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#27 Feb 25 2013 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
87 posts
je355804 wrote:

Why are you guys letting this butt clown ruin this board? I've just tried to read like 5 topics and they've all included him making some "stir-the-pot" comments.

Ban this fool.

Twenty months of Filth posting "stir-in-the-pot" comments on how SE has failed and would fail even more with FFXIV-2 and now that Beta is here you guys come out of the woodwork to complain about this amateur?

Please... ;)
#28 Feb 25 2013 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a fanboy. That has nothing to do with an objective view of the game. Final Fantasy is pretty much my meth. I knew what XIV 1.0 was doing to me and my "gaming happiness" level, but that did NOT mean I could quit. I played XIII all the way through twice. The accompanying amount of self-loathing was something I just had to deal with. I know XIV ARR is something that may or may not ruin my "gaming life." But for me, a confessed fanboy, no matter what XIV ARR turns out to be, I will play it and that I will gush over every detail -- that I like. My devotion/addiction to Final Fantasy may mean I don't talk about the bad things in the game(s), but it doesn't mean I can't tell a bad game from a good one.

Edited, Feb 25th 2013 4:26pm by DanforthWright
#29 Feb 25 2013 at 3:38 PM Rating: Excellent
412 posts
Is he breaking the NDA or something?
Lol, that so called article was so biased, I couldn't take it seriously. I'm going to make a few assumptions. People who are fans of the final fantasy franchise have a certain nostalgia to a particular number. I think that having such a rich library of lore and and characters (good and evil) would make for a splendid MMO. You can attract fans old and new. People who remember the crystal tower from FFIII would be thrilled at it's appearance. When they introduced the materia system, I saw it as just another "enchantment" feature, with a FF spin on it. How do you improve on a system like that? Empowering your weapons with extra properties? To criticize it without offering any ideas of your own is... What could be done to change that? We all know the traditional jobs. When Tanaka decided to change the names just to be different, no one received it well.

Can anyone tell me how they would have creatively spun the failure of the first FFXIV into a seamless transition to a new game without breaking the continuity of the world? The end of Era trailer was very moving and the story leading up to it alongside the fights were very Final Fantasy in nature. He neglected to mention any of that, oversimplifying that, "Bahamut just came and blew sh*t up, the end. BORING!!!" Can you take that seriously?Smiley: rolleyes

His title headings was just a bait, an obvious one at that. Final Guild Wars Fantasy? Sub par Fantasy? I can understand that that if the game launched in this state and he had issues, he's entitled to place them in his review. The Beta forums however, are there so people can address concerns such as his, about the imperfections about F.A.T.E. (Seriously again, NDA?) Or, the questing system and the cumbersome aspects of it.

A game critic that's unable to take critique. Smiley: lol
#30 Feb 25 2013 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
412 posts
Wint wrote:
GDLYL wrote:
The problem with your kind is, you never address anything holistically outside your own feelings. You nit pick at a certain aspect without any thought for possibilities or solutions or future outcomes. While a healthy amount of doubt is normal, all common sense seems to go out the window, and they're completely obsessed by their feelings.

People who complain about jump, don't seem to grasp that someone jumping doesn't affect them in anyway what so ever, but because they don't like, it's the devil.

People who complain about vanity pets also seem to suffer from the same affliction.

People who whine about legacy status had almost a year to qualify, yet we have to see them post about it every week, thinking that their personal situation makes them the biggest victim than the last.

People who complain that ARR is going to be standard, fail to grasp that re inventing the wheel is quite difficult to do. Oddly enough, they fail to recall that FFXIV tried it and they hated it.

People who complain that SE is bigoted or misogynist because of the character types or that they aren't sure if they want to implement same sex marriages, thinks that the world should cater to them, even though their sexuality or rl body type desires has no affect on the game itself.

People who claim that ARR is a WoW clone, most of whom, never even played WoW, ignorantly repeat the line that WoW is easy mode. The difficult raids that only about 5%(If that much) of the server can beat go completely over their heads. Most of the WoW functions weren't even invented by WoW and it just happened to be implement by them successfully. If you were to study a source, the most successful would be the most logical. Anti WoW, is a poor basis for any suggestion that would improve ARR.

