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Daily NPC Diagnostics - Updated Everyday!Follow

#277 Jul 24 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
179 posts
well, i went over where you guys described and he wasn't there. So i figured that it might not be there if you haven't summoned it yet that day. most likely wrong about that though

If you mean looking in Ru'lude Gardens, look for a object called 'Rendezvous Point'. It'll actually just be a piece of the floor, but anyways~ ^^;

Click on that, and you will be able to talk to your NPC anytime you want.
#278 Jul 24 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
the rendevous point is like a ???, you click it and your npc shows up. it won't be walking around town...
#279 Jul 24 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
614 posts
Just a brief note on my experience.

Yesterday I traded an Uchigatana to my NPC and switched her to attacker mode. I did not ice she was using Double Attack; since she never drew hate I cannot say if she had counter, but I assume so.

I was able to outgainher as far as TP every time, so she would use her TP as soon as she got it. This, as it happened, worked out very well. The first time she used Tachi: Enpi and the second time she used Tachi: Hobaku. Both times I followed with Penta Thrust. We received SC damage of 353 and 369 respectively, which I thought was pretty awesome; I usually don't get that much in xp parties.

Total Speculation: I was thinking last night. When you talk to your NPC she says "I don't know much about jobs, but can you recommend a fighting style?" To me, as others have pointed out, the question itself (Let's talk about jobs) implies they can have jobs. Now, with the weapon choices for the NPC, they can use weapons that are usually reserved for specific jobs (such as Great Katana, etc.). Luto says she wants low lvl weapons so the NPC can try them out. However, I the NPC used Tachi: Hobaku right after I gave her the Uchigatana, so she obviously didn't need to skillup with it to use it.

The idea I had was this: the NPC starts at 30 and her styles seem to correspond with the basic jobs (I know some have said she is a PLD, but bear with me) - i.e. her three styles basically use skills from WAR, MNK, WHM, the starting jobs. She's not busting out Meditate or Last Resort or anything. My thought was -- maybe this is because she's lvl 30. This is when we get the chance to unlock our other jobs; she probably hasn't had that chance since she is lvl 30 herself. Could the weapons -- getting to learn the style of them as luto says -- be part of the advanced job unlocking process for the NPC?

Just a wild theory based in pure speculation.
#280 Jul 24 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
My npc hit lv 32 today(5th time calling).
First time I used it as my 38 thf and solo'd EPs.
The other times I just pwned crap w/ my rng in west altep to PL it.
today's session sucked cuz i encountered a cactus and it used 1000 needles 2 times on me killing both me and my npc =\

One other thing I noticed is that in both instances that my npc leveled, it happened about 10 seconds AFTER I killed the mob. I'm not sure if there are other factors included in the npc gaining xp because I'd expect it to level the moment I kill the mob, as most of us are used to. Is anyone else getting this result?

Edited, Sun Jul 24 15:14:50 2005 by sonawajaba
#281 Jul 24 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
776 posts
Interesting tidbit...

As I mentioned earlier, I ended up wasting yesterday with a 'click' and not being able to get a pearl for a day. My NPC killed one mob in the time I had it out.

Today I got the new pearl, and my NPC is now allowing me to set her job. So I think some of these upgrades may be solely on the number of days you have the NPC, or maybe on the number of 'real life' days where it is called.

I may skip a day of leveling it this week to see if there is any change from day to day without calling it.

#282 Jul 24 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
869 posts
My inauspicious first weekend with Wagwei...

First two times out (Sauramorgue & Rolanberry), I managed to get myself killed ><. Just not being cautious, both times I went after a gob who had a friend lurking just around the corner. After the first defeat, Wag's body piece switched to the Lv 1 RSE ><.

Third time out, I took him out to Qufim with my Whm. He was out about half an hour... we beat the heck out of everything in sight. He let loose with a Red Lotus Blade or two. Back at Ren Pt, he'd upgraded to Liz armor and gave me the choice of fighting styles (went Fighter).

Fourth time out, I thought I'd go take some EPs in Xarcabard. Proved tougher than I thought b/c theres no place to rest there. I could tank the skellies OK, but the fights were long and by no means easy. Got aggro resting after 1st fight. Managed to beat that mob (had to 2hr ><). After that fight, 2 more skellies aggroed. I dismissed Wag and booked it for the nearest zone. Pretty much the same gear. His leg/feet armor may have changed, but I'm not that familiar with melee armor.

