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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#302REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2004 at 8:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) But doesn't YOUR bible, that supports YOUR god, say homsexuality is wrong? I believe it does. So it's overexagerrating or a misinterpretation. Oh no. Would you be happier if I merely said "You god doesn't support" ****? It's the truth.
#303REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2004 at 8:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I agree.
#304 Aug 09 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
1,851 posts
GodHatesFags wrote:
But doesn't YOUR bible, that supports YOUR god, say homsexuality is wrong? I believe it does. So it's overexagerrating or a misinterpretation. Oh no. Would you be happier if I merely said "You god doesn't support" ****? It's the truth.

Wow - to create a name like that simply for this? You MUST be a coward.
#305REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2004 at 8:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You are unwanted here.
#306 Aug 09 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
2,225 posts
You know what: SE banning same sex marriage wouldn't bother me that bad if they didn't FORCE you to play as a certain gender if you want to be a certain race.

My RL boyfriend wanted to be a Mithra, because he wanted to be a NIN down the road. BAM! Only way to be Mithra is to be female. Now his real-life girlfriend gets the game and has an unhealthy cat obsession. BAM! WHM Mithra is born, and alas, a marriage that can never be in-game. It wouldn't **** me off if there were playable Male Mithra or Female Galka (yes I know, Galka have no gender supposedly...if that's entirely true, then why can't two Galka marry? Oho!)

If they'd either allow Male Mithra/Female Galka or Mithra/Mithra Galka/Galka weddings then there'd be no room to ***** in my opinion, since no one forces anyone to make a character of a specific gender. But that's not entirely the case. If you want to enjoy the awesome agility of the Mithra, or the power of a Galka, you'd better pray your mate doesn't do the same, or you'll be living in virtual video-game sin, lol
#307 Aug 09 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
"GodHatesFags" your post is the most offensive I have ever read.
Your name should have tipped me off but I kept reading anyway...
I dont believe it. And I am not going to dignify it with a response.
#308 Aug 09 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Excellent
2,259 posts
But doesn't YOUR bible, that supports YOUR god, say homsexuality is wrong? I believe it does. So it's overexagerrating or a misinterpretation. Oh no. Would you be happier if I merely said "You god doesn't support" ****? It's the truth.

Actually, this is a misinterpretation on your part, which clearly reveals that you have never read the Bible yourself.

No Christian or Jehovah bible states that God despises homosexuality. Furthermore, supposed scholars on the various Jehovah religions have tried to weave together such meanings from English translations, but these theories are simply theories. English was not the original language any Bible was written in, so even that is an interpretation, and many things were lost in translation.

In addition to that, said scholars are usually questionable individuals whose knowledge and goodwill pales in comparison to those who do not preach against gays. They're as credible as someone who says the sun is green because they wore blue glasses for their entire life.

As it has been said, God loves all, and there are many homosexuals who praise God as their savior. They will love you, even if you do not love them, and they will show you goodwill, even if you will not return it. They are far more upstanding religious and humane people than you will ever be, unless you change your ways.
#309 Aug 09 2004 at 8:18 PM Rating: Excellent
2,259 posts
You are unwanted here.

Maybe by the majority, but someone has already agreed with me and probably doesn't mind me much. The same goes for gay people in society. They're unwanted by most. Going by what you implied, they should leave.

If that were always the case, black people would not be living in America, and women would not be successful in the United States either. Their opposers were told to leave, and for the same reasons, opponents to gay rights are quickly becoming the minority. Judging by your own supposedly legitimate statements, you yourself have a lot to learn about the religions you claim to stand behind, the meanings of humanity, sprituality, and equality.

If you can ignore every single lengthy and well thought out post in this thread, and merely respond with such simplistic, banal statements and believe yourself the victor, you are a sadly closed-minded individual. You are to be pitied. Eventually, as society continues to progress and mindsets like yours become all the more laughable, you will also be forgotten.
#310REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2004 at 8:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I never claimed to have read the bible. I just hear a lot from religious people. My friend is really upset because her sister is supposedly going to hell for being gay. Just for being gay. What a loving god.
#311 Aug 09 2004 at 8:21 PM Rating: Excellent
358 posts
But doesn't YOUR bible, that supports YOUR god, say homsexuality is wrong? I believe it does. So it's overexagerrating or a misinterpretation. Oh no. Would you be happier if I merely said "You god doesn't support" ****? It's the truth.

Look, jerkwad. Stop hiding behind another name, and your God, to support your stupid, primal, ridiculous prejudices. Actually, your God never said homosexuality was wrong, the translation of the passage in Leviticus (which was only specifically talking about Soddom and Gommoruh or however you spell it), has been proven time and time again to be wrong, taken out of context, and used to further hateful agendas, such as your own.