Healthy arguments are wonderful, and can stimulate the mind in new ways. The thing is you all parrot the same crap over and over. You think that if you post the same complaint in a different forum, you'll get more people that agree with you.

Will Final Fantasy FXIV: ARR be successful? I don't know. What I do know, is that 1.0 was a failure. SE came out and apologized. They admitted that it hurt the name Final Fantasy and they were going to fix it. A lot of time and money was spent here.They actually have to make this work. To be honest, I'm glad 1.0 failed, that way they can get it right this time. All the pressure is on them. If it were you, would you want to fail again? What makes you think they do as well? That isn't blind trust, or fanboy-ism. It's just logical.

If you would actually post something that engages in people in a healthy productive debate, things might go differently. Instead of posting a topic like this. He's complaining about the low frame rates and the screen tearing, which was already addressed by stating the ps3 was around 75% optimized. (He was unaware of that) They are also working along side Sony to get things worked out. Had he known that, he'd have no wasted his time making a pointless thread, and his common sense would have advised him to wait till Beta phase 3 when the ps3 beta started. He simply suggested scrapping the ps3 (Ignoring all the potential ps3 people anticipating it), because he's obviously a "superior PC gamer."

Work on building a stronger argument before posting. Maybe then people will take you seriously. Self absorbed whining, no matter how much you disguise it as, "I'm helping to point out flaws to make the game better," is still just that. Simply saying that you don't like the ps3 footage and hope that SE can work it out before launch is much more likely to be a constructive thread.

Smiley: inlove

Have my babies.

No not really, the three I have are plenty thanks.

Edited, Feb 25th 2013 7:00am by Wint

I'm not built to handle babies Smiley: frown They get on my nerves lol. I'll cheer for your babies though!Smiley: blush
#31 Feb 25 2013 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I had this joke where I would treat Wint's children like food item and ask for cullinary advice on how to cook and serve them... but it just diddn't feel right...

Enjoy the children while they're young Wint. Make sure you give them as much exposure to gaming as they can handle. That way when they hit the rebellious stage they'll actually go outside and work out and whatnot.
#32 Feb 25 2013 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
MrMissile wrote:
je355804 wrote:

Why are you guys letting this butt clown ruin this board? I've just tried to read like 5 topics and they've all included him making some "stir-the-pot" comments.

Ban this fool.

Twenty months of Filth posting "stir-in-the-pot" comments on how SE has failed and would fail even more with FFXIV-2 and now that Beta is here you guys come out of the woodwork to complain about this amateur?

Please... ;)

MrMissile wrote:
je355804 wrote:

Why are you guys letting this butt clown ruin this board? I've just tried to read like 5 topics and they've all included him making some "stir-the-pot" comments.

Ban this fool.

Twenty months of Filth posting "stir-in-the-pot" comments on how SE has failed and would fail even more with FFXIV-2 and now that Beta is here you guys come out of the woodwork to complain about this amateur?

Please... ;)

Truest Post on this Thread!
#33 Feb 25 2013 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Ostia wrote:
MrMissile wrote:
je355804 wrote:

Why are you guys letting this butt clown ruin this board? I've just tried to read like 5 topics and they've all included him making some "stir-the-pot" comments.

Ban this fool.

Twenty months of Filth posting "stir-in-the-pot" comments on how SE has failed and would fail even more with FFXIV-2 and now that Beta is here you guys come out of the woodwork to complain about this amateur?

Please... ;)

Truest Post on this Thread!

20 months of **** riding and Missile still isn't sore? You'd have to go back a ways to find any posts from me about how ARR is going to fail. TBH I could care less. I will and often do point out my dissatisfaction with the combat system, but who doesn't?

Keep it moving...
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#34 Feb 26 2013 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Ostia wrote:
MrMissile wrote:
je355804 wrote:

Why are you guys letting this butt clown ruin this board? I've just tried to read like 5 topics and they've all included him making some "stir-the-pot" comments.

