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Why do pullers pull so fast after chain 0?Follow

#27 Oct 12 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
462 posts
I love when people talk about the amount of time between to reach the chains but forget that while you are standing there waiting for mp you could be killing and making exp.

Sure you can wait 1 to 2 minutes for MP and still make the chain but then again you can kill a mob in a minute and make more exp than just waiting to fullfill the minumum requirments for chaining.

Having been a puller, whm, blm, tank, melee if we have to stop pulling for any reason something is wrong... and if you ever reached 73+ you know what i'm talking about. Who cares if the whm is out of mp, they will get it back shortly. Time standing around for MP is time wasted. We call this downtime for a reason...

Learn to cut back on what you are doing to conserve time as much as possible. BLMs finish a mob off when there is a fraction of life left. DRKs don't use souleater 24/7. PLDs at the end of the fight drop to your knees and pull out that dark staff. NINs enfeeble so RDMs are not wasting time and mp when they can be hasting more than just you. WHMs learn to communicate with your fellow rdms and healers so you are not wasting mp over curing. THFs and those sub /thf be quick to SATA so the non tanks are not taking massive dmg to waste healer mp. ect ect

So many factors contribute to downtime that 90% of people playing don't take into account what they do causes it. Worst part is being at 70+ and seeing every little thing and not wanting to say anything because at that level you seem like an *** telling someone how to do their job. ~.~


Having played as a Tank, regular DD, Healer, Support, and just about every job in a party situation, I have to somewhat agree.

In a good party there should be little to no downtime. That means a constant stream of pulling. So if you mean in general why do you pull so fast after chain 9, its because thats how you get fast XP.

In certain parties you may need to rest a small amount after the 1st kill. Those are what I like to call "not so good of a pt, but it will suffice for the time being" party. A puller needs to be aware of their parties capabilities, I would say after 4 or 5 mobs the puller should be settled in and know what their pt can handle.

At high levels your pt should almost never need to wait to pull. I would say on average a good pt will rest 1 time per hour, usually b/c someone has to go afk for a short time, or you were fighting 3+ mobs at the same time (which happens in nomad parties).

I assume you are talking about leveling your main job which seems to be at least 68. At that level the puller should be pulling almost non-stop. If they are pulling non-stop and the pt cant handle it that is not right. So basically, there is nothing wrong with pulling really fast as long as you can handle it. Pullers need to adjust to their parties capabilities, simple enough.

Bottom Line: A good puller will push their party to their limits.
#28 Oct 12 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Correct, I say 70+ because you do weapons pretty much ( well people do dhamels now too ) till 75. I was 70 ptying with 75 friends. While on my DRK TP gain for me was a tad slower, for the most part, you don't stop. Period.

Yes there are the "not so good ptys" and that's what I mean. If the pty hasn't figured their job yet, it just seems too late. Usually the person or pty telling me to pull slower, is also the pty i'm opting out of. Sorry you ran all the way to Ru AviTau but apparently you just skipped lvls 35-70. ~.~

On my WHM with a pld tank, I should be at full mp 90% of the time and PLD with at least half if not full. Somepeople seem to forget damage and killing fast > everything. You don't need another SMN if you have a whm, you need another BLM or DD.
#29 Oct 12 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
4,136 posts
Misunderstanding and habit; the time you need to beat is short in the early levels, and gets longer as you level.

While you have 350 seconds after level 60, most people are never told when the timing changes from the mere 100 seconds you have from 10-19.

Chain 1-  10- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60+ 
1     50  100 150 200 250 300 350 
2     40  80  120 160 200 240 280 
3     30  60  90  120 150 180 210 
4     20  40  60  80  100 120 140 
5+    10  20  30  40  50  60  70
Or basically: ([level rounded down to the nearest ten or zero] + 10) x 5 (- 20% per chain till chain 5)

This is why you're lucky to see chain 2 in dunes, but should easily be able to hit chain 4 60+.

Edited, Wed Oct 12 19:42:19 2005 by ThePalace
#30 Oct 12 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Excellent
439 posts
One thing that annoys the <bleep> out of me, in all the various leveling (I have several jobs that I've brought through Kazham) is when pullers think a missed Chain(#whatever) is the start of the next chain.

If your party can Chain999,999,999,999 then fine, pull like heck...but if your party is running out of mana (or other resources) slow down a bit.

