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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#77 Aug 09 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
1,675 posts

I didn't think I'd respond to this thread, but I will.

SE is just propagating the "standard" of sexual partnerships in game. "Standard" meaning partnership between a man and woman. There's nothing wrong with that; it never may have even entered SE mind to cater to gay culture. While it may have pissed a few gay people off, SE isn't losing sleep over it. Meaning SE is just a reflection of mainstream NA society. Since there are more gay shows on TV, and the fact that homosexuals are becoming more and more recognized, in the future perhaps you will see in game marriages and stuff catering to homosexuals in game.

As for RL homosexual marriages, I could care less. Hell if it makes the religious right any more comfortable call it a civil-union. Marriage in RL is nothing but an economic institution but we think its so holy and to be reserved for man and woman. Way to go ~50% divorce rate; looks like we're all going to hell and we need someone to save us. :/

Y'know I really don't care what people believe whether it be Christianity or some cult, but when one starts to preach about what's right for me or anyone else, that's when it starts to be a bit much. Spouting off strong ultimately unfounded beliefs as the end all of all morality.

Society doesn't need Christianity for morality any more. Just because you don't have God or a god doesn't mean you suspend all meaning. Go read some Nietzsche. We, for the most part, have a grasp of what's right and what's wrong. And I think in most cases we follow a Categorical Imperative or "Do unto others..." type of thing where we'd like to be treated with respect equally. I don't hurt you you don't hurt me.

In this sense homosexuals are not hurting anyone. And don't say they are hurting themselves, they aren't. Tell me how homosexuality fits in with cheating, killing and lying.

I really hate arguing "beliefs." You can't do it. So I'll stop before I write 10 pages...

Edited, Mon Aug 9 08:34:52 2004 by Kierk
#78 Aug 09 2004 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
/em prepares to be rated down for his beliefs...

If you care that much about getting a "gay marriage" in game why don't you spend your time more wisely and get something accomplished outside of the virtual world? Not a flame by any means, but if it is that big of a topic to you why not get the rights to gay marriage in real life first then bring the fight to a video game?

I don't condone gay/lesbians, as a matter of fact... it honestly makes my stomach turn. I feel that it is not natural. I feel that it is fundamentally wrong. I am Christian, but by no means am I a bible thumper. I don't regularly go to church. I don't even know if I really believe the majority of Christianity. Honestly though, in game marrriage would go against the same believes I hold in real life. I'm sure many other people feel the same, even people who aren't "bible thumpers."

As far as your bottom two paragraphs were you proclaim that society doesn't include you, I have a few things to say.

Society doesn't include a lot of the minority. There isn't a lot of images that I can relate to on TV. I can't relate to the high upper class. I can't relate to the teenage shows. I can't relate to SpongeBobSquarePants (even though it is a great show :). I can't relate to a lot of stuff on TV. I go to college, and I work about 20 hours a week. Usually, college shows on TV shows the immature college student getting hammered on weekends and smoking pot. Unfortunately, that's not the cass. Is society singling me out too? Am I angry because I can't smoke pot or drink in the game? No. It is SE's world and this is how they made it.

If you feel "excluded" because you can't marry in game, then I'm sorry. I can't imagine how you feel NOT being able to get a gay marriage in real life.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 08:38:04 2004 by Trinitee
#79 Aug 09 2004 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Just a note...I rated you up and I rated noone else down :)
#80 Aug 09 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
How many people do relate to Spong Bob? ;)
#81 Aug 09 2004 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
A very interesting topic thread. Without taking a stand on either side, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this thread regardless of the side they took.

Saboruto, I would like to discuss something with you in private, if you would be kind enough to let me know how that might be possible. I have AOL instant messenger if that is acceptable.

*I guess I should have put my AOL IM name in here, which is Eudardm, naturally..... ^^

**Also, if anyone is getting stressed out or frustrated from the discussion in this thread, why not kick back and look at some ffxi pictures? I have almost 2400 on my website,

Edited, Mon Aug 9 08:40:33 2004 by eudardm

Edited, Mon Aug 9 08:41:54 2004 by eudardm
#82 Aug 09 2004 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
If you feel "excluded" because you can't marry in game, then I'm sorry. I can't imagine how you feel NOT being able to get a gay marriage in real life.

