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UBERLINK.. And the Samoth Factor..Follow

#1 May 05 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Good
29 posts
Hey There, Kwijiboe here.

Just figured I'd do a follow up with a new thread, Samoth, dude, what's up with you man? What is your problem? What's your "deal"?

I am not playing this game to help everyone, I've helped a lot, and Uberlink has helped a lot as well. We're not out there to help everyone that asks for it. Your situation is bad, I'll give you that, but you're just making it worse. Stop acting like a kid, and listen to more sides of the story.

Okay, here's my angle..

::First experience with Samoth::

My Ls mate, by the name of Chronos, is helping a fellow LS member to attain some bomb coal from Garlaige to break the Lv50 barrier. I go to help chronos, because now is he not only helping 1 person he's helping a team of people get their items. One is Samoth, the elvaan dragoon.

I show up, and we start going after some bombs, I ask everyone to use their TP only for stunning, and the Dragoon of course, (Samoth), starts spamming Pentathrust, The bomb blows up and I'm dead, Died as a level 65 sam and took a big Exp loss. I was done, I was no longer motivated to help, and for good reason. Samoth just simply didn't give a ****, he felt his needs were more important, me dying didn't mean **** to him. I said I was done helping, and everyone was fine with it, even those that hadn't yet attained the bomb coal we're like "Whoa, I can't believe he died." I got tells from the other members saying "Thank you for helping, sorry you died."
..and a few moments later I see
Samoth>> "Hey don't leave, I need my bomb coal."

Having died, I wasn't really up for dying again. So I said no, and left. He continued to tell me, I kept saying no, not caring about my time or my exp loss.

::Second experience with Samoth::

Ah, this one was interesting.

So I'm in Castle Zvahl Baileys with a party trying to attain testimonies for the Lv70 maat barrier, more specifically, a samurai testimony for my job. It's just us 6 guys, when one of the members says "Hey, is it ok if we help a group kill dark spark?" No one has a problem with it, we say, ok, when they get here, we'll help.

So later on, they arrive and we escape and meet them outside, I didn't want to die or have to waste time fighting a train of demons. So naturally, I took charge, I told them what to do, many listened, many didn't. So it's natural to get frustrated and bark orders, so what? I barked orders so no one would die, and because of that.. NO ONE DIED.

On the way to the bomb NM, I asked everyone to stay back near the paladin, they kept moving and engaging monsters, which wasn't to big of a deal, I wouldn't have been that mad about it, but when I asked why they hadn't stayed back, I get a smart *** remark from Samoth saying:
"If you would have told us why to stay back, maybe we would have"

Why do I have to explain? Just listen to me, I'm there to help you, and you treat me like an idiot. I didn't even have to reply, the other parties leader told Samoth to knock it off.

Later, Samoth is warpII'ed from the party because he was being a pain in the neck. Hell, I thought that was cool as hell, I'll admit it, he didn't deserve to be there. But I didn't ask for it to happen, the BLM leader of the other party did that at his/her own will. Ok, we kill dark spark, everyone's happy and everyone goes home.

I'd say about... 10 minutes later I get a tell from Samoth, I'll admit, he was reasonable. He was in a state of shock, as in, "Why did this happen to me?" I didn't feel pity for what had happened to him, I felt he shouldn't have lashed back at me, but did I ask him to get warped? No, I didn't ask for that to happen, but it did.

So, Samoth, ease up man, cool ur jets, stop listing names and showing grudges. I belive you stated something around the terms, 'stop acting like your l33t or kewl it's just a game.' C'mon, practice what you preach. Stop your fighting and cool it, because man, if you want to get harassed, you will be. Now I don't hate you, but you've treated me and my Linkshell really bad. In all of the situations you listed, save the korroloka PT one, Uberlink was in a situation to "Help" you. Remember that.

Now, this is me telling what happened, and I didn't call you a **** or make you look like an idiot. I just said what happened, but what the funny thing is, the only person you will end up making look like an idiot.. well.. is you.

So have fun with that, keep showing grudges, make your game life harder. Show a little courtesy when people go out of there way to help you, and if things don't go your way, try another day. You'll get your AF gloves someday, that night just wasn't your night. As for calling our whole linkshell a group of ****'s, now that's just wrong, Why don't you target your aggression on who you hate, be it me or the blm Mxer. I am not a ****, and I, sir, am f**king pissed you called me or any of my friends and players *****. Uberlink has a lot of great players of all types of personality, that being said, I won't be the one bashing you, I'll leave that up to some of the others.

