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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#402 Aug 10 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,675 posts
I don't think I mentioned marriage once in my response, that's how off topic I am. :P

I guess what I mean is equality of acceptance, not from you but from society as a whole, and following from that, marriage. But like I stated in an ealier post, just call it a civil union.

The reason why marriage is proposterous is because its rooted in religion and homosexuals want to be apart of it. Yes it is a bit strange why they'd want to, and I have read plenty of articles showing that if they did happen to get married that it would in fact be "a step backwards" in gay rights.

I wish I didn't have to marry to get tax breaks. And I think other than professing love, it is another very strong underlying issue of equality for gay marriage propronents.

If I loved my girlfriend and wanted to live with her for the rest of my life without getting married, I would be punsihed for doing so. Not only would I be viewed as an outcast for not wanting to marry, I would also not be able to enjoy the same monetary benifits as married couples. Herein lies the inequality.

The comparison of homosexuals wanting to get married to people who want to marry cats, dogs and cars is just plain ridiculous.
#403 Aug 10 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
This is the funny thing! There's not a person gay or straight that truly believes I should be allowed to marry a car,house, or cat. So here comes the moral of the story:

It's okay to redefine marriage so long as it fits someones definition or purposes of it. The question isnt whether marriage should be done in love or not. Becuase it's entirely possible for someone to love ANYTHING. To be truly equal, if we are going to base marriage off of love then you should be able to marry whatever it is you love. So, instead, the battle is between the gays who want to redefine marriage so that they can marry and the people who wish for marriage to retain its traditional definition. It's not a subject of equality or human rights. It's a question of who deserves to define marriage. Who do we vest the power of defining something that has long stood as a set definite thing? Do you allow "this movement" or "that movement" to redefine tradition. To allow marriage for one group and deny it for another is... discrimination. Surprise surprise! the word discrimination isn't such an evil thing after all. If Betty wanted to marry Mittens the cat we would <gasp> discriminate!

So, do I give you the power to define things for me, or do I keep that right for myself? It's not a vlaue judgement... It's a battle for who you let take control of your civilization. Let's cut the human rights crap and really get down to it. It's a power struggle. You have your viw of the world. I have mine. Let's take moral high ground out of the picture. Let's take name calling out of the picture. The issue is what it is.
#404 Aug 10 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
You can have gay couples on The Sims. ;D
#405 Aug 10 2004 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
Would you please stop with the "redefining marriage" garbage? The ONLY people whose definition of marriage it would be redefining are homosexual couples. And the definition would change from "***** you, your relationship is meaningless to the eyes of society and you have no legal rights whatsoever" to "welcome to being one step closer to being treated with dignity and respect, have a nice honeymoon". YOUR definition doesn't change, YOU still have the same rights and same limitations as you ever did. YOU aren't being harmed or wronged by it, and YOU are still just as well-off as you are. But YOU don't have any right whatsoever to tell me that my relationship with my amazing Max isn't just as valid as anything you could come up with. YOU are the one drawing a line in the sand and telling me to stay on my side of it. YOU'RE the one with a superiority complex, thinking somehow you're more important than I am and deserve better. WE'RE the ones fighting on a daily basis to simply have the SAME rights you have...nothing more, nothing less.
#406 Aug 10 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Default
189 posts
So true, Warlord. Gays keep dodging the issue or saying "Marrying more than one person isn't the same", but it is. By redifining marriage to stop discrimnation against gays, aren't you discriminating against pedophiles and palygimists? Sure, you may think that's disgusting and unorthdox, but, surpirse, what do you think some people think of gay marriage? If one group wants rights, then you have to let ALL groups have rights, and the gays don't like palygimists, so then what?
#407 Aug 10 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,675 posts
As I have stated earlier I think marriage is an economic institution more than anything. It is one that is defined by religion under and union, but under the government it is economic. The power structures that be have a monopoly on this "tradition" and any thing that deviates from that isn't "normal." I could care less about tradition. Sure its still a struggle for rights.

I don't see how you can have a power stuggle without taking about rights? The ones in power, "tradition" vs. the ones who want to be included or equal to that "tradition." Like I said once again, it is strange that homosexuals want to be included in a religious tradition, that's why the *government* should step away and let people have unions with whomever they want.

I personally don't care if someone wants to marry their cat just don't give them tax breaks for it. Or just even better eliminate tax breaks altogether for married couples.
#408 Aug 10 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
189 posts
You dodged our points again about other forms of amrriage. Pleaserespond to them. Thank you.
#409 Aug 10 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
You dodged our points again about other forms of amrriage. Pleaserespond to them. Thank you.

