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Warning to Players SE is STILL Banning!Follow

#452 Mar 10 2010 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
I've been camping an NM for the last couple of days...Jeduah, for a sword for my bluemage.

It's my work week so I just stay logged in (sometimes I logged out) and when I happen to wander past the computer I kill the little Tiny Lycopodium using a ga spell and either hang out waiting to see if he pops next go round or I plod back to bed until my next pee break. I'm only playing the game for 10 minutes at a go because I'm sleeping or going to work, so there's no point going anywhere else in game, I was just planning on hanging out here until I get the drop so I can go level my bluemage on my weekend. I'm the only person there looking for the NM.

Anyway...I wake up, plod back to my computer and find I'm in jail!

The "read me" guy said I was suspended and may be banned, but didn't tell me why or for how long or what happens?!?! Do they send me an email or something?

I'm so confused, I didn't do anything!

How long are you usually in jail before you can start asking questions?
#453 Mar 10 2010 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
Hello my friends,

Remember me!!!

I posted a few weeks ago about my account being banned because of RTM in just few days without any review first? Well guess what, filed complain and guess what almost one months later my account is still banned yei!!!

Bought another game and guess WHAT?? Banned AGAIN!!! LOL I have to laugh because seriously, Is this possible? Can someone explain to me how can they be expecting me to pay for FFXIV if I can't even play just to try FFXI? They need and want costumer , don't they? Are they so rich tha they don't need anyone else? About the claim , nothing happened so I'm guessing the so BANNED COMPLAIN is just BS. Theyr are not reviewing anything and the STF is no real. It is fake STE doesn't exist, they don't review you account. I'm sorry to be so pessimistic but I'm the proof that they are banning people just because. I wish I could have the money to sue for Sue for Defamation. Besides I'm not that important so they will not take me in consideration. I'm just so sad.

Anyways. Here is the new story: AGAIN! Wanting to play with my husband so bad because I got addicted in my previous account, I decided to give a last shot. Yes, ladies and gentlemen! I'm a freaking ****** for given them money again. I bought a new game ( another one) this time, since I was scared to get banned again, I decided to play different. Instead of log in 3 consecutive day I decided to log in the first day. Then a week later a log in again and finally 3 days later, today, I log in and miraculously I got banned. So this time I got banned not by 3 consecutive day logging in but by logging in 3 random days and just because. Nothing is wrong with my credit card, because I make sure it wouldn't happened again. Din't level up quickly. No friends again. Didn't talk with anyone. Not even LS group. Didn't sell much stuff. So can someone please, please make me find the sense of why could I get banned again for RTM reasons???

So in my opinion guys, this is fishy. What are they trying to do?? I don't know about other new users because I have seen a lot of new people with the question mark next to their nickname. Anyways, I was careful this time not to level up fast like before. I just made it until 8 level before getting banned. Not much of auction just the regular stuff, enough to buy maybe a weapon but no enough to buy me an whole set.

This Square Enix is worst than anything else.
#454 Mar 10 2010 at 11:05 PM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
Lucky you guys that at least can see the jail for a moment. I just get the banned directly.

This is so depressing. I'm angry towards me for caring about a game, about this company, wasting my time and money in this trash of company.
#455 Mar 11 2010 at 4:53 AM Rating: Excellent
92 posts
Hello my friends,

Remember me!!!

I posted a few weeks ago about my account being banned because of RTM in just few days without any review first? Well guess what, filed complain and guess what almost one months later my account is still banned yei!!!

Bought another game and guess WHAT?? Banned AGAIN!!! LOL I have to laugh because seriously, Is this possible? Can someone explain to me how can they be expecting me to pay for FFXIV if I can't even play just to try FFXI? They need and want costumer , don't they? Are they so rich tha they don't need anyone else? About the claim , nothing happened so I'm guessing the so BANNED COMPLAIN is just BS. Theyr are not reviewing anything and the STF is no real. It is fake STE doesn't exist, they don't review you account. I'm sorry to be so pessimistic but I'm the proof that they are banning people just because. I wish I could have the money to sue for Sue for Defamation. Besides I'm not that important so they will not take me in consideration. I'm just so sad.