-Kwijiboe, out.

#2 May 05 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
239 posts

I have one question

if what Superthug (<<hahahha what the **** , that is the stupidest **** ever LLLLLLL)says is true

IE: we dont give a F*** about what people think of us

why in the hell are you posting this

same applies to Mxer (but atleast you (kwijiboe) are a little couth with your posting)

thank you

ps: not flaming or anything just curious - its basically one extrem to another so far

either *** (which is superho's retort - or something like yours is

Edited, Wed May 5 02:07:50 2004 by Raise

Edited, Wed May 5 02:08:39 2004 by Raise
#3 May 05 2004 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
1,674 posts
Just an observation, Kwijiboe. If the other people from your Linkshell invading AK actually worded their posts like you do, let alone didn't post responses such as "RESPECT THE ****!" (courtesy of Superthug), let alone made them comprehensible, this probably would be a lot easier to figure out.

As it is at the moment, SamothGaruda has been noticably more rational than your buddies on UberLink.

But, hey, you can't control them any more than I can control a friend of mine. Regardless though, their attitude definitely does not help their image of who to believe, let alone who is more rational about this issue.
#4 May 05 2004 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
I can't control people, I can't tell them what to do. Superthug is superthug, sure it's one extreme to another, but I'm the one involved here, this is my problem with Samoth. His post is ridiculous and is vindictive without cause.
#5 May 05 2004 at 1:20 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
Here's my deal with the whole she-bang going on here.

If you are helping someone, it is ASSUMED that you are going to be just as nice as you always are. You don't "bark orders" or get upset or whatever....ever. I mean, getting upset is fine, but don't come in acting all high and mighty. It doesn't matter what level you are, it doesn't matter what you've done, you still have to act like everyone is a human being. And whatever deception occured between the Uberlink party and the BLM who Warped Samoth out...whatever, man. Point is: It shouldn't have happened. Bar none.

Anyways, what I'm getting at is this:

Being humane is the only way to keep yourself out of this "trouble" and name-calling and "propaganda" you've gotten yourself into. The thing is, had you been nice and told Samoth what he wanted to know(Which, as I see it, wasn't all that bad), things would have gone smoothly! So, in the end, even though Samoth might be spreading "propaganda", you and your linkshell brought it upon yourself.

Anyways, just get over it and either 1. Start a new linkshell or 2. Deal with the pain and bad rep.
#6REDACTED, Posted: May 05 2004 at 1:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#7 May 05 2004 at 1:22 AM Rating: Good
689 posts
I don't know if his story quite fits under "without cause." According to his story, he was treated more than unfairly. I don't deny your own rationality - as the poster before said, if your other linkshell mates were half as coherent as you are, there wouldn't be any debate. That being said, your LS mates are flushing any respectable reputation down the toilet. I'm sure you're a decent enough person, and I'm not saying that you're one of the "bad ones."

However, in a forum such as this, pointing fingers can oftentimes get you nowhere. When I read Samoth's original post earlier this afternoon, I was apalled. And then I read your follow-up, and I simply don't know who to believe. I think that if this were truly a case of "picking sides" then my vote would go to Samoth, since Mxer and Superthug in particular seem like complete idiots. However, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and a rate up for being honest and somewhat helpful and understanding to both sides.
#8 May 05 2004 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
454 posts
I notice in both cases with you and Samoth, the problem arose because you told him to do something without an explaination and he didn't follow through because you gave no reason for him to believe you had a reason behind your "orders."

I'm not saying its your fault that you died or that things went bad with him in the second case, but a bit more communication would have made this a much better situation. I might even believe you and be on your side if your friends weren't immidate targets for my /blist. You seem like a reasonable person, but a man is also judged by the company they keep.

Perhaps this is a learning experience for the both of you. From now on you should explain yourself better and from now on he should first assume that you know what you are talking about.

Edited, Wed May 5 02:27:21 2004 by ThirdWizard
#9REDACTED, Posted: May 05 2004 at 1:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) EREREREREREREBODY IN THE CLUB GETTIN TIPSY!
#10 May 05 2004 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
239 posts
unfortunetly Kwij

you LS mates are (if have not already) running the rep of your LS into ****

and yes the rep of people does matter in a game like this

ad unfortunelty guilty by association matters to

to superthug t(O.ot)

Edited, Wed May 5 02:32:28 2004 by Raise
#11 May 05 2004 at 1:42 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
Hmmm, I remember studying fixation before I got my first psychological degree. SuperThug keeps using the word "***" basically every other word. Often people elude to items crudely, constantly, and deragtorily when they're trying to draw attention from the fact that they themselves have that particular characteristic.

