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Just how good is Byregot's Blessing?Follow

#52REDACTED, Posted: Oct 21 2013 at 8:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I (and I'm sure others) would love to hear accurate calculations and comparisons. What I didn't like was the fact that you refuse to admit how flawed your comparison was. Stop acting like you've been persecuted for providing good information.
#53 Oct 22 2013 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
589 posts
Seriha wrote:
svlyons wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Seriha wrote:
Had a laugh the other day when a friend randomly did a request meld on me with an 8% chance. 1/1. Will probably never happen again. Otherwise, I'd say anyone shooting for meld achievements should just grab a junk item to meld up and use the +1 resist materia and other things that sell for pennies. Blew like 300k the other morning getting my accessories and HQ AF hat melded up, but the price you pay for climbing toward reliable HQs, I guess.

How can you be upset about profitability in one thread and blow more money in a few minutes than I've made yet in another?


I would say that 300k is an attempt to invest in his ability to make more money down the line.

Bit of that, but I could also point out a lot of my gil came from running WP with some friends before the recent patch as well as story gil prior. Selling the relic mats could be anywhere from 20-40k apiece. This isn't really viable now since the market is more saturated. The posts he's referencing also have me calling into question that the gil pay outs of dungeons are perhaps too high when you also consider the quality of gear you pick up relative to crafted goods and the harsh expense of materia for the top stuff. Some didn't like the fact I actually dared to do a gil per hour comparison, too. Basically, the craft economy's deflating and will continue to do so as more crafters level and more dungeon gear hits the servers. Profits are slim for NQ goods, maybe even losses for some. With a static pay out from dungeons, there is a point where even considering to craft is folly when you could just be doing them instead. Exceptions exist for 1-2 star gear for now, but they're also not so readily made and are presently only preserved by rarity. I have no doubt Crystal Tower will hurt their worth even if their potential is higher with top melds.

Basically we're looking at yet another MMO that's trivialized crafting compared to the dungeon game. What's worse is XIV has tried to make a bigger deal out of the crafts. Mind you, I have no qualms with dungeons paying out enough to cover repairs, but present is probably 5x more than you need per run assuming no deaths. Compare this, then, to NPC values being sh*t for pretty much everything and a crafter can't even hoover materials out of the economy to convert to vendor fodder and make a buck. Thank the RMT phantom for that, I guess. sh*t, he wants to get snarky at me for wanting more bang for my buck, but overall I'm not blind to the fact that more people will find blowing up monsters more fun than playing a bean counter. Even I have my limits there. Still doesn't change the fact crafting needs help, and not just in the gil generation aspect.

Edited, Oct 21st 2013 7:35pm by Seriha

I am really hoping that the Crystal tower doesn't drop equipment so much as rare materials to make new crafted equipment, I'll go one better as say that if that is the case: make sure crafting the new item needs not only the drop from the tower, but lower level items as the base for the recipe.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2013 8:06am by SolomonGrundy
#54 Oct 22 2013 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Keep it in one thread.

I'll post what I want, thanks. Think about that next time before you drag the contents of another thread into the conversation.
Stop acting like you've been persecuted for providing good information.

Not only for that, but for threatening yet another good thing for the raider base in a genre that perpetually hurts itself by pandering to such a minority. If you want to believe you have gil the moment you synthesize an item, that's your choice. A foolish one, but still a choice. Meanwhile, you've got people raking in gil just killing stuff while the crafters are left playing undercut footsies with one another hoping their stuff sells before they have to adjust prices again. So, while you can passively claim that you agree crafting needs help, I'm quite comfortable in saying our interpretation of that will differ greatly.

Moving on...

