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Some insight into the growing 'HL noob problem'.Follow

#1 Oct 16 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
5,903 posts
After making a post on another thread about subligar parties, I got to thinking...

"Why are so many mid to high level players such utter noobs when I meet them?"

Well, after a bit of thinking, it hit me. Most exp parties I find, people are generally capable at their job, and they know most of the decent exp camps and zones that are commonly sought after and so on and such.

But, then, you try to get... a mission, or a quest party, and suddenly, you start to see so many higher ranked players who downright suck. They don't know where to go, they don't know their butt from a hole in the ground about a boss fight, yadda yadda...

Wanna know why?

I'll tell you why.

You ready?

Its the "Rush to Lv75".

So many people do nothing but exp party exp party exp party until they find themselves Forced to do something else, its turning people... no wait. Its not "turning" people into anything. My bad. Its causing people to not learn anything outside of exp parties.

I'm not saying everyone is like this... but those of you who feel the game is a rush to get to Lv75 as your chosen job.. well.

Seriously. On the path from Lv1 to Lv75, what do you do?

1). XP the job to Lv30.
2). Do a couple rank missions on the way.
3). Farm/maybe a little craft.
4). Get subjob levelled.
5). Farm, maybe a rank mission or two.
6). Exp
7). Exp
8). Exp

Nowhere along this line, do you Truly learn what the game is. Come on.. you can't tell me that fighting the same mob (or even similar mobs!) for 40+ levels is really teaching you anything. You use the same job abilities in the same situations you've always used. This isn't teaching you advanced teamwork, strategy or anything of this nature, is it?

When you invite a person who rushed to their high level into your party, chances are they probably had little experience with other things. That's why it seems like they suck so bad. It doesn't take all that much skill to ride a chocobo to an XP camp, dismount, buff, and kill the same mob repeatedly for the next 5 hours. It just.. doesn't. Once you learn how to use your core job abilities, you're pretty well set. Especially for jobs like MNK, PLD, DRG, etc. No offense to you guys, but for 5, sometimes 10 levels at a time, you have the same job abilities fighting the same mobs. Its not really teaching you much, is it? Not really your fault per se...

So where am I going with this? I don't know... I guess I'm trying to say that people should 'get out more'. There are CoP missions now, that one can do at Lv30. Several beyond the Promyvions are capped at Lv40.

I think SE did this intentionally. They saw lots of people getting to Lv60 with absolutely no experience or skill in doing anything but standard XP party setup.

So my suggestion?

Do your CoPs early. *grins* I'm doing my CoPs and I'm loving each boss fight. Some of these are hard, they teach you new things. Some of them require you to use jobs that you would have never thought. Like, Diabolos. What boss fight, or mission, would you ever say "gosh, we need more DRKs in our LS..."

Sorry about all of the rambling... hopefully you can sift through this and get the point I'm trying to make...

#2 Oct 16 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
809 posts
I blame it on people who will do absolutely nothing but mana/arrow/monkburns. As a result, there are ppl running around with absolutely no concept of the hate line, my favorite being the blm i recently partied with who casted burst 5 seconds into battle, just seconds after I used my first provoke.
#3 Oct 16 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
5,903 posts
You know what? That's another point to be made....of those people who rush to Lv75 in exp parties, there are people who do arrowburns and manaburns. They are even worse than your standard XP setup, becuase they have even less strategy involved.

While I'm not saying this is a bad thing by itself, but gawd... when you invite a BLM who casts Burst 5 seconds into the battle... you can understand why, but dang.. surely he'd know that this ain't no Manaburn anymore...

But yes, what you mentioned is a subtype of my point.

People need to 'get out more' and do more variety sometimes. I'm thankful that I've levelled a few different jobs. I finally have Lv66 WHM... I also have Lv40 BLM, I have Lv48 THF, Lv44 WAR, Lv36 PLD... A wide range of experience, IMHO. I like to see what the game is like through the eyes of the tank, or the THF trying to land SATA on people who dance arond as if they have ants in their pants.. and I can truly appreciate these people becuase I know what its like now..

