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#1 Sep 19 2013 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
66 posts
Brayflox's Duty is a as the Title says. Been trying to do this for the past several days. Takes forever to get a party, when you do get a party people up and leave just as you start the duty or at some point during. I've been to the final Boss several times only to either die (the whole party) or time runs out. And I'm not the only one with these issues. A lot of people I've talked to say the have the exact same issues.
#2 Sep 19 2013 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
88 posts
Ya if your in a bad party that boss fight will get you every time... gotta work as a team to get him away from the green poison he puts on the ground because that heals him... and he will spit it at others besides tank. I f you have a tank that understands the situation you have a good shot. But ill give advice that was given to me on my first Garuda fight.... watch the video,learn what to do and maybe you can explain it to others to help you pass this part
#3 Sep 19 2013 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
71 posts
Brayflox is the first dungeon where you even start to have to move during battle on a regular basis. If the tank can't dodge the final boss's moves fast enough, if the healer and DDs don't move fast enough once he starts spewing (I'm trying not to post spoilers here), if the tank doesn't keep the boss in a good spot, it's a lost cause. It's definitely a rough dungeon to do via random DF party.

And if you think the final Brayflox boss is bad, wait til you hit the first boss in Qarn.
#4 Sep 19 2013 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Well, i have to admit that longstop is the first really 'skill check' for any Tank. But, i can't say i have had the same issues as you with people just up and leaving mid run or after wiping one time to the final boss. If you have atleast one person on the team that knows the do's and do not's of the final boss, then they should give a run down of it. The final boss does require you to learn the proper strategy. This is not a 'smack it and win' fight. All in all though, i am sorry you are having such a hard time w/ this dungeon as the gear from it is worth farming for if it's your first time with a job at that level.

EDIT: Also, i noticed you said you kept running out of time. This should never happen on this dungeon. Unless, you are literally cleaning out the area. Even if your doing farming runs and getting all the extra coffers either by finding the ones tucked away on the ends of the map or by saving the goblins, time should never be a issue. When you get to the open water area, right before the 2nd boss, hug the left wall the whole way around, picking up the coffers and avoiding unnecessary trash mobs.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 10:15am by RyanSquires
#5 Sep 19 2013 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
JeremyPD55 wrote:
Ya if your in a bad party that boss fight will get you every time... gotta work as a team to get him away from the green poison he puts on the ground because that heals him... and he will spit it at others besides tank. I f you have a tank that understands the situation you have a good shot. But ill give advice that was given to me on my first Garuda fight.... watch the video,learn what to do and maybe you can explain it to others to help you pass this part

100% this. When I did it through DF only the tank had done it before, he explained it before the fight and we won on the 2nd try.
#6 Sep 19 2013 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
598 posts
Looking4u wrote:
Brayflox's Duty is a as the Title says. Been trying to do this for the past several days. Takes forever to get a party, when you do get a party people up and leave just as you start the duty or at some point during. I've been to the final Boss several times only to either die (the whole party) or time runs out. And I'm not the only one with these issues. A lot of people I've talked to say the have the exact same issues.

This was game life yesterday. There's alot of frustration going on with first time tanks it seems. A group fails and I instaque back into another group which then only has two remaining players bickering at each other or whomever left.

Wish me luck today.
#7 Sep 19 2013 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
81 posts
This is one of the dungeons, in my opinion, where the difficulty really starts to ramp up on both mechanics and "gear checks". The last boss does truly have a mechanic that if not focused on and dealt with appropriately will create an instance of not being able to down the boss. Tanks leaving the boss in the green slime he spews or losing aggro and having DPS/Heals leaving him in the slime seem to be the way most wipes occur. Also, it is one of those fights where you need some pretty decent healing throughput, so being too undergeared can certainly have a detrimental effect whether it's any of the classes participating and not just the healers. Better gear = Better Defence = Less Healing throughput needed.

I would keep trying or get some better gear or more levels. It's definitely doable, but is wholly fairly different than most of the other story dungeons leading up to this point.

At least from my perspective.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 10:13am by Aquidar
#8 Sep 19 2013 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
But but but this game is so EZ!
#9 Sep 19 2013 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Catwho wrote:
But but but this game is so EZ!

I agree the game is easy, but if this is their first time at longstop, not so much. As it's been stated many times before, this dungeon is the first real test as far as dungeons go.
#10 Sep 19 2013 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
81 posts
Catwho wrote:
But but but this game is so EZ!