I am really hoping that the Crystal tower doesn't drop equipment so much as rare materials to make new crafted equipment

Wouldn't get your hopes up, but I'd also call this bad for crafting. Not because giving it unique goods to produce is bad, it isn't, but in marrying the acquisition of those items to dungeon/raid content. This comes with a few problems. The first is that unless you can run said content enough, you'll never be able to acquire your own at a fair price unless the stuff rains from the sky. The second is that if it is rare, sellers will attempt to tax the manpower requirements appropriately. Something rare takes 24 people to get? Don't be surprised to see a multi-million gil price tag. Such things don't help crafting on the whole, only a few niche power crafters at best. Third, relative to the prior two points, is that these items will be kept within their circles until they're no longer needed. So, even if CT came out in December, the general population may not see materials hitting the open market at a fair price until February. And who knows, by then we might have the next endgame event that kills interest in CT and the mat supply dries up anyway. Taking us back to the problem of marrying crafting to raiding... with the side effect of basically trivializing gathering or other open-world activities because they have no acquisition counterparts.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#55 Oct 22 2013 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,550 posts
Seriha wrote:
Meanwhile, you've got people raking in gil just killing stuff while the crafters are left playing undercut footsies with one another hoping their stuff sells before they have to adjust prices again. So, while you can passively claim that you agree crafting needs help, I'm quite comfortable in saying our interpretation of that will differ greatly.

Anything you find in dungeons that is 50+ can not be sold on the market... I cant even meld them or convert them. Once my demagogue stuff is swapped with darklight, I will literally never use it again. So really, 3k per dungeon run + 100 tomes in Ak and WP can give almost 25k if you buy a peacock ore for 125 tomes and sell it, so 28k per run. I dont factor in the gear seeing as it is special use and does not contribute to my total assets after its use is fulfilled. I realize that you may be talking about some of the lower level items (like Doctore's) that can be sold on the market or the aetherial stuff at lvl 15 that can be melded. But at endgame, crafting edges out the dungeon armors big time (with the lone exception of bahamut's coil). This only concerns armors, weapons are best obtained from primals and relic quests, but some of the melded crafted stuff (astrolabe) could compete with garuda or titan weapon perhaps.

I agree that crafting needs more real incentive other than making money. We need to be able to make some real armor that challenges the dungeon drops in stats, without breaking an arm and a leg to do so... (9 peacock ore takes 1125 tomes to make the earrings while the darklight version costs 375?).

Now with crafting, I can craft me a level 55+ item, wear it around, and have a shot at getting a level IV materia from that that is worth 100-200k. Other than that the level 3 materia vary, but can go as high as 30k for the good ones (on Ultros). And you can slot the crafted items which give them more value.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2013 8:58am by Valkayree
#56 Nov 22 2013 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
Sorry for the necrobump... I finally got Byregot's Blessing last night, and it's so awesome! I didn't want to make a new thread just to say that, so hence the bump...

Carry on.
#57 Nov 22 2013 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
589 posts
Grats! It makes leveling other crafts so much quicker as you HQ more and more often. What's next? Smiley: cool
#58 Nov 22 2013 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
SolomonGrundy wrote:
Grats! It makes leveling other crafts so much quicker as you HQ more and more often. What's next? Smiley: cool


Next will be Weaver, but I need a break from crafting, maybe next week I'll start spamming leves... in the meantime I'm almost completely out of leves anyways so probably good that I take a short break from spamming them on crafting.

Once Weaver is 50, I'm making an HQ set of Patricians and Dodore Doublet, and putting max crafting materia in them all...

Then I will move into end-game crafting / 2-star items, etc.

In the meantime I'm going to try to get Dragoon to 50 and start end-game...

Edited, Nov 22nd 2013 9:15am by Hairspray
#59 Nov 22 2013 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
Grats on 50 Carpenter Smiley: thumbsup

I "spoiled" myself and bought the HQ ilvl 55 CRP gear once I hit 50, but haven't melded any materia to it yet. I plan on that being my main craft, assuming Housing keeps it relevant. I plan on getting the Patrician's set for all my other crafts to save inventory space.
#60 Nov 22 2013 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
IKickYoDog wrote:
Grats on 50 Carpenter Smiley: thumbsup

I "spoiled" myself and bought the HQ ilvl 55 CRP gear once I hit 50, but haven't melded any materia to it yet. I plan on that being my main craft, assuming Housing keeps it relevant. I plan on getting the Patrician's set for all my other crafts to save inventory space.

