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NPC FAQs (all added to first post)Follow

#102 Aug 05 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
I've only noticed 1 works ata time I use the tell me when your MP is low option. I tried both but did not get any input either way. so i believe selecting one is the answer. Now mine says his MP is low and when hes ready to go.
#103 Aug 06 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
360 posts
hmmm, that could explain why my NPC rarely says when she is going to use ws. Very possible that she just does whichever the last choice that we select. Since my NPC rarely gets low helth and doesn't use MP, she doesn't say much at all.
#104 Aug 06 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
what happened if relationship of your char and the NPC is less? Will this affect anything?
#105 Aug 07 2005 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I was wondering if someone had information on the personality of the npc, or if that is specific to the race/face# of the npc. Because I rerolled twice with different faces, both mithra but the one I got now, the one I'm happy with, sounds like that Elvaan rent-a-room lady who hates my guts. Mithra don't say hi with "Greetings"
Anyone know if I can just reroll to fix this or should I try that and report back? ^.~
#106 Aug 08 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
360 posts
It is dependant on which race/face you chose.
#107 Aug 08 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Afraid you can't help your GF with the dragon, it's a solo BCNM40. On the bright side of things, I've heard that people with levels as low as 30 (mostly DRG class) hae been able to defeat the dragon. I saw a WHM nearly defeat it with only 1/4 her gear on and missing her weapon. In that case the companion did most of the damage though it died in the process (thus ending the BCNM)
I figure your GF could likely succeed as long as she was in her low 30s and was prepared for the occasion (food, buffed up, ready to use 2Hour).
#108 Aug 08 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
977 posts
Small piece of info to add.

My NPC healer recently hit level 36 and started casting Dia II instead of her regular Dia I.

Now if I can find a way to make her cast Haste at 40 I'll be set =D
#109 Aug 08 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Funny I had 3 in with me fighting the Dragon and all 3 of our NPC's joined in it was extreme overkill.

I was ranger 40 solo I went in and blew it up going all out just didn't realize that at a certain hp level you get a cutscene and the NPC joins you to finish him off. So I began to unload again and the sucker petrified me and the NPC and it was game over. So after I was raised I asked the next person in line if me and the pld that failed join together and blew it up. The BCNM is a 1-3 man BCNM for sure. Going in solo and that sucker doing the petra glaze or whatever it is called is DEATH solo for sure. I went from 450 hp to zip in short work and could do nothing but watch....

#110 Aug 08 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
360 posts
Now if I can find a way to make her cast Haste at 40 I'll be set =D

^^ Updated my first post up to day 23. Nothing new to note cept for the new headband thingy which still seems to be really limited. Anyways, sorry for the delay...transformer in front of house blew up and left me without electricity for 20+ hours.

Anyways, Cupapa hit level 40 this last time and to my surprise, she cast haste on herself then on me a few seconds later. Needless to say, I was pretty happy. Also, since dropping pearl seems to have a negative effect now, I'm only gonna go with one calling a day from now on.


I knew that I had seen this written somewhere...

It was in Xclint's thread @

as you can see, it was Turtlein who wrote that piece of information, though.
#111 Aug 08 2005 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
im wonderin is there a 3rd set of weapon and so on??? dunno if thats been asked *blush*
#112 Aug 10 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
Just a small point of interest that I am not sure if anyone has mentioned; I have found that you can only summon your NPC in areas that have an OUTPOST (i.e. and NPC that will cast signet on you). Outside areas such as dangruff wadi and davoi don't have outposts in them and your NPC CANT be summoned there, however Xabard and Becudine Glacier (please forgive the spelling mistakes) are are areas that you CAN summon your NPC. It also appears that this works for East and West portions of an outside area as well such as the East and West Altep and and East and West sabutaru.... whatever its called outside of windurst lol ^^. Anyway, this is what I have personally seen for my NPC.