What, polygamy? Polygamy isn't marriage, it's marriage-squared. You have the right to fall in love, get married and spend your life together. I do not. I can fall in love, but I can't marry that person and god forbid something should happen to one of us. HOW IS THAT FAIR? And stop comparing it to marrying a cat. Max is not a cat. Your future wife (should anyone ever marry you) is not a cat. You have the right to meet someone, fall in love, and get married. I DO NOT. Therefore, you have rights I don't have, which is discriminatory. You don't have the right to marry a cat, neither do I. THAT is an example of equality. Nobody has the right to marry a cat, so nobody is being discriminated against. You DO have the right to marry the ONE ADULT PERSON YOU LOVE AND WHO LOVES YOU. I do not. That is inequality. I cannot possibly make it any more simple to understand, so hopefully you'll understand that much.
#410 Aug 10 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
189 posts
Palygimy is marriage. It's marriage to more than one person. And while both of us can't marry more than one person and we're equals, why can't I fight to try and make Palygimy legal? I should be able to marry however many people I want, and saying that we're equal since we can't doesn't cut it. If you can marry a man, then you have to let me marry two men, otherwise you're discriminating against me, as I fall in love with two people, and want to marry them, but can't See my point?

Here's your words back for you:

I cannot possibly make it any more simple to understand, so hopefully you'll understand that much.

EDIT: Yay, I'm a scholar now. (>")> <("<)

Edited, Tue Aug 10 19:55:37 2004 by Bravelionheart
#411 Aug 10 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
I will not rate anything on this thread because it is political. However, Lionheart nailed it. No matter what you do you are discriminating. You can't just stop discriminating. We discriminate in everything we do every day. You wouldnt be homosexual if you didnt discriminate in some way shape or form against members of the opposite sex. Discrimination isnt a bad or evil thing. It's something that is as natural as walking on two legs.

Are there people out there that dont have two legs? Yeah. Do we need to systematically pay for cybernetic implants for everyone that cant walk so that they can walk? I'm not paying for it! You can pick up whatever cause you want in life and find something thats not fair in the world. However, neither I or anybody I know can live over a thousand years to solve each and every problem there is with everything. Therefore, there are certain realities that simply must be accepted.

Do people abuse the marriage system that is alreay in place? Sure do! Then again, I dont go around punching holes in every condom I see because they might break either... Think about it.

Edited, Tue Aug 10 19:57:31 2004 by Lefein
#412 Aug 10 2004 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
I fail to see what polygamy has to do with the subject of gay marriage. What is your argument, that if gay marriage is legalised it will escalate to polygamy? If the potential that polygamists will try to fight for the right to marry based on legalised gay marriage makes gay marriage wrong, then I guess the fact that homosexuals are trying to fight for the right to marry based on legalised straight marriage makes straight marriage wrong. Just because one group will try to ride another group's coat-tails legally doesn't mean ANYTHING. The fact of the matter is, I love Max with every fibre of my being, with every scrap of my heart and soul. NOTHING you can say will invalidate that, because I love Max as much as it is possible for the human heart to love. And you have NO right to deny me the same legal protections in that as what you get. None whatsoever. You ARE discriminating against me, and it's wrong. Even Christianity says that. Learn to practice before you start preaching.
#413 Aug 10 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
Are there people out there that dont have two legs? Yeah. Do we need to systematically pay for cybernetic implants for everyone that cant walk so that they can walk? I'm not paying for it! You can pick up whatever cause you want in life and find something thats not fair in the world. However, neither I or anybody I know can live over a thousand years to solve each and every problem there is with everything. Therefore, there are certain realities that simply must be accepted.

What a dismal world you must live in. "There are too many problems in the world, so why bother trying to fix any of them!" is your argument. I feel sorry for you, if your world is so dark and unhappy that you can't even recognise inequality when you see it, or when you can recognise inequality but don't care about it.
#414 Aug 10 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
Everything Saboruto...

See, it's okay for you to say no to the polygamist because they are a smaller minority than even you (the gay community). Ever heard of Pandora's Box? Welcome to the club buddy! When it comes to the issue of who gets to define marriage and what is marriage... We're simply "cutting the fat"

Edited, Tue Aug 10 20:01:34 2004 by Lefein

Who are YOU to discriminate against the polygamists?

Edited, Tue Aug 10 20:02:37 2004 by Lefein
#415 Aug 10 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
189 posts
Yay! He finally figured it out!

By the way, I never said you couoldn't love your partner, nor am I trying to change that. If you love Max then fine, great, more power to you, but it opens up too many issues. I fail to see how someone fighting to make Polygimy legal makes Heterosexuality wrong, but hey, that's just me and a large chunk of the population.
#416 Aug 10 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
I fail to see what polygamy has to do with the subject of gay marriage.

Nothing. You are failing to see his point. The point he was making, is that some thing (homosexuality, polygamy) are considering taboo by the "norm" of our society. Thereby, if we allow one "taboo" then, we would be discriminating against the rest. Who is to say two men marrying isn't ok? Who is to say one man, marrying five women isn't ok? I don't necessarily agree with the point...

#417 Aug 10 2004 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
So then, by your very own logic, your right to marry the woman of your dreams should be taken away. I guess that'd be fine too, at least we'd be on equal footing and you could see how YOU like being treated like your relationship is insignificant or second-class.

