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Guide -> Riverne Site #A01Follow

#1 Apr 08 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Continuing our happy guide-writing tradition 'round here ...

Riverne Site #A01

A much better, marked-up map:

Started: 04/06/2005

Last update: 05/11/2006 - edited out the LG tags due to a change on this website.

Area Notes

* Level cap: 40
* Handy items for the zone: Prism Powder
* Handy items for the BCNM: Yellow Liquid, Hi-Potions, Shihei, Yagudo Drinks, Vile Elixirs, Scrolls of Instant Reraise - really depends how you want to play it.
* The mission requires you to kill three Mammet-19 Epsilons. They are not easy. Think ahead for this fight; a pick-up group is likely to die.

The Map
The map for this zone is not attainable until you reach Riverne Site B #01. When you are able to reach Riverne B you'll be able to activate the `Go! Go! Gobmuffin` quest from an NPC in the Tavnazian Safehold. This quest is completed in Riverne B and gives you the map to both sections of Riverne.

You will be doing this area blind as you go through the first time.

`Go! Go! Gobmuffin`

Enemy Notes

Hippogryph Aggressive (True Sight) | Non-linking
Hippogryphs are creatures born from the unusual union of a gryphon and a horse. In this game they resemble a four-legged creature with an eagle's head, a feathered horse's body, four legs that end in talons. They're quite unique.

Nihility Song - AOE Dispel (also kills food effects).
Jettatura - `Terror` effect, single target; sort of like Bind+Petrify, not eraseable. Wears fast.
Choke Breath - Paralyze + Silence, cone.
Fantod - Boost effect; next hit will cause higher than normal damage.
Back Heel - damage, single target.
* Normal attacks from Hippogryphs can add the Gravity effect.

Drops: Hippogryph Tailfeather, probably Wind Crystals, can't recall.

Cloud Hippogryph Aggressive (True Sight) | Non-linking
Bigger cousin of the Hippogryph, all other data applies.

Drops: Hippogryph Tailfeather, probably Wind Crystals, Hippogryph Feather (rarely). The regular feather is a crafting item, sellable at the AH.

Firedrake Aggressive (Sight) | Non-linking
These are wyvern-class enemies and look like the Hurricane Wyvern. They run very quickly and are dangerous to parties. You must fight some to progress through Riverne.

Radiant Breath - Slow, Silence, 400~ damage, cone attack. One nasty skill.
Dispelling Wind - AOE Dispel, can take food away.
Dread Shriek - AOE Paralyze.
Fang Rush - damage, single target.
Deadly Drive - damage, single target.
Tail Crush - damage, single target.
Wind Wall - Evasion up.

Drops: Wind Crystal, Wyvern Skin, Wyvern Wing, Giant Scale (rare/ex).

Flamedrake Aggressive (Sight) | Non-linking
Bigger cousin of the Firedrake, all other data applies.

Atomic Cluster Aggressive (Sight, Magic) | Non-linking
Clustered bomb-type enemies. These are difficult to fight, as they are most everywhere. This variety is bright white, making it a clustered Snoll.

Drops: Cluster Core

Riverne Vulture Non-aggressive | Non-linking
Bird class.

Drops: Copper Key (rare/ex)

Hawkertrap Non-aggressive | Non-linking
Flytrap class.

Mission Notes

Mission: Ancient Vows

Obtaining giant scales -

You will need 2 giant scales to make it to Monarch Linn. These come from fighting Wyverns. I suggest fighting Firedrakes as early in Riverne A as possible - they start to appear after your first portal hop.

Progress through Riverne Site A -

Your goal for this mission is to make it to the Mammets and destroy them. The Mammets are hiding in Monarch Linn, the BCNM zone. You must get there.

From the entrance turn to the right, and enter the first Stable Displacement portal.

Follow the path and stick to the right wall as much as possible. You'll reach the first Unstable Displacement at G-10. Use a giant scale to expand the portal. The portal will stay open for quite a few seconds (20?), so there should be plenty of time to move even an alliance through - just don't forget to announce that you're going.

