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brayflox longstepFollow

#1 Oct 01 2013 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
ok I have two issues with teh final boss in this dungeon:

1) the healer runs out of mp (same for the pld tank) is there no Refresh like spell/ability to help with mp management?

2) Our PLD is smart enough to move the dragon out of the toxic waste however it seems like after the dragon spews on the floor 2 or 3 times you run out of places to move him and to stand in yourself? i.e anywhere you go either the boss will be standing in poison getting healed or youll be standing in it getting damaged and the toxic waste doesnt seem to go away.. and IF it doe sit takes WAY too long.

Sooo all that being said.. any tips?
#2 Oct 01 2013 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
53 posts
Wish I could help you.

Literally just did this tonight for the first time. We wiped 5 times before finally beating it. As the tank, I felt mightily responsible, but even when I avoided all the toxic breaths and kept him outta the poison I still wound up dead. After Our 5th wipe we had 8 mins left and went back for one last shot. I honestly don't know what we did differently but somehow we managed to pull it out on the 6th try.

Toughest but by far the most entertaining and ultimately rewarding experience I've had yet in ffxiv. The only thing I can offer is get your tank to take the boss into a corner at the start. As he fills up the floor with poison, slowly pull him across the room.

Best of luck to you.
#3 Oct 01 2013 at 2:04 AM Rating: Excellent
2,153 posts
Let me think whether I get this right...
Wasn't the OP one of the guys who
claimed that "LOL GAMETOOEASY
#4 Oct 01 2013 at 2:06 AM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
The tanks should pull the Dragon to the narrow end of the cavern first, then pull along the walls in a circular type direction, that way the poison should be kept to the edges of the area and the middle is free for the DPS and healer to do their job, by the time the tank had pulled full circle the initial poison pool should be gone.
#5 Oct 01 2013 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
Brayflox is a major jump up in difficulty in terms of damage incoming and damage outgoing needed to make encounters easier. If your healers are running out of mana your gear is made of paper (or outdated gear) or they need gear themselves (especially a weapon -- that can affect your heals by as much as 30-40 sometimes with a 2 damage jump). If you're still wearing random level 15 gear and choosing only monetary reward from quests then you're going to have a rough time from here on out.

The mechanics of the fight are simple. Dodge poison clouds and dodge frontal red breaths. Walk him like a dog around the edge of the room and keep the center clear if needed to cut across. Heal through (SCH) poison stacks or remove them as a WHM. That's about it.

Scholar has it easier *and* harder at the same time. On one hand they can't remove the poison as Leeches is level 40. On the other hand, provided you bother to micro-manage on this fight, healing is incredibly easy. Assign hotkeys to the pet action bar, tell the pet to heal X target and you heal Y target. WHM has the ability to AoE heal easier if needed and remove poison stacks, but runs more risk of going OOM if the rest of the group isn't prepared/poorly equipped/doesn't bother to pay attention.

And @OP, no Refresh isn't in the game and isn't needed yet. You have more than enough mana to budget heals (WHM gets regeneration through Shroud of Saints and SCH has Aetherflow) and it comes with bothering to learn not to spam mindlessly. Unless your party's herping and derping left and right you can literally sustain the dragon fight forever; it comes with learning mana management.

i.e. I had a static group this past weekend that ran this place into the group just attempting to get whatever pieces of gear we want due to the general look of BL's gearsets (Battlemage for example) for whenever vanity gear options are given to us.
#6 Oct 01 2013 at 5:29 AM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
Rinsui wrote:
Let me think whether I get this right...
Wasn't the OP one of the guys who
claimed that "LOL GAMETOOEASY

I'm not surprised. Some of the most vocal and negative critics haven't even played the game, or only played the first 5 levels before spewing bile at the keyboard.
#7 Oct 01 2013 at 5:47 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
As stated previously, Longstop is the first really challenge in the way of dungeons. MP should not be an issue as long as everyone does what they need to. The tank needs to keep the dragon at the sides of the room and facing towards the walls, everyone else also needs to be near the walls, this way if the dragon spits it's aoe poison/heal at them, only part of the area is covered. You need to keep the middle clear. If everyone stays near one side of the dungeon, then you can kite the dragon to the other side once that side is covered in poison, then just repeat. As, SCH do have much easier time w/ this then WHM due to their healing faerie Eos. She is pretty much a unlimited mp healing helper.
#8 Oct 01 2013 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
525 posts
Don't oversell "MP should not en an issue", for whm this is the first genuinely hard dungeon we experience. The final boss, with the poison effect and the possible HP pools that regen, this fight can take longer than we can handle. We don't have regen (35, dungeon caps at 34) or shroud of saints (38) yet.

