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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#277 Aug 09 2004 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
Wording matters not. The point has been made. I also think it is immature for someone else to tell me how to raise my kids or what they should or should not be exposed to. Child pornography is rampant in Eastern Europe and former Soviet states. Should I give my children an Eastern European travel guide to "expand their minds" while Im at it?

Edited, Mon Aug 9 20:04:38 2004 by Lefein
#278REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2004 at 7:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this isn't really about opinion's unfortunetly, its about hard thought beliefs. Alot of the people here who have posted are very liberal and pro-gay not really sure why it somewhat sickens me to think about a world where gays roam the streets. now i guess that is a belief/opinion
#279 Aug 09 2004 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
wth does that have to do with this arguement.

who said that you should raise your kids to know about sex at something like the age of 6
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#280 Aug 09 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
Should I give my children an Eastern European travel guide to "expand their minds" while Im at it?

better than to teach them the oposite... you would like grandchildren that are acctually yours?
#281 Aug 09 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
Nobody's saying you should subject your children to gay **** or anything of the kind. Nobody's even suggesting you should teach your kids to be open-minded and tolerant of others. All I'm saying is I'm not going to hide in a hole just because you're sexually insecure. If you want to teach your kids to be bigots and racists and whatever else, that's your right as a parent. But it's not your right as a parent to expect everything that offends you to just stop existing so your good little Aryan kids don't get "tainted". Now I'm sorry, I've been very nice to you up to this point, but if you don't start trying to be civil I'm not going to respond to your posts again.
#282 Aug 09 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
this isn't really about opinion's unfortunetly, its about hard thought beliefs. Alot of the people here who have posted are very liberal and pro-gay not really sure why it somewhat sickens me to think about a world where gays roam the streets. now i guess that is a belief/opinion

wait... its sickens you to think about this world... where people express their love to one another?
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#283 Aug 09 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
wth does that have to do with this arguement.

who said that you should raise your kids to know about sex at something like the age of 6

people are too f'in liberal in these forums and will do anything to defend a lost cause. Children at the age of 6 have no ******* clue what sex is, even if you did it in front of them.
#284 Aug 09 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
that sorta just supported me...
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#285 Aug 09 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
Very mature to compare Pediophilia with Homosexuality, way to go Sartre.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 20:12:06 2004 by Kierk
#286 Aug 09 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
Child pornography is rampant in Eastern Europe and former Soviet states. Should I give my children an Eastern European travel guide to "expand their minds" while Im at it?

When did European travel guides start including child pornography? 0.o Odd...

On a more serious note, you might want them to know such things go on, and tell them not to trust people that want them to take their clothes off for other reasons than taking a bath or changing ..... Though I won't tell you how to raise your kids.
#287REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2004 at 7:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yup, these so called "gay" laws are not the only things that keep people from doing the above, for example a 17 and an 18 year old is illegal o_O. or, oral sex is illegal. or, or, or, or.
#288 Aug 09 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
riiiighhhttt, bottom line is..

People love each other.

People express that love.

It's not always by sex.

Gays don't just have sex because they love each other.

They do the same things other couples do.

If there is something wrong with gays loving each other. Then there is something wrong with straits loving each other.

anyway, i'm out, this arguement is getting off topic and people are using wierd and stupid excuses, on both sides of the arguement.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#289 Aug 09 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Default
"All I'm saying is I'm not going to hide in a hole just because you're sexually insecure."

See, I've had nothing but nice things to say about you and even truly feel for your situation. It has to be hard to be gay and in love and I can see the reality you face. The world isn't fair and just to everybody though. Being hit by lightning really sucks! I don't think that the police have the right to ticket everyone not wearing a rubber suit on a rainy day however...

