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#52 Feb 05 2013 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
Interestingly, the released spec speculations of the PS4 actually make it just a bit less powerful than my 2 year old gaming machine. At the price point of $400 that would be a pretty good deal, and actually stronger than a commodity PC with a good video card slapped in it.
#53 Feb 05 2013 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Kaelanis wrote:
I think that the other thing that the 360 has going against it for a release of XIV is the fact that the system is not very popular in Japan.

It's definitely not, but Japan wasn't the target market when SE negotiated to bring XI to the xbox and presumably it wouldn't be for an XIV release, either. Unfortunately for the xbox crowd, the target market of NA also is heavily skewed towards MMOs = PC.

Most NA that are interested in this game are probably going to play on PC, with a handful of us on Ps3. Sure it would be cool to have an option to play on xbox, but I wouldn't want a gold membership to do it, nor would I want part of SE's cut to have to go to some royalties ******** M$ thinks they are entitled to for the privilege of developing for their platform.
#54 Feb 05 2013 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,310 posts
Torrence wrote:
Kaelanis wrote:
I think that the other thing that the 360 has going against it for a release of XIV is the fact that the system is not very popular in Japan.

Sure it would be cool to have an option to play on xbox, but I wouldn't want a gold membership to do it, nor would I want part of SE's cut to have to go to some royalties bullsh*t M$ thinks they are entitled to for the privilege of developing for their platform.

I'm convinced it's a price-point issue that has halted 360 development. Between licensing and what the user will be expected to pay-to-play (obviously it would end up being too high for the user or too low for either MS or SE), it's been impossible to reach an agreement where everyone gets an equitable "cut" of the subscription dollars. Maybe they'll have better luck on the next gen system.
#55 Feb 05 2013 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
Elionara wrote:
I guess everyone missed Yoshi's interview answer on this and many other things such as:
life time subscriptions
free to play model
directx 11 and so on.

Those EXIST? How come none of the MMOs I ever played had that option!? Man alive, I'd actually be able to enjoy an MMO! Monthly fees stress me the hell out. I never feel like I'm playing fifteen dollars worth. It's a full blown anxiety attack for me to subscribe to an MMO because I feel like I'm obligated to have fun each month.
#56 Feb 05 2013 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
Chromanin wrote:
Elionara wrote:
I guess everyone missed Yoshi's interview answer on this and many other things such as:
life time subscriptions
free to play model
directx 11 and so on.

Those EXIST? How come none of the MMOs I ever played had that option!? Man alive, I'd actually be able to enjoy an MMO! Monthly fees stress me the hell out. I never feel like I'm playing fifteen dollars worth. It's a full blown anxiety attack for me to subscribe to an MMO because I feel like I'm obligated to have fun each month.

Quite a few do have it, but they're VERY expensive, and risky.

Like some people have bought $200 lifetime subs for games that ended up going free later that year. lol
#57 Feb 05 2013 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
598 posts
"Lifetime" subscription screams cash grab death watch. It just wreaks of a company declaring they will profit from a short term effort.
I see so much complaining about existing MMO. You all spit out every existing mmo after a few months while clinging to whatever Tera or GW2 suits your specific fancy. How any one of you could possibly validate a lifetime subscription in the current mmo climate is beyond me.
/passes out from too much wine.
#58 Feb 05 2013 at 10:31 PM Rating: Good
383 posts
ShindaUsagi wrote:
"Lifetime" subscription screams cash grab death watch. It just wreaks of a company declaring they will profit from a short term effort.
I see so much complaining about existing MMO. You all spit out every existing mmo after a few months while clinging to whatever Tera or GW2 suits your specific fancy. How any one of you could possibly validate a lifetime subscription in the current mmo climate is beyond me.
/passes out from too much wine.

You never know. If you stick with the game long enough, it could be worth it.

Personally, I think that offering a lifetime sub wreaks of knowing that your product isn't worth the time that the money would have bought if you had subbed monthly. Although, if either WoW or FFXI had offered a lifetime sub, I would have definitely got the better end of either deal.
#59 Feb 06 2013 at 1:09 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Actually... hasn't EVERY MMO that offered a lifetime sub gone free-to-play by this point?

Yeah, the lifetime sub sounds like a much better option than it is given that reality.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#60 Feb 06 2013 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
Xoie wrote:
UltKnightGrover wrote:
You know how FFXIV 1.0 had seamless transitions between zones but were limited in the graphics they could display resulting in bland zones and heavy resource-reuse? Better hardware in the system could have averted that problem.

So how does WoW do it on PCs that were considered average back in 2004? It wasn't just "seamless" zoning between similar looking zones either, but you could literally fly between very different looking zones without skipping a beat.

I don't know the exact reasoning behind it, but it was something to do with PS3 textures loading. That's why they delayed it to March 2011 the first time way back when, or at least that's why they claimed to have delayed it.

World of Warcraft is just for PC.
#61 Feb 06 2013 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Not an MMO, but Livejournal lifetime paid subscriptions were $200 and they were offered ten years ago. Livejournal is still around. Anyone who bought one has gotten a real bargain.