So basically, what i'm saying is:

Have something to tell us SuperThug? ;)

Don't worry, we're an accepting bunch.

Edited, Wed May 5 02:43:12 2004 by Oceaniax
#12 May 05 2004 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,981 posts
I will admit Kwijiboe and I hope you read this. When Samoth first posted he had all the floor and with his more readable and less flamming post he gained a large amount of ground. Like I said in that thread I WILL NOT outright blist anyone until they prove to me they are an a$$ without a saving facet.

You are the first of your clan thus far that has posted your side of the story in a means that shows responsibility and real want to save face. Though both stories have similarities, both also have holes. I will say that it is only fair to give reason to an order, we are not in the military so as a mature humanbeing we deserve that much.

I will also add that warping against will can be somewhat taken as (although not as bad) as training mobs into someone. In the fact that you are DIRECTLY interfearing with someones gaming experience, but that would be for SE to sort out.
#13 May 05 2004 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good
1,221 posts
here are my (worthless) thoughts:

I get the whole bark orders deal. believe me, I've tried telling 16 n00bs (despite anything they've achieved) how to do Eco-Warrior. I get bossy because I know how to do it and they do not. So I tell them. Telling people how to do something always pisses them off for some reason. As for me, I LOVE being told how to do something right. Next time I do Eco-Warrior or something similiar I am going to try to work on my "do this because so-and-so will happen if you don't" leadership skills. I tried it last time, "do this or we'll die," but that didn't work TOO effectively; however, I heard zero complaints after I got them all 5k and the Dragon Chronicles.

And this whole mess is why I am not a big fan of taking help for quests and missions really. I have received help from a PAL with my magicked skull, but it was his idea and I just tagged along.

If and when I do get "help" with AF missions or whatever, it will be from higher level friends I have made during the game. Preferably not some random *****. Any tard with a PC can be level 65 now. I am sure we all know a few.

This is all silly and I am glad to be on Odin, dumba$$e$.
#14 May 05 2004 at 1:58 AM Rating: Excellent
" i got mad...... and said ok plz warp him....." - Mxerz

"Later, Samoth is warpII'ed from the party because he was being a pain in the neck. Hell, I thought that was cool as hell, I'll admit it, he didn't deserve to be there. But I didn't ask for it to happen, the BLM leader of the other party did that at his/her own will." - Kwijiboe

Sounds more like Mxerz's will to me.
#15 May 05 2004 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
You are the first of your clan thus far that has posted your side of the story

SuperThug and Mxer have both posted on the post about this topic too. They are both of Uberlink, and show their true colors a bit more. I would actually believe Kwijiboe's sincerity with his post here if it wasn't for the fact that I witnessed him cheering and complinenting after the deliberate last minute removal of someone from a group that was half formed to get their AF.

If you don't want to go and help people, and you want to be an ******* as forementioned. Fine. Go ahead. Its totally your choice. But for entering a group doing a quest, which you where uneeded for (granted, this was probably a miscommunication because no one in the group was asked if we wanted more help on this. If it was asked, the group would have decided against it as we where fully prepared and snea/invis 12 people with limited mages is hard), and then attemping to take over and ordering the existing people around causes confusion and dislike.

Samoth was in full right to ask you to explain yourself. We where established in our group and doing well. Then the whole gameplan changed when your group came in. The small train that happened was because some people got left behind do to the confusion of previously trying to invis/sneak people through... where when the new group came in, Kwij and one other where running far ahead and pulling everything.

Being extra help in a PT does not qualify you as leader of the party. What was created was chaos. And in no way where Samoth's comments "smart ***." Not only where they non-synical, but nothing was said for several minutes before Mxer begged for him to be warped out. It was clear that it was deliberately waited for him to be right before dark spark and then warped as their where no conflicts at the time.

I will repeat my only comment that I made before I insta-warped myself out of the party. "Some people need to get their heads out of their asses." If you don't know what I meant by that, I will say so now.

LVL and Gear and being the "help" does not make you almighty. If it did, I was fully in the right to boss these people around too as I was the extra help going along. Realize your place in the society and stop trying to be the rolemodels that you are only in your own thoughts.
#16 May 05 2004 at 2:07 AM Rating: Default
29 posts
2 PT alliance, 2 blms, Mxer was in my party and Samoth was not. Another blm from the other party made the move, not mxer.