#113 Aug 10 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,426 posts
Davoi and Dangruf Wadi are both dungeons.
#114 Aug 10 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
My appologies, I should have been a bit clearer. Dangruf and Davoi "seem" like outside areas, however they aren't. It has also been said, and again proven true, that if you are a blm and CAN'T <escape> the area then you should be able to summon your NPC. However for those that don't have escape and would like to know how to tell if they can summon thier NPC in an area or not; if it doesn't have an outpost or chocobo NPC, then you won't be able to summon your NPC. If I am wrong please correct me ^^

#115 Aug 10 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
I'm curious if there is a 3rd weapon update. I like my NPC using a Great Katanta but the 2nd one is horrible in comparrison. Wonder if a 3rd one will bring the damage back up.
#116 Aug 10 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,742 posts
My appologies, I should have been a bit clearer. Dangruf and Davoi "seem" like outside areas, however they aren't. It has also been said, and again proven true, that if you are a blm and CAN'T <escape> the area then you should be able to summon your NPC. However for those that don't have escape and would like to know how to tell if they can summon thier NPC in an area or not; if it doesn't have an outpost or chocobo NPC, then you won't be able to summon your NPC. If I am wrong please correct me ^^

This is not always true.

Lufais Meadows is an outdoor area. It has Outpost and can't be escaped, but no NPC.
#117 Aug 10 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,546 posts
# 19) A guy in my LS has his NPC dual-wielding, so it is possible. He said that he THINKS that the weapons that he traded (both at the same time) were Saparas (lvl 7 scimtar), but he says that he was very tired and drunk at the time... If trading these 2 together doesn't get your NPC dual weilding, try drinking until 3 a.m. and then trade something and see if that works, lol. If indeed saparas DO dual weild, then it is possible that other weapon types which are not the ones listed for single-wield will also work when traded in pairs. Let me know how you get on (i'm sticking to GKT and GSD for now).

Can you post a pic of his NPC dual wielding?

I haven't been able to replicate this and so far no one else cept the drunk guy has gotten it to work at all. I'm doubting the story now.

Please remove if it is in fact false/can't be proven.
#118 Aug 11 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I have a HYPOTHESIS, and if something similar has been posted here, please forgive me I have not noticed it:

It sounds (and appears) as though the fellowship NPCs are effected by some type of “reputation” system, and that some actions give us reputation points, and some take them away. I believe each job has specific things you can do or that can be done to positively/negatively affect your reputation points with your NPC. HOWEVER, each job is different, in that what positively affects reputation with one job won’t necessarily positively affect your reputation with your NPC in another job.

So far we KNOW that if you drop your “signal pearl” or if your NPC dies it will affect your reputation negatively (i.e. armor down-grades or certain options like the “headgear” option are unusable till reputation increases). So now that we have an idea what will decrease reputation, we need to know what will INCREASE reputation, thus allowing our NPCs to get better armor, open more options, and stay out longer.

My THEORY for each style is as follows;

“THEORY of Attacker Style”

When in the “Attacker” style your NPC will do something it doesn’t do in any other job, and that is tell you when it’s TP is ready. Your NPC will also wait till your TP is at 100 and then begin its weapon skill. No other job setting will make your NPC do this. Because of this setting it makes it easier to do skillchains with your NPC. I believe that in order to positively affect your NPCs “reputation” you need to do as many skillchains as possible with your NPC. I also believe that if you miss skillchains skillchains with your NPC or if another member in your party skillchains off YOUR NPCs weapon skill your reputation with your NPC will be negatively affected as YOU are not working with/helping your NPC directly. I am not sure, but I think that resting while you have your NPC out and in attacker job you will also negatively effect the reputation you have with your NPC.