As far as how secure I am about my sexuality... Come on now. I'm sure you can do more to argue with me or debate your point than call into question my sexuality? That's a tired argument. Some people just simply don't like thinking about gay sex it gives them the heebeegeebees the same way any of us would feel about making love to stuffed animals or whatever. Sometimes people think something is wierd or out there and some people think its alright. I never once tried to jump at a value judgement about what you do or don't do. As I have already said many times "What goes on in your bedroom stays in your bedroom." I have gay firends and they are nice peeps. Hell nice peeps are nice peeps. It doesnt mean that I want to run around saying that being gay is perfectly normal and happy though. Having a view doesnt make me insecure... I believe the opposite is true actually.
#290 Aug 09 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
anyway, i'm out, this arguement is getting off topic and people are using wierd and stupid excuses, on both sides of the arguement.

Hey, I hope you are not referring to the homosexual penguins! ;)
#291 Aug 09 2004 at 7:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,674 posts
shoshoDrew wrote:
for example a 17 and an 18 year old is illegal o_O. or, oral sex is illegal. or, or, or, or.

You idiot. While I know you're probably joking, the laws concerning statutory rape are different for every state. And if you actually knew even just a little about them, you'd know that most states go by a specific number of years difference nowadays -- not "he's a minor, she's not" ages like the one you mentioned.
#292 Aug 09 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
How many times have you taken a (|Subtle Blow|) at homosexuals in this topic? So far, you've invalidated my relationship with my partner of almost three years by saying I'm only with him to "get my jollies". You've made crude euphamisms related to gay sex, and you've compared me to a paedophile. How exactly are you being nice and sympathising? You are VERY entitled to an opinion, and I respect you for sharing it. You are NOT entitled to insult me, no matter how you try to veil it. And as many times as you've brought up gay sex, one would certainly get the impression that you're repressing something. Especially considering you're the only person in this entire topic to keep harping on and on about gay sex and pornography and paedophilia....
#293 Aug 09 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
I had to make an account just to reply to this... But do did it because I think it is really worth the time.

I thought our society had truely begun to evolve into accepting the differences between people. I guess I was dead wrong! I fail to see how some people still believe that gay people CHOOSE to be GAY. Thats much along the lines of, "Ya I choose to be a lefty just so I can defy all the right handed people in the world". I mean seriously; WOW, what an eye openner.

The fact that people have sprun the topic of,"Why do you care? its only a game?", really blew my cap off. Why do people chase dreams? Why do people believe in miracles? WHY DO THINGS CHANGE/EVOLVE? It's because people who are brave enough to SPEAK up and say ,"HEY thats not right!". In response to why people even care because it's only I game, I can say what better way to educate the future of tommorow? Think of all the teens that play Online games who have only regurgitated what their parents are teaching them. Not that I'm saying parental teaching is wrong, but you as a parent can't possibly be perfect and teach 100% correct. In fact by protecting your child your only doing harm to them later on in society. Lets say I protect my child from drinking/smoking and ban them to even look at it? Most likey the reaction from the child will be, I'm going to rebel and do it just because I can. NOW, if you instead show the side effects of drinking/smoking and let a child see it through, They will learn and think for themselves and start to develope a sense of right and wrong. I seem to remember there was some old saying along the lines of, Give a man one fish and will he starve, Teach the man how to fish and he will learn how to feed his family. Further more, to people who choose to blatantly pretend that gays/lesbians don't exist as I've been lead to believe in some threads. Believe it or not buster, just don't expect simpathy when the world comes crashing down on you and the only person next to you is gay and you choose not to except his help!

Now on to the why people see gay marriage is such a big NO NO. What it really boils down to is, Two souls that have united and want to become one to share and live together. Forget sex, race, nationality, etc etc what you guys are basically saying is to deny the ability to LOVE something. Now from where I grew up I was always taught it was better to love than to hate?

I really don't see why people have to deny that gays exsist or even harbour the thought that gays CHOOSE to be gay. We are suppose to evolve and change for the future, not tuck our tails between our legs and run backwards.

Just a little rant: to the posters thats say I don't care, its only a game. I'd have to ask why have you bothered replied to the post at all if you didn't care?

