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Warning to Players SE is STILL Banning!Follow

#152 Jul 28 2009 at 4:06 PM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
I'm pretty shocked that an ALLA Admin hasn't written an editorial on this topic... (no, that Happy Friday comic doesn't count... )

so... another month and 10000 more bannings and maybe we will see one?

If it was only 10,000 bans I would be shocked. Honestly, in June it was like ~17,000. July they are probably going to report a similar number. Also I'm not shocked an Admin hasn't written an editorial about this.

They won't do that because they don't want to hurt their relationship with SE. They were probably given a subtle warning last time they did it.

Subtle warning for what? Pointing out a mistake that SE made and then not commenting on it? What would they do for that anyway?

I think the reason an Alla Admin hasn't written an editorial about this like they have on the enfeebling nerf is because this doesn't affect everyone, that did (to an extent). It seems like the general consensus' attitude for the people these bannings did not directly affect is "this didn't happen to me yet so who gives a sh*t?" and that is probably the same attitude the admins carry.

Sorry, but I have to agree somewhat with Arcturus. Always take threads like this with a grain of salt. I mean, you guys were so quick to burn Kellinda at the stake last week, but Gummybear? FACT!

That was all I needed to see. Obviously she doesn't take us seriously. If the Alla admins don't, then why would SE? They haven't been banned yet, so clearly we are cheaters, crooks, and RMTs and must be lying about our innocence or have done something to deserve it. After all, SE is a perfect company and they never @#%^ up... ever. Everything is "working as intended" and no bans could possibly be faulty. It's SE, how could it be? At least that is the general attitude I am seeing lately. Sure a lot of people are upset about this but nobody is going to do anything because most people can't see beyond the scope of "cover your own *** unless it happens to you". At this point nothing we say or do is going to help matters so might as well just say @#%^ it.

Also, I am sorry for what happened to Kellinda. I had no part of that but any warning with GM word of mouth is still worth listening to.

I am glad a lot of people have the attitude of, if you don't like or agree with something you should run, give up, move on. Democratic countries were built on this attitude.

Sadly it seems in this situation that is exactly what is going on. Nothing personal against anyone, just stating my observation of what I see going on lately.

Edited, Jul 28th 2009 8:24pm by Phallucy
#153 Jul 28 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
Logged in today, and was greeted by an SGM.

Taken straight to Mordion Gaol, and accused of harassment of someone I've ignored for the last month because they were a lying *****. Apparently I'd made death threats to them as well >.>

No ban, no warnings, no evidence.
#154 Jul 28 2009 at 5:58 PM Rating: Excellent
23 posts
I would not expect any admin on any forum to take an active interest in a matter that does not directly affect them.

I do not wish this ban on anyone, but it may take some hard numbers of people banned, including a number of high profile characters.
#155 Jul 28 2009 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
admins are ************* they rather get the next interview then do whats best for their customers (forum users)

they forget they get paid because people log on this site.
#156 Jul 28 2009 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
2,722 posts
xbobbobx wrote:
admins are chickensh*ts, they rather get the next interview then do whats best for their customers (forum users)

they forget they get paid because people log on this site.

I've got a lot of respect for the admins on this site. They take a lot of crap and probably refrain from saying a lot of things BECAUSE they're admins. Some even get actively involved in the community and know how to keep their "admin" status separate from their "player" status - giving advice and being willing to admit when they don't know or hadn't considered something. I think they're waiting for more information before writing anything in an official capacity. They took some time with the enfeebling glitch, as well, if I remember correctly. I would prefer to see something sooner than later, but I don't hold it against them.