A -consistent- Chain4 is better than Chain6's with 5 minute pauses while people recover from Raise Weakness.

Sure, Chain999,999,999,999 is what you want, but honestly, just because a group of monks or mages at the very end of the game, on mobs that are either "vulnerable" to the damage used (Bone vs. MNK) or honestly "Too Weak For The Exp They Give" (the latter having been fixed in the last patch), doesn't mean parties from Valky on should be expected to do that.

I hear constantly "Oh, my XXXburn did ChainOneJillion, it was so sweet" but I never hear the problems or get those over-powered chains, you have to be specific places, facing specific mobs...the Sky/Sea parties (where people were using Pet Summoning Mobs) were a perfect example.

Anyone who's paid attention knows that a BeastmanBST or BeastmanSMN comes with a Pet...and the Pet is always weaker than their /check would suggest...commonly known stratagy when facing mobs like that is to have one person kill the pet, while the rest of the party kills the BeastmanBST.

This radically extends the chain timer over a "normal" pull, and lengthens the potential chain considerably.

When you could get a mob who's main tactic was "summon pet to fight" (the BeastmanSMN mobs and similar) you could have them slept, wake them for a new pet, sleep, repeat, and get really sweet chains at rather low levels (Lullaby is good for this).

Now that mobs that summon pets have "limits" on how many they can call, this doesn't work anymore.

But I never heard "Oh, to do this, you need to take this risk or handle these limits"...all that is ever said is "OMGWTFBBQSAUCE, CHAIN XXXX IS SO SWEET!!!!!!!".

Pullers can push their parties, but if you are pushing to the point of having to rest off raise weakness, SLOW DOWN.

Spike Exp (like Spike Damage) is all well and good, but it's not how much exp you get in one chunk, it's how much exp you get over time that matters.

And frankly, I would prefer exp that was steady and positive, to exp that was erratic and often negative...and a good way to handle that is to STOP and rest up after a missed chain.

Now if everyone is 90% full health, and mana is hovering stable at 50%~ish, but you just can't quite kill fast enough to make #6, pull a little faster...but if people are 50% health and 20% or less mana, and you get a Chain0, STOP AND LET PEOPLE REST FULL.

If you go from 100% full across the board to nearly dead at Chain4 or 5, maybe it's not that you need a BRD or RDM and 5 BLM's...maybe the mobs you are pulling are TOO TOUGH to chain at your level.

Remember, there's no such thing as TW-------------, it's just TW--...and there's no such thing as IT+++++++++++++, it's just IT++.

If you can't accept the fact that not every party is capable of Chain500, then maybe you should either change to one of those "Chain500 Capable Jobs" or go find another game.

Slow down a bit...and unless you are fighting for mobs like people fight for "sweet drop nm's" bloody well take a short break after a broken chain.

If at 100%Full Health/Mana, the party is "worn out" by Chain4-5, then what the heck makes you think they can get the next Chain4-5 when they are at 30%?

Sure, they may need to learn to work together a bit more, but the fault isn't always with the party not knowing what to do, or you could have six L15 jobs take on Genbu.

Do some research, know the area and the mobs, and make sure you are facing things your party can reasonably expect to kill...or live with the fact that you'll be getting a lot of negative experience.

And if you ignore limits long enough, no more parties because word will spread that all you can do is pull till your party is dead and complain that it's their fault for gimping your exp.

Like that post in another forum said, "15HP is Nature's way of telling you to SLOW DOWN".

Sensubean on Midguardsormr
#31 Oct 12 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
I just pull nonstop, since I consider exp over time ;E
#32 Oct 13 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,914 posts
On those occasions Im leveling a melee,I pull as fast as you can handle it,which is usually a little faster than the mages think they can. Being a rdm normally,I have a pretty good idea of what they should be capable of,so it works well.

I remember the first all japanese party I was a member of in the crawlers nest. The puller just pulled and pulled nonstop for 5 hours. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster that would never stop and either they didnt understand when I asked them to slow down for a second and let me rest mp full. I never ran out,but never fully rested either. The exp just rolled in though. Its a somewhat different style of partying,I think that influenced my pulling somewhat.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 01:34:52 2005 by Valtoramir
#33 Oct 13 2005 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
On those occasions Im leveling a melee,I pull as fast as you can handle it,which is usually a little faster than the mages think they can. Being a rdm normally,I have a pretty good idea of what they should be capable of,so it works well.