After this unstable portal you will enter the land of Firedrakes and Atomic Clusters. Please use the Invisible spell (if no bombs are near) or Prism Powders for this section; it will be far easier on your nerves. Run across this area to the Unstable Displacement at E-10. Use another giant scale and pop on through.

You'll now be on an island with Cloud Hippogryphs. Fight these if you wish, or carefully stalk your way to the end of the island; you're looking for a Stable Displacement at D-9. Technically there are *two* Stable Displacements at D-9; the one you want is at the very end of the island you're on.

Now you're on an island with enemies that don't aggro, and it's a short walk to the Stable Displacement at E-8. This displacement leads into Monarch Linn. Go ahead and zone over; you will not enter the BCNM automatically. Monarch Linn is a safe zone, much as the Spires were in Promyvion.

Fight the Mammets -

If you talk to the Displacement at the other end of Monarch Linn you'll be prompted to enter the battlefield. Today's BCNM is against three Mammet-19 Epsilons. Do not expect to win this fight with a random pick-up group.

The Mammets look like casters of some kind; human shaped, always moving at a dead run, wearing long hooded tunics that look a bit like Seer's gear. All three are arrayed in the arena and they will attack simultaneously when you step in. Mammets cannot be slept.

The word `mammet` means doll, or idol, or possibly puppet. A thesaurus might list words like "image" or "representation".

Mammets are job-shifters. They start out as what people refer to as "MNK" but which is really no job at all; they'll have both hands empty and attack by pointing at you to cause damage. This is annoying but not terribly dangerous. During the fight, the Mammets will raise their hands over their heads and form weapons out of nothing.

MNK: Empty hands
WAR: Sword (scimitar)
DRG: Polearm (glaive?)
BLM: Staff

The MNK is a weak melee job but packs Transmogrification to make up for it's deficiencies. The DRG form has some AOE attacks, but the damage output is not terrible; I recommend fighting them. The BLM form is dangerous because the Mammets will spam AOE magic, but this is mitigated a bit by the fact that you can Silence them; keep in mind they can use Mindwall, which will ruin combat for a caster-heavy party. The WAR form gets no special abilities but it's Sonic Blade attack will ruin parties fighting it; try to avoid the WAR.

Special attacks vary by job...

All jobs
Tremorous Tread - AOE Stun, does damage.

Microquake - damage, single target.
Transmogrification - Physical damage shield. All physical damage will heal the Mammet.

Percussive Foin - AOE damage, not strong.
Gravity Wheel - AOE damage, not strong.

Psychomancy - AOE Aspir
-ga Spells - Waterga, Stonega, Firaga, Blizzaga, Aeroga
Mindwall - Magic damage shield. All offensive casting will heal the Mammet.

Sonic Blade - AOE damage, hurts a lot.
Velocious Blade - damage, single target.
Scission Thrust - damage, single target, I think.


Watch Transmogrify/Mindwall
Make yourself a macro to warn that Transmog or Mindwall have been used. If Transmogrify is in effect, physical attackers *must disengage* for the next 20+ seconds - if you don't, you're just healing the enemy! If Mindwall is up, magic users *must* stop combat-casting for the next 20+ seconds. Spend that MP on curative magic instead!

This can be mitigated by fighting the DRG form. For the love of god stay away from the WAR, Sonic Blade hurts!

Yellow Liquid
Yellow Liquid is at the AH under `Medicines` and also drops when you kill a Mammet. You can use Yellow Liquid to lock a Mammet on one particular job temporarily. By temporarily I mean "under one minute" and probably mean "more like 30 seconds". If you can hold a Mammet on a weaker job (such as it's MNK form) you will be much more likely to survive.

Spend the money on Hi-Potions
In most Mammet fights I've seen the margin of victory or defeat has been decided by whether or not the tanks/kiters had a ton of Hi Potions with them. Consider at least six and possibly 12. You can always re-sell them later (or use them on later fights).

Watch for the BLM change
The BLM form has access to all the low level -ga spells. Make sure you silence it if it's casting. Silence sticks reasonably well to Mammets. I actually like locking them on the BLM form with Yellow Liquid because that form is not particularly damaging when Silence is on.

