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Warning to Players SE is STILL Banning!Follow

#52 Jul 25 2009 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
1,342 posts
ScorpionEx wrote:
It's absolutely awful that this is happening, but, it isn't for "no reason" it is exactly what it says on the tin, a lot of them, are being banned for doing things that RMT have done.

If you look at it, these people are not doing RMT like things, RMT are doing regular people like things.

To me, the most frustrating thing is the stupidity of it all. If they are going to ban regular people(by mistake or not) for doing something SE added to the game for people to do(in this case gardening)...just remove gardening from the f*cking game and be done with it.

Even from a business standpoint it makes zero sense. They could A: Ban people and refuse to take thier money anymore, or B: remove gardening from the game and continue to take their money. Sure they will loose some people by going the B route, but not as many as if they ban everyone.

Everyone said it a few years ago. RMT's were going to get to the point where they have to do regular type things to get gil. We are at that point now. So in thier ongoing quest to track and eliminate RMT(something we literally begged SE to do), this is the problem we are at. The two paths of RMT having to resort to regular people methods of getting gil and and SE's purging of everything RMT have colided and this is the mess we are in.

SE promised us to vigilantly watch over us and protect us from the mennace of RMT. The problem is, who watch's the watchers? Who is there to step in when the protector becomes the abuser?

Every tyrant and mad king in history has always feared the power the masses hold. SE's problem in this regard is they have no such fear. They do what they want and are seemingly above reproach.

I can only hope that SE realizes that these are hurting real people who would have continued to be a loyal fan for many years to come.
#53 Jul 25 2009 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,141 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
And yet it is you that resorts to name calling. Tsk tsk. Its okay, though. Even if I don't actually remember who you are, I'll forgive you. You're just being brash and irritated by a situation you do not fully comprehend. It happens. Its okay. Once you calm down, you'll feel better. I promise.

No one has insulted you or called you names lolgaxe. Who and what you are is well known on this board. If the terms used to describe you are less than flattering it doesn't make them any less true.

And you know perfectly well who I am. I'm the guy who called you out last time on your rudeness and bad attitude when you insulted everyone in a thread. You got so upset at the mass rate downs that ensued you complained to an admin and asked for a rate sock check. How's that coming along by the way?

lolgaxe wrote:
We asked to remove RMT. Square found an efficient and stupidly heavy handed method to do it. Like I said, you're angry at the development (which is within reason) and it is clouding your judgment, but that is exactly what is happening. It isn't Square just randomly getting rid of people as you are eluding to. This is the end result of years of badgering. They're as sick of this as we are, and they want to nip it at it's source. The source was gil acquisition. They targeted how the real money traders were making money, and sic'd their program on it. They used a nuke to combat jay walking.

If you'd calm down, you'd realize I'm agreeing with you. What Square is doing is unquestioningly heavy handed. I'm just pointing out that it isn't just a random occurrence. Its years of us asking for this. Maybe next time we'll be a little more careful about what we ask for, especially from this company. I've been saying it for a while, but now it is becoming more apparent.

I'm not angry at anyone. I haven't been banned. I've just finished a good party. SE hasn't done anything to me.

My judgement is perfectly sound - it's not difficult to make a simple observation.

The player base asked for a fix to be made to the RMT problem. SE's answer was to install some crappy automated software that just bans
en masse anyone who fits wide criteria. Result? The RMT problem is as bad as it was before but now loads of innocent people have been banned as well. Summary - SE totally failed to address the problem successfully and has made things worse.

That's the situation.

You come across as some weird little SE fanboy. "Poor SE, being badgered by the nasty paying customers for years about the RMT problem". Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds?

If SE has a problem with RMT, creating rubbish software that bans decent honest customers doesn't benefit anyone, not players or SE themselves. It just makes the situation worse, much worse.

Under no circumstance are players to blame for the fact SE can't address a problem without ******** it up and making things worse.

As usual lolgaxe, any thread with you in it is just a case of you saying something and trying to make out that anyone who doesn't agree with you has something wrong with them. Which is why you are rarely, if ever, taken seriously in anything you say.
#54 Jul 25 2009 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
50,767 posts
I'm sorry, but I really have no idea who you are, while you're stating you know me. I call a spade a spade, true. I believe in reality, without blurring it with propaganda like this thread is attempting to spread. If people take me serious, they take me serious. If not, they don't. I don't post in a manner that is to be "everyone's friend" like, which I guess you're assuming should be normal protocol. That just causes a single sided bias, and nothing gets done that way. If its your belief that people should only post agreeing with everything everyone else says, then hey, go for it.

