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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#1 Aug 08 2004 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
I know this has been talked about before and I know it has always turned into a huge argument. But I was doing some thinking today after reading a same-sex marriage thread on GameFAQs, and I think I've managed to finally put into words my feelings on the subject. Forewarning, I'm a gay 25 year-old and I tend to be pretty outspoken in my beliefs, so if you're likely to be offended by this thread then please don't continue reading any further. I DON'T want to offend anyone, but I think I really need to get this off my chest. And everyone else, please allow me to apologise for indulging myself on this issue but I really wanted some mature people to read what I have to say. And GameFAQs being what it is, I figured I'd best post it here so that you guys (who're much more mature and intelligent on the whole) could read it and share your thoughts. Regardless whether you agree with me or not, don't hesitate to speak up. The point of debate is not for everyone to agree but for everyone to be able to see the opposite point of view and hopefully gain better understanding of the issue.

Really, on the subject of marriage in the game, I feel that S-E messed up. If they'd just added marriage of all kinds and allowed any character to marry any other character, the homophobes and the anti-gay camp would've just chalked it up to S-E being too lazy to differentiate between genders for the purpose of marriage and nobody would've made much of an issue of it. But now, they've pissed off a number of people and if they do anything to make that group happy they'll just **** off a different group entirely. If they leave same-sex marriage out of the game, many people will feel affronted. If they add it to the game, others will be offended.

As for whether or not people are making too much out of it (because I know a common argument is "Why do you care? It's only a game!"), look at it this way... Try very hard for a moment to put yourself in the shoes of a lesbian or gay man. Everywhere we look, there are images of things we simply can't identify with. In almost every movie, every TV show, every book or magazine story or song or advertisement, there are images of men and women in love. Holding hands, kissing, having sex, flirting, dating, going out together, getting married, having kids, building a life. Now, how many images can you think of in popular media that involve serious homosexual content? There's the quirky, goody-two-shoes TV-fluffy lesbianism-obsessed Ellen. There's the chronically disfunctional, neurotic characters of Will & Grace. There's the self-obsessed, narcissistic, nightclub-hopping, drug-abusing, hypersexed gay men of ***** as Folk. There's the effiminate stereotyped gay men and the trashy glam-girl drag queens of The Birdcage and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and To Wong Fu: Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar. And that's it. What amongst that can I identify with? In what of those characters can I see something of myself? Where is MY sense of belonging and acceptance? Everyone needs to see a reflection of themselves in others. It's part of our self-validation and a large part of our sense of self-esteem. We NEED to see others like ourselves so that we know we're not alone in the world, so that we know we're not outcasts or freaks or unwanted by society. Why do you think people campaign so hard to get a gay character onto a Star Trek show? Star Trek is supposed to be representative of mankind, it's supposed to be a multicultural show that represents the harmony and peace and acceptance mankind will achieve in the future. But where are all the gay people?

When you consider all the gender- and sexuality- and relationship-approval that heterosexuals get every day, it's totally unfair. It's not unnatural for us to want to be able to identify with our characters the same way straight people could. And when you're constantly, day after day, told "No!" by society, you just want somewhere along the line to say "Sure!" Ultimately, if they'd only allowed same-gender marriage in FFXI, we wouldn't feel so excluded and it wouldn't even be an issue. Unfortunately now it's too late. But please, don't trivialise this. It's not so much that we can't get married in the game, it's that once again we're being deliberately excluded to appease the ultra-conservatives and the hyper-religious and the homophobes. And when people exclude us just to avoid stepping on THEIR toes day after day, it starts to hurt after a while. Just once, I'd like to see a big company say "***** the homophobes and the Bible-thumpers, discrimination in any form is wrong!" Just once, I'd like someone out there to show me that they know I exist and to include me by representing me. I want to see a popular mainstream book with gay characters that don't fit any sort of stereotype and in which being gay is only a part of their character. I want to see a movie in which two girls kiss, and not for shock value or to appeal to the straight male sexuality but because they love each other. I want to see an advertisement where two men are holding hands or on a date and it has NOTHING to do with the product the ad is trying to sell. And I want to see a MMORPG in which my male taru bard can marry a male hume white mage. It's my character and it's my story, but I'm not allowed to tell the story I want to tell. And once again as in so many things, we're left out so that the anti-gays aren't "offended".

LOCKED by Request - Haggan

Edited, Wed Aug 11 00:26:01 2004 by Haggan
#2 Aug 08 2004 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
It's sad that we live in a culture that's so against facing someone who is different from them.

