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Keylog Attack ~How My Story Ended~Follow

#1 May 15 2007 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
29 posts
Hey guys, this is Hiro. As you may have heard, my character was keylogged last night, and I lost it while struggling to retain it. I'm going to give you all a rundown of what happenned:

Roughly 6PST(9EST), I, and as far as I know, everyone else on my server(Ramuh) and other servers did as well, received a tell from a person named "Themoonlight" saying "This is the gilsellers secret Enjoy"

I figured it was just a good video, perhaps some lame *** but funny pictures about gilsellers, so I checked it out. Anyhow it turned out to be a program. I deleted it, under the impression it could be a keylogger or something of the sort. I then checked my programs to see if anything had secretly installed itself, taking any precaution to be sure I wasn't compromised. I found nothing~

After checking my computer for problems, I went onto PlayOnline to change my password, as I know that even if someone keylogs your information, they can only get it once. Unfortunately, PlayOnline was doing server maintenance at this time, so no PW info could be changed.

I played around like normal until about 8:30PST, when I was kicked off my character, with the error being "You've been logged on by another terminal". At this point I knew what was happening, and spent the better part of the next 1:30 fighting back/forth with the hacker as a race to see who could change the PW first when the maintenance lifted. I had a friend of mine call a GM during this time to see if they could help me out in any way. I asked them to suspend my character, anything to help. but to no avail.

Around 9:45~10:00PST, the "Hacker" successfully changed the PW before me, and I lost my account. I contacted PlayOnline at 9:00AM PST when the opened the following day (Today), only to hear nothing can be initially done to get my account back. The "Hacker" changed the CC info to his own, so even with complete and total evidence that the characters pertaining to the account are my own, I cannot reclaim my account at this time.

Overall, this person was brilliant with their strategy. They waited until PlayOnline Registration Maintenance started, they sent the tell to EVERYONE on our server on at the time, possibly multiple servers, as bait for their trap. At this point even if you knew it was a keylogger (as I did), nothing could be done or helped. They then raced at maintenance lift to change the PW of these accounts, and permanently had access to them.

Now. the only way I can get my account back, is if PlayOnline gets proof that this wasn't an isolated incident. I don't expect everyone to do so, but anyone who doesn't mind, please call ( 858 ) 790 - 7529 (PlayOnline's official Help Office number)i f you received this tell on May 14, and just have them note this was sent to you also. That is all that needs to be done, and they claimed that if they get enough complaints about the issue, they will give accounts back to people with valid proof, CC, and character information.

This is all I can hope for~ Call me a @#%^ing idiot for even checking the file, that's pretty much how I feel. However immediately after checking the file, I knew what it was, but all the traps where in place, and their was nothing I could do. This was a hell of a plan, and it worked~

Note: I wasn't using windower and never ran the program. This is the first program I've heard of to-date that allows them to get information without the use of a 3rd Party program, or ever even running the program.

2nd Note: I was a 4yr Veteran, Ran a Dynamis and Salvage Shell, Sackholder in my HNM shell, and over 50% done with my Relic Weapon Spharai. I'd obtained Leathercraft100, completed pretty much all of the games missions, and had roughly 250+ Merits on my main character. I was cocky, but never rude. I was well liked on my Server and was quite happy with where I was in the game~ That was me, and I am gone~

Edit: Took off the Http://www, but left the remainder of the address up there, so you can give to the POL operator if you call. Thank you very much for your help~

Edited, May 15th 2007 12:45pm by Hiroleonheart

Edited, May 15th 2007 11:52pm by Hiroleonheart
#2 May 15 2007 at 9:30 AM Rating: Excellent
your server was not the only one to get hit, this was a large scale attack across multiple servers, personally i know that ragnarok server was hit with this as well, i and everyone i know in every major HNM shell got this tell. the only thing i can say is to be persistent with customer service, even going as far as to email the STF about this.
#3 May 15 2007 at 9:30 AM Rating: Excellent
500 posts
@#%^ it, give me more info.. i'll call and say i got a freaking message just to help you out..

did it come from a tell, or what? give me everything you know and i'll call them up saying i got a message too.

Edit: I'm on the phone right now... on hold....

Edited, May 15th 2007 1:45pm by Reveez
#4 May 15 2007 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
724 posts
Wow, sorry to hear that. You should definitely post in your server forum as well.
#5 May 15 2007 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
202 posts
Same thing happend on Hades server.
Alot of us got tells in Lower Jeuno.
I know it was alot of us because we were all shouting for everyone to NOT go to the site.
It was the same scam: "Gilsellers Secret".
#6 May 15 2007 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
29 posts
It was a /tell from this person "TheMoonLight".

