot of **** gear and some orbs - so I went and crafted fire orbs instead!
But in the end that attitude made me leave the game - along with all the rampant gambling etc
because they had been bought out by Corporate America!
#10 Oct 14 2013 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Yeeeaahhh. I'd like to see some sort of PVP in this game but an all out 4v4 death match won't work. The game just isn't built for it (and it shouldn't be. This is a PVE game first and foremost). They'd need to introduce some sort of goal/team cooperation/vehicle modes or something.
#11 Oct 14 2013 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
600 posts
Oh for goodness sakes, why one would judge the content before it is even introduced is beyond me, sheesh. Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, Oct 14th 2013 9:49pm by jayfly
#12 Oct 15 2013 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
IKickYoDog wrote:
Can't wait to hear the cries of my fellow DRG's as they get nuke-bombed by BLMs while stuck in LB animation...

I'm not a huge PvPer and this isn't looking "out-f#$%ing-standing" to me, personally. Did anyone else think that video was a little lack-luster?

The ultimate damage moves should immobilize you, but most skills should be usable while moving in PvP. The stillness is the thing I keep hearing repeated as looking boring in this video, in other posts.

Is Wolves Den on a ship?

The environmental stuff is what I'm looking for. Make that wooden floor have trap doors, use skill from below bursting through floor for increased damage, different levels of height(cllimb up rope and any skill used from there has wider range), make a hydra attack at random times, think Mortal Kombat/God Of War in arena.

Add weather to the mix.

A power modifier option/button for finetuning skills on the fly would be awesome.

Edited, Oct 15th 2013 12:51pm by sandpark
#13 Oct 16 2013 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Aww this looks like fun. PvP was something I was really looking forward to in ARR. I'll have to stop in from time to time and see how it turns out.
#14 Oct 16 2013 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
If the video is indicative of the gameplay, I'm guessing that you can only target the enemy tank; presumably the group that defeats the tank wins?

Otherwise, as many have noted, the tank would be the last thing you'd target. Healers would die to their respective Bard hit squads, and then it's a whole lot of running around after that. Smiley: lol
#15 Oct 16 2013 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
197 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:

Everyone will gang up on the healer, and then slowly work on who's left. Healers will get anoyed and not play the content anymore.

Healers get focused constantly in WoW, at least by good players, they still play?

It looks like fun, but I'll wait to see how it all plays out before I judge it, as it stands right now, I play a BLM and I don't see anyway I could really survive against a melee dps, as in I have no abilities to really kite someone around or get someone off me, besides sleep/run away.

On a side note, some of you are like, "looks like it sucks, not that I like PvP anyways" so....why care? lol?

To me as long as they keep it separate from PvE, which I thought that I heard they were going to, I'll be happy, to me that's what somewhat ruined WoW, was Blizz constantly trying to balance between PvE/PvP.
#16 Oct 16 2013 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Healers get focused constantly in WoW, at least by good players, they still play?

That being true... casters in WoW aren't interrupted by taking melee damage...

I'm concerned about a couple things besides that though...
1: Ever try to hit a moving target as a melee? It sucks.
2: Tanks are for... what? Unless there's some kind of forced targeting going on there, tank jobs are meaningless in deathmatch pvp.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#17 Oct 16 2013 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
428 posts
I wish they would allow users to view the archive of the Alpha and Beta forums, because Yoshi-P and the devs discussed a lot of things there that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere. Here is what was said about PVP actions:

■PvP Actions■ When discussing the design of actions and weaponskills, we originally planned for actions geared toward PvP to automatically be learned by leveling, just as is the case with PvE actions. However, realized this would create problems. For those who only play PvE, they would have no use for skills catered to PvP. In contrast, those who do play PvP would inevitably have too many to sort through. What we've decided to do is create two separate sets of skills for that players will have the freedom to interchange depending on whether they’re playing PvE or PvP. These PvP actions will be obtained through participation in PvP.

So far, we know there is the PVP stat "morale", which reduces damage taken by other players in PVP. Hopefully this will make healers less squishy.

Edited, Oct 16th 2013 4:01pm by OnyxFFXI
#18 Oct 16 2013 at 11:00 PM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Healers get focused constantly in WoW, at least by good players, they still play?

That being true... casters in WoW aren't interrupted by taking melee damage...