I remember the first all japanese party I was a member of in the crawlers nest. The puller just pulled and pulled nonstop for 5 hours. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster that would never stop and either they didnt understand when I asked them to slow down for a second and let me rest mp full. I never ran out,but never fully rested either. The exp just rolled in though. Its a somewhat different style of partying,I think that influenced my pulling somewhat.

Well said. Earlier tonight in Kuftal the BRD would often be bringing in a tiger or cockatrice as the first was dying. At start I was going nuts, feeling like I was totally going to run out of MP and everyone would die, but it turned out that I was fine. I've found this more and more. The pulls need to be just slightly faster than you'd think, particularly at later levels. A DRK or SAM closing light with SATA can do nearly 50% of a mobs health. Now I usually Flash and rest on SC. Just takes a big change in mentality.

That said, sometimes you do you need a rest, like in Kuftal for instance, if you go for chain 5 on a Ladon and miss, or chain 6 pull in Bibiki hoping for a suicide bomb. I guess I'm saying there isn't a bright line rule here, and you have to learn to trust your puller (if the party is doing well), or try and help them (if the party isn't doing well).
#34 Oct 13 2005 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
180 posts
Sometimes, its not the fault of the puller - more of some ignorant party members.

I'm usually doing pulling duty nowadays (melee jobs are DRK or MNK, SAM, PLD or NIN), and sometimes after a chain 5, I'll stop abit to let the mages catch up abit of MP. Then someone goes "go pull". Alright, I'll go. Got 1, hit that start of chain mob, and I wait again for PLD to get MP this time. Lo and behold, "go pull plz" pops up.

*pulls hair out*
#35 Oct 13 2005 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
The problem with having a conversation explaining to the puller WHY they should go off and pull, rather than waiting for them to go is by the time you've finished, you've lost the chain anyway. That said, I've not had a puller past 36 that has pulled something that the mages don't have the MP to handle, or broken a chaining waiting for MP we don't need.
#36 Oct 13 2005 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Purely because alot of people just don't understand how pulling works, they think there is a set amount of time to make a pull that applies to every chain level

More often than not after a hard first fight, the puller will run off looking for the next target without a thought for MP, as long as everyone has decent HP - mainly happens in Dunes though.
#37 Oct 13 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
i think the best pullers are people who have othe rjobs a bit higher.. like maby a tank, a whm or something... bcus then they know how much MP they would need to have, what they would like as a optimal puller when theyr on theyr.. say pld
#38 Oct 13 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
As a 56WHM and a 32THF I can look at this from two perspectives, as the puller and as the mage.

Now when I am a WHM I have often found myself thinking "what the hell are you waiting for" as the puller just stands there waiting for me to have over say 400mp before he pulls.

This (in most cases) is needlessly slowing the exp/hour down significantly in most parties I have been in.

With a dark staff, Seers, AF pieces and with refresh (from RDM or from juices - I always carry yag drinks) it's normally pretty safe for the puller to pull when I am 100-200mp.

The reason for this is, I am resting just before the battle ends and keep on resting when the battle starts, like with all good healers we only stop resting when it's time for us to do our jobs. In most cases this will not be when the puller gets back to camp but will be a short while into the battle.

So as long as I have 100-200mp when the battle ends - from my perspective - the puller should be on the move.

So at around the late 50's if the puller leaves camp to get something when the whm has about 200mp is causing problems it is probably due to one of the following reasons:

a: Your mages don't know how to conserve their mp
b: Your mages don't know how to maximize mp recovery
c: Someone in your party isn't performing
d: You are fighting monsters that aren't suitable for your party setup (probably the most common cause)

From my experience, many pullers are too slow, not too fast.

#39 Oct 13 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
Having pulled in the past, and now becoming more of a standard puller in Exp parties with my War...I can say this. I rarely stop pulling, and I'll pull fast. I love Gustav Tunnels lower east camp right now (55/56-60), Crabs on boths sides of the camp, and Goblin's to the South side. I don't stop, for anything...and here's why.