You did it wrong you claimed the game was too easy AFTER you stepped into any group content..

The preferred method is to do so well before you reach any challenging content (or playing the game much at all for that matter) and then make comments about your difficulty clearing the first (and brain-numbingly easy) instance. Despite still saying that "lolz game r ezmoders".

Sorry had to...

#11 Sep 19 2013 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
777 posts
I won this my first time, but that was because the tank and healer were awesome together. After that, I ran the dungeon multiple times for gear and walked the people new to the dungeon through how things work. I never won the dungeon again.

A big thing I see (and always comment on) is tanks not moving out of the breath attack at all, or in time. Once you see that hit box fall, you need to move ASAP. You don't have time to finish whatever chain you've started, just go. I've had tanks swear to me that its impossible to move out of, and so they just stay put. No bueno.

Another thing that helps is to impress on the tank to keep the poison pools condensed as much as possible. This ideally gives everybody room to maneuver late in the battle when things get hairy. You don't need to move the dragon far to move it off the poison pools. DDs should, ideally, remain as close to the healer as possible and still do damage, to prevent the healer from having to reposition so much to keep you in range and heal you up.

Just a few off-the-cuff thoughts.
#12 Sep 19 2013 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Altair wrote:
Once you see that hit box fall, you need to move ASAP. You don't have time to finish whatever chain you've started, just go.

^ This. 100%. For the love of god, move. This is made even more painful when someone does it at lvl 50 fighting Chimera.

Altair wrote:
DDs should, ideally, remain as close to the healer as possible and still do damage, to prevent the healer from having to reposition so much to keep you in range and heal you up.

Yes please, I love when DD's don't do this and then i have to try and position Eos in the center of the battle field so I know at least one of us will be within healing range.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 10:33am by RyanSquires
#13 Sep 19 2013 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
As a Tank I've done this dungeon 3 or 4 times, I think I've been hit with the dragons breath once which honestly should be 0.
If the tank is paying attention and moves ASAP you wont get hit.

What server are you on Looking4U? I'm on Balmung and I could totaly run this with you (if you're on my server).
#14 Sep 19 2013 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
The first time I did this dungeon I was the tank. I was lucky enough the have my dps filled by FC members who walked me through the final fight before going into it. That info, along with a compataint healer found through the DF, made this fight go smoothly on the first try. Titan on the other hand was a nightmare my first 30 or so runs. They were DF pugs and every time I either got healers or DPS that kept getting knocked off or healers that thought that they should spam cure 2 and the AOE cure (medica I think is the name...) and ended up running out of mp before we got Titan half way down. Finally I got some FC members to help out and we got him in one go.
#15 Sep 19 2013 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
As it's been said before here, pan your camera out as far as you can (or can tolerate). It helps a ton to see everything on the ground around you, I've done it for a few dungeons now and it makes things significantly easier.

I agree with others though, this fight is highly reliant on the tank positioning the boss in the right direction, with the healer properly maneuvering around. As the dungeons progress, being panned out will be more beneficial and there's more and more highlighted attacks to avoid.

#16 Sep 19 2013 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
81 posts
princessary wrote:
The first time I did this dungeon I was the tank. I was lucky enough the have my dps filled by FC members who walked me through the final fight before going into it. That info, along with a compataint healer found through the DF, made this fight go smoothly on the first try. Titan on the other hand was a nightmare my first 30 or so runs. They were DF pugs and every time I either got healers or DPS that kept getting knocked off or healers that thought that they should spam cure 2 and the AOE cure (medica I think is the name...) and ended up running out of mp before we got Titan half way down. Finally I got some FC members to help out and we got him in one go.

Definitely this. I think a lot of difficulty can be attributed to lack of understanding and/or communication. With a well rounded party of those who know what to expect and utilize their class things can become exponentially more trivial. However, with DF you certainly get the luck of the draw.

I don't expect everyone to be the best player or even understand everything about their class.. learning comes with experience. What I absolutely cannot stand those who yell at others without giving a clear explanation of what went wrong and what can be done to rectify the situation. Feel free to not say anything at all, but if you're going to demean someone else based on performance please at least give them some sort of hint at what they could be doing better. I've played MMO's long enough that not everyone is going to read up on content/class mechanics/optimization/etc. but usually found if you can give a player some information on what they can do better in a respectable tone, they will usually take the advice and become a better player. I know this isn't 100% the case, but the l33tzorz that just demean or only advice is "L2p n00b" or "plz unistall" isn't making a better instance community. The DF is a mechanic that is likely to stay if we all work to make those we group with a little better, over time maybe it won't be so dreaded to join the DF.