POL needs to know the name of person, and the URL they sent~ Apparently this was server wide, and if enough people report it, they'll give accounts back (Hope >_<;). If you need more info, let me know what you'd like to know~
#7 May 15 2007 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
There is, as far as I'm aware, one method of combating keyloggers.
You have your password saved on an auto-login setup. I know that only I use my PC to log into my account, and it's set on auto-login. There is no password typing for a keylogger to capture.

Anyways, this sounds like a pretty nasty situation. I expect with it being widespread, Square will have to act, re-examine all accounts transfered since the Registration Server went back up (which actually gives them a great time reference to work from), and go from there.

What time did this happen, out of interest? I saw nothing of this yesterday, since I'm on UK time.
#8 May 15 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
126 posts
Sorry to hear that but,

Remove the link wtf ?

Here is the crap that can fook you over but don't click on it....

#9 May 15 2007 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
97 posts
You said you opened the file right? the program? Couldn't this have been avoided by not doing so? I am not blaming you, nor am I attempting to downplay the severity of what this person did as it is 100% reprehensible. I am trying to ensure that others can avoid this if possible however in the future. Did you go to it and open the program? Could others avoid this problem by not doing the same?
Pandemonium {San d'Oria}Rank 10 LS: Thshadows/Delevel
DRK 75 THF 75 WAR 75 MNK 57 COR 38 NIN 37 SAM 41
#10 May 15 2007 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
29 posts
Never opened the program, only unzipped the file. As I said, I figured it was some pictures, maybe a video, something funny/stupid w/e. When I saw it was a program, I deleted it immediately. As far as I know from forums and all information previously stated, Keyloggers shouldn't be able to attack you unless you run the program or use windower (Most take both that I know of). I did neither, and was still compromised.
#11 May 15 2007 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
202 posts
I am going to report it as soon as I log in today.
I would encourage everyone to do the same.

At the time, I figured it was just a "lone" person, or a few individuals trying to get the best on whomever would go to the site.
I never thought it would have been somthing so wide spread.

For that fact alone, I would encourage everyone to make a report (if you honestly got a tell from this character). They can look into it and verify that this was a multi-server “attack” against FFXI players. Hopefully, maybe they will be more flexible with helping our fellow players get their characters back. And just as important, hopefully this will help prevent future aggressions of the same nature…. Hopefully.
#12 May 15 2007 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
1,008 posts
You know I have heard this story many times in the past 2 weeks. You weren't the first one to have this happen to.

I know I will get flamed to death for this but didn't your parents teach you not to take candy from strangers?

Seriously, after hearing so many horrible stories of people getting their accounts stolen, you still trust a random person.

Either RMTs are very smart or some people are just dumb beyong anything I have ever seen. Who the hell goes to some site that a random person gives to you which ends in the most weird thing lik .zip. I mean if you had fallen for .com or .gif I would say ok but .zip?

Deep down all the idiots that went to these sites were looking to cheat just like the rmt or find a quick way to make money and ended up getting screwed.

My account could get stolen one day but it won't be because I went to a site someone told me to go or because I gave my information to some ls leader. /sigh

Better you learn your lesson in this game, then have you as an idiot go in a dark alley with a rappist and killer offering you to show you naked girls or some stupid thing that will lure you there.
#13 May 15 2007 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
If it's been happening over the last two weeks, it explains this recent notice on the POL website;

Square Enix wrote:
May 11, 2007 14:00 [GMT] From: PlayOnline
Notice for Windows Users: Recommended Precautionary Measures

As a reminder to PlayOnline for Windows users, please be aware that numerous computer viruses and spyware may be present in various websites or downloaded programs. If your computer is infected with one of these, data on your computer may be compromised, lost, destroyed, or transmitted to unauthorized third parties.

In order to secure your system, we suggest that users take the following measures:

- Do not use any type of third party application.

- Do not access or download software from sites you are unfamiliar with.

- Be sure to install Windows Update to keep your system protected against threats.
* Please refer to Microsoft's site for more details

- Make sure your web browser is up to date.

These measures can help to ensure that your personal data and PlayOnline account remain safe and secure. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.
#14 May 15 2007 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
So ok.... by NOT unzipping it, could you have avoided it?
Pandemonium {San d'Oria}Rank 10 LS: Thshadows/Delevel
DRK 75 THF 75 WAR 75 MNK 57 COR 38 NIN 37 SAM 41
#15 May 15 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
394 posts
This occured on the Ifrit server as well, mass /tell from a guy named Faste with that same exact message and url. I dont know how many ppl actually opened it, but im sure a few at least. There HAS to be some way PoL can trace this and hopefully fix it, considering it was a massive cross-server attack.

