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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#52 Aug 09 2004 at 4:10 AM Rating: Excellent
261 posts
I've been rating up every single person in this thread, except for the people who have nothing at all to say and are just wasting space on the page.

And if you disagree with anything I've said, PLEASE post your thoughts. Don't worry about your karma, as long as you post educated and intelligent points and counterpoints you'll get rateups from me, and I ask that everyone else involved in this topic follow suit.

Thanks Sabo. Although we disagree totally (probably on just about everything), I'm glad you yourself do your best to be fair minded, and I will try to follow suit as well.
#53 Aug 09 2004 at 4:11 AM Rating: Excellent
475 posts
On the topic of homosexuality in Japan, I've done a bit of research a while back, and this is how I understand it (don't be mad if I'm wrong, but from what I read this is what it came to):

As we all know Japanese as a whole are focussed on exactly that, the whole. In Japan it's natural for homosexuals to live a discrete sexual lifestyle with those of the same sex, but cover that up with a lifestyle that benefits the country. That is, people would visit brothels or somesuch to fulfill their sexual needs, but have a wife/husband and children waiting for them at home when it's all said and done. As such, there's no 'gay movement' in Japan, because people don't see themselves as gay or straight, instead they are merely attracted to men or women. That's why there's no push for same-sex marraiges, because it wouldn't benefit the country for people of the same sex to marry. However, Japan is much more accepting for same-sex relationships, as long as the people keep it in this sort of framework.

So I think this would very well explain why SE neglected to let same-sex marriage happen in this game... it's just not an issue in Japan, because nobody (as a whole) seems to want it.

(Again, don't flame me if I'm wrong, but this is what the English-language website on this topic all say)


A lot of this has to do with the history of same-sex desire, such as between Samurai and in other points in Japanese history.

Again, the reason there is no 'gay rights' movement in Japan is because this is in conflict with the "Japanese collective" which is more vital (in many ways) than the individual.

Anyway this is probably the best site talking about all this stuff... I'm just a culture nut and love this stuff...

Edited, Mon Aug 9 05:19:31 2004 by Mochimochi
#54 Aug 09 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
Quote 1: That is not what I meant at all. I've already said in my original post that my intent is not to offend anyone. Anyone who disagrees with me is just that. However, the homophobes and the hyper-religious and ultra-fundamental ARE the ones who would raise the loudest uproar about it should they ever add same-gender marriage. I'm NOT saying that everyone opposed to it is a homophobe. I'm saying that every homophobe is opposed to it. Big difference.

Quote 2: Got a rate-down from me, and I'd delete it altogether if I had the power. Regardless what someone's personal beliefs are, name-calling is UNACCEPTABLE.

Quote 3: Rather off-topic, but it wasn't attacking anyone and wasn't snipey or mean, so it got a rate-up. Again, expressing your opinion is fine. Belittling someone else's is NOT fine.

Now, if you would like to pose a counter-argument, I would be delighted to hear it and perhaps get a better view of the other side of the argument. If not, that's your decision. I didn't post this topic to buff my karma, if anything I fully expected it to be rated off the board. I posted it because this is an important issue to me that relates to FFXI, and because regardless of the reaction I really wanted to express how I felt to an intelligent gaming community.
#55 Aug 09 2004 at 4:26 AM Rating: Good
Well being one for not debating stuff, here's my view. I came to terms with the fact I'd never get married before I was even out of high school. It was about the same times I came to terms with the fact that I would never accidentally create an offspring (already watched a few people from my HS get knocked up good). When I found out i couldn't marry my bear in-game you know my reaction? "Meh"

That being said, why is it that aside from the few IO know on my server, all the ****** I find are on the FAIRY server?

Oh and one last comment... Next time you see some 14yo saying things are "F***ing gay" respond how I do, in say or shout depending on where they said it...

"I'm f***ing gay and that f***ing offends me!"

They NEVER reply :)

Edited, Mon Aug 9 05:28:58 2004 by tekkub

Edited, Mon Aug 9 05:29:29 2004 by tekkub
#56 Aug 09 2004 at 4:28 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
I think they should have just left marriage out of the game all together. Now that we have marriage are they going to allow for divorce? How about children? Can I get a mortgage on my Mog House to expand to include an extra room for the kiddies?