Holy rant, Batman Smiley: laugh. My apologies!
#17 Sep 19 2013 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
All my tries with DF on Brayflox and most pre-LV50 dungeons have been successful.
However, recently I start to get the feeling of defeat on the level 50 dungeons cause the falling rate jumped soooooo much. This is partly due to players becoming more and more intolerant to failure. I can understand this is because at cap level you can't get any benefit except end it as fast as possible to get whatever loot needed.
The things you see and hear at these dungeons can be unbelievably rude and unhelpful.
I like the game and just don't understand what is the purpose of insulting people when they are first timer and still learning.
#18 Sep 19 2013 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I'm on Ultros which makes it even worse, from what I'm hearing this server has a lot of experienced players. I always watch the dungeons on YouTube before I do them so I know what to expect. Just seems I'm getting crappy parties I guess or people just leave out of pure frustration.

And when I say time runs out it's mainly because we have to wait for members to rejoin after people or more then one member leaves

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 11:17am by Looking4u

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 11:19am by Looking4u
#19 Sep 19 2013 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
2,216 posts
We had an awful time on it - tank on EU latency didn't help much, as didn't a pickup WHM with a fondness for paddling in poison. Ended up beating it with FC helping us in a very interesting setup of a WAR PLD MNK SCH combo since not everyone had multiple jobs they could do it on.

Couple of tips given to me by FC guys - set your controls to legacy mode so you can run back easier, and angle your camera from up in the air a bit so you can see floor stuff easier (also helps with Isgebind - although the pale blue on pale blue there is not fun SE)
#20 Sep 19 2013 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
952 posts
If you've done a dungeon several times and you continue to fail because people don't know what to do try to make some macros explaining the strategy involved in the fight. Make them as clear as possible and use them to explain what everyone needs to do during a boss fight. It saves everyone time by having you try to explain it to them as it's already written out. Use correct spelling and plain language. If you still fail doing this I'd advise you to try to find a friendly free company that can help you do it.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 11:26am by CupDeNoodles
#21 Sep 19 2013 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
66 posts
Altair wrote:
A big thing I see (and always comment on) is tanks not moving out of the breath attack at all, or in time. Once you see that hit box fall, you need to move ASAP. You don't have time to finish whatever chain you've started, just go. I've had tanks swear to me that its impossible to move out of, and so they just stay put. No bueno.

This is a big problem I have seen for a lot of other tanks, and a big part of it is where the tank positions himself within the enemies hitbox. So often I see tanks keeping a discrete distance from the boss which puts them in the wider part of the field when a breath happens. This means they have to run farther to get out of the area, and if the cast is too quick, they will never make it. I am a tank myself and our raid leader and I make sure to train all of our tanks that you don't need to stand 10ft from their nose so that it looks more like a fight. Tuck in on the smallest part of the hitbox in front of the enemies (which should be about 1ft in front of its pivot point) and when the cone shows up you only have to take 2 steps through the boss to miss the attack and 2 steps back to keep him from turning. I usually walk backwards because of how slow it is you can usually dart forward and then immediately start backpedaling. This way, the attack misses and the boss doesn't even budge because you are back in his face before he finishes the animation. To me, this is one of the MOST important tactics for a tank to use. For big AOEs of course things are different and you want to stand as far back from the enemy and still maintain range.

Here is an image I threw together to help illustrate my point. I see far too many tanks standing back in the wide part of conical attacks and whether strafing or running through, they have too far to go.
#22 Sep 19 2013 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
405 posts
My suggestion is to make friends with a tank who will run it with you, someone from your FC or just someone who is skilled enough to know what to do. I had the same trouble in Brayflox, like 5 DF runs to the end boss no problem, then continuous wipes. The best strategy is to have the tank pull it to the back of the room, facing the wall, and gradually move along the wall in a circular pattern, moving just slightly to avoid poison each time. That way the room won't fill. You're also going to fail if the tank gets hit with the dragon breath move more than a few times. They need to GTFO the box as soon as they see it. Its also pretty tough as SCH if people keep getting poisoned, which I was, so I went back for my winning run as SMN and had a WHM along.

