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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#102 Aug 09 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
762 posts
My only thoughts on this are that we accepted the terms and agreements of S-E when choosing to be active players in their world. As such, if the world our characters lives in doesn't permit same-sex marriages, then that's the reality we need to live with. I do not disagree with what you are saying, but my roleplaying nature accepts the limitations of the world I play. Will I get married in game? Probably not. But with so many people playing the opposite sex, I wouldn't be surprised if two men ended up together in game! Feel the mithra-taru love!
#103 Aug 09 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
student: sooo..the pilgrims left England to escape religious persecution?
teacher: right.
student: and so they end up in america, spreading christian fundamentalism and killing witches based on their religious beliefs?
teacher: well...uh....
student: so, hypocrisy has translated well throughout history. Aren't we supposed to learn from our mistakes?

Also, for this, they escaped to be able to exercize their own religion without out being persecuted, like opposite sex marriages, which they're having taken away for one.. I dont have anything against Gay's, 2 of my best friends are and are great people who i wish the best of luck to getting married, but, they're not gonna be F'in puritans whether they like it or not... think about what you say a little bit.
#104 Aug 09 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
I cant believe this is even being talked about, they wanted marriage to be normal, you cant have two grooms it just looks weird, they made the dress special and everything, so one can choose to be female ITS A GAME, you'll go great together, YaY we're happy.

How is it weird for there to be two grooms? Marriage is, IMO, supposed to be a way for two people to express their love for each other, and tell the other person they want to spend the rest of their life with them.

Why should they have to make a new character and level it to 20 just to express that love they feel, if heterosexuals don't?
#105 Aug 09 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
346 posts
most of the mithra are played by male players... i think you will get the picture.
#106 Aug 09 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
most of the mithra are played by male players... i think you will get the picture.

So you've done a survey and discovered that most mithra are female characters?

Gee, that's a surprise to me, and to a lot of people I know.

Also, I don't get the picture. Male playing mithra != someone leveling a char to have a "same-sex" marriage.
#107 Aug 09 2004 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
346 posts
just speaking from my experience, 85% of mithra i know are played by male irl, including myself. that means we can't get married to female characters that played by female irl. also, since there is cross-race marriage, like galka with a taru, i don't see anything wrong with mithra and female hume.
#108 Aug 09 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
This is a game. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you can't understand that, you need professional help.

I'm sorry if that's rude, but it's the cold hard truth. Games have rules, play by them, or don't play it. I'm not a homophobe, but I'm not sympathetic to stupid causes (ie. ONOZ I CAN'T E-MARRY MY SIG. OTHER'S GALKA, REBEL!).

Rate me down, but sorry if logical thinking is too much for you.
#109 Aug 09 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
I don't care who is married to who, and since there is such a large proportion of male players who play female characters

Yep. All those males playing Mithra now have the opportunity to marry males playing male characters. That will certainly present some interesting situations.

#110 Aug 09 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
just speaking from my experience, 85% of mithra i know are played by male irl, including myself. that means we can't get married to female characters that played by female irl. also, since there is cross-race marriage, like galka with a taru, i don't see anything wrong with mithra and female hume.

Ok, I thought that you were saying something else. Apoligies.

This is a game. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you can't understand that, you need professional help.

I'm sorry if that's rude, but it's the cold hard truth. Games have rules, play by them, or don't play it. I'm not a homophobe, but I'm not sympathetic to stupid causes (ie. ONOZ I CAN'T E-MARRY MY SIG. OTHER'S GALKA, REBEL!).

Rate me down, but sorry if logical thinking is too much for you.

I'm going to rate you down, but not for you opinion. It was the way you gave your opinion. You have no tact.

If SE didn't allow opposite-sex marriage, you wouldn't sit there 'just dealing with it.' It's not a matter of logical thinking, it's a matter of rights.
#111 Aug 09 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
764 posts
I am a gay male irl and I can't say I agree/disagree with the original poster. I think in-game marriage is just stupid in general even if it is a male and female toon.
#112 Aug 09 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
79 posts
A while ago, I read somewhere (and this was a reliable source) that homosexualtity is caused by the brain, as in it's there from birth.

How could God hate homosexuals for something that isn't their fault? Last time I asked someone this, they said that homosexuals had the choice to marry a female and pretend they are hetero, but that dosen't change the fact that they are still homosexual, and that supposedly God hates homosexuality.

Murder could also be considered a dysfunction of the brain as a result from some defect even from birth. People plead insanity all the time.