Go play The Sims for something if you want all this. This game is about adventuring and exploring..not domesticating.
#57 Aug 09 2004 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm on Fairy because when I started playing a lot of my online friends had already started on Fairy, so they got me a worldpass. Unfortunately, at this point I'd sell my soul to switch servers. Fairy is SO bad. >_<
#58 Aug 09 2004 at 4:35 AM Rating: Good
*grin* I can arrang for a Cerberus WP and a LS to boot. Got a number of family in it, bet we're not the

(sorry about the typing, it's late...)
#59 Aug 09 2004 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
Eh..I can't give up Saboruto. He's a 51 BRD, 37 WHM, 23 THF, 17 BLM and a bunch of other stuff. I don't think I'd have it in me to start over. Maybe if there's a world emmigration any time soon I'd consider moving, but not at the expense of the last year's worth of work.
#60 Aug 09 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
So grab another content ID, you don't have to delete the old char :)
#61 Aug 09 2004 at 4:43 AM Rating: Decent
I might take you up on the offer, but right now I'm having too much intermittent fun levelling my bard. :D

Anyway, I'm off to bed for the night but I'll check the thread again in the morning and replay to everyone's responses from work. ^_^
#62 Aug 09 2004 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
Yea.... re-bedtime for me...whee!
#63 Aug 09 2004 at 4:49 AM Rating: Good
I somehow respect your point of view, however, put yourself in a heterosexual point of view. Not everyone (including myself) wants to see two Hume male being married, Elvaan or whatever you call it. That fact is just disturbing to me.

I, by no way, oppose gay-marriages in real life, but I strongly frown upon the style of life homosexuals choose. It is not fitting for this society and the acceptance of this new concept by a population mainly formed of workers eating ignorance for breakfest will take a long time to sink in.

I personally think the gay movement is a step for our society concerning the area of 'equality', which is still seriously flawed and unfair.

But my real point is this: I have no desire to see homosexual marriages in a video game. It will cause too much controversy, too much disent from dolts and immature children, and I really don't think SE wants to be the FIRST MMORPG EVER to introduce the concept of same sex-marriages in a video-game (especially coming from a very traditional Japanese company).

I do respect other gay people considering I think of them as equals having chosen a different, but somewhat regrettable style of life, compared to mine.

I hope this post hasn't offended since it wasn't its purpopse.
#64 Aug 09 2004 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
338 posts
The biggest problem with in-game marriage is that SE made it official. SE saw another way to make a money sink for the game and exploited it. I was extremely surprised to find out that a wedding cost a buttload of gil. In EQ, all you had to do for an "official" wedding was to schedule with your server GM. No costs beyond what you wanted to spend was needed. While I am admittedly ignorant to SOE's stance on in-game same-sex marriage (I've never had an online wedding, and I never will) that would be a seperate issue.

What would be the purpose of in-game marriage other than roleplaying (of which there's almost none by the players of this game, and I've never found anyone interested in it)? So along that line, what's stopping you from having an "un-official" wedding? Just grab your nearest AF'd WHM to preside over it and make your own ceremony in a place you choose. That would be a true in-game wedding, not some hyped-up GM-ran ceremony. This way, you would have total control over the who, when, why and how of your wedding and nothing can stop you from doing what you want to do.
#65 Aug 09 2004 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
261 posts

Courageous for being the first real dsieenting voice here, but dang it, this is dragging it right into the realms that makes these discussions dangerous.

First, the main reason (if I read you correctly) is that the image of same-sex couples in a fantasy setting is not what you want.

Second, the appeals to real-life considerations putting this thread into touchy ground.

Neither your respect for gay people in real life, or the "regrettable choice" of being gay IRL, has no bearing on the issue of same-sex marriage in Vana'diel.

I am of the camp that wishes SE never instituted marriage at all.
#66 Aug 09 2004 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
And THERE'S the karma-camping I was waiting for. Listen, if you disagree with me then feel free to rate me down all you want to. But at LEAST have the courage to post your own feelings on the matter. Even if you come into the conversation by saying "AHAHAHAA! I rated you down!" I promise you I won't do the same in turn so long as you follow that with "...and here's why:". But to take pot-shots at my karma just because you don't agree with me, while hiding behind the anonymity of the internet just because you're too cowardly to actually contribute to the discussion, seems a me. I mean, what possible justification can anyone have for rating the following down a full point, other than pure spite?