I think he's upset that SE made it a point to single out gays and said they couldn't be married, not so much that he wants to get married and can't. Imagine if they made it so that every female character couldn't be the only linksack holder in a linkshell (trying to think of something analgous to the the Glass Ceiling in corporate America). Now, most LS have multiple sack holders, but how offended would women be if they were discriminated against in game as a reflection of the way society feels. Although I'm not gay, I can understand the OP's anger.

He probably feels the same way about IRL marriages and in-game marrigaes.
#83 Aug 09 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
How is it discriminatory that SE left something out of the game that THEY did not feel was morally approite (sp?) for the game? Like I said in my post, they left drinking and smoking out of the game... are they discriminating against drinkers/smokers because they didn't add it? OR did they simply not want it in there world? If I was creating a world, gay marriage is something I would leave out. SE decided the same.

They didn't single homosexuals out. It is a "RPG". Meaning you can still "RP" that you are in a gay marriage in FFXI. Just like I can RP that I am drinking in FFXI. Just like I can RP that I am a Mithra in FFXI.
#84 Aug 09 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
147 posts
. Without religion: You would be perfectly right in one sense that you have a right to live how you want. If you wanna be gay or straight its up to you. No one could tell you differently especially if there is no moral law provided by religion.
In that case im all for you going for whatever contents your heart.

However, if there is no religion or God, then we then next look to nature for how it governs. I guess you would call this a more naturalistic view, because no where in nature will you find any animals having gay sex. Why? Well if for no other reason than the fact that that species of animal wouldnt last long if it did.
Homosexuality will always be dependent upon heterosexuals having sex and making babies, or at least a female egg and a male sperm. Thats the way it works, it just does. Men and Women are equal in essence, but not in roles. They each have defining characteristics which make them a man or a woman. Society tries to blur this by saying Men and Women are equal in all things, which even from only a natural standpoint is a ridiculous statement.

The danger you should be warned to this is that if life is just relative, then there is no such thing as fairness either. For what is fair in your beliefs wont be in mine or anyone elses.
In other words, should a law be passed by society saying that homosexuality is forbidden, and even punishable by death if found guilty, then you frankly cant argue against them for passing the law. Sure its not fair to you as you believe, but your beliefs are just relative anyway.

Just because I'm a git.
Bonobo Monkeys do ;p
Oh BBC Two where would I be without you.
#85 Aug 09 2004 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
How is it discriminatory that SE left something out of the game that THEY did not feel was morally approite (sp?) for the game? Like I said in my post, they left drinking and smoking out of the game... are they discriminating against drinkers/smokers because they didn't add it? OR did they simply not want it in there world? If I was creating a world, gay marriage is something I would leave out. SE decided the same.

Uh, you kind of answered your own question. Just because THEY felt something was immoral they left it out. Yes, they left a lot of things out, such as drinking and pot smoking. But they never went so far as to say you cannot smoke or drink. They basically stuck a "No Gays Allowed" sign up on the door of the place you get married. How is that not discriminatory?
#86 Aug 09 2004 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
533 posts
I think that the issue is not about what the church thinks. The question is why did Square Enix decide that charecters couldn't marry out of the law of averages 1 guy 1 gal format?

Well, why can't you play a transvestite? Or play a charecter of ambigious sex? Shoot, why cant 1 male charecter have 10 wives?Or a female charecter have 10 husbands...

Its probably the same reason that every crab looks the same.

Square makes and propigates this game for money. When marriages were discussed by the people who created this game, I imagine that the issue of same sex marriages did come up. And at some point someone bet that not bothering to make it fair would lose them no customers.

Yes, its obnoxious that in a game with races that have only one sex, they cannot get married. Yes, there are plenty of people that would want in game same sex marriage because, perhaps, they are lovers out of game, or want to express thier sexuality online, or are both mithra or both galka, or just felt like roleplaying a gay charecter.

The real problem is that square's officialness of marriage leaves them out. There is nothing I can suggest to do thats right. If you hold your own cerimony, then there is an implication that the games creators didn't care about you. Its a happy event, but you would end up feeling like your being pushed out of the way. If you boycott the game, then noones standing up for what you think.