New strategy: Super Paladin
It came to my attention (thank you, Missions forum) that there's a hate-trick Paladins can use to make life easier for this battle.

Have your Paladin run into combat and gain the aggro from all three Mammets. Do not have your Paladin use Provoke, nor draw his weapon, nor do anything except run out there and get them to chase him.

Next, the Paladin leads the Mammets back to the team. He stands there, self-curing and using Hi-potions, and does not draw his weapon. The team picks a single target and engages it. Let the rest of the team peel one of the Mammets off and destroy it. You can make the first kill faster as you'll have four people beating on it as opposed to three in a kiter strategy. Make sure that you lead the engaged Mammet away from the poor Paladin, as you don't want to subject him to massive -ga magic from three casters.

The way this trick works is that if the Mammets names are not in red (meaning they have not been directly claimed), you *cannot* pull hate off the Paladin. You can claim the critter yourself (which the team will do, one Mammet at a time), but anything else you do won't matter. The big point here is that the healer can cure spam the Paladin -- light him up like a glowstick -- and the Mammets won't care.

I have heard some conflicting reports about how well this strat works, but I cannot verify any problems with it. I've used this strat for the five-way Moblin fight later in CoP and it worked perfectly.

Old strategy: Kiters
The way most of us handled this fight is to have a main tank and two kiters, two damage dealers, and a healer to keep your tank alive. Ninjas are excellent for this, as they don't need to kite; you can spread the three Mammets out like the points of a triangle and hold them in place instead of running around.

You head into the arena. The kiters divide up the left and right Mammets, get hate, and run like hell. The tank gets the center Mammet, grabs and holds hate, and works with the damage dealers to make the kill. The healer fixes damage issues as best they can and stays as far out of range as possible.

Kill the center Mammet ASAP. This Mammet *must die*. When the center goes, have a kiter bring down one of the others; now it's 5 on 1 instead of 4 on 1. This Mammet will go faster. Have the final kiter bring in the last Mammet and finish the battle.

The problem with this strategy is Tremorous Tread (which does AOE damage + Stun), coupled with the Mammets being relatively fast.

The best kiters I have seen are ...

BST: particularly BST/NIN) makes an *excellent* kiter due to the fact that they can use Charm to Bind the Mammets - 15s recast time, no casting time to speak of. On top of that they get jug pets to beat on the Mammets awhile - good times, good times.

NIN/WAR (Utsusemi:Ni and Ichi, plus elemental combat magic; can take the Mammet to a quiet place, then stand still and fight it, sort of a solo blink-tank instead of a true kiter)

SMN: deploy pet, let pet get hate, run awayyyy, wait for pet to die. This is tricky and requires lots of distance and good timing. Leviathan seems to evade well.

RDM/NIN: Utsusemi plus Bind, which does work; not sure on Gravity. RDM/BLM also works if the RDM is an expert kiter.

If your kiters fall too early, you are going to die. Ensure that everyone kiting or tanking has an adequate supply of healing potions. If you are afraid of losing, feel free to splurge for some Vile Elixirs. The cost hurts, but it hurts a lot more to do this fight six or seven or eight times. This is a hard battle - approach it as such. (And hey, if you don't slurp the Vile, you can re-sell it later.)

Weird strategy: Zombies!
Have everyone go in and use a Scroll of Instant Reraise or a Reraiser potion. Have everybody unload on the center Mammet, or have one person kite two of them back up towards the first Displacement, using Hi Potions as appropriate. Get that first Mammet killed! Try to take the second.

When you're dying, make sure you die back towards the Displacement, out of the arena field. If your team wipes out (likely), just lay there 'til the surviving Mammets stroll back to the arena proper. Reraise at that point, rest, wait out the weakness, rebuff, and now go in to win.

The Zombie strat relies on being able to take down at least one Mammet before failure ensues. These things are hard 4v1, but 5v1 is less challenging; if you can just get *one* and reraise, you'll be 6v2 - kite one Mammet and stomp the other, then go for the win. This strategy comes up again when considering the Mithra Sin Hunters later in the CoP missions; it's a relatively cheap way to gimp the fight.