#62 Feb 06 2013 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
They've been using Livejournal for ten years. Sounds more like a Monkey's Paw deal to me.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#63 Feb 06 2013 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Wint wrote:
Nashred wrote:
We will never see it on the Xbox due to Microsoft. Microsoft does not want any cross platform games or games that use servers off their network that they don't have control over of billing. I have been waiting for ever to hear this game would come to the 360 and was developed to be for a long time. Believe me I would love to see it.

So how does XI do it?

It is just like Torrence said. SE had way more power back then and Microsoft need them to help boost the 360. SE never made a game for the original Xbox. The final fantasy series is a very good selling series and helped Sony out. The same with EA back then, they could make or break a system. Microsoft let them because they need them at the time. Microsoft has lost vision and wont take a risk in my opinion and focused on mainly sport titles and First person shooters and such. If it aint going to be a sure hit they wont even look at the game anymore.

Oh and Torrence I completely agree with the first part. But why FFXIV is not on the Xbox is what SE said for the reason. There have been several interviews where it was asked and they have had several different reasons. SE wanted to bring it and Microsoft refused so it really does not matter. I picked up a ps3 for this game the other day. I am also looking at a computer too for it, since me and my girlfriend play ffxi and she is now excited about this FFXIV too.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#64 Feb 06 2013 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Kaelanis wrote:
I think that the other thing that the 360 has going against it for a release of XIV is the fact that the system is not very popular in Japan.

Edited, Feb 5th 2013 3:29pm by Kaelanis

True but I thought there was a poll between PS2, PC, and Xbox for FFXI. I can find it to verify but I know it was close between the pc and xbox. Way closer than I would have thought. I think the pc gap was also do to the fact some people played on both.

I know I run into allot of xbox users and very few ps2 users.

Edited, Feb 6th 2013 12:10pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#65 Feb 06 2013 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
They've been using Livejournal for ten years. Sounds more like a Monkey's Paw deal to me.

Absolutely wonderful. Smiley: lol
#66 Feb 07 2013 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Nashred wrote:
Kaelanis wrote:
I think that the other thing that the 360 has going against it for a release of XIV is the fact that the system is not very popular in Japan.

Edited, Feb 5th 2013 3:29pm by Kaelanis

True but I thought there was a poll between PS2, PC, and Xbox for FFXI. I can find it to verify but I know it was close between the pc and xbox. Way closer than I would have thought. I think the pc gap was also do to the fact some people played on both.

I know I run into allot of xbox users and very few ps2 users.

Playing XI on PS2 required you to buy a HD that was good for nothing other than XI really. It sounded like they had plans for it, but actually brought those plans to life in the PS3.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#67 Feb 07 2013 at 4:07 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm guessing they were thinking of the PSN but couldn't realize it until the PS3 launched.
#68 Feb 07 2013 at 7:22 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Kaelanis wrote:
I think that the other thing that the 360 has going against it for a release of XIV is the fact that the system is not very popular in Japan.

Edited, Feb 5th 2013 3:29pm by Kaelanis

True but I thought there was a poll between PS2, PC, and Xbox for FFXI. I can find it to verify but I know it was close between the pc and xbox. Way closer than I would have thought. I think the pc gap was also do to the fact some people played on both.

I know I run into allot of xbox users and very few ps2 users.

Playing XI on PS2 required you to buy a HD that was good for nothing other than XI really. It sounded like they had plans for it, but actually brought those plans to life in the PS3.

resident eviil outbreak, socom 3 :p
#69 Feb 07 2013 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
1,339 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
The human eye can only discern about 60 fps anyway. Above that and video will start to appear slower as the frames are smoothed further and further out.

The rest of your post was fairly factual but in regards to what you just spouted....


I am so sick and tired of seeing people mindlessly quoting this misinformation. First it was "The human eye can't discern above 24 frames a second." Then it was 30, and now it's 60 apparently. It's like a chain email of stupidity that never ends.

The fact of the matter is **** is relative and it's entirely dependent upon the person and their own optical nerves as to where they can discern slowdown. Personally mine's somewhere around 80-90 I *personally* can't detect anything above that. One of my roommates, Peter, however, can't tell the difference above 30 himself -- it all seems the same to him and he's 20/20 vision whereas I'm blind-as-a-bat nearsighted. His wife, on the other hand, constantly complains about frames above 90 being slow even though I can't tell a difference.

It's completely relative.

Archmage Callinon wrote:
I don't really wonder, it's the way this board is set up to encourage a hivemind and discourage any differing opinions. so it's no surprise to me that people would dislike me here.

No, they dislike you because you're an incorrect and blatant *** that doesn't offer anything but incorrect information and a pathetically combative attitude.

Plus, ZAM's hardly hivelike (for FFXI and FFXIV anyway) unless it involves subligar, Tanaka, or BARANCE.

catwho wrote:
My friiend the PS3 dev says they really haven't maxed out the capabilities of the PS3 yet. It's not quite completely optimized.

Think of the difference in graphics between FFX and FFXII. We thought that FFX and MGS2 were the extent of what the PS2 was capable of. We were wrong.