#4 Oct 16 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
3,478 posts
I love how playing BST has given me a 'heightened sense of awareness'. I see all agro ranges and navigate very easily through mob infested terrain. I have become very accustomed to death which has tought me how to better deal with sticky situations with a quick reaction. And it doesn't even matter what job I am playing at the time anymore, I just use whatever resources I have to survive.

(EDIT: uh oh, looks like this thread got trolled)

Edited, Mon Oct 17 05:41:50 2005 by Webjunky
#5 Oct 16 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
2 things contribute to high lvl noobs;

1 is the fact that 2 of every 3 parties below lv35 have a powerleveler, i just leveled my war up through the 20s and 30s as a sj for sam(my next job to 75), and the ammount of powerleveling is somewhat out of hand, at least on my server.
this creates sucky players who dont know how to do their job correctly, because they had a lv65 mage healing them through all the low levels where your supposed to learn. this also contains a second problem, people feel its rude to tell a bad player that they suck and replace them, or leave pt, and end up letting really bad players leech xp from them all the way to 75.

2nd is newbs buying large ammounts of gil. its bad enough that they think that its ok to buy through RMT, but in the end it makes a breed of lazy players with no skill, that never had to do anything but buy tuff off AH in jueno, and follow other players to pt and leech xp.

there is a third problem, but its not as rampent as the other 2, and thats the sale of high levels characters on online auctions. as most of you know theres a way/trick to change your characters name, which makes it possible to buy a lv75 character, and change its name so no one knows that you are a complete noob who bought someone elses character.

as long as these problems persist, more and more high lvl morons with skill comparable to a newby in the dunes will show up.
#6 Oct 16 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
178 posts
High level noobs tend to be mages, seeing as they can just rush up half-arsing their job. Every time I see a red mage saying "Lols I'm a red mage because it's fast to leve", I die inside.

I won't name names of total noobs though *Cough*Thesehan on Cerberus*cough*
#7 Oct 16 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
1,505 posts
You all pretty much just hit right on othe dot! Yes, yes, very much of the problem is rushing to 75. BIG problem, in fact. Burn parties are good, but you shouldn't constantly do them. It teaches no teamwork, and destroys the fun in partying.

Powerleveling and RMT. Ew. Power levelling makes people think that they're uber and better than anyone (Ha, let's see them in a capped place). It makes them have nothing to worry about. RMT is just... how do you say it... zomfgbbqlolbrbafk stupid. You're already paying for the game as it is, and that's just another X dollars a month, usually at least 20.

Xylia, I admire what you said about needing a cap on CoP missions. You can't just zoom through 'em. You need a full party and not just 5 75s and a level 7. I personally LOVE CoP, enjoying all fights and such. Currently on Ouryu for ~4 weeks now, though ><. I think I've made my point, g'bye! :)
#8 Oct 16 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
421 posts
I don't think it's the exclusive levelling to 75 that makes the influx of high level n00bs. Nor is it doing things like CoP missions or rank missions/quests that make people non-n00bs. CoP came out after the first groups of players made it to 75.

I think it's because people keep wanting things easier, and this includes missions and quests as well. Some general things I think that make for all the high-level n00bs out there.

1. Powerlevelling early and often. A lot of people believe themselves entitle to powerlevels throughout the solo levels, throughout the dunes, into Qufim and even beyond. I've seen a PL party out in Valley of Sorrows. Think about that.

2. Religous adherence to the Perfect Party setups. Part of this I blame on CoP and the level caps. Everytime I hear a /shout for Promy parties, almost all of them are waiting on either Rangers or Summoners. People will wait hours in a party doing nothing because they're waiting for a RDM or BRD to suddenly pop. I've had an EXP party purposefully fight with just 5 people in the hopes of getting a RDM, when any 6th could have made the whole thing faster and safer. I've seen BLMs who've said Manaburn Onry! Instead of working with what's available, people will wait for what will 'guarantee them a win' or 'get them the best EXP per hour'.

3. Insistance on high level help for just about anything. Lots of people don't just /shout in Jeuno for help anymore. They shout for level 75 help on everything from AF1 to LB3. The people don't have to do any sort of work to get their goals beyond show up.