This is my first time posting, and my native language is not english, please excuse my grammar, spelling, and phrasing of sentences.
#294 Aug 09 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
Actually the fact that I say Im sorry you have found love means that I believe homosexuals CAN find love... The fact that I disagree with gay marriage means I somehow have to be pidgeonholed as a homophobic biggot. I don't care about what you do in your bedroom and you have just as much right not to care what happens in mine. This is the EXACT problem I have with the issue of gay marriage and you nailed it. See, you can pull out the homophobe card or the biggot card however much as you please. I don't take subtle blows at you at all. I speak my mind and I'm completely unafraid to do so. I never not say what I mean. People who cant speak their minds are cowards. In this regard I also respect you highly. It can't possibly be a comfortable situation you are in but you stick to it. This leads to a problem in ideology. See, people who buy into the conventional wisdom of the day are FRIGHTENED TO DEATH of this subject. Anyone who doesnt agree with you is subject to all kinds of mudslinging. Like when I gave the child crying in a Wal Mart analogy. No sensible person will go up to the mother and say "your damn kid is annoying you should punish them" People see that that is almost if not more wrong than the simple fact that the kid is being a brat in the first place and choose to go on shopping having to put up with that nonsense. You cannot derail MY sensibilities however with the tired rhetoric however. I'm no more vaguley homosexual than the next guy. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. The very fact that you believe that you can call me a homophobic biggot and think that automatically gives you your way SHOWS exactly what is wrong with gay marriage. It doesnt matter what you ask for because if anyone says no then they are just as ostracized as me. Define tolerance again??
#295 Aug 09 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
Yes, gay marriage is becoming a huge issue throughout the United States. Before I left school we had a debate on gay marriage (I was for) and I think marriage between two people should be there choice. Religion should not be related to government at all.
#296 Aug 09 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Excellent
2,259 posts
Just once, I'd like someone out there to show me that they know I exist and to include me by representing me. I want to see a popular mainstream book with gay characters that don't fit any sort of stereotype and in which being gay is only a part of their character. I want to see a movie in which two girls kiss, and not for shock value or to appeal to the straight male sexuality but because they love each other. I want to see an advertisement where two men are holding hands or on a date and it has NOTHING to do with the product the ad is trying to sell.

Have you ever been to West Hollywood, California, which is also known as Boy's Town? You'd love it there. ^^ I'm serious, too. All you really ever see are male or female couples, walking along the streets and living their everyday lives. There are billboards and general advertisements everywhere that have gay couples on them, and no, they don't all have something to do with sex, underwear, or related things. (Of course there are some, but if there weren't, it wouldn't be a normal balance, would it? It's really similar to the ratio of non-erotic to erotic heterosexual advertisement in any other town.) There's even the Gay Pages, which is a big yellow pages type book that even has advertisements within it that show gay couples, for things like air conditioning services, car repair, and so on, so forth. Completely normal treatment of homosexual people there, and heterosexuals too. It's a great place. ^^ Wouldn't it be wonderful if every town in the US was like that?

I live in Los Angeles (not in Hollywood though), by the way, so yes, I've been there. It's probably my favorite part of Hollywood, just because it's so hospitable. Famous towns like Beverly Hills and what not are seriously unimpressive, and I never go there, so long as I can avoid it. (I'm from Florida, and Beverely Hills, Hollywood and what not reminds me of Miami: It's a dull place, unless you're a tourist, and even then, I'd be surprised if you found enjoyment beyond South Beach.) Coincidentally, it has some of the nicest people, the cleanest look, and in general, supports one gay stereotype I don't find bad at all: An optimistic mindset and cleanliness. ^^ I think anyone, homosexual or heterosexual, should spend some time on the main strips there, if they get a chance to go. It's really cool.

Whether or not you are born that way or choose to be that way makes no difference. You still choose your own actions in life. There are some in this world who cast aside all sexual emotion in pursuit of spirtuality. There are even some people who accepted homosexuality but have become straight. The fact of the matter is, when it comes to the issue of homosexuality I completely agree with the Japanese view on this subject. Whatever you do to get your jollies is your business.

