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Warning to Players SE is STILL Banning!Follow

#377 Nov 12 2009 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
49 posts
Doesn't hurt to try I guess.

I was reading something kinda interesting on the PlayOnline Members Agreement. Not sure if this pertains to everyone as I do not know if you are losing your PlayOnline Account or just FFXI ban. Furthermore, I am unaware if Tai has lost his or her account or if he or she just got a warning. Anyway...

On the PlayOnline Members Agreement Article 3.2 Section D:

Yes that part is in all caps in the document. Not sure how to work around that one...

I also found it interesting that one way to be banned is if you in any way 'tarnish or damage' the reputation or credibility of SEI. Take that how you will.

If I am the last to notice this or if it has been mentioned, I am sorry. Kinda slow in the race here...
#378 Nov 12 2009 at 1:33 AM Rating: Excellent
166 posts
TaiStyle wrote:
Something for people in the UK, but you can make a Subject Access Request against SE for information relating to your account. They can charge a fee for this, but they must provide the information or a valid reason for not doing so, or they can be hit with heavy fines by the ICO.

I've today put in a request, wanting all transcripts, copies of any logs relating to my account, along with discussions as to why I have been jailed. SE have 40 days to respond.

Funnily enough though, I telephoned their customer support office today, and they have no knowledge of the DPA and planned to refuse this. Consulted with legal team where I work though, and they need a good reason not to provide it.

You do realize that the transcripts and logs you're referring to read something along the lines of...

"Player X>> Message here."
"Player Y>> Message here."
"[GM]Z>> Warning."
*Action taken on Player X*
*GM makes note - Player X was reported for harassment. Reviewed chat logs, determined harassment. Action has been taken.*

There isn't exactly "personal" information in there, which is what the DPA covers. It's completely anonymous, and almost certainly an entirely separate database from anything related to account information.

Thus, you're not entitled to get it. They've assigned you a case worker, as your later posts indicate, just to keep you happy, but it's almost surely not going anywhere.

Edited, Nov 12th 2009 12:36am by VhailorEmp

Edited, Nov 12th 2009 12:44am by VhailorEmp
#379 Nov 12 2009 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Having checked everything out beforehand, it would appear it would fall within the remit of Section 7 of the DPA, and that the conversation can be identified as between myself and a member of staff.

In regards to the terms and conditions, whilst I'm sure SE will use them, I'm not too sure if they're legal.

I had the warning placed, on my account, an automated decision, which SE wouldn't disclose. Hence why the DPA comes into this. With some luck, the caseworker will find things with it. If not, I'll accept their decision.
#380 Nov 12 2009 at 11:21 PM Rating: Excellent
384 posts
Icare wrote:
Doesn't hurt to try I guess.

I was reading something kinda interesting on the PlayOnline Members Agreement. Not sure if this pertains to everyone as I do not know if you are losing your PlayOnline Account or just FFXI ban. Furthermore, I am unaware if Tai has lost his or her account or if he or she just got a warning. Anyway...

On the PlayOnline Members Agreement Article 3.2 Section D:

Yes that part is in all caps in the document. Not sure how to work around that one...

I also found it interesting that one way to be banned is if you in any way 'tarnish or damage' the reputation or credibility of SEI. Take that how you will.

If I am the last to notice this or if it has been mentioned, I am sorry. Kinda slow in the race here...

Must be a PlankZero sock...
#381 Nov 13 2009 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Just to add this:

If you go on there, and type in Square Enix, you'll see they do have a registered Data Controller. It also discloses they keep information in relation to accounts, and correspondance with their staff would count as part of that.

It's all related, so them not issuing a proper reply to a Subject Access Request will get them into bother.
#382 Nov 14 2009 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
First off...all conspiracy theories, including the one that SE is forcing people out of XI through bans to force them into XIV, are completely unfounded and utterly stupid in the greatest extreme. Even the most convoluted real-life conspiracies were almost exclusively all failures and really quite uninspiredly simplistic. Anyone with the actual intellect to successfully conduct an effective conspiracy has intellect enough to not waste their time on such an ultimately pointless endeavor in the first place.