Anyways. Here is the new story: AGAIN! Wanting to play with my husband so bad because I got addicted in my previous account, I decided to give a last shot. Yes, ladies and gentlemen! I'm a freaking ****** for given them money again. I bought a new game ( another one) this time, since I was scared to get banned again, I decided to play different. Instead of log in 3 consecutive day I decided to log in the first day. Then a week later a log in again and finally 3 days later, today, I log in and miraculously I got banned. So this time I got banned not by 3 consecutive day logging in but by logging in 3 random days and just because. Nothing is wrong with my credit card, because I make sure it wouldn't happened again. Din't level up quickly. No friends again. Didn't talk with anyone. Not even LS group. Didn't sell much stuff. So can someone please, please make me find the sense of why could I get banned again for RTM reasons???

So in my opinion guys, this is fishy. What are they trying to do?? I don't know about other new users because I have seen a lot of new people with the question mark next to their nickname. Anyways, I was careful this time not to level up fast like before. I just made it until 8 level before getting banned. Not much of auction just the regular stuff, enough to buy maybe a weapon but no enough to buy me an whole set.

This Square Enix is worst than anything else.

you must have used the same credit card for all the accounts that you bought
#456 Mar 11 2010 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
Anyone fluent in Japanese? I feel like also doing, in true English style, a complaint letter to the CEO. Probably won't do any good at all, but would be worth something as a statement to them.
#457 Mar 11 2010 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
Hi Skmm,

Yeah, I would have thought the same if it weren't for the difference in time that I got banned in both account. In the first one same CC, I logged in the first day then the secon, then the third and got the banned message.

In the second account, month later after the banned complain been filed, I used the same CC but like I sad I didn't log in in 3 consecutive days like the first one because I was afraid of getting banned again. So in other words I waited for a day o more before playing. The first day was when I bought the game and finished installing, registering etc... I played like 2 hours or 3 then I waited like a week or more. Please be aware that at this time the account was already created and my c.c registered. Continuing... I logged in the second time , a week or more, and played for 4 hours. After two or three day, not sure but it wasn't the next day, I logged in and played 2 hours. Next time my account was already banned. So my account was created with my c.c. and it took about 2 and a half week to get the banned message. So just 3 logged in = getting banned

Going back to the first account, happened the same thing but it was three consecutive days. I thought it was my c.c but it wasn't. I got my first game on February the 13, Friday. I played that same day for an hour because it was pretty late, like 2 AM (meaning it was already Feb 14). Then Saturday 14 when I woke up , played like for 6 or 7 hours, then Sunday a few hour and on Monday logged in 12 am (being Tuesday already actually) and at 3 am got the banned message.

My COMMON SENSE and NEED to figure this out... made me thought: Well I registered friday night, they weren't working and on Monday the notice something weird in my credit card, don't know what could have been since I don't use it that much, and the banned message popped out.

But using my common sense again, hey wait a minute, they don't work at 3:am so how da hell could this have happenes if no one was working at that time. Ok, maybe they have a program that kicked me out by itself. Don't know.

Next time decided to buy the game again, like I said. Same Credit Card! My account was registered a week and more. Meaning they already had all the information they needed to get me banned and all the time to do so. Ironically I registered again the same day of the week... A FRIDAY! Nex time I logged in, I think it was Tuesday of the second week, nothing happened. I played had fun blah blah blah... Second time was a day of the weekend don't remember and next time was another day of the next week, and finally the banned message.

See any correlation anyone?? Yes I got banned after three days of logging in. It doesn't matter how much time have passes between one day and the other next day. I got banned in the same amount of time if you erase the time between those days.

Again it can't be the credit card, if not the reasons then would have been credit card irregularities and not RMT. Second it can't be the credit card since it took 3 weeks to get banned while in the FIRST account it took only the weekend.

So once again I hit the wall. What can someone do in only three day to get banned for RMT reasond.


Seriously need a light please, I need to see the light.

This is wrong, they simple don't want people to play anymore or what?