I think posting a link to a petition (im pretty sure there is one somewhere, and if you post it in the OP, so much the better) to square to allow free marriage of charecters would be the best option. Because while they might just be 'video game charecters' to other people, the levels you gain, the equipment you buy, the quests and trials you overcome to gain titles and respect.... you have put alot of yourself into your charecter. Its an Avatar of your efforts. Its not just 'one silly little thing' to be able to have your charecter express themselves in a same sex wedding. You can play any combination of jobs, even if they don't really mix. So why is square unable to let people play as Groom/Groom? No good reason.
#87 Aug 09 2004 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
Just because THEY felt something was immoral they left it out.

I feel gay marriage is wrong and immoral. Just because I feel it is wrong, does not mean that I discriminate against it. If I saw two men walking down the street holding hands with wedding rings on, I would not shout things at them or start throwing things at them. Just because someone views something as immoral, does NOT mean that they are discriminating against it.

EDIT : I knew I would eventually get rated down for an opinion!!! YAY. :-D

Edited, Mon Aug 9 09:24:03 2004 by Trinitee
#88 Aug 09 2004 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
I feel gay marriage is wrong and immoral. Just because I feel it is wrong, does not mean that I discriminate against it. If I saw two men walking down the street holding hands with wedding rings on, I would not shout things at them or start throwing things at them. Just because someone views something as immoral, does NOT mean that they are discriminating against it.

I'm almost at a loss for words. Look it's not that hard:
Disrimination is defined as: Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.

Homosexuals are a social class, just are women, blacks, children, disabled people, senior citizens, people with blue hair, etc. Homosexuals are SPECIFICALLY deined the right to get married by Square. You cited their reason for this as they believe it's immoral. Their reason doesn't matter. It could be anything, but they still singled out gays and said they couldn't marry.
#89 Aug 09 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
Society doesn't need Christianity for morality any more. Just because you don't have God or a god doesn't mean you suspend all meaning. Go read some Nietzsche. We, for the most part, have a grasp of what's right and what's wrong. And I think in most cases we follow a Categorical Imperative or "Do unto others..." type of thing where we'd like to be treated with respect equally. I don't hurt you you don't hurt me.

According to Nietzsche, people don't need "morality" (as we commonly understand it) anymore. He calls it "slave morality" (mostly a list of don'ts) and says that we need to reclaim "master morality" (basically, those on top set the ruels based on their own actions). Those on top being "ubermench" (supermen), who possess the "will to power" (basically free will) that sets them in the position to flout society and impose their own rules.

Neitzsche, needless to say, thinks the Categorical Imperative and the Golden Rule (they aren't quite the same thing) are bunk.

Doesn't leave much room for the whole compassion and equality angle of the gay-marriage advocates, does it?
#90 Aug 09 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
147 posts
Erm WTF?
I'm almost at a loss for words. Look it's not that hard:
Disrimination is defined as: Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.

Homosexuals are a social class, just are women, blacks, children, disabled people, senior citizens, people with blue hair, etc. Homosexuals are SPECIFICALLY deined the right to get married by Square. You cited their reason for this as they believe it's immoral. Their reason doesn't matter. It could be anything, but they still singled out gays and said they couldn't marry.

Same sex characters can't marry ~_~
Never any where have they said "If your gay no marriage for you!"
1.Why would they risk loss of buisness like this?
2.How would they know?
#91 Aug 09 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
It is there medium. People do not have to participate.

Disrimination is defined as: Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.

I am not stupid. I know how discrimination is defined. You are entering a virtual world, where SE comes up with the rules. The sooner you realize this, the better. In Vana'diel, they may have intended for no characters to be homosexual, thereby nullifying this arguement. They are, by NO means, discriminating the player behind the character. That player, could have easily chosen a female characer instead of male character and gotten married. Discrimation would be if SE were to say "Homosexuals are not allowed to purchase FFXI."

I have taken in your points and you have taken mine in. We are all entitled to your opinion. I know for a fact you won't change my opinion, in my eyes it is not discriminatory. It is SE's world and they are free to do as they will. I know I won't change your mind, it seems you are as set in your ways as I am.