Fifth time out, I took my 13 SAM and went to Konschtat. It wasnt until this point that I turned off my chat filters so I could get a better idea of what he was doing. His damage per hit was only slightly below mine (on a weapon with much lower delay ><). He stayed about 25 min... I got ~750 XP mostly on stuff I could have beaten alone. Still in the liz body.

Ive now called 5x. Two of them lasted no more than 2-3 fights (Rolanberry and Xarcabard). Another ended after a fair amount of time with my SMN face down. He still hasnt leveled... nor has Luto given me the option to give him new gear.

I'm hoping I can get a fresh pearl after 8:00 tonight. Im gonna get some Yag drinks, set him back to Shield mode and just PL him in Yhoat or something.
#283 Jul 24 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
After my sixth time calling my npc he finaly gave me the option to change his job. I have set him as healer and decided to get some exp on sam. I am going to only level my sam currently level 5 @500.. I quite like my choice. My npc is quite nice and helpfull.
Even thought its best not to spam dia and paralyze after my frist swing.. My npc took hate and looked like he had about 5 hp left and he said

I'm not going down"

Thats just quality, my lill tarutaru steals hate from me then swears.
#284 Jul 24 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
290 posts

I'm not going down"

"Dammitaru" would be even better.

Is there a full list of weapons you can turn into Luto yet? I've given and ash staff and bronze dagger.
#285 Jul 24 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
About giving weapons to your npc. Is it possible to switch up the weapons you want the npc to use by simply trading weapons to Luto? Or is it a done deal when you trade the first time?
#286 Jul 24 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
About giving weapons to your npc. Is it possible to switch up the weapons you want the npc to use by simply trading weapons to Luto? Or is it a done deal when you trade the first time?

for now you need to give her a beginer weapon she says... later im sure you are able to trade her good weapons... i just wonder if you recieve your old one back :( it would suck to give mina a dark-staff someday and not be able to get it back
#287 Jul 24 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
5,339 posts
I traded Cesti to Luto today after 6th time out, I am eager to break Radille out tomorrow and go monk up some mobs.

The weapons concern me tho. OK so Cesti were 133 gil, no big deal. If Radille starts asking for things like Cross-Counters, I'm gonna have to break it off. She's cute and all, but she ain't worth that much. Can't even get her back to my mog house for some mulsum, sheesh.
#288 Jul 24 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
My NPC just hit 31 after 5 or 6 outtings with him. He leveled about 10 seconds after we just killed an Orc.

But has any high level BLMs tried training 16 or more mobs, then calling out npc, and then Blizzaga 3ing? Been a lot of talk about the NPC leaving exactly after 15 fights, I wonder if the npc would leave after 10 seconds.
#289 Jul 24 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
526 posts
My NPC finally leveld to 31, and we SCd..basicly all...
And I toss a spider web by accident..
Pics up in a few.
These pics should clear up some questions.
(LS doing Kirin can ignore the green text..) Yay! Ohh lalala Spidie got owned with a Distortion Skillchain Pretty Katana~ Prettier Katana~
<edit> Put up links.
<edit> Fixed Skillchain link.
Edited, Sun Jul 24 18:09:54 2005 by Vobent

Edited, Sun Jul 24 18:25:04 2005 by Vobent

Edited, Sun Jul 24 18:29:41 2005 by Vobent

Edited, Sun Jul 24 18:31:27 2005 by Vobent
#290 Jul 24 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
608 posts

Gave my "healer" npc a pair of cesti....

now she only attack with 1 hand. And very, very slowly. ;_;

maybe i'll give her a great axe instead. :\
#291 Jul 24 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
202 posts
Out of all these posts, SURELY someone has seen "I, Robot". These NPCs remind me of the NS5's for some reason. If they all turn on us, and enslave us one day, remember who said it first.

Back on topic:

Finished the quests for my Signal Pearl at about 6am this morning, and unlocked the ability to select the newer jobs at about 3pm this afternoon. I used the drop pearl trick once to summon an extra time this morning. No level up, lots of armor switching. Currently I am not sure what he is wearing now, looks metallic with nice designs on it. Someone in Qufim saw it and swore it was level 40 and 49 armor mixed, but my NPC is still 30. His average visiting time lasts about 45 mins, and that is with a lot of resting. I rest for MP, so he doesn't have much choice.

Well, now that I have to wait still another 15 hours, I think I am going to head to Jeuno and track down some info on the girl we all saved. Maybe if I can get an update on her, I call tell my slave about it and he will "chat" about something else.