Me too...

This thread has me completely fascinated... it's my new goal to have a fully melded Patricians set:

#61 Nov 22 2013 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
Is Patrician's just to save space? Despite having WVR and GSM at 50 and All HQ AF for it, I haven't melded materia cause I'm just cracking and selling it right now (still haven't hit a Tier IV anyway, that's probably when I'll keep my piece for that slot when I meld to it). I'm mainly just keeping the bankroll high so I can then take another craft to 50 easy (took miner recently and now have Carpenter at 20, going all the way to 50).
#62 Nov 22 2013 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,208 posts
ChoochZero wrote:
Is Patrician's just to save space? Despite having WVR and GSM at 50 and All HQ AF for it, I haven't melded materia cause I'm just cracking and selling it right now (still haven't hit a Tier IV anyway, that's probably when I'll keep my piece for that slot when I meld to it). I'm mainly just keeping the bankroll high so I can then take another craft to 50 easy (took miner recently and now have Carpenter at 20, going all the way to 50).

I'll copy and paste a reply I sent via PM to another person since this is the same exact question they had:

Hairspray wrote:
Well it's not so much a space issue as a cost issue... I figure if I'm going to put in all level 3 and 4 materia, and overmeld to get the maximum stats, it's going to cost me millions of gil to do it.

That being said, I'd like to just do that once instead of for every set of AF... yes I am aware the stat caps are lower this way, but since there's a thread on Reddit that basically tells you how to make Patricians set go all the way and do guaranteed 100% HQ's on 2-star items, I see no reason not to do it.
#63 Nov 22 2013 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
I read the thread that was linked but hadn't gone really in depth. Not to crash the market or anything but if true, that Overmelded Pat's does the job for HQ 100% 2 star, then the AF set is worthless until we get newer recipes or you simply want the vanity look.
#64 Nov 22 2013 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
129 posts
Havent gotten any useful iv material from converting lvl55 crafting gear. Even with trash material melded to boost spirit bonding isn't worth it due to the time and recipes it takes to 100% spirit bond. Its much more efficient with time/gil to wear hq patrician gear, spirit bond and convert to level 3 material. Im saying this to hopefully drive the costs of crafting materia down.
#65 Nov 22 2013 at 11:28 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Something to consider if you are shooting for craft materia is that you can SB through combat. If you've got a friend or don't mind killing trash more slowly, can probably do it faster than crafting (and more cheaply) by blowing stuff up. I also don't think craft gear risks junk materia like the elemental resists, so they can also be a potential steadier source than the combat stuff.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#66 Nov 24 2013 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
4,759 posts
stouter wrote:
Hairspray wrote:
SolomonGrundy wrote:
Byregots Blessing is 90% (I'm unsure if applying Steady Hand before would make this 100%, maybe someone else can confirm)?

My assumption is yes, at least I hope so. That's why I'm levelling Carpenter next.

Yes, it works that way for all success rates in crafting. Steady Hand II makes Basic Touch 100%, Steady Hand 1 & 2 make Standard/Advanced Touch and Basic/Standard/Advanced Synthesis 100%.