There are some problems, though: Transmogrification and Mindwall, for openers. If these skills go at just the wrong time you are almost guaranteed to be screwed over. Nothing says "DAMN" like your Ranger unloading Eagle-Eye Shot into a Mammet that just put up Transmog, unless perhaps you give me a RDM Chainspelling attack magic into a Mammet that just put up Mindwall. It's disconcerting to see how fast they heal. ><

One other issue is if the Mammets change to their BLM form. Remember to keep them silenced, lest they -ga spam you to death.

- Helping Others -
If this is your first time through, you will be teleported to South Gustaberg when you win. You will not be able to go around again.

If you have finished this mission before, you'll go to a special antechamber in Monarch Linn. The Displacement there offers to warp you back to the entrance of Monarch Linn, or to the entrance of Riverne. It may also offer to warp you out to Mis. Coast entirely - can't recall.

- Additonal Data -
KoolAid's report on the mission

KoolAid's battle analysis

Forked missions, take one! Also: Pso'xja!

* After the battle you are warped to South Gustaberg. First cutscene ensues.
* Next cutscene is at Port Bastok, near the airship dock; triggers as you walk up.
* Next, go to the Metalworks, talk to Cid. Cutscene.
* Go to Lower Jeuno, to the Neptune's Spire. Yeah. Cutscene.
* You want another cutscene? You've got it! Ru'lude Gardens, at the Palace.


The Kalm linkshell, for putting up with me as their leader! o.o;
Mellema, Mandalorian, Vygun, Slyph, and Kobain, for having such a great attitude while dying in the name of science. >.>;;;;
Kesac, for reminding me why BST rocks so hard.

Edited, Thu May 11 13:19:43 2006 by Wingchild
#2 Apr 08 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
3,383 posts
Whether or not you win or lose this fight depends on exactly 1 thing: Whether or not your kiters can stay alive 95% by themselves without the help of the main healer. I have done this BCNM no less than 7 times. I have won this BCNM no less than 7 times. Every time we used 2 THF kiters with capped evasion, capped marksmanship, and about +35 Evasion from food and gear. If you lock it on a MNK job with this kind of evasion, it will not touch you, ever

Advantages to THF kiter:

-Bloody bolts for getting health back
-Flee in case of emergency
-Venom Bolts for keeping hate with damage over time
-Perfect dodge in case of emergency
-ridiculously high evasion

It's a little out of the ordinary, but the setup definitely works. A record of 7/7 speaks for itself lol.

Every time I have ever heard of someone going as RDM/NIN, SMN/WHM, or really anything besides THF/NIN or NIN/WAR and trying to kite it, it has ended in disaster within 2 minutes of the battle start.
#3 Apr 08 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,383 posts
sorry double post

Edited, Fri Apr 8 12:01:28 2005 by divisortheory
#4 Apr 08 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
196 posts
Very good information. I always enjoy reading these guides.

On a related note, my primary job(RDM) seems best suited to taking a kiting role in this battle. I haven't had a great deal of experience with this, what's the best situation to work with as a practice?
#5 Apr 08 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
2,872 posts
Wow, excellent work as always Wingchild.

Great suggsestion divisortheory, thanks!

I'm not sure when my LS will attempt to tackle this, but it sounds like we might need to do some levelling of other jobs in order to be sucessful.
Samus taught us that a girl doesn't need brains to be successful. Brains are giant, evil and vulnerable to missiles.
#6 Apr 08 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts
A few notes:

Hyppogryphs have true sight but their cone of vision is extremely limited, so you can do some "risky" moves while moving.
The Mammets also have a "RNG-like" form, where they shoot with a little gun (I locked one in this form so I can confirm this). Annoying attack more than troubling since the damage is low (can interrupt spells since it's fast). If you have a DRK that manages to absorb-AGI them in this form they will miss often.