Second...I don't care if that list of practices gets ya banned...I don't, and will never, do any of it to begin with. Millions of gil on dozens of mules? How is that even remotely reasonable? Who cares if someone is frugal or just likes to be able to afford whatever, whenever? It's like being rich in real-life, absolutely overrated and wholly pointless in any truly practical way. Even if it's not RMT, I'm glad these people are getting banned just for being a pointless nuisance.

As for those exceptionally FEW individuals who end up accidently (apparently, anyway...I don't know their circumstances so I can't say with certainty) banned for what seems to be genuinely no real reason, at least some apparently get their accounts back. It's regrettable...but I'm a "break a few eggs for the omelette" kind of guy. Ya know...a tyrant. Hopefully the future brings with it some refinement so that it happens less and is resolved more reliably though.

In fairness though...I blame the fools who BUY gil more than those who supply it. After all, those who supply it aren't really sacrificing anything...and those who buy it are spending ACTUAL money needed for real-life items on absolutely uselessly fake money for completely uselessly fake items. That's gotta rank at least in the top 10 most stupid things any person could ever do in their life.I wouldn't care if it was a penny for 100 billion gil, it would still be supremely stupid. That's like starving near to death and buying wax fruit over real fruit. Idiots. Those who supply it are, however, ruining the game for those who actually want to enjoy the blame or not, they need to go, period.
#383 Nov 18 2009 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
49 posts
At first I was going to agree to a lot of what you just said and believe that maybe this banning isn't so bad as everyone says it is...until my bf got banned that is. : /

We haven't even got a month into his game and he is already banned by the ever so popular LM-17 or whatever. No he doesn't use their party, and no he doesn't have 15 mules with 5 mil gill. Heck he only has 3 characters and he levels them all up.

The only rhyme or reason that he can think of getting banned was that when he tried to send a tell message to his friend, it was accidentally sent to one of those bro gamer people. The next day he was banned. However, now that I think about, I have done exactly the same thing and I am still ok. IN fact, I have even sold some of my plant items to NPC yet he has wtf.

No the guy that camped the same NM almost 30 times in our Linkshell and has several characters with 5 mil didn't get banned...just the guy that started playing. Makes total sense.

If he doesn't get his account back then I quit. I won't waste my time with something that will ban me eventually to. There are plenty of other non SE MMO's out there.

Edited, Nov 18th 2009 12:52pm by Icare
#384 Nov 19 2009 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Nechereshechere wrote:
Millions of gil on dozens of mules? How is that even remotely reasonable?

ffxiclopedia wrote:

Stage 2: 4 - Montiont Silverpiece
Stage 3: 15 - Montiont Silverpiece
Stage 4: 61 - Lungo-Nango Jadeshell
Stage 5: 1 - Ranperre Goldpiece

This weapon requires a total of 18,000 coins from dynamis.

This is an estimation of the cost.

If you assume that the 1 bynes are 7k and the whiteshells and bronzepieces are 12k.

This weapon will cost you 211,200,000.

Edited, Nov 19th 2009 3:21am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#385 Nov 29 2009 at 2:23 AM Rating: Good
166 posts
Lobivopis wrote:
Nechereshechere wrote:
Millions of gil on dozens of mules? How is that even remotely reasonable?

ffxiclopedia wrote:

Stage 2: 4 - Montiont Silverpiece
Stage 3: 15 - Montiont Silverpiece
Stage 4: 61 - Lungo-Nango Jadeshell
Stage 5: 1 - Ranperre Goldpiece

This weapon requires a total of 18,000 coins from dynamis.

This is an estimation of the cost.

If you assume that the 1 bynes are 7k and the whiteshells and bronzepieces are 12k.