Edited, Mar 11th 2010 9:48pm by Xukiro

Edited, Mar 11th 2010 9:53pm by Xukiro
#458 Mar 11 2010 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
Sorry a lot of misspelling :( , not my 1rst language.
#459 Mar 12 2010 at 2:56 AM Rating: Good
Still in jail.
This is not fair. How long until I get to talk to somebody?!
If I'm still in jail after 4 more days I'm just canceling everything and SE will NEVER get any of my money again. Which sucks, I was really looking forward to the next one, but it's the principle...they're still charging me and I can't play, and I didn't do anything wrong!
#460 Mar 12 2010 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
I am one of those new players who have been affected by this mysterious LM-17 ban. I have BARELY been playing for a week, I did not trade any gil, I did not use any illegal programs, I sat on my chair and killed every single monster diligently with my ps3 controller. When I contacted live chat support they accused me of RMT.

You know, I bought FFXI because I was looking to subscribe FFXIV when they finally release it. Now? Not so much.
#461Pachichachi, Posted: Mar 12 2010 at 11:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If your husband loves you, he'll quit playing FFXI and join you in another game.
#462 Mar 14 2010 at 4:29 AM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
Oh look what we have here! A love Guru.

Thank you Doc for the awesome advice my problem with the banned account have been solved with you wise knowledge. I will get a divorce!

Proffessor Pachichachi, sweetheart, we are here because we have an account problem not a love one. I'm a grown up person, I can handle my relationship problems. Thank You

Moving on.........
#463 Mar 14 2010 at 4:37 AM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
rherton wrote:
I am one of those new players who have been affected by this mysterious LM-17 ban. I have BARELY been playing for a week, I did not trade any gil, I did not use any illegal programs, I sat on my chair and killed every single monster diligently with my ps3 controller. When I contacted live chat support they accused me of RMT.

You know, I bought FFXI because I was looking to subscribe FFXIV when they finally release it. Now? Not so much.

Wow sorry to hear that. Apparently they don't want new players to join. They should stop selling the game instead of banning. I'm also giving a second thought about buying FFXIV.

These people need to handle their costumer with more respect and care. Oh well! I will not feed their pocket if they don't fix my account.

It is so frustrating not being able to do something. Is like the bully stealing away the baby's candy. So sad.
#464 Mar 14 2010 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
I'm doing whatever little I can to make sure more people know about this. I've been posting on gaming forums to raise awareness. People should NOT be cheated of their money like this. I suffered because I was misinformed about the state of the game, and would not like anyone else to feel the same way I did, being falsely accused of cheating. Such audacity, SE.

Edited, Mar 14th 2010 2:24pm by rherton
#465 Mar 17 2010 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
STILL in jail.
Called customer service, they said they couldn't help me, that I would just have to stay logged in and wait in the jail for a GM to contact me.

This is bullsh*t.

I can't farking sit at my computer for days waiting for a GM to start talking to me.

Billing is on the 1st of the month, if I haven't heard from somebody by March 26 I'll cancel my account. I've been playing this game for fraking 5 years! I've worked bloody hard at my character! I am SO angry.

Edited, Mar 17th 2010 10:34am by digitalbruise
#466 Mar 17 2010 at 10:35 PM Rating: Excellent
2,722 posts
You can cancel your ID's and still play to the end of the month. Not sure if you still can past a maintainence, but you sure can play for the month you paid for.
#467 Mar 22 2010 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
38 posts
I've sat here and read quite a lot of this post while the version update is happening, and i have to say, i agree with everyone of you on here.

SE have a responsibility to look after us, but at the same time, we are all annoyed with RMT.

RMT happens in any game, and generally, means and interventions are introduced to stop it... or it die's out of its own accord.

Se's problem is that they've smashed the glass on the ban hammer and brought it out to play... it doesn't matter who you are or what your doing, we've all be labeled as RMT's.

In my opinion, and i am entitled to one, just like the rest of you, there is only one way to open SE's eyes a little in the hope of reducing this mindless rampage they're on; if not stopping it all together.

Boycott XIV on its release.

Some of you have said already that you aren't going to play it for the reasons stated in this post. I totally agree.

That is why i believe "Boycotting" XIV, and potentially making XIV a failure in Financial terms as well as gaming terms will mean more focus on XI.

but then, its my opinion on the matter, what do you guys think ?