You got me to thinking on that so I loaded both of them up to try to compare. Looking at both games the actual graphical fidelity doesn't really seem to be that different (and if anything the jaggedness of a lot of FFXII looks worse actually). The difference, though, seems to be in the textures and artwork. I wouldn't be surprised if working on FFX and then FFXI helped them to squeeze as much as they could out of the limited VRAM.

That's probably personal tastes though. They look the same to me in terms of fidelity (aside from the textures in FFXII being better).

Edited, Feb 7th 2013 3:34pm by Viertel
#70 Feb 07 2013 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
3,737 posts
Would you please attribute that second quote to the person that actually said it.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#71 Feb 07 2013 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Kaelanis wrote:
I think that the other thing that the 360 has going against it for a release of XIV is the fact that the system is not very popular in Japan.

Edited, Feb 5th 2013 3:29pm by Kaelanis

True but I thought there was a poll between PS2, PC, and Xbox for FFXI. I can find it to verify but I know it was close between the pc and xbox. Way closer than I would have thought. I think the pc gap was also do to the fact some people played on both.

I know I run into allot of xbox users and very few ps2 users.

Playing XI on PS2 required you to buy a HD that was good for nothing other than XI really. It sounded like they had plans for it, but actually brought those plans to life in the PS3.

resident eviil outbreak, socom 3 :p

Socom 2 also used it, but my point is that it wasn't as widely used as HD on PS3 or Xbox360 are now. Where were all the games creating downloadable content for consoles when the PS2 HD was announced?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#72 Feb 07 2013 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
Honestly I'd rather see Wii U development than PS4. The saturation rate for the PS3 is big enough and the PS2 has shown us the shelf life is long enough to support an MMO safely. In the future it would be nice if there were a point where they stopped PS3 support to enable maturation of the game and offered a free PS4 version of the game for people (this would assume, hopefully safely, that PSN ID's will transfer to the PS4 like the PS3/PSP/and Vita have).

The reason I say the Wii U is that in theory it "should" have enough horsepower AND the touchscreen makes (or should make) the PC UI usable on a console. The only problem there would be if Nintendo's next console didn't have a touch screen controller then the game would be stuck from a technical standpoint when they needed to move on.
#73 Feb 07 2013 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
598 posts
TurboTom wrote:
ShindaUsagi wrote:
"Lifetime" subscription screams cash grab death watch. It just wreaks of a company declaring they will profit from a short term effort.
I see so much complaining about existing MMO. You all spit out every existing mmo after a few months while clinging to whatever Tera or GW2 suits your specific fancy. How any one of you could possibly validate a lifetime subscription in the current mmo climate is beyond me.
/passes out from too much wine.

You never know. If you stick with the game long enough, it could be worth it.

Personally, I think that offering a lifetime sub wreaks of knowing that your product isn't worth the time that the money would have bought if you had subbed monthly. Although, if either WoW or FFXI had offered a lifetime sub, I would have definitely got the better end of either deal.

Perrin wrote:
Honestly I'd rather see Wii U development than PS4. The saturation rate for the PS3 is big enough and the PS2 has shown us the shelf life is long enough to support an MMO safely. In the future it would be nice if there were a point where they stopped PS3 support to enable maturation of the game and offered a free PS4 version of the game for people (this would assume, hopefully safely, that PSN ID's will transfer to the PS4 like the PS3/PSP/and Vita have).

The reason I say the Wii U is that in theory it "should" have enough horsepower AND the touchscreen makes (or should make) the PC UI usable on a console. The only problem there would be if Nintendo's next console didn't have a touch screen controller then the game would be stuck from a technical standpoint when they needed to move on.

Derail ahead (when don't I)

I humbly hope Wii U burns for pulling off the Bayonetta exclusive. That just drives me absolutely crazy!

I'm stuck playing DMC (New Dante is sexay, btw) while hoping a new Heavenly Sword releases on PS4.

*edit The wine still floweth.

Edited, Feb 7th 2013 10:58pm by ShindaUsagi

Edited, Feb 7th 2013 11:02pm by ShindaUsagi
#74 Feb 07 2013 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
Did they actually put a hard drive in the Wii U this time? I know that's why XI couldn't be ported to the original Wii.
#75 Feb 08 2013 at 12:13 AM Rating: Default
925 posts
catwho wrote:
Did they actually put a hard drive in the Wii U this time? I know that's why XI couldn't be ported to the original Wii.

16gb? That's about enough for 2 mario games and some golf. I think they expect you to use a usb drive. Not sure about the WiiU but I ran alpha off a usb drive at work and it was slow as molasses >.>
Like Final Fantasy XI, the game specs will be extremely high for the time, but in about 5 years, an average machine can run it on max settings with little to no issues. Tanaka also expressed interest in making a benchmark program available.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
I endorse this thread.
#76 Feb 08 2013 at 4:14 AM Rating: Default
26 posts
catwho wrote:
Did they actually put a hard drive in the Wii U this time? I know that's why XI couldn't be ported to the original Wii.

Nope. My cell phone came with as much memory as the Wii U does, and I can at least double that if I choose to.

You can use external HD's though.

Edited, Feb 8th 2013 5:16am by DevilFruit
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