This weapon will cost you 211,200,000.

Edited, Nov 19th 2009 3:21am by Lobivopis

If you'd included his whole statement...

Nechereshechere wrote:
Second...I don't care if that list of practices gets ya banned...I don't, and will never, do any of it to begin with. Millions of gil on dozens of mules? How is that even remotely reasonable? Who cares if someone is frugal or just likes to be able to afford whatever, whenever? It's like being rich in real-life, absolutely overrated and wholly pointless in any truly practical way. Even if it's not RMT, I'm glad these people are getting banned just for being a pointless nuisance.

Bolded for emphasis =P I think Relics qualify as "wholly pointless" to the vast majority of the player base. Sure they're neat, but they're like Maat's Cap - far more for bragging rights than actual performance. Many Relics can be out-parsed to begin with, or hold a bare edge that isn't remotely worth the amount of gil invested.

In response to Nechereshechere: Wholeheartedly agree with point #1, this isn't a conspiracy theory. 99% of the people suggesting it is are just venting, or having fun getting angry, which is quite understandable; the 1% who seriously believe it's a conspiracy can't possibly be the brightest crayons in the box.

In response to Icare: My sympathies to your boyfriend. Hard to say what the cause was; see if Square will look into it, but, depending on their reasoning, there may not be much of a review process. That being said, I can say for certain it's not solely based on responding to RMT. I curse at them all the time, and have sent mis-tells to them on occasion, never had anything come of it. What actually caused it, well, who knows... pointless to speculate since there's no way any of us on the forums can know for sure we're getting the complete picture. I'd lean towards Square being over-zealous again, but I haven't heard about random wrongful bannings in quite some time, barring trial accounts. So who knows, but, my sympathies.
#386 Nov 30 2009 at 1:11 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
VhailorEmp wrote:

Bolded for emphasis =P I think Relics qualify as "wholly pointless" to the vast majority of the player base. Sure they're neat, but they're like Maat's Cap - far more for bragging rights than actual performance. Many Relics can be out-parsed to begin with, or hold a bare edge that isn't remotely worth the amount of gil invested.

Er, I'm sure I'm misreading this but it sounds like you're suggesting that saving for a relic is worthy of getting banned just because you have a lot of money..
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#387 Nov 30 2009 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
It's sad reading back some of the responses that have resulted from this topic... I've moved on... Everyday its weird waking up after 5 years of playing this game and meeting all the great people that suddenly its all gone... The people aren't gone at least.

I honestly have to say I don't care if you think putting tons of gil on a mule was a stupid idea. I thought it was the GREATEST IDEA as it was a "community effort" to complete a relic. Whats to say was a good idea and a bad idea. Countless Salvage runs and tons of gil to get a mythic weapon? Salvage Gear? Einherjar abjurations? Whats to say is a good way to play any game? Is it fair to say that you can't just judge people by their goals when some are more hardcore and others much more casual.

Honestly, I felt impelled to start a thread to the public, and SE has bascially chosen anyone thats harvested gil over time hoping to finish anything worthwhile in the game was not worth it and didn't fit "their style" of how the game should be played.

The bottomline isn't my mule account that was banned that I cared about... It's the effort that was lost in my little community. It's the constantly feeling like I did something to betray my linkshell.

6 Accounts I owned again I must stress...

1 75 SMN that i ran around to fish and collect currency as a third box account. (The Ninja account had 7 sets of gear I swap between while tanking, and Blue Mage was also at full capacity)

1 75 BLM / PLD / RNG Given to us by a prior linkshell mate, I continued to maintain for the 100+4 alchemy that he had worked so hard to get to.

1 75 PLD / RNG account we used to watch times in sky to find the best possible time to farm sky pops without irritating other linkshells.

1 5 Mules x 16 for linkshell drops, pop items that were rare and can't be stored on more then 1 char.