I believe that a good, rounded, balanced party should be able to handle a constant stream of incoming mobs. I've seen it done, therefore I don't see any reason why -not- to keep pulling. Sure I pull right after the first kill of a Chain. Why? To keep a consistant pace going. Pace is key in killing for good Exp, especially when you're not working with IT++ mobs. My typical preference for a party would be Nin/"DD"/War/Whm/Blm/Rdm. I static with a Rdm, and she's very good at her I may be bias on my opinion because I know I've always not only got a good, solid Rdm, but that she can pick up healing if the Whm is low also.

Even with Pld's, I keep going. I get the occassional bum begging for refresh (when he already has it, no less)...but I'm sure we all do every now and then. There's no harm (IMO) in setting a pace for speed right off the bat so no one goes "Whoa whoa" half way through a chain cause I'm picking up the pace. And hell, what's it matter...if the party can't keep up, it can't keep up. Personally I would probably seek and alternative it stingy, selfish, or arrogant. But I prefer to maximize not only my time, but the time of the other 5 members of my party by bringing in as much Exp as possible. Besides...isn't that the point of parties? Exp vs. Time? Everyone wants the most Exp possible, right? We aren't there to look pretty doing our jobs...we're just there to get it done.
#40 Oct 13 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,590 posts
In most cases this will not be when the puller gets back to camp but will be a short while into the battle

So no initial enfeebs (Para/Dia) from the WHM in your parties then?
#41 Oct 13 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
659 posts
It depends on what you are fighting... also it depends on what type of party you have. When I make a BST party and I am pulling I know that I can pull immediately after the one mob is dead using a different pet then waiting for all of our pets to regen (this way the mob takes some damage before it comes to where we are fighting... in a party that doesn't have bsts in it... sometimes there isn't a lot of MP used and the pulls are long ones (I am never the puller though) so that could be part of the reason as well.
#42 Oct 13 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
2,027 posts
I mean you have a good hefty amount of time to make chain 1, why not let people rest just a bit in between pulls?

If you have to rest after the FIRST pull, get out of the PT. Oh, and manage your MP better...

The idea, and this is more for IT++ XPing than low IT and VTs... is that you need a certain ammount of MP to kill X ammount of mobs. _when_ you rest, in theory, doesn't matter (in practice its another story). If you rest in the times when you can, even if you don't need it, you won't have to rest (as much) in the times when you can't without losing the chain.

Theorical situation. If you have to rest for 2 minute (this discounts all the variables like the extra 10 seconds on first MP ticks if you rest a lot, to make things simpler), well, you're better off resting 30 seconds between each mob from chain #0 to chain #4, and not having to rest at all between #4 and #5 (which could make you lose the chain), than not resting whatsoever from chain #1 to #3 and miss chain #4-#5 cuz you're out of MP.

If timed well, this also means that after chain #5, you'll be ready to get the next chain -right away-, instead of doing something silly like hitting chain #5, rest to full, chain #5 again, rest to full (ugh!). Depending on your party, you might be better off with a constant streams of chain #3, but not always...lots of things to consider. But yes, in many partys I've been (at 7-8k+/hour in the late 50s and early 60s even, not just late game), even though the mages would be almost full after the first mob of the chain, we'd let them get a tick or two (depending how far in the chain we were) even if they didnt need it, so that they'd never have to fully restore MP, ever. Basicaly spread out the resting where you can, and don't rest late chain, so you can shoot for even chain #6 ^^

Takes a lot of coordination, but if done well it can give better result, depending on mobs you are fighting and party setup.
#43 Oct 13 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
I have been a puller for 43 levels with THF (Currently 55) 24 with RNG (currently 37). The quick pull seems to not be about chain 1 just quicker EXP, more kills per hour. After the first fight, if all goes well and with the proper set up , minimal MP is used. Why sit on our hands when we are fully capable to handle 5 fights without a break?

With the proper pull distance MP can be regained while I have mob in tow.

Sometimes the competition is fierce and in order to claim a mob the pull must be fast and timed along with competing parties fight times. I always monitor the WHMs MP and establish a minimum MP that I can go ahead and pull on.
#44 Oct 13 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
800 posts
What a puller needs to do is basically figure out how much mp on average do the mages use per battle.
What the party must do is make sure that they view every fight the same. That is, don't waste mp just because you have it to waste.
No matter how much mp I(WHM) have, I go the mp-efficient way every time. This way, the puller can easily gauge how much mp I need for a single mob. Then he must also figure out how long it takes me to get to this level of mp while resting. Put this all together, and the puller can return to camp with a mob at the exact moment when I have enough mp to cover the fight.