Noone is a victim of anything unless they choose to be. If it pleases you to be with someone of your gender then by all means go out and fulfill your desires. Don't act like you are out of control of yourself and that everyone has to accept you for it. The truth of the matter is noone needs to know. When you see people prading around at gay pride marches and crap like that. It only shows that those who have the least to say yell the loudest.

There are no gay rights or hetero rights or any rights inbetween in the matter of the subject. Its all people proclaiming that they get their jollies doing something and feel like you need to know or somehow accomodate them for it. Some people actually get their jollies while looking at pictures of cartoons too. Do I think it's normal? No! Do I think it's bizzarre, yes! But, do i think it's any of my business? HELL NO! I don't want to know what gets you off. I could care less what gets you off. Do I need to accomodate you or treat you special in any way because of what you get your jollies on? HELL NO!

Do you need to treat me a certain way because I like girls? Nope, I work with a lot of gay guys who say Im cute, or that some movie star or another is cute... Does it bother me? Only in the sense that they are so outward about sexuality and it's politically correct of me to just let it be. I'm sure if I started talking about Jenna Jamesons gozangas however I would get sued for harrassment and have a hard time finding a job.. But, hey! Noone needs to know what I think about Jenna Jameson's boobs anyways, right!? Exactly!

Think about it...

Paragraph breaks inserted to help preserve my sanity, and others' as well. ^^

I disagree with this mindset completely, and although everyone should be entitled to their own opinion, I personally consider it as wrong as "black people aren't as good as white people," "women aren't as worthwhile as men," and so on, so forth. Do you know that white people used to say that black men couldn't like white women, and that if they admitted to it or pursued it, they were beaten, jailed, or killed for it? The same went for black women toward white men, although those stories don't seem to be as famous. That was racial and sexual. What makes a purely sexual form of prejudice any different? What justifies it? The fact that you don't want to care? Because of mindsets like that, gay people do have to make themselves heard. Do you know why?

People like you choose not to listen otherwise.

On top of that, I cannot believe it when people complain about things like Disney's Gay Day, gay pride parades, and other, similar events. Gay Day is one day out of the year. One day. Here, I'll even say it again: One day out of the year. Yet, because it focuses exclusively on gays, it is bothersome, unnecessary, and a burden to all heterosexuals? Isn't that a bit... ridiculous? Furthermore, we have plenty of heterosexual gathering places, heterosexual couples kissing in public, sex stories broadcast over the radio, advertisements, magazines, shows, movies... but a gay couple in public? Uh-oh! Someone set off the gaydar! Bad gay people, bad, bad! Smack their hands!

Telling someone of any race, sexual orientation, disability, age, or what have you to keep those facts to themselves is prejudice. You are treating them as if they are not your equal and do not deserve the same rights as you. It's not only politically correct for you to keep your mouth shut when they voice their sexual preference, but it's what your mother should've taught you: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Do you want them to not hold hands in public? All right, then. If you're a hetero male, don't hold your girlfriend's hand in public. Don't kiss her. Don't hug her. Hardly touch her. Don't introduce her to people are your girlfriend, because you don't want male-male couples to introduce themselves to you. Say she's your friend. Never acknowledge that she's your significant other. Don't marry her. Don't have children together, because you'll be publicly acknowledging that you had sex with her. (Or, say they're adopted, and keep your fornicating a secret.) Forget about government and work related benefits. When you die -- if you don't get separated in the meantime -- don't have your burial plots next to each other.

Does that sound ridiculous, overblown, or simply silly to you? It's not. If you think it is, I feel sorry for you. That is everything that gay people have to live without in countless parts of the world, and if you think it's all right, then I sincerely doubt the worth of your humanity. That's how you want gay people to be, but if you do not live the same lifestyle, you're a prejudiced hypocrite.