1 75 BRD WHM RDM BLM SMN (Gummybear) With an almost completed relic horn from ls effort, the currencty was lost when the mule was banned cuz we are supposedly "RMT".

1 75 BLU NIN WAR PLD THF (Kayle) My dual-box char that technically came before gummmybear, was built because when the linkshell i bought a new account and begin leveling gummybear as a whm.

Of these accounts the mule with all the items belonging to the ls was banned. It also happened to a friend on the same day. After all the crap peeps were saying about me, what goes around comes around... THE VERY SAME PEEPS talking crap were also beginning to get banned. So many e-mailed me asking for help after just days before talking crap... All I can say now is. Its time to move on... FF14 is a slap in all our faces... LOOK AT THE RACES have you ever heard of people with no new ideas recycling to THAT degree???
#388 Dec 01 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
The horn isn't pointless to bards. It's a complete replacement for 8-12 pieces of gear, and does something in all areas that otherwise only exists in Salvage and Nyzul (double ballads.) Even if SE were to introduce the equivalent of a Storm Fife for all areas, the horn would STILL be worth it because a bard would never have to change instruments, period.

All other relics and mythics? Yeah, most of them are out of date at this point.
#389 Dec 02 2009 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
The horn isn't pointless to bards. It's a complete replacement for 8-12 pieces of gear, and does something in all areas that otherwise only exists in Salvage and Nyzul (double ballads.) Even if SE were to introduce the equivalent of a Storm Fife for all areas, the horn would STILL be worth it because a bard would never have to change instruments, period.

So what you are saying is 200 million gil is worth +12 invintory spaces. I don't think most people would agree with that.

catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
All other relics and mythics? Yeah, most of them are out of date at this point.

Mandau increases THFs dps and WS damage by a ridiculous amount.

Apocalypse gives you 10% haste and drains a cure V's worth of HP every WS.

Bravura's WS cuts damage received by a flat 20%, puts an 18% DEF down on the target and does good damage on top of that (STR60% fTP 2.75)

Yoichinoyumi's WS has no additional hate over a regular shot and it's "strikes true" spot is outside '15 from the target on large mobs.

There has always been two categories of relics. The "amazing" category and the "meh" category. This has not really changed since they were released.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2009 1:59am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#390 Dec 06 2009 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
3,285 posts
a quoted post gone wrong >.>

Edited, Dec 6th 2009 2:00am by Shusio
#391 Dec 06 2009 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
3,285 posts
Lobivopis wrote:
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
The horn isn't pointless to bards. It's a complete replacement for 8-12 pieces of gear, and does something in all areas that otherwise only exists in Salvage and Nyzul (double ballads.) Even if SE were to introduce the equivalent of a Storm Fife for all areas, the horn would STILL be worth it because a bard would never have to change instruments, period.

So what you are saying is 200 million gil is worth +12 invintory spaces. I don't think most people would agree with that.

catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
All other relics and mythics? Yeah, most of them are out of date at this point.

Mandau increases THFs dps and WS damage by a ridiculous amount.

Apocalypse gives you 10% haste and drains a cure V's worth of HP every WS.

Bravura's WS cuts damage received by a flat 20%, puts an 18% DEF down on the target and does good damage on top of that (STR60% fTP 2.75)

Yoichinoyumi's WS has no additional hate over a regular shot and it's "strikes true" spot is outside '15 from the target on large mobs.

There has always been two categories of relics. The "amazing" category and the "meh" category. This has not really changed since they were released.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2009 1:59am by Lobivopis

I thought the horn was one of the easiest to obtain? Or am I just out of date?
#392 Dec 06 2009 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
Nah, mandau or spharai are easiest. Horn is somewhere in the middle. Hardest is yoichi, since it's the only one that requires zero bynes.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#393 Dec 06 2009 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
bsphil wrote:
Nah, mandau or spharai are easiest. Horn is somewhere in the middle. Hardest is yoichi, since it's the only one that requires zero bynes.