Im sorry someone once told you that, but maybe you should look up what the bible says yourself if you dont believe them or me. Love is more than an emotion, it is a matter of the will. Just because you may even have a condition that causes you to do certain things doesnt excuse you if those things are bad. You are still responsible for your actions.

2 kids at birth undergoing the same traumas in life, can still come out completely different on how they view life. One could easily be hetero and the other ****.

However the bible mentions that we are in a fallen state of sin since birth. Please note that what I am saying is that God doesnt hate the homosexual, he hates the homosexuality. If you refuse to forgo being a homosexual, or give up doing any other sin, then you stand in the condemnation of God's law according to Scripture. It is no different for the theif, the liar, or the adulturer. They are all condemned as well, and their sin is just as accountable under God's law.

The question i think your getting at is really more along the lines of well why should we be held accountable for what Adam did? The bible teaches that in Adam we all fell. That sin entered this world when he screwd up and disobeyed God wanting his own independence. Many places in the bible you will find where the many suffer because one guy sinned. Alot of times in life the whole class room suffers when one kid disobeys the teacher. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch as the saying goes. He was the representative of man, and in his falling so did the world. It never seems fair to us, but then again if the Bible is true, we dont deserve a Savior either.

The only true right any man ever on this planet has, is to go to hell.

Yet that is what the beauty of the gospel is, is that God has provided his own Son as a payment for those who will have faith in his death on a cross. A death that paid which we cannot, becaues he lived a perfect life.
God hates sin, period. He gives the law to the proud, but to the humble he gives grace.
#113 Aug 09 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Excellent
600 posts
I read your nifty article. Congradulations you found one animal species out of the hundred of thousands on earth. However, just like all the other ones, they depend on heterosexual activity to sustain their species. Furthermore as i was saying in the section you quoted, that if all we are is animals, sure have it like your bobos.
Would you also like to find me the transitional species from this one to ours? Considering there arent any youd have a tough time. The discontinuity between us and monkeys is relatively the same as it is to fish. Transitional Darwinian evolution has no proof, there are no transitional species found anywhere in nature. You could hold to a salutational view if you like, but thats a miracle view even more so than God just created the world and it exits the world of science.
In order to change the dominant view that homosexuality is wrong by science you would have to find thousands of species where it occurs.

Grrr. I typed up an elaborate retort to this- not because it's topical to the discussion but I just can't let such righteous ignorance go so easily. Unfortunately I hit a wrong button and lost all the text. In lieu of typing all that up again I'll just say this:

Absolutely nothing you said was true. You may respond with "show me a source telling me I'm wrong." No. I'm not going to do that. Why? Because I've read all that stuff. I'm working on completing a PhD in evolutionary and developmental biology. It is clear to me that the most you've ever done is read a creationism pamphlet or listented closely in Sunday school to your teacher who didn't finish HS and got Sundays off from Wal-Mart. YOU go look it up. All the information is easily attainable. Try Pubmed. Thats a good start. Also look into Stephen J. Gould's The Pandas Thumb and Full House. And if you are going to talk about evolution and don't want someone making you look like an idiot, read Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. Dawkins' book is really a modern update on Darwinism and Gould's theories of punctuated equilibnrium were groundbreaking.

You know nothing of the subject- don't speak like you are educated on a topic when you have a tabloid-esque knowlege of the subject matter.
#114 Aug 09 2004 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
58 posts
Deathreigns wrote:

Please note that what I am saying is that God doesnt hate the homosexual, he hates the homosexuality. If you refuse to forgo being a homosexual, or give up doing any other sin, then you stand in the condemnation of God's law according to Scripture. It is no different for the theif, the liar, or the adulturer. They are all condemned as well, and their sin is just as accountable under God's law.

Although I'm tempted to do otherwise, I'm going to respond respectfully to your post. If I'm not mistaken, aren't there more references to the evils of non-reproductive sex of heterosexuals? Yet, the beyond mass majority of the world and America do it anyway. Hmm...
#115 Aug 09 2004 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
184 posts
This is a game. Nothing more, nothing less.

Don't mean to sound like I'm picking on you, Mrshoes, but that's incorrect. This is a forum discussing a game, and the issues that come when playing it. It's not the game itself.

If you have a problem with the topic, simply don't respond to it. I don't think anyone's saying we should have this discussion in the middle of a Garliage Citidel combat, so it's perfectly acceptable to talk about the issue of how sexual orientation has affected the game here.

