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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#252 Aug 09 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
Whether or not you are born that way or choose to be that way makes no difference. You still choose your own actions in life. There are some in this world who cast aside all sexual emotion in pursuit of spirtuality. There are even some people who accepted homosexuality but have become straight. The fact of the matter is, when it comes to the issue of homosexuality I completely agree with the Japanese view on this subject. Whatever you do to get your jollies is your business. Noone is a victim of anything unless they choose to be. If it pleases you to be with someone of your gender then by all means go out and fulfill your desires. Don't act like you are out of control of yourself and that everyone has to accept you for it. The truth of the matter is noone needs to know. When you see people prading around at gay pride marches and crap like that. It only shows that those who have the least to say yell the loudest. There are no gay rights or hetero rights or any rights inbetween in the matter of the subject. Its all people proclaiming that they get their jollies doing something and feel like you need to know or somehow accomodate them for it. Some people actually get their jollies while looking at pictures of cartoons too. Do I think it's normal? No! Do I think it's bizzarre, yes! But, do i think it's any of my business? HELL NO! I don't want to know what gets you off. I could care less what gets you off. Do I need to accomodate you or treat you special in any way because of what you get your jollies on? HELL NO! Do you need to treat me a certain way because I like girls? Nope, I work with a lot of gay guys who say Im cute, or that some movie star or another is cute... Does it bother me? Only in the sense that they are so outward about sexuality and it's politically correct of me to just let it be. I'm sure if I started talking about Jenna Jamesons gozangas however I would get sued for harrassment and have a hard time finding a job.. But, hey! Noone needs to know what I think about Jenna Jameson's boobs anyways, right!? Exactly!

Think about it...

Have I, at ANY point, mentioned sex itself? My relationship with Max is a lot more than sex and I'll thank you to stop trying to trivialise it as "jollies". I'm not with him because he "gets me off", I'm with him because I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. This is a very common tactic, trying to turn it into an issue of "tawdry sexual liasons", and it's getting old. You want to know the truth? I haven't had any sort of sex in over six months. I don't LIKE sex, with either gender. I'm not a very sexual person. However, I AM a very emotional person and the entirety of my relationship with Max is based upon those emotions. So please stop calling it "getting my jollies".
#253 Aug 09 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
815 posts
I think Squenix should just allow it.

I don't want this game to echo the same old news I hear over and over and I'm sick of.
#254 Aug 09 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
Sex has everything to do with it actually. See, there is no homosexuality in an honest world. I'm willing to bet that an attractive, loving, caring, and incredibly intelligent woman wouldnt catch your eye because of your sexual preference. In a purely honest world you'd be bisexual and go to the first person who won you over. However, in all honesty I believe that the vast majority of the "gay community" are simply gay because they think its cool or gay sex is just what gets them off. My heart goes out to you if you have truly found love through your lifestyle choice but I believe you are in a minority of a minority which in best terms makes you a statistical anomoly.

The reality of the matter is there will always be those who do not accept what you do as normal. As much as you want it to be different it will never be so. Values have a lot to do with how this country is shaped. This country (Good ole US of A) isnt just some cesspool filled with eye of newt and a kittens paw. We're more of a nation that came together unified under common beliefs among all people. Be you Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, or even Christian... At the end of the day we all want our families to live well and our society to reflect in the very least the fundamental basic values that hold us together. It's the people who believe nothing holds us together that tear us apart. Everyoen wants to rip through the system and get whatever benefits them out of it. It doesnt matter who they hurt or alienate to attain these goals they simply want it to be. I dont want to explain to my kids why Billy and Joey are making out in the park. Even worse, I dont want ot explain why Billy and Joey are making out on TV either! You can be as homosexual as the day is long. But please remember that there are people out there that don't want their families exposed to it. Sadly, MTV and likeminded networks have a vested interest in pissing off the sensibilities of the average person. After all, if it pisses off your parents it has to be cool. If they could bottle up homosexuality and sell it in the supermarket they would. We'll just have to settle for a hand full of activist judges to **** off our parents instead.
#255 Aug 09 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Aug 9 19:23:42 2004 by Lefein
#256 Aug 09 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
I dont want to explain to my kids why Billy and Joey are making out in the park. Even worse, I dont want ot explain why Billy and Joey are making out on TV either!