I really doubt they have a hidden agenda or have been "scared off" by SE. I think they're just biding their time and discussing what they need/want to do.
#157 Jul 28 2009 at 6:18 PM Rating: Excellent
You're mistaken if you think that we are indifferent to these bans, because we aren't. It's just that at the moment, we've been trying to figure out the reasoning behind these bans. Don't think that because we've not said anything that we don't care.
Lady Jinte wrote:

Vlorsutes' Negotiation Skill rises 0.2 points
Vlorsutes' Observant Parent Skill rises 0.3 points
Vlorsutes' Argument Diffusing Skill rises 0.1 points

#158 Jul 28 2009 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
I really doubt they have a hidden agenda or have been "scared off" by SE. I think they're just biding their time and discussing what they need/want to do.

unfortunately i dont believe that, and they do stuff for people because it their job, they better do it, but almost every interview from every site, the interviewers wont touch the hot topics, they all ************ on all sites, because they know soon as they cause any trouble they dont get an interview again.
#159 Jul 28 2009 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
You're mistaken if you think that we are indifferent to these bans, because we aren't. It's just that at the moment, we've been trying to figure out the reasoning behind these bans. Don't think that because we've not said anything that we don't care.

Isn't that the same stance SE takes regarding their customer support that everyone is complaining about?

#160 Jul 28 2009 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
xbobbobx wrote:
I really doubt they have a hidden agenda or have been "scared off" by SE. I think they're just biding their time and discussing what they need/want to do.

unfortunately i dont believe that, and they do stuff for people because it their job, they better do it, but almost every interview from every site, the interviewers wont touch the hot topics, they all chickensh*ts on all sites, because they know soon as they cause any trouble they dont get an interview again.

Believe what you want, but that's not the case. If it was, then we should never have been able to get an interview after we did our editorial arguing against the resist rates a couple months back, and how it was a serious issue as far as a lack of communication between SE and us.
Lady Jinte wrote:

Vlorsutes' Negotiation Skill rises 0.2 points
Vlorsutes' Observant Parent Skill rises 0.3 points
Vlorsutes' Argument Diffusing Skill rises 0.1 points

#161 Jul 28 2009 at 7:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Don't worry... we're well aware of this problem, and we're planning a response. We simply want to make sure we handle this carefully.

People who have been banned could help us out by providing screenshots or copies of correspondence, if any correspondence exists. Send me a PM if you have anything. I know it can be hard to come by, especially if the bulk of your contact with SE is through its call center.

Just because none of us has been banned doesn't mean this hasn't affected us. We're FFXI gamers too. This has impacted all of us.

Edited, Jul 28th 2009 8:55pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#162 Jul 28 2009 at 8:00 PM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
People who have been banned could help us out by providing screenshots or copies of correspondence, if any correspondence exists. Send me a PM if you have anything. I know it can be hard to come by, especially if the bulk of your contact with SE is through its call center.

What specifically do you guys want? I have started using the chat exclusively and logged every chat session I have had with SE. Unfortunately I did not at first but I have several of them to offer. I did not screenshot the GM chat my room mate had with a GM about my account but we can initiate another session and see if that GM will be as helpful and I can screenshot the log of it. Let me know what you need and I'll give you everything, including a copy of my letter sent to the NA account manager and my BBB complaint if you wish.

EDIT: I don't know if there is a character limit to posts or PMs so it might be easier if I e-mail everything? I have a LOT to send.

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 12:07am by Phallucy
#163 Jul 28 2009 at 8:57 PM Rating: Excellent
My email is E-mail me anything you have. Even if nothing is actually used in print, any correspondence will give us a more clear idea of what's going on.
Thayos Redblade
#164 Jul 28 2009 at 9:53 PM Rating: Excellent
79 posts
I'm not sure about others, but I have a hard time believing people can be indifferent to these bannings because it didn't 'apply' to them. This is not a single player game, this is a MMO, much (if not all) of the gaming experience is because of the people that you interact with. FFXI without the community would suck so much it wouldn't even be funny. "I wouldn't still be playing FF if not for my friends/LS" is a commonly seen phrase, but its dead on true.