It actually doesn't make it 100%, I have managed to fail a single byregots with steady hand up in all of my crafting which admittedly is a lot, I assume that it makes it near impossible to fail but I have seen abilities that should have been 100% with steady hand up fail more than just that one time, including but not limited to Basic Synthesis and Advanced Touch. Not saying it's a common occurrence but it did ***** me over on my first two star attempt when byregots failed with steady hand up and I only got it to 80%. That was a long time ago I rarely even need to use byregots at all now, if anything it just helps me finish 2 star items faster.
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#67 Nov 24 2013 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Might've been one of those niche cases of applying a buff but it doesn't actually stick. I know I've had a few times where I thought I've put up SH, but it wasn't. Then again, these were always during marathon craft sessions where clicks just become a blur after a while.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#68 Nov 26 2013 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Hairspray wrote:
ChoochZero wrote:
Is Patrician's just to save space? Despite having WVR and GSM at 50 and All HQ AF for it, I haven't melded materia cause I'm just cracking and selling it right now (still haven't hit a Tier IV anyway, that's probably when I'll keep my piece for that slot when I meld to it). I'm mainly just keeping the bankroll high so I can then take another craft to 50 easy (took miner recently and now have Carpenter at 20, going all the way to 50).

I'll copy and paste a reply I sent via PM to another person since this is the same exact question they had:

Hairspray wrote:
Well it's not so much a space issue as a cost issue... I figure if I'm going to put in all level 3 and 4 materia, and overmeld to get the maximum stats, it's going to cost me millions of gil to do it.

That being said, I'd like to just do that once instead of for every set of AF... yes I am aware the stat caps are lower this way, but since there's a thread on Reddit that basically tells you how to make Patricians set go all the way and do guaranteed 100% HQ's on 2-star items, I see no reason not to do it.

I'd be careful about Tier 4 Materia -- I don't think Patrician's gear qualifies for Tier 4 Materia melding because its item level isn't > 50.
#69 Nov 27 2013 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
I was really looking forward to this move, but... in all honesty, it's a little silly and i dont really see the point to using it.

Inner Quiet, Great Strides, Inovation + Advanced Touch already lands you 600-800 quality easily. Three of those and you're done.

If you spam that three times you're bound to get more or equal quality than a lot of rubbish unboosted Hasty Touches and one 1200 Byregot's Blessing. Not to mention that the 1200's only happen if you land all Hasty Touches, which as it starts from 50% isnt really guaranteed no matter the Steady Hands you apply. Inner Quiet boosts it nicely after so many hits, but the end result is kinda lacking.

It also doesnt require 360+ CP, Skills from just about every crafting class and still a good amount of luck.

I dont get it. I was expecting Byregot's to be the end-al-be-all ability that everyone was praising up into the sky. But i found that it wasnt much diffirent or better than what i was already using.

Unless we get something like a 0 CP Careful Touch, Byregot is completely overrated.

Edited, Nov 27th 2013 3:07pm by KojiroSoma
#70 Nov 27 2013 at 8:19 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
I was really looking forward to this move, but... in all honesty, it's a little silly and i dont really see the point to using it.

Inner Quiet, Great Strides, Inovation + Advanced Touch already lands you 600-800 quality easily. Three of those and you're done.

If you spam that three times you're bound to get more or equal quality than a lot of rubbish unboosted Hasty Touches and one 1200 Byregot's Blessing. Not to mention that the 1200's only happen if you land all Hasty Touches, which as it starts from 50% isnt really guaranteed no matter the Steady Hands you apply. Inner Quiet boosts it nicely after so many hits, but the end result is kinda lacking.

It also doesnt require 360+ CP, Skills from just about every crafting class and still a good amount of luck.

I dont get it. I was expecting Byregot's to be the end-al-be-all ability that everyone was praising up into the sky. But i found that it wasnt much diffirent or better than what i was already using.

Unless we get something like a 0 CP Careful Touch, Byregot is completely overrated.

Edited, Nov 27th 2013 3:07pm by KojiroSoma

I haven't used hasty touch in weeks, and I think you'll find a great deal of the strats now dealing with 100% HQ 2 stars don't list it either.

Byregot's costs half the CP of an Advanced Touch.

Byregot's is 100% + 20% per IQ. Now, do 5 basic touches, hit Great Strides and Byregot's. That's a 400% quality boost for 56 CP. Advanced touch is 150%. So, you'd need to hit that by itself 3 times, or with Great Strides twice. Way more CP.