As for kiters, DRK/NIN works pretty good.
Min medicines required (IMO):

15-20 hi pots for kiters (10-12 for the rest)
Au lait drinks (it HELPS a lot)
MP regen drinks for mages
Icarus wings for melees
2-3 yellow liquid help (not necessary though)

Kiters NEED to be self-sufficient, as they cannot be healed due to hate issues. Another good strategy (the one I used) is the following:


1. kiters get the the center and leftmost mammet, and lock them with yellow liquid, PLD gets the rightmost, locks him and bring him near entrance.
2. Before the mammet gain TP, all out on him. BLM manafont, PLD Invincible and WAR Mighty Strikes. Use the wings if needed. This should get the mammet at around 50%.
2. If Transmogrification starts, don't run around. It'll get difficult to heal and you might hit accidentally the mob. I found it was better to disengage for the 20 s that attack goes up.
3. When the first mammet goes down, you're at 50% done. Get one of the two kited and kill him.
4. Repeat for the other.

Whole stuff takes 12 min, not a world record but it works. Important is coordination, especially when TP attacks go up. Setting up a SC might work also.

As a side note, Vultures drop a key used in the "Search for Goldmane" quest.
Korede..Millia moshido wa...
PLD/WAR 75/37 - Asura
#7 Apr 08 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
hehe ya thf/nin is probably the ideal kiter for this along with nin/war. Although any sub nin is capable of kiting it. I was kiting fine and rng/nin until the other kiter's Mammet decided to change into BLM and start spaming AoE -.-

Anyways, my friend has strategy about kiting. if you don't have enough nin/war and/or thf/nin kiters, one of your kiter can aggro all 3 Mammet..don't fight it/provoke it or anything just aggro. Your 2nd kiter (hopefully a more "ideal") kiter take a mammet. The main party take the center mammet and fight that one.

What this allow you to do is the ability for the whm to heal the person that aggro the mammet without getting hate. :D hehe anyways GL.
#8 Apr 08 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
my COP LS had a lot of fun with this. for the record we used a PLD/WAR tank, THF/NIN and WAR/NIN kiters, and RNG/NIN and SMN/WHM for main damage. RDM/WHM was our main healer. it was an extremely long fight, and Convert (used twice!) was a life saver. THF made a great kiter, but the WAR struggled a bit because he had trouble with Hi-potions (I think he was Medicated) and couldn't heal himself. it took us 23 minutes.

I also went along to another party in our LSs attempt, and we had NIN/WAR as a kiter/soloer, a SMN/WHM also kiting, me (PLD) as tank again, WHM/BLM for main heal, and WAR/NIN and MNK/WAR as main DD. the NIN was amazing and got one of the mammets down to 1/2 HP all by himself, and Carby made a pretty good kite, although somehow our SMN almost died, I'm not sure what happened there. it took us 13 minutes on that one.

Items I found really useful:

Hi-potions (used about 15 altogether I think...)
Yagudo drinks (used 5 on the 1st attempt, and 3 on the second). everyone with MP should bring these, you could be in for a long fight
Hi-ethers (as above, but on the second attempt the mammets used AoE aspir twice, right after I used the Ethers, which was so annoying...)

Yellow Liquid was fairly useful, but on the second attempt we didn't have any until the mammets dropped them (seems to be a 100% drop), so they're certainly not as important as Anima for the Promyvions. if you don't have any, the main tank should lot on the yellow liquids as they drop, and everyone should pass straight away. I think, as well as locking the mammets into jobs, they gave a nice hate spike too which is good for tanks.

also, yep, you can exit to the Mis. Coast after completing the BCNM for a second time.
#9 Apr 08 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
Question: Can they duplicate jobs? Like at any one point will there be 2 blm's, or 2 mnks, or 3 dragoons, or will they always be unique? What i'm wondering is whether the kiters could also carry yellow liquid and lock them into a form to make them easier to kite/fight ^^ I'll probably be kiting as a bst/nin so i could probably do quite a bit of dmg against the mnk one if i could lock it into that.
#10 Apr 08 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
sofbert wrote:
Question: Can they duplicate jobs? Like at any one point will there be 2 blm's, or 2 mnks, or 3 dragoons, or will they always be unique? What i'm wondering is whether the kiters could also carry yellow liquid and lock them into a form to make them easier to kite/fight ^^