Saboruto wrote:
I might take you up on the offer, but right now I'm having too much intermittent fun levelling my bard. :D

Anyway, I'm off to bed for the night but I'll check the thread again in the morning and replay to everyone's responses from work. ^_^

Rating down my original post wasn't enough? I have been nothing but civil in this topic and I would appreciate the same courtesy. If you're going to disagree with me, please share your opinions so that we can have rational, mature debate on the subject.
#67 Aug 09 2004 at 5:19 AM Rating: Good
79 posts
When you consider all the gender- and sexuality- and relationship-approval that heterosexuals get every day, it's totally unfair.

See me rubbing my fingers together, thats the world's smallest violin playing cry me a river. :)

Im not trying to be rude by saying that just trying to add a little humor up front, but in all reality life isnt fair. In all love and respect to you its just not, theres no law by anyone that says life must be fair.

And if supposedly there was a law, what would it base fairness off of, especially if any idea of the existance of God is thrown out?

There are two ways in which homosexuality can be viewed. One includes in light of religion which i will get to shortly and the other without religion.

1. Without religion: You would be perfectly right in one sense that you have a right to live how you want. If you wanna be gay or straight its up to you. No one could tell you differently especially if there is no moral law provided by religion.
In that case im all for you going for whatever contents your heart.

However, if there is no religion or God, then we then next look to nature for how it governs. I guess you would call this a more naturalistic view, because no where in nature will you find any animals having gay sex. Why? Well if for no other reason than the fact that that species of animal wouldnt last long if it did.
Homosexuality will always be dependent upon heterosexuals having sex and making babies, or at least a female egg and a male sperm. Thats the way it works, it just does. Men and Women are equal in essence, but not in roles. They each have defining characteristics which make them a man or a woman. Society tries to blur this by saying Men and Women are equal in all things, which even from only a natural standpoint is a ridiculous statement.

The danger you should be warned to this is that if life is just relative, then there is no such thing as fairness either. For what is fair in your beliefs wont be in mine or anyone elses.
In other words, should a law be passed by society saying that homosexuality is forbidden, and even punishable by death if found guilty, then you frankly cant argue against them for passing the law. Sure its not fair to you as you believe, but your beliefs are just relative anyway.

2. In light of Religion: I am aiming this response more at Pixelfiend and his post to help develop this.


-because males lack the proper anatomy to bear children. And that has nothing to do with religion

We're talking about a union of two lovers. So, love is wrong if the two people sharing it cannot concieve a child? When people bring up this topic and religion, I like using this quote.

Quote:"I think god appreciates it even more. Because he created you in his image. At least that's what I was always taught. And since God is love; and God doesn't make mistakes; then you must be exactly the way he wants you to be. The way he intended you to be. And that goes for every person; every planet; every mountain; every grain of sand; every song; every tear and every ******. We're all his Emmett... He loves us all." - Ted Schmidt

I know QaF doesn't represent the entire gay community, but it's still a good show ^^

btw - need to interject this, i'm atheist.. I just like using religious quotes, scriptures, etc.. against ignorant people who like to manipulate their metaphoric messages into real life actions

Thanks for establishing that men and women have differences and that this is not a religious based assumption. Frankly i enjoy it when atheist use quotes about religion like they understand it.

First to ask this, if your an atheist then what gives the definition of love? Where does your selfawareness come from? Who has rights? and what is a right? Taking atheism to its logical conclusion, that a world without God, or religion, or a transcending law taht we must abide by, then all of these words mean nothing as well as love and hatred.

But what about in light of God. That quote is correct in many ways by Mr. Tim. According to the Bible we are created in God's image, male and female in his image. God is love and he doesnt make mistakes. God created Adam, and then Eve to be his wife, setting up distinct roles in the concept of marriage. Adam and Eve equal in Gods image, yet given defined roles. Thats all very true.

HOWEVER, youve left out Genesis Ch 3 in which man falls into sin, by disobeying God. Hello!!! Hello in there!!! Knock knock. This is where we screwd up, this is where because of us falling into sin, we like to do things against the God of love. Right after the fall you have the first murder. Sin has taken hold and it has wrecked all of human history. Men murder, cheat, steal, lie, commit adultry even homosexuality.

However, sin is no excuse to ignore what God has called us to be. To be like him, to be in his image, and to be perfectly abiding is his law that has been established. Yes God is love, however he is also HOLY and without sin. So there becomes a problem. If God is Holy and just, and we are sinful then we cannot be like him, and we are subject to whatever punishment he seems worthy. It doesnt matter how much he loves us at this point, because we cannot commune with the God of the Bible on such grounds. Scripture will tell you that, and tell you that the wages of such sin, the sinful life that we live, condemns us under God's law. We are under his wrath, not love. God gets angry when you dont obey and will punish you, he has every right too.

