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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#27 Aug 09 2004 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
204 posts
If you want to get technical...

Marriage is in a church under the eyes of God.

There is a separation between church and state. Therefore the only thing that a governing body can offer gay and lesbians are benefits as of a married couple.

I can understand the gay community wants to fit it. But you have to realize, if it were meant to be, why can't men give birth?

#28 Aug 09 2004 at 3:13 AM Rating: Default
If you want to get technical...

Marriage is in a church under the eyes of God.

There is a separation between church and state. Therefore the only thing that a governing body can offer gay and lesbians are benefits as of a married couple.

I can understand the gay community wants to fit it. But you have to realize, if it were meant to be, why can't men give birth?

Damn that was just ignorant, I need to get my thoughts str8 befoe i say somthing rude.
#29 Aug 09 2004 at 3:17 AM Rating: Default
81 posts
ok, this post is going to get me in trouble, but I can't resist.

Please forgive me Sab, but I busted out laughing in front of my computer after I read the post and got down to your signature....

again as in so many things, we're left out so that the anti-gays aren't "offended".

Saboruto - Fairy Server

Is an all gay server the answer?...hmm....
#30 Aug 09 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
To those of you using the "it's a fantasy world" argument, that doesn't cut it. It is created by real people in a real world and reflects real-life issues. We bring our proverbial baggage to the game whether we like it or not, and it sucks when things that are stupid or unjust appear in what is supposed to be a fun escapist activity. If anything, the FFXI world is highly-idealized; we are the good guys, the heroes and our enemies are truly and incorrigably evil. Why should we settle for less than ideal? I would like the fantasy world of Vana'diel to reflect our better selves, our more fair and generous sides. Of course, if you think homosexuality is evil, then the situation is ideal to you, but that is a whole other argument and I would hope that those people would be a minority on this board.

I think Saboruto put it quite well by calling it 'yet another stamp of approval for the "Straights can marry, gays can't" thing.' It is the constant stream of the little slights and little prejudices that really add up to one gigantic disgusting blob of prejudice. At one time in America, blacks were not permitted to drink from the same water fountains as whites. Would anyone today be stupid enough to say, "Who cares? It's a frickin water fountain? What's the big deal?"

[edit: By the way, Sabo, many large corporations are now showing themselves to be if not pro-gay, then not anti-gay in small practical ways. Borders, Inc., for instance, provides health benefits to the same-sex partners of employees]

Edited, Mon Aug 9 04:24:13 2004 by Cybelus
#31 Aug 09 2004 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
ok, this post is going to get me in trouble, but I can't resist.

Please forgive me Sab, but I busted out laughing in front of my computer after I read the post and got down to your signature....

again as in so many things, we're left out so that the anti-gays aren't "offended".
Saboruto - Fairy Server

Is an all gay server the answer?...hmm....

dude you are so banned
#32 Aug 09 2004 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
naycosports wrote:
But you have to realize, if it were meant to be, why can't men give birth?

Because most men would pass out less than a minute into labor.
#33 Aug 09 2004 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
But you have to realize, if it were meant to be, why can't men give birth?

-because males lack the proper anatomy to bear children. And that has nothing to do with religion

We're talking about a union of two lovers. So, love is wrong if the two people sharing it cannot concieve a child? When people bring up this topic and religion, I like using this quote.

"I think god appreciates it even more. Because he created you in his image. At least
that's what I was always taught. And since God is love; and God doesn't make mistakes; then you must be exactly the way he wants you to be. The way he intended you to be. And that goes for every person; every planet; every mountain; every grain of sand; every song; every tear and every ******. We're all his Emmett... He loves us all." - Ted Schmidt

I know QaF doesn't represent the entire gay community, but it's still a good show ^^

btw - need to interject this, i'm atheist.. I just like using religious quotes, scriptures, etc.. against ignorant people who like to manipulate their metaphoric messages into real life actions

Edited, Mon Aug 9 04:33:13 2004 by PixelFiend
#34 Aug 09 2004 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
This is the single most ridiculous thing I have ever read in my entire life. I can't believe people care this much about final fantasy. If you were straight and asked same question I would still think the same. Maybe they just didn't realize they left it out lol.
#35 Aug 09 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
Nystul! Hi!

There are a lot of things that you the person can do but you the character can not- you can cut your hair, pierce your nose, tattoo your face, have sex, blah blah's just given that within the world of the game these things either don't happen or don't fit into the context of the game.

The problem is that you are inserting a bit of your real person into the fantasy world of your character. WHo's to say that homosexuality exists within the fantasy world of Vana'diel? I guess my point is that you are taking a personal real world issue and insterting it into a fantasy world. We don't get mad that there are galka in the game but not in real why go the other direction?