4. Using the same strategies even though another one would work (e.g. using Distortion skillchain even if another one would produce a bigger damage output). Few people will ever allow themselves a setup that requires them to do something other than what they've always done.

This doesn't apply to just EXP, this applies to all the missions and quests.

Guess what? EXP parties can train us for doing missions and quests, if we let them.

Getting to the Spires of the Promyvions is an exercise in avoiding aggro from true sight monsters. Just taking a level 10 character to the dunes can be a good exercise in avoiding aggro.

For a lot of the missions, one strategy is to do as much damage as possible in a short amount of time. Ammoburns/Manaburns are actually good practice for that if you happen to have bunches of RNG or BLM available.

If people worked with what was available, they'd learn more strategies. No tank jobs seeking, but plenty of DDs with /WAR? Make a speedkill party. No RDMs or BRDs, but an extra BLM or WHM. Invite that extra and have one rest or back up heal while the other does the work, so that one healer/nuker is always fresh while the other regains MP. I've been in a party with 2 WHMs and no refresher and it's worked surprisingly well.

That works with other strategies. Don't have a BLM for some reason? Then why the hell are you using Distortion when the closing weapon skill is Vorpal Scythe or whatever? If the mob is weak to something other than ice, or strong to water, why are you using Distortion?

No matter what people are doing, most of them will choose the easy way out, or the one that's always worked. So when the times for them to get challenged, they don't know how to handle it, because if the 'one right way' doesn't get them what they need, nothing will.
#9 Oct 16 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
ha.. True Story..

years ago i remember running around as my lvl 8 blm/ in the Canyon, roam killing as a 3 man pt,whatever we could. So we see this mound of flying rocks.. like whoaa Earth Elemental Lets Kill!
<me> nice, this thing looks cook, just dont cast lets /heal
<myboy> world lets rock.
<lowlevelnoob> NO its to close its gona agro us and wes gonn die
<me> na dude dont worry it agros magic only
<lowlevelnoob> are you sure? i think it sight..i mean i dont wan die
<myboy> dude...magic argo only
<lowlevelnoob> oh.. aight.. well lets get ready then
Lowlevelnoob Casts Protect.
<me>wtf run..
<myboy> lmfao..
<lowlevelnoob> SEE ITS SIGHT!

now.. 2night ago in Boy Tree farming spiders..with my boy and a new ls invite (55levels later)

<myboy3yearslater> Dude lemme peep if taht coffer popped aight?
<me> aight lets role
/me Slaps the water Elemental
<Newlinkshelinvite> Guys wtf dont you see it.. i dont wanna f`in die..
<me> ?
( <newlinkshellinvite> becomes <highlevelnoob71> )
<highlevelnoob71> the friggin elemental dont get agro its still T for me
<me> ??? just dont cast..
<myboy3yearslater> hey highlevelnoob71 how much was the buy it now on your darknight..
<me> lmfao dude they agro magic only.. dont worry about anything so long as you dont cast.. But careful cause the crabs around agro sound.
<highlevelnoob71> oh aight..phew
highlevelnoob71 casts Invisible
<me> >.>
<highlevelnoob71> WTF Aggro <ty> sopijsopi <cakll>
<me> lmfao.. Invisible..
<myboy3yearslater> lol things dont change much huh...lmfao

edit: highlevelnoob was farming as a 71 drk/ he can stealth around.....

Edited, Sun Oct 16 16:46:20 2005 by InCuBo
#10 Oct 16 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
2,603 posts
Yes Xylia, I absolutely agree.

I think it was great that SE put a level cap on many of the COP missions. It forces people to actually take part in things rather than just watch while someone 20 levels higher do the work for them.
It also puts an element of challenge back into the game. I see those PM fights as valuable education.
#11 Oct 16 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
1,914 posts
and of course for promyvion,they found a way to not actually play anyway and just have 6 smn hr on it. It only works some of the time,the rest of hte time its atotal party wipe,but they insist its the only way. Its fun to see a group like that go in,all end up dead,then you go in with a pld,rdm,blm,blm,mnk,sam (all jobs that are "useless" in promyvion) and own it becuase you came prepared and know what your doing.
#12 Oct 16 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
5,903 posts
Hmmm, here's my opinions on SE's design for CoP missions, I think SE made CoP a sort of training course:


1). Teach people to farm and prepare beforehand.
2). Teach people about True Sight and have them practice avoiding mobs without Sneak and Invisible.