Brookie, You're just reposting what I posted, which is, exactly what happened. Read it again. If I truly believed that I thought I was better than you, I would have given that as a reason when Samoth mentioned, "Maybe we would have stopped, if you told us why."

"Because I'm better than you." Now I didn't say that. I took charve because I've done the dark spark run at least 50 times. At first I asked you to sneak/invis up, and then u guys got aggro during the process, so I said, to heck with it, we're killing everything. Bad situation, and I'll be the first to admit it, rather than calling everyone *****.

-Kwij, out.

Edited, Wed May 5 03:08:27 2004 by Kwijiboe
#17REDACTED, Posted: May 05 2004 at 2:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#18 May 05 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
Hell, I thought that was cool as hell, I'll admit it, he didn't deserve to be there. But I didn't ask for it to happen, the BLM leader of the other party did that at his/her own will." - Kwijiboe

Sounds more like Mxerz's will to me.

It was the BM's will along with the actions of Mxer. It was discussed later with the BM as to why this happened. It was then discovered that Mxer was sending tells to the BM stating that all along Samoth had been harrassing him (Mxer) in tells and he wanted Samoth out.
This is not true by the way, and was done in order to kick Samoth out of his party.
#19REDACTED, Posted: May 05 2004 at 2:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) guess wut!!!
#20REDACTED, Posted: May 05 2004 at 2:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) brookie heres soemthing u should know.......
#21 May 05 2004 at 2:24 AM Rating: Excellent
how do u think we make it to lv70 ur lv50 ish......

Easy to answer. I'm a college student and it takes time to do well. College is a major time sink, even more then FF though that may be hard to believe. Also, when I finished my AF chest, I stopped playing FF for a while to try other games and am currently applying for betas to new MMORPG.

Obviously you missed my point. Have good (or bad as you say) gear does not make you a good player. Having achieved whatever it is your saying you achieved here doesn't mean anything either.

Your attitude is what ruins you as anything near what I and many would call a good player. You are a classic example of what makes the high lvl snert stereotypes.
Just reading what you post makes my head hurt, wondering how someone can seriously think this. What sad is that I don't think your faking either... you seem to actually think this way.
FF is not just exp, loot, quest. To be a good player, you have to have the right apptitude to go along with the flow of the society and other people. Other people are part of this game whether you believe it or not. That is why with the way you act, you are below par a newbie begging for money and powerlvls.
Go play some other game, noob.

Edited, Wed May 5 03:26:39 2004 by BrookieDragon
#22 May 05 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
Just move on and avoid eachother. You're all a bit silly especially Samoth for even still wasting your time with these people after the 2nd time.

***** you once, their fault. ***** you twice, you have no one else to blame. How many times has this big evil Uberlink wronged you and you continue to manage to get wronged again?

I'm not saying that either Samoth nor the Linkshell is bad or really wrong, but this all seems very petty and stupid. I'm not justifying people being an ***. But this -is- a game, it's not real and it's meant to be fun. **** happens, move along. A lot of people in FFXI for whatever reason seem really uptight and sensitive to the silliest things.

As for the AF party in particular? That's a normal and very common casualty, stuff like it happens constantly. People cry about it constantly and guess what? Almost every time there was a very logical reason behind them getting booted.

Superthug, it's funny how you can **** people off so easily it'd seem. And it's funnier how every one of you seems to take him so seriously when he clearly has no intentions for you to do so.
#23REDACTED, Posted: May 05 2004 at 2:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) go with the flow of the society?!?!?!?1
#24REDACTED, Posted: May 05 2004 at 2:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) thank you damadreas!
#25 May 05 2004 at 2:33 AM Rating: Good
Can you type coherently? Or do you just not give a crap? :P
#26 May 05 2004 at 2:35 AM Rating: Good
My only dissappointment is that I can't see how your life will turn out in the future when you realize that because you could "firaga" someone "if I ballista you" and "solo Maat" doesn't get you anywhere in life.

I also feel sorry for Kwij too. He is the only one that is trying to save his guilds honor which is something the entire LS should do. And yet Mxer and Super are here totally destroying what little reputation they have.

I have nothing against 12 year olds playing games but please remember that internet annomosity doesn't mean you can have your verbal way with everyone and live in your own little world.
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