Ban this fool.

Twenty months of Filth posting "stir-in-the-pot" comments on how SE has failed and would fail even more with FFXIV-2 and now that Beta is here you guys come out of the woodwork to complain about this amateur?

Please... ;)

Truest Post on this Thread!

20 months of **** riding and Missile still isn't sore? You'd have to go back a ways to find any posts from me about how ARR is going to fail. TBH I could care less. I will and often do point out my dissatisfaction with the combat system, but who doesn't?

Keep it moving...

I do not consider you a troll, i think most of your concerns are validated, i think the problem is some people just dont like any type of negative talk about their beloved FFXIV even if said negative stance does has a point.
#35 Feb 26 2013 at 1:02 AM Rating: Good
Ostia wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Ostia wrote:
MrMissile wrote:
je355804 wrote:

Why are you guys letting this butt clown ruin this board? I've just tried to read like 5 topics and they've all included him making some "stir-the-pot" comments.

Ban this fool.

Twenty months of Filth posting "stir-in-the-pot" comments on how SE has failed and would fail even more with FFXIV-2 and now that Beta is here you guys come out of the woodwork to complain about this amateur?

Please... ;)

Truest Post on this Thread!

20 months of **** riding and Missile still isn't sore? You'd have to go back a ways to find any posts from me about how ARR is going to fail. TBH I could care less. I will and often do point out my dissatisfaction with the combat system, but who doesn't?

Keep it moving...

I do not consider you a troll, i think most of your concerns are validated, i think the problem is some people just dont like any type of negative talk about their beloved FFXIV even if said negative stance does has a point.

I don't even think it's that. I think it is that a generation of helicopter parenting has created an entire new generation that does not know how to accurately discern between someone else's opinion and legitimate criticism. A lot of people nowadays hear something they don't like and they've been taught that if they don't like something, it is bad and it is the problem because they are able to do, see, and hear anything they want. I don't always agree with Filthy's assesments and sometimes I think he is just being contrary, but he doesn't offend me in the least and it grinds my gears that I am part of such a sensitive generation.
#36 Feb 26 2013 at 1:08 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Some of us are just tired of reading the same negative posts from certain people over and over again.

Go be a poopy pants somewhere else lol
#37 Feb 26 2013 at 1:12 AM Rating: Default
383 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Some of us are just tired of reading the same negative posts from certain people over and over again.

Go be a poopy pants somewhere else lol

Negativity, troll or otherwise, is important to put things into perspective.

If people weren't negative about FFXIV in 2010, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.
#38 Feb 26 2013 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,842 posts
Well I think the article writer did bring up some good points but it was clear he didn't care about how FFXIV system worked, just that it didn't work like he wanted it too. There is a good way and a bad way to criticism, trolling is a bad way. Case in point:

I don't like the way the current system has you turn in quest items, I would much rather be able to right click and have it go into the trade window.
#39 Feb 26 2013 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
TurboTom wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Some of us are just tired of reading the same negative posts from certain people over and over again.

Go be a poopy pants somewhere else lol

Negativity, troll or otherwise, is important to put things into perspective.

If people weren't negative about FFXIV in 2010, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.

I agree. However, complaining about the same things over and over and over and over again after the announcement of the big overhaul, telling people over and over and over and over again that SE's attempt will most probably fail, isn't quite contructive either, is it? Then you might put "admin approved" in your signature, but if I just put in perspective, a person like that has just been trolling for way more than a year.
#40 Feb 26 2013 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
412 posts
I've been lurking around ZAM for some time now, before I started this account. FilthMcNasty's name is very familiar to me because of the negative statements. However, none of what he said was wrong. It was a very bitter pill for a lot to swallow, myself included. As someone who was the first to hit 50 on Gla and 3rd 50 Bsm, on what used to be SaroniaSmiley: cool, I burned out fast! People that came after me when the game got better, lucked out and eventually passed me because I just couldn't be assed to get crafts and gathering from 40-50 (Did them about 10 months later). The more I played, the angrier I got. The only reason I continued, was the group of people I met, and the promise of change. The drive to get things done was so hard, I remember putting my friend on follow every behest, Levinshower, Ranine etc, because I just couldn't do it anymore!Smiley: mad Remembering the HUGE advantage the Japanese had over me when I started on the day ps2 launched was the motivation that made me get anything done. Granted, the ending of FFXIV was rather enjoyable to a degree, the negativity FFXIV got was deserved. I was never a vocal White Knight per se, but I had really high hopes for this game, and learned early and first hand how bad things felt.