My worst run (I'm still mad) involved wiping on I think every boss and even trash mobs because the tank would run circles around the mob and the DPS would both attack mobs not on the tank (3 mobs in a group, tank took 1, each DPS took seperate other mobs so basically hate was crazy, all 4 of us were getting hit). Is that a PVP strategy from other games? It drove me damn crazy that the guy would spin and spin and spin the mob (still getting hit himself, no obvious benefit). When he did it with Aiaitar it was over because everyone was getting hit with poison.
#23 Sep 19 2013 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
With a tank like that, you should feel damn proud to have made it to the poison phase. That is an accomplishment unto itself.

Listen up tanks!

Small movements, and only when needed! Plant those feet and take it on the f*ckin' chin! Only move when you need to re-position or when you need to avoid an AOE... other than that, stand still ya jackhole!
#24 Sep 19 2013 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
112 posts
I attempted this instance last night in a PUG — with the "join party in progress." It was awesome! I entered the instance as a party of me — signs that the previous one wasn't going to well. I'm just a DD (I feel confidant that I'm pretty good at my level), so DF is a pain to get in. As the timer ticked away (3-5 mins) I decided that I was going to just re-que.. then the party bar filled up. PLD was going to be out tank. Needless to say we didnt get passed the first unlocked door. He died around 10% HP left... and left the party. we as a group decided to wait it out to see if another tank would come in... 15 mins later, nothing.
I think just leaving a group hanging without even saying anything is just rude. At least have a little conversation prior to leaving — maybe you've done this instance before, but we haven't. A little advise or talk goes a long way. Like PvP, I think player drops should be noted on their character profile, negative honor. At least take the time to try a couple times. I know it was a PUG and it's my fault I didn't set it up before we went in (whether FC or LS or shouting) but still... ugh.
Sorry, I'm just ranting my frustration with this instance last night.

Someone said gear checks earlier up in the thread; look at my gear as a DPS — maybe I'm to blame. Feel free to say I'm wearing bad gear, if I don't know, then I'll never learn.
#25 Sep 19 2013 at 10:17 AM Rating: Excellent
598 posts
pufardo, Tarutaru Murder Suspect wrote:
I attempted this instance last night in a PUG — with the "join party in progress." It was awesome! I entered the instance as a party of me — signs that the previous one wasn't going to well. I'm just a DD (I feel confidant that I'm pretty good at my level), so DF is a pain to get in. As the timer ticked away (3-5 mins) I decided that I was going to just re-que.. then the party bar filled up. PLD was going to be out tank. Needless to say we didnt get passed the first unlocked door. He died around 10% HP left... and left the party. we as a group decided to wait it out to see if another tank would come in... 15 mins later, nothing.
I think just leaving a group hanging without even saying anything is just rude. At least have a little conversation prior to leaving — maybe you've done this instance before, but we haven't. A little advise or talk goes a long way. Like PvP, I think player drops should be noted on their character profile, negative honor. At least take the time to try a couple times. I know it was a PUG and it's my fault I didn't set it up before we went in (whether FC or LS or shouting) but still... ugh.
Sorry, I'm just ranting my frustration with this instance last night.

Someone said gear checks earlier up in the thread; look at my gear as a DPS — maybe I'm to blame. Feel free to say I'm wearing bad gear, if I don't know, then I'll never learn.

Your gear is probably better than mine. Honestly I feel my DPS is OK enough for this fight. The issue is watching DMG go to waste because the scaley nuisance is allowed to roll around in his own vomit for far too long.

On a side note I will take the advice of trying to remain a little closer to the healer. I've been finding myself trying to stay tight with the tank (close to the wall when rotations permit) in hopes of isolating said poisonous vomit.

PS: and directed at no one. Bailing after one or two poor performances in DF is so weak. I get as much enjoyment watching someone finally 'get it' as I do completing the instance. I guess I'm just a little less sour in these situations.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 12:50pm by ShindaUsagi
#26 Sep 19 2013 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
655 posts
The problem I run into a lot i mean ALOT is new tanks not taking any advise givin to them. If a tank is not using flash or overpower to keep hate i would friendly remind them that these are great ways to get enimty to keep the adds off me from healing aggo.. well they just go stfu and heal.

Or during the brayflox fight I begged tanks to move the boss outta the green goo and the breath but to no avail they never do than its my fault they died.. /facepalm

also some tanks think that if the message dosent pop on the screen that hes healing that hesnot healing which is false.. gotta use your own eyes and make sure its completly outta the goo.

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 12:27pm by silverhope
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