Unfortunately, it seems you've got some hidden agenda and are hell bent on disagreeing with whatever I say for whatever injustice I've done on you in the past (assuming it even exists), so take it as you will. I believe it is pretty ignorant to believe that all the bannings are just random occurrences, though. Realistically, they're not. Like I said, though. At some point I've made you sad, so my saying anything won't do you any good. You'll just simply charge head first, guns blazing believing that Square is an evil empire, as am I.

You can continue your misplaced vendetta against me all you want, but please don't pretend that somehow the vaccine SE has presented is better than the virus. That is just spreading misinformation. Like I said, if a better plan had been presented to Square, that pack of ineffective idiots, then a better vaccine might have been used. However, all the complaints were about botting, monopolizing farm sites, fishing, and believe it or not, even gardening (More specifically, NPCing for gil). They nipped those things, and now instead of a cold, the game has AIDs.

Edited, Jul 26th 2009 3:52am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#55 Jul 26 2009 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
3,141 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
I'm sorry, but I really have no idea who you are, while you're stating you know me. I call a spade a spade, true. I believe in reality, without blurring it with propaganda like this thread is attempting to spread.

lolgaxe, you believe in YOUR reality, (as always) as opposed to the actual one the rest of us live in.

lolgaxe wrote:
If people take me serious, they take me serious. If not, they don't. I don't post in a manner that is to be "everyone's friend" like, which I guess you're assuming should be normal protocol. That just causes a single sided bias, and nothing gets done that way. If its your belief that people should only post agreeing with everything everyone else says, then hey, go for it.

lolgaxe, if everyone says 2 plus 2 equals 4, they are right. Saying it's 5 just to be different doesn't make you a better person.

lolgaxe wrote:
Unfortunately, it seems you've got some hidden agenda and are hell bent on disagreeing with whatever I say for whatever injustice I've done on you in the past (assuming it even exists), so take it as you will.

How can I have the hidden agenda to make you out to be a jerk? Lobi has already pointed out you are, as do at least 2 or 3 people in every long thread you post in. I didn't give you your circle jerk moron reputation. You've had it long before you met me.

People are disagreeing with you, not because of a hidden agenda, but because you're talking crap. As normal, you can't bear the fact everyone doesn't agree with you, so you try and make out there's something wrong with them. You do it all the time.

lolgaxe wrote:
I believe it is pretty ignorant to believe that all the bannings are just random occurrences, though. Realistically, they're not.

The bannings are as a result of poor automated software. What's hard to understand about that?

lolgaxe wrote:
Like I said, though. At some point I've made you sad, so my saying anything won't do you any good.

lolgaxe, you need to stop going to the Jinte school of how to talk to people on the web. All you've done all thread is try to tell me how you've made me feel and what you've done to me, to try and make yourself sound powerful or something.

You've done nothing to me other than re-enforce my dislike of you as a person and highlight to everyone else why you have your CJM reputation.

lolgaxe wrote:

You'll just simply charge head first, guns blazing believing that Square is an evil empire.

You can continue your misplaced vendetta against me all you want, but please don't pretend that somehow the vaccine SE has presented is better than the virus. That is just spreading misinformation. Like I said, if a better plan had been presented to Square, that pack of ineffective idiots, then a better vaccine might have been used. However, all the complaints were about botting, monopolizing farm sites, fishing, and believe it or not, even gardening (More specifically, NPCing for gil). They nipped those things, and now instead of a cold, the game has AIDs.

Edited, Jul 26th 2009 3:51am by lolgaxe

I don't think SE are an evil empire. I think they are an incompetent and foolish one. Their behaviour has lost them many paying customers and will cost them many more in those who refuse to play FFXIV as a result of this.

And lolgaxe, get some sort of psychiatric help. If people disagree with you on a website, especially when you talk nonsense, they don't have a 'vendetta' against you. They just don't agree with what you're saying.

Once again you illustrate your well known mentality whereby you think whatever you believe is the truth and anyone who disagrees with you has problems or has it in for you.