Phomuina Aqueducts:

1). Teach people about special mobs and what happens if you kill too many of them....
2). Teach people that you need to turn around to avoid Ray attacks.

Riverne Site #A01:

1). Teach people you don't always fight a single boss.
2). Teach people how to kite.
3). Teach people how to conserve MP.


1). Teach people they need to do cutscenes in order. LOL.
2). Teach people that some of those 'lesser' jobs can be lifesavers.
3). Show off some of SE's awesome artwork and landscaping. (Anyone who has done the Mimeo Mirror knows what I mean.)

This is as far as I've gotten so I can't really say what else these things teach people.

#13 Oct 16 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
This couldn't be more true, in fact it reminds me of doing Bastok rank missions 8 through 9...

We ended up fighting EVERY antica in quicksand caves because people didn't know how to use sneak, at least you should learn that from exp parties. Then when we got to the ??? some idiot (he had recently "lost his haubergeon" to a casino guy in Lower Jeuno who logged out right when he traded it to him, how gullible can you be) pressed it when no one had MP or HP and the NMs came out and almost killed us all. Why do people press ??? whenever they see them?! If we didn't have so many people to 2 hour we would have been wiped out for sure.

Then in Kuftal Tunnel they aggrod every ghost and robber crab they could find, and we had to do the fight with the NM 4 times because they hadnt followe directions to knock down the little piece of wood! >< Thank god no one died that time either.

Well it just goes to show that your rank means absolutely nothing anyway.
#14 Oct 16 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
1,543 posts
I was shocked to find the Crawler's Nest PT I was in had no concept of skillchains. Me and the BLM there were going {Skillchain}?

They simply randomly spammed firepower into anything short of exorays. Amazingly, we kept them all alive with a SUM/WHM, BLM/RDM, and RDM/BLM. No skillchains, so we couldn't shut down mobs early with MB's. We were resorting to bludgeoning the mobs with DD spells till we got aggro (at least they knew the Provoke key), then Draining, repeating the process.

I've taken to carrying a SC chart ever since by my computer...because the only cure for PL n00bism is education. Teach them now, or pay in exp loss forever.

Powerleveling makes ignorant players. FFXI kills ignorant players and the PT's they're in. If you've got ignorant players, keep them away from anything that requires intelligence until you can get them taught how the game really works. If they then prove to be not ignorant, but simply stupid...blacklist them. You're saving yourself pain and suffering.

Not everyone can Chainspell-Warp out of a nightmare PT, after all. :P
#15 Oct 16 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
359 posts
as most of you know theres a way/trick to change your characters name

Huh!??! How...?
#16 Oct 16 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Excellent
2,348 posts
I agree with Xylia's points -- you basically have two 'levels' in this game -- 1) your actual exp, and 2) your experience with the game's mechanics and how well you handle yourself in the game.

- Guaging enough distance between aggroing mobs in order to re-sneak/re-invis yourself without pulling aggro.
- Guaging when to click off your existing sneak in order to reapply as smoothly as possible.
- Knowing the different aggro ranges of different mobs, and knowing what each aggros to what, and using that to your advantage when trying to worm your way through an aggro zone.
- Knowing the range of magic aggro mobs so you can still recast sneak even in Ro'Maeve/Ifrit's Cauldron.
- Knowing the range of mob AoE's so you can stand in a safe place while watching another ls fight their HNM and not die (Fafnir <_<)
- Knowing how to slip by true-sight and true-sound mobs.
- Being aware of your surroundings at all times (especially applicable in Al'Taieu with the aggroing phuabos underneath you and the yovras above you)
- Knowing how to move together efficiently as a large alliance.
- Knowing what actions to take in case of emergencies.
- Knowing that, if you're a mage, you can just cast Stoneskin on yourself while walking through the left side of Attohwa so you don't have to keep casting Poisona over and over again.