I wish I had a nickel for every poster who just says "It's just a game" expecting that this will somehow silence everyone. Posts like these are not contributing to the discussion.
#116 Aug 09 2004 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
59 posts
but, they're not gonna be F'in puritans whether they like it or not... think about what you say a little bit.

Think about what I say first? Ok, maybe you missed what my intentions were with that quote, which was in fact an agument I had with my old high school english teacher. I was trying to convey how humanity never learns from our fear and discrimination of the unknown. Anything defferent or something the deviates from the norm, is considered evil, wrong, and must be destroyed or shoved into the shadows away from conservative eyes. I have never known the extent of what Saboruto has gone though, being a bisexual male isn't hated as much for some in Orlando at least. However, having quite a few gay friends, (both male and female) I do understand how important it is to have them fully accepted by the mainstream community, and be welcomed with open arms just like everyone else, no matter where they happen to be: A restuarant, a store, with their families, walking down the street, and yes.. even in video games. Especially in MMORPG's, where yes it "is just a game", but wherein exists an underlying community in FFXI. Just as in a fourum, such as this, and any other place where people gather and discuss topics or just hang out to have fun, a community is born. And this community should be unbiased and welcoming to anyone who happens to join.

Ok, i just woke up and felt the need to respond to my quote that
someone dissected earlier.

edited: again, for's early for me..

Edited, Mon Aug 9 11:35:09 2004 by PixelFiend

Edited, Mon Aug 9 11:39:52 2004 by PixelFiend
#117 Aug 09 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
Murder could also be considered a dysfunction of the brain as a result from some defect even from birth. People plead insanity all the time.

It's not a dysfunction of the brain, it was something like, and I hate to use this word to describe it, abnormal growth in one section of the brain. The way the brain develops in the uterus determies homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Im sorry someone once told you that, but maybe you should look up what the bible says yourself if you dont believe them or me. Love is more than an emotion, it is a matter of the will. Just because you may even have a condition that causes you to do certain things doesnt excuse you if those things are bad. You are still responsible for your actions.

Who are we to dictate what is good or bad, right or wrong? A lot of our morals come from religion, and even then, I highly doubt we have such a cruel God as to damn homosexuals to hell even though it was He made them the way they are.

2 kids at birth undergoing the same traumas in life, can still come out completely different on how they view life. One could easily be hetero and the other ****.

I know someone who has a homosexual twin. This proves my above point, it has something to do with the brain developemnt in the ute

However the bible mentions that we are in a fallen state of sin since birth. <snip snip snip> God hates sin, period. He gives the law to the proud, but to the humble he gives grace

I could get into a whole lengthy religious moral discussion on this, but then we'd be going way off topic. I don't think that God intending for us to take his religion so depressingly, as to view that Jesus is our only hope in the world.

#118 Aug 09 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Excellent
289 posts
Something this thread made me curious about:
How are gay marriages viewed to other cultures? The US has made such a huge issue about this lately that I haven't heard one thing about other countries or cultures in a long time. (Not trying to make excuses for SE's choice, but...) did they choose it because they had other cultures to consider?

Its not like the game is promoting family values, so I'm not sure personally why they chose to limit marriage to opposite genders (I'm a female, I have a galka, ha!). I mean, do we want kids running around stabbing bunnies with daggers? I think not! I actually think they shouldn't have added weddings in the first place.

Canada is 65% in favor of gay marriage.

Netherland well... try a guess ;P

Mostly all religions are against gay marriage because of one belief that is present in most of them, i.e. "You need to reproduce". So most religious cultures are against it. The most extremist religion toward them are Islam and Voodooism though. The religious based Islamic governments simply execute homosexuals, while voodooism socially isolate them.

Most saxons culture are against it.

Most latins culture are for it (except Italians, but then Roma is close which explain it). In ancient Greece, the citizens' children would get sexually educated i na very unique way. Young girls were sent to an island (I forgot the name of it) and get taught the way of sex. For young boys, the family would ask someone they trusted (a man) to give course to their son, not theorical course. ^-^ However homosexuality was not tolerated, as it would go against family, bisexuality for males was decently common though. For romans... well... everyoens heard of their orgies I'm sure.

Now the surprising part. Japaneese have a very developped homosexual culture. For a good example, watch the movie Taboo. It's a Japaneese movie about homosexual life in the Samurai society. It's quite disturbing to watch but still. Also, in ancient times, the emperor used to have a little boy at his service called bishonen (young boy), should I say special services. I don't know much about their present politics toward it.

I don't know about other Asian cultures nor South American ones.