That said, there are very few worthwhile negative aspects of ARR that are worth spamming the forums with. Aside from people in the Beta who actually know what's great and what needs work, the rest of us have no idea. WoW clone? Grass? Jump? Too casual? Legacy? Too mainstream?Smiley: disappointed I don't think responding to them is bad, it's the aggression that doesn't help. I wonder how a thread would flow if people didn't give off White Knight characteristics?

So far the one that matters the most to me anyway, is the character sliding. It's something I can over look, but I'd rather it not be there if it can be helped. Smiley: glare

Edited, Feb 26th 2013 4:33am by GDLYL

Edited, Feb 26th 2013 4:33am by GDLYL
#41 Feb 26 2013 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
GDLYL wrote:
The problem with your kind is, you never address anything holistically outside your own feelings. You nit pick at a certain aspect without any thought for possibilities or solutions or future outcomes. While a healthy amount of doubt is normal, all common sense seems to go out the window, and they're completely obsessed by their feelings.

People who complain about jump, don't seem to grasp that someone jumping doesn't affect them in anyway what so ever, but because they don't like, it's the devil.

People who complain about vanity pets also seem to suffer from the same affliction.

People who whine about legacy status had almost a year to qualify, yet we have to see them post about it every week, thinking that their personal situation makes them the biggest victim than the last.

People who complain that ARR is going to be standard, fail to grasp that re inventing the wheel is quite difficult to do. Oddly enough, they fail to recall that FFXIV tried it and they hated it.

People who complain that SE is bigoted or misogynist because of the character types or that they aren't sure if they want to implement same sex marriages, thinks that the world should cater to them, even though their sexuality or rl body type desires has no affect on the game itself.

People who claim that ARR is a WoW clone, most of whom, never even played WoW, ignorantly repeat the line that WoW is easy mode. The difficult raids that only about 5%(If that much) of the server can beat go completely over their heads. Most of the WoW functions weren't even invented by WoW and it just happened to be implement by them successfully. If you were to study a source, the most successful would be the most logical. Anti WoW, is a poor basis for any suggestion that would improve ARR.

Healthy arguments are wonderful, and can stimulate the mind in new ways. The thing is you all parrot the same crap over and over. You think that if you post the same complaint in a different forum, you'll get more people that agree with you.

Will Final Fantasy FXIV: ARR be successful? I don't know. What I do know, is that 1.0 was a failure. SE came out and apologized. They admitted that it hurt the name Final Fantasy and they were going to fix it. A lot of time and money was spent here.They actually have to make this work. To be honest, I'm glad 1.0 failed, that way they can get it right this time. All the pressure is on them. If it were you, would you want to fail again? What makes you think they do as well? That isn't blind trust, or fanboy-ism. It's just logical.

If you would actually post something that engages in people in a healthy productive debate, things might go differently. Instead of posting a topic like this. He's complaining about the low frame rates and the screen tearing, which was already addressed by stating the ps3 was around 75% optimized. (He was unaware of that) They are also working along side Sony to get things worked out. Had he known that, he'd have no wasted his time making a pointless thread, and his common sense would have advised him to wait till Beta phase 3 when the ps3 beta started. He simply suggested scrapping the ps3 (Ignoring all the potential ps3 people anticipating it), because he's obviously a "superior PC gamer."