How naive do you really want your kids to be? Are you so desperate to bury their heads in the sand? And besides that, why is it then okay for Bobby and Jill to make out in the park, or on TV, or even have sex in the movies, but it's suddenly a horrible thing for two people of the SAME gender to so much as hold hands? It's a double-standard. Just admit it, you're being hypocritical.
#257 Aug 09 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
Nope, I want them to be naive enough to like icecream, dinosaurs, and videogames at least until the age of twelve and i don't want to explain how Billy likes to pull Joey out of his tailpipe ANY time before THAT.
#258 Aug 09 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
There you go, turning it back into sex again. Just because your kid sees two women holding hands while walking down the sidewalk (a very common sight here in Wellington), you're not going to have to explain to him how lesbians have sex. Just say "they love each other" and be done with it. Or tell him they're circus freaks, whatever. But you can't expect them to not express their love for each other in such a casual way just because YOU'RE insecure. When your kid sees a guy and a girl kissing on TV are you going to say "Now see little Jimmy, after this they're going to go back to his apartment and knock bones. Do you know what that means?" If two people of the same sex holding hands or kissing immediately implies something carnal involving (as you so crudely put it) "tail pipes", then two people of the opposite sex imply something similar. Again, you're operating under a double-standard.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 19:39:23 2004 by Saboruto
#259 Aug 09 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
most of the mithra are played by male players... i think you will get the picture.

So you've done a survey and discovered that most mithra are female characters?

Gee, that's a surprise to me, and to a lot of people I know.

Also, I don't get the picture. Male playing mithra != someone leveling a char to have a "same-sex" marriage.

can you not see it...

Most mithras are played by males.

Most females play female chars.

If those two people fall in love or whatever and want to get married, guess what. THEY CAN'T ON THOSE CHARS....

Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#260 Aug 09 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
I don't LIKE sex

EH?.... i didn't think this was possible... for male or female
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#261 Aug 09 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
Funny, Im well past 12 and I still enjoy ice cream, dinosaurs and video games. More to the point, I knew what homosexuality was when I was 12. Guess my parents werent hellbent on sheltering me from reality. Nor did they ever have to explain what homosexuality was in graphic detail. Come to think of it, they never did that with heterosexuality either.

Children are such a lame excuse. Parents (would be or otherwise) who cringe at the thought of explaining sexual orientation are the same parents who cant handle having "the talk" with their kids, as we've all seen endlessly.

You're going to have to talk to your children eventually. Otherwise you are doing your children a disservice. If you want to shield YOURSELF from reality, it's best not to do so vicariously through your children. One way or another, your children will learn about the world. They will see stuff and they will ask questions. They can either learn from you..., or from their friends, the school, or the TV. Your attitude is most unbecoming of a parent; thankfully you arent one.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 20:01:27 2004 by Jeddite
#262 Aug 09 2004 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
Ha ha.

I think some of my "postmodern" friends have it right when they say there are no gender barriers and that we are all "bi-sexual" in some sort of way.

But I'm not really arguing for that. It very funny for one to think that "being honest" means that there are no pure homosexuals. Of course there are. And there always have been. It has been the case in history that, homosexuality had to be coupled with "regular life" or "regular society" so this sort of bi-sexuality argument could just be a cover. It was like that in Greece it was like that in Rome to a certain extent, it was like that in the flurishing gay sections of New York in the a 1920's. Is it sexual, well, yeah at the basis of it it is, but that's not the point. Saboruto stated that he actually loves his partner. It isn't to be cool or just for the sake of being different; some kids might do it to "be cool," but inherently, what's wrong with that? What are you afraid of?

I'm not gay, but I enjoy the company of my male friends. In a certain sense I am attracted to them. Sexually? No, not really. Do I find some men sexually attractive? Very few. The idea of gay sex really isn't that appealing to me. But do I think gays shouldn't have equal rights because, of some imaginary moral barrier that has to be "upheld?" That's ridiculous. Society determines gender roles from male and female and gay and straight; why to we force our little girls to play with dolls and our boys to play with trucks? Because we want them to be straight. And when they naturally deviate from what is commonly accepted as "girl" or "boy" we get all wierded out and start to panic because our kids may not be "normal." But the question is why? Why do we panic, because we want our bloodline to continue? Because we think its a sin? Because we really have no clue why we believe in our social morality that we have today?
The fact is that homosexuality doesn't corrupt. I can't see how it does. If we nurture our children to be free to make up their own minds, and tell them they have a right to do whatever it is they want (because they would have their informed opinion instead of someone telling them what's right and wrong), as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, I think we'd be better off.
#263 Aug 09 2004 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Funny, Im well past 12 and I still enjoy ice cream, dinosaurs and video games. More to the point, I knew what homosexuality was when I was 12

heh... same here.... but.. except for one thing... i didn't like dinosaurs that much... my fav animal is a dragon >.> (yes i know its not a real animal.. but hey, i can dream can't i?)
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#264 Aug 09 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
241 posts
Nope, I want them to be naive enough to like icecream, dinosaurs, and videogames at least until the age of twelve and i don't want to explain how Billy likes to pull Joey out of his tailpipe ANY time before THAT.