To say these unjust bannings doesn't bother admins or whoever simply can't be true in my opinion. It will affect each and everyone of us because even if the people banned aren't you or your friends; they could be friends of your friends (and so on). I'm sure you all know the feeling when one of your friends decides to quit, don't tell me it doesn't sadden you one bit at all. For every one of my friends who quit, my motivation to log in declines considerably, I would think this applies to everyone.

That is why when I read about these unfair bannings, even though I have no idea who the person is, it still greatly saddens me because I know the community size is deteriorating for the game that we've all come to love (or at least used to love).

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 1:54am by TMR
#165 Jul 28 2009 at 10:00 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Effective immediately, my linkshell has deactivated as a linkshell.

The amount of accounts and content ids they just lost will voice our opinion. I've ran a linkshell based on trust and respect. I've always gone against the points system in my ls as I believe, not everyone can dedicate their life playing a game and that friendship and trust above us mean more then anything a virtual item can provide.

We've spent countless hours, working every single craft in the game to 100+3 (+6 for hocho my gf is a master cooker + ninja leveled). We craft for all other players for free. We've camped every sky pop, done countless Kirins, in efforts to gear our ls members and even gift drops to friends of the shell that are in need of help. We've done countless genkai's to assist new players during each of the waves of new players, and spent countless hours seeing that other shells succeed in their goals.

It's depressing that this will be the first time I deactivated my content ID in 6 years... *Lisetning to the theme from the Sanctuary of Zitah"

BTW while I'm typing this SE just added something where you have to secure your CC through some system... My God are they already responding???

Notice of New Security Features:

Changes to Playonline Membership Agreements:

EDIT: To finish my thoughts. Thank you Thayos I will also be forwarding you information. Thank you to all the admins and people that have supported us. Thank you for not instantly classifying us as cheaters and rmt'ers...

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 2:06am by GummybearOdin
#166 Jul 28 2009 at 10:00 PM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
My email is E-mail me anything you have. Even if nothing is actually used in print, any correspondence will give us a more clear idea of what's going on.

Will do ^^ I'll start gathering everything and send it to you tomorrow or by Friday at the latest. I am going to get in contact with Customer Support one last time tomorrow and see if they will shed any more light about the bannings, and also see if SE has responded to my rebuttal from my BBB complaint and gather that up too. Thanks a bunch :D


Effective immediately, my linkshell has deactivated as a linkshell.

The amount of accounts and content ids they just lost will voice our opinion.

Make sure you send something to SE as a shell then to voice your opinion and make them understand that business they lost is a result of recent events and their failure to address them, not because you decided you no longer wanted to play the game on your own terms. Make them understand it is being done in protest and it will probably have a greater impact than just simply deactivating your content IDs and silently walking away.

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 2:04am by Phallucy
#167 Jul 28 2009 at 10:07 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Make sure you send something to SE as a shell then to voice your opinion and make them understand that business they lost is a result of recent events and their failure to address them, not because you decided you no longer wanted to play the game on your own terms. Make them understand it is being done in protest and it will probably have a greater impact than just simply deactivating your content IDs and silently walking away.

Many ls members are sending a Special Task Force letter custom written each day through the POL Viewer hoping to get their attention. Good advice. :)
#168 Jul 28 2009 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
ManifestOfKujata wrote:

Unfortunately Callinon is correct: they can ban you at any time for any reason, and they are legally thus far able to do so. The only thing that can possibly be done to feel the wraith of the courts is if they ban you one month and then charge you the next (without restoring the account).

Fixed. In South Korea, that unless a officer of the company has LEGAL reasonable basis for preventing (i.e. banhammer) a person access to his virtual property/good, the company CANNOT ban said person. That means, suspicion does not cut it, there must be EVIDENCE. You know, the kind of standard most countries have, and SE used to have, before they decided on banning people on SUSPICIOUS activity just because they decide it was cheaper to do so.