If you take anything away from my post at all, please take away this :

I view something as immoral and I am completely against it. Yet, being morally opposed to it and thereby not wanted to include it in my lifestyle or be a part of it DOES NOT mean I am discriminating against it. You want to do that? Fine, so be it. I will not take part in it in any manner, nor condone it. At the same time, I will not discriminate against it. I will not make comments to homosexuals, I will not beat the living **** out of them because they are homosexual. That is the beauty of the worl we live in. You can be morally opposed to something and live in a world with them, with tolerance.
#92 Aug 09 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Default
Same sex characters can't marry ~_~
Never any where have they said "If your gay no marriage for you!"

Sorry, this could have been a bit more clear. I'm assuming the characters are "real-life" in that each is a social class. In game, they're discriminating against same sex marriages -- marriages between homosexuals (same sex).

When I said gays, I didn't mean gay people in real life. I meant the "gay" characters. Because they are discriminating against "gay" characters, gays in real life have a right to be offended. How would you feel if female characters weren't given all the JA's that male characters were?

Edited, Mon Aug 9 09:27:03 2004 by vxvenom
#93 Aug 09 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
SE may have never intended for there to be "gay" characters. That we will simply never know. But if you want to take it that far, then yes, the "gay" characters in game are being discriminated against. That is a funny notion though...

And it still comes back to the fact that it is NOT discriminating against anyone in real life. My girlfriend started playing as a Elveen Female, so that means my Mithra and her Elveen could never get married. So, is SE discriminating against me? No. Is SE discriminating against my mithra? Well, if she were gay... I guess. :D
#94 Aug 09 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
118 posts
The way I see it, SE should have done one of two things. Either:

A) Allowed any character to marry any other character.
B) Stipulated it so that you had to stick to male/female of the same species.

Now yes, I know that means that Mithra and Galka would not be allowed to be married since the other sexes are not played. The reason I am saying this is because how many cross-species characters do you see? If cross species marriages are ok, you would probably see their offspring. By setting this limitation as well as the same sex, you are being at least a little more fair. But then I guess you would get the people who would interpret it as racist.

Not necessarily a solution, but then at least they would not have been solely offending the homosexual players.
#95 Aug 09 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Elvaan females should be allowed to marry mithra because Elvaan females look like Elvaan males.
#96 Aug 09 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
79 posts
Thanks Sabo. I look foward to when youve had some rest ;)

Sorry if my post had gotten long by the way, (it could have been longer but lunch called).

I appreciate your respect on the matter, and Im glad that you are quite respectable yourself for not flaming me for opposing your view. Too often have I seen others on your side of the fence simply pass such an agrument off by quoting christians hate gays. Im sure there are those on my side of the fence as well, who while claiming christianity, flame gays or other opposition. There are few but those few are heard much more loudly unfortunately than the rest of christians.

In light of christianity and what is clearly taught in scripture is that sin leads to death. We are called to live a life not under sin, but in compliance with God's law. Just like adultry is wrong, so is homosexuality or any other sin.

I personally dont think we should have governmental laws against homosexuality. Why? Because its just not something you can restrict by human law, or punish in this day in age by a government. You can have that choice in America. However, its no less wrong to do so, and if taken from a biblical perspective, you shouldnt be given equal or fair place in comparison with those who chose to live according to God's establishment of marriage or even a governmental establishment of marriage if it calls for the same thing.

Just like the arguement 'well if you dont like whats on tv, you can change the channel', you can happily leave America for a country that agrees with you if you dont like its rules. That choice even if difficult to do is still available. Take Sweden for instance, nice place to live in the summer at least. (Im not asking you to leave just making a point.)

In Israels day you would have been tossed out of camp and stoned, along with your neighbor who happened to break the Sabbath. When Christ came, that changed, because the law was fulfilled by him for at least a main reason. The grace of God was extended to Gentiles as well as Jews.

I think in this day in age though we have a problem with what love is. We have been taught by television among other things that it is just an emotion. That you should just follow your heart, etc etc.
Love isnt just an emotion, it is a matter of the will. You chose whom you will love. You can chose not to love someone. You do it all the time. You can chose whether to be gay or not or an adulter or not, or a thief or not, or a liar or not.
If we fail to have selfcontrol then it is either because we are mere animals and nothing more, or its because we are sinners if taken from a biblical perspective.

Anyway I hope that helps you some from the biblical perspective. I know you disagree, but im glad you are willing to at least review such a perspective. I know i havent done justice to the Bible in all that it contains, but I hope for now its sufficient. I look foward to hearing more from your side.

Peace out.