Edited, Mar 22nd 2010 2:30pm by barseil
#468 Mar 23 2010 at 3:02 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
Great in theory, but I don't think it would work in practice. There are just too many people who 1. don't care, 2. are too excited / curious about FFXIV, 3. a bunch of other reasons. Some would just look at you guys and laugh because you got pwnt. Don't get me wrong, I fully sympathise with your plight. I'd be massively pissed off if I got caught in these bans. But even then, I'd still know that a successful FFXIV boycott isn't going to happen. I hope you can get your accounts back.
#469 Mar 23 2010 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Xukiro wrote:

Again it can't be the credit card, if not the reasons then would have been credit card irregularities and not RMT. Second it can't be the credit card since it took 3 weeks to get banned while in the FIRST account it took only the weekend.

This is wrong, they simple don't want people to play anymore or what?

Edited, Mar 11th 2010 9:48pm by Xukiro

Edited, Mar 11th 2010 9:53pm by Xukiro

It is the credit card. What you don't seem to understand is there policy is not "Accounts will be banned for using the same credit card after 3 days." Their policy is actually "Accounts will be banned for using the same credit card after investigation." Also I'd like to add that sometimes it's a number of factors that lead to a banning. Your credit card definitely contributed to that.

Guess what? Some accounts are never investigated which is why we have a equal amount of people saying they were not banned or the same people calling BS to stories like this.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2010 11:49am by Kittyn
#470 Mar 23 2010 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
I think many ppl will still wanna buy and play FF14 even after they get banned from FF11.

The only thing that I hope for right now is that the next version of WoW would steal most of the players from FF14.

That's the only way we can beat SE and make 14 a failure.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2010 4:59pm by Skmm

Edited, Mar 23rd 2010 5:00pm by Skmm
#471 Mar 23 2010 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
The only way to make SE have better customer service is to have more competitors. or else SE will remain its arrogant attitude.
#472 Mar 25 2010 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
125 posts
They've had WoW killing them in competition for several years now, and that's never stopped them before. Really, I don't get it.

Hi. Played since 2005 off and on, quit probably 8 months back. Tried getting back on recently, only to get the same busy server error. I tried calling the non-toll free line (seriously, why is it a non-toll free line. Oh. right. Squeenix. Forgot.) and got the same run-around several people here have gotten. The guy actually tried feeding me the bull about "it really is the servers being busy, just keep trying every 15 minutes". I mentioned I played for years, am not a newbie to this, and have read many threads on various forums about this stupid Verified by Visa/3-D secure BS. He actually started trying to help me after that, but insisted in the end he couldn't, and even when pressed he wouln't give me any information I was requesting.

I told him I am verified by Visa, have money on the card, and honestly all I want to do is give them money so I can use their product. He mentioned they've been having tons of people trying to register constantly with the same issue. I asked "doesn't this tell you guys something?" and he was like "what do you mean?" for a bit until eventually he said he understood my frustration.

At least he told me my character -is- reactivateable, just they don't seem to like my card or the server is busy, so I'm no further ahead than I was. I notice after I hung up he never even asked for my VbV 4 digit code, which I thought was kind of odd. I asked him "well, if it's this busy now, what's going to happen when FF14 comes out?" and he responded "We expect more of the same, or actually even MORE server congestion".

I'm going to try a few more times, and if it doesn't work, I guess my time in Vana'diel is over. I really don't think that's fair. I've given them a lot of money over the years without issue before. They don't even offer a single player option for a franchise piece of the series. It's going to be weird when they shut everything down eventually. The FF series is just going to skip from 10-2 to 12. From what I'm reading the changes so far are pretty much what I've wanted; the ability to low-man or solo most things, except probably this new endgame Abyssea stuff, which interests me. It's very frustrating that I went out and bought the new 360 Vana'diel Collection and a new 20 gig HDD for my system so I don't have to delete all sorts of stuff on my old HDD.

Has there been any change in sight for those who simply want to play a game they found to be a fun waste of time that they're willing to pay money a month to play, or are Squeenix actually content in not getting new customers? I'm even hearing that "1337" lm-17 thing-a-ma-jig that bans RMT is taking out fresh new players, sometimes within a day or two of them just starting.