Sounds pretty bleak for sinners doesnt it? We are all going to hell, whether we are homosexuals, murderers, theifs, liars etc. If you live in sin, any sin you stand condemned. Homosexuality in light of the Bible is just as wrong as adultry and any other sin.

God wont sit up there on his throne going your pretty good, you can come along to heaven. Does a judge let a convicted murderer go for being good most of his life except this one time? No he still passes the just sentence for the crime. Because of God's holy and just nature, which the Bible is clear about, he must judge accordingly to our sin. You must pay the penalty for your crime. That penalty is death and eternal hell according to the Bible.

So whats the point? The point is is that just because we have sinned and are in a fallen state, doesnt excuse us from still abiding by God's law. Claiming God doesnt exist doesnt excuse you either. You still just as accountable. If marriage by him is a man and a woman then that is what is required of us. If homosexuality and adultry are condemned by the law, then we should not do those things and certainly not be given equal status with what is right.

Now im sure this is where people think christians hate gays and others. Christians walk up and say hey what your doing is wrong! Stop that! Your gonna go to hell for being gay!

But if someone hated you and despised who are, and believed you were going to hell for it, DO YOU THINK THEY WOULD TELL YOU??
Does a father tell his child not to steal because its not a good idea, or that he hates his child? NO its because he loves him.

Christians and the Bible dont hate gays. They hate sin, and there is a huge difference. Because also in Genesis Ch 3, you find that God right after man falls, provides a promise of a Savior. One who can pay the penalty of sin. Christians stand for what they believe is right and just in this world, because they want you to rest in this grace given by God. That yet while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Christianity is about grace and love.

#68 Aug 09 2004 at 5:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
"""If you want to get technical...

Marriage is in a church under the eyes of God.

There is a separation between church and state. Therefore the only thing that a governing body can offer gay and lesbians are benefits as of a married couple.

I can understand the gay community wants to fit it. But you have to realize, if it were meant to be, why can't men give birth? """

Sorry, so tired I forgot to quote the post I was replying too.

Well, actually if you really want to get technical, in America marriage is a civil union, which is why the state issues you a marriage license; and the churches are given license by the state to also perform them. I know this because I am licensed in my state to perform weddings.
To be married in the eyes of God, you stand up with your partner and exchange vows in front of God. You do not need anyone to be present at that ceremony except God. Churches have nothing to do with whether you are married in God's eyes or not, unless you somehow believe that Gods eyes are less important than your own.
Your last statement leads me to assume you believe that marriage is specifically for procreation, and not because someone wishes to acknowledge their love and respect for their partner by twining their lives together. This, of course, would mean that those couples who are childless are also not married in your eyes, since they are not fulfilling the only thing you believe about marriage.

As far as the in game marriage system - I like the idea of staging your own community wedding, with the PC of your choice doing the ceremony, your friends toasting to your good fortune and a good time had by all. It sounds a lot more fun then the contact SE, wait for them to get back to you nonsense that is going on - or just remove them entirely.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 06:26:56 2004 by dementodin

[i][sm]Edited, Mon Aug 9 07:04:21 2004 by dementodin
#69 Aug 09 2004 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
Rated up, both of you. Death, while I strongly disagree with your views, thank you for having the courage to come and express them and help spark a proper debate on the subject. When 30 people have already picked one side in an argument, it's really difficult to pick the other side. For that, you have my highest respect. /bow

Now, as much as I would enjoy jumping into a rebuttle of your post, unfortunately it's 10:30pm here and I really HAVE to get to bed or I'll be useless at work tomorrow and there'll be a lot of very angry computer users out for my blood. I promise I'll respond in the morning.