I can't find the link atm, but I do remember the STF promising to adhere to evidence before implementing bans, looks like SE stopped caring.
#169 Jul 28 2009 at 11:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Literally just registered to add some pertinent information to the discussion at hand.

For instance, if you read the PlayOnline and FFXI agreements carefully, the only option you seem to legally have to fight this is to stop giving Square-Enix money. They flat-out say that they can ban you for any reason, and that their decisions are final. They also say that you own nothing in connection to your character, therefore you have not lost anything if you didn't own it in the first place. There's even a section in which the user agrees not to reproduce any communication with Square-Enix.

Personally, I just got a new computer recently and thought it would be a cool idea to give the 14-day free trial of FFXI a shot. I never had a chance to play it when it was new, so I thought it would be fun to check it out. And, it was, for the two hours of gameplay I got out of it.

After spending over 11 hours installing, updating, and setting up PlayOnline so I could check out FFXI, I created a Hume Red Mage and spent some time figuring out the controls and talking to NPCs in Bartok. I received the first quest, but was too tired to do it at the time, so I logged out after only about an hour. The next day, I logged in again for another hour or so, and explored the mines a bit. The only interaction I ever had with any other players was one random guy who saw me near-death, cast cure+protect on me, and continued on his merry way. I didn't interfere with any of the two or three others I saw in the mine. I just fought a few Ding Bats, explored the mine, checked out the market district, and logged out.

A few hours later, I went to play again and received notice that my account was banned, due to violation of the PlayOnline or Final Fantasy XI agreements. Of which the only parts I may have been in non-compliance with were: suspicion of being under 13 (which I'm not by any stretch of the imagination, but they literally don't need a reason for this one) or providing a false name (I used a common nickname instead of my given first name).

I was starting to like the game, and then seconds later they decide I'm a shady person for some reason and yank it out from under me. Way to lose a customer before even getting her...
#170 Jul 28 2009 at 11:30 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Wow... They probably should just stop the trial service for awhile until they can get their act together on to do next, others have been banned in the trial also that have never played or live no where close to me...
#171 Jul 28 2009 at 11:32 PM Rating: Excellent
I did consider officially joining, in the hope that they might be logical about things and less likely to ban someone who they can identify. After reading up on the ban-fest, though... I'm perfectly willing to wait and see if things get better, thankyouverymuch.

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 3:36am by AnyaLouvel
#172 Jul 29 2009 at 12:17 AM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
AnyaLouvel, just out of curiosity did you happen to start more than 1 trial account at the same time? I talked to a representative about that and they said they are only allowing 1 trial account per IP address. I would write down your PlayOnline ID and registration code and contact customer support about it and ask why they banned that account. Even if you opened up more than one trial innocently because something silly happened like losing your password or PlayOnline ID and not being able to log in, or because you wanted to change the name on that account or start one for a family member or friend who is over at your house so you can try the game together, they will ban your account no matter what the reason. They will cite "shady activities" and point it at RMT.

I know because a friend had never played the game and while I was at his house we both opened up trial accounts together and POL banned both of them. When I called in to customer service the next day, the agent said it was because more than one was opened on the same IP/network so they linked it to RMT activities and banned both accounts. BS? Absolutely. But I digress, not much you can do other than shake your head at SE.

I am sorry this happened to you though, no matter the cause. As far as banning trial accounts this is the only thing I know off hand that would get a trial account banned so fast. If that is not the case with you, then I have no idea why they would have banned it. If you really want to still play I would recommend reporting it to customer service and asking about the ban, and then asking if you would be safe opening up a normal account (you get a 30 day trial when you do so, but you have to buy the game first so... it's kind of win/lose just to try it) without fear of being banned. Best of luck to you ^^

EDIT: Also on a side note, this would be a good thing to PM to Thayos or another admin for the response they are preparing. New player with no previous experience getting banned (even if it is a trial account) out of the blue? Definitely something is going on and it should be looked in to.