I've been level 75 for the greater part of my FFXI career, but most of the skills I listed above I learnt AFTER I hit level 75 and began my first forays into endgame. When I first hit level 75, I was no different from a level 60 in the skills I knew and my overall experience aboout the game.

However, when my endgame shell just started (when I was level 72), we did not camp properly for 3-4 weeks. Those 3-4 weeks we would go on runs through Temple of Uggalepih and Den of Rancor, training ourselves to be skilled at aggro and moving together. We did not touch a 'proper' HNM until we were sure we had had enough practice with emergency situations. It paid off, because this first batch of members that my ls had were considerably more skilled at moving through zones and being aware of their surroundings.

I've completed CoP, and all my fights except one (Promyvion-Dem) were done with my ls, mostly people who had to cope with many instances of 'emergency situations', whether during HNMs, Dynamis, ENMs, or missions. I'm 1/1 on all my fights except for Snoll Tzar -- we've been in Dynamis and we've walked through Uleguerand Range to reach jormungand; Promyvion isn't that much more difficult. The pickup Dem group I did was comprised mostly of riff-raff, people who mainly only leveled and did not face as much emergency situations daily as my ls did -- and we got aggro every few steps, while my ls did Mea in a full alliance, in 30 mins from start to the end of the BC fight. Even pre-RNG patch, my ls always relied on skillchains and MBs to kill Kirin, and so after the patch we only took 15 more mins to kill him (45 mins record).

SO, it's worth it going out on little escapades and adventures -- save someone with tractor and escape, go on more missions, face more "OMGINEEDTODOSOMETHINGNOW" situations. Do difficult quests, have exciting adventures with friends. If you're a whm, go on escapades that put yourself in danger to raise a friend (I once had to tractor and raise an ls mate in Al'Taieu with a Yovra above me and a Phuabo just beside me, and another time I had to raise several people in Ro'Maeve without using sneak oils).

It's ok to lose exp in exchange for these adventures sometimes, as you learn so much about handling yourself in the game. Some of my ls mates are adventure freaks and anything that involves death in a fun way attracts them <_<;

Edited, Sun Oct 16 22:28:25 2005 by Whren
#17 Oct 16 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
1,809 posts
I wouldnt say its all the rush to 75 fault. Blame partly lies with the community as a whole.

Stop inviting these noobs in the pt. Stop helping them level.

High level noobs wouldnt be high level if they were left alone to rot during the low to mid levels. People are so desperate for exp these days that they will invite anyone to fill in a slot.

Also it seems that a lot of people are hypocrites. They say they will boot these noobs yet when they need that one critical spot, they will in-turn invite a noob for exp.
#18 Oct 16 2005 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
CoP > EXP to me
im serious
I really agree with you.

1). Teach people to farm and prepare beforehand.
2). Teach people about True Sight and have them practice avoiding mobs without Sneak and Invisible.

Phomuina Aqueducts:

1). Teach people about special mobs and what happens if you kill too many of them....
2). Teach people that you need to turn around to avoid Ray attacks.

Riverne Site #A01:

1). Teach people you don't always fight a single boss.
2). Teach people how to kite.
3). Teach people how to conserve MP.


1). Teach people they need to do cutscenes in order. LOL.
2). Teach people that some of those 'lesser' jobs can be lifesavers.
3). Show off some of SE's awesome artwork and landscaping. (Anyone who has done the Mimeo Mirror knows what I mean.)

this is one of the many reasons i <3 CoP, it teaches you something, unlike ZM's or Rank Missions

Edited, Mon Oct 17 00:07:18 2005 by Ethoss
#19 Oct 16 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
12,846 posts
As a whm, i seriously ruined 2 players with pwr lvls, one of which was my own husband. He was lvling his Monk to catchup to me and he absolutly sucked at tanking because he was so used to me curing his every little booboo. needless to say he quit :(
#20 Oct 16 2005 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
503 posts
Want another reason?

Don't let your friends go into exp parties for you.

I was cautious.

I've yet to get my own account, but for ~6ish months, I've been playing on my friend's account. I did all kinds of stuff. Level his mule. Do H.E.L.M. for gil. Craft. Farm items.