Annihilator is only a bit harder than Mandau/Spharai.

Although Yoichinoyumi is a better endgame tool because it's "strikes true" range is outside '15 on large mobs and thus outside the "horrible rape radius" on HNM.

And yeah, nobody ever noticed Yoichi's sweet spot was a lot father back than other longbows until SE added their own version of distance to FFXI. Yoichi owners have been standing too close and not getting the maximum potential of their weapon for several years now.

Edited, Dec 6th 2009 6:39pm by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#394 Dec 10 2009 at 6:43 PM Rating: Excellent
2,722 posts
My brother and I decided that the pull of FFXI was a little too much to give up on. I also just taught my last day of classes and find myself with a month of waiting to know what I'm teaching in January, so I've got an abundance of time and nothing else to do with it.

So, we decided to come back.

Those who have heard my (and his) story have heard what we thought was the reason for the ban. It turns out we were wrong on all counts.

When my brother called for the off chance that he'd be able to get the banned account back, the CS rep said, "Yes, we're aware a lot of people have been wrongfully banned. I can't do anything for you, but I'll have my manager call you back."

Within an hour (I don't know exactly, but I know when we talked, and he was very excited to give the second call after - it was 53 minutes after he said he was calling SE to check on the account), the manager called back, explained the situation in detail (including the reasons for the ban in the first place), and even went so far as to "apologize for the inconvenience."

For those interested, the reason the account got flagged for RMT activity was that, due to bank errors and methods of payment, my brother had switched credit cards twice in a very short time period (I think it was twice within three months). This flagged the account and, due to the AutoBanner.1337, the account was closed. At the time, they were dealing with too much and so claimed they could give no more information.

When specifically asked about our gil-making strategy (which we figured was the culprit), my brother was told that SE is aware of the strategy and that it is a legitimate method for making gil. Take that as you will (I think I would have liked to get it notarized...). We weren't banned for running 6 SMNs up to the prime fights and collecting 360k a day each.

Morale of the story: Account returned, explanation and details offered, and we are coming back to FFXI. If you've been "wrongfully" banned, try contacting SE again now. The manager did indicate that more details, at least, could be available now.
#395 Dec 11 2009 at 6:45 AM Rating: Excellent
440 posts
Wow, SE changed their mind on something. I never thought i would see the day, hopefully this will happen to more people like your brother soon. Congrats to you both.

Edited, Dec 11th 2009 1:49pm by Knumskull
#396 Dec 11 2009 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
For those interested, the reason the account got flagged for RMT activity was that, due to bank errors and methods of payment, my brother had switched credit cards twice in a very short time period (I think it was twice within three months). This flagged the account and, due to the AutoBanner.1337, the account was closed. At the time, they were dealing with too much and so claimed they could give no more information.

I have a feeling the reason I was banned was exactly this. Yeah I changed my card a couple times but that was it. For kicks I called SE again today to see if I could get more information about why I was banned and I wasn't able to get anything. All I was told STILL was "irregular credit card activities", and that my account was to remain permanently banned and he couldn't give me the details of the ban. When I asked to speak to the supervisor, the agent put me on hold a second and said he would go talk to the supervisor. Then he came back and told me the supervisor said my account was reviewed and would stay banned.

I told him I understood that part but I just wanted information about my account and to know WHY I was banned. Then he told me the supervisor was unavailable. Convenient. I asked to speak to the manager then and he told me the manager wasn't available either. I told him I understand that it's policy to tell people that the management isn't available which basically means "we don't want to talk to you", but when I pressed for more information he just told me to write a letter to the account manager (again) and try to appeal again that way.