Mainly seems to be a problem with old white men. I've noticed a LOT more homophobia in my father's generation then in mine, and it seems to be getting better.
#3 Aug 08 2004 at 11:30 PM Rating: Default
Who Cares.
Play The Game.
Nobody requires you to get married. You get nothing out of it. Play. The. Game.
#4 Aug 08 2004 at 11:36 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
I agree that SE should have just included same-sex marriage in the game, I don't care who is married to who, and since there is such a large proportion of male players who play female characters, there already IS same sex marriage in the game, it just has a nice face on it to appease people with nothing better to worry about.

Some famous American statesman (I'd look it up but too tired) said it best (although I have to paraphrase because i am too tired to look up the exact quote right now.) - It doesn't matter to me what nationality my neighbor is, who they worship or who they are married to. It does not break my leg, curdle my milk, kill my horse, or set my house on fire so it is none of my business.
#5 Aug 08 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
One suggested workaround would be to use your Bazaar comments area to declare your outlaw marriage. ^__^ You know, declare who you're married to...maybe something like "this union was sanctioned by the bamboo sect of the Tenshodo". You know, something cool like that.
#6 Aug 08 2004 at 11:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,070 posts
i understand what youre saying. i may not agree with your lifestyle, but just as it is my right to not agree, it is YOUR right to live the way you wish to.

about in-game same-sex marriages, i wrote about this a while ago. it was a commonly-held belief among many of the people on my server that one had to be married IRL to marry in-game, and i wrote about the possible legal problems this posed.

however, SE isnt discriminating against anyone of any given race. i cant "marry" my fiance in-game because we both have female hume characters. Smiley: cry but this is SE's world, and there is little to be done about it. sure, i could complain to SE till i got blue in the face, but i doubt i would make an impact.

the situation you speak of is akin to mine, and just as much can be done about it. SE would take the stand that they are not discriminating against anyone's sexual preferance, as the marriage rules only apply to CHARACTERs and not to actual people. my advice? just suck it up and move along. sure, im upset that i cant marry my fiance in-game, but there are many many other outlets for me to explore.
#7 Aug 09 2004 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
Those are very good points Lady. It's a very two-sided argument. On the one hand, they're not discriminating against PEOPLE, but rather setting limits on what fictional characters can do. But on the other hand, it's yet another stamp of approval for the "Straights can marry, gays can't" thing. Even if this IS just a game, is it really necessary to reflect the bias and bigotry and homophobia in the real world, in-game? The argument runs both ways: "If they're only fictional characters, what's the big deal about wanting them to be able to marry?" can be countered with "If they're only fictional characters, what's the big deal about denying them the ability to marry?"
#8 Aug 09 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
however, SE isnt discriminating against anyone of any given race

well... arn't they descriminating against sex? or rights?
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#9 Aug 09 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,305 posts
These are virtual characters in their fantasy world, they aren't discriminating against anyone. This argument is stupid...
#10 Aug 09 2004 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
Whoever's rating me down, it would be nice if you also posted WHY you're rating me down. If you don't agree with me, I would be interested to hear your side of the argument. There can't be debate unless both sides contribute intelligent points and counter-points, and I *DO* want to hear from people who disagree with me. I'm rating everyone up who contributes anything thoughtful or intelligent, even if it's speaking out against gay marriage (in-game or in real life).
#11 Aug 09 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I don't understand why people are afraid of allowing gay marriages.
Young men are dying everyday for some ******** politician named George Bush who's never even been in a scrap, I bet.
Wake the hell up and see the real evil in this world ********
#12 Aug 09 2004 at 1:03 AM Rating: Excellent
58 posts
Personally? I think anyone who wants to be married should be able to. Not only would this allow participation for gay couples, but couples such as Grey and her fiance as well.
However, SE does have quite alot of opinions to deal with. Seems like the best move would be to have postponed marrige, especially considering all the conflict about it going on in real life at the moment.
I doubt that there is a great extent of players that will actually utilize this feature. Why not just make the items, available through high level crafting? Let players fashion their own weddings, keeping SE's hands clean of the whole matter.
#13 Aug 09 2004 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
I want to marry my cat in rl so i can get him on my insurance and file as head of household.

right now we just have a civil union. I fill the food and water bowls and he stops by and sits on my book or keyboard when he has time between naps.

#14 Aug 09 2004 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
48 posts
Rate up, Sabo. For having the guts to speak your mind on the issue (and coming out in the process... well, you may have already been out, I dunno :p ) and for also not turning it into a flamefest/total rant.