Thank you to everyone posting on this, it has helped me alot and hopefully mine can help you. I don't think job selection is determined by days since I got mine in before the 3 day mark.
#292 Jul 24 2005 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
6,947 posts
I do just wish that they were slightly better conversationalists.

A friend of mine did his whole quest over again because the Hume he got was too stuffy and boring.
His new Taru companion was much more cheerful and lively.

Mine seems to have a positive attitude, but I wish she'd talk more, or ask random questions or something, like duing the downtime when we sit and heal up.

I have spoken to her in /say and in /tell, congratulated her and given her constructive criticism, but so far, I haven't been able to initiate any kind of conversation T_T
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    #293 Jul 24 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
    133 posts
    5th Outing.
    same thing. rdm61 taking Henrietta for a walk in the qufim isle XD roughly 16-17 battles and 14mins later, she gtg. Check her at the RV point and... you guess it.
    New set of armour ^^
    side note. Luto still don't give me any other new options =/
    #294 Jul 24 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
    883 posts
    I'll post screenshots in a bit, but I have to report that my NPC, on Healer mode, just having dinged 32, and wielding a Great Katana, was just smart enough to Tachi:Hobaku a goblin that was about to use Bomb Toss. Player characters aren't even smart enough to do that! I <3 my NPC.
    #295 Jul 24 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
    111 posts
    i have no idea what kind of armor that is on her legs Amoryff but it looks interesting.

    also thanks to everyone for adding their information and experienced.. i get many tells in Diabolos that this thread has about all the information needed for the NPC as is.

    so thanks to everyone for helping contribute ^^/
    #296 Jul 24 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
    2,965 posts
    I have been lvling my NPC as a 32 White Mage. So far every day I have been killing everything from EP-T+ mobs in Rolenberry.

    I'm still amazed that I can solo T+ gobs as a lvl 32 White mage.

    Anyways, today after killing stuff for about 45 min, my NPC leaves.
    My LS is asking for help for Maat Testimonies, so I change to 67 Red Mage, and run over to RP. I call NPC and she is wearing lvl 40 Breastplate.

    So, I changed her style to healer, and I'm going to switch back to white mage and call her.

    Lets see if she will still be wearing breastplate and heals.

    I hope she doesn't show up in the regular scale mail again.

    #297 Jul 24 2005 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
    2,313 posts
    My NPC used EARTH CRUSHER an AOE - yikes. Was killing a beetle. When he did that he aggroed and spider. Idiot.

    Fortunately, it was time for him to take his leave. Humph.
    Good thing the spiker stopped aggro when he left.

    NPC can be hazardous to your health.

    P.S. He's at level 32
    #298 Jul 24 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
    692 posts
    Whats the highest damage you've gotten your NPC to do?
    208 dmg Sturmwind and 93 dmg critical hit are my current records
    #299 Jul 24 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
    anyone have had this happen when you talk to luto she called your NPC the different gender she called my Miganfougut "She" when i was giving her the weapons if you guys can give me a place to host the screen shot ill show you.
    #300 Jul 25 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
    133 posts
    Xclint wrote:
    i have no idea what kind of armor that is on her legs Amoryff but it looks interesting.

    I did a search with model viewer. the leggings is from the pic of Cuisses, and the feet, closest i get is the Royal Squire's, Royal Knight's and Adaman/Armada Solleret. the colour is different though.
    #301 Jul 25 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
    Okay, I did the NPC trick to use her twice today. Here are my results.

    Attempt 1:

    Stayed out for 18 minutes. (beats yesterday's 15 minutes...)
    Got my BLM up to level 10.
    Left because of Quota.
    Leveled off of DC's and EM's in East Sarutabaruta.

    Attempt 2:

    Decided to go into Tahrongi Canyon and level off of tougher mobs there.
    Stayed out for over 40 minutes, and she left only because I died.

    When I went to the Rondeavous Point after the second attempt she did not level up (goddamnit, why not?!) and her equip was being REALLY stupid. In Attempt 1 she had RSE boots (I think), and Leather Jerkin, and nice gloves and pants. When I came back later she had her original Scale Mail armor on... WHY?!


    EDIT: By the way on attempt two we were able to actually get a Chain 1! That felt good being a BLM and getting a chain while "soloing"! She was on shield type, BTW.

    Should I change her to attacker type?

    Edited, Mon Jul 25 01:19:04 2005 by Feoen
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