As a side note, I wonder if I should start adding a "karma meter" at the bottom of each post I make. I think it'd be pretty fun to see how quickly my karma ebbs and flows up and down, back and forth... I'd better stop before my karma makes me sea-sick. ^_^

Anyway, thanks once again to everyone who has posted thusfar and to everyone who will be posting later. /cheer
#70 Aug 09 2004 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
Its a game... marriaged were a perk added just because. noone was ment to be hurt by it or anything

if it gets down to it have your lover make a new character of the opposite sex and say you're just a very feminine/masculine man/woman. i really just find it maddening when people complain about things given to them as a gift

and another thing to think of is this: is same sex marriage even legal in japan? being an extremly japanese (cant think of good word to go here @ 6am) game, i doont even thing they have procedures to handle that

i would like to have a positive attitude towards this, but i cant

and if you think i have a sour attitude towards this i do

you can blame Willofsteel on kujata server for this

i was out in buburimu gettin my ruby for summoner and i saw him out on the beach, so i asked him if he wanted some help after i get my own (i had no clue he was homosexual mind you, i still would have helped him had i known) he agreed and i finally got me and my partner's ruby - well i cannot remember if it was just late and i had work the next day or if i had linkshell bussiness but i told willofsteel that i had to go and apologized

slowly but surely it turned into the usual personal attacks and i supposed i called him a "******" in that little argument

well im out minding my business in jeuno /shouting for a tele and here comes willofsteel (2-3 weeks later) making personal attacks that im a homophobe racist. WTF? he then /tells me he is a homosexual and was very offended that i called him a ******, many times i was told that he was goin to call a GM on me and this and that, and all the time he was arguing to himself, because i wanted little of it as possible, so the great 1/2 waste of my life/argument finally ended after i /blisted him

homosexual rights i have no problem with - but when it comes down to what he was doin, it just really makes me not wanna play this GAME (game, something you do for fun, not LIFE ENTHRALLING)

listen its 630am and i dont wanna rant anymore

good luck on your little hoop-la and i hope u get what u want

in the mean time keep willofsteel from ruining others view on equal rights with his attitude of "im gonna abuse my sexual preference and get you booted off the server"
#71 Aug 09 2004 at 5:48 AM Rating: Good
41 posts
This is very sad sad thing for one reason i know of. First off, i am not for or against gay marriges and personaly feel no empathy for homosexuals or those who scream they are ruining the moral fabric of society. I don't feel anything because nommatter what i felt on the issue, i'd still be talking out of my a**.

The reason this topic is truly sad because when square first introduced marrige in the game they aimed it for the home market. In japan the society is not so stricly based on traditionalism as it is if you dont fit in, dont scream for matter what you are, your living in the majorities world. American and Europe are exact polars in this repect, we speak up if anything rubs us the wrong way. There are millions of exceptions to this rule, but there is no answer from looking the other way.

Now for the only answer to this question;

There is no answer! Square-Enix can not turn back time to remove the marrige feature in this game...and it certanly can not remove this game from all markets outside of please just stop bringing up a topic that cannot be solved in a form that would be fair to everyone, and that is the point of this tread right? to ***** that it isnt fair for everyone. Like some said before; even if they did add it, it would be too little to late because the very fact they have to add it.

You cannot claim that this topic dosent overlap RL when nommater what, any argument in any direction is nothing more than a reflection of Real life.

manditory level discription; [70whm/36blm][ 30war/15mnk]...rank 6 (Ramuh) All gilded whm pajamas~
#72 Aug 09 2004 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
i like the way you think
rank up for ya both

life hands you lemons, shoot life in the face and get some ******* oranges

suck it up they're not changing it

Edited, Mon Aug 9 06:54:21 2004 by Gilliam
#73 Aug 09 2004 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
225 posts
Im a lesbian female, so i think it would be wonderful if same sex marraiges were aloud...but to me it's imply a game and im not worrying about it at this time.

I'd take the legalising of same sex marraiges in our countries than in a game anyday
#74 Aug 09 2004 at 6:12 AM Rating: Excellent
73 posts
Since no one really mentioned it, or i'm just too sleepy and somehow overlooked a post,(I apologize for that if it really did happen) truly free marriages in the game would have other problems that would relate to how it's currently viewed now. I'd like to say i'm sorry first, if my post has unnecessary length, containing things that may or may not relate to the topic above.

First of all, I wouldn't mind if implementation already existed as if it was simply built into the game, for the game for others to broaden their experiences and add to the atmosphere. I believe in total equality, pride groups amongst race/sex are distasteful to me, even though I wholly accept them as being there. I acknowledge that people need to feel different from other people, but sometimes it's taken too far, even though without these groups, others may have an attached certain view that potentially may be harmful to everyone. So simply, I prefer my view, even though I see other views as being good possible alternatives to my own. My outlook on marriage, if you love someone, you love someone. You don't need a written bond or oath, acknowledge it to other people. Some can pretty much see it on their own clearly. For me, marriage is something nice, but it isn't a requirement. Anyways, everything being said @_@;;, i'd like to move back to the original topic and show a counter argument, perhaps just a normal argument i'd like to bring up.