They can, I believe. Not entirely sure since the battle was hectic and I had to keep myself concentrated on tanking.
Korede..Millia moshido wa...
PLD/WAR 75/37 - Asura
#11 Apr 08 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
252 posts
Easiest way is take 2 NIN's and have them tank the left and right mobs while evryone unloads on middle mob. NO KITING IS NECCESSARY easiest thing in the world.
#12 Apr 27 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
i'll be honest, this fight is EASY. You just need concentration, is more like an endurance test.
my pt was...

I was one of the 2 PLDs and I kitted np, the other kitter was the bst. Fight was 15 minutes long.
#13 Apr 27 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
261 posts
When I tried this we failed. I was a thf/nin kiter and I died pretty quick.

I didnt have any yellow potions and I was unlucky enough get get the mage form. I was running around and he was just standing in the middle hitting me with spells.

I was considering trying this again as PLD/NIN for kiter. High DEF, Shadows and MP for healing. I wouldnt run around. I would just take it away and start attacking it.

Any thoughts on this approach?
#14 Apr 27 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,383 posts
You should have had someone silence it when it went to BLM.
#15 May 02 2005 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
Might wanna add this strategy Wing

Snicky's Strategy (might be someone elses)

This is basically a specific Party setup strategy.

Whm x 3
Nin x 3

Now I know what your probably thinking. You may be thinking this setup just wouldnt kill fast enough to win or run outta MP. Truth is As long as Nin's have enough shei hei, and whm's engouh Yagudo drinks then your ok.

Whm's need's and to dos

7 Yagudo drinks
3 Hi-Ether

To do's

Now the fight will go as 2 people per Epsilon-19 1 whm and 1 nin.
Keep your Nin Hasted at all times if possible. Have your Nin type "H" or something of the sort just incase. Have your Nin call out the job which the Epsilon is every time it changes. While Epsilon is none Blm job cast silence. If Epsilon becomes Blm and unsilinced cast Elemental seal + SIlence. If another set of Whm and Nin group is having a little trouble casting a cure go to help. Dia/curaga as needed.

Note: I was the whm in my party. I had brought 2 Hi-Ethers and 7 Yag drinks. at the end of the fight I was left with 2 yag drinks so 7 should do just fine. It wouldve went alot nicer If I had one more Hi-Ether thou.

Nin's need's and to dos

1 Jack-O-Lantern
1-2 pars au luaits(spelling)
3 Yellow Liquids
Ninja Tools:
Shei's quite a few, 4 stacks?
Paralyze tools (forgot name)
Slow tools (forgot name)
blnd toold (forgot name)

To do's :

Keep the Epsilon at the job you would want to fight as job changes. Keep whm on top of you having haste, regen, and mob silenced. It's your job to keep mob De-buffed so please stay on top of that. If you lose hate while you need blinks recasted let the whm take 1-2 hits, recast while Epsi on whm and voke after words. The whm has auto regen so hes ok, if hes low he can cure him self.

Note's :
The only nin in our party who had yellow liquids had 3 and his was the fastest to die. Problem was his 2 man team died while it was close to death. I suggest evey nin has at least 3 but if none are accsessable don't panic. KEY WORD DON'T PANIC.

Note on whole mission:
I joined this party thinking we'd lose but all in all it went very well. I really mostly came along for the learning experience and the way around the area. We farmed our own Giant Scales. Wouldve only took us the most of an Hour to finsih everything up if one of our nin's hadnt dc'd for 2 hours while we were on our way to Epsilons. 13:00 min in defeating BC.



#16 May 02 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
this is gonna sound weird but a friend of mine was Kiting as SNM/NIN and doing very well. It's pretty weird but it worked!(special case tho)
#17 May 03 2005 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts
wingchild again thanks for this guide i used your previous 2.

just a question: for the super paladin strategy i noticed you mentioned not to do anything not even provoke, ok thats understood but what about the use of invincible?
#18 May 03 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,622 posts
{Invincible} isn't going to affect the status of the enemy as far as claimed versus not claimed, so I don't see why it should do anything (other than, of course, the usual effect). Might make it a bit rough to peel that one off the PLD if necessary.