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 4:22am by Phallucy
#173 Jul 29 2009 at 12:27 AM Rating: Excellent
I don't see any way that could be the case. I only had the one PlayOnline ID. I do have a wireless DSL internet connection and Norton Internet Security, so Lord knows what they're getting for my IP address. Unlike some people on this thread, I only accessed PlayOnline from one location, so that wasn't it, either.

Before the ban, I was considering buying the package with several (all?) of the expansions included. Now, I've grown a bit wary of PlayOnline in general. That shouldn't happen after only two days...

EDIT: Yes, I was considering that. ^_^ Thanks for the suggestion.

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 4:28am by AnyaLouvel
#174 Jul 29 2009 at 1:22 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
I don't understand something. It could be I'm dense. My wife would agree. But even considering my thick-headedness, something doesn't add up.

How is it that admins refrain from making an editorial/statement, and use the concept of "we care about the game/players, so we're just being very careful before saying/doing anything"?

That seems prudent, but how long is too long?

I seem to remember the previous enfeebling issue hinging on lack of communication from SE. That seems to be the same problem here (banning people without saying why, and then refusing to allow appeals; all the while SE refusing to admit mistakes or take corrective action).

Either admins and SE ARE talking together (and we would like to be clued-in on all the happy-haps), or they are NOT talking together (and we would like admins to publicly address this as it's a recurring issue). If the former, I would have expected more transparency from admins; if the latter, I would have expected more vehemence from the admins.

Lack of response by admin in either case seems, well, lacking a bit of intestinal fortitude.


Edit: typo - sorry, I'm tired. :0)

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 6:00am by spankilicious
#175 Jul 29 2009 at 3:35 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
spcwill wrote:
While I agree that you are making the right move in order to get results you want, I think that giving them a quarter to clean up thier act isn't an unreasonable thing to do.
And that's why nothing really gets done in a timely manner. They know they have you by the short hairs. The constantly botched up updates, countless messed up attempts to eliminate RMT, lackluster additions, weak customer service, zero communication with the playerbase, (Oh, and that whole insult which is Absolute Virtue) and people still willing to pay their monthly fee, complaining and threatening the entire way. I'll agree it isn't an unreasonable thing to give quarter at first, but its been six years.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#176 Jul 29 2009 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
1,342 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
I'll agree it isn't an unreasonable thing to give quarter at first, but its been six years.

While I have been playing for six years, I have not had or seen a serious issue such as this that I was unwilling to stand by the wayside about that lasted longer than a quarter.

Everyone has a point in which they stand and proclaim that that won't sit idle any longer...I found that point for myself, and this is it.

ashikenshin wrote:

spcwill wrote:
If by 3 months they continue down this path they will have lost another $12.95/month.

you can't live without your fix right? when 3 months have passed you will say: "another 3 months and I quit"

Actually, the game doesn't really hold the same addiction factor it used to. I mentioned in a different thread that all I have done in the past few months is log on 3-4 times and get a few levels on my Pup doing some FoV in western altepa desert. I don't have a ls(even a social one). I haven't spent much time logged in on this new server to make many new friends from the last time I took an extended break. Nothing exist's that would compel me to return. When I do log on it is merely to kill time. I have already achieved the super ultimate goal I set for myself in the game of getting a maats cap. I don't have any goals left. There is nothing else that I really want to do in the game. I am now the casualist of casual players. I could retire now and be content about it.

If they don't clean up thier act by the end of next month, then Newpappy of Bismark(formerly Illwill of Shiva) will not be seen again.

Edit: After reading some of the changes SE is enforcing today, it is clear that they don't plan on mending thier ways to make themselves more customer friendly. When I get home I am going to cancel my content I.D.'s and say farwell to FFXI.(That is if I will be able to access my account after the whole CC registering debacle that will surely unsue.)

I really don't understand this move on thier part at all.

Edited, Jul 29th 2009 7:41am by spcwill
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