Some of the people in the game are known to be a bit obnoxious. They use the internet as a cover to act in a certain way(s), even though doing this often could very well develop into a habit rl, despite one's own reassurance of knowing the difference between the net and rl. Two mithra/or two male characters doing certain things in the middle of town as a joke or whatever isn't exactly something I'd like to see, especially when this game is rated Teen for a reason. It'll ruin the atmosphere of the game if too much of this shows up. Sure, people may get booted for this, but some onlookers might not care too much, and the offenders actually might not get booted for some time, in which various things will have already spread to people's screens. Some just find excuses to do these sorts of things with impunity, and being married in game may be a bit far, but it's not entirely out of the question. Having open marriages in the beginning could result in stuff like this happening, but then again, it may not. I just wanted to bring an opinion of why Square-Enix may have kept marriages like this, aside from the fact that they are a corporation, and even though certain people there might want to do otherwise, they have to handle situations like this in a delicate manner, thus resulting in marriage in the normal comformistic way. Also, Mochimochi brings up another good point.

So um, it's just a game, things might or might not ever change on marriages there; However, it's still good to discuss things like this sometimes, so people understand more and discover other views that they didn't have before. I think i'm just going to go back to sleep now, this kind of stuff is too much for my mind to handle at odd hours. ˆˆ

Edited, Mon Aug 9 07:15:24 2004 by Zansetsu
#75 Aug 09 2004 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent

Here goes my attempt at intelligent discussion. While I do not agree with your position or homosexuality in general( You guessed it I am a Right Wing Conservative Christian :) ) I am not going to tell you that you can't choose to live your life the way you want to.

I agree with all that have said that SE would have to intentionally leave same sex marriages out of the game. I don't know if its cultural or what, but they obviously made the choice to do so.
If it were just adults who played this game, seeing same sex marriages in the game wouldn't make me hate/quit the game or the players of the same sex who married in the game.
I can see why someone who was gay to see same sex marriages in the game as people like to insert some real life personality into their fantasy character(s)( I do like to help which is why I am Whm among other things, the other thing I like is inflicting damage LOL so hence RNG and BLM :) )

My only concern would be as a parent, though I don't have kids yet but will likely have them in about 2 years (at least that is the plan). I wouldn't want my children to see that in a game, as that is not what I would be teaching them as a value. Now I know you don't agree with me there, but that is my right as an American as much as it is yours to teach the values that you want to teach. I am sure the argument could be made that if I don't want my kids to see something like that in a game, that I shouldn't let them play the game. That's true but it isn't any more fair that I would have to withhold my children from the game than the fact that they left same sex marriage out of the game. I wouldn't be opposed to them not including marriage at all. Then there would be no need to debate the issue.

I wouldn't call myself a Bible Thumper, just someone who is following what he believes in. Here is where I get that...Please don’t roast me :)

Genesis 2:20-24

But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,

"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman, [4] '
for she was taken out of man."

24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

Kudos Sage for speaking your mind and believing what you want to :)

That’s my 2 gil ;)

#76 Aug 09 2004 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
God damn it, grow the hell up people! You want to go through and mark every single post I've made in this topic down to nothing? Fine. I was expecting that when I posted a controversial topic, I knew perfectly well that I would end up losing a lot of karma. But I'll be DAMNED if you're going to mark tekkub down too, simply because he admitted to being gay. THAT is the kind of homophobic pathetic inbred hillbilly redneck dumbass good-ol'-boy can't-think-for-yourself superiority-complex self-righteous dumb-as-a-god-damned-potato attitude problem that REALLY pisses me off! Tekkub said NOTHING to deserve a rate-down, he was simply being friendly to me, and if this sort of BS continues I WILL be bringing a moderator into the situation. I don't care about my karma, but you're not going to ruin someone else's just because YOU'RE a bigot. Either voice your opinion or don't, but do NOT rate someone down on the basis of their sexual orientation. And don't do it in such a pathetic, cowardly way. And if you have a problem, you have a problem with ME, not with anyone else in this thread. You wanna rate someone down? Rate ME down but leave everyone else the hell alone. People are entitled to their opinion and just because it doesn't mesh with YOUR opinion doesn't give you the right to invalidate theirs by rating them down. SO not cool.... /stomps off
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