Now, another interesting thing is that your God and your Savior also CLEARLY state: "Love one another as I have loved you", and that no mortal being is able to judge another, for that is God's right and his alone, and whoever does so is, by their own knowledge, comitting blasphemy of the highest degree. Oh, but that doesn't apply to homosexuals because you hate them?

Easy to be unChristian whenever it's convinent for you, isn't it? People like you make me sick, trying to justify your own personal failings by hiding behind the Bible and God. Be a man and at least admit you hate because you're a mindless waste of flesh. Take responsbility for your own stupid, worthless feelings.

I don't give a rat's *** who supports you, and I really don't care that much about you. I just hate seeing idiots like you influencing other people to hate when that's the last thing this planet, society and race needs.
#312 Aug 09 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Default
Black people were brought here as slaves, correct? They continued to be slaves until the Civil War when Abe "I don't give a **** about slaves" Lincoln was afraid of the southern states leaving. Most black people still kept the same jobs.
#313 Aug 09 2004 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,259 posts
I never claimed to have read the bible. I just hear a lot from religious people.

For someone who believes that "God Hates ****," would it not be sensible for you to be more educated on the subject? You are standing behind something that is a false statement in of itself, and you cannot back it up, because you know nothing about it. That is a gloriously hilarious thing. There is no logic behind your retorts, as they're collections of hateful comments spun together by a lazy mind.

You have not read the Bible, you do not consider educated opinions worthwhile if they oppose yours, yet you stand behind guidelines that were never even set by a God you do not support anyway, and you defend these less than half-baked opinions by hiding behind an anonymous screen name? How lowly and childish.

My friend is really upset because her sister is supposedly going to hell for being gay. Just for being gay. What a loving god.

You would do her a grand service by inviting her to read the Bible for herself, and to attend a service or two that caters to gays. They would realize how loving their God really can be, and that there is nothing for her to be worried about. In addition to that, if her sister is a good person, she should look at her and realize how homosexuals are just normal people too. That, as well, should soothe her soul.

By spewing hate, you are adding to the problem. You are a part of the reason your friend is so heartbroken, yet you do nothing to remedy it, even though you "feel sorry" for her. I advise you to quit such foolishness and to actually try contributing something beneficial to this world before you continue spewing such nonsense.
#314 Aug 09 2004 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
102 posts
Think positive instead of negative
#315 Aug 09 2004 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
ok... im sorry but.. i have to ask a serious question... is there anyway that i can blacklist certain people *cough*GodHatesFags*cough* in alla?

Edited, Mon Aug 9 21:24:05 2004 by Deadgye
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#316 Aug 09 2004 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Well, I read the first page and skipped the rest because I decided on what to say. Someone might have said this already (and I think someone on the first page started to mention it).

There is nothing stopping 2 people, who are gay in real life, to have different gender characters in game. Two people who are men in real life could play as a female hume and a male taru and get married.

The programming that doesnt allow same sex marriages doesnt only affect gay people. If a man and a woman both play as male elvaan, they cannot get married, regardless of their relationship in real life.

The arguments for same sex marriages in this game are almost moot. This game has a lot more freedom than real life; if you cant marry another same sex character, change your character gender. You have the choice to pick a certain race/gender. If you dont like the game, dont play it. You have the choice to quit.
#317 Aug 09 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
Ha ha ha!
#318 Aug 09 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
And as my closing thought:

SE doesnt discriminate against homosexual coupling at all in this game. If SE checked the name of your cards to the gender of your character then you would have a point. If I choose to play a female character and my girfriend plays a male character guess what? They can get married. So, if you want to marry your soulmate in the game simply choose characters of opposite sex. If you truly love someone then it really doesnt matter what the heck they are in real life or in a game for that matter. Perhaps one of you can be the more feminine one or whathaveyou and choose a character accordingly. Its up to you really.. The fact that SE chooses not to allow same sex GAME CHARACTERS simply shows that they dont want to be seens as on one side of the issue or the other. For this Im happy beyond all belief.
I can't speak for everyone but the idea of gay marriage in a videogame really doesnt bother me anywhere near as much as the fact that it is an issue in real life. You have a handful of activist judges to thank for that one. What does or doesn't go on in a videogame doesnt really shake me or my beliefs. However, since this is an issue in contemporary America it simply would not be right for SE to jump on anyones side of the fence on such an explosive issue. If you can't respect that decision then you obviously lack the ability to step outside of yourself. I for one own several content IDs and two accounts (one for me and one for my girlfriend) If SE decided to take an activist position on a subject that enfuriates me then they would be minus two accounts immediately.
SE is a videogame company. Many children of all ages play not only this game but many many others as well. The Final Fantasy franchise is one of gamings most venerated industry behemoths. To think that a company that has so many customers would take a side on a political issue in my country would anger me beyond words. Noone's keping you from marrying the person you love in this game. However, you can't throw your AGENDA in the face of everyone who meets you either. Just admit that this is what you truly want instead of calling SE an instrument of homophobia or bigotry. Noone is cross examining your credit card accoutns to your player characters last I checked... 'nuff said.
#319 Aug 09 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Excellent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
The arguments for same sex marriages in this game are almost moot. This game has a lot more freedom than real life; if you cant marry another same sex character, change your character gender. You have the choice to pick a certain race/gender. If you dont like the game, dont play it. You have the choice to quit.

ok... i can't stand it.. i have to come back..

people most likely want to get married in this game to show their affection for each other.