One can only hope your little girl takes after her mother. With half your genes, she's already off to a rough start in life. You might want to buy her a waterproof helmet for protection for when she starts school.
#56 Jul 26 2009 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
I was looking forward to seeing FFXIV and deciding whether I wanted to play it or not, but I don't think I will waste the money. It's obvious that SE's customer service is really screwed up and they do not care to fix it. There is no assurance that XIV's customer service will be better, in fact every indication is that it will be worse.

Think about it, SE has just implemented the automated banning without bothering to institute protocol for an easy and quick plan for reinstating mistakenly banned legitimate accounts. If they were going to be better at customer service in XIV you would think they would start now so they could get some good word of mouth.

I garden, craft, helm and chocobo dig for money. I'm one of the people that will never belong to a huge HNMLS so anything HNMLS drop that I get in game is going to come from my buying it on the ah from an HNMLS member who is selling it. I've never won above a rank four prize in Mog Bonanza, no one sends me Kraken clubs out of the blue so that means I have to earn gil from the in game activities I do.

I don't buy or sell gil. Therefore I cannot be engaging in RMT activity. And that is the problem. People that are being banned are being banned for legitimate activities that rmt have copied. The RMT are copying their gil earning strategies, maybe figuring out an exploit that the legitimate player is unaware of and then 'buying and selling gil". It's the buying and selling gil that makes them RMT in the first place.

Analogies have been rampant so I'll add mine:

You are sitting at a bus stop reading a book while listening to your ipod and thinking about a homework assignment in your backpack. Suddenly the police come and arrest you because someone reported that last week someone sitting at the bus stop sold some marijuana while reading a book and listening to an ipod.

You had never been to that bus stop before today and have never even touched marijuana, however instead of being able to talk to someone to get this straightened out, they have automated the process and you are immediately taken to court, convicted of selling marijuana on the strength of the report from last week and thrown in a jail cell. You can make as many appeals as you want, however you have to pay for them. Any appeals are met with "We will get back to you, keep trying your jail cell door and if it's open, it means we decided to let you go."

While this is going on your friends family and co-workers are all saying "They must have committed some crime, they wouldn't have put them in jail if they hadn't"

#57 Jul 26 2009 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Everyone please, we need SE to see this thread and understand what is going on and hope that maybe someone will come and take care of all of us.

Please no more flamefests. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion, I honestly love seeing both sides of the picture.

All of you honestly have great insights to everything thats happened. It's kinda true after the countless GM calls I made and the countless letters I wrote that I might have been part of the cause of why the STF made such a horrible drastic move to try and solve the problem. Everyone here agrees their method is less then practical relying on a script to do their job and resulting in so many people innocent of any foul play banned.

But on the other hand, they needed to stop the script on first notice that it was banning the wrong people and causing widespread panic and paranoia. The reason why I'm even here fighting my case isn't because I even care much for the game anymore, it's because its flat out wrong what they did to all of us that was banned and SOMEONE needs to listen.

I really appreciate all of you for joining this conversation and honestly looking at all the posts you are all in support of us getting our accounts back. For this a huge thank you comes from myself and hopefully those that don't mind me representing them to some degree.

The only other thing I can say is, I don't want to see SE suddenly unbanning everyone all at once at this point either. There might have been some rmt accounts that were caught in this mess, and its in the interest of everyone of our servers that these rmt accounts don't get away and suddenly "run off with loot" if they were suddenly given the oppurtunity to do so.

My only wish is SE sees this and seriously take into consideration on changing their methods and begin getting in contact with their "paying" customers. Just slapping final fantasy on a game isn't a good reason for why you should be mistreating your customers. I'm going to bet that majority here will agree your best Final Fantasy was VI (6) and we continue to show our support by buying and subscribing to all your games. It's important that SE understands every single paying customer is important to their business, especially in this time of recession.

Hope you all had a great night! I went to Disneyland to cool off lol. <3
#58 Jul 26 2009 at 12:26 AM Rating: Good
1,342 posts
jtftaru & lolgaxe, please don't take this the wrong way as I am not normally one to cut in on an argument, but this is a topic that is pretty important to me and it deserves every ounce of integrity and credibility that we can give it and truth be told your back and forth bantering is kind of hurting the cause.