“THEORY of Healer Style”

When in the “Healer Style”, your NPC will cast enhancing magics when it is first summoned as well as heal you through out battle. Your NPC will also use weaponskills during battle however, not as often as the “attacker” or “shield” style, and with no warning. I believe that in order to positively affect your NPCs “reputation” in this style you need to allow it to heal you as often as possible, and that the more it heals you the more reputation you will get for it. I think that if you let your NPC get hit it will negatively effect your “reputation”. Also, if you run your NPC dry of MP and keep fighting with them, I think that will negatively affect your reputation as well.

“THEORY of Shield Style”

When in the “Shield Style” your NPC will cast Provoke at the beginning of each fight, I believe that in order to positively affect your “reputation” with your NPC you need to let it hold hate/ take the most damage during each fight. I think that the more hate it holds and the more damage it takes in this style the more positively it will affect your “reputation” with your NPC. I believe that if you do all the tanking for your NPC while in this style/ you take the most damage it will negatively affect your “reputation”.


However, like every good THEORY it does need to be tested. Please post any experiences that you have had, with any job, where you have, for example;

1) MISSED ALL Skillchains with the NPC in “Attacker” style – and the effect it had on its armor(s).

2) HIT ALL Skillchains with the NPC in “Attacker” style – and the effect it had on its armor(s).

3) NPC takes LARGE AMOUNTS of damage as a “Healer” style or if you run your NPC DRY OF MP - and the effect it had on its armor(s).

4) NPC takes ZERO damage as a “Healer” style and you ALWAYS REST WHEN MP IS LOW - and the effect it had on its armor(s).

5) Your NPC NEVER GETS OR KEEPS HATE FOR EVERY FIGHT as a “Shield” style – and the effect it had on its armor(s).

6) Your NPC ALWAY GETS AND KEEPS HATE FOR EVERY FIGHT as a “Shield” style – and the effect it had on its armor(s).

PLEASE POST ANY RESULTS YOU HAVE FROM THESE TESTS! And lest crack the mystery that is the “reputation” system!

#119 Aug 11 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,742 posts
Not sure if this has been addressed. While your NPC can equip any weapon, it doesn't mean they have the skill in it.

my "Healer" type does not have Hand 2 hand skill. She only attack once with the Bronze Knuckles instead of twice.

And MP is determined by race, my NPC runs out of spells pretty darn fast (Elvaan).

Switching her back to Attacker tonight.
#120 Aug 11 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
401 posts
# 19) A guy in my LS has his NPC dual-wielding, so it is possible. He said that he THINKS that the weapons that he traded (both at the same time) were Saparas (lvl 7 scimtar), but he says that he was very tired and drunk at the time... If trading these 2 together doesn't get your NPC dual weilding, try drinking until 3 a.m. and then trade something and see if that works, lol. If indeed saparas DO dual weild, then it is possible that other weapon types which are not the ones listed for single-wield will also work when traded in pairs. Let me know how you get on (i'm sticking to GKT and GSD for now).
I think it's pretty safe to say that this is B.S. because A) it's second-hand information, and B) no one has been able to reproduce it. The guy who originally reported this didn't even see the person's NPC who claimed to got it to dual wield, not to mention the story just sounds far-fetched.

Can anyone explain to me why the second "upgrade" for a one-handed sword is actually worse than the first upgrade?
Here's my theory: The weapon you give your NPC is for visualization only. Your NPC will upgrade their weapon's stats appropriately for their level, but the graphic for the weapon will be what you handed them. My NPC is doing damage against mobs 25 levels higher than her. If NPCs truly wielded the weapon you handed them, they would be doing 0 damage.

One other thing I noticed: the "Healer" mode appears to be based on White Mage. My NPC was casting Dia during battle when I first changed her to Healer mode. She hit Lv36 last night and is now casting Dia II. Dia II is Lv31 for RDM and Lv36 for WHM. She does not cast Dispel, Phalanx, En- spells, etc., so I believe the "Healer" mode only chooses from WHM-only spells.