You also don't have to be gay to think like this. You simply have to be understanding. Encouraging prejudice against gays by excluding them is just as "logical," "excusable," and "justifiable" as hating people because of their race, height, physical condition, disabilities, impediments, and religion. Martin Luther King held marches. Lucretia Mott fought for women's equal rights and the rights of black people before her death in 1880. Yes, 1880. Gay people existed well before the birth of all of the Jehovah religions. If you think they are so wrong, you are as bad as the prejudice people who came before you.

Have a nice day. ^^
#297 Aug 09 2004 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
back just to say this heh >.<....

Yes, gay marriage is becoming a huge issue throughout the United States. Before I left school we had a debate on gay marriage (I was for) and I think marriage between two people should be there choice. Religion should not be related to government at all.

isn't there a law that seperates law and religion saying it can't go together or something like that?... sorry i can't be for descriptive.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#298 Aug 09 2004 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
Marriage is not required to show one's love. You can still love someone without being married to them. The only thing marriage does is make it "right" to have sex with someone. Society doesn't like gay people nor premarital sex. If two gay people love each other, that should be enough. You don't need to get married, especially if sex means nothing to you. You get NOTHING out of it.

I didnt' read every post in this topic, so I'll just debate a few points from the first post.

"so that we know we're not alone in the world, so that we know we're not outcasts or freaks or unwanted by society."

But you ARE unwanted by society and therefore an outcast or "freak." The majority doesn't want you around. Thinking otherwise would be naive.

"Star Trek is supposed to be representative of mankind, it's supposed to be a multicultural show that represents the harmony and peace and acceptance mankind will achieve in the future. But where are all the gay people?"

Not very many heterosexual people would like that. That would kill their ratings and thus drop their income. Why kill your business just to make a few gays happy? That doesn't make sense.

"***** the homophobes and the Bible-thumpers, discrimination in any form is wrong!"

Did anyone else realize how hypocritical this is? Discrimination is wrong, so **** you people who do it! What the bloody hell?

I'm bored so I'll throw religion in as well. Sex is there to reproduce, that is it's soul purpose. Gay people cannot reproduce on their own whether they have sex or not. This is why I chose my username.
#299 Aug 09 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
Oh my God. If society doesn't want anyone, it's sick freaks like you who know nothing but hatred. MY God is a loving God, he loves every one of his creations. He does not 'hate ****'. He even loves sick freaks like you, though I'm sure He cries in dispair every time someone like you makes the choice to fill yourself with such hatred. I think maybe I should go make a different account name, "GodHatesNobody". And while GOD hates nobody, I think I can safely say (as unChristian as it is) that I hate you. You need help.
#300 Aug 09 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Excellent
358 posts
isn't there a law that seperates law and religion saying it can't go together or something like that?... sorry i can't be for descriptive.

Yes, this is called the seperation of Church and State. Since this was supposed to be a "free" country, meaning that anyone could worship God/Allah/Buddah/Yomama/Rice Krispies (or choose not to worship) however they wanted to, our country's founding fathers rightfully decided that religious beliefs should not be what makes up our laws.

Which I am in full support of, and the blatant right-wing fundementalist Christian pandering our current administration is doing makes me sick.

Prejudice is bs, plain and simple. The fact that two members of the same sex can't get married in an ONLINE GAME is so stupid, godgsgfdg. However, it's not any less stupid than the fact that the same thing is happening irl.
#301 Aug 09 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
2,259 posts
I'm bored so I'll throw religion in as well. Sex is there to reproduce, that is it's soul purpose. Gay people cannot reproduce on their own whether they have sex or not. This is why I chose my username.

You have either done this for fun, or are an undereducated, biased, and prejudiced individual. Clearly, you do not understand the virtues of an intellectual debate, cannot participate such a thing, and are probably the reincarnated essence of a Klu Klux Clan member who burned innocent people in a previous life. Nevermind getting into matters about things like people with androgenous gender, which is natural, or the fact that homosexuality has existed long before supposedly credible fantasies known as religions, because you obviously do not care about intelligent things.

Please reserve your anonymous, cowardly, and backwards comments for other places. You are unwanted here.
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