#119 Aug 09 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
So out of curiosity just how does God want us to take His religon?
#120 Aug 09 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
Why are people quoting the bible as it's some universally-accepted truth?

Absolutely nothing you said was true. You may respond with "show me a source telling me I'm wrong." No. I'm not going to do that. Why? Because I've read all that stuff. I'm working on completing a PhD in evolutionary and developmental biology. It is clear to me that the most you've ever done is read a creationism pamphlet or listented closely in Sunday school to your teacher who didn't finish HS and got Sundays off from Wal-Mart. YOU go look it up. All the information is easily attainable. Try Pubmed. Thats a good start. Also look into Stephen J. Gould's The Pandas Thumb and Full House. And if you are going to talk about evolution and don't want someone making you look like an idiot, read Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. Dawkins' book is really a modern update on Darwinism and Gould's theories of punctuated equilibnrium were groundbreaking.

You know nothing of the subject- don't speak like you are educated on a topic when you have a tabloid-esque knowlege of the subject matter.

This made me laugh and I would have rated it up if I could. Kudos to you for putting one of the many self-proclaimed experts in place.
#121 Aug 09 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
This topic is flame central...

Anyway, I just wanted to say I think it's a little funny and somewhat ironic that if you happen to be a Mithra and are male IRL, and you want to marry your GF/Wife who plays a female as well, you can't. In some ways I think it helps the close-minded people understand the frustration that real life gay people go through every day... they want to get married because they love each other but there is something there stopping them from doing so.

Yea, irony that's it.

My personal opinion is that FFXI is a non-sexual place. I don't know what goes on in one's Mog House, but hey that's your choice.
#122 Aug 09 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Isn't it a bit contradictory to say God made "them" that way and then see that God clearly condemns homosexuality in the Bible? Where does it say in the Bible that He made them that way?
#123 Aug 09 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Eh... I'm a gay male, and I play with my significant other; he's a Taru male, I'm a Hume male. I don't really take the whole situation as seriously as I should, probably, as I just can't see anything happening about it. I won't, however, politely excuse the terrible anti-gay victory that seems to have come along with the marriage restriction. It just seems S-E made a bad choice from the beginning in making marriages opposite-sex only. As someone else (the original poster, I think) said before, it would've just been better to allow marriages between any character-- I'm sure S-E knows that every single mithra being played isn't female. :P

In the end, yeah, I am kind of bummed out that I can't get married to my SO. We're both high enough level to, I've had a lot of gil lately, and it would've just been something neat to do. We're nerds, y'know? ^^ But I'm not going to march out in the streets in protest of S-E's FFXI marriage policy. Sucks, but I'm moving on. u_u;
#124 Aug 09 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
So out of curiosity just how does God want us to take His religon?

No one knows 100%. I was posting my opinion.

Isn't it a bit contradictory to say God made "them" that way and then see that God clearly condemns homosexuality in the Bible? Where does it say in the Bible that He made them that way?

Where in the bible does it say we're all evil sinners? It says there was original sin, but it dosen't clearly state 'You were all going to hell until Jesus showed up. Jesus is cool.'

If it's an 'abnormal' growth in the brain, who do you propose made it? You clearly believe in God, so are you now suggesting that he really had nothing to do with the design of human beings?
#125 Aug 09 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
Isn't it a bit contradictory to say God made "them" that way and then see that God clearly condemns homosexuality in the Bible? Where does it say in the Bible that He made them that way?

lol exactly... Everyone who says god made them that way is an idiot... Im sorry, if you want to make a religious argument go do some research.
#126 Aug 09 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
289 posts
I, by no way, oppose gay-marriages in real life, but I strongly frown upon the style of life homosexuals choose. It is not fitting for this society and the acceptance of this new concept by a population mainly formed of workers eating ignorance for breakfest will take a long time to sink in.

I do respect other gay people considering I think of them as equals having chosen a different, but somewhat regrettable style of life, compared to mine.

Weeeeee... You really think it's a choice? I have many gay friends and none of them would have been gay if they had the choice not to be. You cannot choose your sexual orientation, you can only choose to hide it and maybe end as a sexual deviant. This happen quite often to see pedophilian be resorbed homosexual and this give a bad image to the gay society. There's also those who get a wife, children and at 50 years old can no longer sustain it, divorce and sometimes destroy their family in the process (sometimes it end up nicely though). Briefly the hide it option come more than often from social discrimination and oppression and rarely end well. The other option is to live it in respect, which is the best one imho.

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