The thing is, S-E opened that can of worms by putting marriage into the game. And clearly homosexuality DOESN'T exist in Vana'diel, but heterosexuality does. I know perfectly well that S-E isn't a big evil corporation who hates gay people. And I totally understand their point of view, that they can't do anything too controversial to offend their customer base. But the thing is, most people DON'T get offended by this sort of thing. And they very easily could've made it originally so anyone could get married to anyone else, nullifying the whole controversy. Instead, they willfully programmed marriage in the game to be between characters flagged as "male" and characters flagged as "female". They had to take extra programming steps just specifically to exclude marriage between characters of the same gender. And regardless whether their idea of Vana'diel includes homosexuality, many of their players ARE gay. So, they deliberately left gay marriage out so as not to offend the (apparently) fragile and overly-delicate sensibilities of the anti-gay people. The fact that they had to go out of their way to prevent it from being an option is what upsets me.
#36 Aug 09 2004 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
This is the single most ridiculous thing I have ever read in my entire life. I can't believe people care this much about final fantasy. If you were straight and asked same question I would still think the same. Maybe they just didn't realize they left it out lol.

Of course they did. They would have had to add special conditions to the marriage subroutines or whatever, just TO leave it out.

Now, please read my original post again, and either post something worthwhile explaining why you feel the way you do, or get out of my thread.
#37 Aug 09 2004 at 3:36 AM Rating: Excellent
827 posts

Look at these forums, and look at the freaking server. 'Overly delicate and fragile sensibility' my ***, they probably left it out because half the jackasses running around are 14 and stupid. You've been in Sandy, Jueno, or wherever, and you've seen the kind of crap people spam. Can you imagine what further horrors would be visited on us if same-sex marriage was introduced? I shudder to think.

While I fully support you, and your cause, and do feel really bad about the whole thing...I don't think people could handle it. I feel the majority of the player base could. I think most of them wouldn't really care one way or another.

But it's that 10 percent of homophobic, racist, teenagers that bothers me.
#38 Aug 09 2004 at 3:42 AM Rating: Good
Puchuu, I TOTALLY agree with you. It's too late now to do anything about it, because if they added it to the game they would be ADDING it to the game. If they had just originally made it so anyone could marry anyone else, it wouldn't ever have become an issue. But now, it would be a separate addition with a separate bullet-point on in the patch notes:

ˆ Changed the requirements for participation in a wedding ceremony. Now characters of any race and gender can be joined in marriage.

Sephirothzz: /sh OMG ELVANS R ******* N THEY GIT MARRIED TO ******* LOLOLOLLLLROFL!!!!!1

Everyone else at the auction house: /sh SHUT UP MORON UR THE ******!! WHY DONT U MARY UR DAD HAHAHA

At this point, I would be opposed to the idea of gay marriage in the game, just for the sake of the poor, poor GMs. >_< I guess I'm not really angry that they're never going to include same-gender marriage in the game. I'm angry that they felt the need to exclude it in the first place. At any rate, thank you all for participating in the topic. It's SO refreshing to see actual intelligent posting and debating! /bow

Edited, Mon Aug 9 04:43:37 2004 by Saboruto
#39 Aug 09 2004 at 3:46 AM Rating: Good
He has a good point. If they put gay marriage in the game you would be harrassed to no end. Didn't realize people got rated down by the host of the subject lol. Its ridiculous because you should spend your time having fun not worrying about this man. Sometimes you just have to say oh well. BTW im not a homophobe im just giving my 2cents. And im sure another rate down is coming.
#40 Aug 09 2004 at 3:46 AM Rating: Excellent
827 posts
Smiley: laugh


Here's my take on marriage, that makes me forget about these issues (or at least push them aside). I see the in-game marriage feature as a way to part fools (rich damn fools) and their money. It's another tool to control inflation.

Even though, the price seems to be about right compared to a regular wedding...astro-dam-nomical.

If I think about it that way, I don't get pissed about it. Anyway, a Smiley: cookie for intelligent, reasoned debate!
#41 Aug 09 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry about my posts being written as a 5 yr old boy but im very tired. Im sure SE was worried about younger kids who play this game and their parents reaction. The <masses> are incabable of independent thought, im sure they dont want someones mom or dad to hear about this and flip the #$# out. You gotta understand alot of people are very religious and this would be a big deal to them.
#42 Aug 09 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
At any rate, thank you all for participating in the topic. It's SO refreshing to see actual intelligent posting and debating! /bow

How is this "debating?" No one is fundamentally disagreeing with you.

Maybe people are rating you down without posting becuase, instead of this being a discussion, this is (partly) a big anti-social conservative bashing session.

Anyone who would disagree with you faces two problems: (1) they have to drag the thead into real-life social/political/moral/religious debate, and away from final fantasy, and (2) will take a MASSIVE karma hit for being an "evil homophobe."

As I have very little to lose in post count, I'm willing to take the rate-downs.
#43 Aug 09 2004 at 3:54 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
I fail to see why, in this so-called civilised society, topics like this even require debate. The question is simply, 'Should someone have equal rights to someone else?'

How can the answer ever be be no?