Even if it is "just a game" it can be pretty hurtful to see certain real-life trends completely "ratified" in a way, something that annoys me with a lot of the cheesecake in games, for various reasons. While the pixelated characters and events may in the end just be a game, the impact that they have can carry over into the real world, in a real person's thoughts, memories, and perceptions. And we should remember that.
#15 Aug 09 2004 at 1:48 AM Rating: Good
308 posts
Alright here's the way I see it. The purpose of this game is to play as a character and play or act however you wish. This should create an atmoshpere with no limitations, allowing you to play as you wish and making your character like an alter-ego of sorts. As stated in previous posts, there are quite a few male gamers that choose to play as female characters. Obviously SE knew that this would happen and didn't have a problem with it. So if the lines of gender have already been blurred, why then is SE so worried about insuring marriage happens between opposite sex characters only? Not to mention marriage has no added benefit in the game, it's not like the married couples in game have an advantage over everyone else. So then what is the big deal if two characters of the same sex get married. Very few people on the server would even know, hell the same is true with the marriages going on now. I'm running on the assumption that people get married in game because it's just something they would like to do to enhance their playing experience--just like doing the Summerfest quests for rare items that really don't do a whole hell of a lot.

So then the big question I have is what's the big deal? If I happen to see to male characters married while I'm doing whatever in game, it's not really affecting me at all. SE really dropped the ball on this one. In a game that was supposed to allow you to role play without limits, SE slapped some them on for really no good reason. So for anyone freaked out by the whole same sex marriage thing in game, just seriously think about it, are you really gonna notice?
#16 Aug 09 2004 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
Rate up, Saboruto, for saying what you feel inside and sticking up for what you believe in. I'm gay, too, but I'm only 16, so marriage isn't that big of a deal to me, lol. But still, if I wanted to get married, I have a girl character, and if my.. uhh, future husband? has a guy character, hey, we're set.

Square-Enix just dug themselves a hole to deep to climb back out of with their marriage idea, unless they just scrap it completely or revamp it.
#17 Aug 09 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
To the OP regarding poor representation of gays on TV and whatnot- it's capitalism, baby! My fuzzy math indicates that about 1/10 of us are gay, and catering to the other 9/10 = more dollars! TV is not a public service and it doesn't care how alone you feel. Until we start paying taxes for the programming or you learn how to procreate, you're SOL.

"But where are all the gay people?"

If I walk down a city street, there may be gay people around, but I don't know because all I see is PEOPLE. I don't see gay or hetero and (for the most part) nobody is carrying signs or labeling themselves! Someone who approaches me and tells me their sexuality as if that is the only part of their identity gets a big o.O. I don't have a problem with homosexuality, I have a problem with those who are "gay first, people second."

"It's my character and it's my story, but I'm not allowed to tell the story I want to tell. And once again as in so many things, we're left out so that the anti-gays aren't "offended"."

It's not your character! It's not your story! When you made your character, put him in the town, you didn't plan the beginning cutscene and you didn't contribute to the story. The NPCs say the same things to everyone, your character is a product of the world SE created.
#18 Aug 09 2004 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
These are virtual characters in their fantasy world, they aren't discriminating against anyone. This argument is stupid...

Devils avocate: That means they could introduce anime kiddie "****" and not get in trouble for it yes, or am i wrong?
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#19 Aug 09 2004 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
467 posts
Something this thread made me curious about:
How are gay marriages viewed to other cultures? The US has made such a huge issue about this lately that I haven't heard one thing about other countries or cultures in a long time. (Not trying to make excuses for SE's choice, but...) did they choose it because they had other cultures to consider?

Its not like the game is promoting family values, so I'm not sure personally why they chose to limit marriage to opposite genders (I'm a female, I have a galka, ha!). I mean, do we want kids running around stabbing bunnies with daggers? I think not! I actually think they shouldn't have added weddings in the first place.
#20 Aug 09 2004 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
1,305 posts
"Devils avocate: That means they could introduce anime kiddie "****" and not get in trouble for it yes, or am i wrong? "

WTF does that have to do with this topic?

#21 Aug 09 2004 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
900 posts
Whoever's rating me down, it would be nice if you also posted WHY you're rating me down. If you don't agree with me, I would be interested to hear your side of the argument. There can't be debate unless both sides contribute intelligent points and counter-points, and I *DO* want to hear from people who disagree with me. I'm rating everyone up who contributes anything thoughtful or intelligent, even if it's speaking out against gay marriage (in-game or in real life).

Seriously, if you don't like what he's talking about tell him why you're rating him down, anything less and you're just ignorant.