That is one of the most offensive posts I have ever seen. How old are you? Do you even have kids? I am a parent, and I know "the talk" is going to be hard. But when my children see a man and a woman kissing and asks me about it, I'm not going to explain that they are going to have sex later. So why would I say that about a gay couple? It's incredibly immature of you to think that just because a couple is same-gender, all they ever do is have sex.
#265 Aug 09 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
i'm homophobic, i don't agree with same-sex marriages in real life, and still don't in the game. I just don't agree with that life style and i don't have to accept it. Its my choice wether i want to or not, and i don't, so i don't.
#266 Aug 09 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
In a purely honest world you'd be bisexual and go to the first person who won you over. However, in all honesty I believe that the vast majority of the "gay community" are simply gay because they think its cool or gay sex is just what gets them off.

Yes, if the two penguins, Roy and Silo where truely honest, they to would go after the female penguins. But sadly they continue to lie to themselves and "have sex, while ignoring potential female mates." These penguins must "think its cool" to be gay.

#267 Aug 09 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
wow... wait-a... we're on page 6.... last night was only page 3... wth went on.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#268 Aug 09 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
1,674 posts
shoshoDrew wrote:
i'm homophobic, i don't agree with same-sex marriages in real life, and still don't in the game. I just don't agree with that life style and i don't have to accept it. Its my choice wether i want to or not, and i don't, so i don't.

Even the most simplest form of Ethics demand that you give actual reasoning behind your homophobia and perception, as "because I said so" is not a valid statement in any way, shape, or form.
#269 Aug 09 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Default
I don't understand why people are afraid of allowing gay marriages.
Young men are dying everyday for some ******** politician named George Bush who's never even been in a scrap, I bet.
Wake the hell up and see the real evil in this world ********

LOL, whoever posted this, you are an IDIOT. way to go off subject and be a subjective panzy that doesn't understand the world (i'm not saying i do, but you definetly don't, so take a glass of shut the **** up).
#270 Aug 09 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
I don't get some of you guys. I'm not gay so it doesn't really affect me. But you know what? It doesn't affect you guys either. If they want to marry, how does that change anything for me? Like the original guy said, I can still get married to a girl, still raise a family & do all that. The only thing it would do is allow other people to become families too and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm Christian but I don't believe everything in the Bible is meant to be taken literally. Even the song of Solomon is really a gay love story, and even in the bible many times they forgot to switch "he" with "she" when they tried to edit it, which is why it doesn't make much sense since it sounds like it's talking about a guy who is also a girl at the same time. The point is, I love God and I know that He is always right. We humans aren't, but if God created someone and made him gay or made her lesbian, He did not make a mistake and that's how that person is meant to be. There's a lot of evidence to show that it's biological, meaning that's the way God intended it. And who am I to question the will of my Lord? So I think maybe everyone should take a deep breath and calm down and try to look at the argument from each others' points of view.

Oh yeah, and hi everyone. Never posted before but I thought i might want to post in this topic.
#271 Aug 09 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default

Even the most simplest form of Ethics demand that you give actual reasoning behind your homophobia and perception, as "because I said so" is not a valid statement in any way, shape, or form.

i don';t think i need to justify a feeling with ethics. its how i feel, and if i have to give a reason for it than thats ******* stupid. Its how i feel, i'm not asking you to accept it, i'm not asking you to do anything.
#272 Aug 09 2004 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
I dont care about the sex! As I have already stated I agree with "What goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom" And what is so wrong with not wanting your kids exposed to sex of any type before they are old enough to have it? The only people who think my philosophy is wrong are the people that want to pass whatever wounds they've felt on to the next generation. Awareness sucks! I know what sex is and i still dont want to know. I'm 23 by the way. You can think my post is gross and profane all you want. However, you must also agree that the act itself is gross in profane. So for all of you who rate me down I look at that as sign of agreement on my point. However disgusted you are of that post I am equally disgusted with people who think my children need to be "aware" of their situation.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 20:00:02 2004 by Lefein
#273 Aug 09 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
you fail to realise that what you said before is completly wrong.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#274 Aug 09 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
I expect you got rated down not for your opinion but for the crude way you presented it. "getting your jollies" and "out of his tailpipe" are a bit immature and unnecessary.
#275 Aug 09 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
I expect you got rated down not for your opinion but for the crude way you presented it. "getting your jollies" and "out of his tailpipe" are a bit immature and unnecessary.

no offense, i don't understand why you are getting rated up.
#276 Aug 09 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
this is reminding me of the mining debate of long ago!, cept people are more understanding and not rating down and flaming because of only opinion.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
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