P.S. As much as the graphics suc, sometimes im really glad i play on ps2.
#16 May 15 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
Ya, that sucks bro. I did not get the tell, but im gonna warn my friends to be careful.

Unfortunately they can put trojans (keyloggers) on your PC just by you going to a site as well. This is how a lot of people lose their accounts without using 3rd party software. They click on some random link and the damage is done without them even knowing it. The worst thing is, advanced trojans, once installed will not be detectable by most users, not in programs, processes, nowhere. Only a system scan by an anti-virus software that is up to date enough to actually know about the trojan might find it :(

If you get your acct. fixed, be wary, as the keylogger may still be on your PC.
#17 May 15 2007 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
313 posts
I heared about this in my LS as well. My first thought was "Who is dumb enough to go to a website from a tell from someone they don't know?"

Sorry Mate. I hate to see this sort of thing happen to people, but once burned you now know better.

People fall for phishing scams every day. People download keyloggers and spyware all the time. Maybe it's my inner skeptic, maybe it's the fact that I work in IT, but it boggles my mind how people can fall for these things.

Having said that, the next one that comes along I'm likely to click on like a monkey. :)
#18 May 15 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
It was someone trying to make mass amount of gil using a program that immediately mass telled everyone in certain zones on all servers, seems it worked on quite a few people so im sure you will see far more of these kinds of tricks in the future.

Although my first though was to laugh at you, really its a horrible thing to happen and i hope you can get your char back somehow... saying that though Square really seem to have little to no protection for its customers to combat account theft.
#19 May 15 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
97 posts
Again, by avoiding going to links and unzipping stuff you don't know, from someone you don't know.... couldn't you have avoided this?
Pandemonium {San d'Oria}Rank 10 LS: Thshadows/Delevel
DRK 75 THF 75 WAR 75 MNK 57 COR 38 NIN 37 SAM 41
#20 May 15 2007 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
For OP:

It seems at least the perpetrator has not used your own character to sack your stuff. I am not sure if perpetrator would transfer your stuff to a expendable mule to sack stuff if that person is after gil. It may just be possible that person is trying to sell your character for $$$ or "zombified" it to a GS character.

One thing is to use FFXIAH to see a certain mule may be selling stuff you owned. That would take some research to do.

Edited, May 15th 2007 2:16pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#21 May 15 2007 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
4,148 posts
Good luck getting your stuff back Hiro

#22 May 15 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
First Hiro, yes, you were an %@#&ing idiot. You made a mistake and paid a hefty price. But I'm not bashing you for it. Shtuff happens man, and it sucks that you had to be one to bite on it. I can hope that you get your account back, but I wouldn't bet on it.

I'm on Ramuh, so if you ever want to "see" where your character is I can send word what is being done with it.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#23 May 15 2007 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
181 posts
OMG DUDE....seriously I find a decent Dyn ls and this happens...

This is why people are not happy with the game, when the people who can help, GM's Tech support, do nothing to aid you, then pretty much tell you tough ****... Hope you can get on, Quisty and I look forward to doing more dyn's with y'all.
#24 May 15 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Just to let folks know about .zip files please keep in mind that .zip files are for all tense and purposes executables. Treat .zip files as you would see a random .exe file from a random person you don't know. It is very easy to have a program executed while opening .zip file, hell it's an option developers use from time to time to run content for a client demo in my line of work. So, I can easily see it running other maleware when executed.

To the OP (or anyone else affected), sorry to hear what has happened to you. I hope you manage to get your account back.
#25 May 15 2007 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
173 posts
The message isn't limited to the "Gilseller's Secret."

I got a tell 2 days ago with the same website, saying "I'm quitting - <insertlinkhere> - Enjoy!~"

And yeah, it was the same person as was mentioned above by Smoothrunner, Faste
#26 May 15 2007 at 11:54 AM Rating: Excellent
29 posts
Thanks for the genuine concern. I took care of the identity theft information on my end. Thankfully I deal with Identity Theft often at work, so I knew what measures had to be taken to ensure I didn't lose any money or credit. I've reported my CC to my bank, and I have a new card issued. Also my local authorities are taking care of Equifax, TransUnion, ect. for me, so hopefully no harm comes out of it on that end.

What I'm really worried about is my character though. To be honest that's 4 years of hard work that's going to some ******* it seems. Truthfully I agree that it was stupid of me to go to that link, but I took every precaution afterwards to avoid what happened, but unfortunately the perpurtrator was one step ahead of the game.

I'll be calling back SE today at roughly 4~5pm PST, hopefully they've gotten enough calls by then to work on giving me my account back, we'll see I guess. Thank you everyone for your support, and if you did get that tell, even if you don't check this thread until days later, give SE a call. They need to know that they've been compromised on quite a high level.
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