Byregot's is cross class, so if you have CRP to 50, ALL of your other crafting classes have it matter their level. Advanced touch isn't available until level 43.

I'm not saying your method doesn't have merit, but I've just found BB is much more cost-effective on CP on the way up, and at level 50.
#71 Nov 27 2013 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
576 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Byregot's is cross class, so if you have CRP to 50, ALL of your other crafting classes have it matter their level. Advanced touch isn't available until level 43.

I'm not saying your method doesn't have merit, but I've just found BB is much more cost-effective on CP on the way up, and at level 50.

I completely agree with this.

BB has made HQing leve turn in items trivial in the mid levels where the best quality action is standard touch.
#72 Nov 27 2013 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Pickins wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Byregot's is cross class, so if you have CRP to 50, ALL of your other crafting classes have it matter their level. Advanced touch isn't available until level 43.

I'm not saying your method doesn't have merit, but I've just found BB is much more cost-effective on CP on the way up, and at level 50.

I completely agree with this.

BB has made HQing leve turn in items trivial in the mid levels where the best quality action is standard touch.

Yeah, I'm abusing it to say the least lol.
#73 Nov 28 2013 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Hate to start my own thread when it's sort of related to this one...

So after you get all crafts to 15, CUL to 37, CRP to 50, and WVR to 50, what would you suggest doing next?

I've seen GSM, ALC, BSM, and LTW mentioned frequently. Can anyone explain the advantages to each? Does one make high end crafting easier or does one make leveling other crafts easier?

Ideally, I'd like to keep leveling crafts that make other crafts easier to level. It's already easy right now with BB can never be too lazy! Smiley: lol
#74 Nov 28 2013 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
Goldsmith 50 will grant you Innovation, when used it give you a 50% bonus to your base control for three turns, It's really handy if you are at less than 50% quality on a synth but you've busted most of your durability missing on Steady Hand, pop Innovation + Great Strides + BB for and extra quality shot in the arm.

Blacksmith 50 will grant you Innovation 2, which will reduced the level of the item you are crafting to 5 below your current level for the next 5 turns, it’s almost universally used to complete 1 star 40 durability mats in one standard Synth, and 2 star quality mats in two to three Careful Synth 2’s.

Leatherworker 50 will double the effectiveness of Waste Not to 8 turns (at 5 durabilty), again this is great for 40 durability mats.

Alchemist 50 grants comfort Zone, which basically gives you 20 free TP every 10 synths (used with TotT it can be very powerful). Comfort Zone it also really important when calculating 100% HQ synths on 2 star items (using fully melded crafting gear).

Culinarian 50 gives Reclaim, raising the chance of not losing mats to a broken synth to 90%. Ok for leveling I guess.

I can see zero value in the Armorer 50 ability. I guarantees you 1/3 progress progression each time it’s used, it’s basically useless.
#75 Nov 28 2013 at 8:10 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
If ease of leveling others is the goal, then I'd say LTW > ALC > GSM > BSM > ARM > CUL.

LTW would be for Waste Not II. I've seen some people say you could only use it once per synth, but that's wrong. On the other hand, you'll unlikely be using it more than once on most synths, anyway. With this, HT, and BB, you should be able to juggle your CP from level 30+ on any craft to at least hit 85% HQ rate. Sometimes HT will be mean, though, especially on 40 durability synths.

ALC is for Comfort Zone, which is mainly to eke out a bit more CP. I'd probably say it's interchangeable with GSM in terms of HQing, but neither are especially a requirement for leveling purposes. GSM would obviously be for Innovation and the final GS + Inno + BB push, which is often enough to push 15% synths to 100% if you have 5-6 IQ stacks and aren't tackling at the far end of your level curve.

BSM would be for Ingenuity II, but you get I at 15. It lowers the level of your synth for X amount of steps, which is handy if tackling higher level stuff or star recipes once you're at that point. But for leveling purposes, this only if you find yourself sitting on an excess of CP or are tackling that far end stuff for some reason and don't mind sacrificing a couple BTs fot HTs. Flexibility for using this also rises with CZ or abundant ToT procs.