I had actually thought that sch would have a harder time of it due to the lack of access to esuna or cure II, interesting that you think it it easier on them. I'll have to try.
I used to care about my sig. Then I got mocked and butt-hurt. I shall commence with the self-pity now.
#9 Oct 01 2013 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
CNJ doesn't get shroud of saints until level 38, so it can't be used in Brayflox. Having played this as CNJ I can say that the biggest factors in running out of mp are the tank getting hit by the frontal attack and low dps not finishing the fight in a timely manner (as well as the other things like positioning and awareness of the pools).
#10 Oct 01 2013 at 6:16 AM Rating: Default
589 posts
Im confused. Does not Glad get a "refresh" attack at like level 5? lol@oomtank
#11 Oct 01 2013 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Buffylvr wrote:
Don't oversell "MP should not en an issue", for whm this is the first genuinely hard dungeon we experience. The final boss, with the poison effect and the possible HP pools that regen, this fight can take longer than we can handle. We don't have regen (35, dungeon caps at 34) or shroud of saints (38) yet.

I had actually thought that sch would have a harder time of it due to the lack of access to esuna or cure II, interesting that you think it it easier on them. I'll have to try.

Droxy wrote:
CNJ doesn't get shroud of saints until level 38, so it can't be used in Brayflox. Having played this as CNJ I can say that the biggest factors in running out of mp are the tank getting hit by the frontal attack and low dps not finishing the fight in a timely manner (as well as the other things like positioning and awareness of the pools).

So, as i said, mp should not be an issue aslong as everyone does their job. Avoid the moves that can be avoided. I did this as my SCH and it was a cakewalk in regards to me keeping my mp up and the members healed. I may not be able to remove the poisons, but Eos more then makes up for that with her healing assistance. Placing her in a proper position is also a factor.
Not saying WHM won't have an issue keeping their mp up, but, the other members should be aware of this and focus on killing the dragon quickly. A SCH can last longer in the fight then a WHM but the longer this fight goes on, the more likely you are to fail it. only times we failed is because the dragon was not kept facing the wall, the middle was not kept clear, and we didn't kill it fast enough.

Edited, Oct 1st 2013 8:21am by RyanSquires
#12 Oct 01 2013 at 6:47 AM Rating: Excellent
When I first started healing Brayflox it was a challenge for sure but I got used to hammering Cure I and using Freecure as it occurred and it becomes very easy at that point.
#13 Oct 01 2013 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
589 posts
Wint wrote:
When I first started healing Brayflox it was a challenge for sure but I got used to hammering Cure I and using Freecure as it occurred and it becomes very easy at that point.

I must say my first time doing it, along with the first time for everyone it in my group as well, was easy on SCH. That Fairy man. Never runs out of MP, Keeps Hate of you, and will heal the hapless DPS stuck in green **** while you keep the tank up.
#14 Oct 01 2013 at 7:54 AM Rating: Default
2,430 posts
sad part is, brayflox is faceroll easy compared to literally everything else after it aside from possibly castrum meridianum...

edit: its true, sorry.

Edited, Oct 1st 2013 11:14am by Llester
#15 Oct 01 2013 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
84 posts
There are a few things to do that make this fight a lot easier, bring antidotes, the poison can get very nasty, and I have watched dps lose 50% of their hp just from it alone, ranged dps and the healer can stand as close to the poison pools as they dare to limit the areas affected when it fires one in their direction.

Other than that as others have said just walk it around the edge of the area.
#16 Oct 01 2013 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
1,707 posts
If the tank isn't properly geared you will never stop spamming Cure. Also, once I realized the tank was constatnly getting poisoned I kept using esuna on him and it makde things a ton easier. I think a bard can put some mp refresh thingy on you, right? I have asked for this help in the past and mp was managed easier.

Also, if any of the support has some form of cure, on a long/hard fight I will ask that person to try to tkae care of the two dd/support and I will handle myself and the tank. This allows them to do their own small cures when they take moderate aoe damage and such. I can always toss them a Cure if I see them struggling. This made Titan a lot easier too when I could just focus on myself and the tank. Prior to that I would spam lots of aoe cure and waste tons of mp.

Of course I'm still learning the job and I'm sure over time I will discover much better combinations of skills to quip and utilize etc.

Edited, Oct 1st 2013 9:37am by Mithsavvy
#17 Oct 01 2013 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
On trash groups I sleep the adds while we deal with the first mob the tank pulled. For the boss fight I keep Esuna up on the tank first, then the DDs. It's helpful if the DD's can to stay along the edges so that the poison is only splashed along the edges and then you only have to keep the dragon in the middle. I've been spamming this every day for about 2 weeks trying to finish up my battlemage set and the best groups I've been in have finished in under 20 minutes.
#18 Oct 01 2013 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Rinsui wrote:
Let me think whether I get this right...
Wasn't the OP one of the guys who
claimed that "LOL GAMETOOEASY

Brayflox is a known dungeon where MP management for CNJ/WHM is a problem, especially on the first and last boss at times since it's right in between the levels of having almost nothing for MP management and Shroud of Saints. No one can deny that this game is actually on the very easy side in the long run outside of content that is actually designed to be difficult (Coil) and not artificial difficulty (cheap mechanics ala Stone Vigil.)