While fighting Demons in Xarcabard, she also casts Blindna when hit with Hecatomb Wave and Silena when fighting Antica in Western Altepa Desert (interestingly enough, her Silence from Jamming Wave always wore off much faster than mine).

I am still confused about armor choice, however. My NPC tends to stick with scale mail and her starting gear, yet she's been in Healer mode for over 10 calls now. I see other people's NPCs sporting Seer's and Trader's gear, yet mine keeps choosing melee gear (I also have her sporting a hammer and Quadav shield). I have only killed my NPC once (on call #2 while I was levelling RNG at Lv5) and lost my NPC once (on call #5) due to a connection lost. Every other time (I've lost count, I believe I'm on call #13 or #14 now) she has been out for the maximum number of fights.
#121 Aug 11 2005 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,313 posts
I also believe that if you miss skillchains skillchains with your NPC or if another member in your party skillchains off YOUR NPCs weapon skill your reputation with your NPC will be negatively affected as YOU are not working with/helping your NPC directly

You didnt say exactly how the neg. affect would work, but I'm here to report that I have NEVER done a skill chain with my NPC.
Right now I get 55 minutes outing with him, and get a level every other outing.

I also stopped casting protect on him since I keep hate and he doesnt get hit.

My NPC is level 44.

It would be nice if people tested their theories before posting them.
#122 Aug 12 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
I have tested this as much as I can with my own NPC (Zoldof-Gualka) who is currently in level 37. Using the methods I mentioned in my THEORY post I was able to increase my “reputation” points high enough to have him get the “Merc. Cpt. Doublet” (level 30 body armor) in “Shield” style until I dropped my pearl, at which point my “reputation” decreased and his gear dropped down to lizard armor (level 17 armor). Shortly after I switched to “Attacker” style and followed the skillchain method and was able to increase my “reputation” with him and get his armor as high as the “Noct Tunic” (level 30 armor) while in attacker style. I have since dropped my pearl and he is now back in the level 1 RSE.

I found that my NPC made the biggest armor jump when 2 friends and I beat a NM (Impossible to Guage) out in Xarcabard (the “floating eye” NM by the castle) during an NPC leveling session. During the ENTIRE session I and my NPC were the only ones who did skillchains together, the other 2 had not worked out what WS to use to link with their NPCs (each NPC was in “Attacker” style). Following the session we all went back to Jeuno, my NPC was the only one who increased in appearance and he went from a “Chocobo Riding Tunic” to the “Noct Tunic” which was a SIGNIFICANT improvement in appearance (level 1 armor -> level 30 armor). As I was the only one who was doing skillchains with my NPC and mine was the only one who saw and increase in armor appearance, it would stand to reason that there may be a correlation between the skillchain usage and armor appearance with the “Attacker” style. If it was based on a per kill statistic we all should have seen a significant armor increase since we all would have received the same reputation points for beating the NM. However, mine was the only NPC that saw any change the other two didn’t see any change in armors… hence my THEORY post.

Also, for the record the previous THEORY post was NOT about how to level your NPC, but how to increase your “REPUTATION” with it, so that you can increase the armor/ improve the look of your NPC. It would be nice if people actually read a post before they decide to respond to it.

#123 Aug 12 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
For the "tell me when your TP is ready", I've noticed my (Attacker) NPC only tells me his TP if he gets it BEFORE me. If I get it before him, He will not ever tell me, and just uses a weaponskill when he gets to 100% (and the mob has a moderate amount of health).
#124 Aug 14 2005 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
Another interesting fact if not already mentioned.... your NPC still retains TP even when resting.
#125 Aug 14 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Default
iv called my npc buddy 3x now and i still dont have the option to change his combat style. anybody know whats wrong?
#126 Aug 14 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
Upgrading the weapon/shield? If you could include alittle explanatory note ("hey, you can upgrade XXX after YYY summons. Upgrading accomplishes ZZZ and AAA.")

From reading, I guess you only change the weapons to affect damage and available weapon skills?
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