This is usually an uncomfortably low mp number for me, but is good for the party mechanics as a whole.

Not every party setup can handle constant pulling with limited resting. For example, with a NIN tank, I cannot allow myself the luxury of resting 2-3 more ticks after tank has engaged, because I have to be on my feet ready to flash in case shadows drop. With a PLD tank, I can rest more. Conversely, a PLD tank usually means more healing (not necessarily).

Another thing to remember is that while keeping up this kind of pulling pace, we are sacrificing security. If a link happens, then the odds are the mages will be very pressed for mp. Having 2-3 more ticks can make all the difference.
#45 Oct 13 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
I was pulling as THF in Boyada Tree recently. One player kept saying "Pull" "Pull" all the freaking time.... even after chain #0 and chain #1. I tried to explain that you have about a long time after the first mob to get chain #1 (I saw a webpage once with all the times on it for the different levels).
They were starting to **** me off to be honest. I was doing my best to let the mages heal etc.

A perfect example was when I EXPed in King Ranperres Tomb at the bottom of the steps. I was in an all Japanese party (except for me of course :P) and we basically hit chain #5 every time. All I did as THF was make sure that the beetles up top were the first to be killed up to chain 2. These were the toughest to kill so it made sense to kill them early in the chain. Then I'd grab a scorp or maybe 2. Then finish the run on bats for chains# 3 #4 and #5 as the bats were so easy to kill. On chain #4 I'd use flee just as the mob was about to die so I could grab #5 as fast as possible. That party loved me!

But then there is the flip side of the coin... another day in Boyada Tree saw another party close by and 3x BST in the area. I had to pull stuff as soon as possible just to keep us going at all. It's all in the situation you are in at the time. But generally speaking I agree totally with the OP. In a non competitive environment for pulling there is no need to rush at all.

BUT... I am still only level 58 THF and as I get a little higher I may alter my views somewhat as and when the situation dictates. I am always learning and agree that most EXP over time is the best way to look at things, but only if the party setup and surrounding conditions allow it.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 12:13:17 2005 by Darwinion
#46 Oct 13 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
I prefer fast pulls. I prefer fast pulls with ALL my jobs.

I just recently took WHM through the jungles from 25-30 and I would tell the puller to pull even if I was out of MP. Yes WHM telling someone to pull when he was out of MP.

For me this makes sense, because even with my two astrals I would use roughly 80% of my MP every fight. Of course I had all the best gear for WHM and ended up with a +6 (at level 29, +5 before that) to my MP regen rate, which basically meant I might have to sit still through the first half of the fight to rest, but then I could stand, regen the puller, cure ii the tank, regen the tank, wait for mob death, ccure tank to full, then rest. I would sometimes do it the other way around. Stand at the start of the pt, regen the tank, cure ii the tank, debuff the mob, regen the puller, cure tank to full, then rest till the start of the next fight (leaving people hurt or even in the yellow). Oh, and thanks to Mycophile cuffs I had -3 emnity (-2 from the cuffs and -1 from food). At these levels -3 emnity meant I rarely ever pulled hate, and when I did, I did it because I wanted to. Again, I was wearing top gear so even as whm, being hume, I could take a few hits. considering I have auto-regen and I have to rest for mp, I was more than happy to let a mandragora hit me a few times. If the puller was bringing in a gob I'd blink before the battle and still purposely pull hate with a curaga or cure iii (as needed) let the gob eat my blinks while I cast stoneskin, and I'd never get hit. I never died through those 5 levels, and the only PT death I had is when the puller brought two gobs in and my pt thought we'd make it.