The key thing you're not taking note of (whether because you haven't considered it or because you don't WANT to consider it since it invalidates your argument) is that there is very staggering evidence that people are born gay. There is NO evidence that people are born polygamists. Becuase I was born gay, I'm having an inextricable fact of my life being held against me. "Sorry, you're blonde, you're not allowed to get married." You CANNOT compare that to polygamy, which has nothing at all (as far as modern medical science knows) with genetics or pre-natal conditions. People do not WANT to be gay, they just are. People WANT to be polygamists (at least as far as anyone knows now). So your argument fails.
#418 Aug 10 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
189 posts
I don't favor Polgimy, but it is a valid point. And it's not that it's "taboo", but rather, that if we allow one thing, it will make it easy for other, crazier things to start happening. And who's to say, as the One and Only said, the one man marrying five women is wrong? You? Then you're discriminating against them, and invalidating you're point of view, ad being contradictory to what you're saying.
#419 Aug 10 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
Pandora's Box.

We all discriminate.

Even you "mister discriminated minority" seek it fit to say that another minority should not get married. So, you already agree that the majority should be able to define marriage but that your specific group is now large enough (for whatever reason) to see it fit to define it now? If we're going to throw morality out the window to accomodate you, who else are we accomodating?

People call us "The Great Satan" why give them a reason?
#420 Aug 10 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
By the way, I never said you couoldn't love your partner, nor am I trying to change that. If you love Max then fine, great, more power to you, but it opens up too many issues. I fail to see how someone fighting to make Polygimy legal makes Heterosexuality wrong, but hey, that's just me and a large chunk of the population.

And I fail to see how someone fighting to make polygamy legal makes HOMOsexuality wrong. But hey....

So what we've established is that the argument only works when it serves you, but when I turn it around your argument doesn't apply anymore? Pick one or the other, you can't have it both ways.
#421 Aug 10 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
189 posts
So then, by your very own logic, your right to marry the woman of your dreams should be taken away. I guess that'd be fine too, at least we'd be on equal footing and you could see how YOU like being treated like your relationship is insignificant or second-class.

The key thing you're not taking note of (whether because you haven't considered it or because you don't WANT to consider it since it invalidates your argument) is that there is very staggering evidence that people are born gay. There is NO evidence that people are born polygamists. Becuase I was born gay, I'm having an inextricable fact of my life being held against me. "Sorry, you're blonde, you're not allowed to get married." You CANNOT compare that to polygamy, which has nothing at all (as far as modern medical science knows) with genetics or pre-natal conditions. People do not WANT to be gay, they just are. People WANT to be polygamists (at least as far as anyone knows now). So your argument fails.

That's pretty funny, as most gays I've talked to say they chose to be Gay, not born Gay. And until we know that people are born Gay, it's your choice to become Gay, and therefore, you know full well what you're doing. And you don't know that people aren't born palygimists, so don't even talk about that. Only talk about what's known, otherwise, you get into "What if" and then it just turns ******.

And how would, by my logic, my woman of my dreams get taken away? Explain that, as we are not taking Max away from you, the government just won't let you marry.
#422 Aug 10 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
Sabo, you dont get it...

YOU think its okay for gays to marry.

YOU do not think it's okay for polygamists to marry however.

So, we're letting YOU call the shots now?
#423 Aug 10 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
Saboruto wrote:
very staggering evidence that people are born gay. There is NO evidence that people are born polygamists. Becuase I was born gay, I'm having an inextricable fact of my life being held against me.

OK, please, show me studies where people are proven to be born gay (not doubting, I've just never seen any.)
#424 Aug 10 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Default
189 posts
And I fail to see how someone fighting to make polygamy legal makes HOMOsexuality wrong. But hey....

So what we've established is that the argument only works when it serves you, but when I turn it around your argument doesn't apply anymore? Pick one or the other, you can't have it both ways.

I'm not saying, by itself, Homosexuality is wrong, but marrying homosexuals opens up a can of worms. And for God's sake, explain you're damn arguments! You went from brillaiant to desperate, as you started taking things out of context and saying wierd things, like my point being valid when I wantr it to, without backing it up. Either back it up, or expect your posts to be ignored as unsubstantiated.
#425 Aug 10 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Please see my last post for the answer to all your questions Sab...

All hail the gay community, the new moral authority in America!


Edited, Tue Aug 10 20:16:46 2004 by Lefein
#426 Aug 10 2004 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
I tend to side with the posters who say "we allow gay marriage, then what".

If one thing is ok then so is everything else. Not that homosexuality is BAD , I dont care what you do in the privacy of your own home as long as it is not against the law. But its the gay communities belief that the more they rub the fact that they are gay in everyone elses face that gets most people upset at them i think. Like i said whatever you wanna do on your time is fine but I dont see anyone organizing Straight Pride parades, Because those i think would be viewed by the gay community as "forcing our beliefs on them".

Its a very odd double standard that i think some gays need to consider.

That being said I don't think we need to be having gay marriages in the game. as has been stated there are no "bonuses" to being married , and there are a lot of younger players who probably havent been in sex-ed , and if i was a parent of one those kids i dont think i would want to explain what "gay" or "straight" means to a 7 or 8 year old. Its a issue i dont think SE should HAVE to deal with, as it has no bearing on gameplay.

Edited, Tue Aug 10 20:25:19 2004 by Newtral
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