#97 Aug 09 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
As such, there's no 'gay movement' in Japan, because people don't see themselves as gay or straight, instead they are merely attracted to men or women.

It's too bad we can't all have that view. Instead, we have to use another word that is taken by many to be derogatory, all because that person is viewed as 'different'.

It's sad, we have so many opportunities to learn from the Japanese in this game (it extends further then just viewing gay or straight as loving men or women), yet we have some stupid asshats for NA players (I don't mean the people who can't play their job right, I mean the people who treat others like ****, label jp as ****, etc.), and they only push us further and further away...

But I'm drifitng OT.
#98 Aug 09 2004 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
*Just because I'm a git.
Bonobo Monkeys do ;p
Oh BBC Two where would I be without you.*

I read your nifty article. Congradulations you found one animal species out of the hundred of thousands on earth. However, just like all the other ones, they depend on heterosexual activity to sustain their species. Furthermore as i was saying in the section you quoted, that if all we are is animals, sure have it like your bobos.
Would you also like to find me the transitional species from this one to ours? Considering there arent any youd have a tough time. The discontinuity between us and monkeys is relatively the same as it is to fish. Transitional Darwinian evolution has no proof, there are no transitional species found anywhere in nature. You could hold to a salutational view if you like, but thats a miracle view even more so than God just created the world and it exits the world of science.
In order to change the dominant view that homosexuality is wrong by science you would have to find thousands of species where it occurs.
Cats will hump your table leg. They are animals, the question is are we something more? And if we are, what gives us that something more?
#99 Aug 09 2004 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
In light of christianity and what is clearly taught in scripture is that sin leads to death. We are called to live a life not under sin, but in compliance with God's law. Just like adultry is wrong, so is homosexuality or any other sin.

A while ago, I read somewhere (and this was a reliable source) that homosexualtity is caused by the brain, as in it's there from birth.

How could God hate homosexuals for something that isn't their fault? Last time I asked someone this, they said that homosexuals had the choice to marry a female and pretend they are hetero, but that dosen't change the fact that they are still homosexual, and that supposedly God hates homosexuality.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 10:29:48 2004 by CBD
#100 Aug 09 2004 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
184 posts
I ramble a bit in this post...Kinda free associating. ^_^

First, a statement that bears repeating: S-E is definitely in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position. We all know why they made the choice that they did...if they allowed same-sex marriages in the game, it'd be picked up by CNN as an interesting twist on the marriage debate, and embroil S-E in a debate it *doesn't* want to get into.

People will always be struck by fear when someone makes a statement against our beliefs. This is another reason why I dislike the Karma system...We're always looking over our shoulder fearful of the Rate Down.

Now, how many images can you think of in popular media that involve serious homosexual content? There's the quirky, goody-two-shoes TV-fluffy lesbianism-obsessed Ellen. There's the chronically disfunctional, neurotic characters of Will & Grace. There's the self-obsessed, narcissistic, nightclub-hopping, drug-abusing, hypersexed gay men of ***** as Folk. There's the effiminate stereotyped gay men and the trashy glam-girl drag queens of The Birdcage and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and To Wong Fu: Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar. And that's it. What amongst that can I identify with? In what of those characters can I see something of myself? Where is MY sense of belonging and acceptance?

This is just my Smiley: twocents, but I've learned the hard way that belonging and acceptance comes from within, not from without. The hard part in any Square Peg's life (whether it's sexual orientation or prediliction for comic books)is ignoring those that give the nasty, jaded, and cruel labels and really seeing those that can reaffirm you as a person.

There's a show I notice you didn't mention, Saboruto: ***** Eye for the Straight Guy. I personally love this show, not just because it's a fun "reality makeover" series, but because it portrays gay men as funny, confident, intelligent people who are sure not only of themselves, but sure in their ability to help others see themselves in a better light. If you haven't seen it, I reccomend it. :)

Respect for people as themselves, and not for their labels, is out there if you look for it. I hope you find that sense of acceptance...I know you'll find people here on the Net who can cheer you on. We board posters love to give and get support. :)
#101 Aug 09 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
I cant believe this is even being talked about, they wanted marriage to be normal, you cant have two grooms it just looks weird, they made the dress special and everything, so one can choose to be female ITS A GAME, you'll go great together, YaY we're happy.
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