Work on building a stronger argument before posting. Maybe then people will take you seriously. Self absorbed whining, no matter how much you disguise it as, "I'm helping to point out flaws to make the game better," is still just that. Simply saying that you don't like the ps3 footage and hope that SE can work it out before launch is much more likely to be a constructive thread.

You hit the nail right on the head, especially with the WOW hate part.
#42 Feb 26 2013 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
GDLYL wrote:
FilthMcNasty's name is very familiar to me because of the negative statements. However, none of what he said was wrong.

You seem to be missing the point. It was said before, by others, and quite a few time too. Please don't make it come over like any of his repetitive whining opened eyes that had been closed before.
#43 Feb 26 2013 at 6:16 AM Rating: Default
ohh that PA report written by fat butthurt sooks. basically if you dont like final fantasy xiv: ARR go put ur finger up ya bum and hav a sniff and what it smells like is what your opinion is....****
#44 Feb 26 2013 at 6:30 AM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
At first I was offended by most of the comments made by Filth and Ostia. I've learned over the last couple years while I often don't agree with everything they write, there are nuggets of truth in the things they say. Not the altruistic kinds of truth but just good sense arguments. They have been gaming a long time and that helps add validity to their opinions even if they are sometimes picked apart for it. They are a part of this community and I for one see value in having them around.

However, It is extremely hard to find value in anything stated by the OP. As previously stated it seems to be more inflammatory post than an educated discussion point surrounding FFXIV: ARR.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#45 Feb 26 2013 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,570 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I will and often do point out my dissatisfaction with the combat system, but who doesn't?
It was a lose-lose situation from the start. The point of the combat system is to kill off that discrepancy between melee and mages by putting both on equal footing and thus fascilitate PvP, because otherwise mages would rule PvP. If they keep TP build up as it was in 1.0 they wouldn't meet that goal. Going the "abilities with individual cooldowns" and giving each class their own unique resource system like WoW et al would mean you'd have an army of FFXI purists crying that they got rid of TP and further idiotic drivel of it taking away from the game's Final Fantasy identity. They tried going down the middle with their approach to TP and those rules for spells/abilities they mentioned in the FF 25th anniversary panel.
Products of boredom: 1 2 3 4 5
Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#46 Feb 26 2013 at 7:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Criticism is fine because it fosters conversation, sometimes heated, but still good conversation. My problem with some of the critics on this forum is they make an initial inflammatory post, usually with no explanation of how they think things could be fixed or improved, and then don't participate in the discussion at all other than to make more inflammatory posts later on in the thread. If you're going to criticize, offer alternatives or at least participate in the discussion more than "I don't like x and if you don't agree with me ur stupid".

It took me a while to learn that, nobody likes to read someone bashing something they like. My problem is I usually can't eloquently explain why I like something, which makes it difficult to argue against someone who doesn't Smiley: tongue
#47 Feb 26 2013 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
MrMissile wrote:
TurboTom wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Some of us are just tired of reading the same negative posts from certain people over and over again.

Go be a poopy pants somewhere else lol

Negativity, troll or otherwise, is important to put things into perspective.

If people weren't negative about FFXIV in 2010, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.

I agree. However, complaining about the same things over and over and over and over again after the announcement of the big overhaul, telling people over and over and over and over again that SE's attempt will most probably fail, isn't quite contructive either, is it? Then you might put "admin approved" in your signature, but if I just put in perspective, a person like that has just been trolling for way more than a year.

MrMissile wrote:
TurboTom wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Some of us are just tired of reading the same negative posts from certain people over and over again.

Go be a poopy pants somewhere else lol

Negativity, troll or otherwise, is important to put things into perspective.

If people weren't negative about FFXIV in 2010, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.

I agree. However, complaining about the same things over and over and over and over again after the announcement of the big overhaul, telling people over and over and over and over again that SE's attempt will most probably fail, isn't quite contructive either, is it? Then you might put "admin approved" in your signature, but if I just put in perspective, a person like that has just been trolling for way more than a year.