Props and rate up for you for having the guts to talk about it.
#22 Aug 09 2004 at 2:23 AM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
now i'm confused, everytime i said something like he said... i got rated down and people said i was whining...

edit: see what i mean? now will the person who rated me down tell me why he did that... is it because i was wondeing out loud why i had gotten rated down in the past.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 05:14:36 2004 by Deadgye
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#23 Aug 09 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Default
Devils avocate: That means they could introduce anime kiddie "****" and not get in trouble for it yes, or am i wrong?

We all readt have that it's called Shota and Lilocon look it into it lol

Edited, Mon Aug 9 03:28:59 2004 by BitTheBlack
#24 Aug 09 2004 at 2:29 AM Rating: Good
900 posts
the bias and bigotry and homophobia in the real world

This however may not be the case. I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a homophobe, all I say is: "to each his own." SE may not have wanted to include same sex marriages for 1000000000000 other reasons, I don't think it's always because of bias, bigotry and homophobia. This is their fantasy world, this is their story, maybe the people of Vanadiel have no idea what same sex marriages are all about.

Would I be offended if they had same sex marriages in game? Hell no. And if they ever come out with it, more power to ya. But I don't think it's because they don't like gays.
#25 Aug 09 2004 at 2:35 AM Rating: Good
59 posts
Has SE commented on this topic at all? I know the Japanese culture is much more liberal with sex and sexual content in general, then here in conservative America. Japan doesn't view homosexuality, transgenderism, cross-dressing, etc.. as America does, and it's certainly not a religious debate for them either. I really can't see this as a hot issue for them . However, I do find it odd that a conscious decision was made to not allow same sex to marry. It leaves me to wonder, since FFXI had been released in America, maybe they took that into consideration and decided to restrict the marriages. Ehh, I personally think that we should be allowed to marry whomever we choose...but it's not worth the engery to fight over. Instead, but that energy into real life actions and get Bush out of office! There's your real problem, ***** video games, he's trying to alter the constitution, not allowing any same sex marriages in any state!

student: sooo..the pilgrims left England to escape religious persecution?
teacher: right.
student: and so they end up in america, spreading christian fundamentalism and killing witches based on their religious beliefs?
teacher: well...uh....
student: so, hypocrisy has translated well throughout history. Aren't we supposed to learn from our mistakes?

edit: spelling

Edited, Mon Aug 9 03:36:51 2004 by PixelFiend

Edited, Mon Aug 9 03:37:33 2004 by PixelFiend

Edited, Mon Aug 9 03:38:08 2004 by PixelFiend
#26 Aug 09 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Good
600 posts
Hey sabo (Nystul from the LS :p )

I have difficulty seeing what the big deal is- and admittedly it's perhaps due to me being neither gay (and therefore not having a personal attatchment to the issue) nor remotely interested in in game marriage straight or not.

There are a lot of things that you the person can do but you the character can not- you can cut your hair, pierce your nose, tattoo your face, have sex, blah blah's just given that within the world of the game these things either don't happen or don't fit into the context of the game.

The problem is that you are inserting a bit of your real person into the fantasy world of your character. WHo's to say that homosexuality exists within the fantasy world of Vana'diel? I guess my point is that you are taking a personal real world issue and insterting it into a fantasy world. We don't get mad that there are galka in the game but not in real why go the other direction?

Additionally, I don't know how gay culture fits into Japanese culture-I think this would be an interesting insight. I worked with a Japanese guy who was fascinated by gay guys mostly because he just didn't get it (actually wanted to go to a gay bar to talk to gay guys about why they were gay...and wouldn't listen to us when we told him they probably are about as interested in talking about that at a bar as I am talking to a gay girl about why I'm straight when I'm out on my night off :P ). But hey, thats just one guy- and he's pretty weird by any cultures he's certainly not representative.

That being said, I have no personal feelings either way. Should S_E put gay marriage into the game, it wouldn't bother me in the least. I wholeheartedly agree you with the images of homosexuals in popular media- and have often wondered myself how the average gay person feels about the TV personalities that are not defined as interesting people but rather as REALLY REALLY GAY. I suppose it would be like if every male on television were some womanizing professional wrestler- the hyper straight male. Also on your side, I've never really understood the rationalle behind the anti-gay marriage camp. Who the hell cares. The far right wing has always accused homosexuals as being promiscuous, yet is totally against shoing committment to an individual. Yeah. That makes sense. It's not a slippery slope argument either. Two humans is and always iwll be different than a human and some other species. I think any rational individual can see that.

SO after my ramblings I don't know if I have a point but I'm tired so I'll just stop now.
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