I guess I just find this frustrating beyond belief that a company doesn't want business when I really want to give them business so I can return to Ramuh and resume punching things till they fall down, so I can raise money for my Black Belt, and maybe finally get my kittypants, or even the ASA legs with 3% haste. I was also working on a PLD (65, iirc) so I could help with endgame events when I left after I had issues with my product registrations (my computer suddenly decided I didn't have RotZ and ACP installed even though I had CoP, ToAU and WotG installed, and had the DM earring Suppanomimi in my inventory.) and recently I wanted to play as a COR. That was the one job I never got to experience.

Really, really frustrating. -_-;
#473 Mar 29 2010 at 3:17 AM Rating: Good
digitalbruise wrote:
STILL in jail.
Called customer service, they said they couldn't help me, that I would just have to stay logged in and wait in the jail for a GM to contact me.

This is bullsh*t.

I can't farking sit at my computer for days waiting for a GM to start talking to me.

Billing is on the 1st of the month, if I haven't heard from somebody by March 26 I'll cancel my account. I've been playing this game for fraking 5 years! I've worked bloody hard at my character! I am SO angry.

Edited, Mar 17th 2010 10:34am by digitalbruise

Well, it's been 12 days since you posted, so I guess you either got out of jail or quit. I hope you weren't just sitting there twiddling your thumbs waiting for someone to pop in and see if you were back from being AFK. If you make a GM call and tell them you were put in jail while AFK and want to know what's going on, someone will show up and either let you out or drop a temp-ban hammer on your face.

Lobivopis wrote:
TaiStyle wrote:
Just been jailed again, midway through a Nyzul run. I called in an MPK attempt by someone in the run, aftewe ended up with 4. Guys friend warped out soon as we entered for some reason, and this guy just ran in and aggro'd everything before bringing it to us.

I wanted him removed from the run at least, just to be homepoint as he wouldn't leave, and we were still trying to clear what we could. Instead, the GM's jailed me, leaving that Nyzul group with 3 people.

I'll be contacting ICO about this development tomorrow, in the hope they might speed things up a bit as well. All this action for no reason, and I'm never given a reason, could maybe be related to the complaint I made to the ICO.

Looks to me like they are trying to cook up a "legitimate" excuse to give the ICO about why you were banned.

First, what's this ICO thing? I'm assuming it's an EU organization of some sorts, having to do with how much better protected EU people are in their online transactions?

Assuming it is, and assuming SE even gives 2 shakes of a crapper handle about them, Lobi, why would you jump to the conclusion that SE even knows about Tai's complaint to them, or would care enough to try to "cook up a 'legitimate' excuse"? He's not even supposed to be playing since he was already banned, that's reason enough to drop the ban-hammer on him again. He opened himself up to scrutiny by placing a GM call in the first place.

Edited, Mar 29th 2010 5:32am by DsComputer
#474 Mar 29 2010 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
Link below relates to mine, so SE do know about it. Was from October 2009, and still ongoing.
#475 Mar 29 2010 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
ROFL at that screencap. "Hey guys, I'm attempting to do something that could negatively impact your company, so why don't you go ahead and not do anything to protect yourselves from it, k? Thanks a bunch."

Also, lol @ getting the .gov involved in a video game dispute. Don't you think they have better things to do with their time?
#476 Mar 30 2010 at 3:46 AM Rating: Good
With it being an account issue, in which they hold information on me that was used to make a decision on my account, I have an entitlement to it within the UK.

SE were given 40 days to reply, and they again failed to comply with UK law. As such, we have a government body who can regulate this, and the information I had was passed to them. As I know that SE hold that information, I have a legal entitlement to it, and it "not being SE's policy" doesn't cut it here like it would in the US.

SE had several chances to respond properly. By giving them notice that they would be asked for this information by the ICO, they'll end up in a lot more bother if they do now delete it.

I don't want to have to do this, but this is how SE's customer service wish to play the game. I've been more than fair with them, and they should have a better understanding of the laws of any country they trade in.
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