If they have to make a mule just to get married, and then can't give that ring that sybolizes your love to your char that your going to play, then... thats just sad...

People want to show their affection about each other, this orignally was about the game, then it was changed into real life.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#320 Aug 09 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
2,259 posts
Black people were brought here as slaves, correct? They continued to be slaves until the Civil War when Abe "I don't give a sh*t about slaves" Lincoln was afraid of the southern states leaving. Most black people still kept the same jobs.

If Abraham Lincoln were afraid of losing the favor of the southern states, he would not have been against slavery, for it was the nothern states who largely pioneered equality for blacks. This is why various forms of the underground railroads either led people to Canada or safer locations within the fledgling United States.

Although various people did remain in slavery, and though it is still illegally practiced today, this does not mean that Lincoln and others did the world a disservice. If their work was worthless, you would walk into a store today and only be served by black people. Your food would only be prepared by black people. They would be bred specifically to be enslaved. Black neighborhoods would not exist, because they would be kept like cattle. As that obviously is not the case today, their work did make a difference.

There were people who hated blacks as much as you hate gays today. Like them, you will be outnumbered, defeated, and remembered as fools in the annals of history.
#321 Aug 09 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
I'm only going to say this once more, because I've already said it again and again and yet it still hasn't sunk in for you:

Square Enix has ALREADY taken sides on this issue. Instead of just adding marriage, they programmed it to add marriage ONLY for characters of the opposite gender. They have taken sides on an issue that infuriates you. So I guess you're going to be cancelling your account now? That's a shame. Well, it was nice chatting with you. Enjoy WoW or EQ2!
#322 Aug 09 2004 at 8:33 PM Rating: Default
I didn't say Lincoln did no good. I was pointint out what he did wasn't for black people, he owned slaves himself and wasn't fond of black people. He did what he did out of fear, but because of that, US, for the most part, is free of slavery.
#323 Aug 09 2004 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
only if you CHOOSE to play same sex characters with your soulmate/lover/wife/girlfriend/boyfirend..

I have to play by the same rules buddy! I didnt make my girlfriend choose any character or gender. If she chose a big mean badass elvaan male then I couldnt marry her either.. So, uhhh, yeah.
#324 Aug 09 2004 at 8:36 PM Rating: Excellent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Black people were brought here as slaves, correct? They continued to be slaves until the Civil War when Abe "I don't give a sh*t about slaves" Lincoln was afraid of the southern states leaving. Most black people still kept the same jobs.

ok... why in the heck did you bring "Black people were brought here as slaves" into this arguement.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#325 Aug 09 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Excellent
406 posts
edit:***** it

points at sig

have a nice day^^;
everyone except the dill hole who made the sn godhatesfags

Edited, Mon Aug 9 21:39:11 2004 by RedMageKendall
#326 Aug 09 2004 at 8:38 PM Rating: Excellent
2,259 posts
SE is a videogame company. Many children of all ages play not only this game but many many others as well. The Final Fantasy franchise is one of gamings most venerated industry behemoths. To think that a company that has so many customers would take a side on a political issue in my country would anger me beyond words.

Remember my stance on America and its ideals? This is one of the many reasons I personally do not like the "Average American" mindset. You may have read my rather large post on page six of this thread, but if you or anyone else has not, I welcome you to do so. ^^ I do not necessarily expect you to agree with me, but I hope it will at least open your eyes a bit to the tragedy at hand.

Gay marriage is not a political issue. It is a matter of love and equality. Marriage does not only exist in conservative cultures, so stating that homosexual unions should be discouraged due to God's misinterpeted words is not only outrageous, but not even applicable to many people. Excluding homosexual marriage was indeed the equivalent of telling gay individuals that they are not the norm and are therefore discouraged from complete participation in the world of Vana'diel. The fact that it's a fantastical world doesn't matter, because while one doesn't have to play FFXI, one doesn't have to live in certain towns, work at certain places, listen to specific sorts of music, and so on, so forth. One could try to legitimize gay exclusion everywhere they went, and it would always be prejudice. No matter what.

If you would be angered by such a thing, I do pity you as a person, as I do many people in America. For the wealthiest society in the world, its people are poor in almost every way that spiritually matters. It truly is a shame.

I am not religious myself, but to paraphrase a quote nonetheless: "I would rather stand on my feet in hell than be on my knees in heaven." Equality, honor, love, and justice mean far more to me than blind, prejudiced obedience. ^^
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