And Wingchild, thanks once again for a great guide. Go Maryland! ...or something.

#19 May 03 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
944 posts
Question: would MNK/NIN make a good kiter? Considering mnk has B+ evasion and high hp/vit is seems like a decent option? Especially as (if they survive kiting) they can do serious damage with 2hr on the final mammet?
#20 May 03 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
4,221 posts
Here's how my group did this:

NIN takes the left, PLD takes the right, RNG and MNK take the center. No kiting. NIN and PLD just solo theirs off to the side. RNG and MNK go all out to kill the center Mamet. Once that died, RNG and MNK helped the NIN, then to the PLD.

Time: 16 min.

PLD/NIN was able to last 10 min w/ just the WHM tossing a cure every so often.

Everyone had like 30k worth of meds.

I've done the Super PLD trick on some BCs and it works great.
#21 May 03 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
245 posts
Very nice info on the mammet battle, wish i had known about the super-PLD strat when i did this ;-;

Would have saved soooooooooo much money and time
#22 May 03 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
re `Using Invincible as part of the super pld strategy` -

Go for it. It shouldn't affect the hate overall and will keep the damage off for a little bit. It didn't spring to mind when I was writing it up, but that's because I don't play Paladin (and am used to the PLD reserving it in case he's either near death or needs an absolute hate-lock if a critter is getting on the healers too much).

re `Snicky's strat`

Dear god. *shivers*

I'm glad it worked out for you, but I hestitate to recommend it, if only because I try to keep my battle strats as general as possible. Thanks for including it though! ... *goes away, twitching*
#23 May 03 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
Our strategy was similar to the old-skool Kiting strategy, but with a twist. Our group went 2-for-2 on this fight. Our first setup was Pld, Nin, Whm, Rdm, Thf, Rng. Our second run, we swapped out the Thf for a Drg.

Our strategy was simple. The Paladin (me) runs in and gets initial aggro. I then engaged the middle mammet and held it in place. Our Ninja ran in and peeled the left mammet off me. The Rng and Thf (or Drg the second fight) came in and took the right mammet off me.

For the first part of the fight, the White Mage's sole responsibility was keeping the two DDs alive. The Red Mage was responsible for gravitying the Mammet the ninja was kiting and for keeping me refreshed while I solod the other.

Once the first mammet went down, the DDs came to help me with mine. After mine went down we went on to the third. Yellow liquids are absolutely key to victory when you do this. You *must* freeze the damn things on drg. If they're warrior, they attack with two swords as fast as a monk attacks with hand-to-hand. If they're mages, they spam AOEs that tear up the poor ninja.

Just thought I'd post this as an alternate to the kiting strategy listed here. ^.^
#24 May 03 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Going to try this soon, and am pretty nervous. Our pt makeup is this:

Pld/War, War/Nin, Blm/Whm, Mnk/War, Rdm/Whm, Smn/Whm.

Basically we're all going to pop reraise scrolls (just in case) then go in. We're going to have our Pld regular tank 2, one being left alone to wail on the pld and the other being destroyed. Then I, the smn, am going to kite the 3rd one.

Our pld is the best tank I've ever seen, so I feel pretty confidant about it, but I think luck will play a big part, since how quick we kill the 1st depends largely on how many times it mind walls and trans. Hopefully we won't have to use the zombie strategy, but it's there in case we need to.

Out of curiosity, what would you suggest our pld bring for food? Typical vit and def food, or pumpkin for evasion bonus and others?
#25 May 03 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
I highly recommend Tavnazian Tacos for Pld in general. It's not failed me yet. It gives +20 MP, +6 Vit, +25% def, and other things. Also, since it's only a 30 minute food, you can do multiple runs for only one inventory slot... ;)
#26 May 03 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Impressive. I'll recommend it.
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