I just don't understand how people are getting to talk to managers and supervisors and miraculously getting these ******** to listen and give them the information about their account. Every time I call they are as useless as can be and keep my information a secret like I'm some foreign terrorist interrogating them for secrets about the United States. Either way I thought maybe this time around I'd get more lucky and actually at least get the reason I was banned, not so much my account back but I got neither. Being that I'm tired of beating a dead horse I'll just leave it be and go play WoW or something. Blizzard has much better customer service and at this point they are far more deserving of my money than SE is. Just irritating customer loyalty is treated with crap.
#397 Dec 11 2009 at 4:42 PM Rating: Excellent
2,722 posts
Ouch, Phallucy, that really sucks. I was hoping that our experience would be shared by everyone. Apparently, it depends on who you get.

I wish you well and hope that at some point in the near future, you'll get what you seek (information and/or the account).

Edited, Dec 11th 2009 10:59pm by Dracoth
#398 Dec 17 2009 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
826 posts
First off...all conspiracy theories, including the one that SE is forcing people out of XI through bans to force them into XIV, are completely unfounded and utterly stupid in the greatest extreme.

Yes, they may be unfounded, but far from stupid.

First off...cannibalizing one operation to serve a more profitable one has been done in business for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It's a founding principle of economic survival.

Aside from that, if you think that FFXIV's gross revenues in the first year of operation won't outshine FFXI's for the past THREE are living in a sandbox. Even if it flops, the box sales and initial first year subs alone will beat this MMO.

I would personally not put it beyond any business venture, not specifically SE, to pull stunts like this as a way of funneling players into FFXIV. SE just happens to be doing this the wrong way...which should come as NO surprise to most of the FFXI fanbase.

Perhaps before you so arbitrarily decide that others are wrong, you should pick up a finance/accounting book and teach yourself something.
#399 Dec 18 2009 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Dallie wrote:
First off...all conspiracy theories, including the one that SE is forcing people out of XI through bans to force them into XIV, are completely unfounded and utterly stupid in the greatest extreme.

Yes, they may be unfounded, but far from stupid.

First off...cannibalizing one operation to serve a more profitable one has been done in business for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It's a founding principle of economic survival.

Aside from that, if you think that FFXIV's gross revenues in the first year of operation won't outshine FFXI's for the past THREE are living in a sandbox. Even if it flops, the box sales and initial first year subs alone will beat this MMO.

I would personally not put it beyond any business venture, not specifically SE, to pull stunts like this as a way of funneling players into FFXIV. SE just happens to be doing this the wrong way...which should come as NO surprise to most of the FFXI fanbase.

Perhaps before you so arbitrarily decide that others are wrong, you should pick up a finance/accounting book and teach yourself something.

It might not even be official policy but rather one or a small number of people's private agenda within the company.
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#400 Dec 18 2009 at 3:37 AM Rating: Excellent
440 posts
Lobivopis wrote:
Dallie wrote:
First off...all conspiracy theories, including the one that SE is forcing people out of XI through bans to force them into XIV, are completely unfounded and utterly stupid in the greatest extreme.

Yes, they may be unfounded, but far from stupid.

First off...cannibalizing one operation to serve a more profitable one has been done in business for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It's a founding principle of economic survival.

Aside from that, if you think that FFXIV's gross revenues in the first year of operation won't outshine FFXI's for the past THREE are living in a sandbox. Even if it flops, the box sales and initial first year subs alone will beat this MMO.

I would personally not put it beyond any business venture, not specifically SE, to pull stunts like this as a way of funneling players into FFXIV. SE just happens to be doing this the wrong way...which should come as NO surprise to most of the FFXI fanbase.

Perhaps before you so arbitrarily decide that others are wrong, you should pick up a finance/accounting book and teach yourself something.

It might not even be official policy but rather one or a small number of people's private agenda within the company.

I thought that SE policy was not to let you back into the game if you where banned, and that it would still apply for FFXIV.
#401 Dec 18 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
SE actually told everyone that was banned that they could start fresh again in FFXIV conveniently enough, which can support the "funneling players in to FFXIV" theory if you want it to. If you were banned from FFXI, they will still let you play FFXIV with a new account which I am not going to do.
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