My friend thinks it would be awesome if I could exp party for him too. So do I. I've tanked only one time by that time in a level 50 capped area. At that time, he was ~level 66 PLD.

So first party I get, I get kicked out because I lag out unfortunately and couldn't tank because of that. No biggie.

Second one, I do prettybadly in, but think it's fine since we rig in 4.5K/hour without any deaths (w00t 2nd time ever tanking). Apparently, I really sucked. I lacked that experience one develops from either watching others do the job and from doing it themselves. I only knew how it was to be done in theory.

So for a while after, my friend's char's reputation is ruined. Not fatally, but blemished nonetheless.

Therefore, don't let your friends party for you ever if they never played that job. Or rather, to be safe, don't let them party for you at all.
#21 Oct 16 2005 at 11:22 PM Rating: Excellent
396 posts
I'm a crafter now so I hardly get out to do any kind of partying. Hell, it's been months since I've been in any kind of party. I get 1-3 hours a day to play. That's hardly any time for me to do any kind of missions or experience points parties.

Maybe it's because of the time constraints people have? I know that if I had that extra hour or 2 to play I would love to do some CoP's or Zilarts. This game requires a ridiculous amount of time to master. You can't expect everyone to be perfect. Everyone messes up sometimes, even at a high level. But I wouldn't call them a Noob. I'd just call them human.

Yeah I'll agree with you that maybe there are too many people that wanna rush to 75 but maybe they don't wanna do any of that CoP crap. Maybe they just wanna get their 75 and then go on to make some money or craft. Or hunt NM's. Or anything.

Basically you're telling people how to play the game they pay for. Maybe not everyone wants to do the CoP's. That's their prerogative. Honestly, there are people who just aren't good at the game. I've seen Rank 10/CoP complete/Zilart complete people still mess up, but I guess that's because of their lack of experience.

Please. Give me a break.
#22 Oct 16 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
831 posts
I agree. But there's also another bad thing that these "burn parties" bring. Most people who do this, have no concept of real team work. All the now is "spam, spam, spam, spam..." And they apply this everything in the game. Like if you wana fight a HMN or something, the only strategy these people are capable of coming up with is a some sort of burn strategy.

Due to the lack of partying with other jobs, they also become ignorant on how these other jobs work. So when someone proposes a strategy that doesn't involve spamming much, they immediately claim that it wont work, and that all other jobs "suck". This is their way of defending their lack of knowledge on real team work, and other jobs. How do I know this is true? Because I have seen way too many high lvl BLM (and high lvl RNG back in the day), ask what Souleater is, or what Meditate is, or what Assassin is, etc, etc. -.-
#23 Oct 17 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
Nothing compares to the Rank 9 level 73 guy in a Bastok Rank Mission alliance who didn't know that undead aggros to low HP. Oh sure, he could voke and pull hate just fine. But he didn't know about the low Hp aggro. Nor did he know that I couldn't sleep the undead.

Do ZM5 sometime. Go through Ifrit's Cauldren. There's always somebody with a higher level than you who cannot follow simple instruction. At all. "The aggro magic". Next minute, bam, they get...magic aggro! Suprise!

It's stupidity. It's an epidemic throughout the human race, if you've taken a look around lately.
#24 Oct 17 2005 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
433 posts
just one point to add that has been mentioned, but not really emphasized:


we talk about SCs, about MBs, about knowing your surroundings, about being versatile in a PT (or as versatile as the PT makeup allows), about not-PL-ing, about knowing one's job well, etc.

but what a HL-noob (so named) lacks most in all of that, is the concept of teamwork. just to re-tag a few of the above to illustrate:

"knowing one's job well" -> "knowing one's job well IN RELATION TO OTHER JOBS"

"knowing how SC works" -> "knowing how SC works WITH AVAILABLE WEAPONS IN THE PT"


in essence, TEAMWORK, imho.
#25 Oct 17 2005 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
People cant be perfect...

But you can always pretend.
#26 Oct 17 2005 at 4:29 AM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
Why did this thread get trolled? Hmm, I guess I'ma try and rate everyone back up again...
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