Let people marry who they like (in game, real life etc.) it is really noone else's buisness.
#44 Aug 09 2004 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
827 posts
delta, not all debates have to be fire and brimstone, or the presidential race.

aka - all fluff, no substance.

Re-read the thread, and try to actually understand that arguments aren't always flamewars.
#45 Aug 09 2004 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
In a discussion noone should be rated down. It's your opinion against theirs. If some moron comes on here and insults you personally then yes a rate down is in affect.
#46 Aug 09 2004 at 3:56 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
I fail to see why, in this so-called civilised society, topics like this even require debate. The question is simply, 'Should someone have equal rights to someone else?'

How can the answer ever be be no?

Again, this doesn't strike me as teh proper forum to be debating this. Ther'es too much bleed over from real life for this to be focused purely on FFXI.
#47 Aug 09 2004 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
I've been rating up every single person in this thread, except for the people who have nothing at all to say and are just wasting space on the page. This has been an intelligent, civilised discussion so far, and that impresses me. And I'm trying purposefully NOT to allow the topic to drift from game-marriage to IRL-marriage, because the point of this topic isn't to debate social issues in the real world. The purpose of this topic is to discuss the in-game marriage system...a hot topic given how much it pops up. And if you disagree with anything I've said, PLEASE post your thoughts. Don't worry about your karma, as long as you post educated and intelligent points and counterpoints you'll get rateups from me, and I ask that everyone else involved in this topic follow suit. The only people who deserve rate-downs are the ones who decide to get nasty and personal about it. And fortunately, I haven't seen a real example of anyone being truly hateful thusfar.
#48 Aug 09 2004 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
If I am not mistaken, there really are no perks for the groom in the current system.

They would then get hammered for not giving an Opaline Tuxedo because male/fem marriages get a dress; fem/fem get 2 dresses and then they would add a nice tux and every 15 year old on the servers would sign up to marry another ls mate to get the item and then there would be 750 Opaline Tuxedos on the ah and then SE employees would be exausted from performing 50 weddings a day and then.....

They should just take it completely out of the game if everyone can't participate in it.

I would like to see more freedom in the rpg aspect where players could by the rings, invite whoever they wanted, have a big ceremony in the middle of town with everyone attending and a pc of their choice performing the ceremony.

One of the things I really like about UO in its prime was the freedom we had to entertain ourselves. There were player run festivals with stuff like archery contests for prizes, people would stage plays and theatre with full blown scripts and props. We had scavenger hunts becasue you could actually put things on the ground that others could pick up. There was a real community that I hope to find in a game again someday.

The level/gil making grind can only last so long. I am finding myself spending less time logged in. Square has this awsome world just sitting here waiting for it to be put to use.

If I were you Sab, I would give a community wedding a shot and see how big you could get the event. I have tried to think of player run events to stage, but there just isnt that much freedom. Everything revolves around getting the next level and making enough money to buy new gear to get to the next lvl.
#49 Aug 09 2004 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
I have read the thread.

No, not all discussions are flame wars.

This thread isn't a flame war, because the flames have been completely one-sided.

...ultra-conservatives and the hyper-religious and the homophobes. And when people exclude us just to avoid stepping on THEIR toes day after day, it starts to hurt after a while. Just once, I'd like to see a big company say "***** the homophobes and the Bible-thumpers, discrimination in any form is wrong!"

Translation: anyone who disagrees with me is a homophobe and their points of view are not worth discussing.

Young men are dying everyday for some ******** politician named George Bush who's never even been in a scrap, I bet.
Wake the hell up and see the real evil in this world ********

Translation: Bush is evil, and a coward to boot. By extension, so are his supporters.

student: sooo..the pilgrims left England to escape religious persecution?
teacher: right.
student: and so they end up in america, spreading christian fundamentalism and killing witches based on their religious beliefs?
teacher: well...uh....
student: so, hypocrisy has translated well throughout history. Aren't we supposed to learn from our mistakes?

They typical anti-fundamentalist bash thrown in for brownie points.

Now, you'll notice my post really said nothing about FFXI... isn't that proof enough that this thread really belongs in the political/other discussion section? Sure, thsi ORIGINAL post ostensibly talked about FFXI, but really, its a general demand to real world social concerns, not something mostly within the context of the game or Vana'diel.
#50 Aug 09 2004 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
I have to agree with black delta's thoughts on this topic. As I read the posts it doesnt appear to be a debate but a way for people to raise their karma. I mean you get the stereotypical yes we should all be good to one another but im sure the problems this could of caused were more a worry to SE than pleasing some people. To many people are stupid man. Thats probably SE's final answer. We can't put gay marriage in game because of all the idiot's out there.
#51 Aug 09 2004 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
Soburoto sorry if i misspelled name but you say you dont want the discussion to go into real life but you yourself talked about how gay's are shown in our real life culture. Besides makes it more fun when the discussion is broadened anyway. ;0
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