Would it be too much to ask you two to take it to PM's or some other form? I am really not trying to tell you how to surf the web or anything. I just think it would be best if we can have clear undiluded information out there.
#59 Jul 26 2009 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
3,141 posts
spcwill wrote:
jtftaru & lolgaxe, please don't take this the wrong way as I am not normally one to cut in on an argument, but this is a topic that is pretty important to me and it deserves every ounce of integrity and credibility that we can give it and truth be told your back and forth bantering is kind of hurting the cause.

Would it be too much to ask you two to take it to PM's or some other form? I am really not trying to tell you how to surf the web or anything. I just think it would be best if we can have clear undiluded information out there.

I've said everything I have to say. I won't post in the thread again.
#60 Jul 26 2009 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
50,767 posts
spcwill wrote:
jtftaru & lolgaxe, please don't take this the wrong way as I am not normally one to cut in on an argument, but this is a topic that is pretty important to me and it deserves every ounce of integrity and credibility that we can give it and truth be told your back and forth bantering is kind of hurting the cause.
Okay. Even though I've done nothing wrong, and have been constantly attacked personally by him, even so far as to having my three month old daughter indirectly insulted by him, I won't say another word on that subject. Enjoy your -- whatever it was you were trying to accomplish, jftaru. I hope whatever injustice you fabricated in your mind I committed against you are settled. Smiley: smile

The real villain is the vaccine injected into the game via Square, afterall.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#61 Jul 26 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good

Several posters have stated that somehow the players deserve this trouble because we expressed our huge dissatisfaction when SE was not really doing anything about very obvious rmt activities. The fact is SE has a long history in this game of NOT TAKING CARE OF IMPORTANT BUSINESS.

What the recent bannings of legitimate players really shows is that SE completely fails at customor support now, as well as in the past. For quite a few months SE seemed to be getting things under control with the stf with many bannings but no outcry from players.

SE is too f#cking lazy to continue to do a good job with rmt. They are obviously relying on software to identify and automatically ban people. There are many things we know about SE and lets consider them:

1. SE is very conservative with their game

2. The are a Japanese corporation and have the good and bad aspects of that corprate mindset; A) they are loathe to admit any error, B) they are very reluctant to take outside advice, C) saving face is very important

3. SE has a really terrible attitude about communicating with their customors about their product.

4. Their customor service is worse than the operators of soviet era airlines.

None of the aforementioned problems are going to magically disappear with the release of ffxiv. In Asian culture, business relations are very tight and they do not like any advice from outsiders, period, end of story. There can be no question that Asian culture produces really savvy and successful business people but the culture of SE is not going to change. The constant aggravation of SE never or rarely addressing player needs is just not going to change.

I strongly suspect that SE addressing some player issues is simply because ffxi is near the end of its life cycle, they dont care so much about it anymore and are preoccupied with ffxiv.

Now I really enjoy the ff series and they have developed a great set of products, but I do not believe that they will remedy the serious problems described above. I am more and more leaning toward sticking with ffxi until it dies or i am banned for some bs reason.

Afterwards I think I will look around pretty thoroughly before subscribing to ffxiv. There horrible attitude toward players needs to meet a brickwall head on at 60 mph with no helmet on. They really do not deserve the loyalty that they receive from their subscribers, fans, etc.

#62 Jul 26 2009 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
602 posts

Play Online and SE actually ARE two entities in this game. Don't know why you made such a retarded comment. Play Online people control the billing and that's the front end of the whole cycle of even being able to access your account. Play Online cannot do anything to your /game account/ only prevent you from accessing it. SE in Japan controls all the game accounts and what goes on inside the game so next time do some research before you speak. Sorry if I sound a little angry.

I was at work tonight and I'm an unloader at Wal-mart. I was dropping off a pallet onto the floor tonight and like 15 feet away, too far away from me to do anything this woman had a 1 year old or less in the front of the cart. In the ******* front... can you guess what happened? The kid climbed the side and flipped over right onto its head... at this point I was so god damn pissed I couldn't even stay around and ask if the kid was alright... I would of slapped her in the face.

Thankfully another associate was nearby and helped her out... seriously. People need licenses or need to pass parenting classes these days to be eligible for having kids. ****, what a day.
#63 Jul 26 2009 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,678 posts
Play Online and SE actually ARE two entities in this game.