Edited, Oct 1st 2013 7:46am by Theonehio

#19 Oct 01 2013 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Rinsui wrote:
Let me think whether I get this right...
Wasn't the OP one of the guys who
claimed that "LOL GAMETOOEASY

umm its not hard. If anything its actually fun because your life is finally really threatened. Id rather fight this dragon Over those Mammets, Ouryu or Mithrain Trackers ANY day. So yeah compared to CoP pre nerf while still level capped. Brayflox isnt even CLOSE to being nightmarish.

Now for those of you who actually offered HELPFUL advice (i.e everyone but this guy) Thank you.
#20 Oct 01 2013 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
2,430 posts
its not hard...but you can't seem to beat it. hmmm. I know i already sound like a **** in this thread, but it doesn't change the fact that I beat this dungeon first try in DF....

And really, you made your bed with this so its kind of silly to complain.

Edited, Oct 1st 2013 11:41am by Llester
#21 Oct 01 2013 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
Llester wrote:
its not hard...but you can't seem to beat it. hmmm. I know i already sound like a **** in this thread, but it doesn't change the fact that I beat this dungeon first try in DF....

And really, you made your bed with this so its kind of silly to complain.

Edited, Oct 1st 2013 11:41am by Llester

This guy always talks about how he can't get pass content only to turn around and say its not hard once people eplain how easy it is but he still can't get past it ad nasuem.

Imagine this guy at Titan HM lol Heck, Garuda HM kinda has the same thing going on if you think about it. You get sneezed on then have to move in a circle and if you don't coordinate well she gets healed.
#22 Oct 01 2013 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
109 posts
Wint wrote:
When I first started healing Brayflox it was a challenge for sure but I got used to hammering Cure I and using Freecure as it occurred and it becomes very easy at that point.

This was my experience. And it helps when you have smart dps that aren't going out of their way to drop their hp pools. That's always the biggest difference for me.
#23 Oct 01 2013 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
This is a fun dungeon, as the tank i always pull the dragon to the far back and move him around the edge of his lair, i feel if you can get a stun off on the venom breath before the bar is half way do it, but once it pass's the half way point better to just move, had some pretty iffy stuns that i felt was in time but ended up taken the breath to the face. Dont forget your potions and food! I run this dungeon as a Gladiator i just feel the skills from other class really help me tank this dungeon, like feather foot and that one lancer skill that raises parry, and secound wind has saved my butt a few times, any one run this as paladin wanna tell me what its like?
#24 Oct 01 2013 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
340 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
ok I have two issues with teh final boss in this dungeon:

1) the healer runs out of mp (same for the pld tank) is there no Refresh like spell/ability to help with mp management?

2) Our PLD is smart enough to move the dragon out of the toxic waste however it seems like after the dragon spews on the floor 2 or 3 times you run out of places to move him and to stand in yourself? i.e anywhere you go either the boss will be standing in poison getting healed or youll be standing in it getting damaged and the toxic waste doesnt seem to go away.. and IF it doe sit takes WAY too long.

Sooo all that being said.. any tips?

Like it was said before me, that boss is one of the first jump in the difficulty in the game. I've run this dungeon around 20 times to get all the gear (which look awesome) as a pld. Here is the indication that I give to the party before the run, it worked well so far.

1. Don't ever, ever get caught in frontal AoE, it huuurt (that include the tank as well). Getting hit once or twice isn't problematic, but if the pld can't dodge it, the healer WILL run out of MP before the end of the fight. The breath attack will do serious damage to all non-tank character and will most likely one-shot the mage-armor's one.

2. He will target a random party member and cast a poison pool. That pool will stay on the floor for a long time (almost the whole fight). So it's important for party member to not stay to close together (so not 2 people get hit at the same time) AND it's also important that all the party member stand in a place that a poison pool won't be too much in the way. This is specially important for dragoon and monk, who like to stand behind the boss (which is often, the middle of the room). That way, the tank can move the boss around the room easily, which will reduce the number of time the boss will heal himself.

It's totally ok for melee DPS to be in a spot were to they do a little less damage from not being on the side or behind the mob but is in a secure poison pool zone.

3. If you have a whm/cng, have him remove the poison on the tank, specially if it have more than 3 stack. At that number of stack it's more efficient than curing through the poison. Antidote doesn't work on that poison (I've tried)

With this, most run will be a cake with a proper equipped party (and even them)

Good luck on your run.
#25 Oct 01 2013 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
598 posts
I still queue up for this dungeon at least once or twice a sit down (reeaally want a complete infantry set before I start leveling archer) and this is without a doubt the dungeon tanks cut their teeth with. I've enjoyed watching various tanks take on the final boss. Of course a small percentage may just never get it but it's surprising how often a tank is like "omg" when you simply request they zoom their view all the way out.

The drops inside this dungeon, IMO, make it necessary to play even outside the main story. Too much good stuff to be had.
#26 Oct 01 2013 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
The first and only time I've run Braflox we barely beat it. The tank died, and I as a MNK ended up tanking the last few seconds. It was fun, but I remember being the first dungeon where the healers (and tanks) had to work a bit harder.
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