ARM is pretty much just to get it out of the way. Ingenuity II and CS2 pretty much invalidate its level 50 ability. For ease of leveling, you'll also have GSM and BSM up to make HQ ingots to help you along for guild quests or making leves easier. This one felt a lot more time consuming, though, since plates need 2 ingots and you'll occasionally get synths that need 4 plates and other stuff on top.

I went CUL last because food is kind of meh right now without the impending death retention. The other crafts don't really help it in the material sense like the last paragraph can, either. If you're 37, though, you're pretty much in the final stretch. Just get to 40 and spam apple juice leves to 50. CUL's 50 ability just improves material retention if you fail, and you have to spend CP to receive that perk. Shouldn't be planning your synths to fail, IMO.

For HQ purposes, the above doesn't really deviate, either. Come 50, you may need a few CP melds in your 50 gear, but I can basically HQ anything non-star with the following: CZ + IQ + WN2 + SH2 + BT x 5 + SH2 + GS + Inno + BB. You just need to pay attention on the GS phase since if you get an Excellent on the Inno part, you'll waste your BB with the Poor. For a lot of sub-40 synths, you don't even need the Inno. Rest is just spamming CS2 to completion. For 1 star 80 synths, you can generally do similar, but you'll also want more Control in your gear. I tend to do 4x BT then 2x HT with slipping I2 in before the BB to buff quality gains and make the CS2 spam easier. But you may need a ToT or swap another BT for HT to pull this off.

My experience with 2-stars is minimal since I'm not a fan of the risk:reward ratio, but that's something you've seen me mention before. I don't think the real value of max crafts is found there, anyway, but more in the means to make yourself gear to SB more cheaply and also keep jobs you're leveling pimped out.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#76 Dec 01 2013 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,824 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
I was really looking forward to this move, but... in all honesty, it's a little silly and i dont really see the point to using it.

Inner Quiet, Great Strides, Inovation + Advanced Touch already lands you 600-800 quality easily. Three of those and you're done.

If you spam that three times you're bound to get more or equal quality than a lot of rubbish unboosted Hasty Touches and one 1200 Byregot's Blessing. Not to mention that the 1200's only happen if you land all Hasty Touches, which as it starts from 50% isnt really guaranteed no matter the Steady Hands you apply. Inner Quiet boosts it nicely after so many hits, but the end result is kinda lacking.

It also doesnt require 360+ CP, Skills from just about every crafting class and still a good amount of luck.

I dont get it. I was expecting Byregot's to be the end-al-be-all ability that everyone was praising up into the sky. But i found that it wasnt much diffirent or better than what i was already using.

Unless we get something like a 0 CP Careful Touch, Byregot is completely overrated.

Edited, Nov 27th 2013 3:07pm by KojiroSoma

It sounds like you are talking about lower level synths with your method, and comparing them to 1-2 star synths with another method. Without Ingenuity, your 600-800 falls down to 450-600 on 1-2 star synths, and when you do that 3 times, you're at about 20% chance of HQ on a 2 star. It might get you 100% HQ on a level 45 recipe if you hit a good condition, but that means nothing.

You are right that it will not HQ everything every time by itself, but it does make HQ much, much easier if you use it properly.

HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
So after you get all crafts to 15, CUL to 37, CRP to 50, and WVR to 50, what would you suggest doing next?

I've seen GSM, ALC, BSM, and LTW mentioned frequently. Can anyone explain the advantages to each?

Goldsmith: Innovation is mildly useful, the real draw here is the huge number of items used at level 50 that are crafted by GSM
Alchemy: Comfort Zone is +14 CP for most of your synths
Blacksmith: Ingenuity II is worthless. Period
Leatherworking: Waste Not II is more worthless than Ingenuity II. There are several recipes at 50 though.
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