How do you figure?
Dooom wrote:
BG elitists <3 haste.

Allatards/uber casuals hate elitists.

Allatards/uber casuals hate haste, as valuing it would acknowledge that elitists are right

kerberoz wrote:
People don't hate emo kids because they're "misunderstood." People hate emo kids because they're useless.

Realix wrote:
PUP is an average to above average DD... when not in a zerg situation... or on particularly hard targets... and when properly configured... on windsday... with a RDM...
#64 Jul 26 2009 at 1:18 AM Rating: Good
256 posts
I'm sorry to bring this thread back into context, but this:

9.) If you play FFXI from more then one ip they will accuse you of having more then one person having access to your account. For example, charter internet at home, at&t at work, and sprint aircard while travelling.

scares the living hell out of me. I'm going back to college soon, and now I'm afraid that when I do go back, I'm going to get an LM-17. This is why I refuse to buy the new expansion, because I don't want to give SE some of my money just to be banned a couple weeks later when I move to my college apartment.
#65 Jul 26 2009 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
We the community have asked SE to deal with the RMT for years and finally they have done just that. However, a few glitches have cropped up and instead of patiently understanding the issue, people rather jump to conclusions that SE doesn't care or test their systems. I think if anything, the lack of communication with the JP main office really hurts this kind of understanding. Think about it people, why would SE ***** up now with FFXIV right around the corner? If anything, SE hopes to curb RMT behavior and mistakes with their system for the future. For example, SE stated that POL will be retired and a new billing system will be used because of these problems.

So let's see a show of hands of players that would be ok with these glitches if SE only announced them instead of keeping us in the dark until the hate mail explodes. Quite frankly it's not good business sense to not have better communication or a 1-800 number for that matter. If you get a LM-17 for a gardening or CC mistake, just relax and be patient. Sooner or later, SE will address the ban issue just like they addressed the enfeebling glitch.

In closing, I don't think destroyed their player as of yet. I do think that SE is desperately trying to eliminate the RMT threat. The brogames /tells are quite annoying and I can't fault SE for looking for patterns. Players know by word of mouth what not to do in this game. So I seriously don't see a reason for most of these LM-17's. Chargebacks ok, but everything no.
#66 Jul 26 2009 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
56 posts
It's rather scary how there are no set guidelines as to what constitutes as "RMT Activity".

In theory, when someone (someone who plays by the rules) joins an MMORPG the last thing they want to be thinking about is if anything they are doing might be bannable. They just want to enjoy the game.

I've a friend who thinks she may not be able to pay for next month of gameplay and the payment will just fail. What scares me is that SE might consider this "RMT activity", that payment has just failed and kill the game account. She won't return if this happens and I'll most likely, along with the few I've got playing the game head over to another alternative. I work full time and overtime a lot so I don't really get the chance a lot to just sit down and game, so while I love FFXI if I suddenly got banned tomorrow I won't waste time trying to appeal my case, I'll just go to Everquest or some alternative and avoid SE MMORPGs like the plague because I just don't have time for any of this crap, I just want to get in game, kill stuff, support any new players if they ask for it, do long haul journeys to and from Jeuno when I hear from an LS member there that that item I want is on the AH there, and just generally play the game the way it's meant to be played.

SquareEnix, get your stuff together, seriously. Believe it or not there are people out there who just want to play the game properly and don't want to have to think about what they are doing could be rule breaking and not knowing because you won't give us any guidelines. This is bad PR, and no company wants bad PR.
#67 Jul 26 2009 at 3:32 AM Rating: Good
2,405 posts
FartaruOnSeraph wrote:
I'm sorry to bring this thread back into context, but this:

9.) If you play FFXI from more then one ip they will accuse you of having more then one person having access to your account. For example, charter internet at home, at&t at work, and sprint aircard while travelling.

scares the living hell out of me. I'm going back to college soon, and now I'm afraid that when I do go back, I'm going to get an LM-17. This is why I refuse to buy the new expansion, because I don't want to give SE some of my money just to be banned a couple weeks later when I move to my college apartment.

This doesn't sound right, I've been accessing FFXI across a range of IPs for ages (Old uni house, new uni house, friend's houses, home). I probably have 4 different IPs against my account from the last month or so.