Nobody has been complaingin about the Lag, UI Lag in atleast a year.... We have complained about the combat (Which if you have not been keeping up, SE has had to overhaul around 3-4 times in the span of 2 years) So even SE agrees with us in that regard, as far as telling people over and over again that SE attempts will fail, well we did say FFXIV had no chance to succed, and guess what SE did ? They started working on ARR, basically saying "Ok we cant deliver what we want with this game, so lets create one from the ground up, using 1.0 resources and build on it" and that's where we are.

Is not that we are trolling or being negative(Tho i sometimes are, on specific issues) is that we have been right more often than what the "Fanboys" or the people that blindly follow the game have been, so why should we listen to you guys ? Because yoshi writes letters ? Really ?

#48 Feb 26 2013 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
554 posts
Wint wrote:
Criticism is fine because it fosters conversation, sometimes heated, but still good conversation. My problem with some of the critics on this forum is they make an initial inflammatory post, usually with no explanation of how they think things could be fixed or improved, and then don't participate in the discussion at all other than to make more inflammatory posts later on in the thread. If you're going to criticize, offer alternatives or at least participate in the discussion more than "I don't like x and if you don't agree with me ur stupid".

It took me a while to learn that, nobody likes to read someone bashing something they like. My problem is I usually can't eloquently explain why I like something, which makes it difficult to argue against someone who doesn't Smiley: tongue

Wint wrote:
Criticism is fine because it fosters conversation, sometimes heated, but still good conversation. My problem with some of the critics on this forum is they make an initial inflammatory post, usually with no explanation of how they think things could be fixed or improved, and then don't participate in the discussion at all other than to make more inflammatory posts later on in the thread. If you're going to criticize, offer alternatives or at least participate in the discussion more than "I don't like x and if you don't agree with me ur stupid".

It took me a while to learn that, nobody likes to read someone bashing something they like. My problem is I usually can't eloquently explain why I like something, which makes it difficult to argue against someone who doesn't Smiley: tongue

One thing I'll give you Admin guys credit for, you didn't all go on a ban fest when 1.0 was out. Unlike FFXIV Core which at one point, banned anyone who said anything negative about the game, to the point the site became a ghost town. It's starting to pick up a little more traffic now... but the admins and mods did a lot more damage swinging away "wit teh hammer". You have to take the good with the bad I say. I've done my fair share of bashing on this game, which Imo it deserved. Then again I like the new producer they got, so I'm hopeful. We will see~

#49 Feb 26 2013 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
We won't ban you for having a negative opinion (see Poubelle Smiley: smile), but break the NDA and I'll go warm up Mjollnir! Smiley: thumbsup

Honestly the Karma system I think takes care of things for the post part. People don't really like it, but that is what it's there for. I haven't done much rating down in recent years though, usually I use it to rate something up that I agree with or think is funny more than rate down something I don't agree with.

Edited, Feb 26th 2013 7:47am by Wint
#50 Feb 26 2013 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
412 posts
Woofdram wrote:
GDLYL wrote:
FilthMcNasty's name is very familiar to me because of the negative statements. However, none of what he said was wrong.

You seem to be missing the point. It was said before, by others, and quite a few time too. Please don't make it come over like any of his repetitive whining opened eyes that had been closed before.

It opened mine.Smiley: eek

If there is one thing I realize, is that we need the complainers. I won't do it, and someone has to. Most of the time, I'm TOO understanding. Sometimes it takes that one person willing to ***** about it to make me see perspective.

When purchasing things online, I go straight to the 1 star reviews to see if there are any valid concerns. If most of them are about UPS or FEDEX shipping it to them late etc, I'll rest easy and take the 5 stars more seriously. If I had an issue with a product, I really couldn't be assed to go complain about it and put a 1 star review. Granted I never had a product fail on me because I do a lot of research before spending my hard earned money, especially if it's expensive. "Cheap things no good. Good things no cheap."

My point is, I'm kinda grateful for the negative nancies of the world. They have their purpose with me.Smiley: nod

Edited, Feb 26th 2013 1:29pm by GDLYL
#51 Feb 26 2013 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
31 posts
So Poub, when you smell flowers do you look around for a coffin?
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