I'm concerned about a couple things besides that though...
1: Ever try to hit a moving target as a melee? It sucks.
2: Tanks are for... what? Unless there's some kind of forced targeting going on there, tank jobs are meaningless in deathmatch pvp.

I guess my point was the fact that getting focused is part of being a healer and if your going to quit over that, well maybe PvP is not for you. Watching that video the first thing I noticed was a couple scenes with healers running around with no one attacking them, which makes me wonder if this is even really PvP, or just them showing off the arena, or if there is just something else going on we don't know about yet.

#19 Oct 16 2013 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
I guess my point was the fact that getting focused is part of being a healer and if your going to quit over that, well maybe PvP is not for you. Watching that video the first thing I noticed was a couple scenes with healers running around with no one attacking them, which makes me wonder if this is even really PvP, or just them showing off the arena, or if there is just something else going on we don't know about yet.

It's just them showing off the area and players hitting each other. Honestly, it struck me a little bit like a pvp video for people who don't know what pvp is.

Of course healers will be focused. Rule #1 is always to kill the guy in the dress.

My comment about healer pressure wasn't to imply that healers would quit over being focused, but rather to point out something that I pointed out to SE way back in beta 2, and that is you can't have a pvp environment where casters are interrupted by normal melee attacks. That just doesn't work. There's no indication they've done anything about that here...
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#20 Oct 17 2013 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I watched the video. Bad, bad, blm...

Problem #1. Why the heck is the blm wearing AF armor and holding a relic? I hope that is AF2 but I am thinking that it is not...
Problem #2. No rotation? It took him fourteen seconds to get off two and a half spells. He let the bard roll him.
Problem #3. I personally would have been nuking the healer Smiley: sly
#21 Oct 17 2013 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
448 posts
PvP in MMORGPs is not my cup of tea to any stretch. Closest I have come to scratching that itch was in Planetside and its sequel, but those are FPSs.

All I can say is that there will be many an outcry to change the GCD once this gets released. Even more than now.
#22 Oct 17 2013 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,430 posts
Valkayree wrote:
I watched the video. Bad, bad, blm...

Problem #1. Why the heck is the blm wearing AF armor and holding a relic? I hope that is AF2 but I am thinking that it is not...
Problem #2. No rotation? It took him fourteen seconds to get off two and a half spells. He let the bard roll him.
Problem #3. I personally would have been nuking the healer Smiley: sly

1. because it wasn't an actual video of people pvping, just a crappy PR video to "show off" the content
2. most pvp videos produced by game companies don't show real pvp
3. they also usually are not very exciting to watch

I'm really not sure what to expect from PvP in this game, other than that it will be a little weird, and probably more than a little buggy.

I'd imagine traits such as "resistance to interrupt" will be unlockable to keep mages on an equal playing field. They already said traits such as "resist sleep" would be in there.

For tanks, its always a tough one in terms of design. How do you make them relevant? Warhammer/SWTOR made their provokes give targets a debuff which makes them do less damage to everyone except the tank. It works, kinda. FFXI literally made the target of provoke attack the tank, which i don't see happening ever again because it goes against game design philosophy of Thou Shalt Not Take Control Away From the Player. Though i'm not sure SE has heard of that one, so we'll see...
#23 Oct 17 2013 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I'd imagine traits such as "resistance to interrupt" will be unlockable to keep mages on an equal playing field. They already said traits such as "resist sleep" would be in there.

Let me get 4 seconds to get my first Fire III off and everything else casts in less than a second. But that would be nice.
#24 Oct 17 2013 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
In DCUO, every job had a "Pull" type of ability for PVE. In PVP, it was just a damage ability for DD's, but Tanks and Controllers in their respective stances would actually bind and pull the target to them if they tried to run away.
#25 Oct 17 2013 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,430 posts
yeah, four seconds is actually a relatively long time in most pvp matches so you might need that trait :P

sidebar: am sad that there is no objective-based pvp yet. just deathmatch is a little meh imo

edit: in reply to above post: pulls are so much fun in pvp. Anyone who played powertech/vanguard in SWTOR Huttball knows what I'm talking about.

Edited, Oct 17th 2013 5:47pm by Llester
#26 Oct 17 2013 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
IKickYoDog wrote:
In DCUO, every job had a "Pull" type of ability for PVE. In PVP, it was just a damage ability for DD's, but Tanks and Controllers in their respective stances would actually bind and pull the target to them if they tried to run away.

I imagine that I will be using the heck out of Lethargy.
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