If SE is using this as a criteria, then they're not banning exclusively based on it.
#68REDACTED, Posted: Jul 26 2009 at 4:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I gota a funny fealing that the people who are getting banned are gil buyers or involved in some other shady crap. So SE continue on with the bannings ^^ I'm all for it.
#69 Jul 26 2009 at 5:15 AM Rating: Good
316 posts
ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
However, a few glitches have cropped up and instead of patiently understanding the issue...

If you get a LM-17 for a gardening or CC mistake, just relax and be patient. Sooner or later, SE will address the ban issue just like they addressed the enfeebling glitch.

SE only addressed the enfeebling glitch publicly because of the uproar from the community, including editorials from admins on the front page of Premiere Sites. Patiently waiting for them to address a problem just doesn't work with this company.

Plus, a player with a single account and no mules who has been playing since release has poured over $1000 into the game at this point. In many cases, that also adds up to around a full year of at-the-computer playtime. If all that is permabanned one day with the only explanation being 'RMT Activity' (and you hadn't done any such thing), I daresay that "relax and be patient" isn't going to be near the top of the to-do list.

On top of all that, the account was banned just after the first of the month, so in addition to losing your account and having friends and acquaintances suspect you cheated, you're still paying SE for the month.

You'd really take comfort in the fact that SE will get around to your problem "sooner or later"?
#70 Jul 26 2009 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
826 posts
It's simple. Threaten another mass exodus as with the Enfeebling nerf several months ago, and SE will get off their duffs and address the problem immediately.

They only seem to get the hint when the message sent says: No money or Lawsuit.
#71 Jul 26 2009 at 6:22 AM Rating: Default

I have never been banned, suspended, or even had a GM speak to me about something I've done. I have had lots of problems with RMT blocking my ability to do stuff I enjoy, such as sky or even Dynamis (back when they attempted to spam the zones to get coins). I've had my crafting profits destroyed because RMT can spam synths and be happy with 5 gil profits.

While I know that some people will be caught by automated programmes I don't think that people who play with enough randomness, which should really be anyone who is not RMT, that they won't get banned and/or suspended.

I think everyone is forgetting the screaming and yelling we all did when SE refused to do anything at all about RMTs. This is better for everyone overall, even if a couple honest people are caught in the sweeps.

I don't know anyone from my linkshell that was suspended or banned for playing honestly, although they often attempt to make it seem like this. It always comes out that they were, in fact, doing something a bit shady.

#72 Jul 26 2009 at 7:44 AM Rating: Excellent
2,998 posts
Meara wrote:

This is better for everyone overall, even if a couple honest people are caught in the sweeps.

No. That is just ridiculous. It's OK if a couple thousand honest people are caught in the crossfire as long as it isn't me? That's exactly what that sounds like.

If it was you, you wouldn't feel it was the best option. You'd be pissed like everyone else who was banned.
It is not OK for regular players to lose all their work in to this game due to a ****** up automated system and SE's failure to make it work properly. This isn't fine.

I don't know anyone, personally, that was banned. As of right now, the bans have no direct effect on me at all. Still scares the crap out of me. I have been gone for a few months, and wanted to come back next month. I don't know if that's even possible now. I may(with account not quite active) have been banned. With all the gardening bans, it's really quite possible(Was my main source of income).

It was a bad move on SE's part. No one really took their presentation of the automated system seriously until now, with such ridiculous names(RMT pwner etc), and now it's making a huge impact on normal players lives.
#73 Jul 26 2009 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
I didn't receive a ban this month but last month I had to call their 'customer support' (if you even want to call it that) hotline to reactivate my account due to the chargeback ******** they've been trying to pull on everyone. Then I had to put up with the headache of changing credit card information at the beginning of this month.

I'm sick of seeing people getting banned when they've done nothing wrong. I'm sick of seeing countless reports about SE's ****** customer service. I'm sick of SE.

I've played this game for 6 years like many others, supporting SE even in their darkest hours. But this is where I draw the line. I refuse to put up with this kind of abusive customer treatment. Over the past few months I've come to realize just what SE is all about and how out of touch they are with their playerbase.

None of us should have to deal with this...but most of us put up with it because we are addicted to FFXI. I know I am only one customer and it is only $15 (which isn't much in SE's eyes) but I refuse to help SE turn FFXI into a catastrophic mess.