Anyway, pull speed is highly dependant on your pt setup and ability. My philosophy is that I never ever want a puller to have to wait for me. So with mage jobs I max out on HMP. As melee I let myself pull hate up to a point, basically if I pull enough hate that a regen will get me to 100%, I'm good, if I pull hate that the whm has two cure II me I have gone to far. As tank I keep hate on me with a passion. For provoke I macro in the red sash (I never got a dash sash :( ). For my cures as pld I macro in +mnd gear to the most from my mp. As ninja I insist on doing paralyze, blind, slow, poison, and one elemental debuff, at the start of each fight and I've never hate hate issues (infact the way I play I have harder hate control as paladin, I assume that will change once I get flash, but until then ninja seems much easier to keep hate with than paladin). As RNG and BLM I go all out, pulling hate, but only a certain amount. As RNG I don't mind pulling hate so long as I know the tank will have it back before my shadows are gone, and as BLM I'll nuke stuff silly, but only so much so that I'll take maybe one or two hits. And if the WHM casts cure on me I'll yell at them! I've got drain AND I have to sit my **** down to rest up MP anyway. DON'T FRIGGEN HEAL ME! Same with bard. Somehow I pull hate ALOT with bard. BUT DON'T HEAL ME. I got paeon, I have my own cure spells, leave me be unless it really looks like I'm gunna die.

Anyway, short pulls are great if your party can do it. I say pull as soon as you can. If you are doing your job right you should get into a pattern where there is always the same amount of time needed between pulls. A very bad fight might require a longer rest, but that should be the exception. If your fighting stuff that requires a long rest after each fight, your not fighting the right mobs (or your pt sucks). Having the same time between pulls might limit you to chain 4 and not chain 5 or even chain 3, but thats ok if thats what your pt can handle.
#47 Oct 13 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,274 posts
Lets be honest, if you HAVE to rest after the first fight, you're not hitting chain #5, no way, no how.

This scenario is only good when you have enough MP to kill say 4 mobs before you're depleted, spacing out the first couple will allow you to maximize your chain before resting. (ie rather than hit chain #3 and resting, a little wait will allow you to hit chain #4 and rest, by way of having enough extra MP after chain #3)

Most parties I'm in are not like this, they either suck to the point where I'm happy to hit chain #1, (generally from people insisting on either camping an area that's over camped or fighting stuff that's too hard) or they hover at about 50% MP most of the time, I just see how much each member uses a fight and plan accordingly.

If you can get a higher chain don't sacrifice any more than 1 or 2 kills per hr. Otherwise if you can kill 5 or more mobs by pulling faster, you'll get more exp. with smaller chains and faster kills.

So that strategy ONLY works if you're fighting things which are just a bit too hard. Otherwise you shouldn't be stopping, or the mobs are so hard its a moot point.
FFIX Melee Damage Comparitor
#48 Oct 13 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Huh!? Chain 6? Wasisdaz?

I thought 5 was max
#49 Oct 13 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
well i thank you all for your imput.i have only recently started to have to pull being a mnk23/war11.and i was tryin to figure out the chains and how to be a good puller.all of you have helped me to become puller in one way or another,.thx guys.
#50 Oct 13 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,692 posts
I mean you have a good hefty amount of time to make chain 1, why not let people rest just a bit in between pulls?

Well it depends on the party, in some parties its best to pull as soon as possible. The more you kill the more XP per hour you get, for instance in a NIN/RDM/BRD/others party. If you have a pld, heavy MP party or you are fighting nasty mobs, you can slow it in the starting pulls to give recouperating time though. People used to pulling and not forced into the role usually know when to pull in different parties.
#51 Oct 13 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
341 posts
only piping in cuz i'm bored, but it really does matter what kind of/type of pt you have. some pts can pull off no downtime, some can't. but but a number standpoint it goes like this:

(all examples, no concrete numbers)

chain 4 set / mob chain # / chain 5 set / battle time / exp per battle
no wait / 0 / 60secwait / 75sec / 200
no wait / 1 / 60secwait / 75sec / 220
no wait / 2 / 60secwait / 75sec / 240
no wait / 3 / 30secwait / 75sec / 260
no wait / 4 / no wait / 75sec / 280
done / 5 / no wait / 70 you hope / 300

total time for chain 4 battles with no wait time: 375 secs
total exp for chain 4 battles with no wait time: 1200 exp
average exp/sec for chain 4: 3.2 exp/sec

total time for chain 5 battles with wait time: 630 secs
total exp for chain 5 battles with wait time: 1500 exp
average exp/sec for chain 5: 2.3 exp/sec

as you can see, it is definately more ideal for no wait times, but again i STRESS it is up to PT SETUP for different things to work. at the end of both chain sets, most likely the wait will be the same for mp restore, etc. But over TIME the chain 4 will have more exp/hour with less downtime.

just my 2 gil as a sometimes puller.


p.s. japanese pullers never wait. you suck it up and just do it.
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