I would've liked a better ending than this... but I quit (no, you can't have my stuff). I hope others find the strength to beat the addiction and send SE the message that their playerbase will not accept this abusive relationship any longer.
#74 Jul 26 2009 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
923 posts
ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
We the community have asked SE to deal with the RMT for years and finally they have done just that. However, a few glitches have cropped up and instead of patiently understanding the issue, people rather jump to conclusions that SE doesn't care or test their systems. I think if anything, the lack of communication with the JP main office really hurts this kind of understanding. Think about it people, why would SE ***** up now with FFXIV right around the corner? If anything, SE hopes to curb RMT behavior and mistakes with their system for the future. For example, SE stated that POL will be retired and a new billing system will be used because of these problems.

So let's see a show of hands of players that would be ok with these glitches if SE only announced them instead of keeping us in the dark until the hate mail explodes. Quite frankly it's not good business sense to not have better communication or a 1-800 number for that matter. If you get a LM-17 for a gardening or CC mistake, just relax and be patient. Sooner or later, SE will address the ban issue just like they addressed the enfeebling glitch.

In closing, I don't think destroyed their player as of yet. I do think that SE is desperately trying to eliminate the RMT threat. The brogames /tells are quite annoying and I can't fault SE for looking for patterns. Players know by word of mouth what not to do in this game. So I seriously don't see a reason for most of these LM-17's. Chargebacks ok, but everything no.

This just can't be serious! You must not have much experience with the way SE works.
#75 Jul 26 2009 at 8:37 AM Rating: Excellent
238 posts
9.) If you play FFXI from more then one ip they will accuse you of having more then one person having access to your account. For example, charter internet at home, at&t at work, and sprint aircard while travelling.

OK, this combined with my having grown chocobo food in the past (for Bazaaring mind you, not NPC'd), is really starting to make me nervous. Especially since I also tend to go to a friend's house with my laptop and play there too, as does another friend of mine (he doesn't garden or craft or anything though).

Haven't even started a gardening cycle since this crap started and I'm starting to wonder if choco digging's even worth my time anymore.

If not for my friends playing, I might've said to hell with the Apocalypse project and quit by now. The player base doesn't need this stress, RL stuff is bad enough.

You know... I'm beginning to wonder if some or most of the STF got laid off and they started relying heavily on the RMT-PWNER and like tools now... this is merely speculation on my part but still a valid question.
Vaius of Ramuh
San d'Oria 10 | Windurst/Bastok 6 | ZM DONE | CoP DONE | ToAU DONE | 1st Liuetenant | WoTG 9

DRK 90/BLM 90

Goldsmithing 67.8 + 1
60 Capped: Cooking, Alchemy
Post 50: Smithing, Clothcraft, Bonecraft

Apocalypse: Stage 1 (250/500)
#76 Jul 26 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
23 posts
I am coming up on my 2 week mark for being banned. The reason I was given has changed both times I called customer service. First time I was told it was for RMT gardening. I debated this, stating that I had never gardened on any of my characters. Second time I called the reason had changed to IP issues. I do travel and play, meaning I end up with different IP addresses all the time. I am now waiting to see if my explanation of this gets me unbanned, but it is not looking good.

I will certainly not be playing while I travel if I do get unbanned, and I would not recommend anyone play while travelling if they travel often.

With both reasons, SE thought I was RMT. I would hope they can see that my character is full of Rare/ex equipment that I (and many many others) worked hard to get, including 11 Nyzul armors, full Aurum, Full god gear, almost all sea torques, 5 full sets of Relic and all the good AF+1s for 4 75 jobs, including 2 fully meritted. Not alot of RMTs still running around with Ethereal earring, Bushi, Raja's, Ulthalams and Captain ranks? How about spending all my IS on Perdu items?

I have been very polite, patient and professional with SE customer service, but it seems they have zero power. Those who make the decisions either do not care, cannot read the English comments entered by NA customer service, are overwhelmed with work, or just are bad at their jobs.

Suffice to say, I am very disappointed with this level of customer service. I have been very happy with the level of RMT banning that SE implemented over the last year, they no longer impact endgame activities on Hades, so I was happy. The auto-banning efforts of the last couple months were unnecessary and heavy handed.

It is inexcusable to ban a 4-year player with a clean record, despite what I agreed to in the player agreements that always get quoted here.

You could be next.
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